Stacy L. Doyle Fanworks Collection
- TxAM-CRS C000237
- Coleção
- 1967-2017, undated
This collection consists of a large number of fanworks from or (more often) collected by California-based fan and fanvidder Stacy L. Doyle. Materials include fanzines (the majority of which involves slash content), fanvids (also mostly slash-oriented) for multiple fandoms, audio cassettes of filksong, and materials relating to a number of genre conventions (including several that are slash-centered). Also included are some additional materials concerning vidding, fandom, and related subjects.
The majority of the contents in this collection consists of fan fiction. Fan fiction is the name given to literary or artistic productions created by fans about the characters, settings and events of the media universe in which they are interested. A substantial portion of the fanworks in the Doyle Collection is identified as "slash”. "Slash" refers to fanworks that feature same-sex relationships and are sometimes (though not always) sexually explicit. In slash, sexual identity, sexuality and/or romance are often the centers of the story, rather than the conventional adventures featured in more traditional fanworks.
A small portion of the collection consists of "het" material. "Het", like slash, refers to fanworks featuring sexual or romantic content, but with opposite-sex relationships.
"Gen" (more standard stories containing no sexual content) and het items are identified as such on the item folder. If an item is not identified as slash or het, it is to be assumed that the item is slash. (g) indicates gen material. (h) indicates het material.
Fanzines are organized alphabetically by fandom name, and thereunder by title. The term “Multimedia” refers to anthologies of material from different fandoms. The term “Crossover” refers to stories in which characters from one or more media universes interact with those from another. (For example, a story in which Mal Reynolds' ship Serenity passed through a wormhole and encountered Captain James T. Kirk's U.S.S. Enterprise would be a Firefly/Star Trek crossover.)
"Vidding" refers to the fannish activity of creating a music video (a 'fanvid') consisting of clips from various movies or TV shows set to particular pieces of music. Some vids utilize a single media universe, others involve multiple ones. The music that accompanies the clips is selected by the vidder in order to drive a particular narrative, or to make a point about the characters or story being shown. Often these points are subversive of the accepted canon (for example, a vidder might use judiciously selected clips to suggest that two or more characters have a romantic relationship, whereas in "real life" no such relationship is stated or implied).
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