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Literature English
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Roger Asselineau Walt Whitman Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 94
  • Collection
  • 1842-2002; Undated

This consists, aside from the group of 900 or so monographs collected by Asselineau, chiefly of correspondence, accompanied by handwritten drafts of reviews written in ink or pencil by Asselineau on slips of paper, apparently placed in the relevant book on his shelf as a file. The correspondence and draft of reviews are often associated with clippings, photographs or snapshots, offprints, programs, newsletters, and a few postcards.

Most of these manuscript materials were found in the process of cataloging the monograph collection, apparently filed by Asselineau in volumes of his monograph collection, usually related to the author of the book into which he inserted the materials over a period of years. A title page of the relevant book into which the manuscript materials were found inserted is now clipped to the materials in the collection folder and the call number of the book written on the photocopied title page in pencil. Also present are musical scores of adaptations of Whitman's poetry, and quite a few copies of the Walt Whitman Circle quarterly newsletter, published by composer and Whitman enthusiast, Robert Strassburg.

Series 1 includes notable correspondents such as Gay Wilson Allen, V. K. Chari, Betsy Erkkila, Ed Folsom, Donald D. Kummings, Jerome Loving, Robert Strassburg, and Leandro Wolfson.

Series 2 consists of a bound manuscript book entitled "Walt Whitman on Burns and a Portrait Gallery of Walt Whitman". The book measures 21 cm by 13 cm and is bound in green half-calf with marbled boards. According to a letter pasted into the book, it was apparently purchased by Roger Asselineau on August 20, 1942, from Alfred F. Goldsmith of New York, NY. Twenty-seven leaves of the manuscript book are filled with mostly photographic portraits of Walt Whitman, a few obviously cut from published works, and one leaf containing a section from a page of a handwritten manuscript in pencil and ink, labeled "Rough draft of a page in 'Robert Burns as poet and person' in November Boughs (p. 61)." Twenty other leaves of the book are left blank.

Series 3 consists of four folders with programs, offprints, and newspaper clippings collected by Asselineau. Contains manuscripts with commentary and suggestions (1856-2000), programs, announcements and catalogs (1963-2000), and clippings collected (1962-1992) regarding the life of Walt Whitman, his writings, collections, and offprints.

Series 4 contains over 900 monographs collected by Asselineau, these materials are cataloged separately in the Library of Congress classification and housed in the Cushing repository stacks as part of the Lit/Whitman collection. These monographs include first editions of Walt Whitman's works, particularly Leaves of Grass, many translations of the poem into an incredible variety of languages, biographies, and other scholarly works. The breadth of Asselineau's scholarly activity and acquaintance is well represented by the amount of correspondence and other memorabilia which was found inserted into these volumes.

Asselineau, Roger

Harold Monro Collection

  • US TxAM-C 229
  • Collection
  • 1903-2001

This collection consists of handwritten research notes, correspondence from various individuals, institutions and organizations, and photocopied materials collected by Dominic Hibberd for his 2001 biography Harold Monro: Poet of the New Age. It also includes the papers and research notes of Ruth Tomalin. Alida Monro left Tomalin money to write a biography of Harold Monro, but this was contested by an executor of the will. Though she won her court case, Tomalin did not write the biography, and instead passed her notes to Patric Dickson, another potential biographer, who in turn gave them to Dominic Hibberd. The collection also contains publicity materials and publication information for Hibberd's book.

Monro, Harold, 1879-1932

H. E. Bates and Agnes Miller Parker - Victor Gollancz, Ltd. Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000364
  • Collection
  • 1935-1998

This collection contains correspondence and contracts transmitted between H. E. Bates, Agnes Miller Parker, and the London publishing house of Victor Gollancz, Ltd. Among the contents are 28 letters from H. E. Bates and 30 letters from Agnes Miller Parker (Agnes M. McCance), all to Victor Gollancz or his representatives, concerning three books, one of which was projected but never published under the firm's imprint. Also present are single letters from Edmund Blunden, Sylvia Lynd, and the illustrator, Peter Partington.

Roy Fuller Letters

  • TxAM-CRS 113
  • Collection
  • 1937-1992

This collection contains over 275 letters of correspondence in Series 1, serving to portray the longtime relationship between Roy Fuller and Julian Symons which started on terms of business and grew to a close friendship. The letters are primarily from Roy Fuller to Julian Symons with occasional addendums from Kate Fuller. There are several letters from Julian Symons in response. In addition, there are some letters from John Fuller to the Symons, from Roy Fuller to Jack Clark, and from Roy Fuller to Sebastian Barker. The folder list contains a brief description of each individual letter and its focus, often with a list of Subjects. Especially lyrical and poetic are Roy Fuller's war letters starting when he was stationed in Africa (Kenya and Nairobi) and Ariel through the office of the Admiralty (folders 1000-1370).

In Series 2, there are 64 letters from Roy Fuller with three annotations from Jack Clark and five from Kate Fuller, one letter from Jack Clark, one from Kate Fuller, six from John Fuller, Roy Fuller's son, and several others from miscellaneous individuals. The letters from Roy Fuller date from 1958 to 1990 and are primarily handwritten postcards to Jack Clark, Co-founder of the Poem-of-the-Month Club. Many of these letters are regarding or, at least, in reference to Fuller's position as advisory to the Poem-of-the-Month Club. However, Fuller and Clark were also close friends, and Fuller feels free, in these letters, to discuss everything from his failing health to how he met his wife, along with many other personal remarks. Most of the letters from John Fuller and the one from Kate Fuller were written after Roy Fuller's death. The few other items in this series include poems, obituaries, newspaper clippings, and pamphlets pertaining to Roy Fuller's life and/or subjects exchanged between Fuller and Clark.

List of Abbreviations Used:

  • ALS - Autograph letter, signed.
  • AL - Autograph letter, unsigned.
  • ANS - Autograph note, signed.
  • APCS - Autograph postcard, signed.
  • TLS - Typed letter, signed.
  • TL - Typed letter, unsigned.
  • TPCS - Typed postcard, signed.
  • RF - Roy Fuller
  • POMC - Poem-of-the-Month Club
  • TCV - Twentieth Century Verse

Fuller, Roy

R. D. Blackmore Letter

  • US TxAM-C 668
  • Collection
  • 1988

This collection contains one handwritten letter to "Dear Sir" for the loss of his wife from Blackmore dated February 28, 1888, along with a typed transcription (1-page ALS).

William A. Owens Papers, Part Three

  • TxAM-CRS 26
  • Collection
  • 1964-1988

This collection contains the third part of William A. Owens' materials deposited in the Cushing Archives. Materials consist of personal correspondence, from 1964 through 1988, essays, manuscripts, photographs, research for books, and articles.

Included within the series are short stories and articles such as "This Stubborn Soil", "Wildcatter", "Look to the River", "Tell Me a Story", "Sing Me a Song", "Historic Texas", "Eye Deep in Hell", and work by other authors; Cleaver and Witherspoon family genealogy; letters of Roy Bedichek; "Three Friends"; videotapes of Owens's work; and photographs.

Owens, William A., 1905-1990

Louis L'Amour Photograph

  • US TxAM-C 657
  • Collection
  • 1983

This collection contains one autographed photograph of Louis L'Amour from 1983.

Rudyard Kipling Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 161
  • Collection
  • 1882-1982

This collection, compiled by Professor A. W. Yeats, contains numerous letters handwritten by Kipling, copies of Kipling letters, letters written by his sister Alice Fleming discussing her childhood with Kipling, and correspondence from Kipling's wife Caroline and daughter Elsie.

Included in the collection are many original newspaper clippings, poems, short stories, photos, drawings, . articles, a publishing contract, lists of various Kipling collections, material regarding the Kipling Society and the Last Will and Testaments of Rudyard Kipling, his wife Caroline and his sister Alice Fleming.

The collection, through a large display of original and reproduced letters, gives a peek at the kind of everyday tasks that Rudyard, as a famous author, and his wife Caroline had to contend with. Through its many newspaper clippings and articles written about him, the collection shows how eminent Rudyard Kipling was as a writer both in the 19th and the 20th centuries. It also serves as an introduction to the Kipling Society, its founding and difficulties therein, as well as the struggles legal and otherwise that surrounded Kipling's work during his life, continuing many years after his death. The collection contains interesting facts about the Kipling family, including some light genealogy, the places they lived and visited, and the people they knew.

There are some thirty-six Rudyard Kipling autograph pieces, all of which are letters excluding a few poems and miscellaneous items. The collection contains many original letters of Alice Fleming, Caroline Kipling, Elsie (Kipling) Bambridge, J.H.C. Brooking, A. W. Yeats and various others as well as many copies of letters from other Kipling collections throughout the country. In addition to any personal correspondence, there are many letters and notes, several minutes, member lists and other paraphernalia of the Kipling Society founded by J.H.C. Brooking in 1926 [?]. There is an assortment of page-proofs, galleys, original drafts, and copies of Kipling's poems, short stories, and manuscripts, along with a wide range of newspaper clippings dealing with all aspects of Kipling's life and influences on society. In addition, the collection has several original and copied catalogs from bookseller's and auction houses holding Kipling material.

Along with the letters, clippings, and many books in the Rudyard Kipling Collection at Texas A&M University, the collection contains items such as an autograph copy of "The Foreloper" framed with an illustration by an unidentified artist, the manuscript for "The Maltese Cat," and the ledger book of Mr. T.E. Elwell, an early member of the Kipling Society, who made many notes and collected numerous clippings towards a Kipling bibliography.

Kipling, Rudyard

William A. Owens Papers, Part Two

  • TxAM-CRS 24
  • Collection
  • 1940-1980

This collection supplements Part One of William A. Owens, in that it emphasizes the years from 1972 to 1980, yet also contains correspondence written prior to 1972. Therefore, it adds much to the first collection.

The collection is divided into seven categories. These are: Personal correspondence 1940-1980 (Series. 1-3), which also includes some printed reviews of Owens' books; Transcripts of the tapes containing the "Oral History of Texas Oil Pioneers" (Series. 4); Research materials, manuscripts and drafts for unpublished books written by Owens (Series. 5-8); Shorter works by Owens (Series. 9); Works written by other authors (Series. 10), and; Miscellaneous materials and drafts collected by Owens (Series. 11-13). Of special interest in this collection is correspondence concerned with Owens' books, letters from World War II, and the various drafts of books by Owens which have not been published.

Owens' personal correspondence files are further divided into three more specific categories. The first covers primarily the period 1972-1980 but also includes papers dating from prior to this period. This correspondence is broken down alphabetically according to a key word in the subject, name, company, or book. Within the letter grouping the papers are filed chronologically. The undated material follows the last dated papers. The compilers of the collection attempted as much as possible to keep the material grouped as Owens himself had had it arranged. This material contains correspondence with friends and fans on the writing and publication of his books, with organizations Owens participated in, on awards won by Owens, about folk songs, on the writing of other authors, and other various topics. To be especially noted about the dramatizations of This Stubborn Soil.

The second division of personal correspondence primarily covers 1940-1965. These letters are broken down by their subject matter and then arranged chronologically. The subjects covered are Owens war letters and letters with Annie Laurie Williams, who was Owens' literary agent.

The third division of the correspondence files covers Owens' tour with the National Humanities Series in 1972 and 1973. The production was entitled "Frontiers: Settling a Nation," and consisted of Owens and a folksinger. The papers include correspondence concerning the itineraries, reviews, and other matters of the tour. The first nine boxes hold this personal correspondence.

Also included in the correspondence files are the printed reviews of books authored by Owens. They are predominantly newspaper reviews although some were printed in journals and magazines. The reviews are broken down by title and arranged chronologically.

Filling the next seven boxes are the transcripts of the "Oral History of Texas Oil Pioneers" tapes. These are filed by the number of the tape. There are transcripts from 218 tapes.

The manuscripts of books written by Owens since 1975 compose the next category of the collection. The five titles of the books are Caves of Arayat, Running in Place, Japanese Soldiers in World War II, Not So Far Away, Not So Long Ago, Special Agent 2142, and the second edition of Texas Folk Songs. Of these books, only Texas Folk Songs, 2nd edition, has been published (1976). The first three works concern World War II, and the fourth is the third volume of Owens' autobiography. There are many drafts of each book, some having different titles. The drafts are filed from earliest to latest. Some of the drafts were not identified and have been filed as accurately as possible. The labels of the drafts include the number of the draft, whether it is typescript or a copy, and whether or not it contains written notes. The labels "manuscript" and "typescript" were used interchangeably.

One may find it interesting to examine the various drafts and trace the development of the books. Not So Far Away, Not So Long Ago, for example, has thirteen drafts and four different titles. The drafts are in good condition and are usually complete.

There are also numerous shorter works written by Owens. These are predominantly articles, essays, and short stories. Most of them appear in printed form, but some were never published. Of interest in an essay written for a Bicentennial essay contest which Owens subsequently used for a lecture.

This collection also contains three boxes of short works by other writers. These include histories of World War II operations in which Owens participated, articles on folklore and ethnic groups, and other topics which interested Owens. There are many works that were sent to Owens by students and friends for him to critique. Of special interest are two biographies of Owens and short stories by J. Frank Dobie.

The final category of the boxed papers contain miscellaneous material collected by Owens which includes magazines, pamphlets, and other material.

Separated from the collection is sixty books which Owens included in the collection. Most pertain to fields which Owens researched such as folksongs, ethnic groups in Texas, history of the oil industry, and others.

Also separated, are oversized materials such as Owens' Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts diplomas from Southern Methodist University, two large prints of an oil gusher, four parts of a copy of an old map of Virginia, and a copy of an 1898 map of Jefferson County, Texas.

Owens, William A., 1905-1990

Robert Browning Letters

  • TxAM-CRS 660
  • Collection
  • 1867-1980

This collection contains seven original handwritten letters by Browning, two copies of letters to Browning, one original handwritten letter to Browning from artist John Nettleship and one letter fragment with Browning's signature.

Also included is a program for the Armstrong-Browning Library Dedication, newspaper clippings regarding a stolen Browning relic and Dr. Frederick Furnivall, and a magazine article "Browning on the Brazos".

C. S. Forester Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 671
  • Collection
  • 1954-1979

This collection contains over one hundred pages of correspondence with his technical advisor and collaborator, Commander John Dale P. Hodapp.

Included are two handwritten pages from Hunting Bandits in Corsica, one handwritten page of a manuscript by C. Northcote Parkinson, and one 8x10 black and white photo of Forester.

William A. Owens Papers, Part One

  • TxAM-CRS 23
  • Collection
  • 1922-1979

This collection contains papers documenting Owens' teaching and writing career from 1928 to 1979. Items of special interest in the collection include lyrics to many folksongs and recordings made by Owens in the 1930s and 1940s of folksingers as well as recorded readings of Robert Frost, interviews of early oil pioneers of Texas, legal papers for Owens vs. Fawcett Publications, Inc. and David Holland concerning True magazine's plagiarism of Slave Mutiny, and letters of Roy Bedichek, J. Frank Dobie, Walter Prescott Webb, and Mody C. Boatright.

The correspondence is further separated into three areas: personal correspondence; correspondence with Owens' literary agent, Maurice Crain; and correspondence regarding Owens' books. Some overlapping exists between these areas. In the personal correspondence section, letters discussing Owens' books are largely from friends and fans and are nontechnical in nature. The correspondence with Maurice Crain concerns the publication procedures and business aspect of his writings while the boxes of letters specifically concerning the books deal primarily with the writing and development of the books.

The personal correspondence is arranged chronologically from 1932 to 1975. The letters are concerned with associations and societies to which Owens belonged; speaking engagements by Owens; programs in which he was involved; awards presented to Owens; and Owens' teaching career which includes letters to Owens as Director of Folk Festivals at the University of Texas, as an instructor at Texas A&M University, and as Professor and Dean of Summer Sessions at Columbia University. Other letters concern Owens' service as an Intelligence Officer in World War II and his early work with folksongs. In addition to correspondence from Owens' family and friends, there are letters congratulating Owens on his publications and requesting his literary advice. Of special interest are letters from famous persons such as Grant Wood, Eleanor Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Nelson Rockefeller.

Correspondence with Maurice Crain contains letters from 1950 to 1959. The letters discuss publication and promotional plans for Owens' books and short stories. Other subject areas include foreign and domestic contracts for publication, royalty statements, and motion picture plans for several books.

The correspondence concerning books is arranged in chronological order based on the year of the book's publication. Included are letters regarding contracts with publishers, royalty statements, motion picture rights, and lectures on the books. Numerous letters discuss Owens' research and recordings of folksongs for Texas Folk Songs. Additional correspondence with Mrs. Walter B. Sharp, Dudley Sharp, and other oil pioneers refers to the Oral History of Texas Oil Pioneers.

Material concerning Owens' books includes background material, book reviews, typescripts, drafts, and in most cases galley proofs and page proofs. The boxes are arranged chronologically according to the publication date from the earliest to the last. However, the revised edition of Texas Folk Songs which was published in 1976 is included with the papers of the 1950 edition. Labels that Owens used on the papers, such as the numbers of a draft, have been retained, and where there was no designation of a draft number, the typescript is merely labeled typescript, early draft, or manuscript. The papers include both photocopies and ribbon copies and duplicates of typescripts. Typescript and manuscript are used interchangeably as labels.

The evolution of each of Owens' books can be seen through the background material and copies of drafts. In the first folders are Owens' research material and notes, book reviews, advertisements, and other information pertaining to the book in subject matter. Copies of typescripts, from the earliest to the final edited manuscript are next with the last folders containing galley proofs and page proofs. Through the revisions and changes made by Owens in each subsequent draft, the progressive development of notes and a rough outline into a complete and polished publication is revealed. Papers of major interest include a copy of Owens' doctoral dissertation on folksongs for the State University of Iowa (June 1941) with Texas Folk Songs material, the legal papers from the Owens vs. Fawcett Publications, Inc. and David Holland concerning Slave Mutiny, interviews of oil pioneers of Texas with material for Oral History of Texas Oil Pioneers and Walter B. Sharp biography, and the correspondence of Dobie, Bedichek, and Webb revealing their ideas about many varied subjects included with Three Friends material.

Other writings by Owens comprise the next section of the collection. Articles and short stories are filed alphabetically. Book reviews are grouped together in one folder. Speeches are filed last and are labeled with the title or meeting at which they were given and the date if known. Typescripts exist of most of the articles and short stories, and duplicate copies are retained. Some of these writings occur in their published version and are labeled with the title and date of the magazine in which they were printed. The dates of the other stories and articles are unknown. The subjects of Owens' stories and articles cover a wide range of subjects and span the entirety of his writing career. Published excerpts from his books such as This Stubborn Soil and Tales From the Derrick Floor are included in this group as well.

The personal data concerning Owens contains biographical information such as vitae, resumes, publications concerning programs and lectures in which he participated, and material relating to his teaching career. Additional material documents his years at Columbia University and awards presented to him. Newspaper articles and photographs from 1940 to 1974 concern Owens' many interests and involvement in programs as well as his books and teaching career.

The next boxes in the collection contain miscellaneous material kept by Owens. Many oil history photographs and newspapers articles relating to subjects in which Owens was interested are included. Articles by other authors, some signed by the author and some written by friends of Owens, along with magazines and publications collected by Owens are filed in this section. The miscellaneous publications are divided into three categories: literary publications, college publications, and remaining miscellaneous publications. These deal with a wide variety of subjects in which Owens was apparently interested.

The remaining three boxes contain aluminum discs of recordings made by Owens of various folksingers and country people of the South. Note cards listing titles numbered to correspond with the records are filed with the discs. Owens also made recordings of readings by Robert Frost in 1939, and these provide a valuable addition to the collection.

Copies of Owens' books are shelved with the boxed papers. Oversize items including an advertisement for Three Friends: Bedichek, Dobie, Webb, color prints of the Apollo 11 Lunar Mission, and maps and genealogies for A Fair and Happy Land are housed separately in oversize flat storage.

Owens, William A., 1905-1990

Sylvia Townsend Warner Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 198
  • Collection
  • 1942-1947; 1978

This collection contains letters from Sylvia Townsend Warner to John Putnam.

Warner, Sylvia Townsend

Poem of the Month Club Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 193
  • Collection
  • 1970-1977

This collection consists of miscellaneous files, alphabetical files on the authors, and a complete original folio of poems. Within the first miscellaneous file is background information on the club and correspondence with Bloomsbury Book Auctions. Other miscellaneous files consist of correspondence.  the author files primarily consist of correspondence between poet and club directors, contracts with the club, and proofs of the broadsides.  There are originals and carbon copies in the files.  Many of the letters and proofs are annotated and contain original signatures.  The complete folio contains signed broadsides as well as any other material sent with the poem, such as a brief biography or note from the author regarding his poem.

Poem of the Month Club

Julian Symons Manuscripts

  • TxAM-CRS 1572
  • 1976

This collection contains 5 manuscripts discussing Italian editions of Agatha Christe's works. Also included are two of Christie's publications where the forward and afterword were written by Julian Symons.

P. G. Wodehouse Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 670
  • Collection
  • 1930-1971

This collection contains the original manuscript of "Nothing Serious", typed and heavily corrected. Also included are one handwritten letter, three typed letters from Wodehouse, and one photograph of a sketch of Wodehouse.

Edward Thomas Papers

  • US TxAM-C 275
  • Collection
  • 1902-circa 1965

This collection consists of letters written by or about Edward Thomas, an English author, and one manuscript of a foreword written by his wife, Helen Thomas. The subject of each one varies from Edward Thomas' death, a rejection letter for a short story he later published elsewhere, to general correspondence with a photographer friend, Frederick Evans, and Mrs. Thomas' foreword which was added to a new edition of her then-late husband's children's book, Four-and-Twenty Blackbirds.

The collection came with detailed notes on each item, as well as a transcription of what is written on the original pieces of paper. Thus, it was copied to this finding guide, as a helpful aid to deciphering the handwriting.

Thomas, Edward, 1878-1917

Kenneth Roberts Letter

  • US TxAM-C 646
  • Collection
  • 1957

This collection contains one typed letter to Ingle Barr dated 1957, and signed by Kenneth Roberts.

Eudora Welty Christmas Card

  • US TxAM-C 650
  • Collection
  • 1957

This collection contains a limited edition Christmas card, "A Flock of Guinea Hens Seen From a Car" (1957) with a corresponding envelope.

Theodore F. Powys Letters

  • US TxAM-C 191
  • Collection
  • 1914-1952

This collection contains letters from Theodore F. (T. F.) Powys to his sister, Lucy Penny, and his friend, the writer Valentine Ackland.

Powys, Theodore F., 1875-1953

Lleweyln Powys Letters

  • US TxAM-C 173
  • Collection
  • 1936-1948

This collection contains letters that are instigated by the inquiries of Mr. Charles Perry Gould, and his desire to have Llewelyn Powys write an introduction for the upcoming reprint of The Simple Cobbler of Agawam. It contains the initial contact, the deal under which Powys writes the introduction, and also what happens to his writings after Powys' death. Sometimes in his letters to Mr. Gould, Llewelyn encloses postcards of Davos, Switzerland, as well as a picture of the author himself.

Powys, Llewelyn, 1884-1939

William A. Owens Instantaneous Disks Folk Song Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 1102
  • Collection
  • 1937-1942

Sound recordings on 199 instantaneous disks (196 embossed aluminum, 3 lacquer) made by William A. Owens during the late 1930s to early 1940s, during which time he was a professor of English at the Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas. The recordings document folk songs, ballads, play-party songs, fiddle tunes, and folk culture of East and Central Texas. Some of the material was later transcribed and published in Owens' books "Texas Folk Music" and "Tell Me a Story, Sing Me a Song..." and are noted in item descriptions.

Audio CDs transfers of the original disks were made in 2002 by The Cutting Corporation. The recordings are of good quality unless noted otherwise.

E. M. Forster Letters

  • US TxAM-C 653
  • Collection
  • 1929-1935

This collection contains three handwritten letters and a postcard, all from E. M. Forster, each addressed to one of the following people: Lynd (1-page TLS, October 10, 1929), A. T. Bartholomew (1 postcard ALS, June 5, 1930), Darlin (1-page ALS with typed transcription, September 13, 1931), and to Grant Duff (1-page ALS with typed transcription, July 17, 1935).

Open Your Eyes - And Where are You? An Untrue Tale

  • US TxAM-C C000081
  • Collection
  • 1916

This collection contains a "complete manuscript copy, written in a ruled notebook in black ink with occasional corrections in red, a few additional pencil notes... a few additional sheets with re-drafting in ink or pencil loosely inserted... Written by a cousin of H. Rider Haggard, this unpublished novella presents the fantasies of a child ill in bed in the form of six dreams." - bookseller's description.

F. G. Kenyon Letter

  • US TxAM-C 656
  • Collection
  • 1912-03

This collection contains a one-page handwritten letter to F. A. Bather from F. G. Kenyon dated March 23, 1912, thanking Bather for the use of a Browning letter (1-page ALS with typed transcription and photocopy of the letter). Also included is one page of notes by Kenyon on The Pied Piper.

Sir James Bryce Letters

  • US TxAM-C 661
  • Collection
  • 1882-1910

This collection consists of four handwritten letters from Sir James Bryce dated from 1882 to 1910, each addressed to one of the following: the President of the Board of Trade PASSAIC, W. Riding (1 folio with a typed transcript), "My dear Stillman" (1 folio with a typed transcript), and Fred P. Noble (1 folio with a typed transcript).

Percival Pollard Publishing Contract

  • US TxAM-C 645
  • Collection
  • 1909

This collection contains the legal contract with The Neale Publishing Company to publish Pollard's manuscript, "Their Day in Court" (February 24, 1909).

Theodore Dreiser Letters

  • US TxAM-C 665
  • Collection
  • circa 1908

This collection contains handwritten letters from Dreiser dated around 1908, each to one of the following individuals, "My Dear Kelly" (1 folio with a typed transcript), "Dear Kelly" (1-page, TLS), "Dear Duffy" (1-page, ALS with a typed transcript), "My Dear Duffy" (1-page, ALS with a typed transcript), and Mr. Henry Phillips (1-page, TLS). Also included in the collection is one dedication page torn out from a book with Dreiser's autograph.

J. M. Barrie Letter

  • US TxAM-C 666
  • Collection
  • 1907

This collection contains one handwritten letter dated 1907 from J. M. Barrie to Miss Riding (1 folio; 1 typed transcription; 1 page with signature).

H. Rider and Ella Haggard Collection

  • US TxAM-C 655
  • Collection
  • 1897-1904

This collection contains three handwritten letters from H. Rider Haggard to Charles (1-page ALS), Larry (1-page ALS), and "Sir" (1 folio), and a handwritten page by Ella Haggard, "From the West to the East". All of the letters and the handwritten page from Ella each have a 1-page typed transcription.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Letters

  • US TxAM-C 664
  • Collection
  • circa 1896

This collection consists of three handwritten letters dated around 1896.

Alfred and Emily Tennyson Letters

  • TxAM-CRS 649
  • Collection
  • 1832-1893; Undated

This collection contains nine handwritten letters from Alfred Tennyson and one handwritten letter from Emily Tennyson. Also included is the poem "A Welcome", the lower half of a letter with Tennyson's signature, and the dated and signed portion of a document that Tennyson signed as a witness on August 1, 1862.

Matthew Arnold Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 186
  • Collection
  • 1848-1887; Undated

This collection contains 54 original handwritten letters by Arnold, one page of poetry, one page of prose, and two pieces of paper with his signature. Each letter includes a typed transcription within its folder.

Results 1 to 35 of 58