Identity elements
Reference code
Name and location of repository
Level of description
O - W
- 1937-1994; undated (Creation)
50 folders
Name of creator
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
3/1: Orlando, 1992
3/2: Osheroff, Alex, undated
3/3: Oshinsky, Abe, undated
3/4: Palmer, Raymond A., undated
3/5: Pelz, Bruce, undated
3/6: Perdue, Elmer, undated
3/7: Philadelphia SF Conference, 1946
3/8: Philadelphia World SF Convention, 1953
3/9: Portland Convention (Norwes Con), 1950?
3/10: Queens SFL Convention, undated
3/11: Robinson, Frank, undated
3/12: Ruppert, Conrad, 1936, 1994
3/13: Russell, Eric Frank, undated
3/14: San Diego, 1952
3/15: San Francisco, 1954
3/16: Schmitz, James H, undated
3/17: Science Fiction Magazine (Photoprints), undated
3/18: Science fiction photos, descriptions, undated
3/19: Science fiction photos, various dates
3/20: Science fiction photos, 1959, 1962, undated
3/21: Seabrook, William, undated
3/22: Searles, A. Langley, undated
3/23: Shephard, Leslie R, undated
3/24: Shepard, Lucius, 1988
3/25: Slan Shack, undated
3/26: Slavin, Ricky, 1974
3/27: Smith, Clark Ashton, undated
3/28: Smith, E.E., undated
3/29: Speaker, David M., undated
3/30: Speer, Jack, undated
3/31: Sturgeon, Theodore, 1949
3/32: Sykora, William S., undated
3/33: Taurasi, James V., undated
3/34: Tooker, Richard, undated
3/35: Toronto, 1949
3/36: Toronto, 1949, 1973
3/37: Train, Oswald, undated
3/38: Tremaine, F. Orlin, undated
3/39: Tucker, (Bob) Wilson, 1989, undated
3/40: Unger, Julius, undated
3/41: Vioy, H.G., undated
3/42: Wallace, F.L., undated
3/43: Walton, Harry, undated
3/44: Wandrei, Donald, undated
3/45: Weinbaum, Stanley G., undated
3/46: Weisinger, Mort, undated
3/47: Williamson, Jack, undated
3/48: Wilson, Richard, undated
3/49: Wollheim, Donald A., 1937, 1970, 1988
3/50: Wylie, Philip, undated