Identity elements
Reference code
Level of description
Series 1, Box 13: Appointee Files, Stri, L - Walla
160 folders
Name of creator
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
13/1: Strickland, Lewis Randy (Randy), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Advisory Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners
13/2: Strohacker, Anna Elisabeth Sullivan (Betty), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, map of Kerr County on which the location of each member's residence is indicated, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors
13/3: Strong, Linda Susan Radford, 1988
Letters application, biographical information, list of appointees, list of members of the Job Training Coordinating Council of which she was a member in 1987, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council
13/4: Strunk, Henry Otto (Buddy), 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission
13/5: Stubbs, Judith Ann Neal (Judy), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, list of members of the Job Training Coordinating Council of which she was a member, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council
13/6: Sturns, Louise Edward, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, press release, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals
13/7: Styner, Marley Patrick, 1990
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Neches River Municipal Water Authority
13/8: Sunderman, Inez, 1990
Letters, note, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Resources Protection Authority
13/9: Sullins, James Ronnie (Ronnie), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Family Farm and Ranch Advisory Board
13/10: Sullivan, Cynthia Mae Lightner (Cindy), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Heroes Monument Commission
13/11: Suther, Mary Charles Steele, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Home Health Services Advisory Council
13/12: Sutton, John Ewing, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the 119th Judicial District Court in Tom Green County
13/13: Sutton, Roger Howard, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel
13/14: Swearington, Joyce Mae Bright, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors
13/15: Swenson, Kneal, Jr. (Neal), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Seen and Plant Board
13/16: Swift, Georgia Wittenbert Hawks, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Family Practice Residency Advisory Committee
13/17: Swinney, Ben L., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Neches River Municipal Water Authority Board of Directors
13/18: Tamayo, Edna L. Gonzales, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Youth Commission
13/19: Tamayo, James Anthony, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Census Complete Count Committee for Texas
13/20: Tartt, Blake, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council
13/21: Tavarez, Vicente, Jr., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Medical Examiners District Four Review Committee
13/22: Taylor, Alton R. (Rusty), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Concho River Water and Soil Conservation Authority
13/23: Taylor, Andrew M., 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Legal Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
13/24: Taylor, Austin Starke, Jr. (Starke), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System
13/25: Taylor, David William, 1990
David William, Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Technical Institute Board of Regents
13/26: Taylor, James Lyndon (J. L.), 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with record of attendance, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority Board of Directors
13/27: Taylor, Nicholas Cowenhoven, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, record of election results in the 1988 general election for the Eighth Appellate District of Texas, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council
13/28: Taylor, Tinker, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education
13/29: Taylor, William J., 1987
Letters, biographical information, certificate of membership, list of appointees, and appointment to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Southern Regional Educational Board
13/30: Taylor, William Joseph (Bill), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of expenses and nature of business, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Polygraph Examiners Board
13/31: Teas, Paul, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
13/32: Teeple, Charles Sloan, 1987 & 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Finance Commission of Texas
13/33: Teeple, Mary, 1987 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women
13/34: Tenison, William W., 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council
13/35: Terrazas, Louis P., 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, nomination letter to the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination for selection as a Director of the State Bar of Texas, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Human Services
13/36: Terrell, Charles T., 1987 & 1989
Letters, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expense, speech given as chairman of the Texas Criminal Justice System, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, 1987, and to the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, 1989, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Corrections, 1987
13/37: Thomas, Billy D., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
13/38: Thomas, Carroll M., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Energy Resources Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, and to the Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
13/39: Thomas, Milton H., Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Finance Commission of Texas
13/40: Thomas, Patricia Josephine Olympius (Patrice), 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments as Executive Director of the Texas Health and Human Services Coordinating Council, and to the Interagency Council for Services to the Homeless
13/41: Thomas, Richard P. (Rich), 1987
Memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Special Committee on Organization of State Agencies
13/42: Thomason, Gail Thornton Griffin, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Committee for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
13/43: Thomason, Henry A., Jr., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons
13/44: Thomason, Jess Ann Estill (Jess Ann), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies
13/45: Thompson, Billy G., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
13/46: Thompson, Charlice White, 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Long-Term Care Coordinating Council for the Elderly
13/47: Thompson, Frank, Jr., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Human Rights
13/48: Thompson, George Lyman, III, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Uniform State Laws
13/49: Thompson, Jere William, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Turnpike Authority
13/50: Thompson, Jere William, Sr., 1987 & 1990
Letter, application, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and to the Census Complete Count Committee of Texas
13/51: Thompson, LeRoy (Roy), 1987
Letters, biographical information, efficiency reports, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Assistant Adjutant General--Air
13/52: Thompson, Lila Grace Rapsilver, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Executive Committee of the Office for the Prevention of Developmental Disabilities
13/53: Thompson, Robert Leslie, 1989
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel
13/54: Thorburn, Wayne Jacob, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Banking Board
13/55: Thornton, Floyd L., 1987
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Optometry Board
13/56: Thornton, Joe G., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, photographs, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Credit Union Commission
13/57: Tickle, Edwin Taylor, 1989
Letters, Application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Concho River Water and Soil Conservation Authority
13/58: Tijerina, Adolph, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Rio Grande Valley Pollution Control Authority Board of Directors
13/59: Tilley, Rice M., Jr., 1988
Application, biographical information. DPS clearance form, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council
13/60: Tillman, Alan Roy, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Motorcycle Operator Training and Safety Advisory Committee
13/61: Timberlake, Lewis, 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State naming him chairman of the State Commission for the Blind
13/62: Tiner, Thomas D. (Tom), 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council
13/63: Tingley, Floyd Warren (Warren), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Medical Examiners District Three Review Committee
13/64: Tippin, Mary Ruby Newell, 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder
13/65: Tips, Craig Adams, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Bandera County River Authority Board of Directors
13/66: Tipton, Lorita Ann Donaho, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members with record of attendance, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Guadalupe River Authority Board of Directors
13/67: Tittle, James D. (Jimmy), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Arts
13/68: Toben, Bradley John Barrett (Brad), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Uniform State Laws
13/69: Toles, H. Edward (Ed), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the West Texas State University Board of Regents
13/70: Tolia, Nalin Harilal, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of recommended appointees from the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Blind
13/71: Tompkins, Jack Edward, 1987
Letters, note, application, biographical information, brochure, and list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was a member
13/72: Toomey, Mike, 1987 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Task Force on Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, and the Southern Regional Education Board
13/73: Topp, Edith Darlene Lightsey (Darlene), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education
13/74: Topp, John William, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with record of attendance, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority Board of Directors
13/75: Torres, Arturo D. (Tito), 1987 & 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council
13/76: Torrez, Linda Perez (Lily), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board
13/77: Towery, Roland Kenneth (Ken), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council
13/78: Towery, Roger E., 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 97th Judicial District Court in Archer, Clay, and Montague Counties
13/79: Townley, John F., 1987
Application, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder Program, of which he was chairman, and to the Education Commission of the States
13/80: Trapp, Robert Hill, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, draft legislation to create a Criminal District Attorney position, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Criminal District Attorney of San Jacinto County
13/81: Travis, Charles D. (Dickie), 1988
Letter, biographic information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference
13/82: Travis, Luther B., 1987 & 1988
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Diabetes Council
13/83: Trevino, Benito, Jr., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the State Seed and Plant Board
13/84: Trevino, Estella Lane, 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Department of Community Affairs Advisory Council, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs
13/85: Trevino, Rose T., 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Old San Antonio Road Preservation Commission
13/86: Troche, Jose E. (Joe), 1988 & 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, authority to release information form, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to be Judge of the 168th Judicial District Court in El Paso County
13/87: Trotter, B. B. (Bob), 1988
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs
13/88: True, S. M., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and to the Agricultural Task Force
13/89: Truitt, Marion, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons
13/90: Trujillo, Fortino Pineda, 1987
Letters, biographical information, clippings, photograph, and list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member
13/91: Tucker, Rolan G., 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on the Savings and Loan Industry
13/92: Tucker, William Rayburn (Bill), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Committee for the Humanities
13/93: Tudela, John A., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference
13/94: Tuminello, Susan, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Teacher's Professional Practices Commission
13/95: Tumlinson, Jack Warfield, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee
13/96: Turco, Charles Paul, Sr., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Pilot Commission for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries
13/97: Turk, Sam G., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Deputy Adjutant General--Army
13/98: Turner, Clevano, III, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners
13/99: Turner, Roy Edward (Ed), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention (Children's Trust Fund of Texas)
13/100: Turner, William Danny (Dan), 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Cogeneration Council
13/101: Turner, Gerald D. (Jerry), 1990
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons
13/102: Turner, John M., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons, 1988 and 1989, and to the State Commission for the Blind, 1989
13/103: Tusha, Don, 1988 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council
13/104: Tuttle, Arthur, Jr., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel
13/105: Tyler, Noel, 1990
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Public Lands Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
13/106: Tyler, Ronnie Curtis (Ron), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board
13/107: Umstaddt, Robert Greenleaf (Bob), 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution
13/108: Underdown, William Robert, Jr. (Bob), 1989
Letters, note, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board
13/109: Underwood, Bradley Steven (Brad), 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 364th Judicial District Court in Lubbock County
13/110: Unell, Bernard Budd (Bud), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Finance Commission of Texas
13/111: Upchurch, Hal Rhea, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as District Attorney for the 143rd Judicial District in Reeves, Ward, and Loving Counties
13/112: Upham, Chester Robert, III (Robert), 1987
Letters, applications, biographical information, DPS checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
13/113: Upham, Chester Robert, Jr., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Energy Council, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the University of Texas System Board of Regents, and request to return the last notice
13/114: Utley, Gary Adrian, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Deaf
13/115: Vance, John, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System
13/116: Vanecek, Joe Wayne, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority Board of Directors
13/117: Van Hoy, Gale E., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and list of members of the Job Training Coordinating Council of which he was a member
13/118: Van Tho, Pauline, 1987
Letter, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women, and to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program
13/119: Van Winkle, Robert Gary, Jr., 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Family Farm and Ranch Advisory Board
13/120: Vasquez, Israel P., Sr., 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board
13/121: Vaughan, Kenneth R. (Ken), 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Egg Marketing Advisory Board
13/122: Vaughn, Jack C., Jr., 1987 & 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, and as State of Texas' 19988 UN Day Chairman
13/123: Vaughn, James E. (Jim), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities
13/124: Vaughn, Kathleen McCrory (Kathy), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority
13/125: Vaughn, Samuel B, Jr. (Sam), 1990
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council
13/126: Vaughn, William Daniel (Dan), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees in Galveston County, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference
13/127: Veenker, Leota G. Kjeldseth (Lee), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities
13/128: Verett, Steven Claude (Steve), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Agricultural Finance Authority Board of Directors
13/129: Vest, Louis C., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel
13/130: Vetter, Edward O., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, to and as chairman of the Texas Department of Commerce Board of Directors, 1987, and to the Governor's Energy Council, 1988, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Economic Development Commission, 1987
13/131: Vetter, Jack, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel
13/132: Vier, Jeanne Marie Bordini, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Dietitians
13/133: Viescas, Cora B., 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Tax Professional Examiners
13/134: Wilbig, David, August 1990
Letters, application, biographical information checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Land Surveying
13/135: Villareal, Rudolfo Lucas (Rudy), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Radiation Advisory Board
13/136: Villarreal, Romeo Manuel, 1990
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the State Seen and Plant Board
13/137: Villasenor, Lois Pena, 1989
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Funeral Service Commission
13/138: Vincent, William H., Jr. (Bill), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Task Force on Waste Management Policy, which was changed to the Waste Management Policy Committee in 1988
13/139: Vogelpohl, Kris Anne, 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, nomination notice to the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination to serve as a director of the State Bar of Texas, 1987, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Woman's University Board of Regents
13/140: Volk, Shelby Love Schafer, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission, for Women
13/141: Volz, Walter R., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors
13/142: Waddell, Clyde Calvin, Jr., 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State University System Board of Regents
13/143: Wade, Henry Menasco, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System
13/144: Wagner, Cyril, Jr., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and to the Governor's Energy Council
13/145: Wagner, Robert Lee, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors
13/146: Wainerdi, Richard Elliott (Dick), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Task Force on Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, and the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force
13/147: Waldrep, Alvis Kent, Jr. (Kent), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, press release, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons, and the Texas Rehabilitation Commission
13/148: Waldrop, Robert Leonard, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Battleship Texas Advisory Board
13/149: Walker, Berry Frances O'Dell, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Podiatry Examiners
13/150: Walker, David L. (D. L.), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education
13/151: Walker, George Edward, Jr., 1988 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council
13/152: Walker, James W., Jr., 1988
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Energy Resources Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
13/153: Walker, Lee Darnell, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications
13/154: Walker, Martha Sue Way (Marty), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board
13/155: Walker, Roger Jeffrey (Jeff), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to be Judge of the 96th Judicial District Court in Tarrant County, and Presiding Judge of the Eighth Administrative Judicial Region
13/156: Walker, Ronald Linn (Ron), 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice tom the Secretary of State regarding appointment to be Chief Justice of the Ninth Supreme Judicial District Court of Appeals
13/157: Wall, James R., 1989
Letter, list of appointees, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel
13/158: Wallace, Charles Harold, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Metropolitan Transit Authorities
13/159: Wallace, Mack, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission
13/160: Wallace, Tommy Wayne, 1988
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 194th Judicial District Court in Van Zandt and Wood Counties