1-1: Brazos Educational Radio-KEOS, 1992-1993; Undated
- Public Inspection File contents page, 1993
- Correspondence to Mrs. Searcy from Harry F. Cole, September 30, 1992
- Amendment application File No. BPED-920413MF of Brazos Educational Radio with Amendment signature by Eric W. Truax (2 pages), Undated
- Non-Ionizing Radiation Occupational Hazard Statement, signed by Kenneth B. Devine, September 25, 1992
- Petition to Leave to Amend, Grant of Applications and Termination of Proceeding, July 16, 1993 (6 pages)
- Amendment to Brazos Educational Radio signed by Eric W. Traux, July 14, 1993 (4 pages)
- Application for a construction permit for the noncommercial educational broadcast station, February 1992 (2 pages)
- Exhibit E - Engineering Statement on Behalf of Brazos Educational Radio, FCC Form 340, Section VB (2 pages)
- Brazos Educational Radio form Section V-B (6 pages), February 1992
- Engineering Statement signed by Donald E. Mussell Jr., July 12, 1993 (4 pages)
- Topographic map photocopy of Transmitter Site Location Map Brazos Educational Radio College Station, TX (1 page) taken in 1960 and edited in 1980 (1 page)
- Allocation map photocopy, July 1993 (1 page)
- Broadcasting Engineering Services Allocation and Interference Study, July 11, 1993 (1 page)
- Figure 3A - Vertical Sketch New Educational FM Station couture map (1 page)
- Figure 5 (1) - TV-6 Interference Study Map Figure 1 (1 page)
- Figure 5 (2) - TV-6 Interference Study Map Figure 2 (1 page)
- Figure 5A - Data World TV-6 Interconference study, an amendment to application BPED (12 pages)
- Figure 6 - Elevation and Contour Data Brazos Educational Radio (1 page)
- Certificate of Service signed by Harry P. Cole, July (1 page)
- Affidavit and Qualifications of Donald E. Mussell Jr. signed by Donald E. Mussell Jr. (1 page)
- Correspondence from Dale E. Bickel to Eric Traux, October 18, 1993 (2 pages)
- Correspondence from Dale E. Bickel from William F. Canton, November 4, 1993 (1 page)
- Correspondence from Dale E. Bickel from Eric Traux, October 18, 1993 (2 pages)
- Amendment, October 29, 1993 (1 page)
- Exhibit E - Engineering Statement on Behalf of Brazos Educational Radio New Educational FM Station, Ch 206-A 891 MHz. 0.100kW 77.3 Meters (2 pages)
- Section V-B - FM Broadcast Engineering Data, February 1992 (3 pages)
- Engineering Statement submitted by Donald E. Mussel Jr., October 29, 1993 (4 pages)
- Photocopy of a topographical map (1 page)
- Allocation map, D. Mussel, October 10, 1993 (1 page)
- Broadcast Engineering Services, October 27, 1993 (1 page)
- Vertical Sketch New Educational FM Station (1 page)
- Figure 4 - Contour Map Brazos Educational Radio (1 page)
- Figure 5 (2) - TV-6 Interference Study Map 1 (2 pages)
- Figure 5A - Channel 6 Interference Study Area, October 29, 1993 (10 pages)
- Figure 5A - Channel 6 Interference Study Data, October 29, 1993 (1 page)
- Affidavit and Qualifications of Donald E. Mussell Jr. (1 page)
- Correspondence to Mr. Caton from Harry F. Cole, December 17, 1993 (1 page)
- Amendment to Brazos Educational Radio, December 16, 1993 (1 page)
- Section V-8 - FM Broadcast Engineering Data (1 page)
- Envelope addressed to Brazos Educational Radio (1 page)
- Correspondence to Mr. Caton from Eric W. Traux, March 15, 1994 (1 page)
- Correspondence to Mrs. Hughes from Eric W. Traux (1 page)
- Certification Pursuant to Section I. 202 of the Commissions by Eric. W. Traux, April 7, 1994 (1 page)
- Correspondence to Mr. Canton from Harry F. Cole, November 22, 1994 (1 page)
- United States of America Federal Communications Report for noncommercial Educational Broadcast Station (2 pages)
- Federal Communications Commission FM Broadcast Station Construction Permit, January 6, 1994 (4 pages)
- Correspondence from Eric Traux KEOS 89.1FM, April 3, 1995 (1 page)
- FCC 302-FM Application for FM Broadcast Station License, August 1992 (6 pages)
- Engineering Exhibit 1 and 2 for Radio Station KEOS-FM Application for FM Broadcast Station License (2 pages)
1-2: Brazos Educational Radio-KEOS, 1997
- FCC 303-5, Application for Renewal of License for AM, FM, TV, Translation or LPTV Station, June 1995 (4 pages)
- Explanation for asserting 47 C.F.R. 1.1307 - Compliance for Radio Station KEOS College Station, TX (1 page)
- Exhibit 1 Explanation for not filing Broadcast Station Annual Employment Report (FCC Form 395-B) as required by 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3612 (1 page)
- Broadcast Equal Employment Opportunity Program Report, August 1994 (2 pages)
- FCC 323-E Ownership Report For Noncommercial Educational Broadcast Station, February 1995 (2 pages)
- Broadcast Station Annual Employment Report, February 1997 (2 pages)
- Correspondence to Mr. Caton from John Crigler, October 14, 1997 (1 page)
- FCC 340 Application for Construction Permit for Noncommercial Educational Broadcast Station, February 1992 (1 page)
- Legal qualification for Brazos Educational Radio, February 1992 (5 pages)
- Brazos Educational Radio Nature of Applicant, September 1997 (4 pages)
- Engineering Report, September 1, 1997 (37 pages)
- Brazos Educational Radio Section V-B construction form (14 pages)
- Local Public Inspection Copy, August 12, 1997 (50 pages)
1-3: Local Inspection Copy, May 15, 1998 (46 pages)
1-4: Brazos Educational Radio-KEOS, 1992
- Exhibit E Engineering Statement on Behalf of Brazos Educational Radio New Educational FM, April 1992 (40 pages)
- Correspondence to Ms. Searcy from Harry F. Cole, April 13, 1992 (1 page)
- FCC 340 Application for Construction Permission of Noncommercial Educational Broadcast Station, 1989 (6 pages)
- Brazos Educational Radio, April 1992 (3 pages)
- Certification of Site Availability signed by Charles Culver, March 8, 1992 (1 page)
- Program Sponsorship Identification (1 page)
- KEOS 89.1 FM Significant Treatment of Community Issues Second Quarter, April 1, 1995 - June 30, 1995 (3 pages)
- KEOS 89.1 FM Significant Treatment of Community Issues Second Quarter, July 1, 1995 - September 30, 1995 (2 pages)
- KEOS 89.1 FM Significant Treatment of Community Issues Second Quarter, October 1, 1995 - December 31, 1995 (2 pages)
- KEOS 89.1 FM Significant Treatment of Community Issues Second Quarter, January 1, 1996 - March 31, 1996 (3 pages)
- KEOS 89.1 FM Significant Treatment of Community Issues Second Quarter, April 1, 1996 - June 30, 1996 (3 pages)
- KEOS 89.1 FM Significant Treatment of Community Issues Second Quarter, July 1, 1996 - September 30, 1996 (4 pages)
- KEOS 89.1 FM Significant Treatment of Community Issues Second Quarter, October 1, 1996 - December 31, 1996 (3 pages)
- KEOS 89.1 FM Significant Treatment of Community Issues Second Quarter, January 1, 1997 - March 31, 1997 (3 pages)