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Frank J. Malina '34 Manuscripts

  • TxAM-CRS 983
  • Collection
  • 1937-1938

This collection consists of manuscripts and articles that are both unpublished and published material. Some material includes copies that Malina either collected or wrote himself.

Malina, Frank J.

Science Fiction Miscellany Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000155
  • Collection

Miscellaneous items acquired randomly, related to science fiction and fantasy. Items include convention materials, posters, and various items of realia.

Media Fanzine Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000150
  • Collection
  • 1961 - 2022

The Media Fanzine Collection is comprised of numerous pre-Internet fan-produced publications that document their involvement in a particular fandom. Fandoms are based around media productions such as movies (i.e. the Star Wars film series) or television shows (i.e. Star Trek in its various iterations). Although traditionally most media fandoms involve productions from the science fiction and fantasy genres, there are numerous exceptions.

The majority of the contents in this collection consists of fan fiction. Fan fiction is the name given to literary or artistic productions created by fans about the characters, settings and events of the media universe in which they are interested. A substantial portion of the fanworks in the Media Fanzine Collection is identified as "slash”. "Slash" refers to fanworks that feature same-sex relationships and are sometimes (though not always) sexually explicit. In slash, sexual identity, sexuality and/or romance are often the centers of the story, rather than the conventional adventures featured in more traditional fanworks.

A small portion of the collection consists of "het" material. "Het", like slash, refers to fanworks featuring sexual or romantic content, but with opposite-sex relationships.

Slash and het items are identified as such on the item folder. If an item is not identified as slash or het, it is to be assumed that the item is “gen” (containing no sexual or romantic content. Both slash and het items have been specifically identified because of their importance as highly visible fan fiction subcultures. (s) indicates slash material. (h) indicates het material.

Fanzines are organized alphabetically by fandom name, and thereunder by title. The term “Multimedia” refers to anthologies of material from different fandoms. The term “Crossover” refers to stories in which characters from one or more media universes interact with those from another. (For example, a story in which Mal Reynolds' ship Serenity passed through a wormhole and encountered Captain James T. Kirk's U.S.S. Enterprise would be a Firefly/Star Trek crossover.)

The October 2016 Addendum includes several "friend books", tiny zines used by pre-teens and teens in the 1970s and 1980s as a way of finding other like-minded fans in the pre-Internet era. Some "friend books" were sized small enough to fit into an international envelope (2-3 inches), and consisted of no more than a few pages. The covers were pages cut from magazines or advertisement and were stapled or taped into a booklet shape. Many were multi-fandom, but some focused on single fandoms like Star Wars. Fans would write their name and address, and list their interests. The book would then passed along to the next fan. When the booklet was filled it was to be mailed back to the original fan. Often times questions were asked (ex: Who is your favorite Star Wars character?)

There are several additional items, including materials from genre conventions, ads and flyers, professional publications that relate to various fandoms, and various items of printed realia. The Christina Pilz February 2024 Addendum contains a number of fanzine advertisements and documentation devoted to fanzine and fanfic productions.

Sub-Series 1 of the Georgia Barnes Addendum contains maps of the Star Trek universe, and has therefore been filed with other items in the Maps Of Imaginary Places Collection.

Audio-Visual Materials

The collection also contains non-print materials. There are a significant number of fanvids in the collection (and the fandoms for those vids are noted in the finding aid). There are also several DVDs that contain recordings of fanfiction podcasts, from a number of different fandoms.

On Star Trek

Since 1966 there have been 5 non-animated television iterations of the television franchise Star Trek. Each one has its own dedicated fandom (although certainly many Trekkers are fans of multiple series), and each one has a generally accepted denotation. Those denotations are used in this collection, as follows:

Star Trek [TOS] refers to the original series(1966-1969).

Star Trek [TNG] refers to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994).

Star Trek [DS9] refers to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999).

Star Trek [VGR] refers to Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001).

Star Trek [ENT] refers to Star Trek: Enterprise (2001-2005).

On The Professionals Circuit Archive:

There are several boxes of fanfiction from The Professionals Circuit Archive. The Circuit Archive is a singular form of fannish creative association, that for The Professionals fans actually predates the creation of more typical zines. In a standard fanzine distribution, a fan or group of fans will write, edit and publish a fanzine, and the publication will be printed and made available for sale. With The Professionals fandom, things began much more informally. Fans would place their stories 'on the circuit'. That is, they would write their stories and then produce photocopies; the copies would then be circulated among one another via standard mail. In time, certain fans began collecting copies together into 'circuit libraries'. Interested fans could become members of these informal lending libraries, and would receive titles on request, which they could read and /or photocopy and then return to the library. Although, in time, The Professionals fans began producing zines in the same ways that other fans did, much of the fanfiction remained (and remains) on the circuit.

By the late 1980s, two large circuit libraries were in place: one in Great Britain, and another in the United States. They enjoyed considerable overlap in their contents, but because of geographical distance and the informality of circuit distribution did not duplicate each other. In the early 1990s, as zines started entering the electronic era, fans began working to convert the vast number of paper stories into an electronic format that would encourage and increase access (as well as help preserve the much-used paper originals). In 1996, the Circuit Archive went online and continues to periodically increase its contents with new stories. The Circuit Archive, sprung from humble beginnings, now holds more than 1000 individual stories, which form the backbone of The Professionals creative fandom.

To quote Morgan Dawn, "the circuit library in the Professionals fandom is a unique tradition of women writing and sharing fan fiction (often anonymously) without going through the editorial and fanzine publication process. In many ways, it is the precursor to the fan fiction on the Internet where people would read a story, photo-copy it and send it on to someone else, and then write a response story, copy that and mail it on in an endless flow...and because The Professionals was a UK show, you have the unique situation where this communication was crossing both cultural and geographic barriers." Stories in these folders include both gen and slash.

Dawn, Morgan

Sam Moskowitz Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000190
  • Collection
  • 1931-2016; Undated

The Sam Moskowitz collection consists of his research files, correspondence, manuscripts, many of his books, and working documents related to his study of the history of science fiction and fantasy.  Drafts of two unpublished books are included.

Moskowitz, Sam

Robert Silverberg - Sam Moskowitz Correspondence Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000258
  • Collection
  • 1951-1968

This collection consists of six typed letters, all sent from author Robert Silverberg to science fiction historian and editor Sam Moskowitz. The letters cover a period of 17 years, starting in 1951 when Silverberg was 16 years old and editor of the fanzine Spaceship, responding to a request from Sam Moskowitz for back issues of the fanzine as well as a subscription. The casual and friendly letters discuss a variety of subjects, including issues with the fanzine, payment for books bought from Moskowitz, and Moskowitz' lawsuit against Ted White (which Silverberg askes to be left out of).

Silverberg, Robert

Avram Davidson Files

  • TxAM-CRS C000163
  • Collection

This collection contains materials relating to the life and literary career of Avram Davidson. Materials in the collection include manuscript material for a number of Davidson's works, correspondence, research files, business files, and various miscellaneous files.

Davidson, Avram

D. L. Young Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000319
  • Collection
  • 2015-2017

This collection contains materials from science fiction D.L. (David) Young, relating to the creation and publication of his novel Soledad, a post-apocalyptic tale that is the first volume in Young's Dark Republic series.

Materials include notes, proofs, media material, final electronic versions of the novel, and production documentation. The materials in this collection are entirely digital, existing in several different software formats.

D. J. Finn '21 Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1396
  • Collection
  • 1917-1921

This scrapbook contains autographs, memorabilia, and photographs of A&M College buildings during the span of 1917 to 1921 when Finn was a student at the College.

Corps of Cadets Caps Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1246
  • Collection
  • 1907-1977

This collection contains 5 Corps of Cadets caps/hats from individuals from the class of 1908, 1977, and other unknown years.

Clyde McQueen Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000045
  • Collection
  • 1944-1999

This collection consists of the research collection McQueen built and used to write Black Churches in Texas. A Guide to Historic Congregations (Texas A&M University Press, 2000).

The contents consist mainly of "Texas County Historical Black Church" information sheets, each listed as an "inventory" in the finding guide, accompanied by related church history materials including church worship service programs, also called orders of worship; church homecoming and anniversary publications; handwritten and typed letters mostly regarding church history; newspaper clippings about historic congregations and members; notes about the history and location of churches and contact persons in congregations; business cards for contacts; published church histories; photocopies from published books about related counties, cities, and congregations; Texas county maps; color slides, photographic prints and negatives of church cornerstones, existing church buildings, Texas Historical Markers, and congregation members.

Also present are photocopies of newspaper clippings covering African American religious issues and manuscript drafts for McQueen's book, many of which are heavily annotated by McQueen.

The inventories and related church history materials were amassed by data collection teams organized by McQueen and also collected by McQueen himself. Norris Braly, a member of the Burleson County Historical Committee, documented the first church history in February 1988. McQueen documented the last congregation on August 24, 1997.

Most of the church worship service programs are laser printed. However, there are a few earlier documents that are photocopies of mimeographed sheets, and a few that were professionally printed. When the word "typed" is used to describe a church history, it means that the history was not professionally printed.

Variant congregation names exist within the documents (for example, Macedonia First Baptist Church and Macedonia Baptist Church). For the purpose of this finding guide, we have chosen to use the form of the congregation name given in Black Churches in Texas. Files exist within the collection for congregations that do not appear in Black Churches in Texas because exact organization dates could not be determined at the time of publication. Conversely, not every church listed in McQueen's book has a folder in the collection (for example Colored Methodist Episcopal Church of Sweeny in Brazoria County).

McQueen used different versions of the inventory form to document the churches. Though the information requested is the same, the format may differ. McQueen also copyrighted many of his slides, and so most of them bear handwritten copyright information.

McQueen, Clyde, 1926

Cleanth Brooks Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C 669
  • Collection

This collection contains a 25-page typewritten draft entitled "Poetry and Prophecy: An Address to the Friends of the Sterling C. Evans Library", as well as a printed booklet of the manuscript.

Citizens' Fellowship Papers Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 85
  • Collection
  • 1951-1967; 1994; Undated

This collection predominantly dates from 1958 to 1961 and includes correspondence to and from members of the Citizens' Fellowship, notes, minutes from meetings, and newspaper clippings. There are items regarding the integration of public schools, including the A&M Consolidated Independent School District. The collection contains information regarding the issue of African American employment and community programs sponsored by the Citizens' Fellowship.

Fenner, James H.

Chromo Trade Card Albums Collection

  • US TxAM-C 685
  • Collection
  • 1929-1987; Undated

This collection contains chromo card albums dating from the 1920s to 1970s, represented by sheets from the album rather than a bound album. The cards are colorful and represent cultures from countries throughout Africa that were under European colonial rule.
Given the strong presence of African cultural awareness in the colonial powers of Europe, a robust pop culture emerged in the form of children’s books, comics, and chromo trade cards. The latter were cards that were offered with food products, usually chocolate, meat extracts, tea, etc. A card would accompany each chocolate bar for instance and when you had completed the set of cards you could write away and get an album to paste the cards. Most card sets did not have an album, and only a few in each country dealt specifically with Africa. They were collected over ten years and were sourced from Germany, England, France, Belgium, and Spain.

Liebig Extract of Meat Company

Commencement Invitations Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000287
  • Collection
  • 1878-1992

This collection contains the formal invitations to commencement ceremonies. The invitations record the time, day, and place of each commencement ceremony. This collection has invitation from the late 19th century till the early 1990s. These invitations were not exclusively made in College Station/Bryan, Texas. These invitations were formerly owned by students, their family, and friends.

Cheap Street Archival Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000512
  • Collection
  • 1983-1990

This collection consists of original materials that were published by the small Cheap Street Press between 1983-1990. Materials include typescripts and galley proofs of works written for Cheap Street by Elizabeth Lynn, Tanith Lee, Andre Norton, and John Sladek.

Norton, Andre

Charles Woodward Hutson Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1169
  • Collection
  • 1893-1900

This collection includes biographical notes about English Professor Charles Woodward Hutson, an excerpt from a letter of W. J. Walden, Class of 1900 (August 19, 1954), and a chant of the Texas A&M Class of 1898 (2 copies).

Hutson, Charles Woodward, 1840-1936

Charles W. Crawford Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C 1203
  • Collection

This collection includes the manuscript of One Hundred Years of Engineering at Texas A&M University which was first published in 1976. The manuscript is broken up to have one chapter in a folder inside the box. The book is about 350 pages and includes information on the development and early years of the Texas A&M Engineering program, the different departments, and the people. Graphs and charts, as well as an appendix, are included at the end of the book.

Crawford, Charles W.

Charles Rogan Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1225
  • Collection
  • 1924-1925

This collection contains letters about Judge Charles Rogan's life at A&M, and other materials relating to A&M during the time that Rogan was a student there.

Rogan, Charles

Charles B. Richardson Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1317
  • Collection
  • 1840-1959

This collection contains various articles, newspaper clippings, and other memorabilia collected by Charles B. Richardson over his lifetime. Interesting pieces in the collection include Richardson's letter of promotion to Captain of the Louisiana militia (1848), newspaper clippings concerning various Civil War events, and a poster advertising agricultural combines dating from the mid-1870s. Another interesting piece in the collection is a payment receipt from October 26, 1863, for the services of a slave named Mike who worked on public defenses in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Richardson, Charles B.

Chad Oliver Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000008
  • Collection

This collection consists of Oliver's manuscripts, notes, and correspondence, published books, magazine appearances, books collecting his stories, foreign-language editions, clippings, and other related material. Chronologically, the collection ranges from the mid-1950s through the mid-1990s.

Oliver, Chad, 1928-1993

Cepheid Variable - AggieCon Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000219
  • Collection
  • 1969-2024

The collection consists of the program books, documents, correspondence, and miscellaneous items collected by the Cepheid Variable Science Fiction Club from its inception in 1969 through 2005. The collection was assembled from deposits of the club, gifts from Bill Page, and other occasional donors.

Cepheid Variable

Centipede Press Proofs of Dune Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000500
  • Collection
  • 2019

This collection consists of a copy of the proofs for the forthcoming Centipede Press edition of Frank Herbert's classic SF novel Dune.

Herbert, Frank

Carroll G. McAdams '28 Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1401
  • Collection
  • 1925-1928

This scrapbook contains clippings of Texas A&M Campus life from 1925 to 1928. Carroll G. McAdams was a Texas A&M College student who graduated in 1928.

Carol Lynn / Kraith Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000209
  • Collection
  • 1971-2001

This collection contains materials relating to the creation, development, and printing of the series of Star Trek fanzines devoted to the Kraith Universe. The Kraith Universe was a shared Star Trek alternate universe created by Jacqueline Lichtenberg in 1970, and six collected volumes of Kraith stories were originally published between 1972-1980 by publisher/editor Carol Lynn and her associate Debbie Goldstein.

The series contains correspondence, copies of the Kraith fanzines themselves, and related materials such as story drafts. A large part of the collection consists of printing masters for the Kraith zines as well as a few other zines published by Lynn.

Also included are various materials from several science fiction conventions.

Carl F. Jaedicke Foil Figure Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1190
  • Collection

The collection contains foil figures from the Texas A&M College Slide Rule Contest (1947). Figures included: 5 fish; 4 Texas-shaped molds; 1 figure with a circular shape with the name of the college written; and 1 wooden figure.

Jaedicke, Carl F.

Caribbean Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1432
  • Collection
  • circa 1896-1900

The Caribbean Scrapbook contains photographs and notes on St. Kitts and Nevis circa 1896 to 1900.

Results 1 to 35 of 1047