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Texas & Borderlands
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W. J. Estelle Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 10
  • Collection
  • 1927-1984; Undated

This collection contains mostly correspondence dating from 1927to 1984; personal office calendars; speeches; criminal justice materials; Huntsville First National Bank materials; and clippings, especially concerning the escape attempt of Fred Carrasco, Alcoholics Anonymous, and the Ruiz v. Estelle court case.

Also present are reports, publications, reprints, and photographs relating to the several prison systems with which W. J. Estelle was associated during his career in corrections, some video cassettes, audiotapes, and souvenirs, including buttons, pins, and badges.

Estelle, W.J., 1931

Eugene Butler Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 101
  • Collection
  • 1924-1987; Undated

This collection includes speeches, editorials, and articles written by Eugene Butler, dating from 1927 through 1987. These documents deal with a broad spectrum of issues of the day from Prohibition to bussing but focus primarily on agricultural topics.

Also contained in the collection are many Progressive Farmer articles and editorials, as well as correspondence. There are three complete issues of the magazine in the collection; one oversize and two in folders.

Other items in the collection include extensive material on the Progressive Farmer Company, cotton, and the Progressive Farmer Master Farm Family Award and individual winners.

Butler, Eugene

Texas World War I Casualty Lists

  • TxAM-CRS 1057
  • Collection
  • Undated

This collection contains a printed list of Texas soldier casualties from World War I (WWI). The casualties are listed by county and include the Veteran's name, rank, branch, city, service number, DOD, and casualty status.

Daughters of the American Colonists, Governors Chapter Scrapbook

  • TxAM-CRS 1071
  • Collection
  • 1977-1987

This collection contains materials that were originally housed in a 3-ring binder that served as a scrapbook for the Governors Chapter of the Texas Society Daughters of American Colonists. Materials include Chapter and Texas State yearbooks, newspaper clippings, correspondence, and photographs.

Governors Chapter, NCSDAC

Daughters of the American Revolution, William Scott Chapter Yearbooks

  • TxAM-CRS 1073
  • Collection
  • 1949-1989

This collection consists of yearbooks from the Daughters of The American Revolution (DAR) Texas Society's William Scott Chapter in Bryan, Texas. Each yearbook beginning with 1949-1950, covers the fall and following spring. From 1967 to 1977 the yearbooks covered a two-year period with some containing an Addenda yearbook. Within most of the yearbooks, handwritten notes can be found along with a news clipping or two, membership cards, and receipts for membership dues. On covers of many of the yearbooks. Bylaws from 1951 and 1981 are also included along with two yearbooks from the Robert Henry Chapter of Bryan, Texas.

William Scott Chapter, NSDAR

Baldwin Scrapbook

  • TxAM-CRS 1113
  • Collection
  • 1930-1946

This collection contains a scrapbook that was made using the book "Teacher's Method and Results Book, Used with Progressive Business Accounting" prepared by L. E. Goodyear (1910), and inscribed on the book's front and back cover is "SCRAP BOOK - Baldwin". Within the book are many clippings from the 1930s related to business, religion, and Baldwin's Business College (Yoakum, TX) among other topics.

Many of the articles pasted within the book are written by Howard Baldwin of Yoakum leading one to believe the scrapbook could have been created by Howard Baldwin himself, however loose documents found within and accompanying the book suggest otherwise. Two short handwritten lists found between the pages note making hair appointments and a "dress altered" and found with the second list are two name cards for "Miss Ann Cade".

Other materials sewed or pasted into the book include recipes, Rural Pastor Conference schedule at Texas A&M (page 61), "Glenn Frank's Ideas" columns, and USDA Leaflet #68, "Roadside Markets" from October 1930.

A one-page letter dated Bryan, Texas, October 20, 1946, is also included in this collection, although it is uncertain whether the typed letter is of any relation or has been misplaced from another collection. It is addressed to "Dear Loved Ones" and there is no signature. We can assume the writer of the letter is a woman by the multiple mentions and use of "Daddy", and with the paragraph about Martha making reservations at the Baker Hotel in Dallas for a convention and wanting the writer to stay with her. There are many names mentioned in the letter that one could possibly narrow down the author.

Texas Seedsmen's Association Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 1207
  • Collection
  • 1947-1952

This collection contains member lists and bulletins from the Texas Seedmen's Association (TSA) as well as bulletins from the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) and the US Department of Commerce Field Service.

League of Women Voters (LWV) of Brazos County Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 1250
  • Collection
  • 1966-1993

This collection contains booklets, correspondence, mailing announcements, League of Women Voters of Brazos County bylaws, and the newsletters "The Voter" and "The Brazos Valley Voter".

Affleck Family Texas History Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 1268
  • Collection

This collection contains the genealogical history of the Affleck family, compiled by Thomas Dunbar Affleck (son of I.D. and Mary Hunt Affleck). Four members of the Affleck family are highlighted in detail.

Beginning with Thomas Affleck, covering 1824 to approximately 1872 and consists of typed copies of his personal and business correspondence, horticultural information, photographs, recipes, information on his plantation Glenblythe, articles, and various published materials such as Southern Rural Almanac.

Next is his son, Isaac Dunbar (I.D.) Affleck, a Civil War veteran who served. with Terry's Texas Rangers. This set contains the original letters sent to his parents while serving in the War, photos, and bits and pieces of information collected regarding Texas History [these are in poor -condition].

Mary Hunt Affleck's (married to Isaac) collection consists of poems, keepsakes, and memorabilia regarding her tenure as Poet Laureate of Texas and member of the Daughters of the Confederacy. There are many original and revised manuscripts by the poet. There are several hundred sheets written in her own hand, original drafts in addition to typewritten transcriptions of her work. Included in these materials are pamphlets of her poem "Black Mammy", pieces of memorabilia, photographs, letters, a typed letter signed by J. Evetts Haley, assorted newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, with many of her published works pasted down, short stories, etc. This portion of the collection represents the work of an early major Texan woman poet and literary figure.

Included is a short, but important collection of Anna Marie Affleck, daughter to I.D. and Mary Hunt Affleck. At the age of 12 [circa 1898] Anna Marie made a pressed-flower book that catalogs 203 different flowers from Washington County.

The last section of this collection is comprised of short histories of various other family members (notably, Jane Long); there is also historical information of United States history regarding pre-Civil War, the Civil War, and post-Civil War; and two handwritten manuscripts by Thomas D. Affleck regarding Jack Hays and the Hays' Texas Rangers.

Ava Johnson Cox Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 1509
  • Collection
  • 1973-1992

This collection consists of various correspondence, photographs, short handwritten manuscripts, and oral history communications with transcripts describing Ava Johnson's life, and work as a women cattle ranger in Texas.

The collection was compiled by Cynthia Ott, who interviewed Ava Johnson Cox with the intent of publishing a history of early 20th-century life in what is known as the Hill Country of Texas (highlighting Blanco, Gillespie, and Hays counties).

Cox, Ava Johnson

Margaret Rector Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 1561
  • Collection
  • 1981-2004

This collection contains correspondence to and from Margaret Rector, copies of articles, book reviews and other materials related to the publication of the book Cowboy Life on the Texas Plains: the Photographs of Ray Rector as well as a letter from Margaret to David Chapman regarding the donation of the materials.

John B. Zimmerman Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 1566
  • 1867-1884

This collection includes a ledger and a diary from John B. Zimmerman. The ledger contains mostly handwritten speeches and essays by John, also found within the ledger are notations of "flour received from Dailley & Co." for May to July 1867, two commencement programs attached in the back for Sam Houston Normal Institute (1880) and the University of Nashville State Normal College (1883), both where John graduated from. The diary was written later during the year 1891, though the physical diary itself was meant for the year 1890. Notes concerning this can be seen on the inside of the front cover, as well as the following notation, "Diary E - For abbreviations and explanations, see diaries B & C". However, there are no other diaries included in this collection.

Johnson County War Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 163
  • Collection
  • 1884-1893

This collection contains financial and legal documents related to the Johnson County War, also known as the War on Powder Creek, which was a range war between large cattle ranchers and small ranchers in Johnson County, Wyoming, in April 1892. The financial documents include a bill of sale written in compliance with the Maverick Law of 1884 and a promissory note. The legal documents were produced in connection with the criminal proceedings against the participants of the range war.

Johnson County War

Tom Anderson Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 17
  • Collection
  • 1953-1972

These papers consist of newspaper clippings containing information on income tax reform bills, vocational agriculture, and the Grass Roots Tax Revolt, reprints of the "Straight Talk" editorials from Farm and Ranch magazine, the author's copy of the 1958 third edition of the book Straight Talk, pamphlets, and newspaper articles relating to Tom Anderson.

Anderson, Tom, 1910-2002

Santa Rosa Ranch Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 27
  • Collection
  • 1890-1910

This collection consists mainly of correspondence, legal documents, a corporate minute book, and handwritten notes recording the litigation connected with ownership of a large tract of land (89,000 acres) in Hidalgo country known as the "Big Santa Rosa Pasture". Actual litigation took place from 1903-1910.

Individuals involved in the case were: Dillard Rucker Fant and his wife, Lucy Fant; Daniel J. Sullivan; J. C. Sullivan; James V. Upson; Wiliam R. Elliott; Conrad A. Goeth; James Webb; J. M. Chittim; Archie Parr; Kate V. Elliott; G. G. Clifford; A. E. Chavez; J. A. Galligher; W. M. Sanford; Fred Kelly; F. A. McGown; F. W. Church; H. R. Wood; F. Groos and his wife, Hulda Groos. Legal counsel involved in the proceedings were: James E. Webb and Conrad A. Goeth of Webb and Goeth, F. A. McGown of Denman, Franklin & McGown, and R. L. Ball, all based in San Antonio, Texas.

At the onset of the difficulties, D. R. Fant had leased the Big Santa Rosa Pasture to the cattle-raising partnership of Chittim and Parr. J. M. Chittim was a large rancher in South Texas and Archie Parr, was a State Senator popularly known as the Duke of Duval. Based on the large annual rent monies Fant had expected to collect from Chittim and Parr, he then also borrowed money from D. Sullivan of D. Sullivan and Company Bankers (founders and owners of the large South Texas Mariposa Ranch) and, using the same collateral, borrowed more money from the competing F. Groos and Company Bankers (later a founder of Wells Fargo Bank).

When it appears, that Chittim and Parr defaulted on their rent payment for the Big Santa Rosa Pasture to Fant, Fant was then forced to default on his own payments to both banking organizations from whom he had borrowed funds. The bankers, in return, sued and foreclosed on the Big Santa Rosa Pasture.

Through the Santa Rosa Ranch Papers extensive set of legal documents, attorneys' memoranda, telegrams, letters, and financial disclosures, the most absorbing story of Texas land politics unfolds.

Notable among the papers is the Santa Rosa Ranch Minute Book, a ledger volume with handwritten entries detailing the Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and minutes of the first stockholders' meeting of the Santa Rosa Ranch Company. Also present is a manuscript plat map in black and red ink on light blue linen, of the 1905 Maria Rodriguez survey, which has been encapsulated and is housed separately in a Map Case Drawer.

Santa Rosa Ranch

E. M. "Buck" Schiwetz Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 312
  • Collection

This collection contains letters, magazine and newspaper articles, magazines, prints, and other materials documenting the work of artist Edward Muegge "Buck" Schiwetz, as both a commercial and fine artist.

His sketches and watercolors are featured in a vast majority of the print material in the collection, from Christmas cards to sketchbooks to fine prints.

Rather than focusing on Schiwetz's life and his time at Texas A&M, the collection pays most attention to his art career and people's opinion of Schiwetz as an artist in the traditional sense of the definition.

Samuel Erson Asbury Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 33
  • Collection
  • 1872-1960

The Samuel Erson Asbury Papers consist of research materials, correspondence, mainly original contemporary letters and copies of the older historical correspondence, Asbury's writings and copies of state and national documents, held in eight boxes and one map case drawer occupying approximately twelve linear feet of shelf space. Asbury's broad range of interests is reflected in the variety of topics contained in these papers. Foremost among them are the files of correspondence, historical documents, articles and research notes concerning various aspects of Texas history.

Also included in the Asbury papers are articles, short stories, essays, plays, poetry, and a Texas Revolution opera written by Asbury; research notes and correspondence on the cultivation of roses and the growing of plants without soil; articles written about Asbury; correspondence with family members; general correspondence; and photographs of Asbury, his family and friends, and North Carolina A & M College.

Asbury, Samuel E. (Samuel Erson), 1872-1962

Farmers Mutual Protective Association of Texas Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 531
  • Collection
  • 1901-1999

This collection contains materials from the Farmers Mutual Protective Association of Texas, the English translation from its original Czech name, Rolnický Vzájemně Ochranný Spolek Statu Texas (RVOS).

Materials include a typed translation of the first by-laws, charter copy, various member policies and applications in both English and Czech along with Lodge transfer requests, blank application forms, booklets and brochures. Also included is the Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer Newsletter (1982-1999).

Milam County Records

  • TxAM-CRS 534
  • Collection

This collection includes school records and teacher's daily registers from around Milam County, Texas.

Results 1 to 35 of 82