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Joe R. Lansdale Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000207
  • Coleção

This collection contains manuscripts, correspondence, books, magazines, and other material related to Lansdale's writing career, circa 1989-2003.

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Beth Cato Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000177
  • Coleção
  • 2013-2018

This collection contains manuscript material from author Beth Cato, including materials from her first novel, the steampunk fantasy The Clockwork Dagger, which was published in 2014.

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Isaac Asimov Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000272
  • Coleção
  • 1957-1992

This collection includes an assortment of manuscripts and correspondence of Isaac Asimov, including short stories, novels, non-fiction, and correspondence with publishers. The segment on the submission of "Stay, Oh Fleeting Moment," a nonfiction piece on time and the subsequent correspondence, internal documentation of Playboy editors and readers, and the rejection of the article providing an informative look at the working of a major magazine.

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K. W. Jeter Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000259
  • Coleção
  • 1989

This collection consists of the typescript for K. W. Jeter's 1989 horror novel In The Land of the Dead. The cover page has been inscribed by Jeter.

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Andre Norton Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000276
  • Coleção
  • 1950-2002

This collection consists of a small assemblage of Andre Norton's later manuscripts, her review compilations, her portrait, science fiction artworks, and related material.

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Elizabeth Moon Papers

  • TxAM-CRS C000145
  • Coleção
  • 1989-2010

The collection consists primarily of manuscript material and publication proofs, with the bulk of the material dating circa 1995-2005.

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Arthur C. Clarke - Playboy Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000157
  • Coleção
  • 1960-1971

This collection consists of materials related to Arthur C. Clarke's sales of stories and other pieces to Playboy Magazine. The collection includes a group of 27 typed letters and 7 autograph letters, mainly between Clarke and editor A. G. Spectorksy, internal Playboy memoranda, and correspondence from Playboy. Also included are typescripts (marked as setting copy) for 4 short works of fiction and 8 nonfiction pieces by Clarke.

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Francis C. Turner Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 38
  • Coleção
  • 1929-1997

This collection represents 68 years of materials authored or collected by Turner. Series 1. through Series 4. include highway engineering reports written for the Bureau of Public Roads, Clay Committee papers dating from the 1950s hearings on the development of a national interstate highway program, and speeches, publications, correspondence, and research notes generated by his career as a federal highway official. The aforementioned inscribed copy of A More Beautiful America by Lyndon Baines Johnson is is included in this material.

Upon his retirement, Turner became a transportation consultant, advising local, national, and international agencies, associations, and companies on transportation issues. The bulk of these post-retirement and consulting materials are found in Series 5 through Series 9. These materials include maps, photographs, research notes and manuscript drafts for a three-year study he and Harmer E. Davis conducted for the International Road Federation. The study, published in 1977 and titled A Comparative Analysis of Urban Transportation Requirements, compares transportation needs in urban areas in fourteen countries, including the United States.

Another large portion of the papers found in Series 7. contains papers related to Turner's membership in various associations. Throughout his lifetime Turner remained devoted to groups such as the Highway Users Federation and the American Association of State Highway Officials. Correspondence, speeches, and conference notes related to these associations reflect his continued involvement in the transportation field almost until the year of his death.

The collection also includes correspondence, transcripts, and drafts of several reports recording the history of the interstate highway, a subject for which Turner was a popular informant. The most extensive project is a study by the Public Works Historical Society, commissioned by the American Public Works Association and the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials.

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Thomas W. Davis III, A Former POW Looks Back Manuscript

  • TxAM-CRS 105
  • Coleção
  • Undated

The Thomas W. Davis III manuscript of A Former POW Looks Back chronicles Davis' World War II experience as an American battery commander on Corregidor Island and as a prisoner of war held by the Japanese. The manuscript includes his observations of life as an Army junior officer, and American military preparedness before the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor and the military's initial war mobilization in the Philippines. It also contains a vivid account of the fighting on Corregidor before American forces stationed there surrendered to the Japanese in 1942 and the dismal conditions prisoners of war faced. Davis provides several anecdotes about how soldiers dealt with the war and being held as prisoners. He describes in detail the conditions of Japanese POW camps including the lack of food and water, the bad sanitary conditions, the many diseases afflicting prisoners, camp routines, and the Japanese treatment of their prisoners.

The manuscript is typed with handwritten corrections and contains several original black and white, and color photographs and illustrations in excellent condition.

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Patrice Sarath Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000520
  • Coleção
  • 2008-2021

This collection contains materials relating to the literary career of acclaimed fantasy author Patrice Sarath. Materials include manuscripts for several of her novels, including Gordath Wood (2008) and its sequel Red Gold Bridge (2009), and the non-genre novel/Jane Austen pastiche The Unexpected Miss Bennet (2011).

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Neal Barrett Jr. Slightly Off Center Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C C000268
  • Coleção
  • 1992

This collection contains the manuscript Slightly Off Center by Neal Barrett, Jr. with an introduction by Joe R. Lansdale. Advance Proof Copy, perfect bound. Austin, TX: Swan Press, 1992. 155 p.

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Tom Godwin "You Created Us" Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C C000266
  • Coleção
  • 1954

This collection consists of one typed manuscript (17 leaves) by Godwin, for his 1955 story "You Created Us".

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Murray Leinster "Honeymoon on Dlecka" Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C C000263
  • Coleção
  • 1955

This collection consists of the typed manuscript (21 leaves) for Leinster's short story "Honeymoon on Dlecka", published in Fantastic Universe, July 1955.

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Keith Laumer Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000226
  • Coleção
  • 1986

This collection consists of the first page, handwritten, with title and two lines of dialogue, of Laumer's 1986 novella “The Pan-Galactic Pageant of Pulchritude: A Retief Story”.

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Alfred Elton Van Vogt Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000180
  • Coleção
  • 1949-1956; Undated

This collection consists of materials relating to the 1956 A. E. Van Vogt novel Empire of the Atom, including the original typescript, galleys, and correspondence related to the book's publication and review.

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Roger Asselineau Walt Whitman Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 94
  • Coleção
  • 1842-2002; Undated

This consists, aside from the group of 900 or so monographs collected by Asselineau, chiefly of correspondence, accompanied by handwritten drafts of reviews written in ink or pencil by Asselineau on slips of paper, apparently placed in the relevant book on his shelf as a file. The correspondence and draft of reviews are often associated with clippings, photographs or snapshots, offprints, programs, newsletters, and a few postcards.

Most of these manuscript materials were found in the process of cataloging the monograph collection, apparently filed by Asselineau in volumes of his monograph collection, usually related to the author of the book into which he inserted the materials over a period of years. A title page of the relevant book into which the manuscript materials were found inserted is now clipped to the materials in the collection folder and the call number of the book written on the photocopied title page in pencil. Also present are musical scores of adaptations of Whitman's poetry, and quite a few copies of the Walt Whitman Circle quarterly newsletter, published by composer and Whitman enthusiast, Robert Strassburg.

Series 1 includes notable correspondents such as Gay Wilson Allen, V. K. Chari, Betsy Erkkila, Ed Folsom, Donald D. Kummings, Jerome Loving, Robert Strassburg, and Leandro Wolfson.

Series 2 consists of a bound manuscript book entitled "Walt Whitman on Burns and a Portrait Gallery of Walt Whitman". The book measures 21 cm by 13 cm and is bound in green half-calf with marbled boards. According to a letter pasted into the book, it was apparently purchased by Roger Asselineau on August 20, 1942, from Alfred F. Goldsmith of New York, NY. Twenty-seven leaves of the manuscript book are filled with mostly photographic portraits of Walt Whitman, a few obviously cut from published works, and one leaf containing a section from a page of a handwritten manuscript in pencil and ink, labeled "Rough draft of a page in 'Robert Burns as poet and person' in November Boughs (p. 61)." Twenty other leaves of the book are left blank.

Series 3 consists of four folders with programs, offprints, and newspaper clippings collected by Asselineau. Contains manuscripts with commentary and suggestions (1856-2000), programs, announcements and catalogs (1963-2000), and clippings collected (1962-1992) regarding the life of Walt Whitman, his writings, collections, and offprints.

Series 4 contains over 900 monographs collected by Asselineau, these materials are cataloged separately in the Library of Congress classification and housed in the Cushing repository stacks as part of the Lit/Whitman collection. These monographs include first editions of Walt Whitman's works, particularly Leaves of Grass, many translations of the poem into an incredible variety of languages, biographies, and other scholarly works. The breadth of Asselineau's scholarly activity and acquaintance is well represented by the amount of correspondence and other memorabilia which was found inserted into these volumes.

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Robert McKay Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000240
  • Coleção
  • 1976

This collection consists of the uncorrected proofs (44 sheets) for McKay's 1976 novel Skean.

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Stina Leicht Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000462
  • Coleção
  • 1973-2022

This collection contains manuscripts and associated materials from John W. Campbell Award-nominated science fiction and fantasy author Stina Leicht. Also included are convention materials from various cons attended by Leicht, as well as correspondence, notebooks, and assorted other materials.

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George Alec Effinger Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000214
  • Coleção
  • 1973-1987

This collection consists of manuscripts for several works by Effinger, including the copyedited manuscript for Effinger's 1987 novel When Gravity Falls, the edited manuscript for the novella "The Exile Kiss (Preview)" (1990), and the bound manuscript for his 1981 novel The Wolves of Memory.

Also included is the manuscript for the 1973 story "Dem Bones", which Effinger published under the name "John K. Diomede."

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Stephen Leigh Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000420
  • Coleção
  • 1968-2021

This collection consists of materials relating to the life and career of science fiction and fantasy author Stephen Leigh. Materials include typescripts...

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Ellen Schulz Quillin Manuscripts

  • US TxAM-C 95
  • Coleção
  • 1928-1964

This collection contains two manuscripts written by Ellen D. Schulz Quillin. The first, "Texas Wild Flowers. a Popular Account of the Common Wild Flowers of Texas.", was published in 1928 by Laidlaw Brothers (Chicago, IL), and the second, "Texas Cacti: A Popular and Scientific Account of the Cacti Native to Texas", was published in 1930 by the Texas Academy of Science and written with Robert Runyon.

The manuscript for "Texas Wild Flowers. a Popular Account of the Common Wild Flowers of Texas." consists of two bound volumes, typed with handwritten edits and notes, and both contain a title page handwritten in graphite, dated and initialed by Ellen (December 23, 1955). The inscription in Part I reads, "Original Texas Wild Flowers manuscript. Of no value to anyone else. Kept for reference to revision, if I should get to it". and in Part II, the inscription slightly changes with the last sentence reading "Kept for reference in case of revision".

The first volume, Part I (pages 1-337), has a second note by Ellen handwritten in ink, dated October 20, 1963, in which she talks about the book being published, the revisions she wanted to make after it becoming know the book was out of bring in 1959 [Part 2 state 1939], and never got around to due to her work in writing "History of the Museum" in 5 volumes and resigning in 1960.

The second volume, Part II (pages 338-640), also has a handwritten ink note from October 20, 1963, however, the inscription reads "Presented to Peggy C. Owens, College Station, Texas to use in any way she can as Texas Wildflowers has not been replaced since it became out of print in 1939 [Part I states 1959] - used copies are generally not available - and the last used copy I saw advertised in a California catalogue was $27.50 - a prohibitive price".

The second manuscript in this collection, "Texas Cacti: A Popular and Scientific Account of the Cacti Native to Texas", is held within a Weston Paper box with an address label for Mrs. Peggy C. Owens affixed to the outside. The manuscript itself is bound, typed with handwritten edits and notes, and original photographs (95 pages total). Also found within are a few publications that were used for reference.

Contained within the front cover are four documents, two are keys for illustrations, one for illustrations from "Succulents" by van Laren from paintings made in Amsterdam by Messrs. C. Rol, J. Voerman and H. Rol, and the second unidentified. The third is an announcement for the release of "Texas Wild Flowers: A Popular Account of the Common Wild Flowers of Texas by Ellen D. Schulz Quillin, M. S." with an overall description of the book, an excerpt from the book on the origin of Texas bluebonnets and two reprints from Texas newspapers of articles announcing Ellen's new book in June and July of 1928. The fourth document is a note handwritten in ink, originally paper clipped to the front cover, dated April 21, 1964, reading "To Peggy Owens - One of my most Precious possessions. Ellen S. Quillin". Also noted in graphite below the original note is "send vols 1 & 2" by Ellen, May 12, 1964. On the first page in the top right corner is another handwritten note in ink by Ellen dating April 21, 1964, "To Peggy Owens - Compliments of the author".

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Walter Jon Williams Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000172
  • Coleção
  • 1988

This collection consists of the 93 page manuscript for Williams' story "No Spot of Ground", later published in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine.

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Walter Jon Williams Manuscript Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000489
  • Coleção
  • 1960 - 2024

This collection contains manuscripts and manuscript material from noted science fiction author and historical novelist (under the name Jon Williams) Walter Jon Williams. Included are drafts in various stages of evolution for a number of Williams' novels and stories.

The collection contains small amounts of other materials relating to Williams' life and career, including correspondence.

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William F. Nolan Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000142
  • Coleção
  • 1991

This collection consists of the galley proofs of Helltracks.

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Robert Charles Wilson Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000222
  • Coleção

This collection consists of a photocopy of the manuscript for Wilson's 1988 novel Memory Wire.

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William Clark Manuscript

  • TxAM-CRS 214
  • Coleção
  • 1857

This collection consists of Clark's original, handwritten manuscript of "A Trip Across the Plains in 1857" which was published in "The Iowa Journal of History and Politics" as an article, and a xerox copy of a handwritten transcription of the manuscript, due to its age.

Lewis Shiner Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000206
  • Coleção
  • 1988

This collection consists of manuscripts for several of Stiner's short stories, as well as one for his 1990 short novel Slam.

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David R. Bunch Manuscript

  • TxAM-CRS C000220
  • Coleção
  • 1973

This collection consists of the typescript for Bunch's short story, "Moment of Truth in Suburb Junction", which was published in Fantastic, in September 1973. The 10-page typescript has handwritten edits and includes a note from Fantastic editor Ted White and a one-leaf blurb.

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Ursula K. LeGuin Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000244
  • Coleção
  • 1988; 1989

This collection contains the original manuscript, with extensive author/editor edits, of Le Guin's 1989 nonfiction collection Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places.

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Guy Lillian Southern Fandom Press Alliance Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000009
  • Coleção
  • 1961-2023

The Southern Fandom Press Alliance (SFPA) is a regional amateur press association (APA) generally based in the Southern United States, but with notable membership from other regions.  SFPA was formed in 1961, with Bill Jennings serving as the first Official Editor.  The first mailing was in September 1961, consisting of 76 pages of contributions.  The APA grew in both members and page count, with a record 100th mailing that contained over 1400 pages.  Guy Lillian served the APA as the Official Editor for a number of years. (C000009)

The collection also includes various mailings from the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS) APA, which first began publication in 1976 and was still being published as of 2013.

Finally, there are some additional fanzines in the collection, published independently of SFPA or LASFS.

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Ardath Mayhar Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000262
  • Coleção
  • 1970-2004

This collection includes manuscripts, papers, and publications from throughout Mayhar's career, but the bulk of the material dates from the late 1980s to the present.

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Alyx Dellamonica and Kelly Robson Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000246
  • Coleção
  • 1977-2021

This collection consists of materials from the lives and careers of Canadian science fiction and fantasy writers Alyx (A.M.) Dellamonica and Kelly Robson.

Materials include manuscripts, story notes and proofs for their published work as well as for unpublished 'trunk' stories and novels; correspondence, diaries, and various other items relating to their lives and their literary work.

Some of the materials are born digital and not, therefore, physically housed with the rest of the collection.

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Piers Anthony Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000270
  • Coleção
  • Undated

The collection consists of carbon copies for the typed manuscripts Mer-Cycle (154 leaves) and Mer-Cycle, Part 2 (136 leaves).

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Robert Bloch Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000267
  • Coleção
  • undated

This collection contains the manuscript of a Diary found in the St. Louis Zoo. Typed, 16 leaves, carbon copies, signed by the author.

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