19th-20th Century Miscellaneous

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TxAM-CRS 411-25

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19th-20th Century Miscellaneous



24 folders

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25/1: Typescripts:

  • "L'Adjoint de la quatrieme Divison du Departement de la Guerre, aux Corps administratifs, aux Generaux d'armees et autres Chefs militaires, et particulierement a tous les Commandans de la Gendarmerie nationale de la Republique." To Citoyens from Prosper Sijas. Regarding the large number of soldiers and military personnel diserting the army without permission, and calling on administrators, military leaders, and citizens to be diligent in reporting such shameful defections with an "inflexible severity". Signed by Prosper Sijas. 22 August, 1793
  • "L'Adjoint de la quatrieme Division, aux citoyens Administrateurs du Departement du pas de Calais. À Arras." Document from the office of the gendarmerie nationale, deparment of war. Regarding officers, under-officers and soldiers who have left the Corps to join new batallions composed of young people, who are to return to their former posts. From Prosper Sijas. 20 December, 1793
  • "L'Adjoint de la quatrieme Division, Aux Commandans de Gendarmerie Nationale, et aux Commissaires des Guerres." Document from the office of the military police, department of war. Regarding the high number of military personnel using false papers and excuses to leave their duties, and threatening harsher actions if it is not stopped. From Prosper Sijas. 21 December, 1793
  • "Le Comite de Salut Public de la Convention Nationale." Survey regarding the number of arms and munitions factories in each district. 28 December, 1793.

25/2: Typescripts:

  • "Extrait du Registre aux Arretes de l'Administration Departementale du Pas-de-Calais." 19 December, 1795
  • "La Loi." Regarding another law about the state of weapons stores. 4 February, 1796
  • "Sautter, General de Brigade et Agent du Gouvernement dans les Departements du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais." Letter to the public asking for the names of all young people who either got out of the first draft or deserted. 10 April, 1796
  • "Le Ministre de la Guerre au Commissaire du Directoire executif pres l'Administration municipale du Canton de." A follow-up to the letter about the calvary, remind citizens to report those who need to be rejoining the army. From Petiet. 21 December, 1796
  • "Le Commissaire du Directoire Executif, pres l'Administration Centrale du Departement du Pas-de-Calais." Another follow-up to the above. 13 March, 1797
  • "L'Administration Remplacant le Commissaire du Directoire Executif, pres le Departement du Pas-de-Calais." Regarding the problem of deserters, stating that those aiding and abetting deserters will also be punished. 20 August, 1797
  • "Le Commissaire du Directoire Executif, pres le Departement du Pas-de-Calais." Regarding sailors who have deserted from the navy. 16 May, 1797
  • "Le Commissaire du Directoire Executif Pres le Departement du Pas-de-Calais." Letter to the public asking them to spy on each other and report traitors to the government. 1 November, 1797
  • "L'Administration Centrale du Departement du Pas-de-Calais." A further follow-up to the law about reporting people for duty. 17 December, 1797
  • "Extrait des Registres aux Arretes de l'Administration centrale du Departement du Pas-de-Calais." Minutes of the meeting of the administration of Pas-de-Calais. 27 December, 1797
  • "Le Monnissaire du Directoire Executif, pres l'Administration centrale du Departement du Pas-de-Calais". Provisionary leave papers for the same category of young people in the 12; January paper. Not filled out. 1797-98.

25/3: Typescripts:

  • "Le Commissaire du Directoire Executif pres le Departement du Pas-de-Calais." Rules of military leave. 5 January, 1798
  • "Le Commissaire du Directoire Executif, Pres le Departement du Pas-de-Calais." Letter to the public asking citizens to talk to young people valuable to the arts and agriculture about the glories of the republic, note reactions, and report back. (?) 12 January, 1798
  • "Le Commimanuscriptsaire du Directoire Executif, Pres le Departement du Pas-de-Calais." Regarding the high number of drafter sailors who, rather than reporting to their ships for service, were hiding out inland to avoid duty and officers. They were to be sent into the army instead. 31 January, 1798.
  • "Adresse de L'Administration Centrale du Departement du Pas-de-alais, aux Citoyens de Cet Arrondissement." Patriotic letter to the public. 11 May, 1798.
  • "L'Administrateur Replacant momentanement le Commissaire du Directoire Executif Pres le Departement du pas-de-Calais." More regarding issues of desertion and conduct of sailors. 19 June, 1798.
  • "Le Commissaire du Directoire Executif, Pres le Departement du Pas-de-Calais." Notice and description of deserters from the military. 11 August, 1798.
  • "Le Commissaire du Directoire Executif, pres le Departememnt du Pas-de-Calais." Notice and descriptions of deserters from the military. 16 August, 1798.
  • "Le Commissaire du Directoire Executif, Pres le Departement du Pas-de-Calais." Notice and descriptions of deserters from the military. 19 August, 1798.
  • "Le Commissaire du Directoire Executif, pres le Departement du Pas-de-Calais." Notice and description of deserters from the military. 28 August, 1798.
  • "Le Commissaire du Directoire Exeutif, pres le Departement du Pas-de-Calais." 11 November, 1798.
  • "L'Administrateur remplacant momentanement le Commissaire du Directoire Executif, pres le Departement du Pas-de-Calais." Letter to the public informing them that money promised cannot be paid, and to use the opportunity to show their patriotism. 27 April, 1799.
  • "Le Ministre de la Guerre, aux Commissaires du Directoire executif pres les Administrations municipales." 2 November, 1799.

25/4: Items concern Beranger, originally in same sleeve, 1810-57

  • Page saying "Beranger - quelques chausons - armee de (?) de lampe - dessinees par (?)"
  • Song lyric to "L'Independant", by Beranger. Watermark says 1818. 1819 in pencil.
  • Song lyric to "Les Adieux a la Gloire", by Beranger. 1820 in pencil.
  • Song lyric to "Le Tourne Broche", by Beranger. Watermark says 1813. Undated
  • Song lyric to "La Mort du Roi Christophe", by Beranger. Watermark says 1818. Undated
  • Song lyric to "Les Missions du Diable", by Beranger. Watermark says 1818. 1810 in pencil.
  • Song lyric to "Louis XI", by Beranger. 1820 in pencil.
  • Song lyric to "La Comtesse de Brezintaille(?)", by Beranger. Watermark 1818. 1817 in pencil.
  • Song lyric to "Halte-la! ou le Systeme des Interpretations", by Beranger. 1820 in pencil.
  • Song lyric to "Le Vieux Drapeau", by Beranger. 1820 in pencil.
  • Song lyric to "L'Enrhume", by Beranger. Watermark says 1818. 1820 in pencil.
  • Advertisement for the complete works of Beranger, edited by Perrotin. Nd.
  • Song lyric to "La Fuite de L'Amour", by Beranger. Undated
  • Song lyric to "La Jeune Muse", by Beranger. Undated
  • "Souvenirs sur Beranger", anon, dated 10 April, 1857. A note with it reads, translated: "These interesting 'souvenirs'(the end missing) might be by the hand of Rapetti: identification easy, see the text."
  • Song lyric to "Beranger", by J. Ladimir. Undated

25/5: Auction folder labeled "19th c. Misc. Oversize," 1815-49.

  • To Messieures (les memb res du 1re de(?) du quartiers St. Thomas d'Aqui(?), Membres de la commission temporaire des logement militaires") from the mayor of the 10th arrondissement of Paris. Regarding the lodging of officers in Paris. 17th December(?), 1815.
  • Decree? Signed Mufflin(?). Original in German, with seal of "Koeniglich Preussisches". With attached (contemporary?) French translation, ms. 29 July(?), 1815.
  • "Societe Entre Mr. Fournier de Suremont, Mr. Laire et Made. La Comtesse de Dortan, et autres". Legal agreement between several persons regarding the use of several "voitures impulsives" for transport from Paris to Rouen and back, for ten years. 12 and 13 July, 1819.
  • To Monsieur (de la Chabanlliere), secretary of the Society Philotechnique, from Champion. On letterhead of the Prefecture du Departement de la Seine. Regarding the use of a room at a hotel. 12 October(?), 1819.
  • Form letter, blank, from Ducroux & Mazoyer. Regarding their commercial transportation company. 10 October(?), 1849.

25/6: Mme de Genlis, 1746-1831, with clipping on contents and handwritten note, in French, giving background on the Csse de Genlis, writer and gouverneur of Louis-Philippe; To Madame Nooth from Mme de Genlis. Social invitation. 1821; Envelope containing birch paper, on which is written "Paper made from the Bark of the Birch tree in kufsia(?) Given by Mme de Genlis". Undated; English transcript of Nooth letter; Lithograph portrait of Mme de Genlis. Undated

25/7: Typescripts: Law decreeing that the participants of the revolution (specifically 10 August, 1792) are patriots. Filled out in ms. 12 August, 1801?; "Mistriss Siddons, ou Une Actrice Anglaise." By Mm. De Leuven et Cherie. 1836?

25/8: Typescripts: "19th c. Plays - curious wrappers.". Contains "Les Contes de la Reine de Navarre ou La Revanche de Pavie," by Mm Scribe et Legouve. 1850?; "Berthe la Flamande" by Mm. Mole-Gentilhomme et C. Gueroult.; "Un Mari Qui n'a Rien a Faire" by Mm. N. Fournier et Laurencin. 1852?

25/9: Typescripts: "Le Bourreau des Crânes," by Mm. Lafargue et Siraudin. 1853?; "Le Boulanger a des Ecus," by Mm. A. de Jallais, Vulpian et Henry Thiery; "Mon Ami Dupont," by Mm. Amedee de Jallais et Henry Thiery. 1856?; "La Question d'Economie", by M. Hippolyte Bedeau. 1857.

25/10: Typescripts: "Reponse de M. Alexandre Dumas, Directeur de l'Academie francaise au discours de M. Leconte de Lisle, prononce dans la seance du 31 Mars 1887. 1ere epreuve corrigee de la main de M. Alexandre Dumas fils." Response of Dumas on the discourse of M. Leconte de Lisle, pronouced at the seance of 31 March 1877. First proof corrected by the hand of Alexander Dumas, son. 17 March, 1887.

25/11: Typescripts: "Reponse de M. Alexandre Dumas fils , Directeur de l'Academie francaise au discours de M. Leconte de Lisle, prononce dans la seance du 31 Mars 1887. (eprouve imprimee apres correction de l'autre epreuve)". Corrected version of the above. 25 March, 1887.

25/12: Manuscripts:

  • Decree from 20 June, 1889, on letterhead of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the French Republic. Regarding the nominations of a number of people for a board on recompenses for the Universal Exposition of 1889 in different categories: paper, precision instruments, non-food agricultural products, machines, glass, carriage works, etc. Signed by Sadi Carnot, president of the republic who was assassinated five years later, and by other governmental ministers. Inclosed are five 18th century documents, as detailed below.
  • "Extrait du registre des deliberations du Conseil-general", granting a pension to a widow. On letterhead of the Commune de Paris. 12 March, 1794.
  • Letter to m. Laville Levaneur (?), Ministrer of the Department of Public Works, from P. Nancey (?), Procureur de la Commune. Regarding the request for employment in the Department of Public Works of a M. Andovard, who had temporarily been a guard of the arms magazine at the Bastille. On letterhead from the Muncipalite de Paris, Procureur de la Commune. 3 May, 1792.
  • To Citoyen Sompron, Administrateur des Postes, from Les Administrateurs du Departement des Travaux Public. Signed Avril. On letterhead of the Departement des Travaux Publics, Commune de Paris. 30 January, 1793.
  • "Extrait du Proces verbal d'organisation...." On letterhead from the Commune de Paris, Secretaire-Greffier. Regarding the organisation of an expedition of volunteers to La Vendee. Signed Dante Cubierer(?), Secretaire. Parts of letterhead altered in pen. 17 June, 1793.
  • "Extrait du Proces verbal d'organisation..." On letterhead from the Commune de Paris, Secretarie-Greffier. Regarding the organization of a company going to Lombarde. Signed Combeau(?). Parts of letterhead altered in pen. 23 March, 1793.

25/13: To Monsieur from Lamantiel (?), 1 February 1862.

25/14: Thorez, Maurice. "Il faut que ca change!" Parti Communiste Francais, 1947? Communist brochure of a speech by Thorez.

25/15: Two Sotheby's catelogs of a sale of Voltaire pieces.1968.

25/16: Typescripts: "Anno Regni Georgii Regis Magna Britania, Francia, & Hibernia, Primo." British parlimentary proceedings on the taxation of alcohol in Glasgow. 1716; "Anno Regni Georgii III. Regis magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Decimo Tertio."British parliamentary proceedings on laws re: charitable hospitals for children and pregnant women, esp. Illigitimate children. 1773; "Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Vicesimo."British parliamentary proceedings regarding rates and duties upon coaches to raise money. 1746.

25/17: Typescripts: "Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Vicesimo." British Parliamentary proceedings regarding rates and duties "upon houses, windows, and lights," and to raise four million four hundred thousand pouds. 1749.

25/18: Typescripts: "Ellen, or The Naught Girl Reclaimed, a Story, Exemplified in a Series of Figures." 1811; Manuscript, License for a concert on 4 July, 1838, to Mademoiselle Caremoli (?), in her benefit in the Hanover Square Rooms at Westminster. Signed by Francis Conyngham, 2nd Marquess Conyngham, the Lord Chancellor. Conyngham was the first to call Queen Victoria by that title. [Wiki.] w/ seal. 31 May, 1838.

25/19: Folder marked "Maires" (mayors). Blank sheet with official imprint. Undated; "Edit du Roi Portant confirmation des Ennoblis depuis 1715." Concerning nobility. April 1771.

25/20: "Chant Lyrique pour la Fete Donnee a sa Majeste Imperiale et Royale Marie-Louise, par la Ville de Strasbourg, le 23 Mars 1810," originally from stamped folder marked "Maires" (mayors). Song for the party given to her majesty imperial and royal, Marie-Louise, by the city of Strasbourg. 12 days after her marriage to Napoleon Bonaparte.

25/21: "Maires" (mayors). Manuscript(s): Regarding the Baron Corvisart. 25 July, 1828; Regarding the patrimonialisation of the land of Horville, re: Baron Corvisart.

25/22: "Maires" (mayors). Manuscript(s): Lease for 9 years by M. and Mme. le Baron Corvisart of one of the farms at Guillonville, to M. and Mme. Liot for 2,016 francs. May 7, 1825; Proces-verbal on blueprints for L'Etourville: one for the chateau, and one for each of two farms at Guillonville. Original from 24 September, 1822; this copy made on the demand of Mlle. Lechouter(?), owner of the bigger of the two farms at Guillonville. 25 May, 1866.

25/23: Bill of sale of L'Etourville from M. Andryane to M. le Baron Corsivart for 200,000 francs. 23 January, 1822, originally from stamped folder marked "Maires" (mayors).

25/24: "Maires" (mayors). Manuscript(s): Lease for 9 years of one of the farms at L'Etourville from M. Andryance to M. and Mme. Allain for 8,348 francs, to be paid in three parts on Christmas of 1820 and Easter and Saint-Jean-Baptiste 1821. 18 April, 1814; Bill of sale of l'Etourville from M. and Mme. Sagniel to M. Andryane for 200,000 francs. 21 March, 1807.

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