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Texas A&M University, Libraries, Cushing Memorial Library & Archives
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Ackerman and McMiller General Store Account Books

  • US TxAM-C 1031
  • Collection
  • 1854-1856

This collection consists of two large leather account books from the old store owned and operated by David Verplank Ackerman and James McMiller that was at Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas. The account book labeled "ledger" [box 1] dates from 1855 to 1865 and lists the accounts of individuals while the other one labeled "journal" [box 2] records the chronological expenses beginning in April 1854 and ending in January 1861.

Lieutenant Milby Porter Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1045
  • Collection
  • 1898

This scrapbook contains photos taken during the Spanish-American War, including the Houston Light Guard, Camp Cuba Fibre (Florida), Camp Ovward (Savannah, Georgia), Camp Columbia (Cuba), Havana, and Environs (including graphic photos of human skulls).

All photographs were taken, developed, and printed by Lieutenant Milby Porter, Co. A 1st Texas Volunteer Infantry Regiment, and Former Student at Texas A&M College.

Guthrie F. Layne, Jr. World War II Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1051
  • Collection

This collection contains the scrapbook from Seaman First Class Guthrie Fitzhugh Layne, Jr during World War II, including a detailed finding guide.

New Deal and John Henry Kirby Scrapbooks

  • US TxAM-C 1052
  • Collection
  • 1935

This collection consists of two scrapbooks containing news clippings dating from August 22 to October 5, 1935, regarding the New Deal and John Henry Kirby. The clippings are listed chronologically in this collection record, however, they are not chronological within the scrapbooks.


"Southern Committee To Uphold the Constitution" from St. Paul Progress. August 22, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Moundsville Journal. August 28, 1935

"Where Constitution Ends, Tyranny Begins" from Sauk Center Herald. August 29, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Clifton Journal. August 29, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Red Wing Republican. August 29, 1935

"To Uphold the Constitution" from Iowa Register. September 3, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Colonial Beach Interest. September 5, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Cheney Sentinel. September 5, 1935

"Murmurs in the South" from Rock Island Argus. September 5, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Audubon Weekly. September 5, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Wayland Weekly. September 5, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Spring Valley Leader Weekly. September 5, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Greene American. September 5, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Peal River Search. September 6, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Starkweather Times. September 6, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Bassett Leader. September 12, 1935

"Interesting Movement Launched in Behalf of The U.S. Government" from Neligh News. September 12, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Belvedere Apollo. September 12, 1935

Untitled article re: John Henry Kirby. September 14, 1935

"Kirby to Call Parley to Uphold U.S. Constitution" from Houston Chronicle. September 15, 1935

"Demo Factions Plan to Uphold Constitution" from Winfield Courier. September 15, 1935

"Texan Fights Naming of FDR" from San Antonio Light. September 15, 1935

"Demos Involved in Controversy on Constitution" from Belleville Advocate. September 15, 1935

"Drive Starts to Rally Foes of Roosevelt" from Chicago Herald‑Examiner. September 15, 1935

"Move to Block Renomination of Roosevelt" from Rochester American. September 15, 1935

"Constitution Group Plans Convention in December" from Syracuse Post Standard. September 15, 1935

"Southerners Fight For Constitution" from Philadelphia Inquirer. September 15, 1935

"Rousing Controversy Over Changes Is Prelude To Constitution Day" from Kingston Freeman. September 16, 1935

"Political Foes Draft Talks on Constitution" from Schnedtady Union Star. September 16, 1935

"Democrats Split on Constitution" from Freeport Review. September 16, 1935

"Political Issues Seen Dominating Tomorrow's Constitution Day Talks" from Rome Sentinel. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Is Touchy Subject in Party Ranks" from Jamestown Evening Journal. September 16, 1935

"Revolt Plans Being Mapped by Democrats" from Syracuse Post Standard. September 16, 1935

"Debate Gets Hot in Washington on Constitution Day" from Gloversville Leader Review. September 16, 1935

"3 Agencies Turn Fire On New Deal" from Buffalo News. September 16, 1935

"Bill of Particulars" from Lincoln Star. September 16, 1935

"Roosevelt's Foes to Meet in Capital" from New York Journal. September 16, 1935

"Politics Aroused As Nation Observes Constitution Day" from Trenton Times. September 16, 1935

"Ready to Observe Constitution Day" from Kearney Hub. September 16, 1935

"Southern Committee Strikes at New Deal" from Camden Post. September 16, 1935

"Several Will Talk Tuesday" from Flint Journal. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day Tomorrow to Be Observed" from Marshall Democrat News. September 16, 1935

"Southern Dems Planning War" from Jackson Citizen Patriot. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Seen As Issue" from Port Huron Times‑Herald. September 16, 1935

"Observance of Constitution Day Expected to Be Made Forerunner of Campaign Battles for 1936" from Hannibal Courier Post. September 16, 1935

"New Deal Foes Band in South" from Rochester Democrat Chronicle. September 16, 1935

"Rebellion in the South" from Amsterdam Recorder. September 16, 1935

"Constitutional Issue May be Vital Factor" from Malone Telegram. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day Occasion For Politics" from Ithaca Journal. September 16, 1935

"Asserts South Ready to Bolt Administration" from Buffalo Times. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Democrats Map Fight" from Syracuse Journal. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Issue Brought Up Against Roosevelt in South" from Watertown Times. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Looms as Issue In '36 Presidential Election" from Amsterdam Recorder. September 16, 1935

"Campaign Primaries' Outcome in State and Nation" from Lockport Sun Journal. September 16, 1935

"Debate Grows of Constitution" from Little Falls Evening Times. September 16, 1935

"Debate Grows Intense Over Constitution" from Oswego Pall‑Times. September 16, 1935

"Democrats Face Party Contest On Constitution" from Hornell Evening Times. September 16, 1935

"Constitutional Battle Lines are Widened" from Birmingham Press. September 16, 1935

"Southern Democrats Map Revolt Plans" from Norwich Sun. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Talks Aplenty" from Albany News. September 16, 1935

"Plans for Revolt of Southern Democrats Against New Deal Are Announced" from Springfield News. September 16, 1935

"On Party Nominee" for Borger Herald. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day Observance Is Arranged" from Wilkes‑Barre Times Leader. September 16, 1935

"Another New Deal Worry in the South" from Philadelphia Inquirer. September 16, 1935

"U.S. Farm Program Under Fire From Three Different Sources" from Duncan Banner. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day Stirs Discussion" from Ardmore Ardmorite. September 16, 1935

"Plan Attack on New Deal" from Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. September 16, 1935

"Another New Deal Worry in the South" from Philadelphia Inquirer. September 16, 1935

"Democrats Split On Constitution, Threaten Revolt" from Providence Bulletin. September 16, 1935

"Historical Day to Be Observed" from Corpus Christi Times. September 16, 1935

"Two Groups Hop on New Dealers" from Marshall Messenger. September 16, 1935

"Southern Demo Revolt Plans Are Revealed" from Orange Leader. September 16, 1935

"Demos Clashing on Constitution" from Austin Statesman. September 16, 1935

"Texan Heads Demo Revolt" from Lubbock Journal. September 16, 1935

"Rally Behind Constitution as Day Nears" from Independence Reporter. September 16, 1935

"Opposition to President From Ranks of Party" from Hutchinson News. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day a Prelude for the Campaign Battles" from Abilene Reflector. September 16, 1935
"Constitutional Issues to be Aired Tomorrow" from Iola Register. September 16, 1935

"Democrats Divide on Issue of Constitution" from Atchison Globe. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day to Spur Ballot Battle" from Dodge City Globe. September 16, 1935

"Demos Buck New Deal" from Columbus Advocate. September 16, 1935

"Constitution to Front as Issue" from Manhattan Mercury. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day Heralds 1936 Battle" from Springfield Register. September 16, 1935

"Avows South To Wage War On New Deal" from Springfield Journal. September 16, 1935

"Three Organizations Aim Constitutionality Darts At Federal Farm Program" from Denver Record‑Stockman. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day of Greater Interest This Year; Charged Administration Wrecking It" from Corsicana Sun. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Talk Stirred" from Vernon Record. September 16, 1935

"Party Issues to Be Aired on Celebration" from Houston Chronicle. September 16, 1935

"Words Fly In Fight On Constitution" from Paris News. September 16, 1935

"Kirby Gives New Party Platform" from Kilgore News. September 16, 1935

"Kirby Says South Is Against New Deal; He May Support GOP" from Harrisburg News. September 16, 1935

"Constitutional Issue to Defeat Roosevelt, Is Kirby's Prediction" from Roanoke News. September 16, 1935

"Broah Seen As Probably GOP Choice" from Norfolk Pilot. September 16, 1935

"Verbal tilts Scheduled on Constitution" from Portsmouth Star. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day to Witness Fiery Debates" from Bluefield Sunset News. September 16, 1935

"Southern Democrats Plan to Raise Constitutional Issue to Beat F.D.R. In Convention" from Grafton Sentinel. September 16, 1935

"Southerners to Back Borah" from Charleston Mail. September 16, 1935

"Democrats May Raise Constitutional Issue In Party Convention" from Clarksburg Telegram. September 16, 1935

"Constitutional Fight in Dem's Ranks Looming" from Morgantown Post. September 16, 1935

"Claims Southern Demos Plan New Deal Battle" from El Paso Times. September 16, 1935

"South's Democrats To Bolt Roosevelt, J.H. Kirby Claims" from Dallas News. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Flares Anew As 1936 Issue" from Beaumont Journal. September 16, 1935

"Controversy Develops on Constitution" from Galveston Tribune. September 16, 1935

"'New Deal' Adds New Interest to Constitution Day" from Denton Record Chronicle. September 16, 1935

"Republicans Plan State Pledge Drive" from Lincoln Courier. September 16, 1935

"Observance of Constitution Day Raises Question" from Mt. Vernon Regular News. September 16, 1935

"'Constitutional Day' to Be Occasion of Attacks Upon Administration As Hostile Toward Constitution" by Max Boyd, from Monmouth Review Atlas. September 16, 1935

"Southern Wing Stages Revolt" from Peoria Journal. September 16, 1935

"Politics Mingles with Constitution Day Celebration" from Quincy Herald-Whig. September 16, 1935

"Kirby Prepares to Lead Revolt From New Deal" from Ottawa Republican Times. September 16, 1935

"Constitution is Cause of Heavy Party Bickering" from Moline Dispatch. September 16, 1935

Untitled article from Benton Hill News. September 16, 1935

"Stop‑Roosevelt Group Claims South in Line" from Washington Post. September 16, 1935

"Confusion is Seen on Constitution" by David Lawrence. Washington Star. September 16, 1935

"The Political Mill" by G. Gould Lincoln, from Washington Star. September 16, 1935

"Democrats in South Uphold Constitution" from Fort Wayne News Sentinel. September 16, 1935

"Southern Democrats Against Roosevelt, Texas Man Declares" from Sioux City Journal. September 16, 1935

"Democrats Raise Constitution Issue" from Hays News. September 16, 1935

"Southern Democrats May Raise Issue of 'Constitution' Against President" from Kokomo Tribune Dispatch. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day Observed in U.S." from Indianapolis News. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day Promises Political Stir" from Lafayette Evening Journal‑Courier. September 16, 1935

"Roosevelt Will Be Defeated Is Belief of Kirby" from Sterling Gazette. September 16, 1935

"Report South to Wage War on New Deal" from Taylorville Breeze Courier. September 16, 1935

"Constitution is Campaign Issue" from Waukegan News-Sun. September 16, 1935

"Utah Senator Defends New Deal Policy" from Taylorville Breeze Courier. September 16, 1935

"Avowed Foes of Roosevelt Outline Aims" from Chicago Herald‑Examiner. September 16, 1935

"Democrats in Scrap Over Constitution" from Champaign News‑Gazette. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day to Have Significance" from LaSalle Post Tribune. September 16, 1935

"Democrats Split on Constitution" from Washington Star. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Democrats to Meet" from Washington Post. September 16, 1935

"Democrats of South Declare New Deal War" from Rock Island Argus. September 16, 1935

"Democrats Facing Inter‑Party Revolt" from Coffeyville Journal. September 16, 1935

"Opposition Rises Against President" from Lawrence Journal‑ Word. September 16, 1935

"Hear A Rumble in South Over Basic Law Issue" from Ottawa Herald. September 16, 1935

"Demos May Have Own Row on Constitution" from Pittsburg Headlight. September 16, 1935

"Revolt Among Demo Ranks in 1936 Rumored" from Iron Mountain News. September 16, 1935

"Anti‑New Deal Revolt Seen by Southerner" from Calumet News. September 16, 1935

"Notables Will Talk Tuesday on Basic Law" from Benton Harbor Pallad. September 16, 1935

"Southern Dems Fight President on Constitution" from Hillsdale News. September 16, 1935

"Dixie Democrat Revolt Threat Stirs Dispute" from St. Joseph Herald Press. September 16, 1935

"Politics Enters Constitution Day" from Salina Journal. September 16, 1935

"Constitution is A Cry of Parties" from Fort Scott Tribune. September 16, 1935

"U.S. Code Upheld by G.O.P. Women" from Louisville Times. September 16, 1935

"Controversy on Constitution is Presented Today" from Wellington News. September 16, 1935

"Plans to Raise Issue Revealed" from Augusta Journal. September 16, 1935

"Constitution Day Is Observed This Year Widely over Nation" from Galena Times. September 17, 1935

"Constitution Warning Voiced by Southerner" from Lewiston Journal. September 17, 1935

"Dictator" from Detroit Free Press. September 17, 1935

"Bids for South's Votes" from Rushville Republican. September 17, 1935

"Bids for South's Votes" from Warsaw Union. September 17, 1935

"John Henry Kirby" from Rockford Regular Republican. September 17, 1935

"Bids for South's Votes" from Kokomo Tribune Dispatch. September 17, 1935

"Bids for South's Votes" from Monmouth Review Atlas September 17, 1935

"Big Money" by Thomas L. Stokes from Washington News. September 17, 1935

"Kirby Outlines Bolting Demos' Party Platform" from Longview Journal. September 17, 1935

"Sixteen Southern States Form Organization to Demand States' Rights and Protect Constitution from Raid" from Pueblo Chieftain. September 17, 1935

"The Constitution" from Kansas City Journal. September 17, 1935

"Constitution Made 'Issue'" from Omaha World-Herald. September 17, 1935

"Constitution Plea Made By Texas Democrat" from Kansas City Journal. September 17, 1935

"Dictatorship Seen by Kirby" from Amsterdam Recorder. September 17, 1935

"Rich Men Back Fight in South On Roosevelt" from Buffalo Times. September 17, 1935

"Fights New Deal" from Niagara Falls Gazette. September 17, 1935

"Out of the Same Place" from Birmingham Press. September 17, 1935

"Southern Democrats Will Meet Soon To Formulate Plan to Beat Roosevelt" from Kenton News‑Republican. September 17, 1935

"Claims Control" from Marion Star. September 17, 1935

"Fighting FDR Opposition Within Party Includes Textile and Power Magnates" from Youngstown Telegram. September 17, 1935

"Washington Roundup‑‑Reveal South's Magnates to Fight for F.D.R." from Columbus Citizen. September 17, 1935

"Kirby Hits at Constitution Change Move" from Dallas Times Herald. September 17, 1935

"Two Groups Hop on New Dealers" from Jefferson Journal. September 17, 1935

"Constitution Day of Greater Interest this Year; Charged Administration Wrecking It" from Corsicana Light. September 17, 1935

"Constitution Day Resounds With Politics" from Beaumont Journal. September 17, 1935

"Kirby's League Revealed To Be Made Up of Rich Executives" from El Paso Herald. September 17, 1935
"Outline Bolting Demos Platform" from Longview News. September 17, 1935

"Rallying the Faithful" from Dallas Journal. September 17, 1935

"Constitution Day Speeches Hit New Deal" from Houston Chronicle. September 17, 1935

"Constitution May Defeat President" from Edinburg Review. September 17, 1935

"The South in 1936" from Richmond Dispatch. September 17, 1935

"Opposes Changes in Constitution" from Fort Worth Star-Telegram. September 17, 1935

"Texan Organizes Wealthy Men to Oppose Roosevelt" from Fort Worth Star Press. September 17, 1935

"Who's News" from Newark News. September 17, 1935

"Who's News Today" by Lemuel F. Parton, from Jersey City Journal. September 17, 1935

"Third Party Gesture" from Buffalo Courier Express. September 17, 1935

"Fights New Deal" from Lakewood Times. September 17, 1935

"Constitution Supporter Bids for South's Vote" from Lincoln State Journal. September 18, 1935

"Constitution Supporter Bids for South's Vote" from Lincoln Journal. September 18, 1935

"News from Trenton" from Mount Holly Mirror. September 18, 1935

"Ready to Bolt" from Buffalo Times. September 18, 1935

"Fights New Deal" from Ithaca Journal. September 18, 1935

"Constitution Day Brings On Attacks" from Galveston News. September 18, 1935

"Hoover Asserts Administration Activities Cause Sapping of Safeguards and Human Rights" from Houston Post. September 18, 1935

"Fights New Deal" from Martinsburg Journal. September 18, 1935

"Constitution talks Lambast Roosevelt" from Lincoln State Journal. September 18, 1935

"National Leaders Laud Constitution" from New York Times. September 18, 1935

"Bids For South's Votes" from Henderson Gleaner. September 18, 1935

"Bids for South's Votes" from Rushville Telegram. September 18, 1935

"Bid's For South's Votes" from Frankfort Journal. September 18, 1935

"Kirby Stirs South" from Baton Rouge State Times. September 18, 1935

"Party Chieftains On Both Sides Ask Safety of Ideals" from Christian Science Monitor, Boston, Mass., Chicago Edition. September 18, 1935

"Ritchie Attacks New Deal System" from Wilmington News. September 18, 1935

"Organize South to Uphold Constitution" from McPherson Republican. September 18, 1935

"Washington Observations" by Frederic William Wile, from Washington Star. September 18, 1935

"Who's News Today" by Lemuel Parton, from Baltimore Sun. September 18, 1935

"League Flays Labor Act as Invalid" by Earl Godwin, from Washington Times. September 19, 1935

"The Constitution" from Sterling Bulletin. September 19, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Atchison Globe. September 19, 1935

"Much Ado" from Indianapolis Times. September 19, 1935

"Some Gentle Zephyrs from the Southland" from Granville Record Weekly. September 19, 1935

"Leader of Revolt in South Stands for Constitution" from Buffalo News. September 19, 1935

"Bids for South's Votes" from Beatrice Sun (2 copies). September 19, 1935

"Uphold Constitution" from Haigler News. September 19, 1935

"Kirby Stirs South Against Roosevelt" from Meridian Star. September 19, 1935

"The Constitution" from Knob Noster Gem. September 19, 1935

"Kirby Stirs South Against Roosevelt" from Jackson Clarion. September 19, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from St. Joseph News‑Press. September 19, 1935

"Southern Senator Opposes Centralization of Power" from Forgan Advocate. September 19, 1935

"Constitutional Amendment" from Houston Post. September 19, 1935

Untitled article from Houston Chronicle. September 20, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Bryan Eagle. September 20, 1935

"Not Speaking for Texas" from Lubbock Avalanche. September 20, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Shawnee News. September 20, 1935

Untitled article from Leland Enterprise. September 20, 1935

"Bids for South's Votes" from St. Cloud Times. September 20, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Hannibal Courier Post. September 20, 1935

"The Constitution" from Louisiana Journal. September 20, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Moberly Monitor‑Index. September 20, 1935

"Concerning A Boston Incident" from Syracuse Herald. September 20, 1935

Untitled article from Syracuse Herald. September 20, 1935

"Saturday" from Watertown Times. September 20, 1935

Untitled article from Windsor Advance. September 20, 1935

"So They Say!" from Mount Vernon Republican News. September 20, 1935

"So They Say!" from New Philadelphia Times. September 20, 1935

"Town Talk" from Austin Statesman. September 20, 1935

"Constitution Day Is Observed This Year Widely Over Nation" from Galena Republican. September 20, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Independence Reporter. September 20, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Neodesha Sun. September 20, 1935

Untitled article from "Hopkinsville News" September 20, 1935

"Much Ado" from Birmingham Post. September 20, 1935

"Bids for South's Votes" from Waukegan News-Sun. September 20, 1935

"Much Ado" from Covington Post. September 20, 1935

"The Kirby Movement" from Frankfort State Journal. September 20, 1935

"Constitution Day Is Observed Throughout the United States" from Arlington News. September 20, 1935

"Anti‑Rooseveltians Will Not Succeed" from Keokuk Daily Gate City. September 20, 1935

"Stirs South" from Mobile Press. September 20, 1935

"So They Say" from Parkersburg Sentinel. September 20, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Arkadelphia Siftings. September 20, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Camden News. September 20, 1935

"Kirby Raps Roosevelt" from Dallas Times Herald. September 21, 1935

"Southern Organization Says 70% Opposed to New Deal" from Ronceverte News. September 21, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Arkansas City Traveler. September 21, 1935

"Plea for Constitution" from Kansas City Kansan. September 21, 1935

"Bids for South's Votes" from Ottumwa Courier. September 21, 1935

"Bids for Votes" from Webster City Freeman Journal. September 21, 1935

"Bids for South" from Kankakee Republican News. September 21, 1935

"Speaker Raps New Deal for Law Changes" from Gadsden Times. September 21, 1935

"FDR Attacked For Drive on Constitution" from Little Rock Democrat. September 21, 1935

"So They Say" from Connersville News‑Examiner. September 21, 1935

"Washington Observations" by Frederic William Wile, from La Porte Herald Argus. September 21, 1935

Untitled article from Fort Wayne Journal Gazette. September 21, 1935

"Assails Roosevelt" from Mobile Press. September 21, 1935

Untitled article from Washington Post. September 21, 1935

"Uphold Constitution; Cherish Your Liberty Southerner's Advice" from Centralia Evening Sentinel. September 21, 1935

"Kirby Urges U.S. Return To Ideals" from San Antonio Light. September 21, 1935

"A Bit Off Balance" from Alexandria Town Talk. September 21, 1935

"Kirby Praises Constitution in New Deal Attack" from Cape Charles Press. September 21, 1935

"Kirby Attacks Roosevelt In Radio Talk" from Houston Chronicle. September 21, 1935

"Kirby Makes Appeal for Constitution" from Beaumont Journal. September 21, 1935

Untitled article from Norfolk Pilot. September 21, 1935

"Mr. Kirby Wrong Again" from Houston Press. September 21, 1935

"So They Say" from Poughkeepsie Evening Star. September 21, 1935

"So They Say" from Buffalo Times. September 21, 1935

"So They Say!" from Beacon-News. September 21, 1935

"Weekend of Washington" by J.C. Atchison, from New York City Daily News Record. September 21, 1935

"Roosevelt Hit for 'Changing U.S. Laws'" from Rochester Journal. September 21, 1935

"Roosevelt's Aims At Constitutional Upset Arouses Ire" from Middletown Herald. September 21, 1935

"Bids for Votes" from Lincoln Star (2 copies). September 21, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Roswell Dispatch. September 21, 1935

"New Deal Critic Says 'Poison Gas' Menaces Nation" from Kansas City Journal. September 21, 1935

"Personal Opinions" from Sandusky Star Journal. September 21, 1935

"Topics of the Times" from Enid News. September 21, 1935

"Fights New Deal" from Meadville Tribune Republican. September 21, 1935

"So They Say!" from Lawton Constitution. September 22, 1935

"John Henry Kirby Scores President" from Chattanooga Times. September 22, 1935

"Kirby In New Broadside" from Kansas City Star. September 22, 1935

"Barrage Opens Against Change in Constitution" from Johnson City Chronicle. September 22, 1935

"Says General Johnson: Constitution Is Useless Unless It Protects Nation" from Pittsburgh Press. September 22, 1935

"Roosevelt's Acts Attacked by Kirby" from Bristol Herald-Courier. September 22, 1935

"Much Ado" from Knoxville News. September 22, 1935

"Pleads for Turn From Socialism of New Deal" from Tulsa Tribune. September 22, 1935

"Kirby Attacks the New Deal" from Tyler Courier‑Times. September 22, 1935

"Kirby Turns Guns on Foes of Basic Law" from San Antonio Light. September 22, 1935

"Kirby Advocates Turn to Right" from San Antonio Express. September 22, 1935

"Nation Urged To Cherish Its Constitution" from Rochester American. September 22, 1935

"Republican Chiefs to Study Coalition" from New York Times. September 22, 1935

"Spirit of 1787" from New York Times. September 22, 1935

"Kirby Assails 'Poison Gas' of 'Socialist' Rule" from New York City American. September 22, 1935

"On Inside In Washington" by Elizabeth May Craig, from Portland Herald. September 22, 1935

"Roosevelt Draws Fire of Southern Committee Head" from Atlanta Journal. September 22, 1935

"Southern Leader Flays Roosevelt" from Danville Commercial News. September 22, 1935

"Fights New Deal" from Parkersburg News. September 22, 1935

"Kirby Pleads for Abolition of Raw Deal" from Washington Post. September 22, 1935

"Turn from 'Poison Gas of Socialism' says Lumberman" from Denver Morning Press. September 22, 1935

"What They Say" from Evansville Press. September 22, 1935

"So They Say!" from Amberland Times. September 23, 1935

"Southerner Terms President Ruthless" from Christian Science Monitor, Boston, Mass., Chicago Edition. September 23, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Hays News. September 23, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Durango Herald. September 23, 1935

Untitled article from Hiawatha World. September 23, 1935

"A Washington Daybook" by Herbert Plummer, from Morgantown Post. September 23, 1935

"Bids for South's Votes" from Casper Tribune-Herald. September 23, 1935

"Kirby Is Foe of Roosevelt; Plans Fight" from Ogdensburg Journal. September 23, 1935

"President Criticized" from Kinston Free Press. September 23, 1935

"Edgar A. Brown Denies Reports Opposes F.D.R." from Greenville News. September 23, 1935

"Much Ado" from Fort Worth Press. September 23, 1935

"Take Shackles from Business Says John Kirby" from Denison Herald. September 23, 1935

"Kirby Stirs South Against Roosevelt" from Clarksdale Register. September 23, 1935

"Kirby Urges Fight on Poisons of Socialism" from Orange Courier. September 23, 1935

"So Wealth Shall Rule" from Kennett Democrat. September 24, 1935

"A Washington Bystander" by Herbert Plummer, from Las Vegas Optic. September 24, 1935

"What's What at a Glance" by Charles P. Stewart, from Wilmington News Journal. September 24, 1935

"Rail Union Man Lashes Out Against Exemptions in House Revenue Bill" from Houston Chronicle. September 24, 1935

"A Daybook of Washington" by Herbert Plummer, from Ardmore Ardmorite. September 24, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Paris News. September 24, 1935

"The World At A Glance" by Leslie Eichel, from Massillon Evening Independence. September 24, 1935

"Washington At A Glance" by Charles P. Stewart, from Middletown Herald. September 24, 1935

"Charles P. Stewart Says" by Charles P. Stewart, from Washington Herald. September 24, 1935

"Anti‑FDR Leagues Show Realignment" from Xenia Evening Gazette. September 24, 1935

"At A Glance" by Leslie Eichel, from Xenia Evening Gazette. September 24, 1935

"Turn from 'Poison Gas of Socialism' says Lumberman" from Montrose Press. September 24, 1935

"Status of Southern Revolt" from Rock Island Argus. September 24, 1935

"Washington Daybook" by Herbert Plummer, from Rockford Regular Republican. September 25, 1935
"A Washington Daybook" by Herbert Plummer, from Springfield Register. September 25, 1935

"Familiar Name Leads South's New Deal Foes" by Herbert Plummer, from Rock Island Argus. September 25, 1935

"A Washington Daybook" by Herbert Plummer, from Arkadelphia Siftings. September 25, 1935

"Washington Letter" by Herbert Plummer, from Moultrie Observer. September 25, 1935

"Anti‑Rooseveltians Will Not Succeed" from Carthage Republican. September 25, 1935

"A Washington Daybook" from Upper Sandusky Union. September 25, 1935

"The World At A Glance" by Leslie Eichel, from Massillon Evening Independence. September 25, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Shamrock Texan. September 25, 1935

"Washington At A Glance" by Charles P. Stewart, from Titusville Herald. September 25, 1935

"Kirby Back on National Scene" from Hackensack Record. September 25, 1935

"Much Ado" from Helena Independent. September 25, 1935

"Anti‑FDR Leagues Composed of Old Line Democrats Indicate Realignment" from Elmira Advertiser. September 25, 1935

"Kirby Stirs South Against Roosevelt" from Biloxi Herald. September 26, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Enid Eagle. September 26, 1935

"Washington Daybook" by Herbert Plummer, from Johnson City Chronicle. September 26, 1935

"A Washington Daybook" from Galveston Tribune. September 26, 1935

"Much Ado" from El Paso Herald. September 26, 1935

"Business Is Opposed And Labor Lauds" from Xenia Evening Gazette. September 26, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Salina Journal. September 26, 1935

"John Henry Kirby Picks Out Tough Job for Himself" from Freeport Standard. September 26, 1935

"Bids For South's Votes" from Winchester Sun. September 26, 1935

"National News and Gossip" by Charles P. Stewart, from Peoria Transcript. September 26, 1935

"A Washington Daybook" by Herbert Plummer, from Taylorville Breeze Courier. September 26, 1935

"Hollywood Sights and Sounds" from Ashland Independent. September 27, 1935

"Washington Daybook" by Herbert Plummer, from Waukegan News-Sun. September 27, 1935

"So They Say!" from Logansport Press. September 27, 1935

"Business Continues to Object to New Deal as Labor Sings its Praise" from Hammond Times. September 27, 1935

"The Constitution" from New Albany Ledger. September 27, 1935

"High‑Powered Rackets" from East Chicago Independent News. September 27, 1935

"Bids for Dixie Vote" from Portsmouth Times. September 27, 1935

"Bids for Votes" from Steubenville Herald-Star. September 27, 1935

"Washington At A Glance" by Charles P. Stewart, from Middletown Herald. September 27, 1935

"Michelson Hits Blocs Aimed at New Deal Ways" from Hackensack Record. September 27, 1935

"Business Objects Under Present Reasoning on New Deal as Labor Praises" by Charles P. Stewart, from Elmira Advertiser. September 27, 1935

"Retailing Pick‑Up Is Only Sign Yet of Prosperity Revival" from Brooklyn Times Union. September 28, 1935

"Fights New Deal" from Lockport Union Sun Journal. September 28, 1935

"What's What At A Glance" by Charles P. Stewart, from Vicksburg Herald. September 28, 1935

"New Deal Views of State and Nation" from Taylorville Breeze Courier. September 28, 1935

"Dispelling the Fog" by Charles Michelson, from Richmond Register. September 28, 1935

"Dispelling the Fog" by Charles Michelson, from West Point Times. September 29, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Pueblo Star‑Journal. September 29, 1935

"New Deal Foe" from Winfield Courier. October 2, 1935

"South Rebels Socialist Lean of President" from Centralia Evening Sentinel. October 3, 1935

"The Constitution" from Troy Chief. October 3, 1935

"Democrats in South Revolt" from Centralia Journal. October 4, 1935

"Kirby Stirs South Against Roosevelt" from Greenville Democrat-Times. October 5, 1935

"Washington Observations" by Frederic William Wile. undated

Jesse L. Easterwood Notebook

  • US TxAM-C 11
  • Collection
  • 1908-01-26-1909-02-06

This collection consists of one notebook (housed in a phase box), measuring approximately 10 x 8 inches, containing 49 leaves of machine ruled paper, in cloth over cardboard covers, which was manufactured with two-hole punched metal fasteners.

The front cover design shows: at the top "…A. & M. COLLEGE…, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS"; in the center, a black and white picture depicting the Old Main building on the Texas A & M College campus, measuring 4.5 x 4 inches; below picture, "Department of" with a ruled space filled in by hand with ink the word "Horticulture," and "Name" with a ruled space filled in by hand in ink with the name "Jess Easterwood."; at center bottom, "PUBLISHED BY, W. M. WELCH MFG. COMPANY, 100 LAKE ST., CHICAGO, WELCH'S PATENT AUTOMATIC FASTENER." The name "EASTERWOOD" and other initials, etc. are scrawled in ink or pencil on the front cover as well.

Most of the notebook's leaves are filled in on the recto page only with class notes written by hand in either pencil or ink, labeled as taken from lectures. A few pages are filled with scrawled names and phrases, repeated over and over, the phrases usually in some way related to the lecture notes, but often just variations on Easterwood's name or initials.

One exception found on leaf 19 is the beginnings of a draft letter, dated January 25, [19]08, to his father, noting that Easterwood has been recently ill for a "protracted" period of time. Lecture notes in roughly the first half of the notebook pertain to Animal Husbandry [l. 1-14; l. 15-18 & 20 are blank], especially causes, symptoms, and treatment of conditions such as colic, heaves, constipation, dysentery, catarrh of stomach and bowels in livestock, while the latter half are concerned with a class labeled "Horticulture 4" [l. 21-49; the top half of l. 45 is torn out], particularly the cultivating of fruit trees and the marketing of their produce.

Aside from presenting an interesting taste of curriculum offerings at Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College in the early twentieth century, some of the notebook's scrawled asides give a quite colorful glimpse into the mind of a restless and enterprising cadet straying from the lecture in progress.

Easterwood, Jesse L., 1888-1919

Garrett Family Historical Papers (On Loan)

  • US TxAM-C 1138
  • Collection

This collection consists of the following materials:

  • Texas colonization land grant between Stephen F. Austin and William Cooper (dated July 1824) for acreage near the town of San Felipe de Austin, Texas. (4 pages, Spanish).
  • Transcription of Texas colonization land grant between Stephen F. Austin and William Cooper (dated July 1824) for acreage near the town of San Felipe de Austin, Texas. With additional information regarding the location of the land grant. Transcription includes some errors in translation. (4 pages, English).
  • Holograph letter from Lucinda M. Cooper to William [Cooper], January 24, 1864. Letter from wife to her husband who is fighting in the United States Civil War expressing concerns about the conditions at home.

Willmund Reaux Glaeser Diary

  • US TxAM-C 114
  • Collection
  • 1919-1920

This collection contains a diary (December 9, 1919 - November 25, 1920), signed by hand in ink on recto of the first leaf "Willmund Reaux Glaeser", held on top and bound with three-hole-punched loose-leaf ring binder memo book, with imitation brown leather covers, measuring about 14 x 9 cm. Filler paper (120 leaves) is narrow-ruled in blue, with most entries closely handwritten in ink, a very few in pencil, on both sides of the leaves, with only 21 leaves left completely blank. Some leaves preceding the diary entries are filled with names and addresses of friends and family, lists of traveler's cheques and numbers, as well as other miscellaneous lists. Unused index divider sheets labeled A-Z are included in a group at the back of the main body of diary entries. Diary entries begin on leaves just after the group of index dividers, continue for only two leaves, then begin again starting from the other end of the diary. Typed transcript on 39 pages of 8.5 x 11-inch white bond paper is undated, untitled and the author is unknown.

Entries in the diary are fairly evenly divided between Glaeser's service on the tramp steamer Sag Harbor, and on the New York-based excursion ships, the S.S. Chester W. Chapin and S.S. Richard Peck.

As a wireless operator aboard the "tramp freighter" S.S. Sag Harbor, Glaeser sailed the coast of South America to the port of Antofagasta, Chile, to take on a cargo of "nitrates and saltpetes." Glaeser describes hordes of migrating birds, ducks, whales, sea lion, sharks, and pelicans. With great gusto Glaeser includes much detail on life aboard ship, including a crew of mixed nationalities, contending with furious storms at sea and drunken brawls ashore, often ending in arrests and wounds. One steward, in particular, addicted to both "booze and cocaine," proves especially disturbing, since ships stores of food are being sold off to fund the man's habit. The S.S. Sag Harbor puts into port at Malon, Panama, then Balboa and Panama City, passing through the canal on January 22, 1920, with orders to proceed to Baltimore. Storms are reported disabling and sinking several ships off the coast of Georgia (January 30, 1920 - February 3, 1920), but the S.S. Sag Harbor reaches Baltimore safely on February 9, 1920, proceeding on to Washington, DC. With a new captain and much better steward, hence better meals, the S.S. Sag Harbor takes on a cargo of coal bound for Havana, Cuba, where a long longshoreman's strike holds up both delivery of cargo and taking on new cargo, from early February to mid-March 1920. Finally free to take their new cargo of phosphates to Wilmington, NC the S.S. Sag Harbor continues on its journey, finally arriving on May 8, 1920, in New York City.

In New York City, Glaeser stays at the YMCA intermittently as he is transferred May 28, 1920, to the S.S. Chester W. Chapin, an excursion steamer based in New London, Conn., and later (June 5, 1920) to another excursion boat, the S.S. Richard Peck. While in New York, Glaeser has quite a social life, visiting restaurants, theatres, and the shore on dates, but also looking for an office job. He buys stock in the Century Adding Machine Co. and is offered a job starting a sales agency for the company in Texas, but Glaeser declines that offer, later taking a position as an accountant with the A. H. Bull Steamship Co. in New York.

Glaeser includes vivid descriptions of life in the ports of Havana, Cuba, Miami, and Tampa Bay, FL, Charleston, SC, Wilmington, NC, as well as the cities of Baltimore and New York in 1920. He is attuned to the unrest of longshoremen in Cuba, observes the unsteady nature of trading on the stock exchange, and aware that, although life on a tramp steamer is romantic to a young man fresh out of the Army in World War I, it is eventually not that attractive a life considering the storms, brawls, and other natural vicissitudes of peacetime seafaring life. Glaeser's sense of adventure and humor are both keen, so he manages to infuse the diary with both in equal measure.

Glaeser, Willmund, 1897-1966

United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station Marker

  • US TxAM-C 1141
  • Collection
  • 1935

This U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey marker dated 1935 marking the point at which a triangulation station was established for the purposes of conducting multiple geodetic surveys in the area. The marker is a bronze disk with a diameter of 3.5 inches and a circumference of 10.99 inches. This marker was placed on the Texas A&M campus in 1935 by the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey to identify the position of a horizontal control triangulation station. The station was constructed for the purposes of making observations for at least two survey runs (Austin to Navasota in 1935, and Cameron to Madisonville in 1943). Removed in 2013 because of new campus construction, the marker was originally located some 80 feet east of the northeast corner of what was then the A&M Creamery and 150 feet south-southwest of what was then the railroad depot.

A triangulation station is a type of horizontal control, a mark at a precisely established latitude and longitude. The position of a triangulation station is determined by measuring distances and angles from other stations and is typically associated with nearby reference mark disks and an azimuth mark disk. The marker was originally located on the Texas A&M campus near the former site of the Creamery and was removed due to the Welborn Road construction project.

The marker has a small triangle in the center and the words “Triangulation Station” on the rim. There was a $250 fine or imprisonment for disturbing the mark.

Dave South Bobble Head

  • US TxAM-C 1145
  • Collection

This collection consists of one "ATM Dave South Bobblehead Collectible Presented by AARP Texas", unopened and in the original box.

Joseph Sayers Mogford Papers

  • US TxAM-C 1146
  • Collection
  • 1916-1980

This collection contains the personal letters of Dr. Joseph Sayers Mogford's (TAMU 1916) during his years as the Former Student Association's Class Agent in 1971-1980. Other documents in this collection include; a Bryan/College Station Eagle's special edition newspaper exploring the history of College Station, June 24, 1979, and Mogford's original 1916 graduation announcement.

Mogford, J. S. (Joseph Sayers), 1893-1989

Mogford Materials

1/1: Obituary of Dr. Joseph Sayers Mogford, who died at the age of 95, discusses synopses of life and achievements in his professional career in cotton agriculture. (photocopy)

1/2: Photographs

  • Graduation pamphlet at A&M Colleege. June 1, 1954
  • A&M College athletic track [?] team with a letter on the back from H. E. Runge thanking Joe for interesting 1916 class letter and for the list of those still living and enjoy seeing this picture (with envelope). 1916 [?]
  • A&M Class of 1916 25th reunion

1/3: Miscellaneous Envelopes to Mogford

1/4: Correspondence to Mogford

  • Class of 1916 stationary. Undated
  • Typed letter from George Moffet discussing the class reunion, along with cotton production at his farm, was non-existent due to a long Texas drought. May 25, 1971
  • Typed Sul Ross Reunion Advance Registration list containing the names of living members who are invited, along with the deceased members in memoriam (5 pages). May 13-15, 1971
  • Typed letter watermarked paper reminder for 1916 class dinner. Undated
  • Telegram from Otis Taylor stating best wishes and fond memories from classmates who can attend the 55th class reunion. May 13, 1970
  • Letter to J. R. Howes (Roscoe) from David A. Turner discussing a deceased colleague and friend A. D. Bruce, trip to Arlington cemetery and met with friends of A.D. Bruce, and funeral ceremony of Bruce at Arlington with clipping of obituary of General Bruce. August 11, 1969 (photocopy)
  • Copy transcript about the Super Intendant of the Texas Agricultural department station five miles east of Beeville TX, R. A. Hall dies of illness. The document discusses R. A. Hall's funeral arrangements along with his life and legacy. October 2, 1969
    Advance reservations of TAMC class reunion dated April 25, 1966
  • Typed document classmates at TAMC class of 1916 list of names and addresses. April 1968
  • Handwritten letter from Thomas S. Porter praising Joe's class of 16' letter and reunion along with personal information about his life along (with envelope). April 26, 1971
  • Typed letter from A. C. (Mike) Casey declining the invitation to the 55th class reunion due to personal matters and best wishes for a happy 55th reunion (envelope included). April 27, 1971
  • Handwritten letter from Hugh B. Killough thanking him for the invitation to the 55th reunion of 1916 class and visit in 1964, then goes on to discuss personal retirement and best wishes
    envelope attached. April 28, 1916 [miss-dated, most likely 1971]
  • Typed letter from D. Burns declining the 55th class reunion due to work schedule and wishes best regards to former classmates. May 6, 1971
  • Handwritten letter from Otis from Edwards Engineering Group, thanking Joe for the letter invitation to the 55th class reunion, but declining due to personal matters and wishing the best
    envelope attached. May 6, 1971
  • Typed Letter from Uel Stephens giving appreciation for letter correspondence about the 55th class reunion and regretfully declining the invitation due to work matters. May 6, 1971
  • Class of 1916 formal invitation written by the 1916 Class Agent Joseph S. Mogford greeting class 16', with a handwritten note on the bottom from J. S. Mogford urging him to join them at the reunion with a handwritten reply on the top of the letter from Hans Frack Manageu. April 25, 1971
  • Typed letter from Paul F. Ray declining the invitation due to a personal condition and gives best wishes (envelope attached). April 30, 1971
  • Handwritten letter from John C. Person declining the invitation due to personal condition and gives best wishes (envelope attached). May 10, 1971
  • Memo from The Association of Former Students to Agent Class of 16' (Joe S. Mogford) to an unknown discussing record of class members and contributing members and the total amount of money contributed from class 1916. 1972
  • Handwritten letter from Otis O. Taylor thanking Joe for the update about A&M and class 16' members and plan to be at the Sul Ross Class meeting but not meet with him this year and hope for the best (2 pages, envelope attached). March 26, 1973
  • Christmas (holiday) letter from O. O. Jayton and family hoping to be with them for the 60th class reunion (envelope attached). 1973 [date on envelope]
  • Handwritten letter from J. V. Meyer discussing personal matters (envelope attached). July 9, 1980
  • Typed letter from Myron F. Ward discussing personal matters and damaging weather to the citrus orchards (envelope attached). January 3, 1976
  • Handwritten letter from Hough B. Killough discussing personal matters and Christmas greetings along with the TAMU game against Arkansas (envelope attached). December 25, 1975
  • Typed letter from Jesse E. White discussing class 1916 information on 60th reunion with questions about the reunion and personal matters. December 31, 1975

1/5: Seed and Plant Board Austin Texas Certificate of State Registered Plant Breeder and License to Produce (license no. 2) awarded to Dr. J. S. Mogford

  • Signed by Chairman Dwane Miller and secretary Cliff Todd, Undated
  • Signed by Chairman Mr. Bloodeonth and secretary Don Ator. 1979
  • Signed by Chairman Grady Clark and secretary of Board H. Staffed Jr.. 1975
  • Signed by Chairman Grady Clark and secretary H. Staffel Jr.. 1974
  • Signed by Chairman Grady Clark and secretary H. Staffel Jr.. 1973
  • Signed by Chairman Grady Clark and secretary H. Staffel Jr.. 1972
  • Envelope from the department of Agriculture. January 17, 1975

1/6: The Cattleman

  • Scanned copies of the article "Home life on Early Ranches of Southwest Texas" by William Mogford Gillespie and Menard Counties. (4 pages 2 copies)
  • The Cattleman, Fort Worth, Texas Volume 27 No 4, (31 pages, some copies some repeated pages, some original). September 1940

1/7: National Geographic map, "Early Civilizations in the Middle East". 1978

1/8: Articles from The Bryan-College Station Eagle. June 24, 1979

  • Article on Burleson County TX history by D. L. Alford Jr.
  • "Navasota Claims La Salle"
  • "Sheriff's Siege was end of Grimes Populist Era" by Tim Cumings

1/9: Articles from The Bryan-College Station Eagle (full paper). June 24, 1979

  • "Traces" discussing the Republic of Texas and the Texas land grant 1876 in the Brazos and surrounding counties.
  • "Railroad favors Bryan over Boonville"
  • "College Station Recent community" talks about College Station history from 1938
  • "Easement first city topic"
  • "Early Bryan Notes Burn"
  • "Jail Construction Early County Hurdle"
  • A&M history titled "Painful Growth, Glory Mark A&M History: Traces"
  • "Railway was heartbeat of the early days"
  • "Early Law Enforcement: Simple but Sure"
  • "Reminders Still Stand Today" (historic structures in Brazos Valley)
  • "Early School Districts Traced" (Brazos valley school district history)
  • "Lawlessness part of Frontier history" (Brazos County history violence/crime/law)
  • "Telegraph, Newspapers Carried the World" (Brazos Valley Telegraphs)
  • "Pioneer physicians hardy"
  • "Social Swirl Sets the Scene" discussing social events in the Brazos Valley
  • "Flour sold for $5 dollars a barrel in 1889"
  • "'King Cotton' called Calvert's cash crop"
  • "Indian's, Spaniards first Madison Arrivals" talks about the Camino Real early road in Brazos Valley

1/10: Letters

  • Typed letter from Uel Stephens apologizing for the late reply to his previous letter and sending a reproduction of a presentation in the ASCE annual meeting in Fort Worth and sends apologies for not being able to attend the class meeting. May 4, 1976
  • Typed formal letter from The Former Student Association to Palmer H. Olsen class of 1916 to attend the 60th class anniversary. Enclosed is a personal handwritten P.S. was written by Mogford on the very bottom in black ink joking about a copy of the "scandal sheet" and personal jokes. Also on the letter, is a reply from Olsen declining the invitation, and giving regards to Mogford's family and talking about his own health and well being
  • Document on the Sul Ross Reunion Class of 1926 (May 13-15, 1976) with a handwritten class of 16' in black felt. Enclosed is a list of accommodation arrangements and price of dinner/person at $6.75 per dinner, signed by Guy Groom.
  • Typed formal document from Mogford of The Former Student Association Class of 1916 to Guy Groom. April 28, 1976
    a handwritten note in blue stating "will be busy" (possibly a decline from Guy Groom to attend the event)
  • Typed formal seminar from the Texas A&M University Development Foundation Estate Planning Seminar Centennial Year Sul Ross Reunion with introductory remarks from Robert M. Rutledge class of 66' with following discussions on the importance of proper estate planning and the use of trusts and gifts in your estate planning (handwritten notes on the back). May 14, 1976
  • Typed formal Sul Ross Reunion on May 13-15, 1976 with felt handwritten note to Mogford, class agent, apologizing for not being able to make it to the event due to personal issues and to send the names of those who make it with signed signature by O. O. Taylor.
  • Formal typed letter from Olive DeLucia, Association of Former Students to Dr. Henry C. Dethloff inviting him to the centennial Sul Ross Reunion Class of 1916 celebrating 60th Anniversary. April 16, 1976
  • Handwritten note in green ink to Joe stating "for your information (then drawn in a smiley face) J"
  • Typed letter from Oscar R. Olson offering his condolences to Mogford on his wife's illness and praising his job as a class agent, but declining the 60th class reunion due to travel restraints. March 21, 1976
  • Typed letter from A. C. Casey declining the invitation to the 60th class reunion due to personal matters. May 4, 1976
  • Typed list of classmates at A&M with handwritten notes on the back, revised list as of November 1973
  • Typed list of classmates at A&M with handwritten notes on the back, revised list as of October 1969
  • Handwritten letter from Hans E. Runge discussing his thanks for the class agent letters, discussing Aggie football game where he expects the Aggies to beat Georgia Bulldogs along with information about a textile mill and A&M campus. July 11, 1980
  • Excerpt from Aggie magazine (pages 33-34) listing Aggie Class years 1905-1971. December [?]
  • Excerpt from The Texas Aggie" (pages 34, 37-38) containing Aggie Class Agents of '76 to '77 and deceased members of silver taps of that year. December 1977
  • Typed list of Classmates at A&M revised list in 1972 with handwritten notes "1916 Class Roll" on back.
  • Texas A&M Former Student Association class reunion overview including the list of attendees, letters that could not be present, list of classmates who have passed away, along with TAMU baseball records and annual Former Student Association funds, etc., signed by Mogford. Undated
  • Typed List of deceased class members since our last reunion held May 13-15 1971 with handwritten additions to the list. May 11, 1976
  • Postcard from Herman E. Miller discussing personal matters about his father passing away who was from the class of 1916 with an attached handwritten note from J. S. Mogford inviting Herman to attend the class 65th reunion. April 28, 1980
  • List of names and addresses of classmates now living. 1976

J. Oscar Morgan Papers

  • US TxAM-C 1147
  • Collection
  • 1911-1912

This collection contains papers of Dr. J. Oscar Morgan who was a Professor of Agronomy at A & M College of Texas in the early 1900s. Few exact dates could be identified, but some of the papers are dated around 1911-1912.

There is no information about whether these papers were ever published as articles, or whether they were used only in the classroom.

Essays and Papers

1/1: Information about the collection, and a finding guide

1/2: Letter to Dr. Cofer from J. E. Adams discussing the transfer of the files of J. Oscar Morgan, July 3, 1953 (typed)

1/3: "Broom Corn" by J. O. Morgan (original, typed on tracing paper, photocopy included)

1/4: "Don't Handicap the Corn and Cotton by Giving it a Poor Start" by J. O. Morgan (original, typed on tracing paper, photocopy included)

1/5: "Stable Manure Vs. Green Manure as a Source of Organic Matter for Soils" by J. O. Morgan (original, typed on tracing paper)

1/6: "Corn Culture in the South" by J. O. Morgan, 1912 (original, typed, photocopy included)

1/7: "Some Considerations of Soil Improvement" by J. O. Morgan (3 pages, original, typed on tracing paper, multiple copies)

1/8: "Some Needs of Texas Agriculture" by J. O. Morgan, March 15, 1911 (32 pages, original typed)

1/9: "The Relation of Soil Fertility to Farm Management" by J. O. Morgan (5 pages, original, typed on tracing paper, photocopy of essay described included)

1/10: "The Important of crop notation" by J. O. Morgan (original, typed on tracing paper, multiple copies)

1/11: "Now is the time for plan your future cropping system", no author possibly J. O. Morgan (original, typed on tracing paper, multiple)

1/12: "The Manure Problem on the Farm", no author, possibly J. O. Morgan (3 pages, multiple copies)

1/13: "Don't Neglect the Fall Preparation of your Seed Bad" written by J. O. Morgan (original, typed on tracing paper)

1/14: "Crops for the Silo" by J. O. Morgan (multiple copies)

1/15: "The Relation of Commercial Fertilizers to Green Manures", no author, possibly J. O. Morgan (6 copies)

1/16: "More Alfalfa for Texas" by J. O. Morgan (2 copies)

1/17: "Fertilizers, Manures, and rotations for Cotton", no author, possibly J. O. Morgan (multiple copies)

1/18: "Some Profitable Crops that can yet be produced by Texas Farmers" by J. O. Morgan (multiple copies)

1/19: "The First Steps in Preparing the Seedbed for Corn", no author, possibly J. O. Morgan (4 pages, original, typed on tracing paper)

1/20: "The Eradication of Johnson grass" by J. O. Morgan (multiple copies)

1/21: Miscellaneous Papers

  • "Interacts from the U.S. Departments of Agriculture Washington D.C.", no author, Undated (original document, typed on tracing paper). Discusses three chemicals that kill vegetation and a method the Australians use to kill weeds that is less harmful to crops.
  • Document providing the definitions of different biomes (2 pages, typed)
  • Agriculture curriculum, training, and other information regarding of A&M College of Texas (3 pages, typed)
  • Importance of fall plowing for the soil (typed)
  • Sub-irrigation techniques for crops. (3 pages, typed)
  • Proper techniques for planting broom corn. (2 pages, handwritten in pencil)
  • Handwritten notes in pencil
  • Scanned photocopies of all the documents

Small Grains and Flax

Summary of Small Grains and Flax Performance Trials in Texas, 1890-1969 - Compiled by Atkins

A History of Flax in Texas - Research and Production Complete Copy-Key

Press Articles on Small Grains - These are the Historical Popular publications on the Texas Small Grains Research Program and Early History of Texas Agricultural Experimental Substation No. 6, 1922-1980. Compiled by Atkins in August 1981.

Photographs and Information

Information on Wheat - Introduction, Early Records, comments, wheat in Texas

Information on Oats - Information on Oats in Texas, Information on Barley

Photographs - Dr. IM Atkins, USDA- TAES, 1930-1954, small grain project leader, 1954-1969

Photographs - Paul Dunble circa 1945

Old No. 6 and the Texas Small Grains Program - 1889-1969 By IM Atkins

Photographs and negatives - P.C. Mangelsdorf, Vice Director TAES, 1932-38?

Photographs and negatives - R.C. Hall, Substation No. 1, 192?-1960?

Kenedy Flax Festival 1947-1953 - Newspaper clippings, festival schedule, coronation committees, negatives and photographs.

Hybrid Wheat - Articles on hybrid wheats, booklets, reports progress in Hybrid Wheat research, frontier wheat improvement, 1950-1980

McFadden's unfinished papers - Theories, ideas, letters, etc. assembled by Atkins after McFadden's death in 1955.

Photographs and Letters

Photographs and negatives - Texas Substation no. 6 people, 1985

Photographs - Experimental wheat plants

Photographs - oats

Photographs - plant diseases

Pictures - wheat distribution 1879, 1909, 1919, 1975, etc.

Pictures - flax

History of small grains in Texas and on Flax - A few comments concerning Texas A&M University Bulletins 1301-1316 in February 1981

Photographs and negatives and letters - From Atkins

Photographs and negatives and letters - To Atkins

Photographs - Along the Rio Grande, Old Fort Seaton, When Wheat weas first grown Blaker Metate

Letters and photos - International harvester

Letters and photos - Contest Santa Fe Railroad

Photographs - Threshing Time

Letters and photos - Pictures of early graining machines from International Harvester

Gideon J. Buck Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1149
  • Collection
  • 1894-1898

This collection includes letters written by Buck's friends and colleagues, recommending him for the position of President of A&M College of Texas.

Buck, Gideon J.

Correspondence and News Clipping

Brief biography of Gideon J. Buck

Letters exchanged between Buck and L. S. Ross (2 pages handwritten). The letter from Ross to Buck is dated May 10, 1894.

Recommendation letters on behalf of Gideon J. Buck for the position of President of Texas A&M (folders 1/3 through 1/11).
From W. E. Collard from Austin, TX (1 page handwritten). January 7, 1898
To W. R. Cavitt from a man in Laredo, Texas (1 page typed). January 8, 1898

From J. S. Hogg to Hon. Gideon J. Buck in Austin, Texas (1 page typed). January 10, 1898
From J. G. Yeufrior (Downey, Cal.) to Hon. W. R Cavitt (1 page handwritten). January 14, 1898

Handwritten copy of January 10th letter in folder 1/4 (1 page).

From J. K. Shread (Waco, Texas) to J. S. Hogg (1 page handwritten). January 10, 1898
From J. S. Hogg (Austin, Texas) to Gideon J. Buck (1 page typed). January 31, 1898

To the Board of Directors of Texas A&M by a group of men in Waco, Texas. Their names are: J. K . Street , J. T. Morrison, Waller S. Baker , J.W. Taylor, R. E. Jouitis, Charles B. Pearre, R. W. Park, Lo. McCulluek, J. S. Sluoler, D. R. Gurly, E. Rotain, D. W. Naroly, and Sam R. Scott (3 pages typed). January 28, 1898

Handwritten copy of letter in folder 1/7 (4 pages).

From H. E. Willson in Taylor, Texas (2 pages handwritten). January 27, 1898

From Julian Garroll Kendrion M.D. (Downy, Cal.) to Judge Spenion Ford in Bryan, Texas (2 pages typed). February 1, 1898

From C. Pearre to unknown in Laredo, Texas (2 pages handwritten). February 8, 1898

Newspaper article announcing the death of J. C. Kendrick (xerox copy). June 1, 1906

World War II Map of Italy

  • US TxAM-C 115
  • Collection
  • 1943

This collection contains two topographical maps marked with military grid lines, originally published in 1941 by the British War Office, but apparently used by American forces in this instance. One for Cassino, Italy (sheet 160), the other for Isernia, Italy (Sheet 161), in Transverse Mercator Projection with military grid lines and joined with linen tape along the south grid number 96 to form one sheet measuring 50 cm x 72 cm. The map legend is missing on both sections however cities, towns, rivers, streams, roads (major roads in red stamped with numbers), railroads, relief is shown by contour lines, and spot heights can be seen.

The Isernia map is inscribed on the lower half of the back of it mostly in pencil, but with a few notes in ink. The inscriptions, possibly in several different hands, record times of day by the military clock, and locations numerically oriented on the military grid map for various military actions. These actions include remarks on place and type of artillery or small arms fire, observations on the taking of prisoners of war, and other actions in the area southwest of the Rapido River and the town of Cassino. According to the orientation of the action, these notes apparently record fighting by Allied forces against the German army in the Mignano Gap region preceding the Battle of Monte Cassino (January 12, 1944 - May 19, 1944).

The linen tape joining the two maps appears to have been added after inscriptions made on the Isernia map, but most likely during the campaign itself, to be useful for the entire area involved in the Battle of Monte Cassino. Polish troops, the 7th Infantry, and the name Custer are mentioned. The Isernia map is also inscribed in ink in the margin at the top with "Knapp - 31309661, K Co." (possible serial number and company designation K for a soldier named Knapp).

Published by the War Office of Great Britain, originally in 1941, though both sections have a date of 1943 for the second edition. Both maps are designated part of the series "Geographical Section, General Staff, No. 4164." Maps may have been reproduced by the U.S. Army Map Service.

British War Office

H. B. Stoddard Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1152
  • Collection
  • 1880-1912; Undated

This collection contains items pertaining to the life of Henry Bates Stoddard. Stoddard served on a committee designed to head the local effort to locate a proposed girls' industrial school at A&M. Stoddard was once considered for the Presidency of A&M College of Texas in 1902.

The collection contains many petitions from various citizens of Texas to the Board of Directors of Texas A&M. The petitions request the consideration of H. B. Stoddard to fill the vacant position of President of the College. (Stoddard did not, ultimately, become President.) Included herein is also Stoddard's handwritten will to his daughter and sister-in-law, a picture of Stoddard, two letters written to him, and several other items.

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