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Science Fiction & Fantasy
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Jeannine Hall Gailey Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000176
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  • 2002-2023

This collection contains materials from the literary career of Pacific Northwest-based poet Jeannine Hall Gailey, who writes poetry with science fiction and fantasy-based themes. Materials in the collection include a number of typescripts of Gailey's work, together with some of her other writings as well as numerous printed publications in which her work has appeared.

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Joe R. Lansdale Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000207
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This collection contains manuscripts, correspondence, books, magazines, and other material related to Lansdale's writing career, circa 1989-2003.

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Isaac Asimov Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000272
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  • 1957-1992

This collection includes an assortment of manuscripts and correspondence of Isaac Asimov, including short stories, novels, non-fiction, and correspondence with publishers. The segment on the submission of "Stay, Oh Fleeting Moment," a nonfiction piece on time and the subsequent correspondence, internal documentation of Playboy editors and readers, and the rejection of the article providing an informative look at the working of a major magazine.

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Ada Palmer Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000199
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  • 1986-2020

This collection contains materials from the literary and musical (both traditional and filksong) career of Dr. Ada Palmer. Materials include manuscripts from Palmer's science fiction and fantasy novels (published and unpublished), as well as papers, graphics, and other files relating to Palmer's singing activities, most notably as the director of the noted filksong group Sassafras.

A significant portion of the collection includes materials such as con badges, program books, etc., from a number of science fiction and anime conventions at which Palmer has been an attendee, a panelist, a guest performer, and/or an administrator (i.e, Cosplay Coordinator at Anime Boston).

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John Brunner Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000210
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  • 1980

This collection contains materials relating to the printing of John Brunner's 1980 novel The Infinitive of Go. Included is the setting copy of the text as approved by Brunner with edits along with a letter from Ballantine Books.

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K. W. Jeter Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000259
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  • 1989

This collection consists of the typescript for K. W. Jeter's 1989 horror novel In The Land of the Dead. The cover page has been inscribed by Jeter.

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L. C. Wells Last Ride Raid Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000126
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  • 1997; 2017

This collection contains materials relating to the creation and writing of the Rat Patrol fanfic The Last Ride Raid, written in 1997 by L.C. Wells and Kathy Agel.

The collection, which contains copies of correspondence between Wells, Agel and their onetime collaborator Nora Myers; photocopied background research materials, photographs of sites ultimately not used for the story, and illustrations, provides a compact group of materials that document the creation and production of a work of fanfiction. A copy of the final product The Last Ride Raid is also included.

Also included is a CD containing PDFs of the correspondence and the fanzine, as well as an introductory letter from Wells to researchers and readers explaining the process of creating the fanzine.

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William Schelly Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000182
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  • 2003

This collection contains notes, checklists, copies of Otto Binder letters, and edited drafts of Bill Schelly’s Words of Wonder: The Life and Times of Otto Binder (2003).

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Marion Zimmer Bradley Manuscript Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000173
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  • 1969-1970

This collection includes the manuscripts for The Brass Dragon (typed, 199 leaves), and The Winds of Darkover (typed, 197 leaves).

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Andre Norton Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000276
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  • 1950-2002

This collection consists of a small assemblage of Andre Norton's later manuscripts, her review compilations, her portrait, science fiction artworks, and related material.

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Elizabeth Moon Papers

  • TxAM-CRS C000145
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  • 1989-2010

The collection consists primarily of manuscript material and publication proofs, with the bulk of the material dating circa 1995-2005.

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Tarzan Comic Strip Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000160
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  • 1929-1965

This collection contains a number of strips from the long-running Tarzan comic strip, based on the famous books by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Most of the strips were simply clipped from newspapers, including the Detroit News,  and then put in folders. Others have been encapsulated onto stiff boards.

Joe R. Lansdale Manuscripts

  • TxAM-CRS C000384
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  • 1988-1990

This collection contains several manuscripts and related material (such as story notes) from works by Joe Lansdale early in his career.

Works include the 1989 World Fantasy Award-nominated horror novel The Drive-In (1988); the short story Night They Missed The Horror Show (1988), which won the Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Short Fiction; On The Far Side of the Cadillac Desert With Dead Folks (1989), which won both the 1989 Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction and the 1989 British Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction; and two short stories involving Batman, "Subway Jack" (1989) and "Belly Laugh, or The Joker's Trick or Treat" (1990).

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Susan Frank Klingon Fandom Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000164
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  • 1968-2013; Undated

This collection reflects the years of fannish interest and collecting done by Frank, a fan from Philadelphia, PA. Most of the collection documents Frank's interest with a particular subset of Star Trek fandom - Klingon culture. Items from this fandom include fanfiction, club newsletters, reference works, calendars, and several pieces of realia such as Klingon-themed jewelry.

The collection also contains several examples of fanzines from general Star Trek fandom and from several other fandoms. There is also one box of professionally published books - on Klingons and Star Trek, as well as several academic monographs on fan studies.

Aside from these, there is one additional major component to the Frank Collection. Frank collected a large number of songbooks containing so-called "filksongs". Filksinging is a venerable fannish activity - it can be generally described as science fiction-related folk music, and is frequently performed at conventions and other fannish get-togethers. The Frank Collection contains both filk songbooks and CD recordings of Frank's original filksong cassette tapes.

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Patrice Sarath Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000520
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  • 2008-2021

This collection contains materials relating to the literary career of acclaimed fantasy author Patrice Sarath. Materials include manuscripts for several of her novels, including Gordath Wood (2008) and its sequel Red Gold Bridge (2009), and the non-genre novel/Jane Austen pastiche The Unexpected Miss Bennet (2011).

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Neal Barrett Jr. Slightly Off Center Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C C000268
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  • 1992

This collection contains the manuscript Slightly Off Center by Neal Barrett, Jr. with an introduction by Joe R. Lansdale. Advance Proof Copy, perfect bound. Austin, TX: Swan Press, 1992. 155 p.

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Tom Godwin "You Created Us" Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C C000266
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  • 1954

This collection consists of one typed manuscript (17 leaves) by Godwin, for his 1955 story "You Created Us".

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Murray Leinster "Honeymoon on Dlecka" Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C C000263
  • Coleção
  • 1955

This collection consists of the typed manuscript (21 leaves) for Leinster's short story "Honeymoon on Dlecka", published in Fantastic Universe, July 1955.

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Ray Bradbury Letters

  • US TxAM-C C000256
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  • 1939-1987

This collection consists almost entirely of correspondence from Ray Bradbury regarding submissions and publishing during Bradbury's early career, 1939-1950s. Most of the letters were written to Erle Korshak, founder of Shasta Publishers, but some of the correspondence is both to and from Ted Dikty, Shasta's managing editor and a well-known SF anthologist.

There are a few later pieces of correspondence, dating from the 1980s.

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Moorcock Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000225
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  • 1949; 1965-2006

This collection (also known as the Moorcock Life Collection) consists of a wide variety of materials, including manuscripts, proofs, and notes for a large number of Moorcock's works; convention materials; assorted periodicals, newsletters, and other publications; photographs; and many other items. This collection covers the range of Moorcock's literary and artistic career.

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Lord Edward Dunsany Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000213
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  • 1953-05-01

This small collection consists of one letter from Dunsany to Min Winwar, May 1, 1953, in which he comments favorably on her new book.

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Keith Laumer Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000226
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  • 1986

This collection consists of the first page, handwritten, with title and two lines of dialogue, of Laumer's 1986 novella “The Pan-Galactic Pageant of Pulchritude: A Retief Story”.

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Robert McKay Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000240
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  • 1976

This collection consists of the uncorrected proofs (44 sheets) for McKay's 1976 novel Skean.

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Francis Towner Laney Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000149
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  • 1943-1952

This collection contains various materials from noted fan and fanzine publisher Francis Towner Laney (1914-1958). Materials include a number of letters between Laney and fellow fanzine publisher A. Langley Searles, as well as an unbound copy of Laney's 1948 Ah! Sweet Idiocy!: The Fan Memoirs of Francis T. Laney.

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Unnameable Press Archives

  • TxAM-CRS C000148
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  • 1984-1995

This collection gathers together eleven of the Unnameable Press's imprints from 1984 through 1986, promotional ephemera from 1985-1993, and correspondence from 1993-1995.

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Stina Leicht Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000462
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  • 1973-2022

This collection contains manuscripts and associated materials from John W. Campbell Award-nominated science fiction and fantasy author Stina Leicht. Also included are convention materials from various cons attended by Leicht, as well as correspondence, notebooks, and assorted other materials.

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Kristina A. Bishoff Green Rider Music Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000485
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  • 2018

This collection consists of several pages of musical score material composed by Kristina A. Bishoff. The score comes from Bishoff's 2018 'Green Rider: The Original Book Soundtrack', which was inspired by the Green Rider fantasy series by Kristin Britain.

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George Alec Effinger Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000214
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  • 1973-1987

This collection consists of manuscripts for several works by Effinger, including the copyedited manuscript for Effinger's 1987 novel When Gravity Falls, the edited manuscript for the novella "The Exile Kiss (Preview)" (1990), and the bound manuscript for his 1981 novel The Wolves of Memory.

Also included is the manuscript for the 1973 story "Dem Bones", which Effinger published under the name "John K. Diomede."

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Everett F. Bleiler Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000015
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  • 1839-2008

This collection consists of documentation relating to the life and editorial/bibliographical career of Everett Franklin Bleiler (1920-2010), including correspondence, subject files, notebooks, files documenting Bleiler's editorial reviews of works for Dover Publications, and other materials.

All materials dating before 1938 are photocopies of originals.

Series I: Correspondence, includes letters exchanged between Bleiler and such literary luminaries as Jacques Barzun, Anthony Boucher, Jack Chalker, August Derleth, L. Sprague De Camp, Philip Jose Farmer, James Gunn, A. Langley Searles, and Colin Wilson. There are also numerous letters to and from Bleiler's friend Martin Gardner.

Series II: Subject Files, and Series V: Other Materials, both consist of various subject files. The former were alphabetically organized in boxes into distinct subject files at the time of processing, whereas the latter were distributed throughout the collection in no particular arrangement.

Series III: Potential Publications Files, consists of individual reviews by Bleiler of works being considered for publication (or republication) by Dover Publications, for whom Bleiler worked in various capacities from 1955-1978.

Series V: Other Materials, includes, among other items, issues of the notorious pro-Nazi newspaper The Free American and Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter, from the German American Bund. It is unknown when, why and how Bleiler acquired these, although we know he had no connection of any kind to the Bund.

Series VII consists of numerous 3 1/2 ' floppy disks, containing files that were created in various versions of Microsoft Word.


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Stephen Leigh Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000420
  • Coleção
  • 1968-2021

This collection consists of materials relating to the life and career of science fiction and fantasy author Stephen Leigh. Materials include typescripts...

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Science Fiction Radio Show Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000507
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  • 1967 - 2021

This collection consists of reel-to-reel audio recordings, audio recordings on tape cassette, and digitized recordings of these materials, of interviews conducted on the Science Fiction Radio Show, which ran from 1980-1983. The show was created by David Carson, Keith Johnson, and David Crews and originally broadcast from Odessa College (in Odessa, TX) starting in June 1980. Carson and Johnson had proposed a science fiction course for the college, and when it was denied, they turned instead towards developing a radio show as a way of bringing their interest in science fiction to a wider audience.

Starting in the spring of 1982 (after a hiatus beginning in Fall 1981) and proceeding through the last broadcast on December 31, 1983, the show was syndicated for national broadcasting by the Longhorn Radio Network in Austin. This helped give the show a nationwide following.

The Science Fiction Radio Show conducted interviews with a wide variety of significant personalities over its run, including Stephen R. Donaldson, Gordon R. Dickson (and his about-to-be-published novel The Final Encyclopedia), Philip Jose Farmer (just as he was concluding his Riverworld series), Hal Clement, Theodore Sturgeon, Howard Waldrop, C.J. Cherryh, Poul Anderson, Terry Carr, L. Sprague de Camp, Michael Whelan, Roger Ebert, Jim Henson (interviewed during the production of his film The Dark Crystal), and many others. Some shows were also dedicated to specific subjects, including computers, L. Frank Baum, and science fiction music.

Over the course of its life, the show conducted 81 interviews, most of them lasting 1-2 hours. The Longhorn Radio Network estimated that between 100,000 - 200,000 people listened to the show every week.

The collection includes a few recordings made from other sources than the Science Fiction Radio Show.

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Larry Taylor Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000526
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  • 1958-2008

This collection contains materials to the business and fannish career of Houston-area fan and con organizer Larry Taylor. Included in the collection are numerous fanzines, most of them from fans and fan associations in Texas in general and the Houston area in particular; program books, flyers, advertisements, and other documentation relating to genre conventions, including Collegecon '80 and Collegecon 2, cons at the University of Houston that Taylor helped run as a UH student; materials relating to Taylor's media company; and miscellaneous other materials.

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NecronomiCon Providence Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000482
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  • 2013-2015

This collection consists of various items from or relating to NecronomiCon Providence, a biennial convention and academic conference centered on the work of H.P. Lovecraft and on Weird Fiction more generally. It is always held in Providence, Rhode Island, Lovecraft's home, and generally held in late august, close to Lovecraft's birthday.

Your Cruise Director Fanzine Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000517
  • Coleção
  • 1967 - 2011

The Your Cruise Director collection contains material from various fandoms collected by fan and fanfic writer "Your Cruise Director" (who prefers to remain anonymous). The material includes fanzines and fan fiction. A large portion of the media is slash or het, but also contains gen.

This collection consists primarily of fanzines. Fanzines are non-professional and non-official publications produced by fans of a certain media for the pleasure of others who share the same interest. Fan fiction is the name given to literary or artistic productions created by fans about the characters, settings, and events of the media universe in which they are interested.

"Slash" refers to fanworks that feature same-sex relationships and are sometimes (though not always) sexually explicit. In slash, sexual identity, sexuality and/or romance are often the centers of the story, rather than the conventional adventures featured in more traditional fanworks. “Het” refers to fanworks that are sexual in nature, but feature opposite sex relationships. “Gen” refers to more standard storytelling with no sexual content. “Femslash” is a term that refers to same sex relationships with women. “H/C” means hurt/comfort which refers to a relationship in the story where a character is hurt or injured in some way, and is comforted by another character. The folders in this collection are marked with slash, femslash, het, h/c, or gen. If a folder is not marked, it is gen. The term “Multi-Fandom” refers to media that contains material from multiple fandoms.

Series 1, Fanzines, and Series 2, Fanfiction, have been separated based on their difference in media. Fan fiction is fiction incorporating the characters and concepts of a commercial media property, created by its admirers, typically without permission from the author or owner. In these cases, the items are individual stories separated from their original zines or that were published as standalones. Fanzines in this case are full fan magazine publications that include various forms of media, mostly fan fiction.

A large portion of media in this collection is about Star Trek. Star Trek is an American science fiction media franchise created by Gene Roddenberry, which began with the 1960s television series and quickly became a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon. Star Trek has been a cult phenomenon for decades. Fans of the franchise are called "Trekkies" or "Trekkers". The franchise spans a wide range of spin-offs including games, figurines, novels, toys, and comics.

There are four Star Trek series contained in this collection. Their delineations are... Star Trek: The Original Series Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Star Trek: Voyager

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