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Funko Pop! Figures, Marvel and DC


Captain Carter [What If?] (2021)

Kate Bishop [Hawkeye] (2021, Special Target Edition)

Kate Bishop with Lucky the Pizza Dog [Hawkeye], (2021)

Monica Rambeau [WandaVision] (2021)

Ms. Marvel (2022)


Black Canary [Arrow] (undated)

Death (undated)

Oliver Queen [Arrow] (undated)

Patty Jenkins (Director, Wonder Woman, 2020)

Wonder Woman [Wonder Woman 1984] (2020)

Wonder Woman Flying [Wonder Woman 1984] (2020)

Miscellaneous Realia

Item 1: Game of Thrones Westeros Sigils Coasters, 2018

Item 2: The Expanse: Lootcrate Bento box (plastic, marked "Draper"), 2021

Item 3: The Expanse: Lootcrate Metal flask, 2021

Items 4 - 6: Game of Thrones: Cersei Lannister souvenir cards

Item 7: Battlestar Galactica: Lootcrate Primus patch, 2021

Item 8: Battlestar Galactica: Lootcrate metal pin - "K. Thrace", 2021

Item 9: Battlestar Galactica: Lootcrate T-shirt w/ Cylon (XL), 2021

Items 10 - 12:

  1. Becky Chambers, A Psalm for the Wild-Built
  2. The Expanse Lootcrate OPA Lapel Pin, 2021
  3. Jade City (Fonda Lee) Enamel Pins - "The Pillar", "The Horn", "The Weather Man"

Items 13 - 21: Firefly Lootcrate Qm Mini-Masters Figures, 2017

  1. Malcolm Reynolds
  2. Hoban "Wash" Washburne
  3. Inara Serra
  4. Kaylee Frye
  5. Simon Tam
  6. River Tam
  7. Shepherd Book
  8. Saffron
  9. Badger

Science Fiction Miscellany Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000155
  • Coleção

Miscellaneous items acquired randomly, related to science fiction and fantasy. Items include convention materials, posters, and various items of realia.

Morgan Dawn November 2024 Addendum

Starsky & Hutch

[Teri White, auth., September 1985] [g]

Dangerous Lives, Dangerous Visions #6
[Flamingo, ed., September 2012] [s]

Dark Side of the Moon
[Dawnwind, auth., September 2012] [s]

The Pits #2
[Melanie Rawn, ed., 1980] [g]

[Flamingo, ed., October 2003] [s] [A/U]

Untitled custom zine
[Various authors, 1979 - 1985, 1994] [s] [g]

Star Trek: The Next Generation

DataBase #2 - 3
[Mary Urban, ed., December 1992 - March 1993]

Data Entries #15
[Melody Rondeau, ed., January 1992]

Electronic Male #13
[Electronic Male Network: Joyce McDonald, ed., February 1995]

Pulse of the Machine
[Pemberly Press: J. Kluge, ed., 1991] [h]

Star Trek: The Original Series

Alternate Universe 4 #1
[Shirley Maiewski, Anna Mary Hall, and Virginia Tilley, auth., 1974] [g]

Universal Translator #12 - 23
[Susan J. Bridges, ed., November/December 1981 - July/September 1984]

Universal Translator #24 - 30
[Susan J. Bridges, ed., October/November 1984 - April/June 1986]

Star Wars

A Dark Path
[Ali Hadden, auth., posted September 1995] [g]

Hydrospanner Zero
[Phantom Press: Chris Jeffords and Eluki bes Shahar, ed., 1981] [g]

Striving For The Light
[Ali Hadden, auth., posted September 1995] [g]

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Occult Matter
[Two Vixens Press: Writestuff, auth., undated] [s]

Media Fanzine Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000150
  • Coleção
  • 1961 - 2022

The Media Fanzine Collection is comprised of numerous pre-Internet fan-produced publications that document their involvement in a particular fandom. Fandoms are based around media productions such as movies (i.e. the Star Wars film series) or television shows (i.e. Star Trek in its various iterations). Although traditionally most media fandoms involve productions from the science fiction and fantasy genres, there are numerous exceptions.

The majority of the contents in this collection consists of fan fiction. Fan fiction is the name given to literary or artistic productions created by fans about the characters, settings and events of the media universe in which they are interested. A substantial portion of the fanworks in the Media Fanzine Collection is identified as "slash”. "Slash" refers to fanworks that feature same-sex relationships and are sometimes (though not always) sexually explicit. In slash, sexual identity, sexuality and/or romance are often the centers of the story, rather than the conventional adventures featured in more traditional fanworks.

A small portion of the collection consists of "het" material. "Het", like slash, refers to fanworks featuring sexual or romantic content, but with opposite-sex relationships.

Slash and het items are identified as such on the item folder. If an item is not identified as slash or het, it is to be assumed that the item is “gen” (containing no sexual or romantic content. Both slash and het items have been specifically identified because of their importance as highly visible fan fiction subcultures. (s) indicates slash material. (h) indicates het material.

Fanzines are organized alphabetically by fandom name, and thereunder by title. The term “Multimedia” refers to anthologies of material from different fandoms. The term “Crossover” refers to stories in which characters from one or more media universes interact with those from another. (For example, a story in which Mal Reynolds' ship Serenity passed through a wormhole and encountered Captain James T. Kirk's U.S.S. Enterprise would be a Firefly/Star Trek crossover.)

The October 2016 Addendum includes several "friend books", tiny zines used by pre-teens and teens in the 1970s and 1980s as a way of finding other like-minded fans in the pre-Internet era. Some "friend books" were sized small enough to fit into an international envelope (2-3 inches), and consisted of no more than a few pages. The covers were pages cut from magazines or advertisement and were stapled or taped into a booklet shape. Many were multi-fandom, but some focused on single fandoms like Star Wars. Fans would write their name and address, and list their interests. The book would then passed along to the next fan. When the booklet was filled it was to be mailed back to the original fan. Often times questions were asked (ex: Who is your favorite Star Wars character?)

There are several additional items, including materials from genre conventions, ads and flyers, professional publications that relate to various fandoms, and various items of printed realia. The Christina Pilz February 2024 Addendum contains a number of fanzine advertisements and documentation devoted to fanzine and fanfic productions.

Sub-Series 1 of the Georgia Barnes Addendum contains maps of the Star Trek universe, and has therefore been filed with other items in the Maps Of Imaginary Places Collection.

Audio-Visual Materials

The collection also contains non-print materials. There are a significant number of fanvids in the collection (and the fandoms for those vids are noted in the finding aid). There are also several DVDs that contain recordings of fanfiction podcasts, from a number of different fandoms.

On Star Trek

Since 1966 there have been 5 non-animated television iterations of the television franchise Star Trek. Each one has its own dedicated fandom (although certainly many Trekkers are fans of multiple series), and each one has a generally accepted denotation. Those denotations are used in this collection, as follows:

Star Trek [TOS] refers to the original series(1966-1969).

Star Trek [TNG] refers to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994).

Star Trek [DS9] refers to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999).

Star Trek [VGR] refers to Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001).

Star Trek [ENT] refers to Star Trek: Enterprise (2001-2005).

On The Professionals Circuit Archive:

There are several boxes of fanfiction from The Professionals Circuit Archive. The Circuit Archive is a singular form of fannish creative association, that for The Professionals fans actually predates the creation of more typical zines. In a standard fanzine distribution, a fan or group of fans will write, edit and publish a fanzine, and the publication will be printed and made available for sale. With The Professionals fandom, things began much more informally. Fans would place their stories 'on the circuit'. That is, they would write their stories and then produce photocopies; the copies would then be circulated among one another via standard mail. In time, certain fans began collecting copies together into 'circuit libraries'. Interested fans could become members of these informal lending libraries, and would receive titles on request, which they could read and /or photocopy and then return to the library. Although, in time, The Professionals fans began producing zines in the same ways that other fans did, much of the fanfiction remained (and remains) on the circuit.

By the late 1980s, two large circuit libraries were in place: one in Great Britain, and another in the United States. They enjoyed considerable overlap in their contents, but because of geographical distance and the informality of circuit distribution did not duplicate each other. In the early 1990s, as zines started entering the electronic era, fans began working to convert the vast number of paper stories into an electronic format that would encourage and increase access (as well as help preserve the much-used paper originals). In 1996, the Circuit Archive went online and continues to periodically increase its contents with new stories. The Circuit Archive, sprung from humble beginnings, now holds more than 1000 individual stories, which form the backbone of The Professionals creative fandom.

To quote Morgan Dawn, "the circuit library in the Professionals fandom is a unique tradition of women writing and sharing fan fiction (often anonymously) without going through the editorial and fanzine publication process. In many ways, it is the precursor to the fan fiction on the Internet where people would read a story, photo-copy it and send it on to someone else, and then write a response story, copy that and mail it on in an endless flow...and because The Professionals was a UK show, you have the unique situation where this communication was crossing both cultural and geographic barriers." Stories in these folders include both gen and slash.

Sem título

Morgan Dawn November 2024 Addendum


Datazine #23 - 25
[Datazine Publications: KathE Donnelly, JoycE Thompson, and Stephen Miller, ed., Dec 1982/Jan 1983 - April/May 1983]

Datazine #27 - 37
[Datazine Publications: KathE Donnelly, JoycE Thompson, and Stephen H. Miller, ed., Aug/Sept 1983 - July/Sept 1985]

Datazine/Forum #22
[Datazine Publications: KathE Donnelly, JoycE Thompson, and Stephen H. Miller, ed., October/December 1982]

Forum #8 - 15
[KathE Donnelly and Joyce Thompson, ed., Nov 1980/Jan 1981 - Oct/Nov 1981]

Forum #16 - 21
[KathE Donnelly, Joyce Thompson,, ed., Nov 1981/Jan 1982 - Aug/Oct 1982]

Blake's 7

B7 Complex #3
[Deborah M. Walsh, ed., July 1982] (Revised reprint July 1984)

B7 Complex #8
[Pursuit Press: Deborah M. Walsh, ed., May 1986] [g]

B7 Complex #9
[Pursuit Press: Deborah M. Walsh, ed., August 1986] [g]

Fifth Season #1
[Sheila Willis, ed., July 1982] [g]

Fifth Season #2
[Sheila Willis, ed., May 1983] [g]

Fifth Season #3
[Spice Press: Sheila Willis, ed., 1984] [g]

Fifth Season #5
[Sheila Willis, ed., August 1985] [g]

The Freedom City Gazette #4 - 6
[Space Rat Press: Joe Nazzaro, ed., 1988 - 1989]

Horizon #11
[Horizon: January 1988] [g]

Standard by Seven: The Early Years
[Ann O'Neill, ed., October 1987] [g]

The World Turned Upside-Down
[Spice Press: Sandy Hall, ed., July 1987] [g]

Brokeback Mountain

Somebody New
[J.H, Sinclair, ed., October 2006] [s]

Buckaroo Banzai

The Penny Paradox
[A Penny For Your Thoughts Press: Leni R. Sommer, auth., 1986] [g]

Crossover [Forever Knight/Quantum Leap]

Leap Into Knight
[Oh Boy Press: Sandy Hall and Sharon Wisdom, auth., May 1994 [g]

Forever Knight

Dreaming of the Knight
[Penguin Press: Susan M. Garrett, auth., March 1994] [g]

Knightbeat 33
[Fenris House: Barbara Fister-Liltz, ed., 1993] [g]

The Lord of the Rings

Lord of the Rings Artwork
[Various artists, 2004]
Fan Art


[Bandersnatch Press: Jeff Morris, ed., 1989] [g]

Our Favorite Things #5
[Elan Press: April 1989] [g]

Our Favorite Things #10
[Elan Press: Anne Batterby and Elaine Batterby, ed., 1994] [g]

Our Favorite Things #11
[Elan Press: Anne Batterby and Elaine Batterby, ed., 1995] [g]

Our Favorite Things #14
[Elan Press: Anne Batterby and Elaine Batterby, ed., 1998] [g]

Our Favorite Things #15
[Elan Press: Anne Batterby and Elaine Batterby, ed., 1999] [g]

Our Favorite Things #18
[Elan Press: Anne Batterby and Elaine Batterby, ed., 2002] [g]

Our Favorite Things #22
[Elan Press: Elaine M. Batterby and Anne E. Batterby, ed., 2006] [g]

Our Favorite Things #24
[Elan Press: Elaine M. Batterby and Anne E. Batterby, ed., 2008] [g]

Our Favorite Things #25
[Elan Press: Elaine M. Batterby and Anne E. Batterby, ed., 2009] [g]

Our Favorite Things #26
[Elan Press: Elaine M. Batterby and Anne E. Batterby, ed., 2010] [g]

Our Favorite Things #29
[Elan Press: Anne E. Batterby and Elaine M. Batterby, ed., 2013] [g]

Our Favorite Things #30
[Elan Press: Anne E. Batterby and Elaine M. Batterby, ed., 2014] [g]

Who Rides for Justice? #1
[Dragon III Graphics: Ann Leonhart, ed., 1986] [g]

Quantum Leap

Power Star - Special Edition: Sample Issue
[Jerry Seward, ed., 1990] [g]

Quantum Chain #1 - 2
[Threadneedle Press: Julie Barrett, ed., 1993] [g]

Robin of Sherwood

Herne's Stepchildren #1 - 2
[Carol M. Burrell, ed., December 1989 - Jan/Feb 1990]

F. J. Malina Manuscripts

1/1: MGM Handwritten Version Chapter 1 & 2, 1937 (52 pages)

1/2: MGM Film Narrative - handwritten with typed copy, 1937 (66 pages, plus 1 envelope)

1/3: FSMC MGM - Conflict between science and arts story - Summary, 1937 (1 of 2)

1/4: The Narrative for MGM - Chapter summaries, 1937 (xerox copy) (2 of 2)

1/5: MGM Film Narrative - Malina and Rausen's synopsis, 1937 (42 pages typed)

1/6: “Shadow of the Wing", May - June 1937 (93 pages)

1/7: For MGM Film - RAF GX Flight of “Shadow of the Wing” synopsis, undated (29 pages, typed)

1/8: Articles, 1937 (10 pages)
Flying High by W.D. Tipton - Saturday Evening Post, May 29, 1937

Popular Mechanics, 1937

Anti-Jewish Drive Covers all Reich; arrests mounting

1/9: Handwritten Transcription of Nature Article by Professor J. Stark, April 1938 (9 pages)

1/10: Malina’s Technical Notes: Calculations, undated (31 pages)

1/11: The Cradle will Rock by Marc Blitzstein, undated (23 pages typed-carbon)

Frank J. Malina '34 Manuscripts

  • TxAM-CRS 983
  • Coleção
  • 1937-1938

This collection consists of manuscripts and articles that are both unpublished and published material. Some material includes copies that Malina either collected or wrote himself.

Publications by or about F. J. Malina

1/1: Kinetic Art: Theory and Practice edited by Frank J. Malina, 1960

1/2: The London Magazine - Vol. 4 No. 5: Kinetic Art by Reg Gadney, August 1964

1/3: Government, Science, and International Policy - Committee on Science and Astronautics: A Compilation of Papers prepared for the 8th Meeting of the Panel on Science and Technology, 1967

1/4: Panel on Science and Technology, Eighth Meeting - Proceedings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, United States House of Representatives, January 1967

1/5: Engineering and Science - Vol. 31 No 5: The Rocket Pioneers by Frank Malina, February 1968

1/6: "Memoirs of the First Decade of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory" - 3x papers presented by Frank Malina, 1967-1971

1/7: 20th Congress of the International Astronautical Federation Conference Program Booklet, October 1969 (Spanish, English)

1/8: The International Academy of Astronautics - "The First Decade", 1970 (2x)

1/9: The International Academy of Astronautics - "The Background of the Academy", 1970 (2x)

1/10: "Kinetizmus" by Dusan Konecny, 1970 (Czech)

1/11: "America's First Long-Range Missile and Space Exploration Programme" by Frank Malina, 1973

1/12: "Reflections of an Artist-Engineer on the art-science interface" by Frank Malina, 1974

1/13: International Journal of the Contemporary Artist: Leonardo - Vol. 9 No. 4, Fall 1976

1/14: The Great Northwest - Seattle's Charms, Alaska's Inland Waterways, May 1978

1/15: WFMT - Studs Terkel with Frank Malina, January 17, 1980 (cassette tape)

Frank J. Malina '34 Publications

  • TxAM-CRS 919
  • 1960-1980

This collection contains publications with articles written by or about Frank J. Malina, Class of 1934.

Dorian De la Garza Addendum

Crossover [Star Trek: The Original Series/Star Trek: The Next Generation]

IDIC Log #18: Dreams
[ScoTPress: Ruth King, auth., August 1995] [g]


Distorted Visions #2
[Jody A. Morse, ed., 1989] [g]

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

No Holds Barred #15
[K. Resch, ed., May 1997] [s]

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Beyond Farpoint #3
[Farpoint Press USA: Madeline Hill, ed., 1993] [g]

Data Entries #18 - 22
[Melody Rondeau, ed., September 1992 - January 1994]
Letterzine, Newsletter

Data Entries #23 - 29
[Melody Rondeau, ed., April 1994 - October 1995]
Letterzine, Newsletter

Data Entries #30 - 36
[Melody Rondeau, ed., June 1996 - October 1997]
Letterzine, Newsletter

Data Entries #37 - 45
[Melody Rondeau, ed., March 1998 - August 2000]
Letterzine, Newsletter

Make It So #2
[ScoTpress: Sheila Clark and Valerie Piacentini, ed., August 1989] [g]

Make It So #4
[ScoTpress: Sheila Clark and Valerie Piacentini, ed., September 1990] [g]

Make It So #5
[ScoTpress: Sheila Clark and Valerie Piacentini, ed., April 1991] [g]

Make It So #9
[ScoTpress: Sheila Clark and Valerie Piacentini, ed., April 1992] [g]

Make It So #19
[ScoTpress: Sheila Clark, ed., February 1994] [g]

Make It So #23
[ScoTpress: Sheila Clark, ed., January 1995] [g]

Make It So #26
[ScoTpress: Sheila Clark, ed., April 1996] [g]

Volumes of Forgotten Lore
[Empire Books: Jean Lorrah, auth., May 1992] [g]

Star Trek: The Original Series

Berengaria #1 - 3
[Vicki Kirlin, ed., September 1973 - July 1974] [g]

Berengaria #10
[Michele Arvizu, auth., June 1978] [g]

Berengaria Special
[Vicki Kirlin, ed., 1976] [g]

Despatch #42
[Mark Lenard International Fan Club: Gail Saville and Barbara Metzke, ed., April 1980]

Enter-Comm #2
[Canadian Contingent Press: Nancy Chapman, Jackie Fulton, Sheila Hawley, Marjorie McKenna, Maureen McKenna, and Wendy Rockburn, ed., February 1980] [g]

Enter-Comm #4
[Canadian Contingent Press: Marjorie McKenna, Jacky Fulton, Nancy Chapman, Maureen McKenna, Sheila Hawley, and Wendy Rockburn ed., February 1981] [g]

Enter-Comm #5
[Canadian Contingent Press: Darien Duck, Jacky Fulton, Marjorie McKenna, Maureen McKenna, Nancy Chapman, and Sheila Hawley, ed., January 1982] [g]

Enter-Comm #7
[Canadian Contingent Press: Marjorie McKenna, Maureen McKenna, Jacky Fulton, and Darien Duck, ed., May 1984] [g]

He Who Is Close To Nature
[Leslye Lilker, auth., 1977] [g]

IDIC Log #1
[IDIC: Sheila Clark and Valerie Piacentini, ed., November 1989] [g]

IDIC Log #12: The T'Varon Chronicles 1
[IDIC: Gloria Fry, ed., January 1993] [g]

Inside Star Trek #28 (1978), #30 (1979)
[Virginia Yaple, ed.]

More Missions, More Myths #5
[Wendy Rathbone, ed., November 1986] [g]

Paths of Glory
[Cat Ramos, auth., 1994?] [g]

[Michele Arvizu, auth., July 1980] [g]

Saurian Brandy Digest #21: Sojourn
[Sehlat Press: Sylvia Stanczyk and Terri Dorosch, ed., November/December 1979] [g]

[Austrek: G. Adams, ed., 1987] [h]

T-Negative #26
[Ruth Berman, ed., March 1975] [g]

T'zad'u #2
[K.S. T'Lan and D. Dubois, auth., undated] [s]

Vault of Tomorrow #6
[Marion Catherine McChesney, ed., April 1984] [g]

Anderson - Bailey

Anderson, David R.
Anderson, DuWayne M.
Anderson, Frank Clayton
Anderson, Frank G. (1892-1985)
Anderson, Gabe D. Jr.
Anderson, Jack
Anderson, James
Anderson, James
Anderson, James G.
Anderson, Jim
Anderson, John Q. (1916-1975)
Anderson, John Victor
Anderson, Judy
Anderson, L. A.
Anderson, Lipscomb
Anderson, Marjorie Mae
Anderson, Melvin D. (1939-1986)
Anderson, Norman
Anderson, Richard
Anderson, Richard
Anderson, Richard J.
Anderson, Robert
Anderson, Robert J.
Anderson, Robert L.
Anderson, Rosemary Lenert
Anderson, Stuart
Anderson, Swiki
Anderson, T. G. ''Andy''
Anderson, Terry
Anderson, Terry Eugene
Anderson, Warren B.
Anderson, Warren L.
Anderson, William Lon
Andert, Steve
Andreadis, A. Harriette
Andres, Luis San
Andrews, Clarence Lorin
Andrews, Dallas R. Jr.
Andrews, F. Boyd
Andrews, Jimmy S.
Andrews, Johnny
Andrews, Leldon Lee
Andrews, Malcolm
Andrews, Paul M.
Andrews, Ransom L.
Androes, LeRoy
Angelis, Paul
Angell, E. L. (1902-1972)
Annamalai, Kalyan
Anthony, Rayford
Anthony, Sam R.
Anthony, William
Antoine, John
Antonie, Charles David
Antonio, John K.
Antony, Marie Louise Seckles
Anz, Don
Appala, Anand Swaroop
Appel, David
Appel, Jennifer
Appelt, Leslie L.
Appelt, Weldon
Appleby, John
Applegate, Howard C.
Applegate, Howard G.
Archambault, E. C. ''Archie''
Archer, Stanley Louis (1935-1999)
Archer, Steven R.
Arkin, Gerald F.
Armendariz, Tony
Armistead, Jack D.
Armistead, W.W.
Armstrong, A. E.
Armstrong, A. B.
Armstrong, Anne
Armstrong, Antonio
Armstrong, Barry
Armstrong, Bo
Armstrong, David
Armstrong, Doris H.
Armstrong, Edward E. ''Jack''
Armstrong, J. Clyde
Armstrong, James M.
Armstrong, Jane
Armstrong, Robert
Arnett, Joe
Arnold, D. C. ''Spike''
Arnold, Frances Lorene
Arnold, Gary L.
Arnold, Henry Freeman
Arnold, James Henry
Arnold, Keith A.
Arnold, Richard
Arnold, Sharon
Arnowitt, Richard L.
Arnsley, Clarence
Arntzen, Charles J.
Arp, Jerry Wayne (1944-1980)
Arredondo, Severo M.
Arrington, Joy A.
Arthur Lee Dunn
Asbury, Samuel Erson (1873-1962) 1+backfile
Ash, Mike
Ashbaugh, John Elliott ''Jack''
Ashburn, Isaac Seaborn ''Ike''
Ashcraft, Allan Coleman (1929-1990)
Ashcraft, Charles Lester
Ashcreft, Wyatt Matthew
Ashley, Frank B.
Ashlock, Jim
Ashlock, Lanny O.
Ashton, John (1880-1952)
Ashton, Maria
Ashworth, Emily Yaung
Ashworth, L. J.
Ashy, W. Joseph
Askins, John W.
Astin, Ervin H.
Astin, J. R.
Aston, James W.
Atchley, Bill
Atkins, I. M.
Atkins, Marvin C.
Atkins, Stephen E.
Atkinson, Richard R.
Atkinson, Robert Leon (1914-1987)
Atlas, Elliot
Aucion, B. Michael
Auer, Jeorg A.
Aufderheide, Karl
August, John Robert
Ault, Richard W.
Ausher, Reuben
Austin, Donald B.
Austin, Eugene (1901-1987)
Austin, Scott W.
Austin, Stephen F.
Autenrieth, Robin
Autry, Joe W.
Avery, Ed Blandford
Avery, Frank P.
Avery, Thomas E.
Avezzano, Joe
Aviles, Dionel E.
Avot-Avotins, Karlis
Awards 1+3 backfiles
Ayan, Ed
Ayan, Fahamet
Ayers, Ed L.
Ayoub, Abdel-Kader (1928-1988)
Azuara, Peyton Gerard
Babcock, C.L.
Baca-Dorsey, Helen
Bachelor, Bill
Bachus, Imadel
Badani, Abbas
Baden, Wayne F.
Bader, R. G.
Badgett, David Wayne
Badgett, Howard
Badillo, Felimon C. Sr.
Baen, Spencer
Baer, Judith
Bageman, Herman L.
Baggaley, Robert Wilson
Baggett, W. Mike
Bagley, Helen Biddle (D. 1959)
Bagley, John B.
Bagley, Tom B.
Baick, Dai Hyen
Bailey, Charles C.
Bailey, E. Murl
Bailey, Edmond I.
Bailey, Jack Clinton
Bailey, Jane C.
Bailey, Morris A.
Bailey, S. G.
Bailey, Sherilyn
Bailey, Walton "Dan" Jr.
Bailey, William Charles
Bailey, Woodrow Wilson


battle-playlist.txt, playlist, undated

church-playlist.txt, playlist, undated

city-playlist.txt, playlist, undated

country-playlist.txt, playlist, undated

dark-playlist.txt, playlist, undated

faeriecourt-playlist.txt, playlist, undated

ial_reserve.txt, playlist, undated

ial-church.txt, playlist, undated


2map-1.bmp, sketch (partial, unlabelled) map of London, undated

Brennan_map.pdf, map of City of London, undated

final-map.bmp, map of City of London, undated

map-190.bmp, sketch (partial, unlabelled) map of London, undated

map-marked.gif, map of City of London, marked, undated

map-notes.wpd, list of markings on map, undated


12firelondon0209a.jpg, image of Great Fire, undated

after-the-fire.jpg, map of London, after 1666

bettany.gif, photo of Paul Bettany, undated

evelyns-plan.jpg, image of John Evelyn's plan for London, undated

from-essex-stairs.jpg, image of Great Fire of London, undated

from-river.jpg, image of Great Fire of London, undated

gate-on-fire.jpg, image of Great Fire of London, undated

gf-pic.jpg, image of Great Fire of London, undated

Great_Fire.jpg, image of Great Fire of London, undated

Hollar,_Wenceslaus_1658.jpg, plan of cathedral, 1658

Hookes-plan.jpg, map of London, undated

knights-plan.jpg, map of London, undated

london-1630.jpg, image of London, 1630

Londoners-Lamentation.gif, image of poem about the Great Fire, undated

LongParliament.jpg, image of Parliament, undated

map1.bmp, satellite map of modern London (partial), 2008

map2.bmp, satellite map of modern London (partial), 2008

maxresdefault.jpg, image of Great Fire, undated

new-or-ludgate-2.jpg, image of Great Fire, undated

new-or-ludgate.jpg, image of Great Fire, undated

Pepys_crop_4_0228_L.jpg, image of song about the Great Fire, undated

st-pauls-1634.jpg, image of St. Paul's Cathedral, 1634

The_Great_Fire_of_London,_with_Ludgate_and_Old_St.Paul's-_Google_Art_Project, image of Great Fire, undated

TR_GreatFireLondon.jpg, image of Great fire, undated

tseJiayuguan_simmons_small.jpg, image of Jiayuguan Fort, China, undated

Whitehall.jpg, image of Whitehall, London, undated

wrens-plan.jpg, image of Christopher Wren's post-Fire plan for London, undated

Vikki Godwin Star Wars Fanzine Addendum

Star Wars

Against the Sith #1 - 3
[Tracy Duncan and Nancy Duncan, ed., April 1978 - January 1979] [g]

Against the Sith #5 - 6
[Nancy Duncan and Tracy Duncan, ed., July - November 1979] [g]

Against the Sith #8 - 9
[Nancy Duncan and Tracy Duncan, ed., Summer 1980 - Autumn 1980] [g]

The Dark Lord #3/4
[J. Soderblad, ed., Spring 1981] [g] [s]

The Dark Lord #5
[Jonas Soderblad, ed., 1981] [g]

Empire Star #4 (v. 2 no. 1)
[USS Atlantis Productions: J.J. Adamson, ed., March 1980] [g]

Galactic Flight #1
[Mark Walton and Christine Jeffords, ed., January 1979] [g]

Galactic Flight #2
[Mark Walton and Christine Jeffords, ed., August 1980] [g]

Hyper Space #2 - 7/8
[Scott Griffith, ed., Fall 1977 - January 1979] [g]

A Intergalactic Encyclopedia for Fans of Star Wars
[Skyler Walker and Mary Sliwoski, auth., 1981] [s]

Jedi Quarterly #1
[Jane L. Dusek, ed., Spring 1981] [s]

[USS Atlantis Productions: JJ and CWM Adamson, ed., October 1979] [g] (March 1980 reprint)

Star Journeys
[Tracy Duncan and Nancy Duncan, ed., 1979]

Sam Moskowitz Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000190
  • Coleção
  • 1931-2016; Undated

The Sam Moskowitz collection consists of his research files, correspondence, manuscripts, many of his books, and working documents related to his study of the history of science fiction and fantasy.  Drafts of two unpublished books are included.

Sem título

Robert Silverberg - Sam Moskowitz Correspondence Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000258
  • Coleção
  • 1951-1968

This collection consists of six typed letters, all sent from author Robert Silverberg to science fiction historian and editor Sam Moskowitz. The letters cover a period of 17 years, starting in 1951 when Silverberg was 16 years old and editor of the fanzine Spaceship, responding to a request from Sam Moskowitz for back issues of the fanzine as well as a subscription. The casual and friendly letters discuss a variety of subjects, including issues with the fanzine, payment for books bought from Moskowitz, and Moskowitz' lawsuit against Ted White (which Silverberg askes to be left out of).

Sem título

Flamingo May 2024 Addendum

Star Trek: The Original Series

The Best Little K/Smas Zine in Texas
[DOBs of Houston: December 1982] [s]

Duet #8
[D. DuBois, ed., undated] [s] - Photocopy

First Time #4
[Merry Men Press: 1985] [s]

21 Jump Street

The Choir Boys #1
[Bodacious Press: T. Stohn, ed., May 1991] [s]


A To Zine: The 'How-To' of Fan Publishing
[boojums Press: Paula Smith, auth., undated]

Convention Materials

MediaWest Con 14 (May 27 - 30, 1994), Post-con progress report, and pre-con report for MediaWest Con 15

MediaWest Con 22 (May 24 - 27, 2002), #31 (May 27 - 30, 2011 - 32 (May 25 - 28, 2012), Program books

Zebra Con 6 (July 4 - 6, 1986), #12 (October 13 - 15, 1995), Program books

Flamingo May 2024 Addendum


Datazine #32 - 33
[DataZine Publications: JoycE Thompson and Stephen & KathE Walker, ed., October-November 1994]

Datazine #47 (May/June 1987), #50 (November/December 1987)
[DataZine Publications: KarolyE Jobin, StephenE & KathE Walker, and JoycE Thompson, ed.]

The Dead Zone

Physical Therapy #1
[Neon RainBow Press: C. Gillilan and J. Norman, ed., May 2005] [s]

Physical Therapy #2
[Neon RainBow Press: C. Gillilan and J. Norman, ed., May 2006] [s]

Highlander: The Series

Lucifer Falling
[K. Fisher, auth., May 1997] [s]

The Quality of Mercy
[CrowRow Productions: R. Callahan, auth., undated] [s]

Pirates of the Caribbean

[MoonGlow Zine Productions: Glow and Moonshine, auth., May 2005] [s]

[MoonGlow Zine Productions: Glow and Moonshine, auth., May 2005] [s]

Simon & Simon

Gettin' Frisky with Simon/Simon
[Rox-Off Press: D. Fished, ed., January 1987] [s]

The Pirate and the Gentleman
[Almost Foolproof Press: J. Marie, auth., 1987] [s]

Stargate SG-1

DHD #5
[Light & Shadow Press: Glow and Tiger, ed., April 2005] [s]

Avram Davidson Files

  • TxAM-CRS C000163
  • Coleção

This collection contains materials relating to the life and literary career of Avram Davidson. Materials in the collection include manuscript material for a number of Davidson's works, correspondence, research files, business files, and various miscellaneous files.

Sem título

2011 Football Season

44/1: Texas A&M vs SMU, September 4, 2011

44/2: Texas A&M vs Idaho, September 17, 2011

44/3: Texas A&M vs Oklahoma State, September 24, 2011

44/4: Texas A&M vs. Arkansas, October 1, 2011
Southwest Classic

44/5: Texas A&M vs. Baylor, October 15, 2011

44/6: Texas A&M vs. Iowa State, October 22, 2011

44/7: Texas A&M vs Missouri, October 29, 2011

44/8: Texas A&M vs. Oklahoma University, November 5, 2011

44/9: Texas A&M vs. University of Texas, November 24, 2011

D. L. Young Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000319
  • Coleção
  • 2015-2017

This collection contains materials from science fiction D.L. (David) Young, relating to the creation and publication of his novel Soledad, a post-apocalyptic tale that is the first volume in Young's Dark Republic series.

Materials include notes, proofs, media material, final electronic versions of the novel, and production documentation. The materials in this collection are entirely digital, existing in several different software formats.

D. J. Finn '21 Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1396
  • Coleção
  • 1917-1921

This scrapbook contains autographs, memorabilia, and photographs of A&M College buildings during the span of 1917 to 1921 when Finn was a student at the College.

MPH August 2024 Addendum: The Professionals Circuit Archive and Other Materials

The Professionals Circuit Archive Stories

Titles Beginning with 'V', undated [g] [s]

  • "Veils of Morning", "A Very Private Passion", "Victorian Bed", "View from the Top", "Visiting Hours", "The Visiting V.I.P.", "Voyage
    of Discovery", "Voyeur"

Titles Beginning with 'Wa' - 'Whi', 1988, 1991, undated [s] [h]

  • "The Waiting Game", "Waking Up", "War Games", "The Watcher", "The Watcher", "The Way of the Samurai", "Wearing Away Stone"
    "Weathercock", "What Needs Must Be Done", "What's a Nice Girl Like You", "Whispers in the Wind", "Whistling in the Dark"

Titles Beginning with 'Who' - 'Wor', undated [s]

  • "Who Gave Us Delight", "Whose Love is Given Over-Well", "Why May I Not Love Johnny?", "Widening Gyre", "Wild Card", "Wimbledon
    Weather", "Windmill Extract", "A Winter's Tale", "Words", "Worlds Apart"

Titles Beginning with "X, Y, Z", 1986, undated [s]

  • "X Marks the Spot", "X-Rated Area", "X-Ray-Ted", "Yellow Streak", "Yenta", "The Ying Tong Song", "Yule Log", "Zebra Crossing"

The Small Print #3
[The Small Printers: 1987] [g]

The Small Print #4
[The Small Printers: 1988] [g]

Three and a Half Hatstands
[Green Dragon Press: 1983-1984] [s]

Up Against The Wall
[N. Silva, ed., 1989] [s]

Starsky and Hutch

ACTV's Partners #1 - #5/6
[Pat Massie, ed., January - September 1980]

A.P.B. #1 - 7
[Jan Daniels, ed., 1981]

A.P.B. #9 - 12 (1981 - 1982), #14 - 17 (1982 - 1983)
[Jan Daniels, ed.]

MPH August 2024 Addendum: The Professionals Circuit Archive and Other Materials

Starsky and Hutch

Between Friends #8 (March 1985 - Photocopy), #12 (November/December 1985), fragments, undated
[Elaine Hauptman, ed.]

Cops #8 - 11 (May 1978 - February 1979) - In Dutch
[Jenny van Gaal (#8), Alice van Estrik (#9 - 11), ed.]

Cops #12 - 13 (April - June 1979), #15 - 16 (October - December 1979 - In Dutch
[Alice van Estrik (#12 - 13), Jose v.h. Hof (#15 - 16), ed.]

Daily Reports #1 - 2
[M.J. Browne, ed., February - September 1981]

Mini-Zine #1 (May 1980) and Mini-Zine Supplement (August 1982)
[Sandra J. Ferriday, ed.]

Records and Information Fanzine Index #1
[Striped Tomato Press: Franny Moore-Kyle, ed., 1980]

S.H.A.S. #2 - 4
[Starsky and Hutch Appreciation Society: April/May/June - Oct/Nov/Dec 1977]

S.H.A.S. #5
[Starsky and Hutch Appreciation Society: (Jan/Feb/Mar 1978]
Incomplete - contains story "Revenge", part 5, 1st page and fan transcription

Starsky and Hutch Appreciation Society [SHAS]
[SHAS: 1977 - 1978]

Word on the Street #9
[Jan Lindner, ed., June 1985]

Letterzine fragments and other materials relating to Linda Walker, various dates
Other Materials

Convention Materials

Southern Con-federacy [Troy, AL] #1 - 3 (1980 - 1983), flyers

Zebra-Con, flyers and programs, 1979 - 1980

Corps of Cadets Caps Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1246
  • Coleção
  • 1907-1977

This collection contains 5 Corps of Cadets caps/hats from individuals from the class of 1908, 1977, and other unknown years.

MPH August 2024 Addendum: The Professionals Circuit Archive and Other Materials

The Professionals Circuit Archive Stories

Titles Beginning with 'J', 1986, undated [s]

  • "Jack the Shredder", "The Janus", "Jay Walking", "Joint Venture", "Jon", "Journey's End", "Jumping to Conclusions", "Jungle Ghosts",
    "Just a Kiss, but Ray Had Other Ideas", "Just Trying to Help, Mate!

Titles Beginning with 'K', 1985, 1989, undated [s] [g]

  • "Katrin's Jigsaw", "Keep the Homefires Burning", "Keeping Us in Line", "Keyword", "Kill on Commans", "A Kind of Magic", "KInd Hearts"
    "A Kindred Hand", "Knows No Laws"

Titles Beginning with 'La' - 'Li', 1983, 1986, 1990, undated [s] [g]

  • "Lap of the Gods, or The Big Easy, or Frozen Assets", "Laying the Ghosts to Rest", "Leap in the Dark", "The Legend of Eileen Fay"
    "Less Than Kind", "Let Today be Ours", "Lethal Doubles", "Lick and a Promise", "Light of Day", "Lightslide", "A Little Peace and Quiet"
    "Little Ray of Sonshine, or The Professionals - The Next Generation"

Titles Beginning with 'Lo' - 'Ly', 1984, 1986 - 1989, undated [s]

  • "Lonely", "Long Shadows", "Looking-Glass World", "Loose Change", "Loosening Up", "Lord Chatterley's Lover", "Love is Enough"
    "Love is the Drug", "Love Knots", "Luck of the Draw", "The Lych-Wake Dirge"

Titles Beginning with 'Ma', 1991, undated [s] [g]

  • "Magickal 1-3", "The Man Behind the Scenes", "Man of a Thousand Secrets", "Man on the Line", "Masquerade", "Massacre at Gollie Flats"
    "Master of the Revels", "Master Song", "Masters in This Hall", "Mating Season, or What's a Bored Bodie to Do?, or I Can't Believe I
    Wrote This!"

Titles Beginning with 'Me' - 'My', 1984, 1988, undated [s] [g]

  • "Meanwhile in M, or The Monumental Mrs. M", "The Mercenary and the Prisoner", "Merry Christmas, Mr. Cowley", "Merry Christmas,
    Mr. Doyle", "Michael", "Midnight Snack", "Miguel 3: The Keeper", "Mind Your Chains", "Missing", "Missing Scene from Surfeit", "The
    Mistletoe Bough", "Mitral Elenduil", "A Momentary Aberration", "More Than Kin", "More Than Words Can Say", "More Ways To Skin
    A Cat", "Morning After", "The Morning After", "Mr. Sandman", "Murphy", "Mushroom System", "My Cousin Raymond", "My Funny
    Valentine", "My True Love Gave to Me", "The Mysterial Mrs. M", "Mystery Trip"

Titles Beginning with 'N', 1984, 1987, 1993, undated [s] [g]

  • "Name Your Poison", "Natural Progression", "Ne'er The Twain Shall Meet", "Never Say 'No Strings'", "Niagara Blues", "The Night Before"
    "Night Moves", "Night Must Fall", "A Night Out", "A Night To Remember", "Nightwatch", "Nightwatch - Deathwatch", "No Gentleness"
    "No Middle Ground", "No More Hunger", "No Rational Explanation", "No Regrets", "No Strings", No Unicorns", "Noises at Dawn"
    "Not Bad for a Beginner", "Not Even Good-Bye", "Not So Equal", "Now You Know"

Titles Beginning with 'Of' -'On', 1981,1984, undated [s]

  • "Of Priests and Powers", "Of Temples and Trials", "Of Tethered Goats and Tigers", "Off the Hook", "Off-Guard...or Tulips from Amsterdam"
    "Oh Come, All Ye Faithful", "Old Friends", "Old Longings, Russian Roulette, Better to Forget", "On a Lazy Summer Afternoon", "On Heat"
    "On the First Day of Christmas"

Titles Beginning with 'One' - 'Ov', 1986, undated [s] [g]

  • "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, or The Golly Has Landed", "One Good Turn", "One Morning in May", "One Night in Bangcock, an
    Alternate Beginning", "One of These Days", "One Summer Night", "One-Off", "Operation Impossible", "'Orses for Courses", "Ostrich
    Syndrome", "Out of the Mouths of Babes", "Out of the Shadows", "Out...and In", "Outside Looking In", "Overnight Stay"

Titles Beginning with 'Pa' - 'Peer', undated [s]

  • "Painting the Clouds", "Paper Chains", "A Pardon after Execution", "Paris - or Bust", "Party Spirit", "Pas de Deux", "Passages", "The Patterns
    of Life", "Pay Back", "The Peerless Pair"

Titles Beginning with 'Per' - 'Q', 1983 - 1984, 1993, undated [s]

  • "Perchance to Dream", "The Perfect Bear", "Petty Thief", "Phoenix", "Pictures of an Exhibition", "Plain Sailing", "Play the Game, or The
    Balloon Goes Up", "Pleasure Bent", "Plot and Counterplot", "Poem for Morning", "Possession", "Powergame, aka Powerplay", "A
    Practical Proposition", "Preconceived Notions", "A Pretty Pair of Almond Eyes", "The Priaprismic Situatiob", "Private Performance"
    "Prometheus Unbound", "Pushbike Song", "Quicksand"

Titles Beginning with 'R', 1986 - 1987, undated [s] [h]

  • "Radio Ga-Ga", "Rainy Days", "The Rakes' Progress", "Realities", Rediscovered in a Cupboard", "Reincarnation with a Difference", A
    Residence Afresh", "Restore Amends", "The Return of Emma", "Reunited", "Revelation", "The Right Words to Say", "Romantic It Ain't"
    "Room 101", "Room 52A", "Room with a View", "Rough Comfort", "Round Two"

Titles Beginning with 'S' - 'Sk', undated [s]

  • "'S What Mates Are For", "Sapphires at Midnight", "Second Thoughts", "Selling Hours Sequel", "The Selling Hours", "Sequel to Two Brown
    Envelopes", "Set-Up", "Sex Scene for 'Tailor-Made'", "Shades of Blue", "SHBD Crossover Outline", "The Sin of Omission", "Siren"
    "Skinny Dipping"

Titles Beginning with 'Sl' - 'Stra', undated [s]

  • "The Sleeping Prince", "So Cold the Night", "So Glad It Was Me", "Solo Contraire", "Something So Right", "The Spice of Life", "Stainless
    Steele", "Starting Over", "Stir-Happy", "Strange Days Indeed"

Titles Beginning with 'Str' - Sw', 1984, undated [s]

  • "Strictly Classified", "The Stripper", "Submissive It Ain't", "Sugar 'n Spice, Raw Carrots 'n Rice", "Sule Skerrie", "Sunday's Children", "Super
    Grass", "Surfeit", "Surfers' Tension", "Sweet Surrender on the Quayside", "Sweeter than Wine"

Titles Beginning with 'Ta' - 'Th', 1983, 1985 - 1990, undated [s] [g]

  • "Tailor-Made", "The Tailor-Made Sequence", "Tainted Love", "Tales of the Riverbank, or Premature Senile Decay", "Teacher's Pet",
    "Teatime with Macklin/Coffee with Crowley", "Teddy Bear", "Teddy Bear's Picnic, or George and Murphy Rides Again", "Teething
    Troubles", "That Little Twinkie", "That Which Matters", "There's an Old Mill", "Three's Not a Crowd..","Through A Glass Darkly", "Thru' with the

Titles Beginning with 'Ti' -'Tw', 1983, 1986, 1994, undated [s] [g]

  • "Tiger By the Tail", "Time-Crossed Lovers", "Tis The Season", "To Rewrite Yesterdays", "Tooth Fairy 1", "Transition", "Trilogy of Tragedy,
    or The Domino Effect", "The Trip", "Trouble at 4.5's Flat", "Truth Beauty?", "Turn of a Friendly Card", "Twelve Days of Christmas 1",
    "Twelve Days of Christmas 2", "Twelve Days of Christmas 3", "Twelve Days of Christmas 4", "Twelve Days of Christmas 6", "Two Crazy
    Lovers", "Two in a Bunk, is Worth One in the Hand", "Two Plain Brown Envelopes", "Two-Up"

Titles Beginning with 'U', 1989, undated [s]

  • "Uncovered in a Drawer", "Undercover Activities", "Unfinished Business", "The Unmasking of Mrs. M", "Up Jumped a Swagman"

MPH August 2024 Addendum: The Professionals Circuit Archive and Other Materials

The Professionals

Blind Run #2
[Clueless Press: May 1994] [s]

The Professionals Circuit Archive Stories

Titles Beginning with 'Aa' - 'Al', 1983, 1990, undated [s] [g]

  • "Aardvark", "About Heart, By Heart, For Heart", "Absent Friends", "Action of the Tiger", "Adagio"
    "Addiction", "After Consequences, Truth", "After the Party", "Air on the G String", "All Alone with Friends"
    "Along the Road"

Titles Beginning with 'Am' - 'Av', 1985, 1988, undated [s]

  • "Among the Lilies", "And As the Evening Loses Color", "And Future Dreams", "And Love's Worn Circuit Re-Begun"
    "And Lovers Long Ago", "And Think of England", "Angel Delight", "Angel Unchained", "The Anniversary", "Another Partner"
    "Another Pros Misadventure", "Another Time, Another Place", "Anticlimax", "Any Way You Like It", Apprentice to a Journeyman"
    "Army Games", "As It Comes", "At First Light", "Attitude of Mind", "Aurelian", "Average Life of a Daily Civil Servant: Home Office (S)"

Titles Beginning with 'B' - 'Bis', 1983, undated [s] [g]

  • "B&D Beside The Sea", "Babes in the Woods", "Babysitter Boogie", Bareheaded in the Rain", "Be It Ever So Humble", "Bear With Me"
    "Beau Bodie, or How to Make a Fast Buck", Beauty in Bondage", "Bedtime Story", "Beggar's Banquet", "Beginnings", "Beneath Your Station"
    "Better Left Unsaid", "Between the Lines", "Between/Behind Welfare and Whereabouts I & II", Bird's-Eye View", "The Birthday Boy"
    "Birthday Dinner", "The Birthday Present", "Bishonen Op", "Bishonen Too"

Titles Beginning with 'Bit' - 'Bu', 1984, 1993, undated [s]

  • "Bittersweet 1", "Bittersweet 2", "Black Bodie's Bargain", "Black Bodie's Treasure", "Black Leather", "Black Sheep", "Blind Date", "Blood
    Brothers" , "Blood Heat", "Blues for a Winter Day", "Bodie's Luck", "Bondage in Silver", "Born of Fire", "Bound to the Mast", "Bowled
    Over", "Boy's Night Out", "Braille", "Brass in Pocket", "Brief", "Brother's Keeper", "Brown Study", "Bull By the Horns", "Bunting Fly", "The
    Burden of Trust"

Titles Beginning with 'C', 1981-1982, 1986, 1990, undated [s] [g]

  • "Cabaret", Caravans", "Carnal Interests", "The Case of the Apathetic Acolyte, or If the Glass Slipper Fits", "Catharsis, "Cats"
    "Caught Short: A Tale of Inconvenience", "Changing the Rules", "Chanson de Matin", "The Check", "Christmas", "Christmas in August"
    "Closely Watched Trains", "Co-operation Guaranteed", "Coldwater Morning", "Come Scoglio", "Confessions of a Shutterbug"
    "Consequences", "Conundrum", "Counterpoint", "Cowboys and Indians", "Crescendo"

C15 Mailing List Stories, various authors, 1996 - 1998 [s]

Consequences Stories, various authors, 1980 - 1981 [s]

Titles Beginning with 'Da' - 'De', 1986 - 1987, undated [s] [g]

  • "Dam Burst", "Dance with the Devil", "Dare to Love", "Dark Dreaming", "Dark of the Heart", A Day in the Country", "A Day in the Life"
    "Days of Futures", "Dead and Buried", "Deadly Nightshade", "Dear Diary", "The Dearest Possession", "Death and Life", "Death Games"
    "Debts Repaid", "Descent to Humanity", "Desperate Measures", "Despite Consequences", "Detect in the Future Tense"
    "A Desperate Beginning"

Titles Beginning with 'Di' - 'Dy', 1986 - 1987, undated [s] [g]

  • "A Different Drum", "Different Peace", "Discovered in a Cupboard", "Discovered in a Library", "Doctor on the Squad", "Dog in the
    Manger", "Domestic Affliction", "Double Act", "Double Dilemma", "Double or Nothing" (Sarina), "Double or Nothing" (Callahan)
    "Doyle's Training", "The Dreaming Stone", "Dreams of Yet to Be", "Driven to Distraction", "Dynasty"

Titles Beginning with 'E', 1988, undated [s] [g]

  • "El'Endu'il: The Dungeon", "El'Endu'il: The Kingdom", "Emerging from the Smoke", "Emma", Encore", "The End of a Illusion", "Entr'acte"
    "Epitaph for a Soon to be Dead Cat", "Escape Route", "Essence", "Et in Terra Pax Hominibus", "Even Tough Guys Like Us", "Evensong"
    "Exorcism", "Explanations"

Titles Beginning with 'F', 1987, 1989, undated [s]

  • "Fall Guy", "Falling", "False Heroics", "Families, or And Bodie Makes Three", "Family Ties", "Fantasies", "A Fate Worse Than Death"
    "The Faucet Saga", "Fever", "Final Step" "Firelight", Fireworks, Weel Nev'r Tell", "First Step, Middle Journey, Homeward Bound"
    "Floccinaucinihilipilification", "Flu 1", "Flu 2", "For Auld Lang Syne", "For the Time Being", "Forget Me Never"

Titles Beginning with 'G', 1988, 1991 - 1992, undated [s] [g] [h]

  • "Games People Play", "Gay Fawkes", "Gentle Persuasion", "Getting at the Truth", "Ghosts", "Gift-Wrapped", "Give Someone You Love
    A Christmas Goose", "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "Going for the Shore 2", "Going for the Shore 3", "The Great Mrs. M Mutiny"
    "Griffin", "Grown Men Don't Cry", "Gruff & Grim", "Guilty", "Guilty as Charged"

Titles Beginning with 'Ha' - Hi', 1986, 1988, undated [s] [g] [h]

  • "Handle With Care", "Hang-Up", "Happy Endings", "Happy Landings", "Harmonious Tongues", "Heir Apparent", "Hidden Anger (aka Closets Are
    For Clothes", "Hijacked", "His Reply"

Titles Beginning with 'Hi' - 'Hu', 1983, 1985, undated [s] [g]

  • "The Holly and the Ivy", "Homecoming" (S.S.), "Homecoming" (Sebastian), "Honeysuckle Arbor", "Honours Even", "A Hopeless Case", "How to
    Improve Your Mind, or How to Win Friends and Influence People", "Hungry Eyes", "Hungry Heart", Hungry Soul", "Hunter from the Hill"
    "Hyperion to a Satyr 1", "Hyperion to a Satyr 2"

Titles Beginning with 'I', 1986, 1988, undated [s] [g]

  • "I Do Care", "I Said I Would Get You", "I Won't Send Roses", "I'm-Trying-to-Keep-this-Under-Sixty-Pages-and-How-Come-Nobody-Knows-Anything
    -About-Martial-Arts?Hatstand", "If Looks Could Kill", "If There Ever Was a Christmas", "If...", "Ill-Met By Moonlight", "In For a Penny"
    "In His Majesty's Secret Service", "In Hot Water: An Idyl", "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree", "The Inn at the End of the Road", "Input"
    "Insight", "Into the Future"

Commencement Programs

21/1: August 12, 2023
(2 copies)

21/2: December 14, 2023
(2 copies)

21/3: December 15, 2023
(2 copies)

21/4: May 9, 2024
(2 copies)

21/5: May 10, 2024
(2 copies)

21/6: May 11, 2024
Undergraduate (2 copies)

21/7: May 11, 2024
Graduate (2 copies)

21/8: August 10, 2024
9 am (2 copies)

21/9: August 10, 2024
2 pm (2 copies)

21/10: December 12, 2024
(2 copies)

21/11: December 13, 2024
9 am (2 copies)

21/12: December 13, 2024
2 pm (2 copies)

R. F. Smith Materials

1-1: Empty envelope from the College Archives which contained the original manuscript of Professor R. F. Smith, "History of the Agricultural and Mechanical College". 1895 (located in folder 2)

1-2: "A Brief Sketch of A&M College" by Smith. Tells the early history of Texas A&M (7 pages), discusses how it was founded and the early years of the college.

1-3: Rough draft of "Brief Sketch of A&M College" in a scratch book.

1-4: Another scratch book used to write the rough draft of "Brief Sketch of A&M College".

1-5: Notes pertaining to "Brief Sketch of A&M College". (31 pages)

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