Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers' Clubs
- TxAM-CRS 1452
- Colección
- 1928 - 2017
Materials are arranged chronologically
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Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers' Clubs
Materials are arranged chronologically
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Texas A&M University Newcomers Club Records
This collection contains materials such as guest books, yearbooks, a scrapbook, information books, and annual reports of the Texas A&M University-affiliated women's Newcomers Club.
This collection contains correspondence to Dave Mellor from the Lewis and Clark Heritage Foundation, an organization whose members are dedicated scholars of the Corps of Discovery's expedition to map the Louisiana Purchase. Other items also originating from that organization are copies of their member's only journal "We Proceeded On", foundation notes from meetings, and plans for the annual gathering of all the members (usually at a location pertinent to the Lewis and Clark expedition in some way), newsletters informing members of upcoming activities.
Aside from the material from the Heritage Foundation, there are also pamphlets from various tourist sites located on the trail; some are actual locations the Corps of Discovery passed by (Pompey's Pillar, the Lolo Trail, Fort Clatsop), whereas others are cities and towns located near these historic locations. Others are simply named for the explorers (Lewis and Clark Lake), and others relate to the Native Americans the Corps of Discovery encountered on their journey (Big Hole Battlefield, a site sacred to the Nez Perce). A number of magazine articles on the expedition are included, topics cover such as the environmental impact on some of the historic sites, Meriwether Lewis's death, Sacagawea's biography, and later, her gold dollar coin, Thomas Jefferson, both about his shrewdness in making the Louisiana Purchase and the controversy surrounding his relationship with his slave Sally Hemings, descendants of Lewis, Clark, and other members of the Corps of Discovery meeting together to travel the Expedition trail on the 200th Anniversary of the Expedition, and the plight of the Columbia River. Most of the remaining material is a re-hash of all of these topics, save for a couple of unique articles (including a biographical account of Sacagawea's son, Jean-Baptiste Charbonneau).
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John A. Adams NAFTA Collection
This collection contains materials collected and assembled by John A. Adams, Jr. as an active United States participant in the negotiations and agreement to permit free trade among the United States, Canada, and Mexico in what became the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1987. As a trained historian, Adams recognized the importance of documenting as much of the process as a single active participant could. In that process, he accumulated a wide variety of materials that include clippings, magazine articles, books, reports, correspondence, notes, newswire reports, pamphlets, leaflets, conference papers and programs, and other types of documents that shed light on the process of negotiating an international treaty.
After the treaty was formally approved by all parties involved, Adams boxed all of the documents he had collected, produced a report in which he briefly described the contents of each of the twenty-one boxes, and then gave them to the Political Sciences and Economics Library (PSEL) of the Texas A&M University Libraries where they were then house in three filing cabinets. A copy of Adams' report has been cataloged with a call number of HF 17456. A33.
During the 2005-2006 academic year, the materials were removed from the filing cabinets in PSEL and placed into 19 cubic foot archival boxes by Archivist Charles R. Schultz, who at the time also created a report of his own which included an inventory description of the contents used in the creation of this collection record. After the materials were rehoused and inventoried, they were deposited into the Cushing Memorial Library & Archives where all of the archives and special collections materials are housed.
The materials have been kept in the original folders in which Mr. Adams had them when he presented them to Texas A&M University. Some of the materials were not in folders when they were rehoused from the filing cabinets into boxes at PSEL and are still not in folders. In those cases where materials were not in boxes, that information is included in the descriptions of the folders in each of the nineteen boxes.
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This collection contains biographical materials, correspondence, programs of conferences attended and/or participated in, notes, photographs, memos, reports, proposals, itineraries, lists of contacts, minutes of committee meetings, news releases, newspaper clippings, articles and other writings by Dr. Aebersold, and notes, outlines, slide lists, abstracts, and texts of speeches given by Dr. Aebersold. The materials document Dr. Aebersold's career well from graduate student days to Atomic Energy Commission officials. A considerable amount of additional information should be available in the files of the Manhattan Project and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
Among the most important items in the papers are the 294 speeches and 100 articles and other writings by Dr. Aebersold, the 37 speeches and 180 articles he collected, and the 1,200 newspaper clippings. The speeches and articles reflect the latest thinking and reveal the broadest picture of developments even though they represent only a minute historical significance of the early activities of the Isotopes Branch and the use of isotopes in the immediate post-war period, Dr. Aebersold began to collect clippings about isotopes in earnest in 1946. Unfortunately, this extensive collection lasted only until 1949. During these three years, however, there certainly are very few aspects of isotope production, distribution, and use that are not mentioned in the clippings.
Although most of the correspondence deals with commitments to speak before various groups or with attendance at numerous conferences, some of the early letters prior to 1940 do record some of the thoughts and activities of Dr. Aebersold’s early associates at the Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley. Many congratulatory letters in 1957, when Dr. Aebersold moved from Oak Ridge to Washing, serve as a measure of his stature in the atomic energy field throughout the United States as well as South America and parts of Europe.
From time-to-time aspects of Dr. Aebersold’s character and philosophy are revealed in rather unexpected areas. That he enjoyed a good story is shown in numerous handwritten notes and a few typed introductory remarks to speeches. Unfortunately, only in a few cases did he write out the whole story. Usually, he only jotted a brief note to remind himself of a particular story. In speaking before the Knife and Fork Clubs of McAllen and Dallas, Texas on March 23 and November 16, 1948, Dr. Aebersold recalled his experiences in and reactions to the first atomic bomb test in New Mexico. These are about the only personal references to his wartime activities.
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Women in Construction (WIC), Bryan Chapter 29, Region 7 - Scrapbook Materials
This collection contains the contents from the scrapbook created by Becky Brewer, Mary Helen Davis, Myrtle Decker, Edna Thomas, and Alice Stubbs from the Bryan Chapter of Women in Construction.
Office of Continuing Education Records
This collection contains records from the Texas A&M University Office of Continuing Education. Records include official summaries, meetings, conventions, workshops, pamphlets, and other miscellaneous continuing education documents.
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This collection contains two topographical maps marked with military grid lines, originally published in 1941 by the British War Office, but apparently used by American forces in this instance. One for Cassino, Italy (sheet 160), the other for Isernia, Italy (Sheet 161), in Transverse Mercator Projection with military grid lines and joined with linen tape along the south grid number 96 to form one sheet measuring 50 cm x 72 cm. The map legend is missing on both sections however cities, towns, rivers, streams, roads (major roads in red stamped with numbers), railroads, relief is shown by contour lines, and spot heights can be seen.
The Isernia map is inscribed on the lower half of the back of it mostly in pencil, but with a few notes in ink. The inscriptions, possibly in several different hands, record times of day by the military clock, and locations numerically oriented on the military grid map for various military actions. These actions include remarks on place and type of artillery or small arms fire, observations on the taking of prisoners of war, and other actions in the area southwest of the Rapido River and the town of Cassino. According to the orientation of the action, these notes apparently record fighting by Allied forces against the German army in the Mignano Gap region preceding the Battle of Monte Cassino (January 12, 1944 - May 19, 1944).
The linen tape joining the two maps appears to have been added after inscriptions made on the Isernia map, but most likely during the campaign itself, to be useful for the entire area involved in the Battle of Monte Cassino. Polish troops, the 7th Infantry, and the name Custer are mentioned. The Isernia map is also inscribed in ink in the margin at the top with "Knapp - 31309661, K Co." (possible serial number and company designation K for a soldier named Knapp).
Published by the War Office of Great Britain, originally in 1941, though both sections have a date of 1943 for the second edition. Both maps are designated part of the series "Geographical Section, General Staff, No. 4164." Maps may have been reproduced by the U.S. Army Map Service.
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Office of the President Records, Gibb Gilchrist through Jack K. Williams
This collection contains official documents from the Office of the President at Texas A&M University. A PDF finding aid is available upon request.
Presidents included are:
Texas A&M Race and Ethnic Studies Institute (RESI) Archives
The archives consist of photographs, publications, correspondence, and reports on the early history of RESI under the directions of its first two directors, Dr. Gail E. Thomas (1991-98) and Dr. Mitchell F. Rice (1999-2004). The institute was founded in 1991 and established to highlight Texas A&M University's strengths and academic leadership in research relating to the study of race and ethnicity and their various dimensions (e.g., intersections with class, gender, and sexuality; past, present, and future relevance to issues of education, immigration, politics, culture, and health).
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Dr. Gwendoline Y. Fortune Papers
This collection consists of volumes of correspondence (bulk 2005-2014), video and audiotapes of Dr. Fortune's classical music performances, writings, business ventures, and research material for her published books.
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Department of Journalism Records
Materials include photographs dating from the 1980s to 2003, a 1997 self-survey, and self-accreditation from 1978.
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This collection covers A&M Gay Student Services (GSS), Gayline, GSS Roommate Locator Service, and campus attitudes toward homosexuality and the LGBT community at the university before and after A&M officially recognized GSS as a campus organization.
Some material dates back to 1976, while other documents go as late as 1990. The bulk of the contents are from 1983-1986, being the period when the GSS lawsuit for recognition was ongoing to when litigation ended in July 1985, giving GSS official recognition. Media coverage over the issue of gay and lesbian students at A&M heated up in the fall of 1984 as GSS awaited a new court ruling. Most of the collection is local, given its subject, but also included are regional LGBT news and national entertainment news regarding LGBT persons.
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Records of the Camarilla Collection
This collection consists of reports and other materials for chapters of the Camarilla, the official fan club of White Wolf Publishing's Vampire: The Masquerade role-playing universe. Materials include membership applications submitted to the central office, club chapter reports, membership lists, and other documentation relating to club administration and business.
The term "Camarilla" refers to one of the major vampire sects of the Vampire: The Masquerade universe. To quote White Wolf's official wiki, "The Camarilla is the most organized of the vampiric sects, an elite club that favours tradition and control of the mortal populace from behind the scenes. Across their domains, they enforce six major Traditions, chief among them being the Masquerade. All clans have an individual presence in the Ivory Tower, though a select group of pillar clans make up the core of its membership. Once the Camarilla welcomed all Kindred who obeyed its laws, but recent events have caused the leadership to adopt more exclusive membership rules. No Anarchs, Caitiff, or thin-blooded vampires are allowed to exist within the sect. In addition to preventing the growing mortals masses from discovering the existence of vampires, the Camarilla aims to maintain the status quo of Kindred society; as such, much of its structure and traditions mirror that of Cainite society in feudal Europe in the Dark Ages, and places it at odds with the agenda of the Sabbat and Anarchs, both of whom seek to overthrow archaic Kindred society. "
Vampire: The Masquerade:
The Vampire games, created by Mark Rein-Hagen and first released in 1991, are part of White Wolf's World of Darkness overall universe, set in an Earth much like ours, except that vampires, werewolves, and magic-users exist. Vampire was designed for players to be vampires rather than the more traditional player role as vampire hunters. The game is notable for the development of an elaborate social system and varied culture surrounding vampires. The game, to quote its WIkipedia entry, "uses the cursed, vampiric condition as a backdrop to explore themes of morality, depravity, the human condition (or appreciation of the human condition in its absence), salvation, and personal horror. The gloomy and exaggerated version of the real world that the vampires inhabit, called the "World of Darkness", forms an already bleak canvas against which the stories and struggles of characters are painted. The themes that the game seeks to address include retaining the character's sense of self, humanity, and sanity, as well as simply keeping from being crushed by the grim opposition of mortal and supernatural antagonists and, more poignantly, surviving the politics, treachery, and often violent ambitions of their own kind. " The game has inspired video games, novels, comic books, and the 1996 television show Kindred: The Embraced.
The term "Masquerade" refers to an ongoing disinformation campaign of self-protection directed by the Kindred (the vampires as a whole) and heavily enforced by the Camarilla to convince humans that vampires and other supernatural creatures do not really exist.
The Masquerade universe is also known for its commitment to LARP (Live Action Role-Play). LARPing is an activity in which participants not only create role-playing game characters but physically portray them in established campaigns, LARPs can be played in both public or private areas, and events can vary in size from a small handful of players to hundreds or even several thousands at once. In 1993, White Wolf released the first Vampire LARP game, Mind's Eye Theatre: The Masquerade, and a number of LARP publications based on the different World of Darkness games followed.
American Association of University Women, Texas Division, Bryan-College Station Branch Records
This collection consists of AAUW publications, the president's records spanning the organization's forty-year history, and information regarding the branch's involvement in supporting the Bryan Day Care Center, as well as four scrapbooks.
Association publications include the newsletter from the local branch, as well as journals, newspapers, and bulletins published by the national and international parent organizations. Included in the president's records are branch reports, rosters, financial information, and correspondence. Also present are minutes and other records pertaining to the Bryan Day Care Center and the AAUW's contributions to it. In addition, one file in the collection contains a brief history of the local organization, beginning with its inception in 1948 and reviewing important milestones of each year up to 1980.
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Guadalupe Baptist Association Collection
The collection documents the life of Reverend William M. Taylor and his pursuit of education in various cities in Texas. A biography provides details about his education, religious vocation, and family life in Texas that provide a glimpse into the trials and tribulations Blacks faced in attaining any type of progress. This small collection is also rich in the history of the Guadalupe Baptist Association, Guadalupe College, and the community life for African Americans in Texas.
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Yolanda Broyles-González and Francisco González Archive
The Dr. Yolanda Broyles- González & Francisco González Archive is a rich borderland Mexican-American collection with a focus on performance arts, theater, and music. Dr. Broyles-González studied and lived in Germany for twelve years, in Berlin, Freiburg, and Hamburg. She published the first translations of Chicano literature into German and she was instrumental in bringing Chicano/a literature and history to European readerships and consciousness.
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Brazos Valley Men's Garden Club Records
This collection contains by-laws and membership lists (1970, 1972, 1976), flower shows the Men's Club participated in (1970-1975), a history of the Club from 1970-1984 written by E. J. Dysterhuis, and other materials. Also, included in the collection are Yearbooks from the Brazos Valley Garden Club (women's) from 1950-1962.
Katy / West Houston Texas A&M University Mothers' Club
This collection is UNPROCESSED.
Inventory of the Revolutionary Publications and Writings
JeFF Stumpo - Javashock Collection
The collection covers the personal, academic, and professional life of Jeff Stumpo and his founding of the Java Shock slam poetry event held initially in College Station, but now based in Bryan, TX.
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Afro-American Society Collection
Original black students' association charter. Authored by Ken Lewallen and Antwine Jefferson in Fall 1967-68.
African American Professional Organization (AAPO) Records
This collection includes the organization's development materials, bylaws, minutes, correspondence, programs, newsletters, and 1st Friday programs in print and digital formats.
Created in 1991, this African American organization has as its mission to serve as a vehicle through which African Americans are fully recognized as contributing members of Texas A&M University, its local system components, and the community-at-large.
The African American Professional Organization's goals are to:
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American Association of Housing Educators (AAHE) Records
Texas A&M Retirees' Club Records
This collection consists of meeting minutes, luncheon meeting and program newsletter/mailings, activity reports, and a brief historical outline. Also included is a binder with photocopies of the original constitution, by-laws, and other documents related to the 1965 formation of the A&M Retirees Club.
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This collection contains the personal papers of Kate Adele Hill during her time as an employee of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. Included are correspondence, speeches, clippings, articles, photos about extension work, pioneer women in Texas, demonstration work, and agriculture.
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Women's History (Vivian Sanders)
Brazos Valley Gem and Mineral Society Records
Records of the activities of the Brazos Valley Gem and Mineral Society.
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Cepheid Variable - AggieCon Collection
The collection consists of the program books, documents, correspondence, and miscellaneous items collected by the Cepheid Variable Science Fiction Club from its inception in 1969 through 2005. The collection was assembled from deposits of the club, gifts from Bill Page, and other occasional donors.
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Coalition for Support of Public Schools Collection