MPH August 2024 Addendum: The Professionals Circuit Archive and Other Materials

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TxAM-CRS C000150-2

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MPH August 2024 Addendum: The Professionals Circuit Archive and Other Materials


  • 1981-1994, undated (Creation)


1 box

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Content and structure elements

Scope and content

The Professionals Circuit Archive Stories

Titles Beginning with 'J', 1986, undated [s]

  • "Jack the Shredder", "The Janus", "Jay Walking", "Joint Venture", "Jon", "Journey's End", "Jumping to Conclusions", "Jungle Ghosts",
    "Just a Kiss, but Ray Had Other Ideas", "Just Trying to Help, Mate!

Titles Beginning with 'K', 1985, 1989, undated [s] [g]

  • "Katrin's Jigsaw", "Keep the Homefires Burning", "Keeping Us in Line", "Keyword", "Kill on Commans", "A Kind of Magic", "KInd Hearts"
    "A Kindred Hand", "Knows No Laws"

Titles Beginning with 'La' - 'Li', 1983, 1986, 1990, undated [s] [g]

  • "Lap of the Gods, or The Big Easy, or Frozen Assets", "Laying the Ghosts to Rest", "Leap in the Dark", "The Legend of Eileen Fay"
    "Less Than Kind", "Let Today be Ours", "Lethal Doubles", "Lick and a Promise", "Light of Day", "Lightslide", "A Little Peace and Quiet"
    "Little Ray of Sonshine, or The Professionals - The Next Generation"

Titles Beginning with 'Lo' - 'Ly', 1984, 1986 - 1989, undated [s]

  • "Lonely", "Long Shadows", "Looking-Glass World", "Loose Change", "Loosening Up", "Lord Chatterley's Lover", "Love is Enough"
    "Love is the Drug", "Love Knots", "Luck of the Draw", "The Lych-Wake Dirge"

Titles Beginning with 'Ma', 1991, undated [s] [g]

  • "Magickal 1-3", "The Man Behind the Scenes", "Man of a Thousand Secrets", "Man on the Line", "Masquerade", "Massacre at Gollie Flats"
    "Master of the Revels", "Master Song", "Masters in This Hall", "Mating Season, or What's a Bored Bodie to Do?, or I Can't Believe I
    Wrote This!"

Titles Beginning with 'Me' - 'My', 1984, 1988, undated [s] [g]

  • "Meanwhile in M, or The Monumental Mrs. M", "The Mercenary and the Prisoner", "Merry Christmas, Mr. Cowley", "Merry Christmas,
    Mr. Doyle", "Michael", "Midnight Snack", "Miguel 3: The Keeper", "Mind Your Chains", "Missing", "Missing Scene from Surfeit", "The
    Mistletoe Bough", "Mitral Elenduil", "A Momentary Aberration", "More Than Kin", "More Than Words Can Say", "More Ways To Skin
    A Cat", "Morning After", "The Morning After", "Mr. Sandman", "Murphy", "Mushroom System", "My Cousin Raymond", "My Funny
    Valentine", "My True Love Gave to Me", "The Mysterial Mrs. M", "Mystery Trip"

Titles Beginning with 'N', 1984, 1987, 1993, undated [s] [g]

  • "Name Your Poison", "Natural Progression", "Ne'er The Twain Shall Meet", "Never Say 'No Strings'", "Niagara Blues", "The Night Before"
    "Night Moves", "Night Must Fall", "A Night Out", "A Night To Remember", "Nightwatch", "Nightwatch - Deathwatch", "No Gentleness"
    "No Middle Ground", "No More Hunger", "No Rational Explanation", "No Regrets", "No Strings", No Unicorns", "Noises at Dawn"
    "Not Bad for a Beginner", "Not Even Good-Bye", "Not So Equal", "Now You Know"

Titles Beginning with 'Of' -'On', 1981,1984, undated [s]

  • "Of Priests and Powers", "Of Temples and Trials", "Of Tethered Goats and Tigers", "Off the Hook", "Off-Guard...or Tulips from Amsterdam"
    "Oh Come, All Ye Faithful", "Old Friends", "Old Longings, Russian Roulette, Better to Forget", "On a Lazy Summer Afternoon", "On Heat"
    "On the First Day of Christmas"

Titles Beginning with 'One' - 'Ov', 1986, undated [s] [g]

  • "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, or The Golly Has Landed", "One Good Turn", "One Morning in May", "One Night in Bangcock, an
    Alternate Beginning", "One of These Days", "One Summer Night", "One-Off", "Operation Impossible", "'Orses for Courses", "Ostrich
    Syndrome", "Out of the Mouths of Babes", "Out of the Shadows", "Out...and In", "Outside Looking In", "Overnight Stay"

Titles Beginning with 'Pa' - 'Peer', undated [s]

  • "Painting the Clouds", "Paper Chains", "A Pardon after Execution", "Paris - or Bust", "Party Spirit", "Pas de Deux", "Passages", "The Patterns
    of Life", "Pay Back", "The Peerless Pair"

Titles Beginning with 'Per' - 'Q', 1983 - 1984, 1993, undated [s]

  • "Perchance to Dream", "The Perfect Bear", "Petty Thief", "Phoenix", "Pictures of an Exhibition", "Plain Sailing", "Play the Game, or The
    Balloon Goes Up", "Pleasure Bent", "Plot and Counterplot", "Poem for Morning", "Possession", "Powergame, aka Powerplay", "A
    Practical Proposition", "Preconceived Notions", "A Pretty Pair of Almond Eyes", "The Priaprismic Situatiob", "Private Performance"
    "Prometheus Unbound", "Pushbike Song", "Quicksand"

Titles Beginning with 'R', 1986 - 1987, undated [s] [h]

  • "Radio Ga-Ga", "Rainy Days", "The Rakes' Progress", "Realities", Rediscovered in a Cupboard", "Reincarnation with a Difference", A
    Residence Afresh", "Restore Amends", "The Return of Emma", "Reunited", "Revelation", "The Right Words to Say", "Romantic It Ain't"
    "Room 101", "Room 52A", "Room with a View", "Rough Comfort", "Round Two"

Titles Beginning with 'S' - 'Sk', undated [s]

  • "'S What Mates Are For", "Sapphires at Midnight", "Second Thoughts", "Selling Hours Sequel", "The Selling Hours", "Sequel to Two Brown
    Envelopes", "Set-Up", "Sex Scene for 'Tailor-Made'", "Shades of Blue", "SHBD Crossover Outline", "The Sin of Omission", "Siren"
    "Skinny Dipping"

Titles Beginning with 'Sl' - 'Stra', undated [s]

  • "The Sleeping Prince", "So Cold the Night", "So Glad It Was Me", "Solo Contraire", "Something So Right", "The Spice of Life", "Stainless
    Steele", "Starting Over", "Stir-Happy", "Strange Days Indeed"

Titles Beginning with 'Str' - Sw', 1984, undated [s]

  • "Strictly Classified", "The Stripper", "Submissive It Ain't", "Sugar 'n Spice, Raw Carrots 'n Rice", "Sule Skerrie", "Sunday's Children", "Super
    Grass", "Surfeit", "Surfers' Tension", "Sweet Surrender on the Quayside", "Sweeter than Wine"

Titles Beginning with 'Ta' - 'Th', 1983, 1985 - 1990, undated [s] [g]

  • "Tailor-Made", "The Tailor-Made Sequence", "Tainted Love", "Tales of the Riverbank, or Premature Senile Decay", "Teacher's Pet",
    "Teatime with Macklin/Coffee with Crowley", "Teddy Bear", "Teddy Bear's Picnic, or George and Murphy Rides Again", "Teething
    Troubles", "That Little Twinkie", "That Which Matters", "There's an Old Mill", "Three's Not a Crowd..","Through A Glass Darkly", "Thru' with the

Titles Beginning with 'Ti' -'Tw', 1983, 1986, 1994, undated [s] [g]

  • "Tiger By the Tail", "Time-Crossed Lovers", "Tis The Season", "To Rewrite Yesterdays", "Tooth Fairy 1", "Transition", "Trilogy of Tragedy,
    or The Domino Effect", "The Trip", "Trouble at 4.5's Flat", "Truth Beauty?", "Turn of a Friendly Card", "Twelve Days of Christmas 1",
    "Twelve Days of Christmas 2", "Twelve Days of Christmas 3", "Twelve Days of Christmas 4", "Twelve Days of Christmas 6", "Two Crazy
    Lovers", "Two in a Bunk, is Worth One in the Hand", "Two Plain Brown Envelopes", "Two-Up"

Titles Beginning with 'U', 1989, undated [s]

  • "Uncovered in a Drawer", "Undercover Activities", "Unfinished Business", "The Unmasking of Mrs. M", "Up Jumped a Swagman"

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