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Mercenaries: Soldiers of Fortune, From Ancient Greece to Today's Private Military Companies

14/13: Middle Ages Mercenaries, 1973-2002

14/14: American Mercenaries, 1980

14/15: Air Mercs, 1981

14/16: Africa, 1985-1989

14/17: Mercenaries, Pirates, and Sovereigns, 1994

14/18: Ireland, 1994-2004

14/19: Corporations in Warfare, 1995-2003

14/20: Executive Outcomes, 1997-2002

14/21: Book Lists, 1997-2002

14/22: Mercenaries: The Scourge of the Third World, 2000

14/23: Sandline, 2000

14/24: Privatization of War Info, 2000-2003

14/25: Mercs in Soldiers of Fortune Magazine, 2001

14/26: Mercenary Sources, 2002-2004

14/27: Interview, 2002

14/28: Hessians and Mercenaries, 2002-2004

14/29: An Unorthodox Soldier, 2003

14/30: Mercenaries in Articles, 2003-2004

14/31: Mercenaries, 2004

14/32: The Private Military Company: A Legitimate International Entity Within Modern Conflicts, 2004

14/33: Outsourcing Soldering, 2004

14/34: Notes, Undated

15/1: Early Mercenaries, 2003

15/2: Le Moyne, 2003-2004

15/3: Foreign Legions, 2004

15/4: Murders Overseas, 2004

15/5: Gurkhas, 2004

15/6: Vietnam, 2004

15/7: Privateers, Undated

15/8: MPRI, Undated

15/9: Mercenaries General Bibliography, Undated

15/10: Private Military Contractors, 2004, Undated

15/11: Modern Mercenaries, 2002, Undated

Miscellaneous Subject Files

This series is the largest in the collection, containing a number of files on a variety of subjects spanning Dr. Rosen's career and personal life.

Series 1, Subseries 9, Box 7

  • 7/42: American Suicide Foundation. 1988-1995
  • 7/43: Analytical Psychology: Jungian Activities. Undated
  • 7/44: Asper, Kathrin. 2007
  • 7/45: Astrology. Undated
  • 7/46: Arnau, Randy - Archetypal Symbol Inventory. Undated
  • 7/47: Arnau, Randy - Thesis. 1993; 1997
  • 7/48: Beebe, John. 1985-2009
  • 7/49: Berg, Astrid. 2000; 2010
  • 7/50: Bess, Forest, 1951
  • 7/51: Black, Sam. Undated
  • 7/52: Bolton, Preston. 1997-1998
  • 7/53: Burke, Jack. 1991; 2000
  • 7/54: Cambray, Joseph. 2000-2008
  • 7/55: Carlo, Giovanna. 1996-1998
  • 7/56: Carter, John. 2006
  • 7/57: Certificates. 1993-2002
  • 7/58: China. 1998-2002
  • 7/59: Chodorow, Joan. 1991-2009
  • 7/60: Christiansen, Gayla. 1991-1992
  • 7/61: Circle of Friends of Analytical Psychology. Undated
  • 7/62: Citation of Merit Award. 1998-1999
  • 7/63: Cognitive and Takashi: Basic Archetypal Healing Pattern. 2002
  • 7/64: College of Medicine Mentorship Program. 1992-2005
  • 7/65: Contemporary Jungian Psychology Project. 1989-1990
  • 7/66: Cousins, Norman. 1990
  • 7/67: "Deans, Department Heads, and Holders of Endowed Positions: College of Liberal Arts". 1989
  • 7/68: Development Leave: C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich. 1992-1994
  • 7/69: Douglas, Claire. 2000-2007
  • 7/70: Edinburgh, 1969
  • 7/71: Engel, George L., 1960-2003
  • 7/72: Engel, George L., "The Clinical Application of the Biopsychosocial Model". 1980
  • 7/73: Engel, George L., "Need for New Med Model". 1977
  • 7/74: Estes, Clarissa. 1992-2006
  • 7/75: Eranos. 1987; 1993
  • 7/76: Faculty Development Leave. 2004-2006
  • 7/77: Faculty Development Leave Committee. Undated
  • 7/78: Fifth Grade Response to Henry's Tower. 1992
  • 7/79: Freud Archives, London UK. Undated
  • 7/80: Gaillard, Christian. 2000-2009
  • 7/81: Gambini, Roberto. 1998-2004
  • 7/82: Gene-Environment Interaction: Depression in Medical Students. 2006-2007
  • 7/83: Gilda, Edward - Suicide. Undated
  • 7/84: Golden Gate Bridge Study. 1975-1998
  • 7/85: Graduate Students. 1991; 1998
  • 7/86: Grants, Miscellaneous. 1993-2003
  • 7/87: Great Conversations. 2001-2002
  • 7/88: Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. 1985-1986
  • 7/89: Health Behavior and Healthcare Policy: Liberal Arts. 1995
  • 7/90: Hillman, James. 1989-2002

Series 1, Subseries 9, Box 8

  • 8/1: Hogg Foundation Grant. 1989-1991
  • 8/2: Hollis, James. 1996-2006
  • 8/3: Humanities in Medicine. 1983-2007
  • 8/4: Huxley, Aldous L., 1962
  • 8/5: "If Only Jung had a Rabbi". 1996-1997
  • 8/6: Institute of Noetic Sciences. 1998-1999
  • 8/7: International Academic Conference of Analytical Psychological and Jungian Studies. 2005
  • 8/8: Japan. 1997-2003
  • 8/9: Japan. 1997-2000
  • 8/10: Japanese Trip: Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto. 1997-2000
  • 8/11: Johnson, Robert. 1991
  • 8/12: Jung Analytical Psychology. 1994-1995
  • 8/13: Jung Educational Center, Houston. 1987-1991
  • 8/14: Jung, Peter. 1993-1996
  • 8/15: Kartan, Steve. 1990-1993
  • 8/16: Kast, Verena. 1989-2008
  • 8/17: Kawai, Hayao. 1986-2004
  • 8/18: Kennedy, Ted. 1987-1988
  • 8/19: Kirsch, Tom. 1987-2004
  • 8/20: Knight, James and Sally. 1994-2004
  • 8/21: Kyoto Bunkyo University MOA. 2000-2002
  • 8/22: "Let's Speak Japanese". 1998
  • 8/23: Lipscomb, Harry. 1988-1990
  • 8/24: Low, Edward. 1997-1999
  • 8/25: Maguire, Jack. 1990
  • 8/26: Mair, Victor H.. 1991
  • 8/27: Mandala Art Exhibit. 2005
  • 8/28: McDermott, John. Undated
  • 8/29: Mestrovic, Stjepan. 1993-1998
  • 8/30: Moore, Thomas. 2003
  • 8/31: Muller, Sister Mary Bernadette. 1989
  • 8/32: NIMH Small Grant Application Approved. 1987-1990
  • 8/33: Owen, Jane Blaffer. 2002
  • 8/34: PAMP Progress Report '82. 1982
  • 8/35: Papadopoulos, Renos. 1993-1994
  • 8/36: Peaceable Kingdom. 1986-1989
  • 8/37: Physician Health. 1973-1979
  • 8/38: Picture Interpretation and Jungian Typology. 2001
  • 8/39: Positive Psychology. 2000-2001
  • 8/40: Psychiatry and Medicine. 1979
  • 8/41: Reiser, David. 1991
  • 8/42: Religious Studies Program. 1991-2009
  • 8/43: Rizzuto, Ana-Maria. 1997
  • 8/44: "The Sacred Medical Student-Cadaver Bond". 1998
  • 8/45: Samuels, Andrew. 1991-1994
  • 8/46: Schiffer, Randy. 2000
  • 8/47: Scholarly Activities in Analytical Psychology. 2001
  • 8/48: Schizophrenia, 1968
  • 8/49: Sells Collection. 1992
  • 8/50: Sells Collection II. 1987-2008
  • 8/51: Sells Master Book List. 1989-1996
  • 8/52: Singer, June. 1992-1999
  • 8/53: Sotirova-Kohli, Milena. Undated
  • 8/54: Steer Gifts for Analytical Psychology Books. 1988-1989
  • 8/55: Steer, Shirley. 1989-2010
  • 8/56: Stein, Murray. 1993-2006
  • 8/57: Stevens, Anthony. 1989-2009
  • 8/58: Styron, William. 1990-1993
  • 8/59: Symbol Project. Undated
  • 8/60: TAMU Press. 1997-2001
  • 8/61: Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians. 1980
  • 8/62: Tuttle, Mary Caroline. Undated
  • 8/63: Unno, Mark T.. Undated
  • 8/64: Walker, Alice - Parker Institute in New Orleans. 1993-1997
  • 8/65: Weishaus, Joel. 1991
  • 8/66: White Paper for Analytical Psychology at TAMU. 1992-2001
  • 8/67: Young Physician's Award. 1985
  • 8/68: Zent, Miranda. Undated

Blood Warriors: American Military Elites

13/20: Navy Seals, 1962; 1998; 2002

13/21: Secret Armies, 1987

13/22: Secret Warriors, 1988

13/23: Any Time, Any Place, 1995

13/24: Spec Ops, 1996

13/25: Elite Warriors, 1996

13/26: General, 1996

13/27: Unconventional Warriors, 1997

13/28: Correspondence, 1997

13/29: Retention, 1999

13/30: Green Berets, 1999

13/31: Air Force, 1999

13/32: SOF Posture, 2000

13/33: Special Operations, 2000; Undated

13/34: Delta Force, 2001

13/35: Book Lists, 2001

13/36: US Armed Forces, 2002

13/37: Airborne, 2002

13/38: Complete Book Lists, Undated

13/39: Snipers, Undated

14/1: Special Ops History, 1992; 1997-1998

14/2: Special Operations Forces, 1998

14/3: Long Range Surveillance Leaders Course, 1998

14/4: In the Combat Zone, 1998

14/5: Force Recon Correspondence, 1999-2002

14/6: Library Catalog Search, 1999

14/7: Navy Seals Correspondence, 2000

14/8: Marine Corps Correspondence

14/9: Black Berets, 2000-2001

14/10: Ranger, 2001

14/11: Book Lists, 2001-2002

14/12: Future/Conclusion, 2002


This subseries includes files on the various books and articles by David Rosen and contributions made by Rosen to other publications.

Series 1, Subseries 8, Box 6

  • 6/101: "Changes in the Attitudes and Self Perceptions of Women Medical Students". Undated
  • 6/102: "Meaning and Depression". Undated
  • 6/103: "The Well Being of Psychiatrists". Undated
  • 6/104: Miscellaneous Article Reprints. 1970-1987
  • 6/105: "Suicide Rates Among Psychiatrists". 1973
  • 6/106: "Lesbianism: A Study of Female Homosexuality". 1974
  • 6/107: "Mental Stresses of Residency Training: Opportunities for Prevention". 1974
  • 6/108: "Shetland: the Effects of Rapid Social Change on Mental Health". 1979
  • 6/109: "Sources of Instructor Satisfaction with Teaching in the Health Professions". 1982
  • 6/110: "Humanistic Medicine: What is Psychiatry's Role?". 1986
  • 6/111: "Medicine as a Human Experience". 1986
  • 6/112: "Modern Medicine in Search of Its Soul". 1986
  • 6/113: "Depression in Women: A Jungian Perspective". 1988
  • 6/114: "Humane Medicine: American Medicine in Search of Its Soul". 1989
  • 6/115: "Archetypes of Transformation: Healing the Self". 1990
  • 6/116: "Psychiatry: The Déjà vu Experience". 1990
  • 6/117: "The Shadow of Depression and Suicide". 1990
  • 6/118: "A Time to Kill and a Time to Heal". 1991
  • 6/119: "The Healing Archetype in the Doctor-Patient Relationship". 1991
  • 6/120: "The Objective Psyche: The Tao of Collective Unconscious". 1991
  • 6/121: "The Objective Psyche at Work: Healing Archetypes of Transformation". 1991

Series 1, Subseries 8, Box 7

  • 7/1: "Researching and Me-searching the Healthcare Marketplace". 1991
  • 7/2: "Self-Healing". 1991
  • 7/3: "Androgyny, Individuation, and Self-Actualization". 1992
  • 7/4: "Beyond the Body: Experience with the Self". 1993
  • 7/5: "Color and Type". 1993
  • 7/6: "Letter to the Editor". 1993
  • 7/7: "Transforming Depression". 1993
  • 7/8: "Transforming Depression" - Interviews. 1993
  • 7/9: "Frank McMillan and the Circle of Friends of Analytical Psychology". 1994
  • 7/10: "Depression and Suicide". 1995
  • 7/11: "Soul Attack, Disability, and the Healing Process". 1995
  • 7/12: "Lives" Column, New York Times. 1996
  • 7/13: "The Tao of Jung". 1996
  • 7/14: Round Table Review. 1998
  • 7/15: Jung Biography. 1999
  • 7/16: "The Tao of Medicine". 1999
  • 7/17: "The Tao of Medicine", UMKC School of Medicine. 1999
  • 7/18: "A Time for Understanding Meaning and Healing". 2000
  • 7/19: "Scholarly Activities in Analytical Psychology at Texas A&M University". 2001
  • 7/20: "Are Jungian Preferences Really Categorical?". 2002
  • 7/21: Humor: International Journal of Humor Research. 2003
  • 7/22: "Picture Interpretation and Jungian Typology". 2003
  • 7/23: "The Development, Construct Validity, and Clinical Utility of Spiritual Meaning". 2004
  • 7/24: "The Healing Spirit of Haiku". 2004
  • 7/25: "The Existential Meaning's Role in the Enhancement of Hope and Prevention of Depression". 2005
  • 7/26: Jung and Levinas: War and Ethics. 2013


  • 7/27: Foreword - Gambini, Roberto. Undated
  • 7/28: Foreword - Hollis, James. Undated
  • 7/29: Foreword - Kawai, Hayao. Undated
  • 7/30: Foreword - Marlan, Stanton. Undated
  • 7/31: Foreword - Stein. Murray. Undated
  • 7/32: Foreword - Young, Eisendrath, Polly. Undated
  • 7/33: Foreword - Kast, Verena. 1991
  • 7/34: Foreword - Beebe, John. 1992
  • 7/35: Foreword - Stephens, Anthony. 1993


  • 7/36: Reviews - "Psychopathology". 1989
  • 7/37: Reviews - "A Jungian Analytical Approach to Alexithymia". 1995
  • 7/38: Reviews - "Belief as a Psychic Function". 1997
  • 7/39: Reviews - "Soul's Code". 1998
  • 7/40: Reviews - Stein, Murray. 1998
  • 7/41: Reviews - Hollis, James. 1999

Senseless Secrets

4/31: Book Proposal, 1993
4/32: Handwritten Draft - Incomplete Draft, Undated
4/33: Draft - Proposals, Undated
4/34: Draft - Book Outlines, Undated
4/35: Draft - Before Changes (1 of 3), Undated
4/36: Draft - Before Changes (2 of 3), Undated
4/37: Draft - Before Changes (3 of 3), Undated
4/38: Draft - Useless Secrets #2, Undated

Presentation Materials

This subseries contains files on various lectures and seminars given by Dr. Rosen throughout his career. The slides for the various presentations can be found in Box 1.

Series 1, Subseries 7, Box 6

  • 6/7: "Philosophy of Life and Death". Undated
  • 6/8: "Depression in Patients Referred for Psychiatric Consultation". 1986
  • 6/9: "Medicine as a Human Experience". 1986; 1987
  • 6/10: APA: Fellowship Award Convocation. 1987
  • 6/11: "The Art of Medicine". 1987
  • 6/12: "Humanistic Medicine: What is Psychiatry's Role?". 1987
  • 6/13: "Medicine as a Human Experience". 1987
  • 6/14: "To Be or Not to Be". 1987
  • 6/15: "Medicine as a Human Experience". 1988
  • 6/16: "The Healing Doctor-Patient Relationship". 1990
  • 6/17: Telemed Program. 1990
  • 6/18: "Self-Healing and the Inner Doctor-Patient Relationship". 1991
  • 6/19: "The Tao of the Objective Psyche". 1992
  • 6/20: "Transforming Depression". 1992
  • 6/21: "The Tao of Jung". 1993
  • 6/22: "Transforming Depression". 1993
  • 6/23: "New Harmony Revisited: Return to the River". 1994
  • 6/24: "Self Psychology". 1994
  • 6/25: "The Tao of Jung". 1994
  • 6/26: "Transforming Depression", Chicago Jung Institute. 1994
  • 6/27: "Transforming Depression", North Texas Jung Society. 1994
  • 6/28: "Transforming Depression", San Francisco. 1994
  • 6/29: "The Tao of Jung". 1995
  • 6/30: "Transforming Depression", Toronto. 1995
  • 6/31: "Transforming Depression", Memphis, Tennessee. 1995
  • 6/32: "Transforming Depression", New Orleans. 1995
  • 6/33: "Collective Memory: Evolution of Psyche". 1996
  • 6/34: "Egocide, Symbolic Death and New Life". 1996
  • 6/35: "Evolution of the Psyche". 1996
  • 6/36: "Healing Function of the Feminine in the Second Coming and Beloved". 1996
  • 6/37: "The Tao of Jung", Austin. 1996
  • 6/38: "The Tao of Jung", Houston. 1996
  • 6/39: "The Tao of Jung", Los Angeles. 1996
  • 6/40: "The Tao of Jung", San Francisco. 1996
  • 6/41: "The Tao of Jung", UT - San Antonio. 1996
  • 6/42: "Transforming Depression", San Antonio. 1996
  • 6/43: "Transforming Depression", Center for Jungian Studies. 1996
  • 6/44: "Transforming Depression", Holistic Studies, New York. 1996
  • 6/45: "The Tao of Jung" / "Transforming Depression", North Texas Jung Society. 1996-1997
  • 6/46: "The Tao of Jung", Shepherd Pratt. 1996-1997
  • 6/47: "Transforming Depression", Department of Counseling. 1996-1997
  • 6/48: "Transforming Depression", Capital Area Psychological Association. 1996-1997
  • 6/49: "Common Boundaries". 1997
  • 6/50: "The Tao of Jung", Jung on the Hudson. 1997
  • 6/51: "The Tao of Jung", San Francisco. 1997
  • 6/52: "The Tao of Jung", Knoxville. 1997
  • 6/53: "The Tao of Elvis" (1). 1997-2003
  • 6/54: "The Tao of Elvis" (2). 1997-2003
  • 6/55: "The Tao of Elvis" (3). 1997-2003
  • 6/56: "Transforming Depression". 1997
  • 6/57: "Don't Be Cruel to a Heart That's True: the Myth of Elvis Lives On". 1998
  • 6/58: Elvis Presentation, MSC OPAS. 1998
  • 6/59: Elvis Presentation, San Francisco. 1998
  • 6/60: Elvis Presentation, New Orleans. 1998
  • 6/61: "Harmony: Creating Balance through Body, Spirit, and Mind". 1998
  • 6/62: "Jung's Psychology and Buddhism". 1998
  • 6/63: "Jung's Psychology and Chinese Culture". 1998
  • 6/64: "The Myth of Elvis Lives On", Jung on the Hudson. 1998
  • 6/65: "The Myth of Elvis Lives On", New Orleans. 1998
  • 6/66: "The Tao of Jung", Jung Club of Orange County. 1998
  • 6/67: "The Tao of Jung", Austin Jung Society. 1998
  • 6/68: "The Tao of Jung", Oklahoma City University. 1998
  • 6/69: "The Tao of Jung", Phoenix. 1998
  • 6/70: Elvis Presentation. 1999
  • 6/71: "The Tao of Wisdom". 1999
  • 6/72: "Transforming Depression". 1999
  • 6/73: Elvis Presentation. 2000
  • 6/74: "Transforming Depression", Oregon Friends of Jung. 2000
  • 6/75: "Transforming Depression", Pittsburgh. 2000
  • 6/76: "Death and Dying". 2001
  • 6/77: Elvis Presentation. 2001
  • 6/78: "Healing Spirit of Haiku". 2001
  • 6/79: "Transforming Depression", Austin, November 9-10, 2001
  • 6/80: "Transforming Depression", Austin, November 16-17, 2001
  • 6/81: "Transforming Depression", Hospice, Plano. 2001
  • 6/82: "Healing Spirit of Haiku", Oregon. 2002
  • 6/83: "Healing Spirit of Haiku", Atlanta. 2002
  • 6/84: "The Tao of Elvis", Santa Fe. 2002
  • 6/85: "The Tao of Elvis", Houston. 2002
  • 6/86: "The Healing Spirit of Haiku". 2003
  • 6/87: "Transforming Depression". 2003
  • 6/88: "The Healing Spirit of Haiku". 2004
  • 6/89: "Haiku, Zen, and Jung's Psychology". 2004
  • 6/90: "Symbolic Meaning of Space Domain". 2004
  • 6/91: "Teaching and Researching Analytical and Positive Psychology". 2004
  • 6/92: "Conociendo A Carl Jung". 2005
  • 6/93: "The Healing Spirit of Haiku". 2006
  • 6/94: "The Shaman's Theory". 2006
  • 6/95: "Alchemy of Melancholy". 2007
  • 6/96: "The Healing Spirit of Haiku". 2007
  • 6/97: "Perspectives from the Heart of Texas". 2007
  • 6/98: "Ethics and the Shadow". 2009
  • 6/99: "The History of the Healing Doctor-Patient Relationship". 2010
  • 6/100: "Inner and Outer Peace". 2010

Vietnam at the Movies

4/6: Manuscript (1 of 3), 1993
4/7: Manuscript (2 of 3), 1993
4/8: Manuscript (3 of 3), 1993
4/9: Draft - Proposal, Undated
4/10: Handwritten Draft - Introduction, Undated
4/11: Handwritten Draft - Chapter Outlines, Undated
4/12: Handwritten Movie Reviews (1 of 4), Undated
4/13: Handwritten Movie Reviews (2 of 4), Undated
4/14: Handwritten Movie Reviews (3 of 4), Undated
4/15: Handwritten Movie Reviews (4 of 4), Undated
4/16: Typed Edited Draft - Chapter 1, Undated
4/17: Typed Draft - Chapter 7, Undated
4/18: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 9, Undated
4/19: Typed Draft - Chapter 10, Undated
4/20: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 11, Undated
4/21: Handwritten Draft-Chapter 12, Undated
4/22: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 13, Undated
4/23: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 14, Undated
4/24: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 16, Undated
4/25: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 17/ Conclusion, Undated
4/26: Typed Movie Reviews, Undated
4/27: Typed Draft - Proposal Earlier Version, Undated
4/28: Typed Draft - Proposal Later Version, Undated
4/29: Typed Draft - Proposal Final Version, Undated
4/30: Draft, Undated

Inside the Crosshairs: Snipers in Vietnam

12/1: Equipment, 1936; 1942; 1962

12/2: Pre-Vietnam, 1940; 1951-1953; 1982

12/3: Pre-Vietnam, 1943; 1951; 1963; 1989; 1992; Undated

12/4: Tactics, 1946; 1968; 1986; 1991

12/5: Marine Snipers, 1966-1975; 1994-1997

12/6: VC-NVA Snipers, 1966-1967

12/7: Marine Snipers, 1967; 1985

12/8: Equipment, 1967; 1982; 1986-1988

12/9: 9th Infantry, 1969; 1996-1997

12/10: 25th Infantry, Undated

12/11: Vietnam, 1974

12/12: Post-Vietnam, 1980; 1986; 1996; Undated

12/13: Sniper Training and equipment, 1989

12/14: Vietnam, 1989

12/15: Firearms, 1990

12/16: One Shot, One Kill

12/17: Book Lists

12/18: Correspondence with David Kasten, 1992; 1996

12/19: With British Snipers to the Reich, 1993

12/20: Night Hunters, 1994

12/21: Sniper The Skills, The Weapons, The Experiences, 1994

12/22: Journal of Government Info, 1995

12/23: Marine Corps Public Affairs Letters, 1996

12/24: Email and Listserv Correspondence, 1996

12/25: Shooting, 1996

12/26: Surveys and Correspondence, 1996

12/27: Responses, 1996

12/28: Association Letters, 1996-1997

12/29: Survey Responses, 1996-1997

12/30: New Contacts, 1997

12/31: Sniper Training/School, 1997; 2001

12/32: On Killing, Undated

12/33: Marine Snipers, Undated

12/35: Handwritten Notes, Undated

13/1: The Age of Firearms 1/2, 1957

13/2: The Age of Firearms 2/2, 1957

13/3: Sniper Rifles, 1967

13/4: A History of Marksmanship, 1973

13/5: Gun Collector's Book, 1977

13/6: The Evolution of Weapons and Warfare, 1980

13/7: The Confederacy, 1991

13/8: Death from Afar Vol II 1/2, 1992

13/9: Death from Afar Vol II 2/2, 1992

13/10: Scout Sniper, 1993

13/11: Death From Afar Vol III, 1994

13/12: The Buffalo Hunters, 1995

13/13: Operation Tuscaloosa, 1997

13/14: General, 1998

13/15: Scout Snipers 1/2, Undated

13/16: Scout Snipers 2/2, Undated

13/17: Complete Book of US Snipers 1/3, Undated

13/18: Complete Book of US Snipers 2/3, Undated

13/19: Complete Book of US Snipers 3/3, Undated


This subseries includes personal photographs in addition to photographs from Rosen's various professional activities.

Series 1, Subseries 6, Box 5

  • 5/33: Circle of Friends of Analytical Psychology at Texas A&M. 19903
  • 5/34: Dedication of the McMillan Reading Area. April 1992
  • 5/35: Engel, George. Undated
  • 5/36: Fay Lectures 1990 - Verena Kast. March 23-25, 1990
  • 5/37: Fay Lectures 1991 - John Beebe. April 12-14, 1991
  • 5/38: Fay Lectures 1992 - Anthony Stevens. April 10-12, 1992
  • 5/39: Fay Lectures 1995 - Kayao Kawai. March 24-26, 1995
  • 5/40: Fay Lectures 1996 - Polly Young-Eisendrath. March 29-21, 1996
  • 5/41: Fay Lectures 2001 - Roberto Gambini. March 30, 2001 - April 1, 2001
  • 5/42: Fay Lectures 2002 - Sonoko Toyoda. April 5-7, 2002
  • 5/43: Fay Lectures 206 - Jan Wiener. April 21-23, 2006
  • 5/44: Fay Lectures 2007 - Beverley Zabriskie. April 13-15, 2007
  • 5/45: Fay Lectures 2009 - Christian Gaillard. April 2-5, 2009
  • 5/46: Fay Lectures. Undated
  • 5/47: Healing Seminar. Undated
  • 5/48: Hiroshi Yokoyama, 1967-1968
  • 5/49: International Jungian Conference. 2007
  • 5/50: Japan - Kamakura. 1999
  • 5/51: Japan - Kyoria Home, Kyoto. 1999
  • 5/52: Japan - Mukaijime Gakusei. 1999
  • 5/53: Japan - Nara. 1999
  • 5/54: Japan - Ohmuta City. 1999
  • 5/55: Japan - Pottery Class. 1999
  • 5/56: Japan - Shirakawago Gassho, Zukuri Village. 1999
  • 5/57: Miscellaneous. Undated
  • 5/58: Psychiatric Excellence Award. 2004
  • 5/59: Rabhno. Undated
  • 5/60: Santa Chiara. 2003
  • 5/61: Personal - Brazoswood House. Undated
  • 5/62: Personal - Current Home, Eugene Oregon. 2013
  • 5/63: Personal - Hunter, Kathryn. Undated
  • 5/64: Personal - Ikebana. Undated
  • 5/65: Personal - "Linda's Deck and New House in Austin". 2004
  • 5/66: Personal - Maori Settlement, Purau Bay, New Zealand. 2006
  • 5/67: Personal - Peru. 2005
  • 5/68: Personal - Romanyshyn, Robert. 2007
  • 5/69: Personal - Rosen, Barbara. 2006
  • 5/70: Personal - Rosen, Bill and Paula. Undated
  • 5/71: Personal - Rosen, David, 1957-1989
  • 5/72: Personal - Rosen, David - 60th Birthday Celebration. Undated
  • 5/73: Personal - Rosen Family. Undated
  • 5/74: Personal - Rosen, Laura. Undated
  • 5/75: Personal - Rosen, Laura and Bryan. 2005
  • 5/76: Personal - Rosen, Lynn. Undated

Series 1, Subseries 6, Box 6

  • 6/1: Personal - Rosen, Marti and Nancy, 1987
  • 6/2: Personal - Rosen, Max, 1932
  • 6/3: Personal - Rosen, Nancy. Undated
  • 6/4: Personal - Rosen, Rachel. Undated
  • 6/5: Personal - Rosen, Sarah. Undated
  • 6/6: Personal - Rosen, Sarah and Ben. 2005

Inside the VC/NVA

3/31: Draft - Chapters, 1989
4/1: Handwritten Draft - Chapter 1, Undated
4/2: Galley Proofs (1 of 2), 1992
4/3: Galley Proofs (2 of 2), 1992
4/4: Draft - Partial Chapter Draft, Undated
4/5: Manuscript, Undated

The African American Soldier: From Crispus Attucks to Colin Powell

10/25: The Black Soldier, 1975

10/26: Blacks and the Military, Undated

10/27: Black Soldier, Undated

10/28: Colonial America, Undated

10/29: General Research, Undated

10/30: Revolution, Undated

10/31: Spanish-American War, Undated

10/32: World War II, Undated

10/33: Second Gulf War, Undated

10/34: African American Generals, Undated

10/35: Marine Corps, Undated

10/36: General Research, Undated

10/37: National Guard, Undated

10/38: Race Relations, Undated

10/39: Chaplains, Undated

10/40: Photos, Negatives, and Photocopies, Undated

11/1: Housing Statistics, 1967-1969

11/2: Smoked Yankees, 1987

11/3: Colin Powell, 1987; 1991; 2003

11/4: From Slavery to Freedom, 1988

11/5: Black American Contribution to the Civil War, 1989

11/6: Vietnam, 1990

11/7: Indian Wars, 1995

11/8: Equal Opportunity, 1995-1996

11/9: The New Yorker, 1996

11/10: U.S. News, 1996

11/11: African American Military Experience, 2000

11/12: From Bunker Hill to Vietnam, Undated

11/13: Blacks and the Military, Undated

11/14: He, Too, Spoke for Democracy, Undated

11/15: Taps for a Jim Crow Army, Undated

11/16: Integration of the Armed Forces, Undated

11/17: Breakthrough on the Color Front, Undated

11/18: General Research, Undated

11/19: Separate and Unequal, Undated

11/20: Trip to Alabama, Undated

11/21: Strength for the Fight, Undated

11/22: Buffalo Soldier, Undated

11/23: Soldier Demographics, Undated

11/24: Black Defenders of America, Undated

11/25: Buffalo Soldiers in Italy, Undated

11/26: Strength for the Fight, Undated

11/27: General

11/28: Strength for the Fight

11/29: Fighting Fronts, Undated

11/30: Ebony Pictorial, Undated

11/31: Segregated Skies, Undated

11/32: Golden Thirteen, Undated

11/33: Black Company, Undated

11/34: Negro History Bulletin, Undated

11/35: United States Army in Peacetime, Undated

11/36: The Invisible Soldier, Undated

11/37: Proudly We Served, Undated

11/38: To Serve My Country, Undated

11/39: In the Shadow of War, Undated

11/40: A Rape of Justice, Undated

11/41: Inequality in the Army, Undated

11/42: Strength for the Fight, Undated

11/43: Chapter 10 notes, Undated

11/44: History of the Black Soldier, Undated

11/45: Understanding Minorities in Uniform

11/46: Marines Almanac 96, Undated

11/47: World War I, Undated

11/48: Blacks and the Military, Undated

11/49: The Negro, Too, Undated

11/50: Civil War

11/51: Black Americans in the Navy, Undated

11/52: Korea, Undated

11/53: War of 1812

11/54: Strength for the Fight, Undated

11/55: Vietnam, Undated

11/56: Black History, Undated

11/57: Clippings, Undated

11/58: Statistics, Undated

11/59: Photos - Photocopied, Undated

11/60: Buffalo Soldiers, Undated

Personal Correspondence, and Family Materials

This subseries ranges from Rosen's early years to his later professional life, covering most of his family, specifically concentrating on his mother Barbara Jane Middendorf.

Series 1, Subseries 5, Box 5

  • 5/1: College basketball newspaper clipping. circa 1963 (xerox copy)
  • 5/2: Early Life - Childhood Drawings. 1968
  • 5/3: Early Life - Childhood Drawings. Undated
  • 5/4: Early Life - Childhood. 1949; 1957
  • 5/5: Early Life - Youth, Miscellaneous Tickets. Undated
  • 5/6: Family - Rosen, Barbara Jane Middendorf, Postcards. Undated
  • 5/7: Family - Rosen, Barbara Jane Middendorf, Photographs, diploma, and correspondence.
  • 5/8: Family - Rosen, Barbara Jane Middendorf - Writings. Undated (xerox copies)
  • 5/9: Family - Rosen, Bill, Correspondence (1). 1962-1964
  • 5/10: Family - Rosen, Bill Correspondence (2). 1962-1964
  • 5/11: Family - Rosen, Lanara, Anniversary Booklet. December 17, 2009
  • 5/12: Family - Rosen, Lynn Correspondence (1). 1964-1969
  • 5/13: Family - Rosen, Lynn Correspondence (2). 1964-1965
  • 5/14: Family - Rosen, Lynn Correspondence (3). 1964-1965
  • 5/15: Family - Rosen, Lynn Correspondence, Photographs and Other (4). 1964; Undated
  • 5/16: Family - Rosen, Rachel. Undated
  • 5/17: Greece, 1963
  • 5/18: Medical School - Correspondence, 1967-1968; 1976
  • 5/19: Medical School - Writings, 1967-1968
  • 5/20: Miscellaneous. 2004
  • 5/21: Miscellaneous Correspondence. 1964-2012
  • 5/22: Psychiatry Residency - Gift from Patient. Undated
  • 5/23: Thank you card from an elementary school class. Undated
  • 5/24: Writings - Autobiography, Summary. 2011
  • 5/25: Writings - "Endeavor to Murder the Self" (2 drafts). 1964-1965
  • 5/26: Writings - "The Executioner Becomes the Executed". 1963
  • 5/27: Writings - "A Meaningful Alternative to Suicide". 1988
  • 5/28: Writings - "My Russian Experience". circa 1963-1964
  • 5/29: Writings - "On the Nature of the Healing Process". 1981
  • 5/30: Writings - "Organisms Die… the Cell Lives On". 1963
  • 5/31: Writings - "A One Act Comedy". 1962-1963
  • 5/32: Personal Profile and Missouri Medical Review. 1999; 2006

Senseless Secrets

9/11: "The Role of Military Intelligence", 1965; 1985

9/12: War of 1812, 1965; 1985

9/13: WWII, 1969

9/14: Indian War, 1970; 1975; 1993

9/15: Intelligence Command, 1972; 1976

9/16: General, 1975; Undated

9/17: All the Drowned Soldiers, 1982

9/18: American Naval History, 1984

9/19: American Naval History, 1984

9/20: Spanish American War, 1985

9/21: CIA, 1987; 1994

9/22: M.I., 1990; Undated

9/23: Somalia, 1991-1994

9/24: American Revolutionary War, 1991; Undated

9/25: Cost of Protection, 1993

9/26: Gulf, 1993

9/27: Library Catalog, 1993

9/28: WWII, 1993-1994; Undated

9/29: WWI, 1994

9/30: Spies, 1993-1994

9/31: INSCOM, 1994-1995

9/32: Naval Intelligence, 1994

9/33: Civil War, 1994

9/34: Military Academies, 1994-1995

9/35: Inter Operations, 1994

9/36: General, 1994; Undated

9/37: Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1995

9/38: Marine Corps, Undated

9/39: American Revolution, Undated

9/40: Mexican War, Undated

9/41: Evolution of M. I., Undated

9/42: First World War, Undated

9/43: WWI, Undated

10/1: History, 1967; 1991

10/2: Civil War, 1972

10/3: Myths of National Security, 1975

10/4: Office of Naval Intelligence, 1979

10/5: Vietnam, 1982; 1992-1994

10/6: Vietnam, 1992; Undated

10/7: Presidents' Secret Wars, 1986

10/8: American Wars, 1987

10/9: Just cause, 1990-1991

10/10: Korea, 1990; Undated

10/11: C3I, 1991

10/12: Post Vietnam, 1991; Undated

10/13: Go Spy the Land, 1992

10/14: U.S. News, 1994

10/15: A Country Made by War, Undated

10/16: Air Force, Undated

10/17: Peacetime Problems, Undated

10/18: History of the Military Intelligence Division, Undated

10/19: Human Intelligence, Undated

10/20: The World's Greatest Spies, Undated

10/21: CIA, Undated

10/22: Armies of Ignorance, Undated

10/23: Handwritten Notes, Undated

10/24: Desert Storm, 1994

The Battles of Peace

3/10: Proposal and Outline, Undated
3/11: Draft - Chapter 1, Undated
3/12: Draft - Chapter 2, Undated
3/13: Draft - Chapter 3, November 1974
3/14: Draft - Chapter 4, December - January 1975
3/15: Draft - Chapter 5, February 1975
3/16: Draft - Chapter 6, March - April 1975
3/17: Draft - Chapter 7, May - June 1975
3/18: Draft - Chapter 8, July - August 1975
3/19: Draft - Chapter 9, September 1975
3/20: Draft - Chapter 10, October 1975
3/21: Draft - Chapter 11, November - December 1975
3/22: Draft - Chapter 12, January 1976
3/23: Draft - Chapter 13, February 1976
3/24: Draft - Chapter 14, March 1976
3/25: Draft - Chapter 15, April 1976
3/26: Draft - Chapter 16, May 1976
3/27: Appendices and Allowances, Undated
3/28: Draft - Battles of Peace Proofs, Undated
3/29: Draft - Battles of Peace Corrections, Undated
3/30: Draft - The Battles of Peace, Undated

Journals, and Other Personal Items

This subseries contains an address book, a scrapbook from Junior High, desk nameplate, personal journals from Rosen's travels, journal notebooks, and Rosen's medical bag. Some of the materials in this subseries are included, though they fit into a more specific subseries but are either too large or too damaged to remain with their related materials.

Series 1, Subseries 4, Box 4


  • Greece and Denmark (August), 1963
  • Greece and Denmark (September), 1963
  • Notes (December), 1963
  • Notes (January), 1964
  • Germany (Fall), 1966
  • Sketchpad, 1966-1967
  • Notes, 1968
  • Columbia, Missouri (March 24, 1968 - March 25, 1969), 1968
  • Scotland, 1969
  • Address Book, 1971

Diary and Other Personal Items

  • Eastwood Junior High School scrapbook, 1958
  • Medical bag
  • Rosen desk plate

Vietnam at the Movies

8/41: War in TV, Undated

8/42: Notes and Lists, Undated

8/43: WWII, Undated

8/44: General, Undated

8/45: Korea, Undated

8/46: Viet Vets, Undated

8/47: General, Undated

8/48: Pre-Vietnam, Undated

8/49: Anti-war Films, Undated

8/50: Outgoing Correspondence, Undated

8/51: Incoming Correspondence, Undated

8/52: WWI, Undated

8/53: Movie Reviews, Undated

9/1: Soldiers Returning Home, 1975

9/2: General, 1987; 1991-1992

9/3: Sympathetic Veterans, 1991

9/4: Oliver Stone, 1991-1994

9/5: Guide to Reviews, Undated

9/6: Movie List, Undated

9/7: Ramboesque Characters, Undated

9/8: Suspicious Allies, Unusual Enemies, Undated

9/10: Handwritten Notes, Undated

Inside the VC/NVA

Part of this subseries in unprocessed. The unprocessed portion is located in box 7.

8/1: The Fighting Man's Journal, 1967

8/2: Assorted Commander's Materials, 1967-1969

8/3: Grievances of A Soldier, 1968

8/4: Commander Correspondence, 1969

8/5: Newspapers and Notes, 1969

8/6: VC Battalion, 1969

8/7: Intelligence Summary, 1969

8/8: “The Hurricane”, 1969-1970

8/9: 199th Infantry Information, 1970

8/10: Lt. Lanning Information, 1970

8/11: Ranger and Armor Evaluation of Vietnam, 1972

8/12: RAND Interview, 1972

8/13: A Case Study of the VC, 1975

8/14: VC Recruitment, 1975

8/15: Communist Militaria, 1980

8/16: Vietnam Today, 1985

8/17: Appendices and Map, Undated

8/18: VC/NVA Logistics, Undated

8/19: Logistics, Undated

8/20: Resource Material, Undated

8/21: Vietcong Strategies, Undated

8/22: Vietnam Photos, Undated

8/23: Chapter 1, Undated

8/24: Malaria Information, Flight Pass, Base Map, Undated

8/25: VC Questions, Undated

8/26: Why the North Vietnamese Will Keep Fighting, Undated

8/27: Rallying Potential Among NVA Forces, Undated

8/28: Vietcong Strategies (1 of 2), Undated

8/29: Vietcong Strategies (2 of 2), Undated

8/30: “1971 and Beyond: The View From Hanoi”, Undated

8/31: Some Impressions of Vietcong Vulnerabilities, Undated

8/32: “Some Impressions of the Effects of Military Operations on Vietcong Forces”, Undated

8/33: War Without Fronts (1 of 2), Undated

8/34: War Without Fronts (2 of 2), Undated

8/35: Vietnamese Cards and Patches, Undated

8/36: Improving the Effectiveness of the Chieu HOI Program (1 of 2), Undated

8/37: Improving the Effectiveness of the Chieu HOI Program (2 of 2), Undated

8/38: General, Undated

8/39: Photos, Undated

8/40: Photocopies, Undated

Inside the LRRPs: Rangers in Vietnam

3/1: Handwritten Draft (1 out of 2), Undated
3/2: Handwritten Draft (2 out of 2), Undated
3/3: Draft Chapters, Undated
3/4: Galley Proofs, Undated
3/5: Manuscript (1 out of 2), Undated
3/6: Manuscript (2 out of 2), Undated


These books were either written by, contributed to by, or owned and used by David H. Rosen. Some books are entirely in Chinese and require translation. ()denotes books that contain a contribution by Dr. Rosen*

Series 1, Subseries 3, Box 2

  • Barcelona 04, Edges of Experience: Memory and Emergence, Proceedings of the 16th International IAAP Congress for Analytical Psychology. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag, 2006. Print.*
  • Beebe, John. Integrity in Depth. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1992. Print.*
  • Cambray, Joseph. Synchronicity: Nature and Psyche in an Interconnected Universe. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2009. Print.*
  • Douglas, Claire. The Old Woman’s Daughter: Transformative Wisdom for Men and Women. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2006. Print.*
  • ERANOS I-III, VI, X, XIII, XXIV, XXVII-XXVIII, Index (1933-1956), Index (1957-1961)
  • Freud, Sigmund. Beyond the Pleasure Principle. New York: Bantam Books, 1959. Print.
  • Gambini, Roberto. Soul and Culture. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2003. Print.*
  • Hitt, David, Owen Garriott, and Joe Kerwin. Homesteading Space: The Skylab Story. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2008. Print.
  • Hollis, James. The Archetypal Imagination. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2000. Print.*
  • The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, Volume 34, Number 2, Summer 2006
  • The Journal of Analytical Psychology, September 2010. Volume 55, Number 4.
  • The Journal of Analytical Psychology, February 2011. Volume 56, Number 1.
  • Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche, Spring 2012. Volume 6, Number 2.
  • Karten, Stephen Jay. The Relationship of Borderline Personality Disorder, Problem-Solving Ability, and Anxiety to Self-Cutting Behavior of Prison Inmates. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1992. Print.
  • Kast, Verena. Joy, Inspiration, and Hope. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1991. Print.*
  • Kawai, Hayao. Buddhism and the Art of Psychotherapy. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1996. Print.*

Series 1, Subseries 3, Box 3

  • Low, Edward. Beyond Death. (Chinese)
  • Low, Edward. Carl Jung: World Philosophers Series. (Chinese)
  • Low, Edward. Jungian Psychology and Buddhism. (Chinese)
  • Marlan, Stanton. The Black Sun: The Alchemy and Art of Darkness. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2005. Print.*
  • McDermott, John J. Streams of Experience. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1986. Print.
  • Muller, Mary Bernadette, and Elizabeth Harper Neeld. Sister Bernadette, Cowboy Nun from Texas. Houston: Centerpoint Press, 1991. Print.
  • Reiser, David E., and David H. Rosen. Medicine as a Human Experience. Baltimore: University Park Press, 1984. Print.
  • Reiser, David E., and David H. Rosen. Medicine as a Human Experience. Rockville: Aspen Systems Corporation, 1985. Print.
  • Richards, I. A. Science and Poetry. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1926. Print.
  • Rosen, David. The Healing Spirit of Haiku. Berkley: North Atlantic Books, 2004. Print.
  • Rosen, David H. Henry’s Tower. New York: Platypus Books, 1984. Print.
  • Rosen, David H. Lesbianism: A Study of Female Homosexuality. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1974. Print. (2 copies)
  • Rosen, David H. The Tao of Elvis. New York: Harcourt Books, 2002. Print.
  • Rosen, David H. The Tao of Elvis (Artistic Edition). Pittsboro: Rosenberry Books, 2012. Print.
  • Rosen, David H. The Tao of Jung. New York: Viking, 1996. Print.
  • Rosen, David H. The Tao of Jung. Chinese Edition (Jinan University Press) (2 copies)
  • Rosen, David H. Transforming Depression. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1993. Print.
  • Rosen, David H. Transforming Depression. York Beach: Nicolas-Hays, Inc., 2002. Print.
  • Shen, Heyong. Psyche: Images and Synchronicity (Chinese)*
  • Simpkinson, Anne A. and Charles H. Simpkinson. Soul Work. New York: Harper Perennial, 1998. Print.*
  • Spock, Benjamin. Decent and Indecent: Our Personal and Political Behavior. New York: McCall, 1970. Print.
  • Stein, Murray. Transformation: Emergence of the Self. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1998. Print.*
  • Stramara, Daniel F. *Driven by Spirit: The Life of Saint Frances of Rome in Reflection. Pecos: Dove Publications, 1992. Print.
  • Ulanov, Ann Belford. Madness and Creativity. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2013. Print.*
  • Unterberger, Betty Miller. Intervention Against Communism: Did the United States Try to Overthrow the Soviet Government. 1918-1920?
  • Wiener, Jan. The Therapeutic Relationship: Transference, Countertransference, and the Making of Meaning. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2009. Print.*
  • Yaozhong, Liu. Poets and Intellectuals Transcending Death. (Chinese)
  • Young-Eisendrath, Polly. Gender and Desire: Uncursing Pandora. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1997. Print.*
  • Young-Eisendrath, Polly and Melvin E. Miller. The Psychology of Mature Spirituality, Integrity, Wisdom, and Transcendence. Philadelphia: Routledge, 2000. Print.*
  • Zoja, Luigi. Ethics and Analysis: Philosophical Perspectives and Their Application in Therapy. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2007. Print.*

Subject Files

This subseries contains publicity, the public reaction, and financing background information for the highway program.


This subseries includes correspondence, background materials, and policy statements on the highway program by interested industry groups, associations, and politicians.

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