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World War II
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Allen Elmer Luddeke Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1400
  • Collection
  • 1940-1966

This scrapbook contains a World War II ration book, ration card, memorabilia of Texas A&M student life during the 1940-1950s with additional items in the 1960s regarding Texas A&M.

Army Specialized Training Program Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 400
  • Collection
  • 1943

This collection contains documents, class schedule, and requirement list for the completion of the Army Specialized Training Program for the ROTC at Texas A&M College during 1943. Included are course descriptions for the various classes in the program, along with schedules and requirements.

B. B. Baker Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1187
  • Collection
  • 1942-1954; undated

This collection contains correspondence, pictures, clippings, documents, notes, certificates, awards, and other materials concerning the military career of Air Force Lieutenant B. B. Baker and those with whom he worked. The materials span the time period of World War II as well as military operations and concerns in India, China, and Southeast Asia in the years following the war.

The largest section of correspondence is the letters between Lt. Baker and his parents dating from December 1942 to May 1954. Other correspondence includes those between Lt. Baker and others including Generals with whom Baker was associated.

Within the numerous military certificates awarded to Lieutenant Baker, there is an atomic illustration (joke certificate of atomic testing and WWII humor), a letter of gratitude from Harry Truman, and an Army certificate of appreciation for war service. Also included in the collection are military flying handouts, Marines football game photos, and other information about the WWII accounts in Baker's life. Other photographs include some of India in 1943 and 1944 as well as the Imperial Palace in Japan (folder 2/5). There is also a scrapbook containing newspaper articles concerning Asia along with notes on the region (folder 2/9).

Baker, B. B.

Barbara N. Stone World War II Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1412
  • Collection

This scrapbook was assembled by Dr. Barbara N. Stone during World War II (WWII). It primarily focuses on President Roosevelt but also contains homefront articles.

D. B. Varner Muster on the Elbe Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 875
  • Collection
  • 1945

This collection contains materials from when Major D. B. Varner '40 served as the Muster Committee Chairman of the 1945 Texas Aggie Muster on the Elbe River in Germany. Included is a letter to Varner, photographs, a program, and a map.

Gustav Wehrs Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 7
  • Collection
  • 1943-2003

This collection contains correspondence from Gustav Wehrs to David Chapman and Dr. Robert H. Carpenter, regarding the donation of his life's memories as part of the Military collection to Cushing Memorial Library at Texas A&M. Included is a translated account of his experiences during the Battle of the Aegean in 1943, and an account of the early years of his life he had typed in his native German language.

Wehrs, Gustav, 1915

Guthrie F. Layne, Jr. World War II Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1051
  • Collection

This collection contains the scrapbook from Seaman First Class Guthrie Fitzhugh Layne, Jr during World War II, including a detailed finding guide.

James Earl Rudder '32 Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 384
  • Collection
  • 1918-2001

The collection spans the life of James Earl Rudder. The bulk (1944-1970) of the materials roughly correspond to the chronology of James Earl Rudder's life, with additional materials collected mainly by his wife, Margaret Rudder. The collection includes materials from Rudder’s time in the service during WWII, clippings from newspapers, as well as posters, magazine issues, memorabilia, and Rudder’s awards.

Rudder, James Earl, 1910-1970

Lt. Haynes W. Dugan Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1215
  • Collection
  • 1941-1998; Undated

This collection includes two manuscripts written by Dugan entitled The Great Class of 1934 and On My Way to the Cemetery. The first work chronicles Dugan's life at A&M College and the latter discusses his experiences in World War II (WWII).

Other items in the collection include newspaper clippings related to WWII and the Texas A&M Aggies who fought in the war, war correspondence from the 2nd and 3rd Armored Divisions, and reunion information on the 3rd Armored Division.

Dugan, Haynes W.

Maurice M. Bailey Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000323
  • Collection
  • 1942-1945

This small collection includes 11 letters from Maurice Bailey, 6 photos from Stanley C. Jordan, and 18 photos of other African Americans serving in the armed forces during World War 2 in two theatres Naples and Marseille France.

The collection is of a black soldier from Chemung County, New York, named Maurice M Bailey (1906-?). There are 11 letters he wrote to his sister Beatrice Craig, who lives in Harlem. Enlisting at the age of approximately 36 on May 27, 1942, Maurice M Bailey was a Private in the Branch Immaterial or General Officers branch of the Selectees during World War II. At the time of enlistment, Maurice M Bailey was single, with dependents, stood 70 inches tall, weighed 179 pounds, and had an education level of 2 years of college. He landed in Oran in April 1943 as part of the 99th Quartermaster Company RHD and was a baker. Before the war, he was an electrician. His service number was 32344461. He refers to Mussolini as "their famous spaghetti boy Mussi". He describes his stay in Naples, where high-ranking fascists stayed. He describes being on guard duty in Oran during an axis air raid. He cares for his sister deeply, who is not well, and he talks about his plans when he gets back and the things he misses. Noteworthy is his generosity towards his sister, and when he sees how pricey everything is in Naples he prefers to give his money to her.

All the letters are from his service overseas during the war. His pay was only $5.30. He comments "Time heals all wounds. Even war.". He goes on "I must mention how a colored USO show here brought the house down when the girl from Brooklyn sang "Not now baby I'll tell you when". She really was a scream. Why even I fell for the jive and I am not a hip cat". These are just samples of what he has written. Interesting content on both war and reflections of his home by an African-American serving in North Africa, Italy, and France.

Also included are 6 photos from a black soldier named Stanley C Jordan (1921-?) who was a trombone player with the 1333 Eng. Regiment band in World war 2. The photos show Jordan participating in the victory day parade in Marseille France on May 9, 1945. Jordan enlisted when he was 21 on December 21, 1942. At the time of enlistment, he was single, with dependents, stood 70 inches tall, weighed 139 pounds, and had an education level of 4 years of high school. He came from Baltimore, Maryland. His service ID was 33390589.

Also included are 18 photos of African Americans serving in the armed forces during World War 2, in both theatres. Photos from Camp Ellis in Illinois, some photos have descriptions on the reverse.

Jordan, Stanley C., 1921

Olin E. Teague Congressional Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000048
  • Collection
  • 1949-1978

The Olin E. Teague Congressional Collection contains various documents produced or collected by the office of Olin E. Teague during his tenure as a U.S. Representative from Texas. The majority of the collection is made up of correspondence and subject files. These subject files provide unique insight into Teague’s political focuses and projects, while in congress. Special interest is paid to Texas A&M University in both series and subject files. Additional material includes film and audio cassettes. Personal content from Teague includes documents, correspondence, and photographs.


Teague, Olin Earl

Paul C. Aebersold Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 219
  • Collection
  • 1924-1970

This collection contains biographical materials, correspondence, programs of conferences attended and/or participated in, notes, photographs, memos, reports, proposals, itineraries, lists of contacts, minutes of committee meetings, news releases, newspaper clippings, articles and other writings by Dr. Aebersold, and notes, outlines, slide lists, abstracts, and texts of speeches given by Dr. Aebersold. The materials document Dr. Aebersold's career well from graduate student days to Atomic Energy Commission officials. A considerable amount of additional information should be available in the files of the Manhattan Project and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

Among the most important items in the papers are the 294 speeches and 100 articles and other writings by Dr. Aebersold, the 37 speeches and 180 articles he collected, and the 1,200 newspaper clippings. The speeches and articles reflect the latest thinking and reveal the broadest picture of developments even though they represent only a minute historical significance of the early activities of the Isotopes Branch and the use of isotopes in the immediate post-war period, Dr. Aebersold began to collect clippings about isotopes in earnest in 1946. Unfortunately, this extensive collection lasted only until 1949. During these three years, however, there certainly are very few aspects of isotope production, distribution, and use that are not mentioned in the clippings.

Although most of the correspondence deals with commitments to speak before various groups or with attendance at numerous conferences, some of the early letters prior to 1940 do record some of the thoughts and activities of Dr. Aebersold’s early associates at the Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley. Many congratulatory letters in 1957, when Dr. Aebersold moved from Oak Ridge to Washing, serve as a measure of his stature in the atomic energy field throughout the United States as well as South America and parts of Europe.

From time-to-time aspects of Dr. Aebersold’s character and philosophy are revealed in rather unexpected areas. That he enjoyed a good story is shown in numerous handwritten notes and a few typed introductory remarks to speeches. Unfortunately, only in a few cases did he write out the whole story. Usually, he only jotted a brief note to remind himself of a particular story. In speaking before the Knife and Fork Clubs of McAllen and Dallas, Texas on March 23 and November 16, 1948, Dr. Aebersold recalled his experiences in and reactions to the first atomic bomb test in New Mexico. These are about the only personal references to his wartime activities.

Aebersold, Paul C. (Paul Clarence), 1910-1967

Philippine Military Operations Around World War II Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 682
  • Collection
  • circa 1942-1957

This scrapbook contains black and white photographs of Philippine military operations, assumed to be during or after World War II. Also included is a copy of the pamphlet "Code of the U. S. Fighting Man" (1957).

Pistole Collection - Flying Tigers (AVG)

  • TxAM-CRS 399
  • Collection
  • 1937; 1941-1942; Undated

This collection includes a compilation of photocopies from diaries, correspondence, and memoirs from volunteers in the "Flying Tigers" (AVG) unit, which was a volunteer Air Force unit deployed to assist the Chinese against the Japanese Air Force during World War II (WWII).

The collection was compiled by Major General Charles R. Bond, Jr. who was a ranking member in the Flying Tigers unit.

Bond, Charles R.

R. C. Crawford, Jr. Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 834
  • Collection
  • 1943, 2007

This collection contains one letter from the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Fiscal Department to R. C. Crawford, Sr., outlining the refund of fees paid by Cadet R. C. Crawford, Jr. dated March 9, 1943. Also included is a xerox copy of a letter sent to Mrs. Mary Ann Crawford from Adelle Hedleston '88, thanking her for gifting the letter to Cushing Memorial Library and Archives.

Ray Dudley Papers - Reliving My World War II Adventure

  • US TxAM-C 836
  • Collection

This collection includes a personal account titled "Reliving my World War II Adventure" by Ray Dudley, depicting his experience as a B-26 pilot in the 34 thBomb Squadron during World War II, and some accompanying letters.

Richard R. "Dick" Tumlinson '51, "Recollections from Korea" Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1259
  • Collection
  • 1953

This collection consists of 50 pages (small 1-inch binder) containing an overview autobiography of Tumlinson’s time spent in the United States Air Force during the Korean War along with photographs from his time overseas in Korea from 1953. Also included in the binder are mission reports.

Tumlinson, Richard R.

Steven Simon, Jr. '22 Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1417
  • Collection
  • 1920-1944

This collection contains a scrapbook with photographs of early campus views Texas A&M College, its buildings, and the Aggie]Band in the 1920s. Also included are clippings and materials from Simon's enlistment in World War II (WWII).

Texas A&M Medal of Honor Research Collection

  • US TxAM-C 239
  • Collection
  • 1932-2009

Correspondence, copies of transcripts, copies of official military records, newspaper clippings, photographs, award/recognition ceremony programs, and copies of a scrapbook about Dennis Keathley compiled by Jim Woodall while doing research on TAMU Medal of Honor Winners. Included in the collection are Horace Carswell, Thomas W. Fowler, William Harrell, Lloyd Hughes, Turney Leonard, Eli Whiteley, and George D. Keathley.

World War II Map of Italy

  • US TxAM-C 115
  • Collection
  • 1943

This collection contains two topographical maps marked with military grid lines, originally published in 1941 by the British War Office, but apparently used by American forces in this instance. One for Cassino, Italy (sheet 160), the other for Isernia, Italy (Sheet 161), in Transverse Mercator Projection with military grid lines and joined with linen tape along the south grid number 96 to form one sheet measuring 50 cm x 72 cm. The map legend is missing on both sections however cities, towns, rivers, streams, roads (major roads in red stamped with numbers), railroads, relief is shown by contour lines, and spot heights can be seen.

The Isernia map is inscribed on the lower half of the back of it mostly in pencil, but with a few notes in ink. The inscriptions, possibly in several different hands, record times of day by the military clock, and locations numerically oriented on the military grid map for various military actions. These actions include remarks on place and type of artillery or small arms fire, observations on the taking of prisoners of war, and other actions in the area southwest of the Rapido River and the town of Cassino. According to the orientation of the action, these notes apparently record fighting by Allied forces against the German army in the Mignano Gap region preceding the Battle of Monte Cassino (January 12, 1944 - May 19, 1944).

The linen tape joining the two maps appears to have been added after inscriptions made on the Isernia map, but most likely during the campaign itself, to be useful for the entire area involved in the Battle of Monte Cassino. Polish troops, the 7th Infantry, and the name Custer are mentioned. The Isernia map is also inscribed in ink in the margin at the top with "Knapp - 31309661, K Co." (possible serial number and company designation K for a soldier named Knapp).

Published by the War Office of Great Britain, originally in 1941, though both sections have a date of 1943 for the second edition. Both maps are designated part of the series "Geographical Section, General Staff, No. 4164." Maps may have been reproduced by the U.S. Army Map Service.

British War Office

World War II Red Cross Knitting Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 801
  • Collection

Collection of materials, including patterns and knitting tools, used in the "Knit for Victory" home front campaign during World War II.