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Palmer, Ada Box Inglês
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November 2021 addendum

5/15: Otakon 2000 (Baltimore, MD, 2000)

5/16: Anime Boston (Boston, MA), 2010, 2015 - 2016, undated

5/17: Otakon 2010 (Baltimore, MD, 2010)

5/18: Balticon 45 (Baltimore, MD, 2011)

5/19: Balticon 47 (Baltimore, MD, 2013)

5/20: ConDFW XII (Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX, 2013)

5/21: Boskone (Boston, MA), 2014 - 2016

5/22: Loncon 3 [WorldCon 72: London, UK, 2014]

5/23: Sixteenth Century Society and Conference (New Orleans, LA, 2014)

5/24: Sasquan [WorldCon 73: Spokane, WA, 2015]

5/25: Vericon (Cambridge, MA), 2015 -2016

5/26: WindyCon 42 (Chicago, IL, 2015)

5/27: Ohio Valley Filk Fest, 2015 - 2016

5/28: Balticon 50 (Baltimore, MD, 2016)

5/29: BookExpo America 2016 (Chicago, IL, 2016)

5/30: Capricon (Chicago, IL), 2016 - 2017

5/31: GenCon Writers Symposium (Indianapolis, IN, 2016)

5/32: MidAmericon II [WorldCon 74: Kansas City, MO, 2016]

5/33: Readercon 27 (Quincy, MA, 2016)

5/34: 2016 SFWA Nebula Conference (Chicago, IL, 2016)

5/35: Balticon 51 (Baltimore, MD, 2017)

5/36: Chessiecon 2017 (Baltimore, MD, 2017)

5/37: Edinburgh International Book Festival, 2017

5/38: Penguicon 2017 (Southfield, MI, 2017)

5/39: WorldCon 75 (Helsinki, Finland, 2017)

5/40: Balticon 52 (Baltimore, MD, 2018)

5/41: Capricon 38 (Chicago, IL, 2018)

5/42: Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (Chicago, IL, 2018)

5/43: Hong Kong International Literary Festival, 2018

5/44: Scintillation (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2018)

5/45: WorldCon 76 (San Jose, CA, 2018)

5/46: Balticon 53 (Baltimore, MD, 2019)

5/47: Dublin 2019 [WorldCon 77: Dublin, Ireland, 2019]

5/48: Nantes Utopiales 2019 (Nantes, France, 2019)

5/49: ConZealand [WorldCon 78: Wellington, NZ, 2020]

5/50: Miscellaneous, 2014, 2017 - 2018, undated

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November 2021 addendum

5/1: Too Like The Lightning (2016), typescript outline, September 2010

5/2: Too Like The Lightning (2016), typescript pages, undated

5/3: Too Like The Lightning (2016), proofs with handwritten copyedits, front matter - page 174, 2016

5/4: Too Like The Lightning (2016), proofs with handwritten copyedits, page 175 - 285, 2016

5/5: Too Like The Lightning (2016), proofs with handwritten copyedits, page 286 - 432, 2016

5/6: "Epicureanism" (for *Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, Springer, 2016), proofs with handwritten edits, 2016

5/7: Review - "Evening News: Optics, Astronomy, and Journalism in Early Modern Europe", by Eileen Reeves, typescript with handwritten edits, October 2016

5/8: "Two Humanist Lives of Pythagoras" (2016), typescript with handwritten edits, 2016?

5/9: Seven Surrenders (2017), typescript, partial first chapter, undated

5/10: The Will To Battle (2017), typescript draft chapters 1 - 21 with additional comments, 2017?

5/11: The Will To Battle (2017), proof pages with handwritten edits, August 2017

5/12: The Will To Battle (2017), proof pages with handwritten edits, August 2017

5/13: Perhaps The Stars (2021), outline, 2013 - 2014

5/14: Perhaps The Stars (2021), typescript draft with comments by beta reader Crystal Huff, December 2019

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November 2021 addendum

6/4: Censorship seminar at the University of Chicago, 2018

6/5: College transcript (Harvard University) of Palmer, 2004 [sealed]

6/6: Correspondence, 2012, 2016, 2018

6/7: Photograph (copy) of Sassafras, undated

6/8: Portfolio of poetry by Steven Schwartz, undated

6/9: RightStuf Anime Catalog, various issues, 2014 - 2018

6/10: Speeches, 2018

6/11: University of Chicago activities, 2016 - 2019

6/12: Walter Day's Science Fiction Historical Trading Cards, partial set, 2015 - 2016

6/13: The Will To Battle (2017), publicity card for book and Palmer, 2017

6/14: Zine + Origami #1 - 3 (August - December 2016), #5 (August 2017)

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November 2021 addendum

6/1: Badges
Anime Boston 2012 (Boston, MA, 2012) [1x]
Anime Boston 2014 (Boston, MA, 2014) [6x]
ConDFW X (Dallas-Ft. Worth, 2011) [1x]

6/2: Lauren Schiller's Badges
Aggiecon 41 (College Station, TX, 2010)
Anime Boston 2011 (Boston, MA, 2011)
ArmadilloCon 36 (Austin, TX, 2014)
Balticon 45 (Baltimore, MD, 2013)
Balticon 50 (Baltimore, MD, 2016)
Balticon 51 (Baltimore, MD, 2017)
Capricon 38 (Chicago, IL, 2018)
Chessiecon 2017 (Baltimore, MD, 2017)
MidAmericon II (WorldCon 74: Kansas City, MO, 2016)
Ohio Valley Filk Fest 27 (2011)
Ohio Valley Filk Fest 32 (2016)
ORD Camp ’20 (Chicago, IL, 2020)
SFWA Nebula Conference (Chicago, IL, 2016)
WorldCon 75 (Helsinki, Finland, 2017)

6/3: Ada Palmer's Badges
AnimeChicago Symposium (Chicago, IL, 2015)
Archaeological Institute of America & Society for Classical Studies (Boston, MA, 2018)
Balticon 52 (Baltimore, MD, 2018)
BookExpo America 2016 (Chicago, IL, 2016)
Boskone 53 (Boston, MA, 2016)
Boskone 54 (Boston, MA, 2017)
Capricon 36 (Chicago, IL, 2016)
ConDFW 2013 (Dallas-Ft. Worth, 2013)
ConFusion (Storming the Confusion) (Ann Arbor, MI, 2019)
Dublin 2019 (WorldCon 77: Dublin, Ireland, 2019)
Edinburgh International Book Festival (2017)
Edinburgh International Book Festival (2018)
Gencon 2016 (Indianapolis, IN, 2016)
Latin School of Chicago (undated)
Nantes Utopiales (Nantes, France, 2019)
Ohio Valley Filk Fest 28 (2012)
Ohio Valley Filk Fest (2013)
PenguiCon 2017 (Southfield, MI, 2017)
"The Promise of the Vatican Library" (Notre Dame, IN, 2016)
Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (Boston, MA, 2016)
Scintillation 2 (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2019)
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference (New Orleans, LA, 2014)
Society of French Historical Studies (undated)
Uchi-Con 2019 (Chicago, IL, 2019)
WorldCon 76 (San Jose, CA, 2018)

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