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US TxAM-C C000004-S0001-B0036-F0002

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Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. By George R.R. Martin. Episode from the First Season.
Product notebook containing:
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Call Sheet for Shooting Day 1. February 23, 1988. 1 leaf, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Call Sheet for Shooting Day 2. February 24, 1988. 1 leaf, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Call Sheet for Shooting Day 3. February 25, 1988. 1 leaf, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Call Sheet for Shooting Day 4. February 26, 1988. 1 leaf, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Call Sheet for Shooting Day 6. March 1, 1988. 1 leaf, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Call Sheet for Shooting Day 6½. March 2, 1988. 1 leaf, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Call Sheet for Shooting Day 7½. February 22, 1988. 1 leaf, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Day-Out-Of-Days list for House draft. February 12, 1988. 1 leaf, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Day-Out-Of-Days list for House draft. February 18, 1988. 1 leaf, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Day-Out-Of-Days list for House draft. February 22, 1988. 1 leaf, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Audition notes. February 16, 1988. 4 leaves, photocopy.
Notes regarding "The Painted Tunnels". Typed, 2 leaves, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Story Outline. January 19, 1988. Typed, 6 leaves, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Story Outline. January 21, 1988. Typed, 7 leaves, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. House Draft. Teleplay manuscript. February 8, 1988. Typed, 57 leaves, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. First Draft. Teleplay manuscript. February 16, 1988. Typed, 55 leaves, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Research by Deforest Research. February 17, 1988. Typed, 5 leaves, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Production Schedule. February 22, 1988. Typed, 6 leaves, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Production Schedule. February 22, 1988. Typed, 12 leaves, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Revised Shooting Order. February 25, 1988. Typed, 2 leaves, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Revised One-Liner Production Schedule. February 22, 1988. Typed, 6 leaves, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Notes. Typed, 3 leaves, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. Notes. Typed, 7 leaves, photocopy.
Beauty and the Beast - Ozymandias. First Draft. Teleplay manuscript. February 23, 1988. Typed, 55 leaves, photocopy.

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