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Sewell Hepburn Hopkins Papers
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Correspondence, Memorandum, and Reports from the Chemistry Department

S4-13/01: Correspondence and memoranda regarding the chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, April 25 - December 26, 1947.

S4-13/02: Memoranda of conferences in College Station regarding the chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, June 21 - December 22, 1947.

S4-13/03: Miscellaneous reports of Fred W. Jensen, A. L. Parrack, and W. B. Hart on the chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, April - September, 1947.

S4-13/04: Correspondence and memoranda regarding the chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, February 17 - July 31, 1949.

S4-13/05: Correspondence and memoranda regarding the chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, August 4 - December 15, 1948.

S4-13/06: Memoranda of conferences in College Station and Houston on the chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, February 27 - July 12, 1948.

S4-13/07: Memoranda of conferences and meetings of the Technical Committee in College Station and Houston on the chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, August 10 - December 6.

S4-13/08: Miscellaneous reports of W. M. Potts, Fred W. Jensen, A. L. Parrack, and C. K. Hancock on the chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, March 7 - December 15, 1948.

S4-13/09: Mud analysis reports in connection with the chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, January 12 - November 4, 1948.

S4-13/10: Correspondence and memoranda 1949 regarding the chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, January 3 - October 1.

S4-13/11: Memoranda of meetings of the Technical Committee in Houston on the chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, February 25 and June 17, 1949.

S4-13/12: Miscellaneous reports by T. W. Nelson, Fred W. Jensen, C. K. Hancock, W. M. Potts, and N. J. Pelegrin on chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, February 8, 1949 - February 3, 1953.

S4-13/13: Mud analysis reports in connection with the chemical aspects of oyster mortality investigations, February 2, 1949 - January 24, 1950.

S4-13/14: Potts, William M. and Fred W. Jensen, "Chemical Tests Made in Connection with the Seismographic Explosion Experiments," August 26, 1950.

S4-13/15: Jensen, Fred W., "The Production of Bleedwater and Crude Oil in the Barataria Bay Watershed, 1941 - 1946; Composition of the Bleedwaters; and Possible Pollution Effects of Bleedwaters and Crude Oils on Barataria Bay," August 22, 1950.

S4-13/16: Jensen, Fred W. and William J. Potts, "Mud Samples and Analyses, Part II: Volatile Hydrocarbons, Carbon Tetrachloride Extracts and Unsaponifiable Residues in Muds," January 16, 1953.

S4-13/17: Mackin, John G. and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Studies on Oysters in Relation to the Oil Industry," Vol. 7 of Publications of the Institute of Marine Science.

Oyster Reports, Letters, and Memorandum

Reports, letters, and memorandum on the oyster mortality project by Harry J. Bennet, A.D. Bajkov, James L. Boswell, Clair Brown, Sidney O. Brown, M.D. Burkenroad, Fred Caulthron, C. Ray Elsey, I. I. Gardescu, Gordon Gunter, C. K. Hancock, Harold W. Harry, Joel W. Hedgpeth, and Willis G. Hewatt.

Reports, Letters, and Data Collected by Sewell H. Hopkins

S2-3/01: Letters to Thurlow C. Nelson, John G. Mackin, James N. Gowanloch, H. Malcolm Owen, A. E. Hopkins, C. C. Doak, A. A. Jakkula, and William E. Loose regarding investigations on the mortality of oysters, March 7 - December 12, 1947.

S2-3/02: Letters and reports of trips to Port Aransas, Texas; Bastian Bay, Grand Isle, Houma, and New Orleans, Louisiana; and Pensacola, Florida in connection with investigations on the mortality of oysters, February 20 - September 6, 1947.

S2-3/03: Memoranda of conferences in College Station, Texas relating to investigations on the mortality of oysters, October 8 - November 14, 1947.

S2-3/04: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Tentative Plan of Investigations on Mortality of Oysters, and Possible Effects of Oil and Brine from Coastal Oils Wells, on Louisiana and Texas Coasts," February 18, 1947.

S2-3/05: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Summary of Differences in Degree of Nematopsis Infection in Oysters from Various Localities," July 10, 1947.

S2-3/06: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Nematopsis Research Program from July and August, 1947," July 24, 1947.

S2-3/07: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Memorandum on the Nematopsis Problem," July 24, 1947.

S2-3/08: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Nematopsis Infection in Oysters, Aransas Bay Vicinity Texas, September 2-6, 1947," September 7, 1947.

S2-3/09: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Report of Field Work in Louisiana, September 10-18, 1947," September 1947.

S2-3/10: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Report of Field Work in Louisiana October 29 - November 8, 1947," November 1947.

S2-3/11: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Preliminary Survey of Literature on Polydora," December 27, 1947.

S2-3/12: Bibliography of "Copepods Parasites in Bivalve Mollusks" for Baughman's annotated bibliography on oysters, February 23, 1950.

S2-3/13: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Progress Report on Project No. 9 (Oyster Mortality Investigation)," August 5, 1947.

S2-3/14: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Progress Report for August, 1947," September 12, 1947.

S2-3/15: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Progress Report for September 1947," October 15, 1947.

S2-3/16: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Progress Report for October, 1947," November 14, 1947.

S2-3/17: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Progress Report for November, 1947," December 16, 1947.

S2-3/18: Data on Oysters from published sources collected during 1947.

S2-3/19: Letters to William E. Loose, A. A. Jakkula, and John Mackin regarding investigations on the mortality of oysters, January 26 - December 21, 1948.

S2-3/20: Reports on trips to Grand Isle, Louisiana; Biloxi, Mississippi; Pensacola, Florida; and Asbury Park, New Jersey in connection with investigations on the mortality of oysters, January 1 - July 9, 1948.

S2-3/21: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Memorandum of Meeting of Project Nine Personnel and Representatives of Sponsors, College Station, Texas January 8-9, 1948."

S2-3/22: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Report on Field Activities in Louisiana, January 27 - February 3, 1928," February 1948.

S2-3/23: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Memorandum on Recommendations Made by Consultants on Project Nine in January 1948," February 19, 1948.

S2-3/24: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Memorandum on the Program of Research on 'Nematopsis' Proposed by Dr. H. F. Prytherch, March 10, 1948," March 1948.

S2-3/25: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Memorandum on Recommendations Made by Consultants on Projects Nine in January, 1948." March 19, 1948.

S2-3/26: Hopkins, Sewell H., "A Brief Outline of Project Nine," May 25, 1948.

S2-3/27: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Special Report on Bucephalus, a Parasite in Oysters," August 20, 1948.

S2-3/28: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Summary of the Phases of Project Nine Now in Progress and the Phases Completed," September 29, 1948.

S2-3/29: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Experiments and Phases of Project Nine Not Now in Progress but Completed Prior to May 31, 1949," September 29, 1948.

S2-3/30: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Outline of Gulf Investigations on Oyster Mortality Problem, as of October 5, 1948," October 1948.

S2-3/31: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Phases of Project Proposed for Continued Program After May 31, 1949," October 7, 1948.

S2-3/32: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Notes for a Working Hypothesis of the Causes of Oyster Mortality in Louisiana and Texas," November 11, 1948.

S2-3/33: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Preliminary Survey of the Literature on the Boring Sponge (Cliona)," November 19, 1948.

S2-3/34: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Progress Report for December 1947 and January 1948," February 13, 1948.

S2-3/35: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Progress Report for February 1948," March 12, 1948.

S2-3/36: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Progress Report for March 1948," April 13, 1948.

S2-3/37: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Progress Report for April 1948," May 15, 1948.

S2-3/38: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Progress Report for May and June 1948," July 10, 1948.

S2-3/39: Data on oysters from published sources collected during 1948.

Reports, Letters, and Data Collected by Sewell H. Hopkins

S2-4/01: Hopkins, Sewell H., letters to E. J. Lund and A. A. Jakkula relating to investigations on oyster mortality, January 7 - March 17, 1949.

S2-4/02: Hopkins, Sewell H., reports of trips to Pensacola, Florida; Port Aransas and Rockport, Texas; and Louisiana in connection with investigations on oyster mortality, February 24 - August 12, 1949.

S2-4/03: Hopkins, Sewell H., memoranda on meetings in New Orleans, Louisiana and Colleges Station, Houston, and Port Aransas, Texas regarding investigations on oyster mortality, January 18 - November 5, 1949.

S2-4/04: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Preliminary Survey of the Literature on the Boring Clam, Martesia," February 1, 1949.

S2-4/05: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Critical Review of Experiments Reported in 'Bulletin 18,' and Report of Project Nine Experiments on Bleedwater, Oil, and Soluble Fractions," March 16, 1949.

S2-4/06: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Report on Progress of Oyster Investigations at Institute of Marine Science, Port Aransas, Texas Up to April 1, 1949," April 4, 1949.

S2-4/07: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Outline for the Continuation of the Oyster Mortality Investigation Beyond June 1, 1949, Supplementing the Outline Dated February 25, 1949."

S2-4/08: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Preliminary Survey of the Literature on Stylochus and Other Flatworms Associated with Oyster," April 18, 1949.

S2-4/09: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Report of Progress at Grand Isle and Bay Sainte Elaine, May 13-16, 1949," May 19, 1949.

S2-4/10: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Report on the Annual 'Oyster Convention' Held at Old Point Comfort, Virginia, June 6, 7, 8, and 9, 1949."

S2-4/11: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Progress Report: The Status of All Phases of the Oyster Mortality Investigation as of September 1, 1949," September 17, 1949.

S2-4/12: Hopkins, Sewell H., data on oysters from published sources collected during 1949.

S2-4/13: Hopkins, Sewell H., letters to G. Robert Lunz, Jr., Wiley G. Lastrapes, Martin D. Burkenroad, E. M. Wolfe, and A. A. Jakkula regarding the investigation on oyster mortality, March 9 - August 14, 1950.

S2-4/14: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Progress Report: Status of the Oyster Mortality Investigation as of December 31, 1949," January 3, 1950.

S2-4/15: Hopkins, Sewell H., "History of Some Oyster Mortalities Reported in Foreign Countries," February 1950.

S2-4/16: Hopkins, Sewell H., "A Brief Listing of References on Oyster Mortality in Some Foreign Countries," February 1950.

S2-4/17: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Notes on the 'Oyster Pathology Symposium' at Pensacola, February 1-3, 1950," February 7, 1950.

S2-4/18: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Some Additional References on Dermocystidium," February 1950.

S2-4/19: Hopkins, Sewell H., bibliography of "Copepod Parasites in bivalve Mollusks," February 23, 1950.

S2-4/20: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Notes on Texas Game, Fish and Oyster Commission's 'Seminar of Marine Sciences' Rockport, Texas, April 6-9, 1950," April 10, 1950.

S2-4/21: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Records of Reports on Microscopic Oyster Parasites Other Than Nematopsis, 1947-1949 Inclusive," May 8, 1950.

S2-4/22: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Preliminary Survey of the Literature on the Oyster Parasite 'Bucephalus' and Related Parasites," May 24, 1950.

S2-4/23: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Addendum to 'Preliminary Survey of the Literature on Stylochus and Other Flatworms Associated With Oysters,' " May 24, 1950.

S2-4/24: Hopkins, Sewell H., "A Short Annotate Bibliography on Trematods Parasites of Donax, Their Hyperparasites, and Some Related Forms," July 1, 1950.

S2-4/25: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Criticism of Lund-Price Manuscript 'Self-Silting by the Oyster and its Significance in Sedimentation Geology,' " July 12, 1950.

S2-4/26: Hopkins, Sewell H., "The Inter-Relationship of Weight, Volume, and Linear Measurements of Oyster and the Number of Oysters per Louisiana Sack Measure," July 20, 1950.

S2-4/27: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Some References on Mycetozoans and Labyrinthulids, etc. Pertinent to Wasting Disease of Eel-Grass," circa 1950.

S2-4/28: Hopkins, Sewell H., data on oysters from published sources collected during 1950.

S2-4/29: Hopkins, Sewell H., letters to A. A. Jakkula, C. Francis Beaven, and Joel Hedgpeth relating to investigations on oyster mortality, January 19 - March 10, 1951.

S2-4/30: Hopkins, Sewell H., "List of Requests for Release of Papers for Publication, Upon Which Clearance Has Been Denied or Upon Which Action Has Been Postponed," June 13, 1951.

S2-4/31: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Report on 1951 Annual Oyster Convention," August 20, 1951.

S2-4/32: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Report on Oyster Collecting Trip, Terrebonne and Lafourche Parishes, August 9-10, 1951," October 2, 1951.

S2-4/33: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Studies on Larval Marine Bucephalids, October 1951," abstract of paper presented at the American Society of Parasitologists.

S2-4/34: Hopkins, Sewell H., Fred F. Cauthron, and John G. Mackin, "Experiments to Test the Effects of Shell-Drilling and Mud-Injection upon Oysters, 1948," December 7, 1951.

S2-4/35: Hopkins, Sewell H., data on oysters from published sources collected during 1951.

S2-4/36: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Notes on Annual Oyster Convention, August 12-14, 1952," August 20, 1952.

S2-4/37: Hopkins, Sewell H. and R. Winston Menzel, "How to Decide Best Time to Harvest Oyster Crops," Atlantic Fisherman, pp. 15, 36-37, October 1952.

S2-4/38: Hopkins, Sewell H., "Notes on the 1953 Oyster Convention," June 29, 1953.

S2-4/39: Hopkins, Sewell H., John G. Mackin, and R. Winston Menzel, "The Annual Cycle of Reproduction, Growth, and Fattening in Louisiana Oysters," July 21, 1953.

S2-4/40: Hopkins, Sewell H. and R. Winston Menzel, "Methods for the Study of Oyster Plantings," 1953.

Reports, Letters, and Memorandum: Bennet - Hewatt

S1-1/01: Bennet, Harry J., letters and reports to Sewell Hopkins, C. C. Doak, Wiley Lastrapes, and A. A. Jakkula relating to incidence and distribution of Nematopsis ostrearum, March 17 - August 6, 1947.

S1-1/02: Bajkov, A. D. and Joel W. Hedgpeth, translation of excerpts from "Contribution to the Knowledge of the Life of the Black Sea," by S. A. Petersburg, 32: 1-299, 1913.

S1-1/03: Boswell, James L., "Report on Experiments to Determine the Effect of a Surface Film of Crude Oil on the Absorption of Atmospheric Oxygen by Water," March 20, 1950.

S1-1/04: Boswell, James L., "The Effect of Crude Oil on Oyster (Gowanlock Method)," July 6, 1950.

S1-1/05: Brown, Clair A., "Observations on the Vegetation in the Vicinity of Barataria Bay and the Texas Oil Field near Lafitte, Louisiana," November 10, 1948.

S1-1/06: Burkenroad, Mr. And Mrs. M. D., translation of "Biology and Chemistry of the Oyster in the Norwegian Ponds," published in the Bergens Museum Arbok, 1941.

S1-1/07: Brown, Sidney O., progress reports on bacteriological investigations and report on a meeting of the Texas Branch of the Society of American Bacteriologists, 1947-1950.

S1-1/08: Brown, Sidney O., Hugh B. Lofland, and Virginia Van Horn, "Seasonal Variation of Glycogen and Related Factors in the Oysters of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana," July 28, 1949.

S1-1/09: Brown, Sidney O., "Microbial Oxidation of Crude Oils and Water Soluble Fraction of Crude Oil as Shown by the B.O.D. Method," May 31, 1950.

S1-1/10: Brown, Sidney O. and Bobby L. Reid, "Report on Experiments to Test the Diffusion of Oxygen through a Surface Layer of Oil," May 31, 1950.

S1-1/11: Brown, Sidney O., Virginia Van Horn, and Bobby L. Reid, "Decomposition of Organic Compounds by Marine Microorganisms," May 31, 1950.

S1-1/12: Brown, Sidney and Virginia Van Horn, "Aerobic and Anaerobic Oxidation of Crude Oils by Microorganisms from Louisiana Bay-Bottom Muds," May 31, 1950.

S1-1/13: Cauthron, Fred F., "Inventory of Photographs at Grand Isle Laboratory," June 19, 1950.

S1-1/14: Cauthron, Fred, John G. Mackin, and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Experiments to Test the Effects of Shell-Drilling and Mud-Injection Upon Oysters, 1948," December 7, 1951.

S1-1/15: Elsey, C. Ray, letters and report to A. A. Jakkula and Sewell H. Hopkins regarding oyster mortality, April 28, 1947 - April 27, 1948.

S1-1/16: Gardescu, I. I., "Outline of Problems to be Considered in the Oyster Mortality Investigation," February 18, 1947.

S1-1/17: Gunter, Gordon, "Report of Fisheries Institute in Miami,” August 9 - 14, 1948.

S1-1/18: Gunter, Gordon, "Fisheries Statistics and the Past Oyster Production of the Gulf Coast of the United States," Science, and typed in manuscript, October 29, 1948.

S1-1/19: Gunter, Gordon, "A Program to Study Oyster Morality in Aransas Bay," June 8, 1949.

S1-1/20: Gunter, Gordon, "Progress Report on Oyster Mortality Project at Port Aransas, Texas," September 23, 1949.

S1-1/21: Gunter, Gordon, "Historical Changes in Marine Environment in the Mississippi Delta Region Effected by Changes in the River System," December 7, 1949.

S1-1/22: Gunter, Gordon, "A Summary of Production Statistics and Facts Related to Development of the Oyster Industry of Louisiana, with a brief Comparison with Other Gulf States," Texas A&M Research Foundation Publication No. 2. 1949.

S1-1/23: Gunter, Gordon, "Field Mortality Study of Oysters in Copano and Aransas Bays, June 1949 to January 1950," March 3, 1950.

S1-1/24: Hancock, C. K., "A Partial Review of the Chemical Literature on the Subject 'The Solubility of Petroleum in Water,' " January 27, 1949.

S1-1/25: Hancock, C. K. "Five Gallons of Water Extract of Lafitte Petroleum to Be Used for Physiological Experiments," February 17, 1949.

S1-1/26: Hancock, C. K., "A Volumetric Method for the Determination of the Solubility of Lafitte 'Clean' Petroleum in Barataria Bay Water," June 15, 1949.

S1-1/27: Hancock, C. K., "A Slowly Rotating Apparatus for the Balik Extraction of Lafitte Petroleum with Barataria Bay Water," June 22, 1949.

S1-1/28: Harry, Harold W., "Nematopsis Mortality Investigation Monthly Report," August 1947.

S1-1/29: Hedgpeth, Joel W., "A Provisional List of Systematic Literature on Marine and Brackish Water Invertebrates of the Western Gulf of Mexico," February 11, 1948.

S1-1/30: Hewatt, Willis G., letters to I. I. Gardescu, Fred Jensen, and Sewell H. Hopkins regarding investigations of oyster mortality, February 5, 1947 - October 17, 1949.

S1-1/31: Hewatt, Willis G., reports of trips to Barataria and Bastian Bay, Louisiana and Washington, D.C. in connection with investigations of oyster mortality, February 14 - November 4, 1947.

S1-1/32: Hewatt, Willis G., "Preliminary Report on Hydrographic Conditions in Barataria Bay," February 14, 1947.

S1-1/33: Hewatt, Willis G., "Report on Oyster Investigation in Barataria Bay," May 1, 1947.

S1-1/34: Hewatt, Willis G., "Report on Relative Abundance of Microorganisms Found on the Shells of 'Oil-Sprayed' and 'Control' Oysters in Bassa Bassa Bay," April 27, 1948.

S1-1/35: Hewatt, Willis G., "Report on the Examination of Stomach Contents of Oysters from the 'Low Temperature Experiment Tank' and Oysters from the 'Control Tank,' " October 26, 1948.

S1-1/36: Hewatt, Willis G., "Report on Salinity and Plankton Samples taken from Water near the Shell Company's Well Off Pass A Loutre," April 1, 1949.

S1-1/37: Hewatt, Willis G., "Reports in Progress or Completed," January 30, 1950.

Reports, Letters, and Memorandum: Hewatt

S1-2/01: Hewatt, Willis G., "Studies on Bleedwater Dispersal in the Natural Waters around Oil Fields in Southern Louisiana," April 27, 1950.

S1-2/02: Hewatt, Willis G., "Studies on Dissolved Oxygen Content and Hydrogen Ion Concentration in the Waters of Barataria Bay, Louisiana, 1945-1947," July 26, 1950.

S1-2/03: Hewatt, Willis G., "An Oyster Feeding Experiment," March 1951.

S1-2/04: Hewatt, Willis G., "Salinity Studies in Louisiana Coastal Embayments West of the Mississippi River," June 15, 1951.

S1-2/05: Hewatt, Willis G., "Ecological Studies on Salt Marsh Ponds in Southern Louisiana," May 5, 1953.

S1-2/06: Hewatt, Willis G., "An Oyster Feeding Experiment," pp. 192-193 of Proceedings of the 1952 National Shellfisheries Association Meeting, 1953.

S1-2/07: Hewatt, Willis G., "An Oyster Mortality Study in Lower Barataria Bay, Louisiana," June 15, 1953.

S1-2/08: Hewatt, Willis G., "Climatological and Hydrological Records on the Barataria Bay Area, Louisiana," part 1, August 9, 1955.

S1-2/09: Hewatt, Willis G., "Climatological and Hydrological Records on the Barataria Bay Area, Louisiana," part 2, August 12, 1955.

S1-2/10: Hewatt, Willis G., part of "Summary of Hydrobiological Conditions in Barataria Bay and Related Waters, July 1945 - September 1947," never completed and superseded by later final reports.

S1-2/11: Hewatt, Willis G., plates and list of plates in "Summary of Hydrobiological Conditions in Barataria Bay and Related Waters, July 1945 - September 1947," multiple copies.

Reports, Letters, and Memorandum: Jakkula - Korringa

S3-5/01: Jakkula, A. A. letters to W. E. Loose, Willis G. Hewatt, C. C. Doak, and Marion J. Epley, Jr. regarding oyster mortality investigations, March 10, 1947 - October 4, 1949.

S3-5/02: Jakkula, A. A. memoranda, reports, notes, and outlines for conferences and trips in connection with oyster mortality investigations, February 4 - June 4, 1947.

S3-5/03: Jakkula, A. A., "Brief of Persons Invited to Attend First Meeting with Representatives of the Texas Company," February 18, 1947.

S3-5/04: Jakkula, A. A., agreement between the Texas Company and the Texas A&M Research Foundation, concerning oyster mortality investigations, February 1, 1947.

S3-5/05: Jakkula, A. A., "Supplementary Notes on Organization of Project to Determine Causes of Oyster Mortality," July 15, 1947.

S3-5/06: Jakkula, A. A., "Supplementary Notes on Organization of Project to Determine Causes of Oyster Mortality," July 15, 1947.

S3-5/07: Jakkula, A. A., memorandum of agreement with supplementary materials between Texas A&M Research Foundation and several oil companies, concerning oyster mortality Investigations, December 1947.

S3-5/08: Jakkula, A. A., "Suggested Sketches of Personnel, Foundation Project No. 9, Oyster Mortality," with supplement, April 12, 1949; August 23, 1949.

S3-5/09: Jakkula, A. A., "Biographical Sketches of Personnel, Foundation Project No. 9, Oyster Mortality," with supplement, April 12, 1949; August 23, 1949.

S3-5/10: Jakkula, A. A., "Suggested Order for Discussing Adoption of Program for Terminating Work of Foundation on Project Nine," November 3, 1949.

S3-5/11: Jakkula, A. A., mailing list of progress reports, organizational chart, and drawing of marine laboratory at Grand Isle, Louisiana for oyster mortality investigations.

S3-5/12: Jensen, Fred W. and William M. Potts, "Mud Samples and Analysis, Part II, Volatile Hydrocarbons, Carbon Tedrachloride Extracts, and Unsaponifiable Residues in Muds," January 16, 1953.

S3-5/13: Korringa, P. letters to Claude E. ZoBell, Sewell H. Hopkins, A. A. Jakkula, and Paul S. Galtsoff regarding oyster mortality investigations, November 28, 1946 - April 28, 1949.

S3-5/14: Korringa, P., "Lunar Periodicity in the production of larvae of the Flat Oyster," May 30, 1947.

S3-5/15: Korringa, P., "The Vicissitudes of the Dutch Oyster Cultures Explained by Modern Oyster Science," September 1947.

S3-5/16: Korringa, P., "Comments and Suggestions Concerning the Oyster Investigations of Project 9," August 5, 1948.

S3-5/17: Korringa, P., "Oyster Culture and Oyster Biology between New Jersey and Texas," August 5, 1948.

S3-5/18: Korringa, P., "Oyster Cultural Impressions from New England, Canada, and the Pacific Coast of the United States," June 1949.

S3-5/19: Korringa, P., "Reflections Over the Canadian Atlantic Oyster Culture," June 1949.

S3-5/20: Korringa, P., "Critical Review of the Papers Dealing with Mollusks, Presented at the Special Scientific Meeting on Shellfish of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea," October 10, 1949.

S3-5/21: Korringa, P., "List of Oyster Publications. Not Included in Baughman's Bibliography," April 28, 1949.

S3-5/22: Korringa, P., "List of Publications of Which We Desire Abstracts," February 24, 1950.

S3-5/23: Korringa, P., "Bibliography" of works on oysters, April 3, 1950.

S3-5/24: Korringa, P., "Corrections of Hopkins Translation of Korringa Report 'The Attack of the Parasite Mytilicola intestinalis up the Zealand Mussel Culture,' " May 9, 1951.

S3-5/25: Korringa, P., extracts from and abstracts of published data on oysters collected, circa 1951.

Reports, Letters, and Memorandum: Lambert - Lunz

S3-6/01: Lambert, Louis, "The Pollution of Fishing Establishments and Natural Beds of Oysters, Mussels, and Shellfish by Petroleum Oils," June 1949.

S3-6/02: Lambert, Louis, publications, and letter to Dr. J. L. Baughman, February 23, 1950; January 30, 1950.

S3-6/03: Lambert, Louis, "Bibliographic Francaise on Traduite en Francais," May 27, 1950.

S3-6/04: Lambert, Louis, bibliography on oysters, September 25, 1950.

S3-6/05: Lambert, Louis, revised bibliography on oysters, circa 1950.

S3-6/06: Lambert, Louis, bibliography on oysters, list no. 3, circa 1950.

S3-6/07: Lambert, Louis, extracts from and abstract of publications on oysters collected in 1950.

S3-6/08: Lofland, Hugh B., "Determination of Glycogen in Oysters," October 19, 1948.

S3-6/09: Lofland, Hugh B. and Virginia Van Horn, "Determination of Glycogen in Oysters," March 4, 1949.

S3-6/10: Lofland, Hugh B., Sidney O. Brown, and Virginia Van Horn, "Seasonal Variations of Glycogen and Related Factors in Oysters of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana," July 28, 1949.

S3-6/11: Lund, Elmer J., letters to A. A. Jakkula and Sewell H. Hopkins regarding oyster mortality investigations, September 17, 1947 - June 8, 1949.

S3-6/12: Lund, Elmer J., "A Brief Report on Experimental Work Completed and in Progress at the Institute of Marine Science Port Aransas, Texas," September 13, 1948.

S3-6/13: Lund, Elmer J., "Proposed Content of a Continued Research Program on the Oyster Which is Fundamental to an Understanding of Oyster Mortality and Oyster Culture," September 16, 1948.

S3-6/14: Lund, Elmer J., "Critical Analysis of the Experiments of Paul S. Galtsoff, Herbert F. Prytherch, Robert O. Smith, and Vera Koehring entitled 'The Effects of Crude Oil Pollution on Oysters in Louisiana Waters' Dealing with the Effect of Oil and Bleedwater on Oysters and the Growth of Plankton," January 10, 1949.

S3-6/15: Lund, Elmer J., "Effect of Bleedwater, 'Soluble Fraction' and Crude Oil on the Oyster," September 22, 1949.

S3-6/16: Lund, Elmer J., "Self-Silting, Anaerobic Capacity of the Oyster, and Reducing Tendencies of the Environment of the Oyster," September 22, 1949.

S3-6/17: Lund, Elmer J., "A Quantitative Study of Clearance of a Turbid Medium and Feeding by the Oyster," September 22, 1949.

S3-6/18: Lund, Elmer J. and Ernest Powell, "Note on the Reflex Inhibition of Water Propulsion by the Oyster," September 22, 1949.

S3-6/19: Lunz, G. Robert, Jr., letter regarding oyster mortality investigations, October 31, 1948.

S3-6/20: Lunz, G. Robert, Jr., "Texas A&M Research Problem at Bear Bluff Laboratories, Wadmalaw Island, S.C., Progress Report No. 1, June 4 - July 4, 1949," July 6, 1949.

S3-6/21: Lunz, G. Robert, Jr., John C. Aull, and Alvin F. Dodds, "Texas A&M Research Problem at Bears Bluff Laboratories, Wadmalaw Island, S.C., Progress Report No.2, July 4 - August 4, 1949," August 3, 1949.

S3-6/22: Lunz, G. Robert, Jr., "Texas A&M Research Problem at Bears Bluff Laboratories Wadmalaw, S.C., Progress Report No. 3, August 4 - September 8, 1949," September 7, 1949.

S3-6/23: Lunz, G. Robert, Jr., "The Effect of Bleedwater and of Water Extracts of Crude Oil on the Pumping Rate of Oysters," December 17, 1949.

Reports, Letters, and Memorandum: Lynch - Mackin

S3-7/01: Lynch, Shirley Alfred, letters to H. A. Marmer, A. A. Jakkula, V. H. Brogdon, John M. Wisdom, and Donald W. Doyle regarding oyster mortality investigations, October 30, 1947 - October 11, 1949.

S3-7/02: Lynch, Shirley Alfred, reports of trips to Fort Worth, Chicago, and Washington D. C.; Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and Grand Isle; and to Grand Ecaille, Louisiana and Washington, D.C. in connection with oyster mortality investigations, June 1947 - August 8, 1948.

S3-7/03: Lynch, Shirley Alfred, "Barataria Bay Drainage" and "Barataria Bay Sediments," July 24, 1947.

S3-7/04: Lynch, Shirley Alfred, "Water Movements in Dupre Cut at Camp Lafitte, Louisiana, 1948."

S3-7/05: Lynch, Shirley Alfred, "Depth Study of Barataria Bay, Louisiana," December 1948.

S3-7/06: Lynch, Shirley Alfred, "Current Survey, Intersection, Bayou La Fourche-Southwestern Louisiana Canal, Louisiana, December 16-23, 1948," 1949.

S3-7/07: Lynch, Shirley Alfred, "Venice Field-Red Pass Hydrographic Study, December 1949 - May 1950," July 31, 1950.

S3-7/08: Lynch, Shirley Alfred, "Bastian Bay Field Hydrographic Study, December 30, 1949 - January 1, 1950," October 15, 1951.

S3-7/09: Mackin, John G., letters to Sewell H. Hopkins, Tinsley Gilmer, and A. A. Jakkula regarding oyster mortality investigations, February 3 - November 1, 1947.

S3-7/10: Mackin, John G., memoranda on oyster samples taken for oyster mortality investigations, June 22 - July 31, 1947.

S3-7/11: Mackin, John G., "Report on Trip to Bastian Bay," July 2, 1947.

S3-7/12: Mackin, John G., "Report on Oysters from Bassa Bassa Bay," July 5, 1947.

S3-7/13: Mackin, John G., "Report on Oyster Studies in Bayou Chute and Skipjack, Couquette and Sanday Point Bays," July 12, 1947.

S3-7/14: Mackin, John G., "Report on Beds of Mr. C. and N. Dominique, Mr. Linwood Voisin and Mr. Sidney Scott," July 14, 1947.

S3-7/15: Mackin, John G., "Memorandum on Conference at Grande Isle," August 12, 1947.

S3-7/16: Mackin, John G., "Degree of Correlation of Severity of Nematosis Infections and Rough Estimates of Mortality Based on Boxes," October 1947.

S3-7/17: Mackin, John G., "Report on the First Conch Experiment in Barataria Bay," October 1947.

S3-7/18: Mackin, John G., "Preliminary Report on Experiment to Determine Dosages of Oil (Crude) Lethal to March Plants," November 10, 1947.

S3-7/19: Mackin, John G., "Studies on the Destruction of Oysters by Menippe and Callinectes," November 14, 1947.

S3-7/20: Mackin, John G., "Report on the Second Experiment in Destruction of Oysters by Thais: Spat Studies," November 1947.

S3-7/21: Mackin, John G., "Report on the Destruction of Spat by Stylochus Inimicus, November 1947."

S3-7/22: Mackin, John G., "Preliminary Report on Oyster Spraying Experiment," December 10, 1947.

S3-7/23: Mackin, John G., "Review of the Literature on Thais Floridana, 1947."

S3-7/24: Mackin, John G., letters to Sewell H. Hopkins, A. A. Jakkula, and William E. Loose regarding oyster mortality investigation, February 25 - December 13, 1948.

S3-7/25: Mackin, John G., "Report on the First Spraying Experiment," May 24, 1948.

S3-7/26: Mackin, John G., "Report on the Second Spraying Experiment," June 4, 1948.

S3-7/27: Mackin, John G., "Report on a Study of the Effect of Crude Oil Pollution on Feeding of Oysters," June 20, 1948.

S3-7/28: Mackin, John G., "Report on a Study to Determine the Effect of Subjection Oysters to Continuous Contact with Oil-Soaked Mud," July 12, 1948.

S3-7/29: Mackin, John G., "Report on a Study of the Effect of Subjecting Oysters to Continuous Applications of Emulsified Crude Oil," August 31, 1948.

S3-7/30: Mackin, John G., "Report on a Study of the Effect of Transferring Oysters from High Salt to Low Salt Area in Barataria Bay," October 22, 1948.

S3-7/31: Mackin, John G., "Exploration of Chart on Oyster Mortalities in Buras Regions," circa October 1948.

S3-7/32: Mackin, John G., "A Study of the Effect of Cooled Water in Controlling Mortality Rate in Oysters," November 3, 1948.

S3-7/33: Mackin, John G., "A Study of the Effect on Oyster of a Heavy Surface Water Layer of Crude Oil," November 19, 1948.

Reports, Letters, and Memorandum: Mackin

S3-8/01: Mackin, John G. letters to Sewell H. Hopkins and A. A. Jakkula regarding oyster mortality investigations, November 4-28, 1949.

S3-8/02: Mackin, John G. and D. A. Wray, "A Study of Mortality and Mortality-Producing Agencies in Barataria Bay, Louisiana," February 1, 1949.

S3-8/03: Mackin, John G., "Report on a Study of the Efficiency of the Box-Count Method of Estimating Mortality of Oysters," February 5, 1949.

S3-8/04: Mackin, John G., "Report on Experiments to Determine the Effect on Oysters of Heavy Dosages of Crude Oil Over Short Periods of Time," February 8, 1949.

S3-8/05: Mackin, John G., H. Malcolm Owe, and Albert Collier, "Preliminary Note on the Occurrence of a New Parasite, Dermocystidium Marinum N. Sp. in Crassotrea Virginica (Gmelin)," December 10, 1949.

S3-8/06: Mackin, John G. letter to Sewell H. Hopkins regarding oyster mortality investigations, November 22, 1950.

S3-8/07: Mackin, John G., Betty Welch, and Kent Charles, "A Study of Mortality of Oysters of the Buras Area of Louisiana," April 10, 1950.

S3-8/08: Mackin, John G., "A Report on Three Experiments to Study the Effect of Oil Bleedwater on Oysters under Aquarium Conditions," April 11, 1950.

S3-8/09: Mackin, John G., "Report on a Study of the Effect of Application of Crude Petroleum on Saltgrass, Distichlis Spicata (L.) Greene," April 11, 1950.

S3-8/10: Mackin, John G., "A Study of the Effect of Barium Sulphate on Oysters and Some Other Organisms," April 12, 1950.

S3-8/11: Mackin, John G., "A Comparison of the Effect of Application of Crude Petroleum to Marsh Plants and to Oysters," April 12, 1950.

S3-8/12: Mackin, John G., "The Effect of Crude petroleum on Oysters Heavily Infested with Polydora, Cliona, and Martesia," April 19, 1950.

S3-8/13: Mackin, John G. and D. A. Wray, "Report on the Second Study of Mortality in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, and Adjacent Areas," Part I, August 8, 1950.

S3-8/14: Mackin, John G., "Operation and Maintenance of Marine Laboratory at Grand Isle, Louisiana," Progress Report No. 1, June 1 - August 31, 1950; September 1, 1950.

S3-8/15: Mackin, John G., "Diseases of Oysters and Their Relation to the Gulf Coast Oyster Industry," November 3, 1950.

S3-8/16: Mackin, John G., "Operation and Maintenance of Marine Laboratory at Grand Isle, Louisiana," Progress Report No. 2, September 1 - November 30, 1950; December 1, 1950.

S3-8/17: Mackin, John G., "Outline of Basic Studies to Be Carried on at the Grand Isle Laboratory Assuming an Appropriation of $22,700 per Year," 1950.

S3-8/18: Mackin, John G., "Notes on Conches (Thais Floridana) and Conch Predation on the Middleground Bed of Mr. Vinet, Barataria Bay, Louisiana," February 28, 1951.

S3-8/19: Mackin, John G., "Report on Oysters on the Middleground (Barataria Bay, La.) Bed Owned by Mr. Vinet," February 1951.

S3-8/20: Mackin, John G., H. Malcolm Owen, and Albert Collier, "Histopathology of Infection of Crassostrea Virginica (Gmelin) by Dermocystidium Marinum," March 1951.

S3-8/21: Mackin, John G., "Operation and Maintenance of Marine Laboratory at Grand Isle, Louisiana," Progress Report No. 3, December 1, 1950 - February 28, 1951; April 1951.

S3-8/22: Mackin, John G., "Memorandum on a Visit to the Jack Begovitch Bed in Northern Bay Ronquille," March 1951.

S3-8/23: Mackin, John G., "Operation and Maintenance of Marine Laboratory at Grand Isle, Louisiana," Progress Report No. 4, March 1 - May 31, 1951; June 26, 1951.

S3-8/24: Mackin, John G., "Studies on the Effect of Quebracho on Oysters," Technical Report No. 1, July 16, 1951.

S3-8/25: Mackin, John G., "Incidence of Infection of Oysters by Dermocystidium in the Barataria Bay Area of Louisiana," August 1, 1951.

S3-8/26: Mackin, John G. and D. A. Wray, "Mortality of Oysters in the Buras Area of Louisiana during the Summer of 1951," October 5, 1951.

S3-8/27: Mackin, John G., "Report on the Alabama Oyster Industry," 1951.

S3-8/28: Mackin, John G., P. Korringa, and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Hexamitiasis of Ostrea Edulis L. and Crassostrea Virginica (Gmelin)," 1951.

S3-8/29: Mackin, John G., "A Report on Investigations in Bay Lanaux, Louisiana," February 1952.

S3-8/30: Mackin, John G. and D. A. Wray, "Report of the Second Study of Mortality of Oysters in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, and Adjacent Areas," August 9, 1952.

S3-8/31: Mackin, John G., and Fred F. Cauthron, "Effect of Heavy Infestations of Polydora Websteri Hartman on Cassostrae Virginica (Gmelin) in Louisiana," August 1952.

S3-8/32: Mackin, John G., "An Experiment on the Effect of Varying Water Flow on the Mortality of Oyster in Aquaria," Technical Report, No. 2, November 17, 1952.

S3-8/33: Mackin, John G., "A Study of Transmission of Infective Elements of Dermocystidium Marinum by Way of Water Currents," Technical Report No. 3, November 17, 1952.

S3-8/34: Mackin, John G., "A Study of the Effect of Motor Exhaust Gases on Oysters," Technical Report No. 4, December 12, 1952.

S3-8/35: Mackin, John G., "Eel-Grass Disease: A Review of the Literature," 1952.

S3-8/36: Mackin, John G. and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Proposed Program for the Grand Isle Laboratory, Bases on a Five-Year Contract," 1952.

S3-8/37: Mackin, John G., "Proposed Program for the Grand Isle Laboratory, 1952 - 1953, Based on a One-Year Contract," 1952.

S3-8/38: Mackin, John G., "Project to Determine Effect of Dredging Operations on Oysters in the Southern Louisiana Area," 1952.

S3-8/39: Mackin, John G., Sammy M. Ray, and James L. Boswell, "Quantitative Measurement of Effect on Oysters of Disease Caused by Dermocystidium Marinum," 1952.

Reports, Letters, and Memorandum: Mackin

S3-9/01: Mackin, John G. letters and memorandum to Jay D. Andrews and Wiley G. Lastrapes regarding oyster mortality investigations, April 21 - December 1, 1953.

S3-9/02: Mackin, John G. and James L. Boswell, "Study of the Effect of Salinity Variation on Dermocystidium Infection in Oysters," Technical Report 5, January 12, 1953.

S3-9/03: Mackin, John G., "Operation and Maintenance of Marine Laboratory at Grand Isle, Louisiana," Progress Report No. 5, June 1 - December 31, 1952; January 15, 1953.

S3-9/04: Mackin, John G., "The Emphasis in Oyster Research in Past Years," April 1953.

S3-9/05: Mackin, John G. and Fred F. Cauthron, "A study in Oyster Production in the Barataria Bay Area," Technical Report No. 6, June 1, 1953.

S3-9/06: Mackin, John G., "A Study of the Relationship of Spawning of Oysters and Mortality," Technical Report No. 7, June 3, 1953.

S3-9/07: Mackin, John G., "A Study of the Effect of Infection by Dermocystidium on Ciliary Action in Oysters," Technical Report No. 8, June 5, 1953.

S3-9/08: Mackin, John G., "Summary of the Results of Thiogly Collate Cultures Diagnosis of Dermocystidium Disease in Oysters Made at the Grand Isle Laboratory of the Texas A&M Research Foundation," Technical Report No. 9, June 26, 1953.

S3-9/09: Mackin, John G., Sewell H. Hopkins, and R. Winston Menzel, "The Annual Cycle of Reproduction, Growth, and Fattening in Louisiana Oysters," July 1953.

S3-9/10: Mackin, John G., James L. Boswell, and Sammy M. Ray, "Studies on the Transmission and Pathogenicity of Dermocystidium Marinum. II," Technical Report No. 10, December 2, 1953.

S3-9/11: Mackin, John G. and Sammy M. Ray, "Studies on the Transmission and Pathogenicity of Dermocystidium Marinum. I.," Technical Report No. 11, January 20, 1954.

S3-9/12: Mackin, John G., "Operation and Maintenance of Marine Laboratory at Grand Isle, Louisiana," Progress Report No. 6, January 1, 1953 - January 1, 1954; February 6, 1954.

S3-9/13: Mackin, John G. and Fred F. Cauthron, "Additional Studies of the Effect of Infection by Dermocystidium on Ciliary Action in Oysters," Technical Report No. 12, March 31, 1954.

S3-9/14: Mackin, John G., "A Study of the Capacity of Disintegrating Oysters to Deplete Oxygen in Aquaria," Technical Report No. 13, August 1, 1954.

S3-9/15: Mackin, John G., "A Study of the Effect of Covering Oysters with Drilling Mud Sacks," Technical Report No. 14, September 17, 1954.

S3-9/16: Mackin, John G., "A Study of Turbidities Resulting from Dredging Operations in Grande Ecaille," Technical Report No. 15, November 29, 1954.

S3-9/17: Mackin, John G., "Records of the Distribution of Dermocystidium Marinum in Louisiana with Data on the Incidence of Infection of Oysters," Technical Report No. 16, November 3, 1954.

S3-9/18: Mackin, John G., "The Relation of Forced Closure of Oysters and Acceleration of Reproduction of Dermocystidium Marinum," Technical Report No. 17, December 2, 1954.

S3-9/19: Mackin, John G., "Resistance on Populations of Oysters with High Weighted Incidence of Dermocystidium Marinum to Holding Out of Water," Technical Report No. 18, December 15, 1954.

S3-9/20: Mackin, John G. and Sammy M. Ray, "Studies of Pathogenesis of Dermocystidium Marinum," 1954.

S3-9/21: Mackin, John G. and Harold Loesch, "A Haplosporidian Hyperparasite on Oysters," 1954.

S3-9/22: Mackin, John G. and Sammy M. Ray, "Studies on the Effect of Infection by Dermocystidium Marinum on Ciliary Action in Oysters (Crassotrea Virginica)," 1954.

S3-9/23: Mackin, John G., "Operation and Maintenance of Marine Laboratory at Grand Isle, Louisiana," Progress Report No. 7, January 1, 1955; January 10, 1955

S3-9/24: Mackin, John G. and Jerome E. Stein, "A Study of the Nature of Pigment Cells of Oysters and the Relation of Their Numbers to the Fungus Desicise Caused by Dermocystidium Marinum," 1955.

S3-9/25: Mackin, John G. and James L. Boswell, "The Life Cycle and Relationships of Dermocystidium Marinum," 1955.

S3-9/26: Mackin, John G., "Dermocystidium Marinum and Salinity," 1955.

S3-9/27: Mackin, John G., "Studies on the Effect of Suspension of Mud in Sea Water on Oysters," Technical Report No. 19, September 8, 1956.

S3-9/28: Mackin, John G. and E. H. Schrader, "Studies on the Effect of Drilling Mud Graphite Mixtures on Oyster," Technical Report No. 20, June 18, 1957.

S3-9/29: Mackin, John G., "Memorandum on Diversions of Effort from Project 23e," June 8, 1957.

S3-9/30: Mackin, John G., James L. Boswell, and Albert K. Sparks, "A Study of the Oxygen Demand of Living as Compared to Dead Oysters," Technical Report No. 21, July 1, 1957.

S3-9/31: Mackin, John G. and Jerome E. Stein, "An Evaluation of the Culture Method Used in Determining the Intensity of Dermocystidium Marinum Infections in the Oyster Crassostrea Virginica," Technical Report No. 22, June 4, 1957.

S3-9/32: Mackin, John G., and Jerome E. Stein, "A Histochemical Study of the Glycogen Content of Oysters Infected by Dermocystidium Marinum," Technical Report No. 23, June 19, 1957.

S3-9/33: Mackin, John G., and Jerome E. Stein, "Some Cytochemical Studies of the Cell Wall of Dermocystidium Marinum," Technical Report No. 24, June 28, 1957.

S3-9/34: Mackin, John G., James L. Boswell, and Albert K. Sparks, "Studies on the Comparative Utilization of Oxygen by Living and Dead Oysters," 1957.

S3-9/35: Mackin, John G. letters to Sewell H. Hopkins regarding oyster mortality investigations, March 7, 1958.

S3-9/36: Mackin, John G., and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Results of Projects Nine and Twenty-three: A Summary Report," Vol. 1, June 12, 1958.

S3-9/37: Mackin, John G., "Mortalities of Oysters," 1959.

S3-9/38: Mackin, John G., "A Method of Estimation of Mortality Rates in Oysters," 1959.

S3-9/39: Mackin, John G., "The Genus Haplosporidium Caullery and Mesnil, 1899," 1960.

S3-9/40: Mackin, John G., "Oysters Leucocytes in Infectious Disease," abstract, August 1961.

Reports, Letters, and Memorandum: Marmer - Menzel

S3-10/01: Marmer, H. A., "The Tide in Barataria Bay," July 21, 1947.

S3-10/02: Marmer, H. A., "The Currents in Barataria Bay," February 9, 1948.

S3-10/03: Marmer, H. A., "Notes Relative to Soundings on Hydrographic Sheets, Barataria Bay Region, 1933-34 Survey," June 28, 1948.

S3-10/04: Menzel, R. Winston letters to Sewell H. Hopkins regarding oyster mortality investigations, May 7 - December 1, 1947.

S3-10/05: Menzel, R. Winston reports of trips to Camp Lafitte and Sister Lake, Louisiana in connection with oyster mortality investigations, May 7-11, 1947.

S3-10/06: Menzel, R. Winston, "Menzel's Experiments," June 23, 1947.

S3-10/07: Menzel, R. Winston, "Report on the 1947 Joint Convention of the National Shellfisheries Association, Oyster Institute of North America and Oyster Growers and Dealers Association," June 1947.

S3-10/08: Menzel, R. Winston, "Outline of Oyster Experiments - Terrebonne Parish," September 13, 1947.

S3-10/09: Menzel, R. Winston report on trip to Virginia and samples of oysters collected, November 5, 1947.

S3-10/10: Menzel, R. Winston, "Report of R. W. Menzel," November 17, 1947.

S3-10/11: Menzel, R. Winston, "Plantings of Sister Lake Seed and Native Seed at Bay St. Elaine September 2 to September 4, 1947," November 1947.

S3-10/12: Menzel, R. Winston preliminary reports of the growth and mortality of 1947 spat, gas jet experiment, experimental plantings, and commercial planting conducted in Terrebonne Parish, December 1, 1947.

S3-10/13: Menzel, R. Winston letters to Sewell H. Hopkins regarding oyster mortality investigations, January 28 - February 10, 1948.

S3-10/14: Menzel, R. Winston, "Measurement of Condition of Oyster Glycogen Analysis of Oysters from Terrebonne Parish," January 15, 1948.

S3-10/15: Menzel, R. Winston, "Observations and Experiments on the Conch, Thais Floridana, in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana," June 1, 1948.

S3-10/16: Menzel, R. Winston, "Report on Two Cases of 'Oily Tasting' Oysters at Bay Sainte Elaine Oilfield," September 3, 1948.

S3-10/17: Menzel, R. Winston and Billy Walls, "Observations on the Stone Crab, Menippe Mercenaria, in Terrebonne Parish, La.," August 10, 1948.

S3-10/18: Menzel, R. Winston letters to Sewell H. Hopkins regarding oyster mortality investigations, February 10 - April 29, 1949.

S3-10/19: Menzel, R. Winston, "Preliminary Report on the Early Sexual Development of Oysters in Louisiana Waters," June 26, 1949.

S3-10/20: Menzel, R. Winston, "The Attachment, Survival, and Growth of Oyster Spat on Oil-Impregnated Wood," July 1, 1949.

S3-10/21: Menzel, R. Winston, "Effect of Deep Well Gas on the Mortality and Growth of Oysters," July 15, 1949.

S3-10/22: Menzel, R. Winston, "The Effect of Monthly Treatment with Phenol on the Growth and Mortality of Juvenile Oysters," July 20, 1949.

S3-10/23: Menzel, R. Winston letter to Sewell H. Hopkins regarding oyster mortality investigations, April 25, 1959.

S3-10/24: Menzel, R. Winston, "Report on Oyster Studies in Caillou Island Oil Field, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana," July 28, 1950.

S3-10/25: Menzel, R. Winston, "Report on Oyster Studies in Lake Felicity and Bayou Bas Bleu, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana," August 9, 1950.

S3-10/26: Menzel, R. Winston, "Report of Oyster Investigation at the Dog Lake Oil Field, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana," August 12, 1950.

S3-10/27: Menzel, R. Winston, "Report on Oyster Studies at Lake Pelto Oil Field, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana," September 25, 1950.

S3-10/28: Menzel, R. Winston, "Notes on the Early Sexual Development and Growth of the American Oysters in Louisiana Waters," November 22, 1950.

S3-10/29: Menzel, R. Winston and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Report on Experiments to Test the Effects of Oil Well Brine or 'Bleedwater' on Oysters at Lake Barre Oil Field," Vol. I, June 26, 1951.

Reports, Letters, and Memorandum: Menzel - Nelson

S3-11/01: Menzel, R. Winston and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Report on Experiments to Test the Effects of Oil Well Brine or 'Bleedwater' on Oysters at Lake Barre Oil Field," Vol. II, September 11, 1951.

S3-11/02: Menzel, R. Winston and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Report on Commercial Scale Oyster Planting Experiments in Bayou Bas Bleu and in Bay Sainte Oil Field," July 21, 1951.

S3-11/03: Menzel, R. Winston and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Methods for the Study of Oyster Plantings," August 1952.

S3-11/04: Menzel, R. Winston and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Reports on Oyster Experiment at Bay Sainte Elaine Oil Field," August 3, 1953.

S3-11/05: Menzel, R. Winston and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Effects of Two Parasites on the Growth of Oysters," April 25, 1954.

S3-11/06: Menzel, R. Winston and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Studies on Oyster Predators in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana" July 24, 1954.

S3-11/07: Menzel, R. Winston and Sewell H. Hopkins, "The Growth of Oysters Parasitized by the Fungus Dermocystidium Marinum and by the Trematode Bucephalus Cuculus," August 1955.

S3-11/08: Menzel, R. Winston and Sewell H. Hopkins, "Crabs as Predators of Oysters in Louisiana," 1956.

S3-11/09: Nelson, Thurlow C. letters to Sewell H. Hopkins and A. A. Jakkula regarding oyster mortality investigations, March 13, 1947 - May 31, 1949.

S3-11/10: Nelson, Thurlow C., "Report on an investigation in August 1914, of the Causes of Mortality Among Planted Oysters in Portersville Bay and Other Alabama Waters," October 1914.

S3-11/11: Nelson, Thurlow C., "Oyster Mortality: Project 9, General Observations, Jan. 1 - 7, 1948," January 7, 1948.

S3-11/12: Nelson, Thurlow C., "Report on Conclusions Drawn from Inspection of Data and of Experiments at Grand Isle and Port Aransas, October 20 to 28th, 1948, and at Grand Isle, August 1 to 6th, 1949, and from the Reports Which Have Been Issued from Foundation Personnel Particularly during the Past Twelve Months," August 6, 1949.

S3-11/13: Nelson, Thurlow C., "Comments on 'Notes for a Working Hypothesis of the Causes of Oyster Mortality in Louisiana and Texas' by Dr. Sewell H. Hopkins, 11 November 1948," August 20, 1949.

S3-11/14: Nelson, Thurlow C., "Highlights of Science at the National Shellfisheries Convention," 1952.

Reports, Letters, and Memorandum on the Oyster Mortality Project

Reports, letters and memoranda on the oyster mortality project by A. A. Jakkula, Fred W. Jensen, P. Korringa, Louis Lambert, Hugh B. Lofland, Elmer J. Lund, G. Robert Lunz, Jr., John C. Aull, Alvin F. Dodds, Shirley Alfred Lynch, John G. Mackin, Jay D. Andrews, Wiley G. Lastrapes, H. A. Marmer, R. Winston Menzel, Thurlow C. Nelson, Joseph F. Prokop, W. C. Rasmussen, Sammy M. Ray, J. H. Roberts, Fred W. Sieling, John J. Sperry, Victor Sprague, and Claude E. ZoBell.

Reports, Letters, and Memorandum: Prokop - ZoBell

S3-12/01: Prokop, Joseph F. letters to Sidney O. Brown and biographical data, October 13, 1948-1950.

S3-12/02: Prokop, Joseph F., "Report on a Study of the Bicrobial Decomposition of Crude Oil," May 20, 1950.

S3-12/03: Prokop, Joseph F., "Infection and Culture Procedures Employed in the Study of Dermocystidium Marinum," August 11, 1950.

S3-12/04: Rasmussen, W. C., "The Bottom Sediments of Barataria Bay, 1934 - 1947," 1948.

S3-12/05: Ray, Sammy M., "Studies on the Occurrence of Dermocystidium Marinum in Young Oysters," June 25, 1953.

S3-12/06: Roberts, J. H., "Outline of Faunal Studies of Mud Bottoms in Barataria Region," August 30, 1948.

S3-12/07: Sieling, Fred W., "Progress Report on Study of the Effect of Seismic Exploration on Oysters in Barataria Bay Region," September 13, 1949.

S3-12/08: Sieling, Fred W., "Experiments on the Effects of Seismographic Exploration on Oysters in Barataria Bay Region, 1949 - 1950," June 26, 1951.

S3-12/09: Sieling, Fred W., "Experiments on the Effects of Seismographic Exploration on Oysters," April 20, 1953.

S3-12/10: Sperry, John J., "Observations on the Flora (and Plant Collections) of the Marshlands of Southern Louisiana," 1949.

S3-12/11: Sperry, John J., "Observations on the Flora of the Marshlands of Southern Louisiana," August 18, 1949.

S3-12/12: Sprague, Victor letters to C. C. Doak, Sewell H. Hopkins, John G. Mackin, A. A. Jakkula, and Herbert F. Prytherch regarding oyster mortality investigations, March 18, 1947 - January 2, 1950.

S3-12/13: Sprague, Victor, "Progress Report of Nematosis Studies from 3 June to 4 July 1947 with Remarks on the Entire Nematosis Program," July 24, 1947.

S3-12/14: Sprague, Victor, "Studies on Nematopsis Prytherchi, Sprague and N. Ostrearum Prytherch, emended," January 5, 1949.

S3-12/15: Sprague, Victor, "Notes on Three Microsporidian Parasites of Decapod Crustacea of Louisiana Coastal Waters," 1950.

S3-12/16: Sprague, Victor, "Family Porosporidae Schneider," January 19, 1951.

S3-12/17: Sprague, Victor and P.E. Orr, Jr., "Studies on Nematopsis. III. N. Ostrearum and N. Prytherchi with Special References to Host-Parasite Relations," 1952.

S3-12/18: Sprague, Victor, "Species of Nematopsis in Ostrea Virginica," 1953.

S3-12/19: Sprague, Victor, "Protozoa," 1954.

S3-12/20: Sprague, Victor and P. E. Orr, Jr., "Nematopsis Ostrearum and N. Prytherchi (Eugregarinia: Porosporidae) with Special Reference to the Host-Parasite Relations," 1955.

S3-12/21: ZoBell, Claude E. letters and memoranda to William E. Loose, C. C. Doak, A. A. Jakkula, P. Korringa, Sewell H. Hopkins, John G. Mackin, J. F. Prokop, W. M. Potts, and Sidney O. Brown regarding oyster mortality investigations, June 11, 1947 - April 11, 1950.

S3-12/22: ZoBell, Claude E., "Daily Journal and Field Notes on Trip to Texas and Louisiana to Study Oil Pollution Problem," May 25, 1947.

S3-12/23: ZoBell, Claude E., "Impressions and Reflections from Flying over Mississippi Delta Region, Thursday, May 22, 1947," May 25, 1947.

S3-12/24: ZoBell, Claude E., "Bacteriological Aspects of Oyster Mortality Project, May 26, 1947," May 26, 1947.

S3-12/25: ZoBell, Claude E., "Memorandum on Field Experiments on Alleged Toxicity of Bleedwater," January 27, 1948.

S3-12/26: ZoBell, Claude E., "Antagonism of Ions and Its Relation to Toxicity of Bleedwaters," January 28, 1948.

S3-12/27: ZoBell, Claude E., "Memorandum on the Chemical Composition of Crude Oils and Bleedwaters," February 26, 1948.

S3-12/28: ZoBell, Claude E., "Some Notes on the Sulfur Cycle in the Sea With Particular Reference to the Oyster Mortality Investigations," June 15, 1948.

S3-12/29: ZoBell, Claude E., "Report on June 1948 Visit and Some Recommendations," June 21, 1948.

S3-12/30: ZoBell, Claude E., "Bacteriological Analysis of Mud Samples 573 - 584 Received June 15, 1948," September 7, 1948.

S3-12/31: ZoBell, Claude E., "Some Comments on Applied Oceanographic Research in the Gulf of Mexico," May 23, 1949.

S3-12/32: ZoBell, Claude E., "Rate at Which Oil Is Oxidized by Bacteria," June 1, 1949.

S3-12/33: ZoBell, Claude E., "Demonstration of Bacteria in Mud Samples from Barataria Bay Region Which Oxidize Crude Oil from Louisiana," June 1, 1949.

S3-12/34: ZoBell, Claude E., "Bacterial Analysis of Mud Samples 591-602 Received August 25, 1948," June 1, 1949.

S3-12/35: ZoBell, Claude E., "Report on Conference with Project 9 Legal Counsel on October 27, 1949," November 16, 1949.

S3-12/36: ZoBell, Claude E., "Report on Conferences and Observations at Grand Isle from October 27 to 29, 1949," November 16, 1949.

Sewell Hepburn Hopkins Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 154
  • Collection
  • 1913-1961

This collection contains biographical data, publications, and data on the Biology Department at Texas A&M in which Sewell was a faculty member, as well as reports and other papers relating to oyster mortality research carried out through the Texas A&M Research Foundation Research Project 9 (February 1, 1947 - May 31, 1950).

The research project 9 was funded by six major oil companies and led by two Texas A & M University Professors, Sewell H. Hopkins (Head) and John G. Mackin (Associate Head).

Prompted by several lawsuits filed by Louisiana oystermen against major oil companies claiming damages to oyster fields as a result of drilling in the Gulf Of Mexico region, Project 9 was conducted under the auspices of the Texas A & M Research Foundation. Project 9 allowed researchers to design and implement field and laboratory studies seeking to determine the effects of oil production activities on oyster production. Eventually, a then as-yet-unknown parasite was discovered which preyed upon the oyster crop after they had begun to reach maturity.

Two other large research groups investigating the same allegations against oil production in the Gulf headed by H. Malcome Owen (Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission) and Albert W. Collier (Gulf Oil Company) compared notes with the Heads of Project 9, coming to the same conclusion. As a result of this collaboration, a description of this newly discovered parasite called Dermocystidium marinum was published in 1950. The lawsuits were subsequently dropped or settled out of court.

More importantly for the history of the Texas A & M University System, however, is the fact that Research Project 9 led ultimately to the creation and expansion of a Marine Sciences program, represented by the newly established (1949) Department of Oceanography at Texas A & M University in College Station. On 1 June 1950, after the termination of Research Project 9, Research Project 23 was begun to continue studies on oyster disease and maintain a Marine Laboratory at Grand Isle, La. The Texas A & M Marine Laboratory was established (1952) at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Tex. In 1968 Texas A & M University was named a Sea Grant College. The Marine Laboratory and the Texas Maritime Academy were merged in 1971, which is now known as Texas A & M University at Galveston.

These papers, therefore, form a picture of the ground-breaking research in oyster mortality conducted by Sewell H. Hopkins as head of Project 9, which led to increased sensitivity of the interplay of industry and the ecosystem, and to the formalized study at the university level of marine biology in the Gulf area.

Other researchers whose work is represented in the papers include Jay Donald Andrews, A. D. Bajkov, Harry J. Bennet, James L. Boswell, Clair Brown, Sidney O. Brown, M.D. Burkenroad, Fred Caulthron, C. Ray Elsey, I. I. Gardescu, Gordon Gunter, C. K. Hancock, Harold W. Harry, Joel W. Hedgpeth, Willis G. Hewatt, A. A. Jakkula, Fred W. Jensen, P. Korringa, Louis Lambert, Hugh B. Lofland, Elmer J. Lund, G. Robert Lunz, Jr., John C. Aull, Alvin F. Dodds, Shirley Alfred Lynch, John G. Mackin, Wiley G. Lastrapes, H. A. Marmer, R. Winston Menzel, Thurlow C. Nelson, Joseph F. Prokop, W. C. Rasmussen, Sammy M. Ray, J. H. Roberts, Fred W. Sieling, John J. Sperry, Victor Sprague, and Claude E. ZoBell.

    * Bibliography

    * Ray, Sammy M. "Historical Perspective on Perkinsus Marinus Disease of Oysters in the Gulf of Mexico." Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 15, No. 1:9-11.

    * Ray, Sammy M. "Texas A & M University's Contributions to Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Research." [Viewed 2002-10-10 at: ]

Hopkins, Sewell Hepburn, 1906-1984