19th-20th Century Miscellaneous

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TxAM-CRS 411-26

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19th-20th Century Miscellaneous



24 folders

Nombre del productor


Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido

Material in folders 1-10 came to Cushing Library unsorted in one large archival box. Material in folders 11-24 was found among Robert L. Dawson's unsorted personal papers.

26/1: Five envelopes containing a total of nineteen small religious documents, mostly prayers. 1647-1738?

26/2: Auction folder, Manuscripts:

  • "Autographe - 18e - 19e Siecles, VIe Division..." Bearing a handwritten discription of the contents. Inside is a Letter from Orloff (Gregoire Vladimir, comte) to Dr. Biett. Undated
  • To Monsieur from Jay defleur(?), 17 October, 1757
  • To M. de Maganeoure(?) from le Duc de Lavrilliere(?), 17 ?, 1772
  • To Madame from le Comte de Tressan. Asking her to act on behalf of his son to have him promoted to the rank of colonel. March 1777
  • "Pro Memoria". Petition of Danican to recieve recompense for 40 years of service to the Bourbons, recounting his military career, including his loyalty to the king and his assistance in helping various persons escape France. 16February, 1821
  • To Monsieur le Comte from ?. 31 October, 1789
    *? 1766.

26/3: Bound folder labeled "Inventaire de Pierre-Charles Provandier" (among other notes), Typescripts/Manuscripts:

  • "Avertissement." Notice of taxes for Provandier, 9 March, 1803.
  • "Contributions Directes". First tax summary for Provandier, 9 March, 1803.
  • "Contributions Personnelle, Mobilaire et Somptuaire An 9". Tax notice for Provandier. 2 March, 1801.
  • "Contributions Directes." First tax summary for Provandier, date unclear (lists two separate years)
  • "Contribution Personelle, Mobiliaire de L'An VII". Tax notice for Provandier. 29(?) January, 1804.
  • "Dernier Commandement, au Nom de la Loi, d'Apres Moderation." Final notice after reduction for Provandier. 1804/05.
  • "Prefecture du Departement de la Seine. Contentieux des Contribution Directes." Tax form for Provandier. 17 February, 1801(?).
  • Note regarding taxes for Provandier. 1 September(?), 1794.
  • "Pierre Charles Provandier, ancien commis". Note regarding taxes (?) for Provandier. 1792?
  • "Emprunt Force". Notice of the mandatory "loans" made by the people to the government, for Provandier. 7 February, 1796.
  • "Emprunt Force". Certification that Provandier paid his emprunt force. 23 October, 1793.
  • "Recepisse de l'Emprunt Force." Reciept for Provandier's emprunt force. 1793/94.
  • "Departement de Paris." Certifying that Provandier was not on the list of arrested emmigrants who fled during the revolution. 20 May, 1793.
  • "Duplicata de Quittance de Contribution Patriotique." Certifying that Provandier had paid this particular tax, levied on those with an income of over 400 livres. Three dates: 31 August, 1790; 29 August, 1791; 21 March, 1792.
  • "Quittance de Contribution Patriotique." Certifying that Provandier had paid the tax. 18 January, 1792.
  • "Quittance de Contribution Patriotique." Certifying that Provandier had paid the tax. 29 August, 1791.
  • "Quittance de Contribution Patriotique." Certifying that Provandier had paid the tax. 30 March, 1791.
  • "Quittance de Contribution Patriotique." Certifying that Provandier had paid the tax. 31 August, 1790.
  • "Quittance de Contribution Patriotique." Certifying that Provandier had paid the tax. 2 march, 1790.
  • "Reconnoissance de Declaration Pour la Contribution Patriotique." Certifying that Provandier had declaired what he needed to pay for the tax. 1790.
  • "Reconnoissance de Declaration Pour la Contribution Patriotique." Certifying that Provandier had declaired what he needed to pay for the tax. 18 December, 1789.

26/4: Folder from auction, Typescripts: Certificate of service from the Parisian National Guard for Jean Baptiste Raimbauts, filled in in ms, with physical and other details. Signed by the commandant of the batallion and the Aide-Major. 6 January, 1790; Photogravure of His Excellence Mr. E. B. Washburne, "Envoye Extrordinaire & Ministre Plenipotentaire" of the United States in France. Abmassador from 1869 to 1877. Signed by Washburne 5 September 1877.

26/5: Originally packed together in one plastic sleeve, Typescripts/Manuscripts:

  • "Decret de l'Assemblee Nationale du 2 Mars, 1791." Regarding trade licenses. 1791.

  • "Patente Simple." For Jean Joseph Nofidat Lebrun. 1792.

  • "Patente Superieure." For M. Le Cmt. Denis, Joseph Grodard. The stamp "La Loi et Le Roi" is marked out at "et Le Roi". 24 September, 1792/93?

  • "Patente Simple." For Pierre Borel? April 30, 1794?

  • "Patente de Capissier(?)." 31 March, 1799?

  • "Patente Ordinaire." For Jean Baptiste Leisuier. 16 May, 1791.

  • "Quittance pour droit de Patente de (?)." Reciept for a trade license fee. 26 June, 1797.

  • "Quittance pour droit de Patente de (?)." Recipt for a trade license fee. 20 August, 1798.

  • "Contribution Patente ." Tax on a trade license. 15 July, 1802.

  • "Contribution Patente." Tax on a trade license for M. Borel. 20 May, 1802.

  • (attached) "Saisie Vente Sous Trois Jours. Au Nom de la Loi. Contributions Directes."

  • "Avertissement. Contributions Personnelle et Patente de L'An XIV." Tax notice for ?. 25 March, 1806.

  • "Commission des Contributions directes de la Commune de Paris." Invitation to Citizen le Moine from the commission to discuss the reclamation he presented against his taxes. 24 October, 1803.

  • "Quittance A Compte sur la Contribution Mobiliere."Reciept for taxes. 1792?

  • "Avertissement. Contributions Personnelle et Patente An 1808." Tax notice. 18 April, 1808.

  • "Avertissement. Contributions Personnelle et Patente de l'An 1808." Tax notice. 30 April, 1808.

  • "Avertissement. Contributions Personnelle et des Patentes de l'an 1809." Tax notice. 18 April, 1809.

  • Exercice de l'an 1810. Avertissement. Contributions Personnelle et des Patentes de l'an 1810." Tax notice. 4 May, 1810.

  • Avertissement. Contributions Personnelle et des Patentes, et Doublement de la Contributions Personnelle." Tax notice. 1814.

  • Avertissement. Contributions Personnelle et des Patentes de l'an 1815."12 June, 1815.

  • "Avertissement. Contributions Personnelle et des Patentes de l'An 1816." Tax notice (and reciept) for Madame Roger. 27 August, 1816.

  • " Avertissement Definitif. Contributions Personnelle et des Patentes de l'An 1817." Final tax notice for Madame Roger. Reciepts on reverse. 1817.

  • "Personnel et Patentes." Notice for partial payment (?) of 1817 taxes for Madame Roger. Reciepts on reverse. 9 February, 1818.

  • "Avertissement Definitif. Contributions Personnelle et des Patentes de l' an 1818." Final notice of taxes to Mlle. Roger. 1818.

  • "Personnel et Patentes." Notice for partial payment (?) of 1818 taxes for Madame Roger. Reciepts on reverse. March 1819.

  • "Avertissement Definitif. Contributions Personnelle et des Patentes de l'an 1828." Final notice for taxes for M. Le Comte de Lauris. Reciepts on reverse. 1828.

  • "Avertissement. Contributions Mobiliere et des Patentes de 1832." Tax notice for "M. De de Lauris rentiere." (Stockholder.) Reciepts on reverse. 1832.

  • "Avertissement. Contributions Mobiliere et des Patentes de 1833." Tax notice for M. Delauris renrtiere. 1833.

  • "Avertissement."Tax notice for Madame la Comtesse de Solar. 1842.

  • "Avertissement pour l'acquit des contributions mobiliere et des patentes de 1847."Tax notice for M. Dulertre. 1847.

  • "Avertissement pour l'acquit des contributions personnelle-mobiliere et des patentes de 1849."Tax notice for M. Gamard Jean Francois. 1849.

  • "Patente d [sic] Malletier en cuir & Bouquiniste." Trade license as a trunk-maker and book-seller for M. Legouix. 1 Janury, 1854.

  • "Avertissement pour l'aquit des contributions personnelle-mobiliere et des patentes de 1855." Tax notice for M. Lefebure. 1855.

  • "Convention Nationale - Comite." Arrete concerning Citoyen Dennis. Note in pencil mentions William Tell. With seal. 22 August 1794.

  • "Instruction." Concerning an "affaire" of 21 June, 1791, involving military personnel. The documents involved were instructed to be burned as "useless". 1791?

  • To Citoyen from Legrand. Copy of a letter. 6 February, 1796.

  • To Citoyen Ministre from Lesueurs(?). Regarding the inheritance rights of M. Moutboissier, the last living daughter of Malesherbes after the execution of the rest of the family. Undated

26/6: Auction folder labeled "(5) Archive Dpt. Ain," Manuscripts/Typesscripts:

  • "L'Ingambe & Grand Nez, ou Les Deux Medecins." Poss. satirical poem regarding "Doctor Sharpie" and his colleague "Big Nose". July/August 1804.
  • To Representant du Peuple Meaule (?) a Commune Affrahihie(?) from l'Agent National du District de Roanne (Louvrier). Regarding district politics. March 26, 1794.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled in in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. 14 September, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Further writing below.Signed Milbou(?). 19 September, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delila. 28 September, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. 12 October, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. 26 October, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Further writing below. Signed B. Belilia. 9 February, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. 4 May(?), 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. 29 August, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Further writing on reverse, stops mid-sentence. Signed Mirbou(?). 17 August, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Specifies Southomax as the town. Signed Mirbou(?). 10 April, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. With personal note. Signed B. Delilia. 24 August, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Single word, "quoi" (what) on reverse. Signed B. Delilia. 11 May(?), 1793.
  • To Directoire du district de Bourg from Citoyen Verdery. Stating that he has been wrongfully disarmed and requesting the return of his weapons and the proces verbal of his disarmament. After his letter is the decision of the administration. 1 December, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. 2 March, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. 9 March, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. ? June, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. 1 June, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. 18 May, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. 28 May, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed by B. Delilia. 6 July, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. 13 July, 1793.
  • "Citoyens Officiers Municipaux", filled out in Manuscript(s). List of copies being sent to the officers of Nantua. Signed B. Delilia. 1793.

26/7: Auction folder labeled "Ch. Delacroix & Pigault LeBrum(?)," Manuscripts/Typescripts:

  • To Monsieur Le Comte from Pigaule le Brum(?). 13 August, 1815. Manuscript(s): "Extrait du Registre des Deliberations du Comite D'alienation". Signed Ch. Delacroix, etc.
  • Affidavit signed by Ch. Delacroix, minister of exterior relations, certifying that one Antoine Elisabeth (?) Mallien was employed in his department on a previous date. Undated
  • Passport of Jacques Julien Labillardiere, filled out in ms, signed by Ch. Delacroix, etc, and marked out. 16 May, 1796.
  • Passport of Maria Eschman, the American-born 11-year-old daughter of a Swiss diplomat, signed by Ch. Delacroix, etc. With further note on reverse. 19 January, 1798.

26/8: "Doleances et Demandes des Beneficiers titulaires et autres eccleriastiques ayant fonctions Dans les eglises cathedrales, abbatiales et Collegiale, de La Senechaullee de toulouse". List of demands and conditions by the clergy of Toulouse. Undated

26/9: Auction folder labeled "Italy - oversize," 1727-1810: Typescripts: Diploma for Clarissimo Vira Jurine? In Latin. 1810; Ledger of general merchandise for various people/companies. 1727; "Riscontro di Consegna. Regno D'Italia". Filled out in ms. 1809. With note.

26/10: Document from the community elections of Southomax, Nantua, listing the names of 52 voters (Manuscript(s)) and giving instructions for ballots. 8 May, 1801.

26/11: Etienne Chesnard marriage contract, 1711.

26/12: Antoine de Lorme marriage contract, 1751, with accompanying collector's notes.

26/13: Charles Francois le Marechal marriage contract, 1756, with accompanying collector's notes.

26/14: Madame de Bocage letter, 1763, with accompanying dealer description on folded sheet.

26/15: Plaidoyer pour fait de grossesse, manuscript, 1780s?,with accompanying collector's notes.

26/16: Plaidoyer pour fait de grossesse, manuscript, 1788,with accompanying collector's notes.

26/17: Maret (Jean Philibert), two letters, 1790s-1800s, with accompanying collector's notes.

26/18: Four letters in dealer folder marked "Hopitaux militaires... 1794."

26/19: Letters in dealer folders marked "Piene de Gimel," "Liege," and "Emmanuel Peres," 1794-1795.

26/20: Delessart letter, 1791.; A.F. Miot, comte de Melito, letter, 1796, in dealer folder.

26/21: Xerox of Voltaire letter, 1769, with accompanying dealer description.

26/22: Souffleur (sic?), Le prologue sans prologue, manuscript, 1837,with accompanying collector's notes.

26/23: Portefeuille d'une jeune mademoiselle, ou, Manuel epigrammatique, manuscript, 1767.

26/24: Sewn manuscript marked "Manuscrit poesies XVIII [century]."

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