This collection contains the genealogical history of the Affleck family, compiled by Thomas Dunbar Affleck (son of I.D. and Mary Hunt Affleck). Four members of the Affleck family are highlighted in detail.
Beginning with Thomas Affleck, covering 1824 to approximately 1872 and consists of typed copies of his personal and business correspondence, horticultural information, photographs, recipes, information on his plantation Glenblythe, articles, and various published materials such as Southern Rural Almanac.
Next is his son, Isaac Dunbar (I.D.) Affleck, a Civil War veteran who served. with Terry's Texas Rangers. This set contains the original letters sent to his parents while serving in the War, photos, and bits and pieces of information collected regarding Texas History [these are in poor -condition].
Mary Hunt Affleck's (married to Isaac) collection consists of poems, keepsakes, and memorabilia regarding her tenure as Poet Laureate of Texas and member of the Daughters of the Confederacy. There are many original and revised manuscripts by the poet. There are several hundred sheets written in her own hand, original drafts in addition to typewritten transcriptions of her work. Included in these materials are pamphlets of her poem "Black Mammy", pieces of memorabilia, photographs, letters, a typed letter signed by J. Evetts Haley, assorted newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, with many of her published works pasted down, short stories, etc. This portion of the collection represents the work of an early major Texan woman poet and literary figure.
Included is a short, but important collection of Anna Marie Affleck, daughter to I.D. and Mary Hunt Affleck. At the age of 12 [circa 1898] Anna Marie made a pressed-flower book that catalogs 203 different flowers from Washington County.
The last section of this collection is comprised of short histories of various other family members (notably, Jane Long); there is also historical information of United States history regarding pre-Civil War, the Civil War, and post-Civil War; and two handwritten manuscripts by Thomas D. Affleck regarding Jack Hays and the Hays' Texas Rangers.