Identity elements
Reference code
TxAM-CRS 411-35
Name and location of repository
Level of description
Dawson French Laws and Decrees
- 1790s (Creation)
29 folders
Name of creator
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
Material in folders 1-10 came to Cushing Library in a third three-ring binder with the handwritten spine title "Decrees 1790s, Chartres-printed." Material in folders 11-18 came from a second binder titled "Decrees 1790s, Chartres-printed." Material in folders 19-29 came from a binder titled "Decrees: Royal press + Nantes," with the accompanying note "to use, Order: 1) of use for contents stamped/signed at end; 2) Royal press; 3) Nantes."
35/1-10: 50 laws and decrees, 1790s.
35/11-18: 33 laws and decrees, 1790s.
35/19-29: 62 laws and decrees, 1790s.