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Texas A&M University, Libraries, Cushing Memorial Library & Archives
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YMCA Building Cornerstone Collection

  • US TxAM-C 820
  • Collection
  • 1912

This collection contains items that were removed in 2011 from the time capsule in the YMCA building's cornerstone.

Yell Leaders/Yell Practice - Zoo

Yell Leaders/Yell Practice
Photocopies #1-50
Photocopies #51-100
Photocopies #101-150
Photocopies #151-200
Photocopies #201-250
Photocopies #251-300
Pictures #1-25
Pictures #26-50
Pictures #51-75
Pictures #76-100
Pictures #101-125
Pictures #126-150
Pictures #151-175
Pictures #176-200
Pictures #201-225
Pictures #226-250
Pictures #251-275

Young Conservatives
Photocopies #1-50
Pictures #1-25

Zeta Tau Alpha
Photocopies #1-50
Pictures #1-25

Photocopies #1-50
Pictures #1-25

Yell Books

This box contains Yell Books for the following years:

1/1: 1904-1905
1/2: 1906
1/3: 1907-1908
1/4: 1909-1910; undated
1/5: 1911/1912
1/6: 1912-1913
1/7: 1913-1914
1/8: 1914-1915
1/9: 1915-1916
1/10: A&M vs LSU, October 14, 1916
1/11: 1916-1917
1/12: 1917-1918
1/13: 1918-1919
1/14: 1919-1920
1/15: 1920-1921
1/16: 1921/1922
1/17: 1922-1923
1/18: 1923-1924
1/19: 1924-1925
1/20: 1925-1926
1/21: 1926-1927
1/22: 1928-1929
1/23: 1929-1930
1/24: 1930-1931
1/25: 1931/1932

Yeager Family Civil War Papers

  • US TxAM-C 391
  • Collection
  • 1862-1892; 1986

This collection contains over twenty-two letters mainly from James to Caroline Yeager. The letters began on January 22, 1862, to Yeager's siblings telling them about the war, asking them to write, and including information on the Union army. There are also some letters with unknown dates and copies, detailed genealogies of the Yeager family including a chart of James Evans Yeager, a publication titled "The Nicholas Yager-Yeager Descendants: A Genealogy 1678-1986" by Odesa Collins, photographs of flatware, glassware and place settings owned by the Yeager's, and two old money bills.

James Evans Yeager was born November 28, 1750, in Alabama and died in a Northern Prison Camp during the Civil War. Other members of the Yeager family are noted in the genealogy publication, but the information is primarily about Nicholas Yager (the original spelling of the surname), patriarch of the family. Very little information on the personal or professional lives of the individuals is included, but the publication does contain photographic copies of family members with captions.

Yeager Family

1/1: Correspondence, 1862 (4 letters)
From John Tunstill [Ft. Piler, TN] to James and Caroline Yeager. January 11, 1862

From L.M. Lynch [Fort Pillow, TN] to James Yeager. February 16, 1862

From John Tunstill [Tennessee] to John and Elizabeth Tunstill. March 20, 1862

From E. S. and W. H. Tunstill [William Co., TN] to Caroline Yeager. December 6, 1862

1/2: Correspondence, 1863 (12 letters)
From James Yeager to Caroline Yeager. January 11, 1863

From unknown writer, with copy of letter to wife and children. January 22, 1863

From James Yeager [Bedford, TN] to Caroline Yeager, with copy of letter. January 27, 1863

From James Yeager [Fayetteville, TN] to Caroline Yeager. February 6, 1863

From unknown to Caroline Yeager. February 6, 1863

From James Yeager to Caroline Yeager, with copy of letter. February 7, 1863

From unknown writer, with copy of letter. March 7, 1863

From unknown writer. March 18, 1863

From W. H. Tunstill to Caroline Yeager, with copy of letter. March 23, 1863

From James Yeager to Caroline Yeager, April 28, 1863

From James Yeager [Lynchburg, VA] to Caroline Yeager, with copy of letter. April 29, 1863

From James Yeager [Tennessee] to Caroline Yeager. June 6, 1863

1/3: Correspondence, 1869
From James Yeager to Caroline Yeager. January 9, 1869

1/4: Correspondence, 1880
From James Yeager to Gen. Letter and writing. July 22, 1880

1/5: Correspondence, 1890
From Novell D. [Decatur, AL] to Nettie, with copy of letter. May 8, 1890

1/6: Correspondence, 1892
From W. H. Mays to Mrs. Logan Yeager. February 7, 1892

1/7: Correspondence and Genealogy, 2001
Letter from Hulen and Barbara Horton to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yeager. March 27, 2001
Six pages of genealogy logs, and envelopes.

1/8: Correspondence, Undated
Two Civil War letters, with copies. undated

1/9: Miscellaneous
Descendants of John D. F. Yeager, genealogy logs of the Yeager family (3 pages).

1/10: Photographs
Six photographs of sterling silver coffee service and flatware, China and crystal glassware, and place settings owned by the Yeagers.

1/11: Civil War Currency
Mexican Centavo 25-dollar bill
Confederate 100-dollar bill. November 20, 1862

1/12: Publication, 1986
"The Nicholas Yager-Yeager Descendants: A Genealogy 1678-1986" written by Odesa Collins. 1986

Yates Stirling Jr. Diary of the Commander of the U.S.S. Von Steuben Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C 318
  • Collection
  • 1918-1928

This collection includes the manuscript diaries of the commander of the U.S.S. Von Steuben, 317 pages.12 mo (6X4 inches), original calf, worn; a few minor creases and tears, lacking the last 7 leaves (not part of diary proper).  Vp, January 1 to September 7, 1918; April 8 to June 21, 1919; and circa 1928. There are two bound diary volumes and one typescript entitled "Battle Between the U.S.S. Von Steuben and German Submarine", June 18, 1818.

Sterling, Yates Jr., 1872-1948


“Why we are for Roosevelt,” by The Publishers of People’s Voice (reprint from the New York People’s Voice July 15, 1944).


1/3: Writings: Best Advice I Ever Had - Notes

1/4: Writings: Best Advice I Ever Had - Notes

1/5: Writings: Best Advice I Ever Had - Notes

1/6: Writings: The Best Advice I Ever Had - Notes, Expense Account, 1960

1/7: Writings: The Best Advice I Ever Had

1/8: Writings: She Makes a Joyful Noise

1/9: Writings: She Makes a Joyful Noise

1/10: Writings: She Makes a Joyful Noise

1/11: Writings: She Makes a Joyful Noise

1/12: Writings: She Makes a Joyful Noise

1/13: Writings: She Makes a Joyful Noise

1/14: Writings: She Makes a Joyful Noise

1/15: Writings: She Makes a Joyful Noise

1/16: Writings: She Makes a Joyful Noise

1/17: Writings: She Makes a Joyful Noise - notes

1/18: Writings: She Makes a Joyful Noise: Mahalia Jackson - edits

1/19: Writings: Mahalia Jackson

1/20: Writings: Wilma Rudolph, 1961

1/21: Writings: Roots rerun - TV Guide, 1991

1/22: Ann Crawford, 1961

World War II Map of Italy

  • US TxAM-C 115
  • Collection
  • 1943

This collection contains two topographical maps marked with military grid lines, originally published in 1941 by the British War Office, but apparently used by American forces in this instance. One for Cassino, Italy (sheet 160), the other for Isernia, Italy (Sheet 161), in Transverse Mercator Projection with military grid lines and joined with linen tape along the south grid number 96 to form one sheet measuring 50 cm x 72 cm. The map legend is missing on both sections however cities, towns, rivers, streams, roads (major roads in red stamped with numbers), railroads, relief is shown by contour lines, and spot heights can be seen.

The Isernia map is inscribed on the lower half of the back of it mostly in pencil, but with a few notes in ink. The inscriptions, possibly in several different hands, record times of day by the military clock, and locations numerically oriented on the military grid map for various military actions. These actions include remarks on place and type of artillery or small arms fire, observations on the taking of prisoners of war, and other actions in the area southwest of the Rapido River and the town of Cassino. According to the orientation of the action, these notes apparently record fighting by Allied forces against the German army in the Mignano Gap region preceding the Battle of Monte Cassino (January 12, 1944 - May 19, 1944).

The linen tape joining the two maps appears to have been added after inscriptions made on the Isernia map, but most likely during the campaign itself, to be useful for the entire area involved in the Battle of Monte Cassino. Polish troops, the 7th Infantry, and the name Custer are mentioned. The Isernia map is also inscribed in ink in the margin at the top with "Knapp - 31309661, K Co." (possible serial number and company designation K for a soldier named Knapp).

Published by the War Office of Great Britain, originally in 1941, though both sections have a date of 1943 for the second edition. Both maps are designated part of the series "Geographical Section, General Staff, No. 4164." Maps may have been reproduced by the U.S. Army Map Service.

British War Office

World War I Aggies in Service Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1166
  • Collection

This collection consists of a letter from College Alumni Secretary L. L. McInnis, to current and former students of A&M College and their families requesting information about Aggies in the service. Included is a handwritten note of times and names of Aggies who served during World War I (WWI).

Woolf - Zwolinski

Woosley, James
Wootan, Charles V.
Wooten, Alvin
Wooten, Ralph
Worchel, Frances
Worchel, Stephen
Word, Jon
Workman, Don R.
Workman, Michael E.
Worley, James D.
Worley, John A.
Worley, Willard P.
Wormeli, Benjamin C.
Wormuth, Deanna
Wormuth, John
Worsham, Michael
Wortham, A.W.
Wortham, William F. Jr.
Worthing, Evan E.
Wreyford, Deborah
Wright, Arthur
Wright, Benjamin F.
Wright, Bob
Wright, Claiborne
Wright, Gerald
Wright, Madison B.
Wright, Robert
Wright, Robert
Wright, Samuel Robert
Wright, Welcome E.
Wu, Ching H.
Wu, Hsin-I
Wu, Samuel S.
Wuersig, Bernd
Wukasch, Charles
Wyatt, James L.
Wyatt, Oscar S. Jr.
Wyche, Robert Hiram
Wyche, Tucker
Wykes, Stanley A.
Wylie, Wayne E.
Wynes, Charles E.
Wyse, A. A.
Wysk, Richard A.
Wyss, John H.
Wythe, Landon Douglas
Xu, Zhen Liang
Yaccino, John Nino
Yancy, Colquit D.
Yancy, Thomas E.
Yanello, Sherry J.
Yantis, Ray J.
Yao, James T.P.
Yarak, Larry
Yarboro, Kimbell F.
Yarborough, Ralph
Yarbrough, Stephen R.
Yardley, Jack E.
Yarling, Noel B.
Yarnell, Sidney Howe
Yarnll, Sydney Howe ()
Yasskin, Phillip
Yates, Patsy R.
Yates, Steven A.
Yeager, Sam A. Sr.
Yeates, B.F.
Yeates, Charles H.
Yeates, Fay
Yen, John
Yennello, Sherry J.
Yentzen, Norman Joseph
Yeung, Albert
York, Jo Etta
York, Mike
Young, A.T.
Young, Colin
Young, Don
Young, Gail
Young, H. Vance Jr.
Young, LaVerne H.
Young, Lester
Young, Michael K.
Young, Paul Allen
Young, Robert E.
Young, Robert Riggs
Young, Roger Holley
Young, Ryland
Young, Sue
Young, Terry A.
Young, Thomas K. Jr.
Young, Vernon A.
Young, Vernon Graham
Youngberg, Frederick Axel IV
Youngblood, Bonney
Youngblood, Dave
Youngblood, Stuart
Younger, John F.
Young-Hawkins, Laverne
Youngkin, Bill
Yuen, P.K.
Yungel, Sulhi H. ()
Yungul, Sulhi H.
Zachery, James
Zachry, Henry Bartell
Zachry, Jr., Henry Bartell
Zaddem, Paul
Zale, M.B.
Zalesky, Tedi
Zander, Jackie
Zapalac, Willie
Zardkoohi, Asghar
Zdziarski, Eugene
Zeithaml, Carl
Zeithaml, Valerie
Zeitoun, Mohamed A.
Zeller, Alwin P.J.
Zenanek, Joe R.
Zendejas, Tony R.
Zenner, Suzan Marie
Zent, Penny
Zentgraf, Melanie
Zey, Mary
Zhao, Wei
Ziemer, Roderick
Zietlow, Carl
Zimmer, Dick
Zimmerman, Percy Edward
Zimmerman, Richard H.
Zingaro, Ralph A.
Zingery, Wilbur L.
Zinn, Bennie
Zlatkovich, Charles
Zoghi, Behbood
Zollinger, Dan
Zubik, Jerome
Zuhn, Jim
Zuniga, Ivo
Zweig, Peter
Zwolinski, Bruno John

Wool and Felt Caps

This box contains:

  • One black wool baseball hat with "Class of [19]08" inscribed in orange stitching. Donated by George T. Burndrett, Class of 1908 in Electrical Engineering.
  • Two navy blue felt caps, military-style with "AMC" and laurel wreaths decorated on the front (date unknown).
  • One military-style navy blue felt cap with Texas pins decorated on the front (date unknown)
  • Tan Freshman hat (Corps of Cadets), donated by Ross H. Anderson, Class of 1977.

Women's Studies Documents

10/1: May 1995 - Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy- "Over the Edge: Capital and Cultural Representation on the United States- Mexico Border by Jessica Ann Chapin

10/2: Winter 1995 - The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review Volume II, Number 1

10/3: June 1993 - Program for "Mousie"

10/4: Winter 1993 - Magazine - Frighten The Horses Number 11

10/5: March 1995 - Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter Volume 22 Number 1

10/6: Summer 1995 - Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter Volume 22 Number 2

10/7: Fall 1995 - Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter Volume 22 Number 3 - 2 copies

10/8: Spring 1997 - Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter Volume 24 Number 1

10/9: Summer 1997 - Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter Volume 24 Number 2

10/10: Fall 1997 - Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter Volume 24 Number 3

10/11: Spring 1999 - Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter Volume 26 Number 1

10/12: Summer 1999 - Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter Volume 26 Number 2

10/13: May 2000 - Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy- "Gender/Politics and the Beautiful Parricide: Beatrice Cenci as Nineteenth-Century Icon" by Laura Jane Sargent

10/14: May 1990 - Master Thesis- "Mystical Design in Dorthy Richardson's Pilgrimage: The Case of Dimple Hill" by Laura Jane Sargent

10/15: August 1996 - Master Thesis- "Negotiating Identity: The Construction and Communication of Lesbigay Existence" By Radharani Ray

10/16: Untitled Collection of Poems and Articles, appears to be from a book but the cover page is missing

10/17: Pages from course packet ENGL/WGST 374

10/18: 2002 - Book Chapter- "Doris Lessing (1919-) To Room Nineteen" from Women and Fiction: Stories by and about Women edited by Susan Cahill and excerpt from "Report on the Threatened City" by Doris Lessing source unknown

10/19: 2002 - Book Chapter- "Alice Walker (1944-) Everyday Use" from Women and Fiction: Stories by and about Women edited by Susan Cahill and "Why I Live at the PO Box" source unknown with handwritten notes

10/20: 2002 - Book Chapter- "Tillie Olsen (1913-) I Stand Here Ironing" and "Edith Wharton (1862-1937) The Other Two" from Women and Fiction: Stories by and about Women edited by Susan Cahill

10/21: 1973 - Copy- "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman with Afterword by Elaine R. Hedges

10/22: Book Chapter- "The Convent of Pleasure: A Comedy" from The Convent of Pleasure and Other Plays by Margaret Cavendish Duchess of Newcastle Edited by Anne Shaver

10/23: Spring 1987 - Journal Copy- "Coping with Faculty Stress" from New Directions for Teaching and Learning Number 29

10/24: Paper- "Women's Networking in Researching the Biography of Dorothy Scarborough" by Dr. Sylvia Grinder

10/25: Spring 2013 - Materials from ENGL/WGST 374

10/26: Article- "Are Sexuality and Gender Created through Nature or Nurture? Stone Butch Blues" by Leslie Feinberg

10/27: Copy- "A Summary of the History of Homosexual Law In Britain (From gay/lesbian website at South Bank University, London) 8 Copies of a timeline document

10/28: Newspaper Article- "Renaissance Man" by R.W. B. Lewis a book review of "Long Life" by Nigel Nicolson from The New York Times Book Review

10/29: June 1998 - Article- "Dressed to Thrill" from the magazine OUT

10/30: November 1998 - Newspaper Clippings- "Powerful Cartoon proved Open to Misinterpretation" by Jack Thomas from The Boston Globe November 2, 1998, and "Britain's of 2 Minds of Gay Sex" by Sarah Lyall from the New York Times November 15, 1998

10/31: 1993 - Article- "Lesbian/Gay Studies in the House of Anthropology" by Kath Weston from the Annual Review of Anthropology Volume 22 - 2 Copies

10/32: Article- "Selling Out?" by Lev Raphael, Sarah Schulman, and Victoria Brownworth a book review of "Dancer from the Dance" by Andrew Holleran from Lambda Book Report

10/33: 1993 - Flyer- "Women's Coffee Hour: Lesbian and Bi Women & Their Friends" at Sweet Eugene's House of Java

10/34: Printout- Family Tree starting with Thomas Howard and Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Frederick Tilney

10/35: September - October 1998 - Article- "Scholarship and Sexuality: Lesbian and Gay Studies in Today's Academy" by Robert J. Corber from Academe Volume 84, Number 5

10/36: September - October 1998 - Article- "Gay and Lesbian Professors: Out on Campus" by Jill Dolan from Academe Volume 84, Number 5

10/37: 2008 - Full-Text Copy- "Chronicle of a Plague, Revisited: AIDS and Its Aftermath" by Andrew Holleran

10/38: April 19, 2000 - Article- "Gay Benefits Legislation advances in Vermont State Senate" from

10/39: Spring 1995 - English 394 Gay and Lesbian Literature: The Tradition in English- syllabus and application for Problem Course

10/40: Spring 1996 - English 394 Gay and Lesbian Literature: The Tradition in English- syllabus and Textbook order form

10/41: Spring 1997 - English 394 Gay and Lesbian Literature: The Tradition in English- syllabus, Textbook order form, Mid-term Exam 5 copies and student rosters/attendance

10/42: Spring 1998 - ENLG/WGST 333- Gay and Lesbian Literature: The Tradition in English- Syllabus (4), handout Directions for Keeping a Reading Journal (7), Essay #1 (6), Mid-term Exam (16), Essay #2 (16), Final Essay (11), Student Roster, and printout of emails

10/43: Spring 2000 - ENLG/WGST 333- Gay and Lesbian Literature: The Tradition in English- Syllabus (9), Study Question for Exam #1 (11), Exam #1 (11), Mid-Term Exam #2 (12), Final Exam (7) and Student Rosters

10/44: Essay- "Gay and Lesbian College Students: A Community at Risk" by Dr. Jim Mazzullo and Dr. Harriette Andreadis

10/45: Paper- "Barriers to the Development of Young Gay and Lesbian College Students" by Dr. Jim Mazzullo, includes two drafts with edits mad by Harriette and handwritten notes on separate paper

10/46: September 1992 - Article- "Lesbian and Gay Male Undergraduates' Experiences of Harassment and Fear on Campus" by Anthony R. D'Augelli from the Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume 7 Number 3

10/47: Essay- "Postmodernism" by Harriette Andreadis with edits

10/48: Research Materials on Twelfth Night includes: Handwritten notes; Book Chapter "Introduction" from Twelfth Night: Text and Context edited by Bruce R. Smith; document titled "Twelfth Night"; and document titled "Epiphanius-Epiphany" and "Epirus" appears to be a copy of encyclopedia pages

10/49: Document titled "Renaissance Backgrounds: A Chronological Outline" put together by HA

10/50: Syllabus for ENGL 412: Shakespeare 2 copies, 3 copies of Essay Assignments and document titled "Pronoun Distinction in Shakespeare's English

10/51: Research Materials on Sonnets includes: book pages, handwritten notes and Hour Exam for ENGL 115 (Fall 1970)

10/52: Research Materials on Midsummer Night's Dream includes: handwritten notes, Document titled "A Midsummer Night's Dream and the Meaning of Court Marriage" by Paul A. Olson, Copy of newspaper clipping " 'Dream' Coming to Broadway" by Lewis Funke from The Sun, Baltimore Nov. 22, 1970, class handouts for ENGL 4251

10/53: Research Material on Romeo and Juliet includes handwritten notes

10/54: Research Materials on All's Well That Ends Well includes: book pages and handwritten notes

10/55: Research Materials on Measure for Measure includes handwritten notes

10/56: Research Materials on Henry IV, Part 1 includes: book pages, handwritten notes and class handouts for ENGL 3121-4 (fall 1971)

Women's Studies Documents

3/1: 1993 - Various documents about the future and reviews of the women's studies program includes first News Letter for Women's Studies

3/2: 1991 - Letters and other documents about the Coordinator Review Process for Women's Studies Program

3/3: 1985 - Documents in plastic blender- "Address to Faculty Development Seminar Texas A&M University" by Harriette Andreadis and documents about the Women's Studies program

3/4: 1991 - Various Letters about Harriette being award the Jameson Prize and other academic letters

3/5: 1989-1992 - Various letters about the articles reviewed/edited by Harriette for various journals

3/6: 1989 and 1990 - Programs- Invitational Conference for Women's Studies Program Directors and Women& Texas History: A Conference

3/7: 1985 - Essay- "Kuche, Kinder, und Kirche: Women's Private Writings in Nineteenth Century Texas" by Harriette Andreadis

3/8: Letters about Harriette's essay "Kuche, Kinder, und Kirche..." with copy of the essay

3/9: Conference Paper- "Definitions of Self: Women's Autobiographies, Diaries, Reminiscences, and Other Private Forms" (not complete paper) and handwritten notes on index cards

3/10: 1979 - Documents about the National Women's Studies Association Conference and Harriette's paper "Definition of Self…"

3/11: Paper- "A Study of Some Unpublished Diaries of Frontier Women in the Texas Collection" by Harriette Andreadis

3/12: Research Materials for "Kuche, Kinder, und Kirche…" includes handwritten notes

3/13: 1978 and 1979 - Article- "This Is Christmas Eve and I Am in Tintah" by Elizabeth Hampsten from College English Vol. 39. No. 6, letter from author, essay "Rural Women Writers: Beginnings of Selfhood" by Elizabeth Hampsten and "But no Indian came" by Elizabeth Hampsten from Plainswomen, Vol. 1 No. 7

3/14: Book Chapter- "Martha White McWhirter (1827-1904)" by Eleanor James from Women in Early Texas edited by Evelyn M. Carrington

3/15: Handwritten notes on notecards, most likely dealing with essay on "Woman's Commonwealth..."

3/16: Essay- "Herland on the Frontier: A Women's Community in Texas, 1866-1899" by Charol Shakeshaft

3/17: 1975 - Pages from American Communities and Co-operative Colonies by William Alfred Hinds

3/18: July 1901 - Article- "Cooperative Communities in the United States" the only section printed is the section titled "The Woman's Commonwealth" by Rev. Alexander Kent from the Bulletin of the Department of Labor No. 35

3/19: Article- "The Woman's Commonwealth: Separatism, self, sharing" by Gwendolyn Wright from Architectural Association Quarterly Vol. 6

3/20: Article- "The Sanctificationists of Belton: A woman's community in Texas" by Eleanor James, source unknown

3/21: Book Chapter- "The Sanctified Sisters" by A. L. Bennett, source unknown

3/22: Book Chapter- "Martha White McWhirter and the Belton Sanctificationists" by Frieda Werden with handwritten notes

3/23: Magazine Article- "The Woman's Commonwealth of Washington" by Margarita Spalding Gerry from Ainslee's

3/24: 1980: Book Chapter- "Women in American Religious History: An Overview" by Janet Wilson James from Women in American Religion edited by Janet Wilson James

3/25: Essay- "The Woman's Commonwealth A Study in the Coalescence of Social Forms" by Harriette Andreadis, copies with edits

3/26: Page from encyclopedia "Armistice - Armoir", source unknown

3/27: Pages from "Virtuous Women Found: New England Ministerial Literature, 1668-1735" by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich source unknown

3/28: Handwritten notes over topics in the essay "The Woman's Commonwealth"

3/29: Transcripts and photocopy of pages written by Henrietta Bacon Embree with handwritten notes

3/30: Photocopy of pages from A History of Early Methodism in Texas by Macum Phelan, and book chapter "Mystics and Healers" by Claudia Lauper Bushman from Mormon Sisters: Women in Early Utah edited by Claudia L. Bushman with handwritten notes

3/31: Draft of book chapter title "Chapter Two: Pentecostalism" with handwritten notes on loose paper and legal notepad

3/32: Letters- topic over the article Harriette was working on with some materials

3/33: July 23-30, 1980 - Information about The Woman's School of Planning & Architecture Fifth Session

3/34: Essay- "Woman and Utopia: The Woman's Commonwealth of Belton, Texas (1878-1906)" by Jayme A. Sokolow and Mary Ann Lamanna

3/35: 1963 - Article- "Texas Communism or Socialism-Early Style" by Llerena Friend from Library Chronicle of the University of Texas Vol. 7, No. 3

3/36: Handout- "Among Themselves: The Belton Women's Commonwealth"

3/37: Essay- "Women Among Themselves in Nineteenth Century Texas" by A. Harriette Andreadis, 3 copies and additional copies with edits

3/38: 1980 - Letters and documents about NWSA conference panel Harriette and others were leading called "The Separate Women's Culture in the South" and convention paper

3/39: June 1-3, 1984 - Documents about Berkshire Conference on the History of Women- letters, program, and documents about panel titled "Lesbians, Capitalists, socialists, or Feminists: On the Trail of a 19th Century Texas Women's Collective"

3/40: 1984 - Letters about the participation in NWSA conference

3/41: 1979 - Documents about NWSA Conference - Letters and conference paper/panel "Teaching Women's Studies in the Bible Belt"

3/42: Book Reviews- "William Baillie, ed., Gratiae Theatrales, or A Choice Ternary of English Plays (1662)…" Reviewed by A. Harriette Andreadis with handwritten notes and "The English Moore; or, The Mock-Marriage by Richard Brome…" Reviewd by A. Harriette Andreadis

3/43: 1993 - Article Review documents- Letters, and copy of article which Harriette reviewed titled "Erotics Politics: Desire on the Renaissance Stage"

3/44: 1989-1990 - Letter about the Women Writers Project and Woman Writers Project Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 1

3/45: 1990 - Documents about Attending to Women in Early Modern England- program and document about conference and workshop guidelines

3/46: January 1994 - Letter and handout about Fifth Annual Drive-in for Diversity Conference at Texas A&M

3/47: January 31, 1994 - Review Documents from Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature about Harriette Andreadis' essay titled "Political Implication in Katherine Philips's Poetry"

3/48, Essay- "The Screening of Pippi Longstocking" by A. Harriette Andreadis with draft, handwritten notes, and research documents

3/49: 1981-1983 - Documents about Harriette's essay "The Women's Commonwealth" being included in a collection of works tentatively entitled "Women in Search of Utopia"

3/50: 1981; 1984 - Frontiers: A journal of women studies Vol. 6, No. 1 and 2 (full copy) and letters about Harriette's article "The Woman's Commonwealth" to be included in Vol. 7, No. 3

3/51: December 1981 - Documents about "The Women's Commonwealth: A Study in the Coalescence of Social Forms" sent to the Feminist Studies Journal with abstract

3/52: Draft of Essay- "The Women's Commonwealth: Utopia in Nineteenth Century Texas" by A. Harriette Andreadis

3/53: Essay- "The Woman's Commonwealth: A Study in the Coalescence of Social Forms" by A. Harriette Andreadis

3/54: March 7, 1981 - Essay- "Clio's Quest: A Common History" by Dr. Sandra R. Karp

3/55: December 1985 - Essay- "Feminism and Deconstruction: Re-Construction the Elegy" by Celeste M. Schenck with note to Harriette from the author

3/56: An offprint from American literature A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography

3/57: 1984 - Conference Paper- "Western History: A Feminist Critique" by Sue Armitage from Sixth Berkshire Conference with letter

3/58: Essay- "The Body Politic" by Carroll Smith-Rosenberg

3/59: Essay- "What's a Feminist Drama Critic to do?" by Kathryn M. Kendall

3/60: Essay- "Honing a Habitable Languagescape: Women's Images for the New World Frontiers" by Annette Kolodny

3/61: October 1976 - Pages torn from journal booklet- "Hierogamy versus Wedlock: Types of Marriage Plots and Their Relationship to Genres of Prose Fiction" by Evelyn J. Hinz from PMLA Vol. 91 No. 5

3/62: Essay- "No More Forced Marriages, or, how a feminist should not place her hand below the foot of the Immortal Bard" by Angela Ingram

3/63: Book Chapter- "Othello's Handkerchief: 'The Recognizance and Pledge of Love" by Lynda L. Boose, source unknown

3/64: Book Chapter- "Chapter Five: Genuine Temptation", source unknown

3/65: Fall 1969 - Handout- "Elizabethan and Jacobean Tragedy Literature 361"

3/66: Handout- "Library Reserve List Literature 362: Elizabethan and Jacobean Tragedy"

3/67: Article/dissertation- "An Analysis of the Therapeutic Effects of a Pentecostal Church on Alcohol and Drug Addicts" by Sheila Womack

3/68: 1979 - Article/dissertation- "How Ordinary (Sexist) Discourse Resists Radical (Feminist) Critique: A Case Study" by Terry Winant

3/69: 1980 - Article - "Captives in Paradise: Women on the Early American Frontier" by Annette Kolodny

3/70: 1978 - Book Chapter- "To Render Home a Paradise: Woman on the New World Landscapes" by Annette Kolodny from Women's Language and Style edited by Douglas Butturff and Edmund L. Epstein

3/71: 1971 - One-Act Play- "Molly Bloom" by Donna Wilshire in folder

3/72: 1979-1980 - Various Documents about the "Woman Fair" done by the South Central Women's Studies Association- Letters and proposals for the program

3/73: 1980
Documents about the development Committee for Liberal Arts- letters, proposal, budget

3/74: 1979-1980 - Document titled "Corps of Cadets Company W-1 Scholastic Policy"

3/75: 1972, 1978; 1982 - Articles- "Ida, A Great American Novel" by Secor from Twenties Century Literature Vol. 24, No.1, Spring 1978; "The Question of Gertrude Stein" by Cynthia Secor, source unknown; book chapter "Gertrude Stein: The Complex Force of Her Femininity" by Cynthia Secor from Women, the Arts, and The 1920s in Paris and New York edited by Kenneth W. Wheeler and Virginia Lussier, 1982; Book chapter- "Alice and Gertrude" Cynthia Secor from Closer to the Ground edited by Hoffman, Secor, and Tinsley 1972

3/76: 1982-1984 - Book review done by A. Harriette Andreadis for the books Westering Women and the Frontier Experience 1800-1915 by Sandra L. Myres and The Land Before Her: Fantasy and Experience of the American Frontiers, 1630-1860 by Annette Kolodny with handwritten notes

3/77: Book review done by A. Harriette Andreadis for the books The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume 5 1936-1941 edited by Anne Olivier, The Early Diary of Anais Nin, Volume 3, 1923-1927 with a preface by Joaquin Nin-Culmell; book review of When Things of the Spirit Come First: Five Early Tales by Simone de Beauvoir; and Essay- "Rebecca West: A Tribute" by Harriette Andreadis

3/78: 1984 - Documents from the National Women's Studies Association Conference/Woman's films documents- program, advertisement of 'Not a Love Story: A Film of Pornography", Paper/viewing guide for 'Not a Love Story', advertisement of "Gradiva: A Film Trilogy 1982-1984 by Albert Gabriel Nigrin" and advertisement for "Goddess films, Barbara Hammer"

3/79: 1983 - Documents for Summer Seminars For College Teachers done by National Endowment for the Humanities- booklet with forms 3 copies, filled out forms, letters and other application information

3/80: 1981 - Documents relating to conference paper titled "Do Chloe and Olivia a Future?: A Proposal for Feminist Pedagogy and Peer Relations" and documents for the Modern Language Association Annual Convention

3/81: Conference papers- "Ponding out of Bondage: White Feminists and Black Women Writers" by Marjorie Pryse; "Traveling the Public/Private Gap in Professional Friendships between Women" by Sidney H. Dremer and Estella Lauter; and "Friendly Collaboration—Women's Groups in Academe" by Virginia Walcott Beauchamp

3/82: 1981-1982 - Documents about The National Summer Institute in Women's Studies for 1981 and 1982- Announcement /Newsletter, Curriculum Vitae, and Project Proposal and Biographical Statement

3/83: 1980 - Documents about article titled "A Study of Some Unpublished Diaries of Frontier Women in the Texas Collection" by Harriette Andreadis- Letters from publisher and edits

3/85: 1989 - NWSAction Vol. 2, No. 1&2

3/86: Chrysalis No. 2 and No. 5

3/84: 1978 - Early draft of "A Study of Some Unpublished Diaries of Frontier Women in the Texas Collection" and two more versions with the new title of "Kuche, Kinder, und Kirche: Women's Private Writings in Nineteenth Century Texas"

Women's Basketball Media Guides

1-01: 1977-1978 Season
1-02: 1978-1979 Season
1-03: 1979-1980 Season
1-04: 1980-1981 Season
1-05: 1983-1984 Season
1-06: 1985-1986 Season
1-07: 1986-1987 Season
1-08: 1988-1989 Season
1-09: 1989-1990 Season
1-10: 1990-1991 Season
1-11: 1991-1992 Season
1-12: 1992-1993 Season
1-13: 1993-1994 Season
1-14: 1994-1995 Season
1-15: 1995-1996 Season
1-16: 1996-1997 Season
1-17: 1997-1998 Season
1-18: 1998-1999 Season
1-19: 1999-2000 Season

Results 1 to 35 of 5295