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Science Fiction & Fantasy
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Robert Duncan Milne Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000261
  • Collection
  • 1879-1889

This collection consists of a group of thirty issues of The Argonaut (1879-1889) containing twenty-three science-fiction stories by Robert Duncan Milne, some in two or three parts. References to "Moskowitz" indicate his edition of eleven stories by Milne, Into the Sun (West Kingston, RI: Donald M. Grant, Publisher, 1980). Eighteen of the stories in this lot were not published in Moskowitz's edition and have never been reprinted, to the best of our knowledge.

The time period covered in this lot is 1879 to 1889. The Argonaut was generally printed on good, non-pulpy paper and, barring abuse, remains in good condition and can be handled with due care without fear of crumbling paper. The Argonaut was a weekly literary newspaper published in San Francisco starting in 1878 and running well into the 20th century. It contained political commentary as well as departmental reviews of books, drama, food, fashion, etc. Ambrose Bierce wrote weekly columns during the first two and a half years of its existence. The editors had a penchant for weird and fantastic fiction and published such material by W. C. Morrow, Emma Frances Dawson, Robert Duncan Milne and a host of other minor authors, as well as offering translations of European material in this vein. Milne was evidently popular among The Argonaut readers, for his stories are often featured on the front page.

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John Carter of Mars Comic Strip Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000147
  • Collection
  • 1942

This collection consists of selected Sunday comic strips (12 in number) from the comic strip John Carter of Mars, based on the series of novels about Carter by Edgar Rice Burroughs. All are from 1942 and encapsulated and backed on board.

The strip was written and illustrated by Burroughs' son, John Coleman Burroughs, and ran from 1941-1943.

Republic Pictures Cutting Continuity Script Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000269
  • Collection
  • 1936-1950

This collection consists of "cutting continuity" scripts for two science fiction film serials produced by Republic Pictures, Undersea Kingdom (1936), and Flying Disc Man From Mars (1950). Both serials had 12 episodes, the scripts for all of which are in the collection.

"Cutting continuity" scripts were not so much as screenplays in the traditional sense of the primary documents that are used to construct a film, as transcriptions of the final filmed product that were sent to the Production Code Administration (the self-regulating Hollywood agency that from 1934-1968 examined and judged movies for their content), to state censors, or to exhibitors.

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Francis Towner Laney Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000149
  • Collection
  • 1943-1952

This collection contains various materials from noted fan and fanzine publisher Francis Towner Laney (1914-1958). Materials include a number of letters between Laney and fellow fanzine publisher A. Langley Searles, as well as an unbound copy of Laney's 1948 Ah! Sweet Idiocy!: The Fan Memoirs of Francis T. Laney.

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Lord Edward Dunsany Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000213
  • Collection
  • 1953-05-01

This small collection consists of one letter from Dunsany to Min Winwar, May 1, 1953, in which he comments favorably on her new book.

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Richard E. Geis Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000243
  • Collection
  • 1951-1953

This collection contains over 100 letters and postcards, most written by science fiction fan writers and editors regarding amateur writing and publishing, largely related to Psychotic (later Science Fiction Review), a fanzine published by Richard E. Geis from July 1953 to October/November 1955.

The correspondence includes letters from influential science fiction fans and fanzine editors of the period: Terry Carr (6 letters, 1 postcard), Harlan Ellison (2 letters, 1 postcard), Marion Zimmer Bradley (1 letter), Robert Silverberg (2 letters, 1 postcard), Ron Smith (editor of Inside, one of the more important fanzines of the 1950s) and others, as well as a letter from pro editor Samuel Mines (accompanied by drafts and carbon copies of fan letters from Geis to Mines critiquing material published in Startling Stories), and a typed letter on FBI letterhead from J. Edgar Hoover.

Arthur C. Clarke - "Jupiter Five" Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000254
  • Collection
  • 1953

This collection consists of the original typescript of Arthur C. Clarke's short story, "Jupiter Five", written in 1951 and first published in the May 1953 issue of the magazine IF: Worlds of Science Fiction. This typescript is the setting copy for the magazine publication and has been copy-edited by editor Larry T. Shaw and the author. It also includes two layout sheets with design notes and paste-in illustrations.

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Arkham House Collection (August Derleth)

  • TxAM-CRS C000195
  • Collection
  • 1930-1953

The Arkham House Collection consists of correspondence from August Derleth to Howard Wandrei. Derleth, a writer, founded Arkham House to publish and keep in print the work of Howard Phillips Lovecraft, a friend and fellow writer. Lovecraft died in 1937; for the next two years Derleth tried unsuccessfully to find a publisher for Lovecraft's writings. Using money from prepaid orders and the personal investment of Donald Wandrei (brother of Howard Wandrei), Derleth founded Arkham House in 1939. Arkham House published science fiction works by Lovecraft and other writers such as Algernon Blair, Clark Ashton Smith and Henry S. Whitehead.

In his letters to fellow science-fiction writer Howard Wandrei, August Derleth writes about his publishing efforts at Arkham House, his own writing career and the details of his personal life. His letters also mention other authors and publishing houses. The letters date from 1930-1953; most letters are accompanied by the original stamped envelopes.

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Tom Godwin "You Created Us" Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C C000266
  • Collection
  • 1954

This collection consists of one typed manuscript (17 leaves) by Godwin, for his 1955 story "You Created Us".

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Theodore Sturgeon Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000235
  • Collection
  • 1954

This collection consists of an advance copy (bound unpaged galley proofs) of the first edition, first state; and an advance copy (bound unpaged galley proofs) of the first edition, second state, of Sturgeon's 1953 novel More Than Human.

The proofs represent the first state of the text without Sturgeon's extensive last-minute changes made at the publisher's office. A handwritten signed note by Sturgeon dated August 1954 on the inside front cover reads: "A few hours before 'More Than Human' went to press, the author felt a profound dissatisfaction with the last section. Working in the corner of a busy office at his publisher's, he rewrote the final portion. This is, as far as he knows, the only copy extant of the book before these changes were made. It is donated, with the author's warmest good wishes, to the World Science Fiction Convention of 1954, at San Francisco."

The revisions to the galleys were made on leaves 16, 120, 136, 139, and 144-145 and consisted mostly of insertions of new copy, ranging from about 150 words in one case to about 1500 in another (at the story's conclusion).

The proofs are accompanied by a signed letter, dated August 25, 1954, from Sturgeon (signed "Ted") to "Les" (probably Lester Cole, co-chairman of the convention) on Sturgeon's stationery, with an autograph postscript. This is the cover letter sent with the proof, in which Sturgeon explains why he will not be able to attend the 1954 convention due to a death in the family. He expresses sincere regret and names those to whom he would like to have his greetings conveyed, including "the six (at least) X's. These last are the handful, among all the wonderful people there, whom [sic] I haven't met yet but would discover and have for lifelong friends if only I could be there."

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Murray Leinster "Honeymoon on Dlecka" Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C C000263
  • Collection
  • 1955

This collection consists of the typed manuscript (21 leaves) for Leinster's short story "Honeymoon on Dlecka", published in Fantastic Universe, July 1955.

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Alfred Elton Van Vogt Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000180
  • Collection
  • 1949-1956; Undated

This collection consists of materials relating to the 1956 A. E. Van Vogt novel Empire of the Atom, including the original typescript, galleys, and correspondence related to the book's publication and review.

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Buck Rogers Comic Strip Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000162
  • Collection
  • 1959-12-14-1960-04-03

This collection consists of a number of proof pages for the Buck Rogers comic strip, December 14, 1959 - April 3, 1960. The proofs contain both the comic pages themselves and typewritten scripts for each strip.

The comic strips are illustrated by George Truska, who drew the strip from 1959 until the end of its original run in 1967.

Bernard Gordon Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000170
  • Collection
  • 1963-01-17

This collection consists of a domestic version of the export script dated January 17, 1963, for the British science fiction movie The Day of the Triffids (1962), written by Gordon and based on the famous 1951 novel by John Wyndham.

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Tarzan Comic Strip Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000160
  • Collection
  • 1929-1965

This collection contains a number of strips from the long-running Tarzan comic strip, based on the famous books by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Most of the strips were simply clipped from newspapers, including the Detroit News,  and then put in folders. Others have been encapsulated onto stiff boards.

Annotated New Worlds Galleys Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000030
  • Collection
  • 1965

This collection contains sets of galley proofs from several issues, dating from 1965, of the important, groundbreaking British science fiction magazine New Worlds. During this period of the magazine's publication, it was edited by famous and influential science fiction author Michael Moorcock.

The proof sets for April and August 1965 are complete, while there are only partial sets for January-March 1965. There are also several additional fragments from unknown issues.

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Jon Manchip White Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000174
  • Collection
  • 1965

This collection consists of the release dialogue script of the 1965 Paramount film Crack in the World starring Dana Andrews as Dr. Steven Sorenson, who plans to tap the geothermal energy of the Earth's interior by means of a thermonuclear device detonated deep within the Earth. Despite dire warnings by fellow scientist Ted Rampion (Kieron Moore), Sorenson proceeds with the experiment after secretly learning that he is terminally ill. This experiment causes a crack to form and grow within the earth's crust, which threatens to split the earth in two if it is not stopped in time. The screenplay was written by White and Julian Halevy.

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The Hyborian Age Archives

  • TxAM-CRS C000158
  • Collection
  • 1938-1968

This archive of documents are from the Robert E. Howard file of John D. Clark. Included are correspondence, manuscript (including drawn maps of Howard's Hyborian Age universe, and published material relating to the 1950s republication of Conan the Barbarian stories.

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Robert Silverberg - Sam Moskowitz Correspondence Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000258
  • Collection
  • 1951-1968

This collection consists of six typed letters, all sent from author Robert Silverberg to science fiction historian and editor Sam Moskowitz. The letters cover a period of 17 years, starting in 1951 when Silverberg was 16 years old and editor of the fanzine Spaceship, responding to a request from Sam Moskowitz for back issues of the fanzine as well as a subscription. The casual and friendly letters discuss a variety of subjects, including issues with the fanzine, payment for books bought from Moskowitz, and Moskowitz' lawsuit against Ted White (which Silverberg askes to be left out of).

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Anne McCaffrey Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000197
  • Collection
  • 1969

This collection consists of the original manuscript for McCaffrey's novella The Partnered Ship (1969), which was included as the concluding chapter in her famed 1969 novel The Ship Who Sang. The manuscript (typed 70 leaves) is signed by McCaffrey and has multiple handwritten edits.

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Marion Zimmer Bradley Manuscript Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000173
  • Collection
  • 1969-1970

This collection includes the manuscripts for The Brass Dragon (typed, 199 leaves), and The Winds of Darkover (typed, 197 leaves).

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Arthur C. Clarke - Playboy Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000157
  • Collection
  • 1960-1971

This collection consists of materials related to Arthur C. Clarke's sales of stories and other pieces to Playboy Magazine. The collection includes a group of 27 typed letters and 7 autograph letters, mainly between Clarke and editor A. G. Spectorksy, internal Playboy memoranda, and correspondence from Playboy. Also included are typescripts (marked as setting copy) for 4 short works of fiction and 8 nonfiction pieces by Clarke.

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Otto Binder Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000204
  • Collection
  • 1929-1971

This collection consists of typescripts of several of Binder's novels with most including the author's corrections and accompanying carbons, and a number of short stories with most corrected including carbons and in some cases tearsheets from the magazines in which the stories initially appeared, corrected and with continuation sheets for expansion into full-length books.

In addition, there are close to 300 business and personal letters, photographs, postcards, and other files including broadcasting projects, non-fiction articles, letters and critiques from literary agents and publishers, materials on Space World, and several folders of unfinished manuscripts. Unusual "picture cards" featuring text and photographs on postcards are included.

Excluding duplicate carbons, letters, etc., there are approximately 2,300 pages (mostly 11 x 8.5-inches) of typescript with a total of about 575,000 words. Many of Binder's letters are on letters received or on the backs of manuscript or script fragments.

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Robert A. Heinlein Papers

  • TxAM-CRS C000211
  • Collection
  • 1945-1972

This collection details some of Heinlein's interactions with Shasta Publishers and with Playboy Enterprises.

The Shasta Publishers' correspondence, primarily from 1945-1958, provides insights to the dealings of Heinlein with an early specialty publisher of science fiction, and to one of the first science-fiction specialty publishers. The Playboy correspondence covers some contractual issues and providing insight on the methodology of creating a "Playboy Interview," including the "caboose," a two-page typescript addendum to the 1969 Playboy interview. The letters reference Heinlein's trip to Chicago, and to the Playboy panel in 1984.

Barry N. Malzberg Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000202
  • Collection
  • 1972

This collection contains the typed manuscript (7 leaves with a 2 leaf blurb), with handwritten edits, of Barry Malzberg's 1973 story "Isaiah", which was first published in the issue of Fantastic Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories.

A crossed-out date on the last page gives the date of composition to be December 20, 1972.

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David R. Bunch Manuscript

  • TxAM-CRS C000220
  • Collection
  • 1973

This collection consists of the typescript for Bunch's short story, "Moment of Truth in Suburb Junction", which was published in Fantastic, in September 1973. The 10-page typescript has handwritten edits and includes a note from Fantastic editor Ted White and a one-leaf blurb.

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Glen Cook Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C C000216
  • Collection
  • 1973

This collection consists of the typed manuscript with handwritten edits of Cook's 1973 short story "The Night of Dreadful Silence". Also included is one blurb with the cover format.

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Gordon Eklund Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000194
  • Collection
  • 1973

This collection consists of the manuscript for Eklund's 1973 story "The Stuff of Time", which was published in the September 1973 issue of Fantastic Stories.

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Alexei Panshin Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000189
  • Collection
  • 1968-1973

This collection consists of several manuscripts of Panshin's work, including his 1968 novel The Thurb Revolution and his serialized novel The Son of Black Morca (1973, photocopies). Also included is a set of galleys for Panshin's Masque World (1969).

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Janet Fox Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000191
  • Collection
  • 1973

This collection consists of the manuscript for Fox's short story A Witch in Time, published in September 1973. The manuscript is typed, 22 pages with an additional 2-page blurb.

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Karl T. Pflock "AFC" Manuscript

  • US TxAM-C C000255
  • Collection
  • 1973

This collection consists of the manuscript with handwritten edits of the story "AFC", by Karl T. Pflock, published in Fantasticin September 1973, accompanied by a typewritten blurb.

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Philip Jose Farmer Manuscript Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000253
  • Collection
  • 1967-1973

This collection consists of two typed manuscripts (with corrections) of Philip Jose Farmer, including his Hugo Award-winning novella Riders of the Purple Wage (1967) with a signed cover letter to Harlan Ellison and Larry Ashmead and which was originally published in Harlan Ellison's groundbreaking anthology Dangerous Visions.
The manuscript "Sketches Among The Ruins of My Mind" (1973) signed by Farmer in August 1986, is accompanied by a 1972 letter from Harry Harrison containing suggested edits to Farmer's story.

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Ted White Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000230
  • Collection
  • 1973

This collection includes the typescript for an editorial by White for the September 1973 issue of Fantastic, and some 14 pieces of editorial correspondence, undated.

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Star Trek: The Animated Series Scripts Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000159
  • Collection
  • 1973-1974

This collection consists of scripts and storyboards for seven episodes of Star Trek: The Animated Series. The program, produced by Filmation, aired on NBC for two seasons from 1973-1974 and the episodes were later novelized by Alan Dean Foster.

Wilson Tucker Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000185
  • Collection
  • 1953-1954; 1974

This collection contains the typed manuscript for Tucker's 1954 novel Wild Talent, as well as the original typescript and page proofs for Tucker's 1974 novel Ice and Iron.

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