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Georgia Barnes Addendum: Additional Materials

Additional Materials

The Phoenix

Teleplay: "The Star Needle" [1st draft: October 1980]

The Professionals

Assorted Media Articles on The Professionals, undated

The Complete Professionals: The Cast, The Characters, and the 57 Episodes, by Dave Rogers
[Photocopy, 1986]

Star Trek: The Original Series [TOS]

From The Files of Star Fleet Command [Reference Guide, 1980 - Photocopy]

Star Trek Comic Books [Dynabrite Comics, 1978 - 2 issues]

Star Trek #10 [Marvel Comics, January 1981]

Star Trek: An Analysis of A Phenomenon in Science Fiction [SC Enterprises: 1968]

The Star Trek Guide, Third Revision [Writer's Guide, April 1967 - Photocopy]

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, by Harve Bennett [Screenplay, 1982 - Photocopy]

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Official Movie Magazine [Starlog: 1982]

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock [DC Comics: 1984]

Star Trek III: The Search For Spock, by Harve Bennett [Screenplay, October 1983 - Photocopy]

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Official Movie Magazine [Starlog: 1983]

Star Trek III: The Search For Spock Poster Magazine [Starlog: 1984]

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Publicity Folders [1986]

The Terminator

Terminator 2: Judgment Day Official Movie Magazine [Starlog: 1991]

Barnes, Georgia

Georgia Barnes Addendum: Media Fanzines

Star Trek: The Original Series

Gemini Lynx, by Mary M. Schmidt
[T'Kuhtian Press: 1982] (photocopy)

The Honorable Sacrifice, by Beverly C. Zuk

IDIC #14
[Janet Quarton, Sheila Clark and Valerie Piacentini, ed., February 1991]

In A Different Reality #8
[Intergalactic Underground Press: Marguerite Krause, ed., 1980]

In A Different Reality #20: Shadow Captain
[Intergalactic Underground Press: Marguerite Krause, ed., 1984]

Kraith Creator's Manual, vol. 1
[Ceiling Press: Carol Lynn and Debbie Goldstein, ed., April 1982 (originally published April 1975)]

A K/S Coloring Book, by G. Feyrer
[undated] (s)

KSX #2
[G. Feyrer, ed., 1988] (s)

Loose Star Trek Fanfiction, by K. Resch and R. Kwitko Lym
[undated] (s)

Loose Star Trek Filk

Mahko Root #1
[1977] (h) (s) (g)

Mahko Root #2
[S. Burr and P. Warren, ed., September 1978] (h) (g) (s)

Matter/Antimatter #2
[Tiberius Press: S. Gant, ed., 1979] (s)

Matter/Antimatter [Reprints], by Sandra Gent
[Tiberius Press: 1978]

Mind Meld #1
[Seahorse Press: Sandy Zier and Michelle Holmes, ed., May 1984]

Mirrors of Mind and Flesh, by G. Feyrer
[KSX Press: 1979] (s)

The Night of the Twin Moons, by Jean Lorrah
[7th printing August 1980; originally published 1976]

Nightvisions, by S.K. James and C.A. Frisbie
[Pulsar Press: 1979] (s)

NTM Collected #1, by Jean Lorrah
[3rd printing April 1980; originally published 1978]

Obsc'zine #3
[T'Kuthian Press: Lori Chapek-Carlton, ed., May 1978]

One Night Stand #1
[Pon Farr Press: A. Navesih and W. Rathbone, ed., April 1984] (s)

One Night Stand #2
[Pon Farr Press: W. Rathbone, ed., July 1984] (s)

One Night Stand #3
[Pon Farr Press: W. Rathbone, ed., April 1985] (s)

Only Trek
[Katherine Scarritt and Mary Lowe, ed., December 1982]

The Other Side of Paradise #5
[Amy Falkowitz, ed., 1981]

[Purple Dragon/Plak Tow Press: Signe Landon, ed., 1978]

Passages, by Susan K. James
[Pulsar Press: 1978] (h/c)

Precessional, by Laurie Huff
[Satori Press: November 1980]

Private Possessions, by A.F. Black
[Pon Farr Press: November 1986] (s)

Prophecy of the Universe, by Cassandra N. Leonard and Lori Paige
[STMA Press: 1981, 1982]

A Question of Balance, by D. Van Hise
[Pon Farr Press: 1980] (s)

Rim of Starlight
[Rochelle H. Hausman, Susan H. Hochman, Robyn N. Kevelsen, and Margaret A. Clark, ed., 1980]

Saurian Brandy Digest #3
[Sehlat Press: Terri Dorosch and Sylvia Stanczyk, ed., June/July 1977]

The Sensuous Vulcan
[Love Child Press: D.T. Steiner, ed., September 1977] (s) (h)

Showcase #1
[Sharon Emily, ed., February 1974]

Showcase #2
[Sharon Emily, ed., Eighth Printing January 1979, originally published 1975]

Barnes, Georgia

Georgia Barnes Addendum: Media Fanzines and Additional Materials

Star Trek: The Original Series

Sol Plus #6/7
[Jackie Bielowicz and Mary Robbins, ed., October 1979]

Something Hidden, by Sheila Clark
[ScoTpress: June 1981; originally published December 1975]

The Third Verdict, by Beverly C. Zuk

Thrust: An Exploration of the Kirk/Spock Relationship
[Pulsar Press: C.A. Frisbie, ed., 1978] (s)

T'hy'la #3
[K. Resch, ed., 1983] (s)

T'hy'la #4
[K. Resch, ed., 1984] (s)

T'hy'ia #10
[K. Resch, ed., 1991] (s)

Transition, by Lois Welling
[1982] (h)

Twin Destiny #2
[Enterprising Press: L.D. Biggs, ed., February 1985] (s)

Validity of Friendship, by Marilyn Cole

Vault of Tomorrow #13
[Marion McChesney, ed., March 1988] (h) (g)

The Wheel of Fate, by Valerie Piacentini
[ScoTpress: December 1981; originally published December 1980]

With Hoops of Steel, by Meg Wright
[ScoTpress: June 1981; originally published April 1981]

Star Wars

Guardian #5: Stormbrother, by Fern Marder and Carol Walske
[Mazeltough Press: February 1983]

Pegasus #5
[Pegasus Press: Judi L. Hendricks, Paula M, Block and Jackie Paciello, ed., July 1981]


The Terranova Situation #2, by D. Fisher
[Almost Foolproof Press: March 1993] (s)

The Terranova Situation #3, by D. Fisher
[Almost Foolproof Press: June 1993] (s)

The Terranova Situation #4, by D. Fisher
[Almost Foolproof Press: August 1993] (s)

The Terranova Situation #5, by D. Fisher
[Almost Foolproof Press: October 1993] (s)

The Terranova Situation #6, by D. Fisher
[Almost Foolproof Press: December 1993] (s)

The Terranova Situation #7, by D. FIsher
[Almost Foolproof Press: December 1993] (s)

The Terranova Situation #8, by D. Fisher
[Almost Foolproof Press: April 1994] (s)

Fan Art

The Phoenix

Untitled pen and ink drawing, by Georgia Barnes, 1984

Remington Steele

"Steele Life" [pen and ink drawing, by Georgia Barnes, 1984]

The Sentinel

Cover of Love and Guns #2 [color drawing, by TACS, 1997]

Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS)

"No Blame" [pen and ink drawing, by Georgia Barnes, 1984]

Additional Materials

Alien Nation

"Soul Train", by Andrew Schneider and Diane Frolov [Teleplay, 4th draft: May 8, 1990]

Miami Vice

"Heart of Darkness", by Daniel Pyne [Teleplay: June 21, 1984]

Miami Vice Scrapbook, by Jeannette Friedman
[Sharon Starbooks: 1985]


Entertainment Weekly #85 (September 27, 1991), #1194 (February 17, 2012)

Fangoria #111 [Starlog: April 1992]

Fantazone: Superstar Facts & Pix #24 [Sterling's Magazines: 1991]

People Magazine, vol. 35 #4 (February 4, 1991)

Starlog: The Science Fiction Universe #30 (January 1980)

Starlog: The Science Fiction Universe #42 (January 1991), #106 (May 1986)

Starlog: The Science Fiction Universe #149 - 150 (December 1989 - January 1990)

Starlog: The Science Fiction Universe #152 (March 1990)

The Phoenix

The Phoenix Bible (Show Guide, 1982?)

Teleplay: "Pilot" (1982)

Teleplay: "Episode One", "Episode Two" (1982)

Teleplay: "Episode Three", "Episode Four" (1982)

Barnes, Georgia

Georgia Barnes Addendum: Media Fanzines

The Sentinel

Gemini, by TM Alexander
[Bodacious Press: September 1997] (s)

Gris Gris, by TM Alexander
[The Presses: May 2001] (s)

Lifeline, by Tate
[Whatever You Do, Don't Press!: September 1997] (s)

Love & Guns #1
[AMC Press: 1997] (s)

Love & Guns #2
[AMC Press: 1997] (s)

The Nia Chronicles, by Little Eva
[Whatever You Do, Don't Press!: Mystery Frank, ed., May 1997] (s)

Passages, by TM Alexander
[The Presses: April 2002] (s)

Pictures of the Past, by K. Bowen
[Whatever You Do, Don't Press!: September 1997] (s)

Retribution, by TM Alexander
[The Presses: February 2002] (s)

Scared Senseless #1
[M. Frank, ed., March 1998] (s) (g)

Sinful Simon
[Agent With Style: M. Frank, ed., January 2000] (s)

Thinker, Tyler, Soldier, Spy
[September 2000] (s)

Transience, by TM Alexander
[Bodacious Press: November 1997] (s)

Stargate: SG-1

Pretense #1
[Ashton Press: A. Wortham, ed., March 2002] (s)

Starsky & Hutch

Between Friends #7
[Elaine Hauptman, ed., January 1985] (Letterzine)

Decorated For Death, by Jill Ripley
[Black Metal Press: February 1982] (A/U)

Half You
[Lucy Walk and Cheryl Maier, ed., September 1982]

Star Trek: The Original Series [TOS]

All Loss Restored, by Janet Stewart
[ScoTpress: June 1983]

Berengaria #9
[Vicki Kirlin and Teri Meyer, ed., June 1977]

The Bloodstone, by Carol A. Frisbie, Susan K. James, and Merle T. Decker
[Pulsar Press: 1983]

Companion #1
[Relationship Press: E.L. Kubrin and C. Hunterton, ed., June 1978] (s)

Companion: Between The Lines
[Relationship Press: C.A. Hunterton and E.L. Kubrin, ed., February 1980] (s)

The Complete Rack
[Harmony Press: Martha J. Bonds, Nancy J. Kippax and Beverly J. Volker, ed., July 1980]

Continuum, by Lois Welling

The Crack in the Mirror, by Sheila Clark
[ScoTpress: August 1994]

The Displaced, by Lois Welling

Enter Comm
[Canadian Contingent Press: Nancy Chapman,, ed., February 1980]

First Time #9
[Merry Men Press: January 1987] (s)

Full Moon Rising, by Jean Lorrah
[Yeoman Press: November 1976]

Galactic Discourse #4
[Satori Press: Laurie Huff, ed., April 1983]

Gateway #2
[Kalomi Press: Martha J. Bonds, ed., February 1985]

Barnes, Georgia

Georgia Barnes Addendum: Media Fanzines


Pop Stand Express #5
[Pop Stand Press: Marie Antoine, ed., November 1985]

Universal Translator #28
[Kookaburra Press: Susan J. Bridges, ed., October-December 1985]

Blake's 7

The Bizarro Zine #3
[Ashton Press: Leah Rosenthal, ed., 1990]

The Bizarro Zine
[Poncho Press: Leah Rosenthal and Ann Wortham, ed., 1992]

The Flotsam Chronicles, by Phyllis Milby and Valarie Dickinson

Last Stand at the Edge of the World, by Ann Wortham and Leah Rosenthal
[Ashton Press: undated]

Southern Comfort #5.5
[Ashton Press: A. Wortham, ed., May 1990] (s) (h)

Southern Comfort #6.5
[Ashton Press: A. Wortham, ed., April 1991] (s) (h)

Southern Lights Special #2.5
[Ashton Press: A. Wortham, ed., March 1986] (s) (g)

Southern Lights Special #3.5
[Ashton Press: A. Wortham, ed., April 1987] (s) (g)

Southern Lights Special #4.5
[Ashton Press: A. Wortham, ed., March 1988] (s) (g)

Southern Seven #9
[Ashton Press: Ann Wortham, ed., May 1994]

Southern Seven #10
[Ashton Press: Ann Wortham, ed., May 1995]


The Cassidy Legacy, by Kathy Keegan [The Professionals/Cassidy]
[The Nut Hutch: 1991]

Common Ground, by S. Saint Ives [Highlander: The Series/The Sentinel] (s)

The Limits of Trust, by Sheila Paulson [The Sentinel/Stargate: SG-1]
[Agent With Style: October 1999]

Mixed Metaphors, by Rayelle Roe [Star Trek: The Original Series/Starsky & Hutch/The Rockford Files/Ironside/McMillan and Wife/Quincy/McCloud*]


The Turtle Moves
[Nonasuch, ed., 2013]

Doctor Who

Encyclopedia Gallifrey
[Nonasuch, ed., 2013] (2 copies)


The IDICon Songbook, by Marnie Strom, Terry Martin and Barb Lewis
[IDICon Second, 1985]

Forever Knight

Knight's Past
[Dark Angel Productions: 1995]


Fandom: It Was Love At First Sight
[Morgan Dawn, ed., 2013]

Fandom On The Internet, by Ann Teitelbaum and Darlene Fisher
[Plastic Cow Productions: May 1995]

Rainbow Noise #1 - 2 (vidding)
[Tashery Shannon, ed., March-June 1993]

Highlander: The Series

The Brothers of Eros, by R. Cameron
[Undated] (s) (h)

Kung Fu: The Legend Continues

Patterns #2
[Carousel Press: Beth Didion, Jeanne McClure, D.L. Solomon, and Suzan Haigler, ed., May 1994]

Patterns #3
[Carousel Press: Beth Didion, Carol Frisbie, and Jeanne McClure, ed., May 1995]

Patterns #4
[Carousel Press: Beth Didion, Carol Frisbie, and Jeanne McClure, ed., November 1995]

Speak No Evil, by Laureen Peltier

Splinters of Light #1
[Of Dreams and Schemes Press: Catherine Schlein, ed., May 1993]

Splinters of Light #3
[Of Dreams and Schemes Press: Catherine Schlein, Martha Crawford, and Debi Barbich, ed.,May 1995]

Les Miserables

Beyond The Barricade
[Nonasuch, ed., 2013]

Lethal Weapon

Doin' The Job #1
[Be True To Your Press: Kitty Woldow, ed., May 1988]

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

True Colors, by K. Fisher
[May 1993] (s)

Miami Vice

Shadowland, by D. Blaque
[MKASHEF Enterprises: 1993] (s)


For Those Who Want
[October 2001] (s) (g)

Holiday Shrieks!
[Whatever You Do, Don't Press!: 1993] (s)

Warped Space #31/32
[T'Kuhtian Press: Lori Chapek-Carlton, ed., January 1978]

Barnes, Georgia

Georgia Barnes Addendum: Media Fanzines

The Professionals

Bishonen Op
[Undated] (s)

Bishonen Too
[Undated] (s)

Body Heat, by M. Lewtan
[1985?] (s)

Brass In Pocket, by L. Stone
[1985?] (s)

Command Performance, by M. Lewtan
[March 1984] (s)

Fantazine #6
[The Hut Hatch: Jane, ed., May 1995] (s) (A/U)

Fevers, by P. Rose
[1983] (s)

Forget That I Remember, And Dream That I Forget, by P. Rose
[Circuit story, 1985] (s)

The Hunting, Part VII (Book II: The Kingdom of Summer), by Jane of Australia
[The Hut Hatch: 1989] (s) (A/U)

The Hunting, Part VIII (Book II: The Kingdom of Summer), by Jane of Australia
[The Nut Hatch: 1989] (s) (A/U)

The Hunting, Part IX (Book II: The Kingdom of Summer), by Jane of Australia
[The Nut Hatch: 1989] (s) (A/U)

The Luck of the Draw, by M. Lewtan
[Circuit story, July 1989] (s) (A/U)

Painting The Clouds, by Calliope
[Blue Jay Press: 1983] (s)

The Portrait, by M. Lewtan
[January 1984] (s)

Rainbow Chasers, by H.G.
[Circuit story, 1988] (s) (A/U)

Pushing Daisies

Greetings from Coeur d'Coeurs
[Nonasuch, ed., 2013]

Quantum Leap

Green Eggs and Ham #1
[Whatever You Do, Don't Press!: Mystery Frank, ed., March 1991]

Green Eggs and Ham #2
[Whatever You Do, Don't Press!: Mystery Frank, ed., March 1992]

Leapin' Friskys #3
[Almost Foolproof Press: May 1994] (s)

Living Year to Year #2, by D. Tracy and C. Stewart
[1993] (s)

Oh Boy #2
[Sandy Hall and Sharon Wisdom, ed., October 1991]

Oh Boy #3
[Sandy Hall and Sharon Wisdom, ed., May 1992]

Play It Again #1
[Kate Nuernberg, ed., 1991]

Quantum Fire
[Quantum Fire Press: Leah Starsky, ed., 1992] (s)

Quantum Instability #1
[Quantum Fire Press: Leah Starsky, ed., May 1993] (s)

Shattered, by Shari Ramseur
[Freedom of the Press: February 1992]

The Sentinel

Angel On My Mind, by Bast and Shar
[AngelWings Press: 1999] (s)

Bittersweet, by Lily K.
[AngelWings Press: September 2002] (s) (A/U)

Catalyst, by Tiger Tyger
[AMC Press: May 2000] (s)

Come To Your Senses #2
[Whatever You Do, Don't Press!: M. Frank, ed., July 1997] (s)

The Darkest Evening, by Lily K.
[Devious Developments Press: June 2003] (s)

Extra Touchy Frisky #1
[Almost Foolproof Press: January 1997] (s)

Extra Touchy Frisky #3
[Almost Foolproof Press: July 1997] (s)

Families, by Sheila Paulson
[July 1997]

Family Secrets, by Serena
[AMC Press: October 1999] (s)

Barnes, Georgia

Georgia Barnes: Audiovisual Materials


Folder 1 Spring Fling Podfic Anthology (2011)/Pod Together Podfic Anthology, vol. 1 (2012) [compact disc, 2011-2012]

Fandoms: Hawaii 5-0, Sherlock [BBC], DC Comics, Inception (RPF), Adam Lambert, American Idol (RPF), Bandom, Discworld, Glee, Gunless, Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, Jennifer's Body, Kris Allen, Lost Souls, Merlin (TV), My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, The Princess Bride, Rapunzel, The Social Network, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate: SG -1, Supernatural, White Collar

Folder 2 Pod Together Podfic Anthology, vol. 2 (2012) [compact disc, 2012]

Fandoms: Adam Lambert, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Avengers (2012), Bandom, Batman Beyond, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cain Saga and Godchild, Cobra Starship, Criminal Minds, Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, Doctor Who, The Dresden Files, Empires, Fall Out Boy, Firefly, Glee, Good Omens, The Good Wife, Harry Potter, Inception, Iron Man (films), Gordon Korman, Life With Derek, Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Merlin (TV), Meta-fandom, Music RPF, My Chemical Romance, One Direction, Panic! At The Disco, Parks and Recreation, Person of Interest, Queen, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes, The Social Network, Stargate Atlantis, Supernatural, Supernatural RPF, Teen Wolf (TV), Thor (2011), Voltron: Lion Voltron, X-Men First Class, Young Veins


Folder 3 Escapade 2004: The Songvids: The Slash Slumber Party! (2004) [DVD, 2004]

Fandoms: Angel, Stargate SG-1, L.A. Confidential, The O.C., Farscape, Lord of the Rings, Smallville, Fight Club, Horatio Hornblower, The Professionals, Jeremiah, Gladiator, Keen Eddie, Highlander: The Series, Desparado/Once Upon A Time in Mexico, The West Wing, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World; Due South, Queer As Folk (UK), Farscape/Stargate SG-1

Folder 4 Kiki-Miserychic Fanvids 2003-2013 [4 DVDs]

Fandoms: Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars, Smallville, Lost, Numb3rs, Carnivale, Farscape, The L Word, House, Veronica Mars, Queer as Folk (US), Firefly, Better Than Chocolate, Six Feet Under, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate Atlantis, Supernatural, Grey's Anatomy, Doctor Who, Dexter, Heroes, Jarhead, Veritas: The Quest, Life, The Unit, Moulin Rouge, Firefly/Serenity, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, White Noise 2, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Tank Girl/Lady Vengeance/Kill Bill/Blade Runner/Fay Grim, The Royal Tenenbaums, Deadwood, The Cell, Supernatural/Planet Terror/Zombieduck, Weeds, 9 Songs/Lie With Me/Shortbus, Merlin (TV), Chuck, Star Trek (2009 reboot), Dollhouse, The Fall, The Broken, Parks and Recreation/30 Rock/The Office/Community, Legend of the Seeker, Fringe, Stargate Universe, Fringe/Charlie Jade, Ginger Snaps Trilogy, Misfits, Pulp Fiction, V: The Series (reboot), Damages, Bright Star, Winnie the Pooh, Destino, Enlightened, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Smash, Hell on Wheels, Mirrormask, Utopia, Person of Interest

Folder 5 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Vids by Jarrow 2010-2012 [DVD, 2012?]

Fandoms: Battlestar Galactica [reboot], 21, Disaster Films, Supernatural, Friday Night Lights, The Big Bang Theory, Psych, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Six Feet Under, We Don't Live Here Anymore, Survivor, Tomboy, 24, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Glee

Barnes, Georgia