1908 Student Strike Hearing Transcript
- US TxAM-C 1179
- Collection
- 1908
This collection contains a transcript from the student strike in 1908.
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1908 Student Strike Hearing Transcript
This collection contains a transcript from the student strike in 1908.
1913 Hazing Investigation Collection
This collection contains items related to a hazing problem among undergraduate students at Texas A&M College in 1913. Records include accusation accounts from former students, parents, faculty, and staff. The Texas A&M College Hazing February 1913 Special Committee found twenty-two A&M undergraduate students guilty of hazing be dismissed from Texas A&M.
A. H. Neighbors, Sr. Photograph Collection
This collection contains fifteen portrait photographs of Texas A&M College students. The photographs were given to A. H. Neighbors by other classmates also graduating in the Class of 1911, and one portrait from a member of the Class of 1913. Only one of the photographs has yet to be identified. Also included is the letter accompanying the photographs when mailed to the Ex-student Association from A. H. Neighbors, Jr. in 1976.
This collection contains speeches from Ward during his time as Educational Director of the National Cottonseed Products Association.
Administrator's Tour Visits A&M Clubs Scrapbook
This collection consists of a scrapbook of Administrator's visits to Texas A&M Clubs in 1953. The tour included the following cities: Galveston, Baytown, Houston, Kilgore, Shreveport, Wichita Falls, Abilene, Corpus Christi, Lower Rio Grande Valley, San Antonio, Waco, Austin, Big Spring, San Angelo, El Paso, Lubbock, Amarillo, Dallas, Port Arthur, Beaumont and Lufkin.
African American Professional Organization (AAPO) Records
This collection includes the organization's development materials, bylaws, minutes, correspondence, programs, newsletters, and 1st Friday programs in print and digital formats.
Created in 1991, this African American organization has as its mission to serve as a vehicle through which African Americans are fully recognized as contributing members of Texas A&M University, its local system components, and the community-at-large.
The African American Professional Organization's goals are to:
African American Professional Organization
Afro-American Society Collection
Original black students' association charter. Authored by Ken Lewallen and Antwine Jefferson in Fall 1967-68.
"Aggie Joke Teller" Collection
This collection includes 4 packages containing materials from an "Aggie Joke Teller" collection, created by CELCO Company Richardson, TX, in 1980.
"Aggies United" T-shirt and Bracelet
This collection includes a T-shirt and a watch bracelet from the Aggies United event held on December 6, 2016.
Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Yell Book Collection
This collection consists of Texas A&M College's yell books from 1904 to 1932.
These yell books from A&M College's early history was the start of the school's tradition of having yell leaders, who led yells at football games. Some books feature yells that are no longer in use, and older versions of A&M yells used today.
The books were created in Bryan-College Station, Texas for the sole purpose of being used by A&M College students at football games. Their layout and designs changed throughout the decades along with the advertisements from local establishments.
Most of this collection was owned by former students, so you may see names, doodles, and in some cases homemade yells.
Albert Richard Moses Correspondence
This collection contains letters and greeting cards to and from A. R. (Albert Richard) Moses during his time in the military. Most of the greeting cards are from the Christmas/New Year season or for his birthday.
This collection contains an assortment of newspaper clippings, photographs, letters, and a typed 'saga' of Albert S. Brient.
Included are photographs from the 1923 Texas A&M Varsity Basketball team, biographic information on Brient, correspondence concerning his efforts to be declared a member of the "T" Association 44 years after his college days, as well as newspaper articles both about Brient and about his finally being awarded a "T".
Brient, Albert S.
All Faiths Chapel Donation Record Book
This collection consists of a ledger, "All Faiths Chapel - Gifts", which contains the certificates of donations given to Texas A&M's All Faiths Chapel from January 2, 1957, to November 1961.
This scrapbook contains a World War II ration book, ration card, memorabilia of Texas A&M student life during the 1940-1950s with additional items in the 1960s regarding Texas A&M.
Materials inside include:
The Texas Aggie (Front Page-August 1966)
Sunday Morning Inspection
Goodby, Rev-1966
Tom Chetham
War Ration Book (WWII)
War Ration Card (WWII)
Letters from son David E. Luddeke (1945)
Honoring Mothers and Dads (April 5, 1942)
Western Union (1943)
Room Orderly
Enlisted Reserve Corps
Football Ticket
November 27, 1941
Citation of Honor
Football (October 2, 1943) Aggies (13) vs. Texas Tech (0)
Texas Aggies and Texas Tech at Alamo Stadium
Texas Aggies Trim LSU at Baton Rouge
Aggies Beat LSU 28-13
1200 Cadets Watch Aggies Battle Frogs
TCU Frogs 13 to 0
NTAC Ties Ags
Aggies Win 13-0
NTAC Ties Ags
Aggies Trounce Mustangs 22-0
1940 Debacke Still Burns Ags
Ags Play in Orange Bowl
All-Conference Team
Back When Texas A&M Traveled by Train
Map of Campus (February 23, 1940)
Combined Bands Elect Gene Field Head Drum Major
New Fish to Fry at A&M
Enrollment Sets All-Time Record
Football (January 2, 1968)
Texas vs A&M (34-21)
Football (November 29, 1956)
'15-ers Pose at Reunion
Caesar (Dutch) Hohn '12
We've Never been Licked (Universal Pictures)
Maj. Gen. George F. Moore Heads List of 14 Aggie Generals in WWII
1364 A&M Students to Receive Army
Fighting Texas Aggies
V-E Day
1/2 of the 7000 Member A&M Cadet cops Make and Impressive Picture Marching in the Dormitory Area
Aggies' Reveille Scene Stealer
The Squad (1943)
When Texas Pete Broke an Old Record
Aggies Mourn Herby Smith
Results of the Aggie 1942 Season
Texas Gets 40 Points, A&M 48
Football (October 25, 1941)
Kyle Field
War Plan Upsets U.S. Education (1942)
U.S. to Call up Reservists in Colleges
1,306 ROTC Students At A&M will be Activated (1943)
Bak in 1917
Map Making
Setting up Exercises
Memorial Monument Honoring The 52 Aggies who gave their Lives in WWI
Alternating Current (A-C) Network Calculator Laboratory Records
This collection contains account ledgers, employee rosters, and a couple of photographs from the Texas A&M A-C Network Calculator Lab. Also included are multiple news articles regarding the lab.
The collection is an assortment of newspaper clippings, photographs, a typed biography, commencement programs, an Army training certificate and receipt, and contact information for Ralph Howard Mitchell.
Mitchell, Ralph Howard
American Association of Housing Educators (AAHE) Records
American Association of University Women, Texas Division, Bryan-College Station Branch Records
This collection consists of AAUW publications, the president's records spanning the organization's forty-year history, and information regarding the branch's involvement in supporting the Bryan Day Care Center, as well as four scrapbooks.
Association publications include the newsletter from the local branch, as well as journals, newspapers, and bulletins published by the national and international parent organizations. Included in the president's records are branch reports, rosters, financial information, and correspondence. Also present are minutes and other records pertaining to the Bryan Day Care Center and the AAUW's contributions to it. In addition, one file in the collection contains a brief history of the local organization, beginning with its inception in 1948 and reviewing important milestones of each year up to 1980.
American Association of University Women
Andrew Douglas Jackson Collection
This collection includes photos, legislative bills, charts, minutes, newspaper clippings, and correspondence concerning his agricultural research in farming irrigation and flooding in the Brazos River. Highlights of the collection include information, minutes, charts regarding the Texas Legislative bill titled "The Brazos Reclamation and Conservation District" created in 1929 by the 39th Legislator of Texas.
Jackson, Andrew Douglas
Anonymous Student Scrapbook and Miscellaneous Photographs
This collection contains one folder of earlier campus photographs and one scrapbook of newspaper clippings from 1960-1961.
Scrapbook contents include:
Football 1960
Bonfire Awaiting Torch Despite Adverse Conditions
'60 Musters Best In History
A&M Mothers Clubs
Band Rejects Parade Invite
Aggie Song Composed by Student
Committee to Study A&M Name Change
Cadet Slouch
Aggie Golfers Take Conference Lead
A&M Cadets Prep for Military Day
Civilian Sweetheart
This collection includes correspondence, drafts, page proofs, and other materials regarding Sorenson's book Animal Reproduction: Principles & Practices. Also included are copies of articles, papers and other research materials used in writing the book.
Army Specialized Training Program Collection
This collection contains documents, class schedule, and requirement list for the completion of the Army Specialized Training Program for the ROTC at Texas A&M College during 1943. Included are course descriptions for the various classes in the program, along with schedules and requirements.
This collection contains information about the work of A. A. Jakkula at the Texas A&M Research Foundation in the Oceanography Department. Included is a photo album with pictures, newspaper articles, and biographies of people involved in the ship "Atlantic", which was renamed "Dr. A.A. Jakkulan" because of his contribution to its development.
Jakkula, Arne A.
Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) - Texas A&M Bluebonnet Chapter Scrapbooks
This collection contains nine scrapbooks that document the activities of the Texas A&M Bluebonnet Chapter during the years 1990-1992 and 2001-2009.
Association of Former Students (AFS) Proclamations
This collection contains proclamations issued by The Association of Former Students in recognition of the outstanding contributions of Texas A&M former students.
The Association of Former Students
Association of Former Students (AFS) University Awards
This collection contains AFS awards for the following years 1973-1978; 1983; and 1989-1990.
This scrapbook contains photographs and newspaper clippings dating from 1911-1915. Included inside is a copy of The Student Farmer (October 1914), photographs of the Old Main building, and the Mess Hall before and after they burned. A photograph of Old Main from the North showing the old stone walk and of a tree, possibly the Centennial Oak. Also, a photo of Uncle Dan who is marked as being the "oldest resident" on campus, which is noted in an early statement about his longevity.
Materials included inside:
The Student Farmer [October 1914]
Hookworm Disease
The Dallas Club
When I Aspired to Play Baseball
Mess Hall Fire
Original Main Building
Main Building Burning
"Tent Row" 1911
Gathright Hall
Judging Horses
Uncle Dan: Oldest Resident
"Hike" Scenes
My Bible Class
Graduating Commencement
Ross Volunteers
Private Deposit
Certificate of Exemption from Poll Tax
Fifty Facts
Issued Complimentary by the Athletic Council [Season 1914-1915]
Football 1914 -- Season Ticket
Football Schedule
Report Cards
First Formal "Permit"
Promotion List
Annual Banquet
Thanksgiving Gop
Mess Hall Fire
A&M Regiment on Dress Parade
A&M Boy Drowns in Brazos
Fire at A&M Being Probed
Letter from A&M Boy - Hazing
Meningitis at A&M College
Recollection of the strike
Cadets May go to San Francisco
Winning A&M Judging Team
Football in 1915
Field Artillery Battery, Texas A&M College
A&M Cadet Corps Non-Commission Staff
A&M Farm Course Can Supply Demand
A&M Graduates Greatly in Demand
Football 1911
Texas Institution Admitted to Intercollegiate
Athletic Association
Football 1915
Weatherford Student Writes prize Theme
Battalion Officers Elected by Corps
Weatherford Boy to Edit College Paper
Burgess, Austin E.
This collection includes flags (felt) brought along on the geographical expedition in search of meteorites in Antarctica, headed by A&M professor John Wormuth, from November 1986 to February 1987. The expedition was an international collaborative effort between Japanese, Austrian, Dutch, and American researchers with William A. Cassidy (University of Pittsburgh) as the expedition team leader.
Other items included are a Texas House Resolution awarding Austin Mardon the United States Navy's Antarctica Medal on February 27, 1989.
Mardon, Austin A. (Austin Albert)
These scrapbooks contain clippings, pictures, and other materials Dewey accumulated as a member of the Texas Legislature.
Dewey, B.H., Jr.
This collection includes documents, ledgers, expenses, and other items such as a World War I officers ledger containing signatures of the officers who attended or visited Texas A&M.
This collection contains unpublished papers written by A&M Professor Bardin H. Nelson discussing education, nutrition, and a number of other topics.
This collection contains old issues of the Battalion Magazine, beginning with the April 1921 issue, and ending with the March 1943 issue.
The Battalion