5/1: "History and First Observed Phenomena of X-Rays" Lecture I outline, 6 pp., October 12, 1937.
5/2: "Concepts Basic to an Understanding of Radiation Processes" Lecture II outline, 5 pp., October 19, 1937.
5/3: "Concepts Basic to an Understanding of Radiation Process" Lecture III outline, 3 pp., October 26, 1937.
5/4: "Review on Nature of Matter" and "Energy and Its Transference" Lecture IV, 7 pp., November 2, 1937.
5/5: "Interaction of X-Rays and Matter" Lecture V outline, 3 pp., November 9, 1937.
5/6: "Traversal of Photons Through Matter" Lecture VII outline, 3 pp., November 23, 1937.
5/7: "Absorption and Scattering of X-Rays" Lecture VII outline, 3 pp., November 23, 1937.
5/8: "Experimental Evidences for Absorption Processes" Lecture VIII outline, 7 pp., November 30, 1937.
5/9: "Absorption and Filtration" Lecture IX outline, 6 pp., December 7, 1937.
5/10: "Absorption and Filtration" Lecture X outline, 3 pp., December 13, 1937.
5/11: Talks on neutrons notes and outlines, 24 pp., 1937.
5/12: "Quantity: Exposure and Dosage of Radiation" Lecture XII, 3 pp., January 11, 1938.
5/13: "Quantity Measurements of X-Rays" Lecture XIII outline, 5 pp., January 18, 1938.
5/14: "The Standardization of Quantity" Lecture XIV outline, 5 pp., January 25, 1938.
5/15: "Dosage by Small Volume Walled Chamber" Lecture XV, 7 pp., February 1, 1938.
5/16: "The Collimation of Fast Neutrons" abstract, meeting of the Physical Society, Washington D.C., 1 p., December 28, 1938.
5/17: "Protection from Neutron Rays and Other Products of Nuclear Transformation", 4 pp., 1938.
5/18: "Cyclotron and How It Transforms Matter" January 13, 1940.
5/19: Outline of an untitled talk on atom-smashing, Berkeley Lion's Club, 2 pp., February 1940.
5/20: "Modern Nuclear Physics and Medicine (Cancer Therapy)" outline, Los Angeles Cancer Society, 4 pp., September 30, 1940.
5/21: "Natural and Induced Radioactivity and the Nature of Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Neutron Rays" outline, Radiology Convention, 9 pp., 1940.
5/22: Outline of an untitled talk on atoms, 3 pp., November 11, 1941.
5/23: "Adventures in Science", Chicago, interview on radio station WBBM on radioisotopes, 8 pp., text in mimeo and 9 pp., June 22, 1946.
5/24: "The Pile: A Nuclear Reactor", Chicago Radiological Society of North America, 5 pp., December 2, 1946.
5/25: "Status of Program Involving Distribution of Radioisotopes", 2 pp., January 15, 1947.
5/26: "By-Products of Atomic Energy for Use by the Medical Profession", 15 pp., February 5, 1947.
5/27: Outline of an untitled talk on radioisotopes, Vanderbilt Conference on Radioisotopes, 4 pp., April 21, 1947.
5/28: "Atomic Research Dividends for the Farmer", American Agricultural Editors Association meeting with the U.S. AEC, 6 pp., May 13, 1947.
5/29: "Problems in the Production, Distribution, and Use of Isotopes", St. Louis, Fourth International Cancer Research Congress, 5 pp., September 6, 1947.
5/30: "Recent Developments in the Availability of Isotopes", Madison, WI meeting of scientists, 33 pp., September, ca. 10, 1947.
5/31: "Atomic Energy and the War Against Cancer", Atlanta, GA Division American Cancer Society, 17 pp., November 12, 1947.
5/32: Untitled speech labeled draft remarks, Knoxville Cancer Society, 3 pp., November 21, 1947.
5/33: "Isotopes Available for Research", Auburn, AL, Conference on the Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Agricultural Research, 30 pp., December 18, 1947.
5/34: "Isotopes and their Application to Peacetime Use of Atomic Energy", Chicago, 114th Meeting of American Association for the Advancement of Science, 11 pp., December 29, 1947.
5/35: Outline of an untitled speech commenting on papers on isotopes, New York City, James Ewing Society, 3 pp., January 16, 1948.
5/36: "The Availability of Radioactive Isotopes", Brookhaven National Laboratory, 21 pp., January 14, 1948.
5/37: Outline of an untitled speech labeled Y 12 research staff talk on uses of isotopes, 4 pp., February 2, 1948.
5/38: "What Atomic Energy Means to the Farmer", Ames, IO, 48th Annual Farm and Home Week, 18 pp., February 11, 1948.
5/39: "Atomic Energy and Human Welfare", Des Moines, IO, National Farm Institute, 23 pp., February 14, 1948.
5/40: "Atomic Energy - For Fear or Faith", McAllen, TX, Knife and Fork Club, 32 pp., March 23, 1948.
5/41: "Peacetime Atomic Energy and Industry", Galveston, TX, Spring convention of the Southern Gas Association, 35 pp., carbon copy text, 19 pp., printed text, March 25, 1948.
5/42: "Atomic Developments and Technology in Cancer Research", New York City, NY, opening of the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, 4 pp., April 16, 1948.
5/43: Untitled introduction, New York City, NY, New York Electrical Society, 3 pp., April 23, 1948.
5/44: Outline of an untitled speech labeled Batelle talk, Columbus, OH, Battelle Memorial Institute, 6 pp., June 3, 1948.
5/45: "Medical Professions' Participation in Atomic Energy" outline, Columbus, OH, Ohio State University class of medical students, 3 pp., June [4], 1948.
5/46: Outline of an untitled talk on the use of isotopes in the treatment of cancer, Columbus, OH, Ohio State University, 3 pp., June 4, 1958.
5/47: Outline of an untitled speech labeled notes for meeting on isotope program, Oak Ridge, 6 pp., June 18, 1948.
5/48: "Isotopes for Medicine", Chicago, IL, American Medical Association, 9 pp., (Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association), June 22, 1948.
5/49: "Isotopes and Their Application in the Field of Industrial Materials" abstract, Detroit, MI, Marburg Lecture before American Society for Testing Materials, 9 pp., (Published in Proceedings of the ASTM), June 24, 1948.
5/50: "Recent Developments in Use of Isotopes in Biology and Medicine" outline, Woods Hole, MA, Marine Biological Laboratory, 8 pp., July 23, 1948.
5/51: Outline of untitled remarks, Gordon Cancer Research Conference, 5 pp., September 2, 1948.
5/52: "The New World of Atomic Energy", St. Paul, MN, Hamline University Institute of Inter-American Relations and World Affairs, 16 pp., October 22, 1948.
5/53: "Isotopes and Education" outline and slide list, Washington, Office of Education Federal Security Agency, 5 pp., October 25, 1948.
5/54: "Isotopes and Their Peacetime Applications for Human Welfare", Los Alamos Forum, 1 p., November 7, 1948,
5/55: "Isotopes and Cancer Research" outline and slide list, Louisville, Kentucky Division, American Cancer Society, 7 pp., November 13, 1948.
5/56: "New World of Atomic Energy" ("Atomic Energy - Challenge to Humanity" scratched out), Dallas, TX, Knife and Fork Club, 25 pp., November 16, 1948.
5/57: "Recent Developments in Radioisotope Distribution" outline, San Francisco, CA, Radiological Society of North America, 6 pp., December 6, 1948.
5/58: "The Atom and Education" text of preliminary remarks, Washington, 1 p., December 29, 1948.
5/59: "Radioisotopes - Production, Distribution, Use and Control" outline, Washington, AEC Seminar on Disposal of Radioactive Wastes, 3 pp., January 24, 1949.
5/60: "Production of Radioisotopes" outline and slide list, Army Medical Center indoctrination course, 7 pp., January 28, 1949.
5/61: "Procurement and Handling of Radioisotopes" outline and slide list, Army Medical Center indoctrination course, 4 pp., January 28, 1949.
5/62: "Isotopes - Benefits to Human Welfare" outline, Oak Ridge, Women's Club, 3 pp., February 10, 1949.
5/63: "Present and Future Scope of Isotope Distribution Program", notes for discussion with General Manager, 10 pp., March 4, 1949.
5/64: Outline and notes for an untitled lecture on isotopes, University Park, Pennsylvania State College Chapter of Sigma XI, 8 pp., March 14, 1949.
5/65: "The Development of the Isotopes Distribution Program", New York City, Commercial Chemical Development Association, 17 pp., March 16, 1949.
5/66: Outline of untitled remarks on isotopes, Oak Ridge, Reserve Officers' Club, 3 pp., March 23, 1949.
5/67: Outline of untitled speech on isotopes, Roane County Medical Association, 6 pp., March 29, 1949.
5/68: "Atomic Energy Benefits - Radioisotopes", New York City, Teachers' In-Service Course on Atomic Energy, 23 pp., April 7, 1949.
5/69: "Isotopes for Research and Industry" abstract, Newark, North Jersey Section of the American Chemical Society, 2 pp., April 11, 1949.