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Código de referência
TxAM-CRS C000130-S1-SS8
Nome e localização da entidade custodiadora
Nível de descrição
- 1970-2013; Undated (Produção)
62 folders
Nome do produtor
Elementos de conteúdo e estrutura
Âmbito e conteúdo
This subseries includes files on the various books and articles by David Rosen and contributions made by Rosen to other publications.
Series 1, Subseries 8, Box 6
- 6/101: "Changes in the Attitudes and Self Perceptions of Women Medical Students". Undated
- 6/102: "Meaning and Depression". Undated
- 6/103: "The Well Being of Psychiatrists". Undated
- 6/104: Miscellaneous Article Reprints. 1970-1987
- 6/105: "Suicide Rates Among Psychiatrists". 1973
- 6/106: "Lesbianism: A Study of Female Homosexuality". 1974
- 6/107: "Mental Stresses of Residency Training: Opportunities for Prevention". 1974
- 6/108: "Shetland: the Effects of Rapid Social Change on Mental Health". 1979
- 6/109: "Sources of Instructor Satisfaction with Teaching in the Health Professions". 1982
- 6/110: "Humanistic Medicine: What is Psychiatry's Role?". 1986
- 6/111: "Medicine as a Human Experience". 1986
- 6/112: "Modern Medicine in Search of Its Soul". 1986
- 6/113: "Depression in Women: A Jungian Perspective". 1988
- 6/114: "Humane Medicine: American Medicine in Search of Its Soul". 1989
- 6/115: "Archetypes of Transformation: Healing the Self". 1990
- 6/116: "Psychiatry: The Déjà vu Experience". 1990
- 6/117: "The Shadow of Depression and Suicide". 1990
- 6/118: "A Time to Kill and a Time to Heal". 1991
- 6/119: "The Healing Archetype in the Doctor-Patient Relationship". 1991
- 6/120: "The Objective Psyche: The Tao of Collective Unconscious". 1991
- 6/121: "The Objective Psyche at Work: Healing Archetypes of Transformation". 1991
Series 1, Subseries 8, Box 7
- 7/1: "Researching and Me-searching the Healthcare Marketplace". 1991
- 7/2: "Self-Healing". 1991
- 7/3: "Androgyny, Individuation, and Self-Actualization". 1992
- 7/4: "Beyond the Body: Experience with the Self". 1993
- 7/5: "Color and Type". 1993
- 7/6: "Letter to the Editor". 1993
- 7/7: "Transforming Depression". 1993
- 7/8: "Transforming Depression" - Interviews. 1993
- 7/9: "Frank McMillan and the Circle of Friends of Analytical Psychology". 1994
- 7/10: "Depression and Suicide". 1995
- 7/11: "Soul Attack, Disability, and the Healing Process". 1995
- 7/12: "Lives" Column, New York Times. 1996
- 7/13: "The Tao of Jung". 1996
- 7/14: Round Table Review. 1998
- 7/15: Jung Biography. 1999
- 7/16: "The Tao of Medicine". 1999
- 7/17: "The Tao of Medicine", UMKC School of Medicine. 1999
- 7/18: "A Time for Understanding Meaning and Healing". 2000
- 7/19: "Scholarly Activities in Analytical Psychology at Texas A&M University". 2001
- 7/20: "Are Jungian Preferences Really Categorical?". 2002
- 7/21: Humor: International Journal of Humor Research. 2003
- 7/22: "Picture Interpretation and Jungian Typology". 2003
- 7/23: "The Development, Construct Validity, and Clinical Utility of Spiritual Meaning". 2004
- 7/24: "The Healing Spirit of Haiku". 2004
- 7/25: "The Existential Meaning's Role in the Enhancement of Hope and Prevention of Depression". 2005
- 7/26: Jung and Levinas: War and Ethics. 2013
- 7/27: Foreword - Gambini, Roberto. Undated
- 7/28: Foreword - Hollis, James. Undated
- 7/29: Foreword - Kawai, Hayao. Undated
- 7/30: Foreword - Marlan, Stanton. Undated
- 7/31: Foreword - Stein. Murray. Undated
- 7/32: Foreword - Young, Eisendrath, Polly. Undated
- 7/33: Foreword - Kast, Verena. 1991
- 7/34: Foreword - Beebe, John. 1992
- 7/35: Foreword - Stephens, Anthony. 1993
- 7/36: Reviews - "Psychopathology". 1989
- 7/37: Reviews - "A Jungian Analytical Approach to Alexithymia". 1995
- 7/38: Reviews - "Belief as a Psychic Function". 1997
- 7/39: Reviews - "Soul's Code". 1998
- 7/40: Reviews - Stein, Murray. 1998
- 7/41: Reviews - Hollis, James. 1999
Sistema de arranjo
This subseries is arranged by date, and alphabetically within date and is located in boxes 6 and 7.