Identity elements
Reference code
Level of description
Constituent Correspondence, Gre-Har
31 folders
Name of creator
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
12/1: Green, Robert L., Jr. - Greytok, Marta, 1988
12/2: Greak, Jennifer - Green, William B., III, 1987
12/3: Greene, Bashara - Gregory, Caroline K., 1987
12/4: Gregory, Frances T. - Greve, Cynthia S., 1987
12/5: Grice, Allan G. - Griffin, Patrina A., 1987
12/6: Griffin, Lewis C., Sr.
Letter to him and letters from several members of St. Stephen Baptist Church in San Antonio regarding opposing sex education programs
12/7: Griffin, Priscilla - Grimshaw, Maurene, 1987
12/8: Grinbergs, Kuret - Grizzel, Billie, 1987
12/9: Grmela, Madeline - Gryder, Mames F., 1987
12/10: Grichar, W. J. - Grusendorf, Bill, 1988
12/11: Guay, Jean - Guittard, Clarence A., 1987
12/12: Gubanski, Marilyn - Gurner, Anderea, 1988
12/13: Gustafson, Eric - Gwathmey, Leola H., 1988
12/14: Gulino, Jim - Guthrie, Richard A., 1987
12/15: Gutierrez, Amelia D. - Gwin, R. M., 1987
12/16: H, R. C. - Haggard, Eimoce, 1987 (?)
12/17: Haggard, H. H. - Halford, Lee, 1987
12/18: Hall, Al - Hall, Wallace R., 1987
12/19: Hadaway, Weldon - Hall, Candy, 1988
12/20: Hall, David S. - Hall, Wilbert, 1988
12/21: Hallead, Vern - Hamilton, Willie, 1987
12/22: Hamker, William D. - Hamric, Dan, 1987
12/23: Hallam, Marge - Hammett, Anthony W., II, 1988
12/24: Hammett, Diane E. - Hamrick, Cindy, 1987
12/25: Han, Tom - Hansen, Donald L., 1987
12/26: Hansen, Elmer E. - Hanszen, Gerry T., 1987
12/27: Hanak, Joan P. - Harden, Winnie Hortense, 1988
12/28: Harder, Robert L. - Harlow, Wallace R., 1988
12/29: Hapner, Betty - Hardy, Charles E., 1987
12/30: Hardy, Hugh W. - Harkins, Ruby, 1987
12/31: Harman, David E. - Harrell, Donna, 1987