Series 1, Box 10: Appointee Files, Pad - Reed, E

Identity elements

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Level of description



Series 1, Box 10: Appointee Files, Pad - Reed, E



155 folders

Name of creator

Content and structure elements

Scope and content

10/1: Padalino, Jerry L., 1989
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Drug Policy Subcommittee of the Governor's Drug Abuse Task Force

10/2: Page, Charles, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee--National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

10/3: Palm, Nancy Dale, 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

10/4: Palm, R. E. (Ed), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Turnpike Authority

10/5: Palma, Henry (Hank), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Motorcycle Operator Training and Safety Advisory Committee

10/6: Palmer, Leslie D., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

10/7: Papert, Ida Kern, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Human Services

10/8: Parker, Billie Lucille Shelton, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, s, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the North Texas State University Board of Regents

10/9: Parker, Carl A., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Select Committee on Education, and the Southern Regional Education Board

10/10: Parker, Charlene, 1987
Biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee-- National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

10/11: Parker, Donna Lee Rushfeldt, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

10/12: Parker, Doris Alyne Scalf, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

10/13: Parker, Edwin W., II, 1990
Letters, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Legal Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/14: Parker, Linda Delores Jordan, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to and as chairman of the Council on Disabilities

10/15: Parker, Robert L., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, list of recommenders, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Agricultural Task Force, and to the Rural Economic Development Commission

10/16: Parker, Thomas W., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

10/17: Parker, Wayne H., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

10/18: Parkey, Billy Glen (Glen), 1987-1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, and to and as chair of one of the committees of the State Job Training Coordinating Council

10/19: Parks, Alfred L., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Family Farm and Ranch Advisory Council

10/20: Parnell, Calvin Boyd, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Air Control Board

10/21: Parrish, Morris Holland, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Nurse Examiners

10/22: Parrish, Norman Wilton, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Pension Review Board

10/23: Parsons, Mary Lou Burnett, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, 1987, and the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse

10/24: Parsons, H. Percy (Percy), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Funeral Service Commission

10/25: Patman, Philip Franklin, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as the Governor's Official Representative to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/26: Patterson, Dan Eric, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Hospital Equipment Financing Council

10/27: Patterson, I. J., Jr. (I. J. or Pat), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Dental Examiners

10/28: Patterson, Jan Palmquist, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board on Aging

10/29: Patterson, Marilyn Jean Williams, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

10/30: Patterson, William Rowan, Jr. (Rowan), 1988
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Advisory Committee

10/31: Payne, Hershel Raymond, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas High-Speed Rail Authority

10/32: Payne, Patti, 1988
Letter and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Capital Area Regional Community Development Review Committee

10/33: Pearce, Louis M., Jr., 1988
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as chairman of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission

10/34: Peason, James Wellington, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

10/35: Peck, Diane Marie Bender, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Ports of Galveston County

10/36: Pede, Betty Ann Howard (Ann), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy

10/37: Peden, Michael Parker, 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to be Judge of the 285th Judicial District Court in Bexar County

10/38: Peeples, David, 1987 & 1988
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Commission on Uniform State Laws, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the Fourth Court of Appeals

10/39: Peda, Joseph, 1987
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

10/40: Pennington, Ben F., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/41: Pennington, Jerome Joe (Jerry), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, photograph, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority

10/42: Penny, Darrell Lynn, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee--National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

10/43: Peppers, Walter Richard, 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

10/44: Perrin, George James, Sr., 1987
Biographical information, note, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee--National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

10/45: Perry, Charles R., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission

10/46: Perry, Dunman, Jr., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Midwestern State University Board of Regents

10/47: Perry, Kenneth Dwight (Ken), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Antiquities Committee

10/48: Perry, Patricia S., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

10/49: Perry, W. C., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State University System Board of Regents

10/50: Perryman, Linda, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the College Opportunity Act Committee

10/51: Perryman, Mary Ann, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Commission

10/52: Perryman, Wilburn Coston, III (Chip), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

10/53: Person, Calvin Eugene, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Hospital Equipment Financing Council

10/54: Peterson, Donald McLeod (Don), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Health

10/55: Peterson, Sarah A., 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Space Commission

10/56: Petty, William Edward, Sr. (Bill), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Irrigators

10/57: Petzold, James Theodore (Jim), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Motorcycle Operator Training and Safety Advisory Committee

10/58: Pevehouse, B. J., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/59: Peveto, Freda Marie Bell, 1988
Letter, memo, application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Advisory Committee

10/60: Pfeiffer, Fred Nelson, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Western States Water Council regarding appointments to the Council

10/61: Pharo, Milam B., 1988 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners District Two ReviewCommittee, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners

10/62: Phelps, Thomas E., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

10/63: Phillips, Acie O., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Board

10/64: Phillips, Carroll Wynn, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents

10/65: Phillips, Jack L., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/66: Phillips, Michael Thomas (Mike), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons

10/67: Phillips, Thomas R., 1987
Letters, telegrams biographical information, records of appeals heard, list of recommenders, outline of 1988 election plan, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas

10/68: Phillips, Thomas R.
Continuation of the previous file

10/69: Phillips, William B., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/70: Pickens, Beatrice Carr (Bea), 1987
Letters, application, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission

10/71: Pickens, T. Boone, Jr., 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the West Texas State University Board of Regents

10/72: Picton, Charles H., 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

10/73: Pierce, Frances G., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenditures, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

10/74: Pierce, John Edward, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, FPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board

10/75: Pierson, Grey, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

10/76: Pilgrim, Lonnie Alfred (Bo), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, nomination form of appointment to the National Commission on Agricultural Policy, lists of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and to the Agricultural Task Force

10/77: Pincoffs, Edmund Peter (Peter), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Public Finance Authority

10/78: Pirtle, Patrick Andrew (Pat), 1988
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to be Justice of the Seventh Court of Appeals and to the 251st Judicial District Court in Potter and Randall Counties

10/79: Pittman, Wesley Edwin (Wes), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Water Development Board

10/80: Piwetz, Eileen Marie Falke, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Nurse Examiners

10/81: Pizzitola, Philip, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

10/82: Plasek, Emil W., 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Egg Marketing Board

10/83: Plaskett, Thomas, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

10/84: Platt, C. Ronald, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/85: Pleasant, Mark Daniel, 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

10/86: Polland, Gary Michael, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Health and Human Services Coordinating Council

10/87: Pollans, Albert A., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

10/88: Polunsky, Allan Bruce, 1987-1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Board of Corrections, 1987 and 1989, to the Boards for Lease--Texas Department of Corrections, 1988 and 1989, the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force, 1988, and the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, 1989

10/89: Pond, Lila Lee Long, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Project Child Save Steering Committee

10/90: Pond, Paul Clifford, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Funeral Service Commission

10/91: Pope, John Rogers (Rogers), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Housing Agency Board of Directors

10/92: Popp, Wayne E., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Fire Fighters Relief and Benefit Fund Board of Trustees

10/93: Porter, Cheryl Jenkins, 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Examiners of Dieticians

10/94: Porter, Wilbur Arthur (Skip), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force and to the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council

10/95: Posey, Stennett D., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

10/96: Poteet, William Dee (Bill), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Health

10/97: Powell, James L. (Jimmy), 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

10/98: Powell, Max F., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/99: Powell, Raymond Dewyatt, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

10/100: Powell, Thomas Walker (Tom), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, articles of incorporation of Texans for Fire Ant Control, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Fire Ant Advisory Board

10/101: Power, Winston C., Jr., 1987-1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Education Commission of the States, 1987, the Select Committee on Education, 1988, and the Educational Excellence Committee, 1989

10/102: Powers, Gene R., 1990
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Committee of examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

10/103: Prather, Patricia Smith (Pat), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

10/104: Prejean, Robert Joseph (Bob), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the Texas Board of Land Surveying

10/105: Prentice, Chris Dewitt, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Blind

10/106: Pressler, Nancy Avery, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

10/107: Pressler, Herman Paul, III (Paul), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse

10/108: Prevost, Joe, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/109: Prichard, Marjorie Reynolds, 1989
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

10/110: Priddy, Charles, Jr., 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/111: Priddy, Hervey, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/112: Priddy, Kathryn Amsler, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

10/113: Prince, Billy, 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

10/114: Proctor, Mamie Beatrice Moore, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Board of Corrections, and to the Texas Board of Criminal Justice

10/115: Pryor, Molly Ann Mullican, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Surplus Property Agency

10/116: Purdy, Bruce Dale, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council

10/117: Purvis, Margaret Morgan, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council

10/118: Pyle, Jerry D., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenditures, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy

10/119: Quimby, William Harry (Bill), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy

10/120: Quince, Margie F., 1987
Biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee--National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

10/121: Quirk, Ann, 1987 & 1989
Letter, note, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women

10/122: Quisenberry, Clebert Wayland (Q), 1990
Letters, notes, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors

10/123: Quartrup, William Hastings (Bill), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Air Control Board

10/124: Raba, Carl Franz, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Waste Reduction and Minimization

10/125: Race, Anne Rinker, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation

10/126: Race, Jonathan Clark (Clark), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Executive Committee of the Office for the Prevention of Developing Disabilities

10/127: Radack, Sherry, 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Project Child Save Steering Committee

10/128: Radack, Steve Michael, 1990
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Census Complete Count Committee of Texas and the Texas County and District Retirement System Board of Trustees

10/129: Radley, Rita Jean Myatt, 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of fees and expenses paid, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

10/130: Rago, Bob, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/131: Raimer, Ben G., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention (Children's Trust Fund)

10/132: Rainey, David, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/133: Rains, Aileen Blanche Dixon, 1987 & 1988
Application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointment to and as chairman of the Battleship Texas Advisory Board

10/134: Rains, Jack Morris, 1989 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Campaign Finance Reform Task, and to the Texas Department of Commerce Board of Directors

10/135: Rains, James Brian, 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice regarding appointment as Judge of the 176th Judicial District Court in Harris County

10/136: Ramey, Tom B., Jr., 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Chief Justice of the Twelfth Court of Appeals

10/137: Ramirez, Mario E., 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the University of Texas System Board of Regents

10/138: Ramirez, Richard Martinez, 1990
Letters, note, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Product Commercialization Advisory Board

10/139: Ramirez, Rowl R., 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, list of members with record of attendance, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority

10/140: Ramsay, Ross Ivy, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

10/141: Ramsey, Jack D., 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

10/142: Ramsey, Katherine Clyde (Kitty), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Sulphur River Basin Authority Board of Directors

10/143: Randle, Audray Bateman Rewbridge, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board

10/144: Raney, James, 1988
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

10/145: Rankin, Marsha Ann Pickard (Shan), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women, and the Pan American University Board of Records

10/146: Rash, Alan V., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation Board of Directors

10/147: Ratcliff, Bobby O., 1987
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

10/148: Rath, Diane Doehne, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Rehabilitation Commission

10/149: Ratliff, Gene A., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lavaca- Navidad River Authority Board of Directors

10/150: Ratliff, Joe Samuel, 1989
Letter, telegram, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse

10/151: Ray, Neill W., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

10/152: Reagan, Billy R., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Education Commission of the States

10/153: Rector, William Lee, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the State Board of Medical Examiners District Three Review Committee

10/154: Reed, Ernest D., 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

10/155: Reed, Evelyn Campbell (Eve), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

System of arrangement

Conditions of access and use elements

Conditions governing access

Physical access

Technical access

Conditions governing reproduction

Languages of the material

Scripts of the material

Language and script notes

Finding aids

Acquisition and appraisal elements

Custodial history

Immediate source of acquisition


Related materials elements

Existence and location of originals

Existence and location of copies

Related archival materials

Related descriptions

Notes element

Specialized notes

Alternative identifier(s)

Description control element

Rules or conventions

Sources used

Access points

Subject access points

Place access points

Name access points

Genre access points

Accession area

Related subjects

Related people and organizations

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