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Texas A&M University Archives
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LGBTQ Archive - Organizations

  • TxAM-CRS C000136
  • Collectie
  • 1970s-2017

This growing collection contains documents and artifacts from LGBTQ-related organizations at Texas A&M University and the Brazos Valley. The bulk of its contents are from the late 1980s to the present, but it goes back as far as the mid-1970s when Gay Student Services (GSS) began on the TAMU campus.  This period includes GSS’s court battle for official recognition on campus, the founding of Aggie Allies in the nineties, and activities of the TAMU GLBT Resource Center in all its iterations.  The papers contained within, deal with the various organizations’ origins, governing documents, and internal organizational planning.

Texas A&M University Newcomers Club Records

  • TxAM-CRS 293
  • Collectie
  • 1956-1970

This collection contains materials such as guest books, yearbooks, a scrapbook, information books, and annual reports of the Texas A&M University-affiliated women's Newcomers Club.

Ide Peebles Trotter Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 216
  • Collectie
  • 1922-1964

This collection consist of correspondence, telegrams, notes, reports, speeches, newspaper clippings, and publications which span most of Trotter's career in Agricultural Education.

Some periods are much better documented than are others. Materials for the period before 1936 include some leaflets, a few letters, circulars and clippings, and one pamphlet. Trotter's move from Missouri to Texas is well documented in letters, bills, and telegrams, but his transfer to Agricultural Extension and then to the Graduate School at Texas A&M College in College Station, Texas are poorly covered. Most of the available information is in the newspaper clippings. Both moves were made during periods of controversy. Hopefully additional documentation can be found elsewhere in the records of Texas A&M University.

Trotter's activities as Director of Extension and Dean of the Graduate School at Texas A&M College should be fairly well covered in the records of those two offices. Unfortunately his personal papers conatain very little information on them. The only documentation on Trotter's two periods of foreign service is in the reports he wrote on his cotton surveys in 1948. Some special activities such as service on the Postwar Planning Committee and participation in Rural Church Conference are fairly well documented.

Zonder titel

Robert H. Kokernot Letters

  • TxAM-CRS C000347
  • Collectie
  • 1943-1946

This collection consists of letters between Robert H. Kokernot and his first wife, Edith May Babcock (Edith Kokernot Grinnell) during and after World War II from 1943-1946.

The majority of letters collected by Edith are from Robert with the exception of one folder of correspondence from Edith to Robert in March and April 1944, one folder of letters written to Edith's parents from Robert, and two folders of letters written by friends addressed to Robert and Edith.

The corresponding postmarked envelopes were not with their accompanying letter when the collection was processed. These are held in separate folders at the end of the collection.

Texas A&M Ocean Drilling Program Publications

  • TxAM-CRS 418
  • Collectie
  • 1985-1998

This collection consists of the following publication titles:

  • Preliminary Reports (1985-1995)
  • Technical Notes (1985-1995)
  • Newsletter (1985-11992)
  • News Release (1985-1991; 1996-1998)

Class of 2004 Time Capsule

  • TxAM-CRS 1255
  • Collectie
  • 2004

This collection consists of a sealed steel cylinder, containing various materials, such as letters and photographs, donated by the Class of 2004.

The capsule will be reopened in 2054 by members of the class.

Texas A&M University, Rodeo Club Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000309
  • Collectie
  • 1938-2003

This collection contains correspondence from various members of the NIRA to Charles Rankin, the first president of the organization, magazine articles, Texas A&M's annual budgets for the Aggie Rodeo in the 1940s, newspaper articles about the Aggie Rodeo, NIRA newsletters, Aggie Rodeo programs from 1939 to 2002, programs from the University of Arizona's annual championship rodeo from 1946 and 1948, photographs of Aggie Rodeo Club members, excerpts from books on the history of rodeo, two Texas State Senate resolutions, and notes from Charles Rankin.

Zonder titel

James Hart Davis Letters

  • US TxAM-C 693
  • Collectie
  • 1879

This collection consists of three letters from James Hart Davis, who was attending Texas A&M College at the time, to his sister Martha Powe Davis (great grandmother of the donors for these letters), his father Judge N[athaniel] H[art] Davis, and to his uncle J. R. Davis.

March to the Brazos Photograph Album

  • US TxAM-C 700
  • Collectie
  • 1909-1911

The March to the Brazos photographic scrapbook album contains photographs from 1909 to 1911 "March to the Brazos" Corps of Cadets tradition along with Texas A&M College Campus views, Campus tents, along with military campsites, and social events.

Kyle Field Stadium Bonds

  • US TxAM-C C000038
  • Collectie

Copies of documents pertaining to bonds issued for Kyle Field in 1929.

Texas A&M Speeches

  • US TxAM-C C000284
  • Collectie
  • 1877-1997

This collection contains speeches that function as records of prominent speakers and mark the days of Commencement, Muster, and dedications at Texas A&M. This collection covers a range of years as far back as 1877 to 1997. The location of every speech given was at the A&M Campus.

Daily Bulletin/Reveille (The)

  • US TxAM-C 236
  • Collectie

Newsletter/paper produced by the College's Publicity Department that gives general new of campus happenings and announcements.

Texas A&M Centennial Commemorative Metal Plates Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1230
  • Collectie
  • 1976

This collection includes commemorative metal plates with Texas A&M College logos and an engraving of Sull Ross dating from 1976, which is the commemorative centennial of Texas A&M's founding in 1876.

Texas A&M College 75th Anniversary Plate

  • US TxAM-C 1233
  • Collectie

This collection includes a Texas A&M College 75th anniversary porcelain commemorative plate made by John C. Treuhart Architecture 1950 at Vernon Kilns USA. The plate is maroon and white with the names of the different buildings and halls named on the edges found at Texas A&M College.

Texas Aggie Felt Calendar

  • US TxAM-C 1236
  • Collectie
  • 1970

This collection consists of the 1970 Texas Aggie Felt Calendar with a painting of "Old Sarg" on it.

Texas A&M Embossers Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1237
  • Collectie

This collection includes four metal embossers of Texas A&M College and Texas A&M University. Two embossers contain original leather coverings for them.

Wendell G. Swank Papers

  • US TxAM-C 1249
  • Collectie
  • 1950-1989

This collection includes papers of Dr. Wendell G. Swank’s works who was a department faculty member in the Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Department at Texas A&M during the 1950s to 1980s.

Zonder titel

Texas A&M Building and Special Subject Files

  • US TxAM-C 124
  • Collectie

Buildings & Special Subjects files created for reference use. Compiled from newspaper clippings and various sources. May contain photographs, newspaper articles, slides, negatives, duplicates, and/or photocopies.

Please note that all files are one folder unless otherwise stated. Backfiles are 5" boxes. A designation of "1+1 backfile" means that the file consists of one folder and one backfile.

J. V. Morton Papers

  • US TxAM-C 1252
  • Collectie
  • 1922-1926

This collection contains class notes and workbooks from J. V. Morton relating to Agricultural Engineering and Economics.

Zonder titel

Texas A&M Wesley Foundation Records

  • US TxAM-C 1273
  • Collectie
  • 1957-1984; Undated

This collection includes annual meeting, budget, and minutes reports of the Texas A&M Wesley Foundation meetings from 1957-1984.

Zonder titel

E. L. Reilly Co., Inc. "Texas A&M Today..." Report

  • US TxAM-C 1285
  • Collectie
  • 1967-11

This collection contains 2 copies of "Texas A&M Today as seen by High School Seniors and the General Public" (295 pages) report conducted by the E. L. Reilly Company, a consulting company based in New York that provides consumer and marketing research on companies, universities, and schools during the 1960s.

The project was commissioned by the Former Student Association to address concerns about slow growth even after diversifying and accepting more students in the 1960s. In November 1967, a group study was performed among high school students with the results showing that Texas A&M University, compared to other comparable Texas universities, was rated 4th most popular out of the five schools.

Fish Drill Team Telegram

  • US TxAM-C 1293
  • Collectie
  • April 6, 1967

This collection contains a telegram with a list of the student freshman Corps of Cadets on the drill team for April 6, 1967.

Resultaten 1 tot 35 van 489