Identity elements
Reference code
TxAM-CRS C000130-S1-SS8
Name and location of repository
Level of description
- 1970-2013; Undated (Creation)
62 folders
Name of creator
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
This subseries includes files on the various books and articles by David Rosen and contributions made by Rosen to other publications.
Series 1, Subseries 8, Box 6
- 6/101: "Changes in the Attitudes and Self Perceptions of Women Medical Students". Undated
- 6/102: "Meaning and Depression". Undated
- 6/103: "The Well Being of Psychiatrists". Undated
- 6/104: Miscellaneous Article Reprints. 1970-1987
- 6/105: "Suicide Rates Among Psychiatrists". 1973
- 6/106: "Lesbianism: A Study of Female Homosexuality". 1974
- 6/107: "Mental Stresses of Residency Training: Opportunities for Prevention". 1974
- 6/108: "Shetland: the Effects of Rapid Social Change on Mental Health". 1979
- 6/109: "Sources of Instructor Satisfaction with Teaching in the Health Professions". 1982
- 6/110: "Humanistic Medicine: What is Psychiatry's Role?". 1986
- 6/111: "Medicine as a Human Experience". 1986
- 6/112: "Modern Medicine in Search of Its Soul". 1986
- 6/113: "Depression in Women: A Jungian Perspective". 1988
- 6/114: "Humane Medicine: American Medicine in Search of Its Soul". 1989
- 6/115: "Archetypes of Transformation: Healing the Self". 1990
- 6/116: "Psychiatry: The Déjà vu Experience". 1990
- 6/117: "The Shadow of Depression and Suicide". 1990
- 6/118: "A Time to Kill and a Time to Heal". 1991
- 6/119: "The Healing Archetype in the Doctor-Patient Relationship". 1991
- 6/120: "The Objective Psyche: The Tao of Collective Unconscious". 1991
- 6/121: "The Objective Psyche at Work: Healing Archetypes of Transformation". 1991
Series 1, Subseries 8, Box 7
- 7/1: "Researching and Me-searching the Healthcare Marketplace". 1991
- 7/2: "Self-Healing". 1991
- 7/3: "Androgyny, Individuation, and Self-Actualization". 1992
- 7/4: "Beyond the Body: Experience with the Self". 1993
- 7/5: "Color and Type". 1993
- 7/6: "Letter to the Editor". 1993
- 7/7: "Transforming Depression". 1993
- 7/8: "Transforming Depression" - Interviews. 1993
- 7/9: "Frank McMillan and the Circle of Friends of Analytical Psychology". 1994
- 7/10: "Depression and Suicide". 1995
- 7/11: "Soul Attack, Disability, and the Healing Process". 1995
- 7/12: "Lives" Column, New York Times. 1996
- 7/13: "The Tao of Jung". 1996
- 7/14: Round Table Review. 1998
- 7/15: Jung Biography. 1999
- 7/16: "The Tao of Medicine". 1999
- 7/17: "The Tao of Medicine", UMKC School of Medicine. 1999
- 7/18: "A Time for Understanding Meaning and Healing". 2000
- 7/19: "Scholarly Activities in Analytical Psychology at Texas A&M University". 2001
- 7/20: "Are Jungian Preferences Really Categorical?". 2002
- 7/21: Humor: International Journal of Humor Research. 2003
- 7/22: "Picture Interpretation and Jungian Typology". 2003
- 7/23: "The Development, Construct Validity, and Clinical Utility of Spiritual Meaning". 2004
- 7/24: "The Healing Spirit of Haiku". 2004
- 7/25: "The Existential Meaning's Role in the Enhancement of Hope and Prevention of Depression". 2005
- 7/26: Jung and Levinas: War and Ethics. 2013
- 7/27: Foreword - Gambini, Roberto. Undated
- 7/28: Foreword - Hollis, James. Undated
- 7/29: Foreword - Kawai, Hayao. Undated
- 7/30: Foreword - Marlan, Stanton. Undated
- 7/31: Foreword - Stein. Murray. Undated
- 7/32: Foreword - Young, Eisendrath, Polly. Undated
- 7/33: Foreword - Kast, Verena. 1991
- 7/34: Foreword - Beebe, John. 1992
- 7/35: Foreword - Stephens, Anthony. 1993
- 7/36: Reviews - "Psychopathology". 1989
- 7/37: Reviews - "A Jungian Analytical Approach to Alexithymia". 1995
- 7/38: Reviews - "Belief as a Psychic Function". 1997
- 7/39: Reviews - "Soul's Code". 1998
- 7/40: Reviews - Stein, Murray. 1998
- 7/41: Reviews - Hollis, James. 1999
System of arrangement
This subseries is arranged by date, and alphabetically within date and is located in boxes 6 and 7.