Hazing Investigation Correspondence and Memorandum

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US TxAM-C 1253-1

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Hazing Investigation Correspondence and Memorandum


  • 1913 (Produção)


8 folders

Elementos de conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

1-1: Collection Summary

  • Collection Summary of Hazing 1913 Collection
  • Typed Memoranda from Faculty Minutes regarding discipline cases in the case of “A. E. Burgess 1913” dated February 8-22, 1913

1-2: Photocopies of D. W. Spence’s Report to the Board of Directors Regarding Occurrences of Hazing and Disciplinary Actions Taken

  • Photocopy of “The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Statement D. W. Spence Secretary of the Faculty to Honorable Walton Peteet President of the Board of Directors” dated February 1913 [7 pages]
  • Photocopy of “The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Statement D. W. Spence Secretary of the Faculty to Honorable Walton Peteet President of the Board of Directors” dated February 1913 edited rough draft
  • Photocopy of “The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Statement D. W. Spence Secretary of the Faculty to Honorable Walton Peteet President of the Board of Directors” dated February 1913 edited rough draft
  • Photocopy of “The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Statement D. W. Spence Secretary of the Faculty to Honorable Walton Peteet President of the Board of Directors” dated February 1913 edited rough draft
  • Photocopy of “The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Statement D. W. Spence Secretary of the Faculty to Honorable Walton Peteet President of the Board of Directors” dated February 1913 edited rough draft
  • Photocopy of correspondence testimony with the subject heading “The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas” dated February 2, 1913 addressed to the Honorable Walten Peteet signed by J. P. Masterson [4 pages]
  • Photocopy of correspondence testimony with the subject heading “The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas” dated February 2, 1913 addressed to the Honorable Walten Peteet signed by J. P. Masterson [7 pages]

1-3: The Faculty Committee’s Response to a Petition and Statement by the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman, Classes of 1913

  • Photocopy of address to February 1, 1913 to the Members of the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman Classes [2 pages]
  • Faculty response to the Committee’s Response to a Petition and Statement by the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman, Classes of 1913 [3 pages]

1-4: Photocopy of a Letter from E. G. Senter to Walton Peteet Regarding the Hazing Situation of 1913

  • Photocopy of the copy of the testimony of Erasmus G. Senter Lawyer, Dallas, TX. From Walton Peteet [4 pages]

1-5: Photocopy of a Letter from the Former Students of A&M and Their Parents and Friends

  • Photocopy of the copy of a confession of hazing by former students of A&M College, dated February 14, 1913 Austin TX [4 pages]

1-6: Photocopy of a Letter to the Alumni of A&M College Regarding the Hazing Problem

  • Photocopy of a letter to the Alumni of A&M College Regarding the Hazing Problem signed by R.J. Windrow, B. Youngblood, G.H. Blackmon, F. J. Skeeler [2 pages]

1-7: Resolutions Adopted by Former Students, their Friends, and Parents

  • Resolutions Adopted in Austin February 14th, by Former Students, their Friends, and Parents [4 pages]

1-8: A Letter and Inventory List of the Recent Disciplinary Troubles of the A&M College, Including Exhibits A, B, and D-H

  • Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas a letter transmission of the recent disciplinary troubles of A&M College dated February 26, 1913 [ 2 pages]
  • Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Statement from D. W. Spence Secretary of the Faculty to Honorable Warren Preseet President Board Director recent disciplinary troubles of A&M College dated February 26, 1913 [13 pages]
  • Copy of Exhibit B. Summary photocopy [4 pages]
  • Copy of Exhibit C. Testimony in the case of A. C. Eschenberg title page
  • Exhibit D. Answers to Charges Organization of the Corps of Cadets Work of Committee on Readmission [5 pages]
  • Exhibit E. Mr. Senter’s Charges and the Answers Thereto [3 pages]
  • Exhibit F. Resolution by Former Students, their Parents, and Friends [3 pages]
  • Exhibit G. List of Faculty with Dates of Appointment [2 pages]
  • Exhibit H. Statement of faculty Actions Concerning Discipline [10 pages]

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