- US TxAM-C C000575-1-8
- Series
"The Red Pepper Poet" Poster by Jayne Cortez.
"The Red Pepper Poet" Poster by Jayne Cortez.
"Freedom Now Core" Button.
"FDP: One Man One Vote" Button.
"The Strike: Understand it = Join it," by Third World Liberation Front
"George W. Crockett, Jr.; Freedom is Everybody's Job," by Civil Rights Congress.
"John George for Congress; Vote June 4," platform and other information.
"Alliance for Black Unity; Free Picnic," by Alliance for Black Unity, 1967.
"Join the March; For Jobs, For Freedom, In Oakland," by Campus CORE, 1965.
"We demand that this University cut all ties to racist South Africa" flyer from U.C. Berkeley.
"Come, see and hear the great Joe Tex" flyer for Joe Tex.
Liberator, September 1921
Liberator, Vol. III, No. 1, January 1963
Malcolm X Interview - Playboy, May 1963, pg. 53-54, 56-60, 62-63.
Scanlan's: Suppressed Issue: Guerrilla War in the USA., Vol 1, No 8, January 1971
"As Long as a Man Has a Dream in His Heart" by Howard Thurman.
"Babylon is Fallen: Song and Chorus" by Henry C. Work.
"For equality of military justice…" manuscript
"Meet the National Committee to abolish the Poll Tax" manuscript
"Mass protest rally to express…" manuscript
"JFK: Friend or Foe?" manuscript
"Letter of support for the…" from the Bay Area Friend
"Why were two black students…" manuscript from the Buffalo Young Workers Liberation League
"An appeal to those who…" from the Committee to Maintain
"Mississippi Summer Project" manuscript from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
"Press release" from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
"We the People Demand Justice" from the Scott-Smith Committee for Justice
"On the National Question in the U.S." from Bob Coe to Harry Haywood
"Syphilis" by R.A. Ransom, M.D., Ph.G., 1934
"The Teeth in Taft-Hartley" by MCS Union Defense Committee, June 1953
"The Fight for Black Equality" by the Socialist Workers 1976 National Campaign
"Fighting for Justice: The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal" Handbook for Activists and Organizers by Steve Bloom
"Anti-lynching…A Crusade for Democracy" by the California State Committee, Communist Party
"Join the National Network in Solidarity with Black People's Demand for Reparations" by the Anti-Colonial Solidarity Brigade
Fact: Every A.A. Member can get by far the best motor insurance in East Africa" by J. H. Minet & Co. (EA) Limited
"Remarks of the Hon. William French Smith at the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Civil Rights Division" by the Department of Justice, December 15, 1982
"During the last 2 weeks of May 9…" by Nacogdoches Black Community Union and Mickey McGuire
"They died because they were negroes!" by the 40th A.D. Communist Party
"A Message to White Louisville - Do We Dare Remain Silent?" by West End Community Council
"Support the T.S.U. Five" by Texas Southern University Defense Fund
"The List of 15 Demands" by the Third World Liberation Front
"Angola: Another Vietnam" by Angola Support Committee
The Street Speaker, "In the Interest of the Black Race & Business," Vol. 11, no. 4, August-November 1996.
Habari za Ujamaa: Vol 2, No 2, December 8, 1972.
"Lo scrittore americano Richard Wright" by Agli Uomini Liberi.
"Harper's Weekly: Vol. XLII, No. 2171" from July 30, 1898.
"Inner City Voice: Vol. 1, No. 8" from June, 1968.
"Inner City Voice: Vol. 2, No. 9" from November/December 1970.
"Inner City Voice: Vol. 3, No. 2" from April 1971.
"Inner City Voice: Vol. 3, No. 1" from February 1971.
"The Burning Spear: Vol. 1, No. 1" from November 1, 1971.
New Left Notes, Students for a Democratic Society, Vol. 4, No. 24, July 8, 1969.
Bulletin of the Worker's Party: Convention Bulletin #7, Vol 1, No 13, May 8, 1946.
Bulletin of the Worker's Party: Vol 2, No 1, February 1947.
Bulletin of the Worker's Party: Convention Bulletin #12, Vol 4, No 6, March 17, 1949.
Freedom Socialist, Voice of Revolutionary Feminism, Vol. 26, No. 1, February-March 2005
"Lee Otis Johnson Knock!" from the Lee Otis Johnson Defense Committee, February 1970
Political and Radical Ephemera Collection
This collection was intentionally developed, pulling together political documentation and radical writings of people of African descent from around the country.
"Scottsboro: Act 3," by Sasha Small, published by International Labor Defense, 1934.
"Why we are for Roosevelt," by The Publishers of People's Voice (reprint from the New York People's Voice July 15, 1944).
"Why I Remain a Negro," by Walter White, reprinted from the Saturday Review of Literature, October 11, 1947.
"The Strike Explained," by Third World Liberation Front, February 5, 1969.
"What do you people want?...," by Third World Liberation Front, February 11, 1969.
Invisible City, Numbers 18-20: October 1976. (poetry collection)
"Side by Side…," by United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), [no date].
"Un Testimonio Sobre la Esclavitud en Montevideo," by Gallardo, Jorge Emilio, [no date].
"Minutes of Conference" by National Committee to Abolish Segregation in the Armed Services, April 1945