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Ferguson Family Bible

  • US TxAM-C 182
  • Collection

Unprocessed.  Housed in a small blue clamshell box.

First World War Christmas Truce of 1914 (Clippingdale) Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000077
  • Collection
  • 1914-1915

Series of autograph letters and cards, by No. 8865 Lance Corporal Gordon Clippingdale ('Clip') of the 5th Battalion, City of London Rifles, to his wife Bridget of 141 Willesden Lane, London NW, comprising over 50 autograph letters, postcards and pre-printed sickness forms, the first fourteen written when in training and travelling out to Belgium, the remainder either from the front or while convalescing in hospital in Rouen, giving a graphic account of life in the trenches in the first few months of the war: "The country is absolutely laid waste & yet a fair number of the inhabitants remain, though there is scarcely a whole window left in the village. The place rocks continuously from the explosion of our guns firing but we sleep calmly through it all, being quite used to it by now. The mud is even worse than the frost, being liquid & well up to the knee, our putties & boots being nearly rotted to pieces" (30 November 1914); the series containing some outspoken observations that seem to have escaped the censor's eye: "It makes me wild to see in the papers, so many thousand witnesses to Football match between so & so. Bah. And over here, its work day & night week in week out, ruined churches & villages, fields ploughed by shells, harvests trampled in, homeless people & killing going on day by day. And at home they wear a little flag in their coat & say 'Another victory' or 'No further news', but little they trouble that every day some poor devil goes to his last rest" (3 December 1914); with two letters written during the Christmas Truce (see note below); the earlier letters, written when in training, also showing an eye for sharp observation and the unexpected: "Suddenly we came to a little green lane upon the right, facing an ancient inn & across the end of the lane were standing a row of men in brilliant uniforms & at the end of the line the King in a dark uniform looking very ill & tired out" (20 September 1914); together with a group of photographs, his certificates of birth (8 April 1885) and death (15 June 1955), and letters of consolation to his widow from work colleagues at B.A. Smith & Sons, Chartered Accountants, and LRB veterans, some 100 pages, both Christmas Truce letters of one page each, written on small folio letter-forms (c.240 x 150 mm.), with address, censor's signature and postmarks on the verso (date-stamped by the Army Post Office 30 December and 5 January), the rest of the letters and cards bearing censors' signatures, stamps, postmarks etc., some minor creasing and contemporaneous staining etc., but overall in good attractive condition, 4to, 8vo and on postcards, 31 August 1914 to 17 February 1915 -- Bonham's Lot 169" - bookseller's description.

Fish Drill Team Telegram

  • US TxAM-C 1293
  • Collection
  • April 6, 1967

This collection contains a telegram with a list of the student freshman Corps of Cadets on the drill team for April 6, 1967.

Forest W. Cooper Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1161
  • Collection

This collection contains letters to Forest W. Cooper, an A&M student, who was elected First Lieutenant in the Corps of Cadets in 1923. The letters within were sent by Dana X. Bible, James Sullivan, and "Puny" Wilson, all who were involved with A&M athletics. Also, information about Cooper and the collection are included.

Garrett Family Historical Papers (On Loan)

  • US TxAM-C 1138
  • Collection

This collection consists of the following materials:

  • Texas colonization land grant between Stephen F. Austin and William Cooper (dated July 1824) for acreage near the town of San Felipe de Austin, Texas. (4 pages, Spanish).
  • Transcription of Texas colonization land grant between Stephen F. Austin and William Cooper (dated July 1824) for acreage near the town of San Felipe de Austin, Texas. With additional information regarding the location of the land grant. Transcription includes some errors in translation. (4 pages, English).
  • Holograph letter from Lucinda M. Cooper to William [Cooper], January 24, 1864. Letter from wife to her husband who is fighting in the United States Civil War expressing concerns about the conditions at home.

Gathright Hall Gavel

  • US TxAM-C 1316
  • Collection
  • 1876

This collection contains one wooden gavel with a medal inscription reading "Gathright Hall, 1876."

George and Nell Armstrong Papers

  • US TxAM-C 93
  • Collection
  • 1913-1920

The Papers consist chiefly of personal correspondence (1913-1920) between George Armstrong and Nell Floss Steel, later Nell Steel Armstrong, over the course of their courtship and marriage, both before and during World War I (1914-1918).

The correspondence is unusual in that both George Armstrong and his sweetheart, later wife, Nell Floss Steel, both served on the front during World War I, either in Europe, or at home in hospitals or camps in the United States. Life as a U. S. Armyinfantry officer in charge of recruits, or a Red Cross nurse is therefore vividly depicted in their letters to each other.

The Armstrong correspondence is also unusual for war-time, since Nell Floss Steel was the first of the two sent overseas in September 1914 to serve in a military hospital in Serbia, while her future husband was serving in army military camps in Texas City, Texas, at El Paso, Texas and Columbus, Ohio. In turnabout, George was later sent to France (September?-November 1918), while, as a result of her recent marriage to George, Nell had to remain in the United States, despite her eagerness to return to active war duty.

During this time George Armstrong served primarily with a U. S. Army General Services Infantry Recruit Depot, training recruits, and was stationed periodically at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Indiana and at Camp Sherman, Ohio, eventually serving with the 83rd Infantry Division in France (September?-November 1918).

Nell Floss Steel served six months as a Red Cross nurse in a military hospital in Serbia (1914-1915) and as part of "The Texas Ten" group of nurses in a military camp at Eagle Pass, Texas (August 1916-March 1917), before marrying George Armstrong 21 August 1917. She spent the rest of the war mainly working in hospitals and sanitariums in the Columbus, Ohio area.

Details of daily life in the military camps, or in Red Cross service are many, and recorded by both the Armstrongs in delightfully intimate and detailed letters. Subjects mentioned in the correspondence include domestic and international politics, housing issues, income, social customs in different cultures, such as Greek nationals encountered both in the United States as well as in their homeland, or Austrian soldiers, both as officers and an hospital orderlies, politics, sports, and the lives of both a professional soldier and a professional nurse.

As a career nurse during wartime, Nell Floss Steel faced typoid and typhus epidemics, patients with unimaginable wounds, along with the difficulty and challenge of learning to understand Greek and German. Mail is forever delayed, obstructed or censored, the nurses never venture outside the hospital area after dark, and the availability of serum to innoculate the nurses before they face sufferers of contagious diseases is not certain. Over the course of the correspondence a very plucky and independent Nell Floss Steel records such moving scenes as a child dying of typhus, a young soldier dying of lockjaw, and a young military wife whom Nell Steel Armstrong aids when she miscarries.

Nell Floss Steel is invigorated by these challenges, however, and keeps a keen eye on the socio-political interactions manifested by relations between, for example, Austrian orderlies who are prisoners-of-war and an Austrian officer, who though a countryman and dying patient, is abused as a result of his former tyranny to underlings. Her letters present a finely detailed and atmospheric portrait of life as a World War IRed Cross nurse in occupied territory far from home. The contrasts inherent in World War I are shown by the delightful sightseeing Nell enjoys in Athens, just a short journey from the horrors of a Serbian hospital.

Nell Steel Armstrong is also approvingly aware of the political struggles of the "suffrage ladies," and extremely disappointed after 1917 that her married status prevents her from returning to war work in Europe, although she rejects the option of "divorcing for the war."

Patriotic and convivial, George Armstrong is both an avid football player and horseback rider, a passion he shares with Nell Steel Armstrong. He recounts incidents of heat-exhuastion after a 16-mile march in Texas heat, resulting in the death of two soldiers, as well as other accidents and wounds. He voices doubts, however, about the advisability of the United States becoming involved in the political upheavals of Europe or Mexico. Much comment about political developments of the day are included. President Woodrow Wilson and former President Teddy Roosevelt are mentioned. George Armstrong also describes the early military training of Pancho Villa, and comments on Texas/Mexico border activities of the Texas Rangers with great admiration. Nell Steel Armstrong describes former President Taft speaking to a group of nurses including herself.

Military camaraderie is evident in George Armstrong's high spirited description of pistol matches, parades, training exercise, mule and horse training, as well as life among soldiers living in often makeshift army training camps. For example, life in tents on the dusty fields at Texas City, Texas is enlivened by socializing with the population of Irish soldiers, most of them "fresh from the old sod."

Also present are letters from Nell Steel Armstrong to her mother, Mrs. James G. Steel, or sisters, Jane Steel, Margaret Steel, and Ethel Withgott; official correspondence regarding Nell Steel Armstrong's nursing service and George Armstrong'smilitary service; family correspondence to the married couple; George Armstrong's diary for 1914; an American Civil War letter (1862) by William Steel to his brother James G. Steel (Nell's father), with two poems (1863) collected by William Steel, newspaper clippings, a few programs and Christmas cards; one box of photographs [some negatives lacking photographic prints] of George Armstrong and Nell Steel Armstrong, either separately, together, or in groups; one flat storage box of oversize diplomas and photographs.

Items separated include five drawings of Platoon Plans of Attack[missing as of 10/2002], and one map of the northeast of France for bicycle and automobile touring.

  • “Partially processed. Might not be available to patrons. Please contact the Cushing Library’s Reading Room for more information.”

Armstrong, George, 1884-1964

George B. Quillen '27 Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 260
  • Collection
  • 1924-1927

This scrapbook belonged to George B. Quillen and contains materials from his time at A&M college from 1924-1927.

Quillen, George B.

George R.R. Martin Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000004
  • Collection

This collection consists of the personal papers, manuscripts, memorabilia, and other associational material of science fiction and fantasy author George R.R. Martin.

Martin has also deposited as part of his collection a growing assortment of books, including his own work in various editions and translations, as well as works that he has edited or to which he has contributed. A bibliography of these books is available from the Reading Room upon request and items from that list are available for consultation.

Martin, George R.R.

George R.R. Martin Fan Mail Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000501
  • Collection
  • 1987 - 2020

This collections consists of fan mail received by noted author George R.R. Martin, including letters, cards, requests for signed bookplates, invitations, and solicitations. Most of the fan mail concerns Martin's fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. A large subseries concerns fan response to the television show Beauty and the Beast (1987-1990), for which Martin was a writer and producer.

Martin, George R.R.

George W. Ingram Letters

  • US TxAM-C 1218
  • Collection
  • 1861-1865

This collection contains original letters exchanged between George W. Ingram and his wife, Martha F. Ingram, while George was serving as an officer in the 12th Texas Cavalry during the Civil War. Typed transcripts of the letters are included.

George Washington Lewis Civil War Letters

  • US TxAM-C 1267
  • Collection

This collection contains correspondence written by George Washington Lewis to his first cousin and wife, Caroline Merritt during his time in the Civil War. The collection includes original letters along with typed transcriptions of the letters. The collection also contains a later donation of a family tree of the Lewis family and genealogical notes.

Lewis, George W.

Gideon J. Buck Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1149
  • Collection
  • 1894-1898

This collection includes letters written by Buck's friends and colleagues, recommending him for the position of President of A&M College of Texas.

Buck, Gideon J.

Gigi Edgley Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000548
  • Collection
  • 2016-2023

This collection consists of the following items:

  1. "Durka Returns", a script for Episode 15, Season 1 of the joint Australian-American television series Farscape (1999-2003). The episode, originally released in 1999, is notable for introducing the character Chiana, played by Gigi Edgley. It was written by Rockne S. O'Bannon and Grant McAloon.

The script was originally the property of Edgley's, and has been heavily marked up with her acting notes and edits. It is inscribed to Jeremy Brett, to whom it was given in early 2023.

  1. An autographed photograph of Edgley in a pose as Chiana, inscribed to Jeremy Brett and given to him in 2016 or 2017.

  2. An autographed photograph of Edgley (in a still taken from an episode of Farscape) , inscribed to Jeremy Brett and given to him in 2016 or 2017.

  3. Handwritten lyrics by Edgley of her 2021 song "Dragon In My Soul", which was transformed into an elaborate music video on YouTube: It was given to Jeremy Brett in 2021 or 2022.

Edgley, Gigi, 1977-

Glen Cook Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C C000216
  • Collection
  • 1973

This collection consists of the typed manuscript with handwritten edits of Cook's 1973 short story "The Night of Dreadful Silence". Also included is one blurb with the cover format.

Cook, Glen

Glenn L. Sneed Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1171
  • Collection

The collection contains items pertaining to the Class of 1898 and the Semi-Centennial Celebration of the A&M College of Texas.

Sneed, Glenn L.

Goeth Family Letters

  • US TxAM-C 1221
  • Collection
  • 1897-1923

This collection contains letters dated between 1897-1923, primarily between brothers Max Goeth and Conrad Goeth (C. A.). The brothers opened two businesses together, La Salle Truck Farm, and Cotulla Farming and Irrigation Company. The second business was a contracting company for farm land. The two brothers leased land and sold crops, and it is inferred that Max and Conrad had two other brothers named Richard and Eddie, and that their father was Chas. Goeth (C. G.).

Gordon Eklund Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000194
  • Collection
  • 1973

This collection consists of the manuscript for Eklund's 1973 story "The Stuff of Time", which was published in the September 1973 issue of Fantastic Stories.

Eklund, Gordon

Graduation Plate Program Example

  • US TxAM-C 1234
  • Collection

This collection includes a metal commemorative plate with a gold emblem labeled “University of Southern California” with an engraved inscription labeled “The Trustees and Faculty of the University of Southern California Cordially Invite you to Attend the Events of the One Hundred First Annual Commencement Tuesday May 8, 1984 University Park Los Angeles, California Kennith E. Williams B.S. The plate is inclosed in a silver box with a pair of golden eagles embossed on it.

Graphic Services Photographs

  • US TxAM-C 125
  • Collection

Photographs taken by Graphic Services photographers. Covers roughly 1980 to 1994 period. Contains some photographs from University Relations.

Gregory Benford Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000205
  • Collection
  • 1981

This collection consists of photocopies of the 49 page typed manuscript for the novelette, Shall We Take a Little Walk, published in Destinies, the winter of 1981.

Benford, Gregory, 1941

Grumman Ag-Cat Agricultural Aviation Testing Records

  • US TxAM-C 1196
  • Collection
  • 1940-1950

This collection includes evaluations and results from the Grumman Ag-Cat which was test flown at the Texas A&M College System's Pattern Measuring Station for the purpose of developing adequate spray and solids distribution systems. Also included are several pieces of correspondence between persons involved in this research.

Gulf War Propaganda Leaflet

  • US TxAM-C 1582
  • Collection

This collection contains photocopies of a Gulf War Propaganda leaflet and letters from Captain of Infantry Michael Howard, Task Force 1-41, VII Corps, made of 1st Battalion, 41st Infantry, 2nd Armored Division, Garlstedt Germany.

Gustav McKee Watkins: A Biography Collection

  • US TxAM-C 711
  • Collection

This collection contains a photocopy of Chapter 8 from the second edition of a book entitled Gustav McKee Watkins: A Biography, by John Bennett Watkins II, with additional references including a follow-up email of contents and extra biography materials.

Gustav Pape Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1262
  • Collection
  • 1901-1925; undated

This collection contains documents pertaining to Gustav H. Pape's life including photographs, correspondence, biography, and other personal items.

Pape, Gustav H.

Guthrie F. Layne, Jr. World War II Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1051
  • Collection

This collection contains the scrapbook from Seaman First Class Guthrie Fitzhugh Layne, Jr during World War II, including a detailed finding guide.

H. B. McElroy Papers

  • US TxAM-C 1574
  • Collection
  • 1914-1969

This collection contains notebooks and textbooks from classes McElroy took, football programs, miscellaneous materials on Texas A&M, correspondence, press information, news clippings and reports, magazine articles on Texas A&M sports and other campus events and events around Texas, questionnaires from his time on the council for nomination to the Texas A&M Hall of Fame, printed articles written by McElroy, and a term paper of his.

McElroy, Henry B.

H. B. Stoddard Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1152
  • Collection
  • 1880-1912; Undated

This collection contains items pertaining to the life of Henry Bates Stoddard. Stoddard served on a committee designed to head the local effort to locate a proposed girls' industrial school at A&M. Stoddard was once considered for the Presidency of A&M College of Texas in 1902.

The collection contains many petitions from various citizens of Texas to the Board of Directors of Texas A&M. The petitions request the consideration of H. B. Stoddard to fill the vacant position of President of the College. (Stoddard did not, ultimately, become President.) Included herein is also Stoddard's handwritten will to his daughter and sister-in-law, a picture of Stoddard, two letters written to him, and several other items.

H. Rider and Ella Haggard Collection

  • US TxAM-C 655
  • Collection
  • 1897-1904

This collection contains three handwritten letters from H. Rider Haggard to Charles (1-page ALS), Larry (1-page ALS), and "Sir" (1 folio), and a handwritten page by Ella Haggard, "From the West to the East". All of the letters and the handwritten page from Ella each have a 1-page typed transcription.

H. Rider Haggard Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1376
  • Collection
  • 1889

This collection consists of an example of H. Rider Haggard's (Sir Henry Rider Haggard) autograph, dated 1889 and written on stationary reading "Ditchingham House, Bungay" (Haggard's home in Suffolk), together with a carte de visite of Haggard, printed by Newsboy in New York, Undated.

H. W. Davidson '35 Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1162
  • Collection
  • 1982

This collection includes materials relating to the 1982 A&M basketball reunion for the Class of 1935.

Hal Moseley Papers

  • US TxAM-C 1228
  • Collection
  • 1897-1900

This collection contains letters written to Hal Moseley, dealing primarily with football and football coaches at A&M from 1898 to 1900. Also, included in the collection are Moseley's own report cards from 1899, commencement invitations from 1898 and 1900, and hand-drawn illustrations from a mechanical engineering class he attended at A&M. The collection also contains a subscription advertisement for the "Texas Foot Ball Review" dated March 25, 1897.

Moseley, Hal

Results 141 to 175 of 498