Miscellaneous Subject Files

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TxAM-CRS C000130-S1-SS9

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Miscellaneous Subject Files


  • 1951-2010; Undated (Produção)


117 folders

Nome do produtor

Elementos de conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

This series is the largest in the collection, containing a number of files on a variety of subjects spanning Dr. Rosen's career and personal life.

Series 1, Subseries 9, Box 7

  • 7/42: American Suicide Foundation. 1988-1995
  • 7/43: Analytical Psychology: Jungian Activities. Undated
  • 7/44: Asper, Kathrin. 2007
  • 7/45: Astrology. Undated
  • 7/46: Arnau, Randy - Archetypal Symbol Inventory. Undated
  • 7/47: Arnau, Randy - Thesis. 1993; 1997
  • 7/48: Beebe, John. 1985-2009
  • 7/49: Berg, Astrid. 2000; 2010
  • 7/50: Bess, Forest, 1951
  • 7/51: Black, Sam. Undated
  • 7/52: Bolton, Preston. 1997-1998
  • 7/53: Burke, Jack. 1991; 2000
  • 7/54: Cambray, Joseph. 2000-2008
  • 7/55: Carlo, Giovanna. 1996-1998
  • 7/56: Carter, John. 2006
  • 7/57: Certificates. 1993-2002
  • 7/58: China. 1998-2002
  • 7/59: Chodorow, Joan. 1991-2009
  • 7/60: Christiansen, Gayla. 1991-1992
  • 7/61: Circle of Friends of Analytical Psychology. Undated
  • 7/62: Citation of Merit Award. 1998-1999
  • 7/63: Cognitive and Takashi: Basic Archetypal Healing Pattern. 2002
  • 7/64: College of Medicine Mentorship Program. 1992-2005
  • 7/65: Contemporary Jungian Psychology Project. 1989-1990
  • 7/66: Cousins, Norman. 1990
  • 7/67: "Deans, Department Heads, and Holders of Endowed Positions: College of Liberal Arts". 1989
  • 7/68: Development Leave: C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich. 1992-1994
  • 7/69: Douglas, Claire. 2000-2007
  • 7/70: Edinburgh, 1969
  • 7/71: Engel, George L., 1960-2003
  • 7/72: Engel, George L., "The Clinical Application of the Biopsychosocial Model". 1980
  • 7/73: Engel, George L., "Need for New Med Model". 1977
  • 7/74: Estes, Clarissa. 1992-2006
  • 7/75: Eranos. 1987; 1993
  • 7/76: Faculty Development Leave. 2004-2006
  • 7/77: Faculty Development Leave Committee. Undated
  • 7/78: Fifth Grade Response to Henry's Tower. 1992
  • 7/79: Freud Archives, London UK. Undated
  • 7/80: Gaillard, Christian. 2000-2009
  • 7/81: Gambini, Roberto. 1998-2004
  • 7/82: Gene-Environment Interaction: Depression in Medical Students. 2006-2007
  • 7/83: Gilda, Edward - Suicide. Undated
  • 7/84: Golden Gate Bridge Study. 1975-1998
  • 7/85: Graduate Students. 1991; 1998
  • 7/86: Grants, Miscellaneous. 1993-2003
  • 7/87: Great Conversations. 2001-2002
  • 7/88: Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. 1985-1986
  • 7/89: Health Behavior and Healthcare Policy: Liberal Arts. 1995
  • 7/90: Hillman, James. 1989-2002

Series 1, Subseries 9, Box 8

  • 8/1: Hogg Foundation Grant. 1989-1991
  • 8/2: Hollis, James. 1996-2006
  • 8/3: Humanities in Medicine. 1983-2007
  • 8/4: Huxley, Aldous L., 1962
  • 8/5: "If Only Jung had a Rabbi". 1996-1997
  • 8/6: Institute of Noetic Sciences. 1998-1999
  • 8/7: International Academic Conference of Analytical Psychological and Jungian Studies. 2005
  • 8/8: Japan. 1997-2003
  • 8/9: Japan. 1997-2000
  • 8/10: Japanese Trip: Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto. 1997-2000
  • 8/11: Johnson, Robert. 1991
  • 8/12: Jung Analytical Psychology. 1994-1995
  • 8/13: Jung Educational Center, Houston. 1987-1991
  • 8/14: Jung, Peter. 1993-1996
  • 8/15: Kartan, Steve. 1990-1993
  • 8/16: Kast, Verena. 1989-2008
  • 8/17: Kawai, Hayao. 1986-2004
  • 8/18: Kennedy, Ted. 1987-1988
  • 8/19: Kirsch, Tom. 1987-2004
  • 8/20: Knight, James and Sally. 1994-2004
  • 8/21: Kyoto Bunkyo University MOA. 2000-2002
  • 8/22: "Let's Speak Japanese". 1998
  • 8/23: Lipscomb, Harry. 1988-1990
  • 8/24: Low, Edward. 1997-1999
  • 8/25: Maguire, Jack. 1990
  • 8/26: Mair, Victor H.. 1991
  • 8/27: Mandala Art Exhibit. 2005
  • 8/28: McDermott, John. Undated
  • 8/29: Mestrovic, Stjepan. 1993-1998
  • 8/30: Moore, Thomas. 2003
  • 8/31: Muller, Sister Mary Bernadette. 1989
  • 8/32: NIMH Small Grant Application Approved. 1987-1990
  • 8/33: Owen, Jane Blaffer. 2002
  • 8/34: PAMP Progress Report '82. 1982
  • 8/35: Papadopoulos, Renos. 1993-1994
  • 8/36: Peaceable Kingdom. 1986-1989
  • 8/37: Physician Health. 1973-1979
  • 8/38: Picture Interpretation and Jungian Typology. 2001
  • 8/39: Positive Psychology. 2000-2001
  • 8/40: Psychiatry and Medicine. 1979
  • 8/41: Reiser, David. 1991
  • 8/42: Religious Studies Program. 1991-2009
  • 8/43: Rizzuto, Ana-Maria. 1997
  • 8/44: "The Sacred Medical Student-Cadaver Bond". 1998
  • 8/45: Samuels, Andrew. 1991-1994
  • 8/46: Schiffer, Randy. 2000
  • 8/47: Scholarly Activities in Analytical Psychology. 2001
  • 8/48: Schizophrenia, 1968
  • 8/49: Sells Collection. 1992
  • 8/50: Sells Collection II. 1987-2008
  • 8/51: Sells Master Book List. 1989-1996
  • 8/52: Singer, June. 1992-1999
  • 8/53: Sotirova-Kohli, Milena. Undated
  • 8/54: Steer Gifts for Analytical Psychology Books. 1988-1989
  • 8/55: Steer, Shirley. 1989-2010
  • 8/56: Stein, Murray. 1993-2006
  • 8/57: Stevens, Anthony. 1989-2009
  • 8/58: Styron, William. 1990-1993
  • 8/59: Symbol Project. Undated
  • 8/60: TAMU Press. 1997-2001
  • 8/61: Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians. 1980
  • 8/62: Tuttle, Mary Caroline. Undated
  • 8/63: Unno, Mark T.. Undated
  • 8/64: Walker, Alice - Parker Institute in New Orleans. 1993-1997
  • 8/65: Weishaus, Joel. 1991
  • 8/66: White Paper for Analytical Psychology at TAMU. 1992-2001
  • 8/67: Young Physician's Award. 1985
  • 8/68: Zent, Miranda. Undated

Sistema de arranjo

This series is arranged alphabetically according to the subject.

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