Thomas Affleck Letter Book, 1865-1868, Part 4, Pages 363-485

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TxAM-CRS 1268-8-A8-20

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Thomas Affleck Letter Book, 1865-1868, Part 4, Pages 363-485


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There are 67 letters totaling 133 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Morris and Cummings [New York City]. August 30, 1867. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to the Publishers of San Antonio Herald [San Antonio]. April 29, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to W.L. Cushing [New Orleans]. April 30, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to James Buchan and Company [New York City]. April 30, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to W. Richardson [Galveston]. May 2, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to the Editors, American Agriculturalist [Rochester, NY]. May 1, 1868. Typed copy of original, 4 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to O. Judd and Company [New York City]. May 2, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to C.J. Eames [New York City]. May 1, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Dr. C.J. Eames. May 4, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Captain Josselyn [Houston]. May 9, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to W. Richardson and Company [Galveston]. May 8, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Dr. C.J. Eames [New York City]. May 9, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to A. Sessums and Company [Galveston]. May 15, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to James Buchan and Company [New York City]. May 19, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Stuart and Mair [Houston]. May 19, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Richard Brontze [San Antonio]. May 21, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to F.G. Skinner [New York City]. May 21, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to John S. Sproul [Eagle Pass, Tx.]. May 22, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to James Buchan and Company [New York City]. May 22, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to William J. Carpenter [New York City]. May 23, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to Dr. C.J. Eames [New York City]. May 23, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to General Hood [Galveston]. May 29, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to McCreary and Company [Austin]. May 30, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to O. Judd and Company [New York City]. June 1, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Dr. Thurber. June 1, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to J.J.H. Gregory [Marblehead, Mass.]. June 2, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to Dr. C.J. Eames [New York City]. June 2, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to Stuart and Mair [Houston]. June 4, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to James Buchan and Company [New York City]. June 4, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to A.J. McCreary [Austin]. June 5, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Dr. H.A. Swasey [Tangipahoa, La.]. June 11, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to James Buchan and Company [New York City]. June 11, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, I.D. by Thomas Affleck [Glenblythe] to Stuart and Mair [Houston]. June 16, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to James Buchan [New York City]. June 13, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to W. and W.L. Jones [Athens, Ga.]. June 13, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Sampson and Terry [San Antonio]. June 16, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Erastus Reed [Boerne, Tx.]. June 16, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to Colonel Giddings [Brenham]. June 16, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to John Adriance [Columbia, Tx.]. June 16, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to William L. Hill [Richmond, Va.]. June 26, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to Bodfish and Morell [Brenham]. June 27, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to James Buchan and Company [New York City]. June 26, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to A.M. Holbrook [New Orleans]. June 26, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to Stuart and Mair [Houston]. June 27, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Dr. C.J. Eames [New York City]. June 20, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to Will A. Burries. July 3, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Colonel Nixon [New Orleans]. July 9, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to H.J. Baker and Company [New York City]. July 11, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to O. Judd and Company [New York City]. July 13, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to C.V. Riley [St. Louis]. July 20, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to A. Sessums [Galveston]. July 20, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Stuart and Mair [Houston]. July 20, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to E.H. Cushing [Houston]. July 20, 1868. Typed copy of original, 4 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Blymer, Norton and Company [Cincinnati]. July 20, 1868. Typed copy of original, 4 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to William G. Webb [Houston]. July 23, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to D. Richardson. July 31, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Vilmorin, Audrieux and Company [Paris, France]. August 3, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to George A. Daitz [Chambersburg, Pa.]. August 3, 1868. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Luther Tucker and Son [Albany, NY]. August 3, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Dr. T.H. Maddox [Alexandria, La.]. August 5, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Robert W. Scott [Frankfort, Ky.]. August 10, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Form for Advertising Agents written by Thomas Affleck. Typed copy of original, 1 leaf.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to James Buchan and Company [New York City]. August 13, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Brenham] to Orange Judd and Company [New York City]. August 13, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [near Brenham] to Eames and Seely [New York City]. August 14, 1868. Typed copy of original, 3 leaves.

Affleck, Thomas [Glenblythe] to Lieutenant George I. Lee. August 15, 1868. Typed copy of original, 2 leaves.

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