S2-100: THE SAVAGE TALES OF SOLOMON KANE. London: Wandering Star, 1998, vi, 389, appendices (22p) containing a short biography of Howard by Rusty Burke, a brief biography of the artist Gary Gianni, and notes on Howard's original text, laid in is a music CD, an ad for a bronze sculpture, separate color plates, slipcase, no. 274 of 1050, g.te.,23.5cm.
S2-101: SHADOW OF THE HUN. Yorba Linda, Ca.: George T. Hamilton, 1975, 22ps, foreword by Tevis Clyde Smith, illustrated by Steve Fabian, stiff plain black paper covers with dj. 22.8 cm.
S2-102: *SHADOWS OF DREAMS. Hampton Fall, N.H.: Donald M. Grant, 1989, 1st Edition, 94p., introduction by Glenn Lord, illustrated by Richard Berry, limited to 750 copies signed by the artist dj, 22.7 cm.
S2-103: THE SHE DEVIL. N.Y.: Ace Fantasy Books, Dec., 1983, 167p., cover art by Jodi Penalva, ACE Fantasy 0-441-76099-6, $2.50, pb.
S2-104: SINGERS IN THE SHADOWS. West Kingston, R.I.: Donald M. Grant, 1970. 1st Edition55p., introduction by Glenn Lord, dj, 18.2 cm.
Same...New York: Science Fiction Graphics, Inc. 1977. 60p., illustrated by Marcus Boas, introduction by Glenn Lord, dj. 21.5 cm. 1500 copies print Edition
S2-105: SKULL-FACE. N.Y.: Berkley Books, Feb., 1978,248p., introduction by Richard A. Lupoff, foldout color illustrated, a Berkley Book 1.95, pb.
S2-106: SKULL-FACE AND OTHERS. Sauk City, Wise.: Arkham House, 1946, 1st Edition, Xxvi, 475p, dj illustrated by Hans Bok, foreword by August Derleth, memoriam By H.P. Lovecraft, a memory by E. Hoffinan Price, dj, 23.2 cm
Same... Jersey: Neville Spearman, 1974. a facsimile reprint of the Arkham House edition, dj design by Reg Boorer. 183 cm.
Same...U.K.: Panther Books, 1976, volume 1, 250p., cover illustrated by Chris Achilleos, 60 pence. Pb
Same…U.K.: Panther Books, 1976, volume 2, 236p., cover illustrated by Chris Achilleos, 60 pence. Pb.
Same…U.K.: Panther Books, 1976, volume 3, 247p., cover illustrated by Chris Achilleos, 60 pence. Pb.
S2-107: SOLOMON KANE. N.Y. Centaur Press, Feb. 1971, 126p., cover by Jeff Jones, Time-Lost Series, $1.25, pb.
Same.. .Hungarian pirated edition of the Centaur Press release.
Same...subtitle "Skulls in the Stars", N.Y.: Bantam Books, Dec 1978, 173p., introduction by J. Ramsey Campbell, vol. 1. 12031-x, $1.95,pb.
Same...subtitle "The Hills of the Dead", N.Y.: Bantam Books, March 1979, Hip, introduction by J. Ramsey Campbell, vol. 2, 12166-9, $1.95, pb.
Same...N.Y.: Baen Books, November 1995, 1st Ptg., 3lip., cover art By C.W. Kelly, introduction by Ramsey Campbell, The Robert E. Howard Library, Vol. III, Baen, $5.99, pb.
S2-108: SON OF THE WHITE WOLF. West Liun, Oregon: Fax Collector's Editions, 1977. xiv, 170p, illustrated by Marcus Boas, introduction by Fred Cook, dj. 22.8cm.
Same. N.Y.: Berkley Books, April 1978, 184p., fold-out color plate, a Berkley Book, 0-425-03710-X, $1.95, pb.
S2-109: A SONG OF THE NAKED LANDS. N.p., Roy Squires, 1973, 16 unn. pages, brown paper cover, spring-tied, limited to 230 numbered copies, original envelope, 23,2 cm.
S2-110: THE SONORA KID. Western Classics. Mt Olive, N.C,: Cryptic Publications, 1988. 40p, paper cover. 20,9 cm. Contains a dozen short tales by Howard.
S2-111: THE SOWERS OF THE THUNDER. West Kingston, R.I.: Donald M. Grant, 1973. 1st ptg, 285p, introduction &illustrated by Roy G. Krenkel, dj. 23.3 cm.
Same...Second Edition, 1976, dj. 23.3 cm.
Same…N.Y.: Kensington Pub., March 1975, 285p., introduction & illus. by Roy G. Krenkel. (reprint of the Donald M. Grant edition), Zebra book 113, $1.75, cover illustrated by Jeff Jones, pb.
Same...N.Y.: Ace Books, July, 1979 (reprint of the Donald M. Grant edition, Ace 77620-5, $1.95, cover illustrated by Esteban Maroto, pb
S2-112: THE SWORD OF CONAN. N.Y.: The Gnome Press, (1952) 1st Ptg, 251p, jacket design and map eps by David Kyle, 20.2 cm.
S2-113: THE SWORD WOMAN. N.Y.: Kensington Pub., May, 1977, 178p., illustrated by Stephen Fabian, inirod by Leigh Bracket!, Zebra 261, $1.50, pb.
Same...N.Y.: Berkley Books, Dec, 1979, 169p., cover artist unknown, introduction By Leigh Brackett, Berkley book 0-425-04445-9, $1,95, pb.
Same. ..N.Y.: Ace Books, October, 1986, a reprint of the Berkley Edition with same cover art, Ace Fantasy 0-441-79279-0, $2.95, pb
S2-114: THE SWORDS OF SHAHRAZAR. West Linn, Oregon; FAX Collector's Editions (1976), xv, 133p,introduction by Fred Cook, illustrated by Michael Wra. Kaluta, dj 22.9 cm.
Same...G.B.: Futura Publications, (1976), 122p., an Orbit book, 50pence, pb
Same...N.Y.: Berkley Books, March 1978, 165p., foldout color plate. Berkley Medallion Edition $1.95. pb.
Same...N.Y.: Ace Books, November 1987, 165p., a reprint of the Berkley edition but without color plate. Same cover illustrated Ace Fantasy $2.95. pb.
S2-115: TALES OF CONAN. By Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp, N.Y.: Gnome Press, (1955) 1st Edition, 218p., introduction by P. Schuyler Miller, note by L. Sprague de Camp, dj design by EMSH. 20.3 cm.
S2-116: THREE - BLADED DOOM. N.Y.: Kensington Pub., July 1977, 171p, Zebra 277, $1.50, pb.
S2-117: TIGERS OF THE SEA. West Kingston, R.I.: Donald M. Grant, 1974, 1st Edition. 212p., edited by Richard L. Tierney with introduction by him, illustrated by Tim Kirk, dj. 18.9 cm.
Same...N.Y.: Kensington Pub. May 1975, 188p., a reprint of the Grant edition. Cover illustrated by Jeff Jones. Zebra 119, $1.50. pb.
S2-118: THE TOWER OF THE ELEPHANT. West Kingston, R.I.: Donald M. Grant, 1975. 1st Edition, 94p., illustrated by Richard Robertson, dj. 25.3 cm. 3100 copied print Edition
Same.. .N. Y.: Grosset 8c Dunlap, 1978. A reprint of the Grant edition, paper cover, 25.2 cm.
S2-119: TRAILS IN DARKNESS. NT.: Baen Books, June 1996, 1st Ptg., 231p. Cover art by C. W. Kelly, introduction by SM. Stirling, Baen $5.99, pb.
S2-120: TWO AGAINST TYRE. Memphis, Term.: Dennis McHaney, (1975). 26p,, 111. by Steve Fabian, paper cover, 2L5 cm. 1500 copies printed
S2-121: TWO-FISTED DETECTIVE STORIES. Bloomfield, N J.: Cryptic Pub., May 1984, 71p., illustrated by Steve Fabian, edited by Robert M. Price, introduction By Marc A. Cerasini & Charles Hoffman, paper cover, No. 2 in the Cromlech Series, 21.7 cm.
S2-122: THE ULTIMATE TRIUMPH. The Heroic Fantasy of Robert E. Howard London: Wandering Star, 1999. vi, 260 4- 56p of appendices, illustrated & with a foreword by Frank Frazetta, introduction by Rusty Burke, appendices by Patrice Louinet & Dr. David Winiewicz, gte, dj. 23.5 cm.
S2-123: UP JOHN KANE & Other Poems. N.p., (1977) 12 unn. p., limited to 353 numbered copies, string-tied paper cover in original envelope, 24 cm.
S2-124: VALLEY OF THE LOST. Columbia, Pa.: Charles Miller (1975), 21p., illustrated By Bot Rota, limited to 777 numbered copies signed by the artist, paper cover, 21.5 cm
S2-125: VERSES IN EBONY. Calif.: George T. Hamilton & Dale Brown, (1975) 18 unn. p, Jacket illustrated by Kirwan, stiff paper cover, dj. 17.0 cm,
S2-126: VOICES OF THE NIGHT AND OTHER POEMS. West Warwick, ILL, Necronomicon Press, n. 41, port., paper cover. 18 cm. Limited to 500.
S2-127: THE VULTURES. Showdown at Hell's Canyon. Lakemont, Ga.: Fictioneer Books, 1973. 190p, illustrated by Stephen E. Fabian, afterword by Glenn Lord, dj 20.8 cm.
S2-128: THE VULTURES OF WHAPETON. N.Y.: Kensington Pub., Nov. 1975, 191 p., (reprint of the Fictioneer Books Edition without ill) cover illustrated by Jeff Jones, Zebra 144, $1.50, pb.
Same...N. Y.: Berkley Books, January 1980, 216p, Berkley Book, $1.95 Pb. Rearranged reprint of the Zebra edition. Pb
S2-129: A WITCH SHALL BE BORN. West Kingston, R.I.: Donald M. Grant, 1975, 106p. illustrated by Alicia Austin, dj. 25.4 cm. 3100 copies print Edition
S2-130: WOLFSHEAD. N.Y.: Lancer Books (1968), 190p., cover illustrated by Frank Frazetta, introduction by Robert E. Howard. Lancer Books 73-721, 60c, pb.
Same...Lancer Books 75299-095. 95c, pb
Same...N.Y.: Bantam Books, Sept. 1979, 147p., introduction by Robert Bloch. Bantam 12353-X, $1.95.
Same...N.Y.; Crass Plains Comics, 1999, 58 unn. p., Official comic Book adaptation. introduction by Richard Ashford, paper cover, 26.0 cm
S2-131: WORMS OF THE EARTH. West Kingston, R.I.: Donald M. Grant, 1974. 1st Ptg. 233p., illustrated by David Ireland, foreword by Robert E. Howard, dj, 19.0 cm.
Same…N.Y.: Zebra Books, 1st Ptg. July 1975. 188p., pb.
Same...HERRSCHERDERNACHT. Germany: Terra Fantasy, 145p., Terra Fantasy 3. German edition of Worms of the Earth. Pb.
Same…N.Y: Ace Books, June 1979. 1st Ace Printing, 233p., illustrated by David Ireland, cover art by Sanjulian.
Same. ..N.Y.: Ace Books, Sept 1987, 2d Ace Printing, 233p., illustrated By David Ireland, cover art by Sanjulian, ACE $2.95. pb.
S2-132: Adams, Robert, et al, eds. BARBARIANS. N.Y.: New American Library, 1986. 1st Ptg. 368p., Signet Book. $3.95.pb. Contains; "Beyond the Black River."
S2-133: Adams, Robert, et al, eds. BARBARIANS II N.Y.: New American Library, February 1988. xi, 364p., Signet 451-AE5198. $3.95. pb. Contains: "The Valley of the Worm."
S2-134: Anon. THE GARDEN OF FEAR. Los Angeles, Ca,: Crawford. (1945). 79p,, cover 111. by Alva Rogers, paper cover-19.5 cm. Contains: "The Garden of Fear." Also Stories by Eshback, Lovecraft, Breuer, and Keller.
S2-135: Anon, GOLDEN FLEECE. West Newton, Mass.: Odyssey Publ., 1975. 128p., 111. paper cover. 20.8 cm. Contains: "Gates of Empire."
S2-136: Anon. ROBERT E. HOWARD. THE HORROR COLLECTION. N.Y.: Cross Plains Comics, 2000, 1st Ptg. 64p., ill, paper cover. 25.8 cm. Graphic adaptation of several Howard tales.
S2-137: Anon. ROBERT E. HOWARD'S MYTH MAKER. N.Y.: Cross Plains Comics 1999. 1st Ptg. 60 unn. pages, illustrated, paper cover, 25.8 cm.
Graphic adaptations of "Spear & Fang,'* "Dream Snake," and "Dermod's Bane." Plus essays on R.E.H. and Novalyne Price by Richard Ashford, Roy Thomas, and Rusty Burke.
S2-138: Anon. ORIENTAL STORIES. Melrose Highlands, Mass.: Odyssey Pub., 1975. 128p., paper cover. 20.8 cm. Contains: "The Voice of El Lil."
S2-139: Anon. STRANGE TALES of Mystery and Terror. Melrose Highlands, Mass.: Odyssey Pub. 1976. 128p, illustrated paper cover. 20.7 cm. Contains: "People of the Dark."
S2-140: Anon. SWORDS AND SUPERMEN. N.Y.: Centaur Press 1972. 120p. Time-Lost Series, 75c, pb. Cover illustrated by Virgil Finiay. Contains: "Meet Cap'n Kidd"
S2-141: Ashley, Mike, Edition WEIRD LEGACIES. London: Wyndham Publ. Ltd. (1977), 157p., Pb. 60 pence. Contains: "Skulls in the Stars."
S2-142: Asimov, Isaac, et al, eds. ATLANTIS. Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy #9. N.Y.: New American Library. January 1988. 1st Signet Ptg., 350p., introduction by Isaac Asimov, Signet Book, $3.95.pb. Contains: "The Shadow Kingdom."
S2-143: Bacon, Jonathan & Steve Troyanovich, Edition OMNIUMGATHUM. An Anthology Of Verse by Top Authors in the Field of Fantasy. Lamoni, Iowa: Stygian Isle Press. 1976. 1st Edition limited to 1000 copies, illustrated, paper cover. 28.9 cm.
"Black Harps In the Hills," "To Harry the Oliad Men," "Adventure," "The Tide," "The Jackal," "The Campus at Midnight," "Tiger Girl." Also, "Questions" (to Robert E. Howard) by Tevis Clyde Smith.
S2-144: Carter, Lin. BEYOND THE GATES OF DREAM. N. Y.: Belmont Tower Books, (November 1972) 157p., contains: "The Hand of Nergal."
S2-145: Carter, Lin. LOST WORLDS. N.Y.: Daw Books, August 1980, 1st Ptg. 176p., cover art by Enrich, DAW Books 398, $ 1.95.pb. Contains: "Riders Beyond the Sunrise " by Robert E. Howard and Lin Carter.
S2-146: Carter, Lin. THE MAGIC OF ATLANTIS. N.Y.: Lancer Books (1970) 191p., Lancer Book 75c. pb. Contains: "The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune" by Robert E. Howard and Lin Carter.
S2-147: Carter, Lin, Edition REALMS OF WIZARDRY. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1976. 1st Edition, Xviii, 269p., dj. 20.7 cm. Contains "Swords of the Purple Kingdom.”
S2-148: Carter, Lin, Edition WEIRD TALES #1. N.Y.: Kensington Pub., (1980). 2d Ptg. 268p., ZEBRA book. $2.95. pb. Contains: "Scarlet Tears" and "Red Thunder (verse)"
S2-149: Carter, Lin, Edition WEIRD TALES #3. NLY.: Kensington Pub. (1981) 317p., Cover illustrated by Tom Barber. ZEBRA Book. $2.50, pb. Contains 'The Idol" by Robert E. Howard & G.W. Page.
S2-150: Carter, Lin, Edition WEIRD TALES #4. N.Y.: Kensington Pub. (1983). 288p., Zebra Book $2.95. pb. Contains: "The Doom Chant of Than-KuT (verse).