Identity elements
Reference code
Name and location of repository
Level of description
Reports, Photographs, and Other Materials
24 folders
Name of creator
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
2/1: Riverside Building Inventory, 2013; Undated
2/2: History AAFIS (IP) Bryan, Texas, March 1944
2/3: Bryan Air Force Base Improvements, 1954; 1955; 1956; 1968; 1969
2/4: Historic Structure Reports – Riverside (Contains 1 CD), March 2007
2/5: ARCH 648 - Riverside Campus (Contains 2 CDs), Fall 2006
2/6: Riverside Campus Plan - Draft in Progress, July 21, 2011
2/7: Riverside Campus Plan - Final Draft Copy, February 2012
2/8: Riverside Campus Plan Background, 2007-2010
2/9: Historic Structure Report - Hangar #46, November 2006
2/10: Historic Structure Report - Barracks # 8476 (Contains 2 CDs), 2006
2/11: Historic Structure Report - Warehouse Row # 8522-8524 (Contains 2 CDs), November 28, 2006
2/12: BAFB/Riverside Resources ARCH 689-646 (Contains 2 CDs), Summer 2008
2/13: Riverside Campus Plan - Questions for Current Users and Administrators, 2007; 2011
2/14: CD Rom in Connection with Riverside Campus Study (Contains 2 CDs), 1962; 1975
2/15: Summary Report of Evaluation of Bryan AAB Drawings - Preliminary Results and Comments, June 2, 2011
2/16: Evaluation of Bryan AAB Drawings - Results and Comments, July 5, 2011
2/17: Texas A&M University Physical Security Guidelines, July 15, 2011
2/18: Analysis and Assessment of Base Log Book Report - "Blue Book", Spring 2007
2/19: Photocopies of Bryan Air Force Base Book (pgs. 1-8 of 100), 1957
2/20: Bryan Air Force Base, Texas: Specifications for Rehabilitation of Buildings and Facilities, May 1951
2/21: Photos - Bryan Air Force Base, 1955; Undated
2/22: Photos - Bryan Air Force Base, 1951; 1955; Undated
2/23: Photos - Aerials of Bryan Air Force Base, 1955
2/24: Photos - Aerials of Bryan Air Force Base, 1955