Identity elements
Reference code
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Name of creator
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
Zappit #1
[K. Allen Bjorke, ed., undated]
Zed #6
[Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden, ed., Feb 1984]
Zeelook #5
[Spwith von Angel, pub., 1979]
Zelot #3
[Ragnar Fyri, ed., 1980]
Zelot #4
[Feb/Mar 1981]
Zenophile #1
[Harvey Taylor, ed., Jul 1982]
Zero Sum Game
[Taral Wayne, ed., 1978]
Zero Sum Game #2
[Dec 1984]
Zig Zag
[Mario Giguere, ed., undated]
Zinervzine #1
[Keith & Rosemary Walker, ed., undated]
Zine That Has No Name, The
[Skel & Cas, ed., Nov 1982]
Zine That Has No Name, The #3
[Nov 1982]
Zoetrope, The
[Dec 1979]
Zoetrope, The #4
[Joe Michael Greizis, ed., Dec 1979]
Zone-ology #1.1
[Feb 1986]
Zoology #2.3
[Michael Dennis Skeet, pub., Mar 1986]
Zoology #2.4
[Michael Skeet, ed., Apr 1986]
[Steve George, ed., 1981]
Zosma #12
[Steve George, ed., undated]
Zosma Zack Is Back
[Curt Dempsey, ed., 1979]
Zzygnamy #1
[John Hulland, ed., Sep 1978]
Zzygnamy #2
[John Hulland, ed., undated]
____ #10
[Eric Lindsay, ed., 1975]
Assorted odds and ends, various dates