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Newsletters, Articles, Clippings, and Writings
- 1921-1976 (Creation)
4 folders
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
1/1: Newspapers and Bulletins
New Left Notes, Students for a Democratic Society, Vol. 4, No. 24, July 8, 1969
The Lumpen: Revolutionary Student News Service, Merritt College Black Student Union, Vol. I, No. 1, Thursday, October 29, 1970
The Black Panther: Black Community News Service, Vol. V, No. 19, Saturday, November 7, 1970 (published weekly)
Bulletin of the Worker's Party: Convention Bulletin #7, Vol 1, No. 13, May 8, 1946
Bulletin of the Worker's Party: Vol 2, No. 1, February 1947
Bulletin of the Worker's Party: Convention Bulletin #12, Vol 4, No 6, March 17, 1949
1/2: Newsletters
The Street Speaker, "In the Interest of the Black Race & Business," Vol. 11, no. 4, August - November 1996
Habari za Ujamaa: Vol 2, No 2, December 8, 1972
1/3: Magazines and Articles
Liberator, September 1921
Liberator, Vol. III, No. 1, January 1963
Malcolm X Interview - Playboy, pg. 53-54, 56-60, 62-63, May 1963
Scanlan's: Suppressed Issue: Guerrilla War in the USA., Vol 1, No 8, January 1971
1/4: Writings
"Scottsboro: Act 3", by Sasha Small, published by International Labor Defense, 1934
"Why we are for Roosevelt," by The Publishers of People's Voice (reprint from the New York People's Voice), July 15, 1944
"Why I Remain a Negro," by Walter White, reprinted from the Saturday Review of Literature, October 11, 1947
"The Strike Explained", by Third World Liberation Front, February 5, 1969
"What do you people want?...," by Third World Liberation Front, February 11, 1969
Invisible City, Numbers 18-20: (poetry collection), October 1976
"Side by Side…," by United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), Undated
"Un Testimonio Sobre la Esclavitud en Montevideo," by Gallardo, Jorge Emilio, Undated