Identity elements
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Level of description
Klingon Fanzines: Arak - Katr
Name of creator
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Scope and content
[Carol Walske, auth., 1979]
Barred Arrow
[Sue Isle, auth., 1997]
Bat'leths and Bloodwine
[Donald Kroth, Jr, auth., 1998]
Battle Lines Fall 1999
[Klingon Strike Force: Fall 1999]
Battle Lines Winter 1999
[Klingon Strike Force: Winter 1999]
Citizen of the Empire
[Cat Ramos, auth., 1990-2005]
Citizen of the Empire[Later Stories]
[Cat Ramos, auth., 2011-2013]
Comes The Sun: Volume 1 of the Kraxxi Chronicles
[Hemlock and Thistle Press: Sue Ann Weaver, auth., May 1995]
The Compleat Kershu Fighter
[Devra Michele Langsam, ed., May 1988]
Dagger of the Mind
[Fern Marder and Carol Walske, ed., 1980]
The Demonic Press #2
[Klingon Assault Group's Demon Fleet, Winter 1996/1997]
The Demonic Press #4
[Klingon Assault Group's Demon Fleet, Christmas 1997]
The Demonic Press Extras #1 - 2
[Klingon Assault Group's Demon Fleet, Spring-Autumn 1997]
Games of Love and Duty
[Susan Crites, auth., July 1989 - reprint: originally published 1980]
The Imperial Mounted Guard Handbook #1
[Imperial Mounted Guard, July 1992]
Kalin Collected, vol. 1
[Linda Slusher, ed., Winter 1993]
Katra: The Erotic Spirit #1
[Lana Brown, ed., December 1986]