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Archival Descriptions
Michael Lee Lanning '68 Collection
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Blood Warriors

5/29: Manuscript, 2002
5/30: Draft - Audio Script, Undated
5/31: Draft - Introduction and Chapter 1, Undated
5/32: Draft - Book Proposal, Undated
5/33: Draft - Bibliography, Undated
5/34: Draft - Appendices Cutlines, Undated
5/35: Correspondence - Bob Shuma, Undated
6/1: Draft (1 of 2), 2002
6/2: Draft (2 of 2), 2002

Blood Warriors: American Military Elites

13/20: Navy Seals, 1962; 1998; 2002

13/21: Secret Armies, 1987

13/22: Secret Warriors, 1988

13/23: Any Time, Any Place, 1995

13/24: Spec Ops, 1996

13/25: Elite Warriors, 1996

13/26: General, 1996

13/27: Unconventional Warriors, 1997

13/28: Correspondence, 1997

13/29: Retention, 1999

13/30: Green Berets, 1999

13/31: Air Force, 1999

13/32: SOF Posture, 2000

13/33: Special Operations, 2000; Undated

13/34: Delta Force, 2001

13/35: Book Lists, 2001

13/36: US Armed Forces, 2002

13/37: Airborne, 2002

13/38: Complete Book Lists, Undated

13/39: Snipers, Undated

14/1: Special Ops History, 1992; 1997-1998

14/2: Special Operations Forces, 1998

14/3: Long Range Surveillance Leaders Course, 1998

14/4: In the Combat Zone, 1998

14/5: Force Recon Correspondence, 1999-2002

14/6: Library Catalog Search, 1999

14/7: Navy Seals Correspondence, 2000

14/8: Marine Corps Correspondence

14/9: Black Berets, 2000-2001

14/10: Ranger, 2001

14/11: Book Lists, 2001-2002

14/12: Future/Conclusion, 2002

College Writings

15/14: Classwork, 1977

15/15: Words Worth Fighting For, 1977

15/16: English War Correspondents in the Confederate States of America, 1977

15/17: Words Worth Fighting For, 1977

15/18: Classwork and Book Reports, 1979

15/19: School Work, Undated

Defenders of Liberty

5/22: Draft, Undated
5/23: Draft - Typeset (1 of 4), Undated
5/24: Draft - Typeset (2 of 4), Undated
5/25: Draft - Typeset (3 of 4), Undated
5/26: Draft - Typeset (4 of 4), Undated
5/27: Draft - Visual Aide, Undated
5/28: Draft Agreement - Ballantine Publishing, Undated

Inside the Crosshairs

5/11: Draft (1 of 3), 1998
5/12: Draft (2 of 3), 1998
5/13: Draft (3 of 3), 1998
5/14: Draft - Proposal, Undated
5/15: Draft - Edited Incomplete, Undated
5/16: Draft - Book Proposal, Undated
5/17: Draft - Dan Cragg Edits and Feedback, Undated
5/18: Draft - Incomplete (1 of 3), Undated
5/19: Draft - Incomplete (2 of 3), Undated
5/20: Draft - Incomplete (3 of 3), Undated
5/21: Manuscript Edits (1 page), Undated

Inside the Crosshairs: Snipers in Vietnam

12/1: Equipment, 1936; 1942; 1962

12/2: Pre-Vietnam, 1940; 1951-1953; 1982

12/3: Pre-Vietnam, 1943; 1951; 1963; 1989; 1992; Undated

12/4: Tactics, 1946; 1968; 1986; 1991

12/5: Marine Snipers, 1966-1975; 1994-1997

12/6: VC-NVA Snipers, 1966-1967

12/7: Marine Snipers, 1967; 1985

12/8: Equipment, 1967; 1982; 1986-1988

12/9: 9th Infantry, 1969; 1996-1997

12/10: 25th Infantry, Undated

12/11: Vietnam, 1974

12/12: Post-Vietnam, 1980; 1986; 1996; Undated

12/13: Sniper Training and equipment, 1989

12/14: Vietnam, 1989

12/15: Firearms, 1990

12/16: One Shot, One Kill

12/17: Book Lists

12/18: Correspondence with David Kasten, 1992; 1996

12/19: With British Snipers to the Reich, 1993

12/20: Night Hunters, 1994

12/21: Sniper The Skills, The Weapons, The Experiences, 1994

12/22: Journal of Government Info, 1995

12/23: Marine Corps Public Affairs Letters, 1996

12/24: Email and Listserv Correspondence, 1996

12/25: Shooting, 1996

12/26: Surveys and Correspondence, 1996

12/27: Responses, 1996

12/28: Association Letters, 1996-1997

12/29: Survey Responses, 1996-1997

12/30: New Contacts, 1997

12/31: Sniper Training/School, 1997; 2001

12/32: On Killing, Undated

12/33: Marine Snipers, Undated

12/35: Handwritten Notes, Undated

13/1: The Age of Firearms 1/2, 1957

13/2: The Age of Firearms 2/2, 1957

13/3: Sniper Rifles, 1967

13/4: A History of Marksmanship, 1973

13/5: Gun Collector's Book, 1977

13/6: The Evolution of Weapons and Warfare, 1980

13/7: The Confederacy, 1991

13/8: Death from Afar Vol II 1/2, 1992

13/9: Death from Afar Vol II 2/2, 1992

13/10: Scout Sniper, 1993

13/11: Death From Afar Vol III, 1994

13/12: The Buffalo Hunters, 1995

13/13: Operation Tuscaloosa, 1997

13/14: General, 1998

13/15: Scout Snipers 1/2, Undated

13/16: Scout Snipers 2/2, Undated

13/17: Complete Book of US Snipers 1/3, Undated

13/18: Complete Book of US Snipers 2/3, Undated

13/19: Complete Book of US Snipers 3/3, Undated

Inside the LRRPs: Rangers in Vietnam

6/11: Early VN History, 1951-1964

6/12: Combat Operations, 1961-1968

6/13: Vietnam Strategy and Tactics, 1966

6/14: Background Notes, 1967

6/15: Intelligence Debriefing, 1967-1969

6/16: Confidential Reports, 1969

6/17: Miscellaneous Reports, 1969

6/18: The Men, 1969

6/19: Standard Operating Procedures, 1969

6/20: Training, 1969

6/21: U.S Troops 75th Infantry, 1969

6/22: Interview, 1969

6/23: Combat Reports, 1969

6/24: Unit Histories, 1969-1970

6/25: Training Information, 1969-1970

6/26: Assorted Research Files, 1969

6/27: Ranger, 1971

6/28: Early VN History, 1972

6/29: Chapter 11 Research, 1973

6/30: GO Letters, 1980

6/31: Airborne Ranger, 1980-1990

6/32: Interviews, Undated

Inside the VC/NVA

Part of this subseries in unprocessed. The unprocessed portion is located in box 7.

8/1: The Fighting Man's Journal, 1967

8/2: Assorted Commander's Materials, 1967-1969

8/3: Grievances of A Soldier, 1968

8/4: Commander Correspondence, 1969

8/5: Newspapers and Notes, 1969

8/6: VC Battalion, 1969

8/7: Intelligence Summary, 1969

8/8: “The Hurricane”, 1969-1970

8/9: 199th Infantry Information, 1970

8/10: Lt. Lanning Information, 1970

8/11: Ranger and Armor Evaluation of Vietnam, 1972

8/12: RAND Interview, 1972

8/13: A Case Study of the VC, 1975

8/14: VC Recruitment, 1975

8/15: Communist Militaria, 1980

8/16: Vietnam Today, 1985

8/17: Appendices and Map, Undated

8/18: VC/NVA Logistics, Undated

8/19: Logistics, Undated

8/20: Resource Material, Undated

8/21: Vietcong Strategies, Undated

8/22: Vietnam Photos, Undated

8/23: Chapter 1, Undated

8/24: Malaria Information, Flight Pass, Base Map, Undated

8/25: VC Questions, Undated

8/26: Why the North Vietnamese Will Keep Fighting, Undated

8/27: Rallying Potential Among NVA Forces, Undated

8/28: Vietcong Strategies (1 of 2), Undated

8/29: Vietcong Strategies (2 of 2), Undated

8/30: “1971 and Beyond: The View From Hanoi”, Undated

8/31: Some Impressions of Vietcong Vulnerabilities, Undated

8/32: “Some Impressions of the Effects of Military Operations on Vietcong Forces”, Undated

8/33: War Without Fronts (1 of 2), Undated

8/34: War Without Fronts (2 of 2), Undated

8/35: Vietnamese Cards and Patches, Undated

8/36: Improving the Effectiveness of the Chieu HOI Program (1 of 2), Undated

8/37: Improving the Effectiveness of the Chieu HOI Program (2 of 2), Undated

8/38: General, Undated

8/39: Photos, Undated

8/40: Photocopies, Undated

Inside the VC/NVA

3/31: Draft - Chapters, 1989
4/1: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 1, Undated
4/2: Galley Proofs (1 of 2), 1992
4/3: Galley Proofs (2 of 2), 1992
4/4: Draft - Partial Chapter Draft, Undated
4/5: Manuscript, Undated

Lanning - Correspondence

16/01: Outgoing, 1986

16/02: Fan Letters, 1987

16/03: Fan Letters, 1988

16/04: Fan Letters, 1989

16/05: Fan Letters, 1990

16/06: Texas Tech, 1991

16/07: Fan Letters, 1991

16/08: Fan Letters, 1992

16/09: General Correspondence, 1993

16/10: Military Intelligence, 1993

16/11: Fan Letters, 1993

16/12: Fan Letters 1994

16/13: Letters, 1994-1995

16/14: Letters, 1994

16/15: Books and Co., Channel 8, 1994

16/16: Richard "Bernie" Burnell, 1995

16/17: Fan Letters, 1995

16/18: Youth Development, 1995

16/19: Tom Hargrove, 1995

16/20: Hillel Black, 1995-1997

16/21: Hillel Black, 1996-1998

16/22: Washington Post Outlook, 1996

16/23: Susan Katz Keating, 1996

16/24: Fan Letters, 1996

16/25: Public Affairs, 1996

16/26: General Correspondence, 1996

16/27: Photo Requests, 1996; 2002

16/28: Lesley Lustgarten, 1996

16/29: Vietnam Vets Institute Conference, 1996

16/30: Owen Lock, 1996-1997

16/31: Desert Schools Federal Credit Union Board, 1997

16/32: African American Post Book, 1997

16/33: General Correspondence, 1997

16/34: Fan Letters, 1997

16/35: Arizona Humanities Speaker's Bureau, 1997

16/36: Stockpile Books, 1997

16/37: Texas Institute of Letters, 1997

16/38: Kuwait - Miles Sheldon, 1997

16/39: Gordon Forbes, 1998

16/40: Robinson Publishing, 1998

16/41: Ross Galen, 1998

16/42: UAFC-AFRTS, 1998

16/43: Emails, 1998-1999

16/44: Sniper Responses Post Publication, 1999

16/45: Fan Letters, 2010

16/46: National Endowment for the Arts Grant Application, Undated

16/47: Fan Letters and Calls, Undated


6/3: Draft (1 of 2), 2004
6/4: Draft (2 of 2), 2004
6/5: Proposal Correspondence, Undated
6/6: Draft - 3rd Version, Undated

Mercenaries: Soldiers of Fortune, From Ancient Greece to Today's Private Military Companies

14/13: Middle Ages Mercenaries, 1973-2002

14/14: American Mercenaries, 1980

14/15: Air Mercs, 1981

14/16: Africa, 1985-1989

14/17: Mercenaries, Pirates, and Sovereigns, 1994

14/18: Ireland, 1994-2004

14/19: Corporations in Warfare, 1995-2003

14/20: Executive Outcomes, 1997-2002

14/21: Book Lists, 1997-2002

14/22: Mercenaries: The Scourge of the Third World, 2000

14/23: Sandline, 2000

14/24: Privatization of War Info, 2000-2003

14/25: Mercs in Soldiers of Fortune Magazine, 2001

14/26: Mercenary Sources, 2002-2004

14/27: Interview, 2002

14/28: Hessians and Mercenaries, 2002-2004

14/29: An Unorthodox Soldier, 2003

14/30: Mercenaries in Articles, 2003-2004

14/31: Mercenaries, 2004

14/32: The Private Military Company: A Legitimate International Entity Within Modern Conflicts, 2004

14/33: Outsourcing Soldering, 2004

14/34: Notes, Undated

15/1: Early Mercenaries, 2003

15/2: Le Moyne, 2003-2004

15/3: Foreign Legions, 2004

15/4: Murders Overseas, 2004

15/5: Gurkhas, 2004

15/6: Vietnam, 2004

15/7: Privateers, Undated

15/8: MPRI, Undated

15/9: Mercenaries General Bibliography, Undated

15/10: Private Military Contractors, 2004, Undated

15/11: Modern Mercenaries, 2002, Undated

Military Writings

15/20: Fort Lewis Ranger, May 17, 1984

15/21: Fort Lewis Ranger, June 28, 1985

15/22: Fort Lewis Ranger, July 12, 1984

15/23: Fort Lewis Ranger, July 19, 1984

15/24: Fort Lewis Ranger, July 26, 1984

15/25: Fort Lewis Ranger, August 9, 1984

15/26: Fort Lewis Ranger, August 23, 1984

15/27: Fort Lewis Ranger, August 30, 1984

15/28: Fort Lewis Ranger, September 7, 1984

15/29: Fort Lewis Ranger, September 13, 1984

15/30: Fort Lewis Ranger, September 20, 1984

15/31: Fort Lewis Ranger, September 27, 1984

15/32: Fort Lewis Ranger, October 4, 1984

15/33: Fort Lewis Ranger, October 25, 1984

15/34: Fort Lewis Ranger, November 1, 1984

15/35: Fort Lewis Ranger, November 16, 1984

15/36: Fort Lewis Ranger, November 29, 1984

15/37: Fort Lewis Ranger, December 6, 1984

15/38: Fort Lewis Ranger, December 13, 1984

15/39: Fort Lewis Ranger, December 20, 1984

15/40: Fort Lewis Ranger, January 4, 1985

15/41: Fort Lewis Ranger, January 10, 1985

15/42: Fort Lewis Ranger, January 17, 1985

15/43: Fort Lewis Ranger, January 24, 1985

15/44: Fort Lewis Ranger, January 31, 1985

15/45: Fort Lewis Ranger, February 7, 1985

15/46: Fort Lewis Ranger, February 28, 1985

15/47: Fort Lewis Ranger, March 14, 1985

Senseless Secrets

9/11: "The Role of Military Intelligence", 1965; 1985

9/12: War of 1812, 1965; 1985

9/13: WWII, 1969

9/14: Indian War, 1970; 1975; 1993

9/15: Intelligence Command, 1972; 1976

9/16: General, 1975; Undated

9/17: All the Drowned Soldiers, 1982

9/18: American Naval History, 1984

9/19: American Naval History, 1984

9/20: Spanish American War, 1985

9/21: CIA, 1987; 1994

9/22: M.I., 1990; Undated

9/23: Somalia, 1991-1994

9/24: American Revolutionary War, 1991; Undated

9/25: Cost of Protection, 1993

9/26: Gulf, 1993

9/27: Library Catalog, 1993

9/28: WWII, 1993-1994; Undated

9/29: WWI, 1994

9/30: Spies, 1993-1994

9/31: INSCOM, 1994-1995

9/32: Naval Intelligence, 1994

9/33: Civil War, 1994

9/34: Military Academies, 1994-1995

9/35: Inter Operations, 1994

9/36: General, 1994; Undated

9/37: Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1995

9/38: Marine Corps, Undated

9/39: American Revolution, Undated

9/40: Mexican War, Undated

9/41: Evolution of M. I., Undated

9/42: First World War, Undated

9/43: WWI, Undated

10/1: History, 1967; 1991

10/2: Civil War, 1972

10/3: Myths of National Security, 1975

10/4: Office of Naval Intelligence, 1979

10/5: Vietnam, 1982; 1992-1994

10/6: Vietnam, 1992; Undated

10/7: Presidents' Secret Wars, 1986

10/8: American Wars, 1987

10/9: Just cause, 1990-1991

10/10: Korea, 1990; Undated

10/11: C3I, 1991

10/12: Post Vietnam, 1991; Undated

10/13: Go Spy the Land, 1992

10/14: U.S. News, 1994

10/15: A Country Made by War, Undated

10/16: Air Force, Undated

10/17: Peacetime Problems, Undated

10/18: History of the Military Intelligence Division, Undated

10/19: Human Intelligence, Undated

10/20: The World's Greatest Spies, Undated

10/21: CIA, Undated

10/22: Armies of Ignorance, Undated

10/23: Handwritten Notes, Undated

10/24: Desert Storm, 1994

Senseless Secrets

4/31: Book Proposal, 1993
4/32: Handwritten Draft - Incomplete Draft, Undated
4/33: Draft - Proposals, Undated
4/34: Draft - Book Outlines, Undated
4/35: Draft - Before Changes (1 of 3), Undated
4/36: Draft - Before Changes (2 of 3), Undated
4/37: Draft - Before Changes (3 of 3), Undated
4/38: Draft - Useless Secrets #2, Undated

The African American Soldier

5/4: Draft - Bibliography, 1996
5/5: Draft - Author's Galley, 1995
5/6: Draft - Updated Edition, Undated
5/7: Draft - Chapter 19, Undated
5/8: Draft - Galley Proofs, Undated
5/9: Draft - Working Title "We, Too, Are Americans" Proposal, Undated
5/10: Draft - Assorted, with Edits, Undated

The African American Soldier: From Crispus Attucks to Colin Powell

10/25: The Black Soldier, 1975

10/26: Blacks and the Military, Undated

10/27: Black Soldier, Undated

10/28: Colonial America, Undated

10/29: General Research, Undated

10/30: Revolution, Undated

10/31: Spanish-American War, Undated

10/32: World War II, Undated

10/33: Second Gulf War, Undated

10/34: African American Generals, Undated

10/35: Marine Corps, Undated

10/36: General Research, Undated

10/37: National Guard, Undated

10/38: Race Relations, Undated

10/39: Chaplains, Undated

10/40: Photos, Negatives, and Photocopies, Undated

11/1: Housing Statistics, 1967-1969

11/2: Smoked Yankees, 1987

11/3: Colin Powell, 1987; 1991; 2003

11/4: From Slavery to Freedom, 1988

11/5: Black American Contribution to the Civil War, 1989

11/6: Vietnam, 1990

11/7: Indian Wars, 1995

11/8: Equal Opportunity, 1995-1996

11/9: The New Yorker, 1996

11/10: U.S. News, 1996

11/11: African American Military Experience, 2000

11/12: From Bunker Hill to Vietnam, Undated

11/13: Blacks and the Military, Undated

11/14: He, Too, Spoke for Democracy, Undated

11/15: Taps for a Jim Crow Army, Undated

11/16: Integration of the Armed Forces, Undated

11/17: Breakthrough on the Color Front, Undated

11/18: General Research, Undated

11/19: Separate and Unequal, Undated

11/20: Trip to Alabama, Undated

11/21: Strength for the Fight, Undated

11/22: Buffalo Soldier, Undated

11/23: Soldier Demographics, Undated

11/24: Black Defenders of America, Undated

11/25: Buffalo Soldiers in Italy, Undated

11/26: Strength for the Fight, Undated

11/27: General

11/28: Strength for the Fight

11/29: Fighting Fronts, Undated

11/30: Ebony Pictorial, Undated

11/31: Segregated Skies, Undated

11/32: Golden Thirteen, Undated

11/33: Black Company, Undated

11/34: Negro History Bulletin, Undated

11/35: United States Army in Peacetime, Undated

11/36: The Invisible Soldier, Undated

11/37: Proudly We Served, Undated

11/38: To Serve My Country, Undated

11/39: In the Shadow of War, Undated

11/40: A Rape of Justice, Undated

11/41: Inequality in the Army, Undated

11/42: Strength for the Fight, Undated

11/43: Chapter 10 notes, Undated

11/44: History of the Black Soldier, Undated

11/45: Understanding Minorities in Uniform

11/46: Marines Almanac 96, Undated

11/47: World War I, Undated

11/48: Blacks and the Military, Undated

11/49: The Negro, Too, Undated

11/50: Civil War

11/51: Black Americans in the Navy, Undated

11/52: Korea, Undated

11/53: War of 1812

11/54: Strength for the Fight, Undated

11/55: Vietnam, Undated

11/56: Black History, Undated

11/57: Clippings, Undated

11/58: Statistics, Undated

11/59: Photos - Photocopied, Undated

11/60: Buffalo Soldiers, Undated

The Battles of Peace

3/10: Proposal and Outline, Undated
3/11: Draft - Chapter 1, Undated
3/12: Draft - Chapter 2, Undated
3/13: Draft - Chapter 3, November 1974
3/14: Draft - Chapter 4, December - January 1975
3/15: Draft - Chapter 5, February 1975
3/16: Draft - Chapter 6, March - April 1975
3/17: Draft - Chapter 7, May - June 1975
3/18: Draft - Chapter 8, July - August 1975
3/19: Draft - Chapter 9, September 1975
3/20: Draft - Chapter 10, October 1975
3/21: Draft - Chapter 11, November - December 1975
3/22: Draft - Chapter 12, January 1976
3/23: Draft - Chapter 13, February 1976
3/24: Draft - Chapter 14, March 1976
3/25: Draft - Chapter 15, April 1976
3/26: Draft - Chapter 16, May 1976
3/27: Appendices and Allowances, Undated
3/28: Draft - Battles of Peace Proofs, Undated
3/29: Draft - Battles of Peace Corrections, Undated
3/30: Draft - The Battles of Peace, Undated

The Only War We Had: A Platoon's Leaders Journal of Vietnam

1/1: Galley Proof, 1987
1/2: Author's Galley, 1987
1/3: Handwritten Month Outline, Undated
1/4: Typed Draft Author's Note, Undated
1/5: Handwritten Manuscript - Pre-Journal, Undated
1/6: Handwritten Manuscript - April, Undated
1/7: Handwritten Manuscript - May, Undated
1/8: Handwritten Manuscript - June, Undated
1/9: Handwritten Manuscript - July, Undated
1/10: Handwritten Manuscript - August, Undated
1/11: Handwritten Manuscript - September, Undated
1/12: Handwritten Manuscript - October, Undated
1/13: Handwritten Manuscript - Post-Journal, Undated
1/14: Handwritten Manuscript - About the Author, Undated
1/15: Editing Notes, Undated
1/16: Typed Draft - Introduction, Undated
1/17: Typed Draft with Edits - April, Undated
1/18: Typed Draft with Edits - May, Undated
1/19: Typed Pre-Journal, Undated
1/20: Typed Draft with Edits (1 of 2), Undated
1/21: Typed Draft with Edits (2 of 2), Undated
1/22: Typed Draft with Edits - Incomplete, Undated
1/23: Typed Draft with Revisions (1 of 5), Undated
1/24: Typed Draft with Revisions (2 of 5), Undated
1/25: Typed Draft with Revisions (3 of 5), Undated
1/26: Typed Draft with Revisions (4 of 5), Undated
1/27: Typed Draft with Revisions (5 of 5), Undated
1/28: Manuscript (1 of 4), Undated
1/29: Manuscript (2 of 4), Undated
1/30: Manuscript (3 of 4), Undated
2/1: Manuscript, Undated
2/2: Corrections, Undated
2/3: Manuscript, Undated
2/4: Manuscript (1 out of 4), Undated
2/5: Manuscript (2 out of 4), Undated
2/6: Manuscript (3 out of 4), Undated
2/7: Manuscript (4 out of 4), Undated

Vietnam 1969-1970: A Company Commander's Journal

2/8: Handwritten Manuscript - Introduction, Undated
2/9: Handwritten Manuscript, October 1969
2/10: Handwritten Manuscript, November 1969
2/11: Handwritten Manuscript (1 out of 2), December 1969
2/12: Handwritten Manuscript (2 out of 2), December 1969
2/13: Handwritten Manuscript, January 1970
2/14: Handwritten Manuscript, February 1970
2/15: Handwritten Manuscript, March 1970
2/16: Handwritten Manuscript, November 1970
2/17: Incomplete Edited Draft, Undated
2/18: Author Galleys, Undated
2/19: Page Proofs, Undated
2/20: Manuscript, Undated

Vietnam at the Movies

4/6: Manuscript (1 of 3), 1993
4/7: Manuscript (2 of 3), 1993
4/8: Manuscript (3 of 3), 1993
4/9: Draft - Proposal, Undated
4/10: Handwritten Draft - Introduction, Undated
4/11: Handwritten Draft - Chapter Outlines, Undated
4/12: Handwritten Movie Reviews (1 of 4), Undated
4/13: Handwritten Movie Reviews (2 of 4), Undated
4/14: Handwritten Movie Reviews (3 of 4), Undated
4/15: Handwritten Movie Reviews (4 of 4), Undated
4/16: Typed Edited Draft - Chapter 1, Undated
4/17: Typed Draft - Chapter 7, Undated
4/18: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 9, Undated
4/19: Typed Draft - Chapter 10, Undated
4/20: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 11, Undated
4/21: Handwritten Draft-Chapter 12, Undated
4/22: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 13, Undated
4/23: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 14, Undated
4/24: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 16, Undated
4/25: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 17/ Conclusion, Undated
4/26: Typed Movie Reviews, Undated
4/27: Typed Draft - Proposal Earlier Version, Undated
4/28: Typed Draft - Proposal Later Version, Undated
4/29: Typed Draft - Proposal Final Version, Undated
4/30: Draft, Undated

Vietnam at the Movies

8/41: War in TV, Undated

8/42: Notes and Lists, Undated

8/43: WWII, Undated

8/44: General, Undated

8/45: Korea, Undated

8/46: Viet Vets, Undated

8/47: General, Undated

8/48: Pre-Vietnam, Undated

8/49: Anti-war Films, Undated

8/50: Outgoing Correspondence, Undated

8/51: Incoming Correspondence, Undated

8/52: WWI, Undated

8/53: Movie Reviews, Undated

9/1: Soldiers Returning Home, 1975

9/2: General, 1987; 1991-1992

9/3: Sympathetic Veterans, 1991

9/4: Oliver Stone, 1991-1994

9/5: Guide to Reviews, Undated

9/6: Movie List, Undated

9/7: Ramboesque Characters, Undated

9/8: Suspicious Allies, Unusual Enemies, Undated

9/10: Handwritten Notes, Undated