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1913 Hazing Investigation Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1253
  • Collection
  • 1913

This collection contains items related to a hazing problem among undergraduate students at Texas A&M College in 1913. Records include accusation accounts from former students, parents, faculty, and staff. The Texas A&M College Hazing February 1913 Special Committee found twenty-two A&M undergraduate students guilty of hazing be dismissed from Texas A&M.

A. D. Mebane Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1245
  • Collection
  • 1902-1952

The collection contains various publications about Mebane's cotton, including pamphlets, and newspaper and magazine articles. There are many correspondences to A. D. Mebane complimenting and ordering his cottonseed. Because of the involvement with the Texas Cotton Breeders Association, the collection includes speeches given at the Association meetings.

Mebane, A. D.

Abnashi Ram Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1575
  • Collection
  • 1931-1982

This collection contains about 337 letters from Mr. Abnashi Ram, who came to the USA in 1920 and was the first Indian student from India to graduate from Texas A&M in 1923 and established a successful export/import/gift shop in Hollywood, California. The letters also reflect correspondence with other fellow immigrants and many famous Americans. These letters reflect their gut emotions while living as lonely immigrants who could not bring their families to the USA on account of the draconian immigration laws that were finally eliminated in 1967. The collection also includes 75 letters from Mr. Mumtaz Kitchlew of Chicago. Dr. Sharma and his wife have lived in Richardson, TX for over 42 years. Sharma taught at SMU for over ten years. In 2009 he authored a book, Saving Immigrant's Daughter a story about Mr. Abnashi Ram and his daughter who he met at UCLA and ultimately married. Much of this collection has been digitized and is available on the South Asian American Digital Archive (SAADA) website.

Sharma, Raj

Abolitionists' Archive

  • US TxAM-C C000553
  • Collection
  • 1795-1910; Undated

The collection contains over 100 rare letters, autograph quotations, and photographs from 50 major figures in the American antislavery struggle, including several rare autographs from key British abolitionists. Many of the individuals noted provided selfless support, financially, morally, and wrote on behalf of the abolishment of the 'peculiar' institution of slavery. Some of the well-known abolitionists include Henry Ward Beecher, Blanche K. Bruce, William Channing, William Lloyd Garrison, Joshua R. Giddings, the Grimke sisters, Gerrit Smith, Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sumner, and Lewis Tappan, one of the leading financial supporters of the Amistad Africans.

The collection contains photographs and newspaper clippings of these 50 prominent abolitionists.

Ackerman and McMiller General Store Account Books

  • US TxAM-C 1031
  • Collection
  • 1854-1856

This collection consists of two large leather account books from the old store owned and operated by David Verplank Ackerman and James McMiller that was at Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas. The account book labeled "ledger" [box 1] dates from 1855 to 1865 and lists the accounts of individuals while the other one labeled "journal" [box 2] records the chronological expenses beginning in April 1854 and ending in January 1861.

Administrator's Tour Visits A&M Clubs Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1114
  • Collection
  • 1953

This collection consists of a scrapbook of Administrator's visits to Texas A&M Clubs in 1953. The tour included the following cities: Galveston, Baytown, Houston, Kilgore, Shreveport, Wichita Falls, Abilene, Corpus Christi, Lower Rio Grande Valley, San Antonio, Waco, Austin, Big Spring, San Angelo, El Paso, Lubbock, Amarillo, Dallas, Port Arthur, Beaumont and Lufkin.

African American Illustrated Postcards (Down in Sunny Dixie) Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000565
  • Collection
  • 1938

This collection consists of an illustrated mailer postmarked New Orleans, and hand-addressed to Toledo OH, containing 18 accordion-folded 6in x 4in color photos purporting to show (stereotypical happy variety) black life in the south, with two songs, "Dixie Land" and "Dixieland for M" printed on the inside of the mailer with a cypress tree on one side of the fold and a photo of a black man and woman next to the address label.

These were reproduced from hand-tinted black and white originals. Postcard-size images, but double-sided without space for messages.

African American Southern Family Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C C000557
  • Collection
  • 1900

This collection consists of a photo scrapbook with six small charcoal images that depict African-American life in the rural south with an unrelated pictorial on-lay on the upper cover, all tied together with string.

Africana Studies Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000559
  • Collection
  • 1883-1956; Undated

This collection encompasses a number of resources obtained with the support of A&M's Africana Studies Program.

Box 1, Teaching Aids, consists of chromo card albums that were published in continental Europe by various companies to garner support for the continuation of the control over colonies across Africa and Asia. Also, many of these albums intend to educate on the natural resources of the colonies and their indigenous inhabitants.

Box 2, Cards and Chromo Albums, consists of cards produced by various European companies that depict the African lifestyle and diaspora. Some cards also depict many stereotypes widely held by mainland European society. Also included are albums that may have been intended to educate the collector on topics such as the fauna of Africa, and the practice of hunting.

Box 3, Oversize Items, consists of more Chromo trade albums, teaching aids, ballots, and posters.

Afro-American Society Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000555
  • Collection
  • 1967-1968

Original black students' association charter. Authored by Ken Lewallen and Antwine Jefferson in Fall 1967-68.

"Aggie Joke Teller" Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1220
  • Collection
  • 1980

This collection includes 4 packages containing materials from an "Aggie Joke Teller" collection, created by CELCO Company Richardson, TX, in 1980.

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Yell Book Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000282
  • Collection
  • 1904-1932

This collection consists of Texas A&M College's yell books from 1904 to 1932.

These yell books from A&M College's early history was the start of the school's tradition of having yell leaders, who led yells at football games. Some books feature yells that are no longer in use, and older versions of A&M yells used today.

The books were created in Bryan-College Station, Texas for the sole purpose of being used by A&M College students at football games. Their layout and designs changed throughout the decades along with the advertisements from local establishments.

Most of this collection was owned by former students, so you may see names, doodles, and in some cases homemade yells.

Alan Dean Foster Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000193
  • Collection
  • 1977

This collection contains a 286-page unproofed typed copy of Foster's 1977 novel The End of the Matter.

Foster, Alan D.

Albert S. Brient Collection

  • US TxAM-C 282
  • Collection

This collection contains an assortment of newspaper clippings, photographs, letters, and a typed 'saga' of Albert S. Brient.

Included are photographs from the 1923 Texas A&M Varsity Basketball team, biographic information on Brient, correspondence concerning his efforts to be declared a member of the "T" Association 44 years after his college days, as well as newspaper articles both about Brient and about his finally being awarded a "T".

Brient, Albert S.

Alex Haley Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000012
  • Collection
  • 1949-1965, 1967, 1991

This collection consists of one box of material that includes heavily edited and complete manuscript pages from the Autobiography of Malcolm X, his writings on Mahalia Jackson, Wilma Rudolph, the story Queenie, a follow-up to Roots, and other writings. Also included are his notes regarding the re-run of the mini-series Roots. He mentions a meeting he had with Warren Beatty where they discussed Roots. The notes are titled "Re: Roots Re-Run for TV Guide. Between the Covers acquired the collection from a bookseller who bought it directly from the estate of Virginia Hannon. A group of early letters from Alex Haley it's seven letters sent between 1949-1954 (one from 1967) to close family friend, Virginia Hannon. The letters present Haley, then a journalist in the Coast Guard, trying to get his writing career started and relating thoughts about his working habits, carious siblings, and plans for the future. All letters are written light, optimistic, and sometimes flirtatious style. Accompanying them are several related photographs, including one of Hannon in uniform, and a copy of Haley's posthumous novel Queen inscribed to her by his brother, George.

The July 2015 addendum includes an archive of seven Typed Letters Signed from Alex Haley sent between 1949-1954 (with one from 1967) to a close family friend, along with related photographs and the first edition of Queen Inscribed by his brother George Haley. The letters are overall near fine with typical folds from being mailing and light toning, with their original mailing envelopes that show wear including are nick, tears, and chip, but all are present; the photos are fine. The book is fine in a fine dustwrapper.

The letters, which are signed both as "Alex" and "Palmer," his middle name, were written to Virginia Hannon, a woman who taught Alex Haley French at Alcorn College before he left to join the Coast Guard. The letters begin after he's become a journalist writing for Coast Guard Magazine, and it seems, after an absence from Hannon. The letters are very familiar and playful with references to her French class, updates on his brothers George and Julius, and although married, some flirtatious comments about her breasts, "they were not as you say, spinsterly," and his faraway demeanor in class, "believe me, love, I was not, when you observed me, thinking about any damned touchdowns." There is also lots of talk about Haley's writing career. The early letters from 1949 included his thoughts on his drive to be a writer: "I'm trying pretty hard and have thus far had some minor successes," as well as his bad habits: "I'm essentially lazy, but I love to write once I get started." It's during an extended hospital stay for the treatment of a pilonidal cyst in 1953 that he seems to really make headway: "I never had so much time on end to write in my life. I have to stand up to type, to be sure, but - boy, am I turning out the words! Things I've wanted to work on for ages." In a letter the next year he excitedly describes what was his first big career break: "The prime accomplishment to date, a milestone in my life, I guess, was the sale two weeks ago, of 'The Harlem that Nobody Knows,' a 4,000-word piece, to Reader's Digest ... As a result, I, last week, got taken in the stable of Ruth Aley, probably one of the top 5 literary agents in the country. I am working like a bastard, to put it bluntly." The job led to a series of articles in the magazine and an assignment with Playboy interviewing many of the most important African-Americans of the day. The final letter from 1967 takes the form of two short but sweet holograph notes to Hannon written on the margins of a form letter and a photocopied travel article. They show a busy, successful writer still trying to keep in touch with an old friend.

The letters are accompanied by a black and white photograph of a young Hannon in a military uniform (possibly Red Cross), along with two later color photos of George with Wynelle [Hannon's sister] and George with President Bill Clinton. Plus, there is a copy of Haley's book Queen, published posthumously, and warmly Inscribed by George: "To my dear sister, Virginia Rose Hannon With love, respect and appreciation Your brother George Haley - and all the rest of the Haley Family 12 June 1993." An interesting and intimate collection of early correspondence from one of the most influential African-American writers of the 20th Century.

Haley, Alex

Alexander Thomson Letter

  • US TxAM-C 37
  • Collection
  • 1832-08-05

The Alexander Thomson letter is dated August 5, 1832, from Texas, Austin's Colony. Addressed to "Mr. Wm. D. Thomson, Giles County, Tennessee, Cornerville P.O.," with the salutation "My dear son," and signed "your Aff. Father, Alexs. Thomson."

The text of the letter recounts recent events in Austin's colony which, in retrospect, have a direct bearing on the brewing struggle for independence of the colony from Mexico. Most noteworthy is the account of the early revolt of Anglo-Texas colonists against the Mexican government's steady encroachment on the freedom of colonists to conduct free trade or encourage further immigration into Texas from the United States.

In the letter, Thomson details the build-up of hostilities between Colonel Juan Davis Bradburn, born in Virginia, but in service to Mexico, who was made commander of Fort Anahuac.

Noteworthy also in the letter are the expressions of loyalty and admiration shown toward General Antonio López de Santa Anna by the colonists, who saw him as championing their rights in the condemnation of Bradburn, who was known to be a supporter of the hated General Anastacio Bustamante. Bustamante, who had been the dictator of Mexico since January 1830, was now involved with Santa Anna and his allies in a fierce civil war. (see general note)

As the Thomson letter records vividly, the Texas colonists threw their support to Santa Anna, believing him to favor their freedom to enforce their own laws and maintain their own system of trade and civil courts. The letter records Stephen Austin's whole-hearted support of Santa Anna and Thomson's encomium on Santa Anna as "a true republican ... determined not to lay down his arms until republicanism prevails," rings ironically optimistic in the face of events only a few years later, culminating in the bitter defeat of the colonists by Santa Anna at the Alamo, and the equally bitter final defeat of Santa Anna at San Jacinto, assuring Texas's independence from Mexico.

Accompanying the letter are three other items.
A sepia-toned picture apparently reproduced from an oil painting. The picture is pasted inside a dark brown oval paper matting on a piece of cardboard measuring about 20 cm by 15 cm. The image measures about 13 cm by 7 cm. Though the original painting is as yet unidentified, "Alexander Thomson" is written on the back of the cardboard in pencil.

A sheet of letterhead stationery for the "St. Louis Southwestern Railway Lines, St. Louis 2, Mo.," with the logo for the "Cotton Belt Route," and below that "F. W. Green, President." On this much-folded piece of letterhead is an undated and unsigned biography of Alexander Thomson handwritten in pencil.

A photocopy (circa 1980) of a booklet originally prepared by Ralston P. Haun in Coleman, Tex. around 1936, which includes a transcription of the August 5, 1832 letter, as well as other family letters and papers. According to the copy of an explanatory note appended to the booklet, dated May 1, 1980, and signed Jim Glass of Houston, Tex., one of the three copies made by Haun was given to Ana Gardner Thomson and passed down to her granddaughter Ana Haun Frómen, thence apparently to Gardner Osborn. The booklet includes transcriptions of five other family letters and two memoirs. Though speculated upon in the Glass note, the current disposition of the other letters and papers is still unverified.

Thomson, Alexander, 1785-1863

Alexei Panshin Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000189
  • Collection
  • 1968-1973

This collection consists of several manuscripts of Panshin's work, including his 1968 novel The Thurb Revolution and his serialized novel The Son of Black Morca (1973, photocopies). Also included is a set of galleys for Panshin's Masque World (1969).

Panshin, Alexei

Alfred Elton Van Vogt Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000180
  • Collection
  • 1949-1956; Undated

This collection consists of materials relating to the 1956 A. E. Van Vogt novel Empire of the Atom, including the original typescript, galleys, and correspondence related to the book's publication and review.

Van Vogt, A. E. (Alfred Elton), 1912-2000

All Faiths Chapel Donation Record Book

  • US TxAM-C 1183
  • Collection
  • 1957-1961

This collection consists of a ledger, "All Faiths Chapel - Gifts", which contains the certificates of donations given to Texas A&M's All Faiths Chapel from January 2, 1957, to November 1961.

Allen Elmer Luddeke Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1400
  • Collection
  • 1940-1968

This scrapbook contains a World War II ration book, ration card, memorabilia of Texas A&M student life during the 1940-1950s with additional items in the 1960s regarding Texas A&M.

Materials inside include:
The Texas Aggie (Front Page-August 1966)
Sunday Morning Inspection
Goodby, Rev-1966
Tom Chetham
War Ration Book (WWII)
War Ration Card (WWII)
Letters from son David E. Luddeke (1945)

Honoring Mothers and Dads (April 5, 1942)


Western Union (1943)
Room Orderly

Enlisted Reserve Corps
Football Ticket
November 27, 1941
Citation of Honor


Football (October 2, 1943) Aggies (13) vs. Texas Tech (0)
Texas Aggies and Texas Tech at Alamo Stadium
Texas Aggies Trim LSU at Baton Rouge
Aggies Beat LSU 28-13
1200 Cadets Watch Aggies Battle Frogs
TCU Frogs 13 to 0
NTAC Ties Ags
Aggies Win 13-0
NTAC Ties Ags
Aggies Trounce Mustangs 22-0
1940 Debacke Still Burns Ags
Ags Play in Orange Bowl
All-Conference Team
Back When Texas A&M Traveled by Train
Map of Campus (February 23, 1940)
Combined Bands Elect Gene Field Head Drum Major
New Fish to Fry at A&M
Enrollment Sets All-Time Record
Football (January 2, 1968)
Texas vs A&M (34-21)
Football (November 29, 1956)
'15-ers Pose at Reunion
Caesar (Dutch) Hohn '12
We've Never been Licked (Universal Pictures)
Maj. Gen. George F. Moore Heads List of 14 Aggie Generals in WWII
1364 A&M Students to Receive Army
Fighting Texas Aggies
V-E Day
1/2 of the 7000 Member A&M Cadet cops Make and Impressive Picture Marching in the Dormitory Area
Aggies' Reveille Scene Stealer
The Squad (1943)
When Texas Pete Broke an Old Record
Aggies Mourn Herby Smith
Results of the Aggie 1942 Season
Texas Gets 40 Points, A&M 48
Football (October 25, 1941)
Kyle Field
War Plan Upsets U.S. Education (1942)
U.S. to Call up Reservists in Colleges
1,306 ROTC Students At A&M will be Activated (1943)
Bak in 1917
Map Making
Setting up Exercises
Memorial Monument Honoring The 52 Aggies who gave their Lives in WWI

Alva Mitchell Collection

  • US TxAM-C 6
  • Collection
  • 1892-1956

The collection is an assortment of newspaper clippings, photographs, a typed biography, commencement programs, an Army training certificate and receipt, and contact information for Ralph Howard Mitchell.

Mitchell, Ralph Howard

American Field Service Ambulance Driver Diary

  • US TxAM-C 189
  • Collection
  • 1915

The diary begins at an entry for 19 May 1915 with the driver's departure from Paris, to report to the Bureau, or main Section office of the service, at Pont-á-Mousson, which he often abbreviates to Pont. in diary entries. The diary's driver is often under fire, either while driving the roads among convoys, or in the towns being shelled, and, on a least one occasion, even at his billet, called a caserne. He is also clearly interested in becoming an aviator and visits a French aviation field with a friend from the American Field Service during his time off.

There are descriptions of German prisoners in the town square, serious casualties called couchés, episodes of shelling, the hazards of evacuating casualties under fire, as well as the daily life of an American soldier serving in World War I before the official entrance of the United States, is terse and vivid. The narrative presents an interesting contrast of intense activity and intermittent loafing in the French towns and countryside, including a tour of such battle areas as Bois-le-Prêtre, the site of the First Battle of the Marne.

The diary may have come into Stratemeyer's possession at Kelly Field from an aviator being trained or otherwise based there. Ambulance drivers who served first as volunteers in France seem to have transferred to other branches of the service, in several cases the Air Service, after serving in the American Field Service for possibly only a few months.

The entries end abruptly on June 9, 1915.

The shiny dark brown paper-covered diary measures 17 x 10 cm., with 26 of its 40 blue-ruled pages filled with entries handwritten in ink. Although found inserted into an issue of the Kelly Field eagle published between April 1918 and January 1919 and donated to the repository by General George Stratemeyer, the diary is neither labeled, nor signed, and the entries are dated [May] 19 - June 9, 1915.

A newspaper clipping is slipped into the diary, dated 1873 by hand in ink, probably from a British newspaper, which contains a poem, "To Loch Skene", on which corrections to the text have been made in ink.

It may be noted that George Stratemeyer, probably did not write the diary since he served with the 7th and 34th Infantry divisions in Texas and Arizona until September 1916, immediately after his graduation from the U.S. Military Academy in June 1915. He subsequently became commanding officer of the Air Service Flying and Technical Schools at Kelly Field, Texas in May 1917. The diary may have come into Stratemeyer's possession at Kelly Field from an aviator being trained or otherwise based there.

The 25-page paper transcript was made in February 2002 by Aletha Andrew, who processed the collection in the repository.

Ambulance Driver

Andre Norton Award Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000151
  • Collection
  • 1951-2002

This collection consists of numerous awards that noted science fiction and fantasy author Andre Norton was given over the course of her long and storied career.

Norton, Andre

Andrew Douglas Jackson Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1219
  • Collection
  • 1917-1945; Undated

This collection includes photos, legislative bills, charts, minutes, newspaper clippings, and correspondence concerning his agricultural research in farming irrigation and flooding in the Brazos River. Highlights of the collection include information, minutes, charts regarding the Texas Legislative bill titled "The Brazos Reclamation and Conservation District" created in 1929 by the 39th Legislator of Texas.

Jackson, Andrew Douglas

Angela Y. (Yvonne) Davis Collection

  • US TxAM-C 20
  • Collection
  • 1971; Undated

The collection consists of written correspondence primarily in the form of postcards, handmade cards, or other support materials from individuals in Germany. Many of the postcards have colored flowers and colorful artwork, some are from mechanical postcards distributed to school children and individuals in Germany to write in support of Angela Davis. These cards and correspondence are in response to a solidarity campaign of support called "A Million Roses for Angela Davis" started in East Germany. Some of the postcards are addressed to Marin County Courthouse in California and others are addressed to the United National Committee to Free Angela Davis in New York.

Davis, Angela Y., 1944

Anne McCaffrey Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000197
  • Collection
  • 1969

This collection consists of the original manuscript for McCaffrey's novella The Partnered Ship (1969), which was included as the concluding chapter in her famed 1969 novel The Ship Who Sang. The manuscript (typed 70 leaves) is signed by McCaffrey and has multiple handwritten edits.

McCaffrey, Anne

Anonymous Journal of the Clipper Ship Stag Hound

  • US TxAM-C 1598
  • Collection
  • 1851

This journal was written by an unknown person on board the clipper ship, Stag Hound with entries dating from January 31 - May 21, 1851, during which the Stag Hound traveled from New York to San Francisco under the command of Captain Josiah Richardson.

Five days out from New York she lost several of her masts, and the crew spent the next several days making repairs. On March 1 they picked up the captain and crew, nine in number, of the Russian brig Sylphide bound from Rio de Janeiro to Helsingfors, Finland. The rescued men landed at Valparaiso when the Stag Hound stopped there for four days to obtain fresh provisions, especially water. While in Valparaiso, many of the crew deserted and had to be replaced.

According to The S. F. Daily Alta Californian from May 26, 1851, the following seven individuals were passengers on board the ship upon its arrival in the harbor: A. F. Macy, Harriet Macy, J. P. Otis, H. R. Helper, J. E. Manning, W. Helman, and W. Mason.

The passenger's experience of frustration usually associated with entering San Francisco on a sailing vessel is apparent in the last few entries. In view of the fact the journalist mentions the name of four of the passengers, A. F. Macy, Harriet Macy, J. P. Ottis, and H. R. Helper, the journalist must be one of the other three, J. E. Manning, W. Helman, or W. Mason. From some of the entries while in Valparaiso, it seems conclusive that the author was from Boston.

The author devoted a considerable amount of space to weather and on each day recorded the latitude and longitude, possibly copied from the ship's logbook kept by the first mate. They gave very little attention to the actual life of the passengers. There are brief references to reading, worship services on Sunday, and a couple of jokes and games. There are also a few references to difficulties in eating during bad weather, but not a thing was written about what they ate. It is mentioned that their cabin got wet a few times, however, there is no mention of what the accommodations were like. Nor was anything written of the fact that there was one female among six male passengers.

Anonymous Student Scrapbook and Miscellaneous Photographs

  • US TxAM-C 707
  • Collection
  • 1960-1961

This collection contains one folder of earlier campus photographs and one scrapbook of newspaper clippings from 1960-1961.

Scrapbook contents include:
Football 1960
Bonfire Awaiting Torch Despite Adverse Conditions
'60 Musters Best In History
A&M Mothers Clubs
Band Rejects Parade Invite
Aggie Song Composed by Student
Committee to Study A&M Name Change
Cadet Slouch
Aggie Golfers Take Conference Lead
A&M Cadets Prep for Military Day
Civilian Sweetheart

Arne A. Jakkula Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1188
  • Collection

This collection contains information about the work of A. A. Jakkula at the Texas A&M Research Foundation in the Oceanography Department. Included is a photo album with pictures, newspaper articles, and biographies of people involved in the ship "Atlantic", which was renamed "Dr. A.A. Jakkulan" because of his contribution to its development.

Jakkula, Arne A.

Arthur Dierich Papers

  • US TxAM-C 1243
  • Collection
  • 1968-1985

This collection is a part of the more than 299 articles which Arthur Dieterich wrote for the Dairymen's Digest, the American Jersey Cattle Club, the Texas Jersey Cattle Club, Progressive Farmer, Farm and Ranch, and numerous other agricultural papers. The articles included in this collection cover the change from primitive cow milking to modern computerized dairy farming.

Dietrich, Arthur

Results 1 to 35 of 501