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William Gibson Spook Country Manuscript Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000584
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  • 2006-2007

This collection consists of two versions of the manuscript for William Gibson's 2007 novel Spook Country, a science fiction technothriller that is the second in his acclaimed "Blue Ant" trilogy. (It follows Gibson's 2003 novel Pattern Recognitions and precedes 2010's Zero History). The trilogy has been defined by Gibson himself as "speculative novels of last Wednesday", that is, novels set in the contemporary world but viewed through a science fictional perspective, showing readers the present through a futuristic lens.

The Blue Ant trilogy centers on the character of Hubertus Bigend, an advertising executive and tech magnate who serves as the series' amoral antihero. Though Bigend dominates the trilogy as whole, Spook Country focuses on the intertwining stories of three characters in particular: Hollis Henry, a journalist hired by Bigend to write a story on the phenomenon of 'locative art'; Chinese-Cuban Tito, a member of a family of criminals who gets bound up in American secret intelligence operations; and Milgrim, a drug addict being held in captivity by a mysterious covert operative named Brown. The novel, set in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, and explores the uses and misuses of locative technology, the eversion of cyberspace, and the changed political climate of the United States following the attacks. It was nominated for the 2008 Locus award for Best SF Novel, the 2009 Imaginaire Award, and the 2017 Prix Aurora for Best of the Decade.

Both versions are housed in clamshell boxes within the larger enclosure. The first box contains the autographed typescript of the novel, with heavy corrections and copyedits. The second box holds the autographed and corrected unbound proofs.

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Ernesto Mejia Sanchez Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000578
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This collection pertains to Ernesto Mejia-Sanchez, who was a major Nicaraguan diplomat, poet, scholar, and critic whose papers are primarily in Spanish. Materials include photographs, correspondence, writings, publications, newspapers, course writings, and research materials from archives and libraries around the world.

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Warrington Penn Portraits

  • US TxAM-C C000576
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  • 1848-1876

These two volumes documents feature the personal and political reminiscences of journalist William S. Robinson and were edited and published by his wife in 1877. In the first edition, the first volume was expanded to two with extra illustrations (142 portraits and 53 autograph letters from prominent Americans of the time). Writing as “Warrington,” the journalist was especially noted for his reform positions and radical anti-slavery voice. The portraits and views represent a wide range of 19th-century American historic events, sites, and public figures.

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Political and Radical Ephemera Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000575
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This collection was intentionally developed, pulling together political documentation and radical writings of people of African descent from around the country.

J. B. Rayner Letter

  • US TxAM-C C000572
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  • 1900-10

The collection contains a letter written by J. B. Rayner announcing a forthcoming visit to Edna, Texas, dated October 19, 1900 (envelope included), and a handbill announcing Rayner's talk on October 27, 1900.

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Newsletters, Articles, Clippings, and Writings

1/1: Newspapers and Bulletins
New Left Notes, Students for a Democratic Society, Vol. 4, No. 24, July 8, 1969
The Lumpen: Revolutionary Student News Service, Merritt College Black Student Union, Vol. I, No. 1, Thursday, October 29, 1970
The Black Panther: Black Community News Service, Vol. V, No. 19, Saturday, November 7, 1970 (published weekly)
Bulletin of the Worker's Party: Convention Bulletin #7, Vol 1, No. 13, May 8, 1946
Bulletin of the Worker's Party: Vol 2, No. 1, February 1947
Bulletin of the Worker's Party: Convention Bulletin #12, Vol 4, No 6, March 17, 1949

1/2: Newsletters
The Street Speaker, "In the Interest of the Black Race & Business," Vol. 11, no. 4, August - November 1996
Habari za Ujamaa: Vol 2, No 2, December 8, 1972

1/3: Magazines and Articles
Liberator, September 1921
Liberator, Vol. III, No. 1, January 1963
Malcolm X Interview - Playboy, pg. 53-54, 56-60, 62-63, May 1963
Scanlan's: Suppressed Issue: Guerrilla War in the USA., Vol 1, No 8, January 1971

1/4: Writings
"Scottsboro: Act 3", by Sasha Small, published by International Labor Defense, 1934
"Why we are for Roosevelt," by The Publishers of People's Voice (reprint from the New York People's Voice), July 15, 1944
"Why I Remain a Negro," by Walter White, reprinted from the Saturday Review of Literature, October 11, 1947
"The Strike Explained", by Third World Liberation Front, February 5, 1969
"What do you people want?...," by Third World Liberation Front, February 11, 1969
Invisible City, Numbers 18-20: (poetry collection), October 1976
"Side by Side…," by United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), Undated
"Un Testimonio Sobre la Esclavitud en Montevideo," by Gallardo, Jorge Emilio, Undated

Imamu Amiri Baraka Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000570
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This collection contains over 100 items, primarily books that are cataloged and available via the Libcat system. The manuscript and drawings are also cataloged and available via the Libcat system.

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Black Panther Newspapers

  • Rowberry, John W., ed. Alternate: The Newsmagazine for Today’s Gay America! Vol. 3 no. 20. John H. Embry, 1981.
  • The Black Panther: Black Community News Service. Vol. 5 no. 19, vol. 7 no. 1, vol. 9 no. 6. The Black Panther Party, 1970-1972.
  • de Beauvoir, Simone. Guerre Dans Babylone. Black Panther Solidarity Committee.
  • Baston, Judy, Dick Bierce, Martin Primack, Richard White. The Liberator, vol. 1 no. 2. 1968. The Lumpen: Revolutionary Student News Service, vol. 1 no 1-2? 1970.
  • Right On!: Black Community News Service. Vol. 1 no. 8.
  • Committee to Defend the Panther 21. What do the panthers stand for?

Black Panther Broadsides

  • Davis, Angela Yvonne, "Angela Talks"
  • New Mobilization Committee "The attack on THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY is an attack on YOU!"
  • New Haven Panther Defense Committee
  • Conspiracy to Murder: A Tool of Repression
  • Free Assata Shakur
  • Youth Coalition for Self-Defense, "A Message for Young People"
  • Plainfield Joint Defense Committee (Mailing)
  • Soledad Brothers Legal Committee (Mailing)

Black Panther Monographs

  • Glover, Danny, Kathleen Cleaver, Amiri Baraka, Sam Durant, Bobby Seale. Black Panther: The Revolutionary Art of Emory Douglas. Rizzoli, New York. 2007. (Dust Jacket only)
  • Hall, Gus. Out of Indo-China! Freedom for Angela Davis! Our Goals for 1971 and How to Win Them. New Outlook Publishers, New Nork. 1971.
  • Huey Newton Talks to the Movement. New England Free Press. Originally published by The Movement, August 1968.

Down in Sunny Dixie Postcards

Front: "Having A Delightful Time--Down in Sunny Dixie"
Back: "How We Love To Work And Play--Down in Sunny Dixie"

Front: "Seben Come Leben--Down In Sunny Dixie"
Back: "Race Between the "Natchez" and the "Robert E. Lee"

Front: "Just a Small Family--Down in Sunny Dixie"
Back: "Home, Sweet Home--Down in Sunny Dixie"

Front: "Cotton Picking Time--Down in Sunny Dixie"
Back: "Barge Load of Cotton on River Front--Down in Sunny Dixie"

Front: "Negro Baptism--Down in Sunny Dixie"
Back: "Washington Lincoln Napoleon Alexander Jackson, From Dixie"

Front: "Enjoying Home Cooking--Down in Sunny Dixie"
Back: "Three Chocolate Drops--Down in Sunny Dixie"

Front: "Growing Tobacco--Down in Sunny Dixie"
Back: "An Old Plantation Cabin--Down in Sunny Dixie"

Front: "Telling a Good Story--Down in Sunny Dixie"
Back: "I'se Waitin' Fo' You Here--Down in Sunny Dixie"

Front: "Sunday Afternoon--Down in Sunny Dixie"
Back: "Yielding to Temptation--Down in Sunny Dixie"

African American Illustrated Postcards (Down in Sunny Dixie) Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000565
  • Coleção
  • 1938

This collection consists of an illustrated mailer postmarked New Orleans, and hand-addressed to Toledo OH, containing 18 accordion-folded 6in x 4in color photos purporting to show (stereotypical happy variety) black life in the south, with two songs, "Dixie Land" and "Dixieland for M" printed on the inside of the mailer with a cypress tree on one side of the fold and a photo of a black man and woman next to the address label.

These were reproduced from hand-tinted black and white originals. Postcard-size images, but double-sided without space for messages.


2/21: Negerfreude - 19th century
2/22: Nigger Minstrels Returning to London from the Seaside - 1893
2/23: Scene from 'The Negro Festival' performed at the Olympic Theatre - 1851
2/24: Dat Arh Ohe Crisermas Goose - 1889
2/25: Illustration and partial text of Ira Eldridge as Othello - 1858
2/26: Print of scenes from Uncle Tom's Cabin - 1879
2/27: An Itinerant painted by W. Hunt. Includes poem related to the painting - 1856
2/28: Mary Webb reading Uncle Tom's Cabin - 1856
2/29: Robinson Crusoe at the Covent Garden Christmas Pantomimes - 1877
2/30: Oberon and Titania - 1862 original, reprint in 187-
2/31: Le Monde Illustre (pages 491-492)
2/32: The Nice Carnival showing the "Children of the Desert" Car - 1900
2/33: Camp Life Among the Federal Troops in South Carolina - 1862
2/34: Black and White on the Stage - 1898
2/35: The Horse Cart at Wimbledon - 1872
2/36: Issue of Paris Qui Chante featuring Eugenie Fougere wearing a dress with an African American between her cleavage - 1903
2/37: Issue of Picture Show featuring a scene from 'The Pickaninny' - 1922
2/38: Minstrel troupe aboard the HMS Rodney - 1896
2/39: Cover page of sheet music entitles Gallop by the Pink Dominos - 1877
2/40: Paul Robeson in 'The Song of Freedom' - 1937
2/41: Ellen Craft - 19th century
2/42: Danse de Negres - early 19th century
2/43: Beni Zoug-Zoug Troupe of Acrobats (English boys rescued from slavery) - 1881
2/44: A Negro Minstrelsy Entertainment - 1878
2/45: Men and Brothers!! - 1876
2/46: Divorce a vinculo - 1861
2/47: The Black Draft - 1864
2/48: Not up to time or interference would be very welcome - 1862
2/49: The Genu-ine Othello - 1861
2/50: Rowdy Notions of Emancipation
2/51: The Flag of Freedom - 1875
2/52: Rogue et noir - 1891
2/53: The Negro's Revenge - early 19th century

Illustrated Newspapers

1/1: Zulu Uprising, 1888
1/2: The Zulu War, 1879
1/3: Bambatha Rebellion, 1906
1/4: British expedition to Abyssinia, 1868
1/5: Abyssinian-Egyptian War, 1875-1879
1/6: Second Ashanti War, 1873-1874
1/7: Ashanti Wars, 1893-1896
1/8: Ashanti Uprising, 1900
1/9: Benin Expedition, 1897-1899
1/10: Colonization of Gambia, 1821-1892
1/11: South Africa Kaffir Wars, 1781-1878
1/12: British influence in Madagascar, 1845-1880
1/13: Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1884-1885 and uprising, 1896-1897
1/14: Matabele-Mashona War, 1893
1/15: Rhodesia uprising, 1896
1/16: Colonization of Sierra Leone, 1887-1898
1/17: Transvaal Revolt, 1880-1881
1/18: The Restoration of Cetshwayo and Zulu Civil War, 1883-1884
1/19: Madagascar and the War with France, 1894-1896
1/20: British Influence in Madagascar, 1845-1880

Illustrated European Periodicals of African Military Expeditions

  • US TxAM-C C000564
  • Coleção
  • 1821-1906

This collection includes over 11 different groupings of approximately 1 to 10 issues in each grouping. The latter half of the collection includes illustrations of African and African Americans in European periodicals.

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