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Star Wars at Texas A&M University Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000245
  • Coleção
  • 2015

This collection consists of a number of items of Texas A&M University memorabilia, that display images, and lines of dialogue from the Star Wars cinematic universe. These items were sold in the fall of 2015 at the University Bookstore at the Memorial Student Center (MSC), as part of the nationwide landslide of publicity surrounding the December 2015 release of the film Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Items in the collection include T-shirts, pennants, stickers, decals, and beverage coolers, among others.

Wipprecht Family Papers

  • US TxAM-C 1251
  • Coleção
  • 1803-1973

This a collection contains photographs, correspondence, and other items pertaining to the family of Walter Wipprecht (Sr.). The photographic collection spans the Wipprecht personal family ranch life in Bryan Texas to Texas A&M College and Bryan, TX early buildings. The collection includes several local newspapers, commemorative Bryan, TX memorabilia along with photographs of historic Texas A&M College during the early 1900s.

The collection includes light-sensitive glass plate negatives.

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Class of 1995 Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1422
  • Coleção
  • 1995

The Class of 1995 scrapbook contains photographs and miscellaneous clippings of events throughout the year 1995.

Lieutenant Milby Porter Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1045
  • Coleção
  • 1898

This scrapbook contains pictures taken, developed and printed by Lieutenant Milby Porter, Co. A 1st Texas Volunteer Infantry Regiment; and Former Student at A. and M. College. All photos taken during the Spanish-American War.

Outside of scrapbook there are 4 loose photographs, 1 photograph and postcard in envelope with pieces from other loose photos, and 1 loose letter.

Photographs include:
Camp Cuba Libre, Jacksonville, Florida [loose photograph]
Camp Onward, Savannah, Georgia
Camp Columbia, Havana, Cuba
One loose photograph showing 1st Texas Infantry on way back to camp for a parade in Havana on July 1, 1900.
Havana and Environs: Including graphic photos of human skulls

Francis C. Turner Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 38
  • Coleção
  • 1929-1997

This collection represents 68 years of materials authored or collected by Turner. Series 1. through Series 4. include highway engineering reports written for the Bureau of Public Roads, Clay Committee papers dating from the 1950s hearings on the development of a national interstate highway program, and speeches, publications, correspondence, and research notes generated by his career as a federal highway official. The aforementioned inscribed copy of A More Beautiful America by Lyndon Baines Johnson is is included in this material.

Upon his retirement, Turner became a transportation consultant, advising local, national, and international agencies, associations, and companies on transportation issues. The bulk of these post-retirement and consulting materials are found in Series 5 through Series 9. These materials include maps, photographs, research notes and manuscript drafts for a three-year study he and Harmer E. Davis conducted for the International Road Federation. The study, published in 1977 and titled A Comparative Analysis of Urban Transportation Requirements, compares transportation needs in urban areas in fourteen countries, including the United States.

Another large portion of the papers found in Series 7. contains papers related to Turner's membership in various associations. Throughout his lifetime Turner remained devoted to groups such as the Highway Users Federation and the American Association of State Highway Officials. Correspondence, speeches, and conference notes related to these associations reflect his continued involvement in the transportation field almost until the year of his death.

The collection also includes correspondence, transcripts, and drafts of several reports recording the history of the interstate highway, a subject for which Turner was a popular informant. The most extensive project is a study by the Public Works Historical Society, commissioned by the American Public Works Association and the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials.

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Texas Farmer - Texaský Rolník Newsletter

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 69, No. 1-4

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 70, No. 1-4

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 71, No. 1-4

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 72, No. 1-3

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 73, No. 1-4

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 74, No. 1-3

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 75, No. 1-4

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 76, No. 1

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 77, No. 1-4

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 78, No. 1-4

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 79, No. 1-4

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 80, No. 1-4

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 81, No. 1-2, 4

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 82, No. 1-2, 4

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 82, No. 5-7, 4 (8)

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 83, No. 1-3

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 83, No. 1-3; Volume 84, No. 4

Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer
Volume 84, No. 3

Farmers Mutual Documents

Original Bylaws [copy of typed transcription, 6 pages]
"Translation of the Associations first bylaws and minutes of the meeting that were written in Czech..."
June 15, 1901

Charter [copy, 5 pages]
June 6, 1906

Certificate No. 1419 of Dr. J. C. Herring, Cyclone, Tex., Local Lodge No. 3 [copy, 2 sheets]
June 7, 1904

Policy No. 10680 of August F. Dornak, Hallettsville, Tex., Local Lodge Worthing No. 140 [copy, 2 sheets, Czech]
August 6, 1929

Application of Rudolf Otradovský, Wharton, Tex., Local Lodge Hungerford No. 86 [1 page, Czech]
September 19, 1937

Charter Extension [copy, 2 pages]
May 24, 1938

Application No. 13856 of August Matula, Schulenburg, Tex., Local Lodge Kazničov No. 43 [1 page, Czech]
October 25, 1939

Policy No. 13856 of August Matula, Schulenburg, Tex., Local Lodge Kazničov No. 43 [1 page, Czech]
October 28, 1939

Policy No. 3409 No. 1 of Joe Honza, Ennis, Tex., Local Lodge Ennis No. 51 [1 page, Czech]
March 20, 1941

Application No. 5960 of Louis Schiller (Anna Schiller Est.), Temple, Tex., Local Lodge Ocker No. 1 [1 page, Czech]
March 20, 1943

Policy No. 16615 of John F. Janak, Hallettsville, Tex., Local Lodge Sweet Home No. 38 [1 page, Czech]
February 1, 1946

Application No. 3644 No. 1 of Jos. Matej, Wallis, Tex., Local Lodge Krasna No. 20 [1 page, Czech]
March 14, 1947

Damage Claim for Fairchild Hall of the RVOS Kneitz-Fairchild Lodge No. 97 [1 page, Czech]
August 15, 1947

Application No. 10981 of Rudolf Cervenka, Riesel, Tex., Local Lodge Roosevelt No. 22 [1 page, Czech]
March 21, 1948

Lodge transfer requests [2 pages]
Rudolf Cervenka (Policy No. 10981), from Roosevelt No. 32 in Lorena, Tex., to Liśku Haj No. 132 [1 page, Czech]
January 26, 1948

Viola Korenek (Policy No. 10794), from Pokrok Flatt No. 25 in San Angela, Tex., to Rowena No. 17 [1 page, Czech]
May 12, 1949

Policy Certificate No. 17194 No. 2
Jerry P. Mazur, from Pokrok Flatt No. 25 in San Angelo, Texas [1 page, Czech]
May 10, 1949

Lodge transfer requests [3 pages]
Nick Halunka (Policy No. 14214), from Meeks No. 107 to Rosebud No. 8 in Rosebud, Texas [1 page, Czech]
September 23, 1950

J. R. Kaderka (Policy No. 15086), from Granger No. 11 in Granger, Texas to Corn Hill No. 10 in Corn Hill, Texas [1 page, Czech]
October 24, 1951

Jim Lastovica (Policy No. 14218), from Meeks No. 107 to Seaton No. 5 in Seaton, Texas [1 page, Czech and English]
October 30, 1951

Farmers Mutual Protective Association of Texas - Temple, Texas - Amendment of Charter, 1952 [copy, 4 pages]

Application No. 1602
C. A. Scasta, from Lodge No. 79 [1 page, Czech and English]
March 16, 1952

1954 Report - Policyholders' Rating, January 1, 1954, A+ (Excellent) [1 page, English]

Damage Claim for Lodge Rydel No. 45 in Abbott, Texas [1 page, Czech and English]

Application No. 1833?-4
Jess Likar, Ennis Lodge No. 51 of Ellis County, Texas [1 page, Czech and English]
February 17, 1956

Lodge Transfer Request
Bernie Marecek, from Pokrok Flatt No. 25 in San Angelo, Texas to Lodge No. 17 [1 page, Czech]
February 11, 1957

Damage Claim for Danbury Independent School District (Policy No. 21859 No. 1) in Lodge Danbury No. 114 of Danbury, Texas [1 page, English]
September 13, 1959

Damage Claim for Vlastenec Hall (Policy No. 2779), Lodge Vlastenec No. 84 [1 page, English]
October 10, 1960

Blank form: Texas Standard Farm Mutual Policy [2 copies]

Blank form: Application for Membership and Insurance [1 copy]

Booklet: 60th Anniversary, 1901-1961 [2 copies]

Brochure: Policy Holders' Report [1 copy]

Blank form: Texas Farm Mutual Insurance Company Policy [2 copies]

Blank form: Texas Farm Mutual Insurance Company Policy [1 copy]

Blank form: Broad Form Theft Policy [2 copies]

Blank form: Application for Membership and Equipment, Feed etc. Insurance [2 copies]

Blank form: Mobile or Trailer Home Application [1 copy]

Blank form: Application for Membership and Building Insurance [2 copies]

Brochure: Policy Holders' Report [2 copies]

Amendment of Chart [copy, 10 pages]

Blank form: Lodge Transfer [2 copies]

Blank policy form P 11-74 [1 copy]

Blank for: Application for Change of Policy [2 copies]

Blank form: Proof of Loss [2 copies]

Blank form: Proof of Loss, Theft/Vandalism [2 copies]

Brochure [2 copies]

Brochure: 75th Anniversary [3 copies]

Blank form: Theft Proof of Loss [3 copies]

Blank form: Binder-Application for Insurance/Membership [3 copies]

Farmers Mutual Protective Association of Texas Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 531
  • Coleção
  • 1901-1999

This collection contains materials from the Farmers Mutual Protective Association of Texas, the English translation from its original Czech name, Rolnický Vzájemně Ochranný Spolek Statu Texas (RVOS).

Materials include a typed translation of the first by-laws, charter copy, various member policies and applications in both English and Czech along with Lodge transfer requests, blank application forms, booklets and brochures. Also included is the Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer Newsletter (1982-1999).

Farm Planning using Linear Programming, and Crop and Weather

box/folder or item
25/1: District 3 Farm Planning using Linear Programming, prepared by Norman W. Brings, Area Farm Management Specialist, 1965-1968

25/2: District 6 Farm Planning using Linear Programming, prepared by Charles A. Taylor, Area Farm Management Specialist, 1961-1968

25/3: District 8 Farm Planning using Linear Programming, prepared by James S. Denton, Area Farm Management Specialist, 1968

25/4: District 11 Farm Planning using Linear Programming, prepared by J. Michael Sprott, Area Farm Management Specialist, 1965-1968

25/5: 1983 Crop and Weather Reports

25/6: 1984 Crop and Weather Reports

25/7: 1985 Crop and Weather Reports, Volume 1

25/8: 1985 Crop and Weather Reports, Volume 2

25/9: 1986 Crop and Weather Reports

Task Force Reports, and Farm Planning using Linear Programming

24/1: Task Force I - Livestock, Poultry, and Animal Products - Committee Reports

24/2: Report of Task Force I, Livestock, Poultry, and Animal Products with Supporting Committee Reports, January 1967

24/3: Task Force II - Crops, Volume I - Fruits and Nuts; Vegetables - Committee Reports

24/4: Task Force II - Crops, Volume II - Ornamentals and Turf; Grain Sorghum and Corn - Committee Reports

24/5: Task Force II - Crops, Volume III - Rice; Small Grains - Committee Reports

24/6: Task Force II - Crops, Volume IV - Forage Crops and Pastures; Cotton and Cottonseed - Committee Reports

24/7: Task Force II - Crops, Volume V - Peanuts and Other Oilseed Crops; Sugar and New Crops - Committee Reports

24/8: Task Force II - Crops, Volume VI - Supporting Programs; Role and Scope of the College of Agriculture - Committee Reports

24/9: Report of Task Force II - Crops with Supporting Committee Reports, January 1967

24/10: Task Force III - Supplying, Processing, and Distributing Industries, Volume I - Supplying - Committee Report

24/11: Task Force III - Supplying, Processing, and Distributing Industries, Volume II - Processing - Committee Report

24/12: Task Force III - Supplying, Processing, and Distributing Industries, Volume III - Distribution - Committee Report

24/13: Report of Task Force III - Supplying, Processing, and Distributing Industries with Supporting Committee Reports, March 1967

24/14: Task Force IV - Natural Resource Development and Use, Volume I - Introduction

24/15: Task Force IV - Natural Resource Development and Use, Volume II - Fisheries, Committee Report

24/16: Task Force IV - Natural Resource Development and Use, Volume III - Forestry, Committee Report

24/17: Task Force IV - Natural Resource Development and Use, Volume IV - Land Beautification, Committee Report

24/18: Task Force IV - Natural Resource Development and Use, Volume V - Range, Committee Report

24/19: Task Force IV - Natural Resource Development and Use, Volume VI - Recreation, Committee Report

24/20: Task Force IV - Natural Resource Development and Use, Volume VII - Wildlife, Committee Report

24/21: Report of Task Force IV - Natural Resource Development and Use with Supporting Committee Reports, December 1966

24/22: Study of Texas Agriculture - Report of Task Force IV - Natural Resource Development and Use, December 1966

24/23: Task Force V - Human Development, Committee Reports

24/24: Report of Task Force V - Human Resources and Development, December 1966

24/25: Heldenfels Farm Planning Demonstration Using Linear Programming, Prepared by James I. Mallet and Tom E. Prater, Extension Farm Management Specialist (1966-1967)

Rodent and Animal Control, Agricultural, Land Use, Task Force and Miscellaneous Reports

23/1: Rodent Control, Quarterly Reports, 1939-1949

23/2: Rodent and Animal Control, Annual Reports, 1932-1958

23/3: Reports and Studies (1 folder), Includes:
Ide P. Trotter, Advanced Study, 1946
Annual Report of the Extension Soil Conservationist, 1940
Joe Matthew's Notes from Chicago Workshop, 1946
Triple-A Garden Regulations, 1939

23/4: Reports - Agronomy and Animal Husbandry, 1914-1921

23/5: Reports - Horticulture (1916-1922), Entomology (1916-1921), and Plant Pathology (1916-1918)

23/6: Agricultural Reports - Work [includes photographs]
Farm Labor, 1947
Agricultural Engineering and Soil Conservation, 1911-1929, 1948
Agricultural Education, 1914-1916
Agricultural Economics (includes Farm Management, Farmers' Organizations, Marketing, and Sweet Potato Storage), 1915-1923

23/7: Miscellaneous (correspondence, articles, speeches) [includes photographs]
Fred W. Mally, County Agent - Emeritus, Bexar County, 1939
W. F. Proctor, State Agent, 1909-1912 (correspondence)
News Clippings (boll weevil), Demonstration Reports and Correspondence, 1908-1914
T. O. Walton and Ide P. Trotter, 1922-1964
Experiment Station, 1950

23/8: Newspaper Clippings from State Papers, August 1943 to January 1945 [donated from Lilla Graham McInnis, April 10, 1951.

23/9: Report of the Program Development Conference on Improving Agricultural Communications, Chicago, May 25-31, 1952

23/10: El Paso County Land Use Planning Report for 1941

23/11: Agricultural Land Use Planning in Hill Country, Texas, June 1939

23/12: Sears-Roebuck Foundation Fellowships, 1953 [includes photographs]

23/13: Scope Implementation Reports, undated

23/14: Task Force Reports, Appendix to The Report of a Study of Agricultural Programs, 1966

Annual Statistical and Supplemental Reports

22/2: State Totals - Annual Statistical Reports, Agricultural and Home Demonstration Agents, 1915-1923

22/3: State Totals - Annual Statistical Reports, Agricultural and Home Demonstration Agents, 1924-1933

22/4: State Totals - Annual Statistical Reports, Agricultural and Home Demonstration Agents, 1934-1952

22/5: State Totals - Annual Statistical Reports, Agricultural and Home Demonstration Agents, 1952-1958

22/6: State Totals - Annual Statistical Reports, Agricultural and Home Demonstration Agents, 1959-1970

22/7: State Totals - Annual Supplemental Reports, Home Demonstration Agents, 1925-1949

Wayland - Whitehurst

Wayland, J.R.
Weatherly, Johnnie Lou
Weaver, Carroll Swink
Weaver, Graeme D.
Weaver, Jack
Weaver, James Nevin
Weaver, John Edward
Weaver, Mark
Weaver, Paul
Weaver, Richard W.
Weaver, Roy
Weaver, William T.
Webb, Earl S.
Webb, Gary
Webb, Gwendolyn
Webb, James Michael
Webb, John C.
Webb, L. Dale
Webb, L. Dale
Webb, Robert
Webb, Wayne
Webber, Frank C.
Weber, Larry
Webster, Louis Beauregard
Weddington, Dale L.
Weekes, Donald F.
Weese, John
Wehner, Ernest Lee
Wehner, Herman Henry Jr.
Wehrly, Anne
Weichert, Andrew
Weichold, Mark
Weick, Fred E.
Weidman, Hans
Weinberg, Herbert L.
Weinbrandt, Linda Reader
Weiner, Peter D.
Weinert, Arthur
Weinstein, Roy
Weir, Glendon
Weir, J.S.
Weir, W.C.
Weirus, Richard ''Buck''
Weis, Rod
Weise, Allen F.
Weisenfelder, A.J.
Weitsman, Jack
Welch, Barney
Welch, Ben David
Welch, Bill
Welch, Carl E.
Welch, Charles D.
Welch, Daylia
Welch, Diane
Welch, Finis R.
Welch, Tommy G.
Welch, William
Welchold, Mark H.
Weldon, Paul
Welford, James
Welhausen, Loris
Welhausen, Loris
Wellborn, W.C.
Weller, Milton W.
Weller, Milton W.
Wellman, Paul J.
Wells, Clyde H.
Wells, James Terry
Wells, Joe Pat
Wells, Keith
Wells, Otis Dean
Wells, Robert D.
Wells, Walter
Wells, Ward
Welsch, Delane E.
Welsh, Douglas F.
Welsh, Jane
Welty, Maurice
Wenck, Robert
Wendler, C.Clifford
Wendler, Henry
Wendler, Walter
Wenger, Dennis
Wentrcek, Ernest A.
Wentworth, Jeff
Wessendorf, Ryan R.
Wesson, Thomas Euel
West, Gaines
West, James R.
West, Joe
West, Mary Nan
West, Phillip T.
West, R. Paul
West, William
Westfall, Dwayne G.
Westhusin, Mark
Westmoreland, Bobby
Westmoreland, P. Anderson
Weston, Fred
Weston, Logan
Westphal, Joanne
Wetuski, Jeffery Robert
Weyland, Otto P.
Whaley, J. Foster
Wharton, George
Whealy, R.D.
Wheat, Dona Shoppe
Whetton, Clifford L.
Whipple, Margaret Hierth

Tang - Thomasson

Tang, Yi-Noo
Tanis, Philip E.
Tanksley, T.D. Jr.
Tapley, R.S. ''Tap''
Tarleton, John
Tarpley, Raymond
Tarrow, Edna Earl Harris
Tarver, Riley Wallace
Tarver, William L.
Tassinary, Louis G.
Tassos, Damon
Tate, Mark
Tate, Marvin
Tatum, Colyar Sutton
Tatum, David
Tatum, Herbert M.
Tatum, Michael
Tatum, W.R.
Taubenhaus, Jacob Joseph 1+Backfile
Taylor, A.C.
Taylor, Alaphay Holloway
Taylor, Bill N.
Taylor, C.W.
Taylor, Charles Andrew
Taylor, Charles C.
Taylor, Charles M.
Taylor, Clifford Jr.
Taylor, Curtis R.
Taylor, Curtis R.
Taylor, Dan
Taylor, Dorothy
Taylor, Edward
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Glenn G.
Taylor, Hal R.
Taylor, Henry F.
Taylor, Henry L. ''Johnnie''
Taylor, Hoyett Jr.
Taylor, L.E. ''Spike''
Taylor, Lloyd C. Jr
Tayor, Lori
Taylor, Lucille
Taylor, Michael H.
Taylor, Oran M.
Taylor, Pat D.
Taylor, Ronald K.
Taylor, Tex
Taylor, Thomas H.
Taylor, Tom
Taylor, Valerie E. P.h.D.
Taylor, Walter Steven
Taylor, Wayne D.
Taylor, William H.
Taylor, William T.
Teague, John
Teague, Olin E. 1+Backfile
Teas, Paul
Tebeaux, Elizabeth
Tedrick, William E.
Teer, Howard Lee
Teer, James Garth
Teetes, George L.
Tefertiller, Kenneth R.
Telander, William L.
Telg, Ricky
Tellington-Jones, Linda
Templeton, Bonner H.
Templeton, J. Ben Jr.
Templeton, Joe W.
Templin, Edward H.
Ternus, Joseph S.
Terrell, C. Wayne
Terrell, C.V.
Terrell, James R. ''Jim''
Terrell, Raymond D.
Terrell, Robert N.
Terry, Charles
Terry, Emalita Newton
Terry, Rocky Joe
Tesh, Vernon
Tewell, Dennis P.
Tewell, Thomas R.
Thacker, Rebekah
Thames, Walter Hedrix Jr.
Thatcher, Scott
Thaxton, Earnest L. Jr.
Thaxton, Peggy
Theirot, Sid
Theis, Walter
Theriot, Sid
Therivel, Laurent
Thielmann, Alfred R.
Thiers, H.D.
Thigpen, Jack
Thirm, Dolly
Thomas, Alvin
Thomas, Charley
Thomas, Frank
Thomas, Frank L.
Thomas, Gail E.
Thomas, Gerald W.
Thomas, Grant
Thomas, Jack
Thomas, Jack Ward
Thomas, James
Thomas, Jay
Thomas, John
Thomas, Jule W.
Thomas, Lorena Ann
Thomas, Manuel A.
Thomas, Mrs. Willie D.
Thomas, Norma Ruth Stall
Thomas, Norman
Thomas, Pat
Thomas, Richard E.
Thomas, Roderick B.
Thomas, Rodney
Thomas, T.H.
Thomas, Terry
Thomas, Theodore H. Jr.
Thomas, W.H.
Thomas, Walter J.
Thomas, William
Thomas, William B. (1931- )
Thomason, Charles B.
Thomason, Jim
Thomason, Rawley Buckner ''Buck''
Thomason, Raymond Leroy
Thomasson, W.L.

Shrode - Smith

Shrode, Robert R.
Shuffler, R. Henderson
Shult, Milo
Shult, Milton Donald
Shumway, Dick
Shuster, Joseph
Shutes, Robert E.
Sicillo, Fred
Sicking, Dean L.
Sides, Gary E.
Siebert, John
Siecke, E.O.
Siegmund, Ray D.
Sigel, Roy
Sike, Vernon R.
Sikes, J.V.
Sikora, Steven Charles
Silvey, Oscar William
Silvey, Steve
Silvus, Walter
Silvy, Nova
Simecek, Stanley S.
Simek, John
Simmang, Clifford Max
Simmons, Charles Wade
Simmons, Dick B.
Simmons, J.G.
Simmons, J.W.
Simmons, Joe
Simmons, Marvin Gene
Simmons, Vivian, C. (Warminski)
Simms, Roy L.
Simon, Arthur
Simons, Donald F.
Simpson, Benny
Simpson, Charles E.
Simpson, Dwayne
Simpson, F.M.
Simpson, Jack Clair
Simpson, Jack Magnon Jr.
Simpson, Jeff
Simpson, Ormond R.
Simpson, Russell B.
Sims, Bill
Sims, Ernie
Sims, Eugene E.
Sims, Kristy
Sims, Randy
Sims, Stillman A.
Sinclair, Karl L.
Sinclair, W.C.
Singer, Gwendolyn Sue Collier
Singh, Chanan
Singletary, Clyde C.
Singleton, Willaim D.
Sippel, William L.
Sippial, Charles A.
Sis, Raymond Francis
Sistrunk, Tom
Sittler, Paul
Skaggs, Chris
Skaggs, Ronald
Skeeler, Frank
Skeen, Joe R.
Skelton, Herbert J.
Skidmore, Eugene Thomas ''Zeke''
Skirvanek, John M.
Skotnik, Carol Anne
Skrabanek, Robert Leonard
Skrivanek, J.J. Jr.
Skrivanek, John M.
Skrla, Thomas B. ''Dick''
Slabaugh, Cherie Janene
Slack, R. Douglas
Slade, Larry
Slater, George Autrey
Slattery, John C.
Slatton, Gene Bruce
Sleeper, W.M.
Sleeth, Bailey
Slimp, Chester
Sloan, Jack T.
Slocum, R.C. 1+Backfile
Slocum, Shawn
Slominski, Felix Lee
Sloop, Cornelia
Slosser, Jeffrey
Slovacek, Alois
Slowey, Frank
Slowey, Niall
Sluder, Garland M.
Smallwood, James E.
Smart, Denise
Smart, George
Smathers, James B.
Smeins, Fred E.
Smerdon, Ernest T.
Smith, A. F. ''Buddy''
Smith, A.J. ''Niley''
Smith, A.L.
Smith, Addison ''Smitty''
Smith, Arthur M.
Smith, August William
Smith, Barbara
Smith, Bob
Smith, Boyd
Smith, C.L.
Smith, Charles L.
Smith, Charlie C.
Smith, Cornelia Cooke
Smith, Darrell
Smith, Donald E.
Smith, Donald R.
Smith, Dudley T.
Smith, Edward G.
Smith, Edward J.
Smith, Elmer
Smith, Elmer Gillam
Smith, Elvin E.
Smith, Eugene B.
Smith, Eva Fees
Smith, Floy W.
Smith, Fred
Smith, G. Elton
Smith, Gale
Smith, Gary C.
Smith, George
Smith, H. Forrest
Smith, H.M.
Smith, H.W.
Smith, Hadley
Smith, Harlan E.
Smith, Harris P.
Smith, Harvey
Smith, Harwood K.
Smith, Henry C.
Smith, Herbert E.
Smith, Hilton A.
Smith, Homer D. Jr.
Smith, Horace Ray
Smith, Houston Edward
Smith, Hunter L.
Smith, Isaac Newton
Smith, J. Bradley
Smith, J. Fred Jr.
Smith, James
Smith, James C. (1916- )
Smith, James Morris
Smith, Jane Mills
Smith, Jaye
Smith, Jim
Smith, John Brewster
Smith, John Paul Jr.
Smith, Karen Joanne
Smith, Kathy

Pantalion - Perrone

Pantalion, Charles A.
Pantel, Ray
Pappas, Greg
Paradice, David B.
Paradice, David B.
Parasurman, A.
Parchmen, Arlene
Pardee, Jack
Pardue, Sam
Parish, Joe M.
Parish, Paul
Parish, W. Alvis
Park, Bill
Park, Edward
Park, James E.
Park, Kiho
Parker, Cecil A.
Parker, C.T. Jr.
Parker, D.L.
Parker, Elton Don, Jr.
Parker, Freddie Wynne
Parker, George D. III
Parker, Gerald W.
Parker, Grady P.
Parker, Jack
Parker, James M.
Parker, James, H. (Jimmie)
Parker, John A.
Parker, John P.
Parker, Larry Alan
Parker, Lillie M.
Parker, M. Lawrence
Parker, Marva J.
Parker, Roland Gray
Parker, Sidney Leslie
Parker, Sonny
Parker, Sonny ''Sonny P''
Parker, Terri
Parker, Travis
Parker, William O. ''Bill''
Parks, Don Lee
Parks, H.B.
Parlos, Alexander
Parmer, Denice Lige
Parnell, Calvin B. Jr.
Parnell, Edward D.
Parnell, Velma M.
Parr, Virgil V.
Parr, Viron P.
Parrack, A.L.
Parrent, James
Parrett, Ned A.
Parrish, Dennis R.
Parrish, Linda H.
Parrish, Paul
Parrott, John Calvin III
Parsley, Danny
Parsons, Clifford E.
Parsons, David
Parsons, Donald
Parsons, Jerry
Parsons, Joe
Parsons, Noel
Parsons, Paul
Parsons, Steven Michael
Parsons, Thomas Reed
Parsons, Walter H. III
Parsons, Walter H. Jr.
Partain, James
Parzen, Emanuel
Paschal, E. Hamer II
Patch, William A. ''Bill'' Jr.
Pate, Carolyn De Bre
Pate, David Azariah
Pate, Travis I.
Paterson, Andrew H.
Paterson, Donald R.
Patterson, C.M. ''Pat''
Patterson, Comer O.
Patterson, Earl Frederick
Patterson, Garry
Patterson, H.T.
Patterson, James
Patterson, Larry
Patterson, Raleigh Elwood
Patton, Alton
Patton, Carl E.
Patton, Dee
Patton, Donald G.
Patton, Robert H.
Pattu, Carol
Paul, Barry
Paul, Vivian
Paulson, Howard G.
Paulson, Walter Ernest
Pawlisch, Paul E.
Paxton, J.W.
Payan-Zapico, Roberto
Payne, Don Arthur
Payne, James L.
Payne, Jeff
Payne, John Larry
Payne, L.E.
Payne, Leila M.
Payne, Milton
Payne, Thomas L.
Pazdral, Noel
Peacock, William
Pearce, John
Pearce, Louis Jr.
Pearce, Mable R.
Pearce, Stephen
Pearcy, C.M.
Pearson, C.M.
Pearson, Garnet A. ''Chick''
Pearson, John Earle
Pearson, P.B.
Peavy, William S.
Pecena, Ben J.
Peck, Larry
Peddicord, Kenneth L.
Peddicord, Lee
Pedigo, John R. Sr.
Peel, Maj. Gen. Wesley E.
Peeples, Joe Gray
Peeples, Rufus R.
Peirce, James F. (Frank)
Pejovich, Steve
Pejovich, Svetozar
Pelham, John T.
Pelker, Peter
Pellett, Vernon L.
Pena, Frederico
Pena, Jose G.
Pena, Tulio Ruben
Penberthy, Walter Lawren
Pender, Robert
Penisch, Kenneth R.
Peniston, John G.
Peniston, Mearl Hotard
Pennington, Campbell
Pennington, Dale
Pennington, R.E.
Pennybacker, Julian
Penson, John
Pepin, Les
Pequegnat, Linda
Pequegnat, Willis E.
Peregoy, Marjorie
Perez, Marisol
Perez, Miguel Angel
Perkins, F.D.
Perkins, Freeman Ellsworth
Perkins, Malcom Gilbert
Perkins, Raymond P.
Perlitz, Charles A. Sr.
Perrenot, Earle Emile
Perrine, Larry G.
Perrone, Ellyn

Oakes - Pandey

Oakes, Bob
Oakes, Harvey
Oates, Eugene C. III
Oates, James Roscoe
Oats, Eunice
OBannon, Lester S.
OBar, Oliver
Oberbacher, M. F.
Oberhelman, Steven
Oberle, Wayne H.
OBrien, Barbara
OBrien, Daniel
OBrien, Mark Thomas
OBryant, Sam C.
Ochoa, Ozden
Ochoa, Salvador
Ockert, Gerald
OConnor, Mark
OConnor, Rod
OConnor, T. Michael
Odell, Earl Geddes
Odell, George Van
Oden, A.J., Jr.
Oden, Edith
Oden, William
Odle-Kemp, Marlene K.
Odom, Richard E.
Odom, William Fredrick ''Freddie''
ODonnell, Chester A.
ODonovan, Gerard A.
Odstrcil, Jerry D.
Odstrcil, William R.
ODwyer, Thomas A.
Oertling, Tom
Offer, Robert D.
Ogden, Emil E.
Ogden, Steve
Ogg, Don M.
Ogier, Thomas L.
Ogletree, Col. James D.
OGrady, Michael
Ogrin, David
OKeefe, Katherine
OLaughlin, Jay
Old, William D.
OLeary-Kelly, Anne
Oliphabt, Faye Sonja
Olivarez, Elma
Oliver, Charles B.
Oliver, Gary
Oliver, Lawrence J.
Olona, Maggie
Olsen, C.E. ''Pat'' 1+Backfile
Olsen, Carol
Olsen, Elsie Duncan
Olsen, Palmer Henry
Olsen, Thomas R.
Olson, J.K. ''Jim''
Olson, Oscar R.
Olson, Robert M.
ONeal, Cothburn
ONeal, Dennis L.
ONeal, Henry
ONeal, Steve
Oots, Kent Layne
OQuinn, Michael
Orgeron, John Ernest
Orman, David T.
Orman, J.M.
Orr, John E.
Orr, Joseph A.
Orr, Muriel Curry
Orr, Noel
Orr, Raymond
O'Rourke, Beto
Orsak, Charlie H.
Orth Family
Orts, Frank
Osaba, Mildred Louise
Osagie, Erma McGregor
Osborn, Gardner
Osborn, John W.
Osborn, Oliver
Osborne, Bill Hugh
Osborne, Herbert George
Osborne, Roddy
Osbourn, Donald Joe
Osoba, Joseph
Ostowari, Cyrus
Oswalt, William H. III
Otey, George W.
Ott, Bill J.
Otts, John Graves
Ousley, Clarence
Outlaw, George Lee
Outlaw, Joe L.
Overall, John Wayne
Overbeck, Edward Michael
Overly, Charles Richard
Overman, William Wayne
Owen, Don C.
Owen, Hattie
Owen, Vikki Sue
Owen, William Foster
Owen, Willis Lawton
Owens, David
Owens, David Clinton
Owens, Harold B.
Owens, Jesse
Owens, Jim
Owens, John M.
Owens, Roy M.
Owens, Virginia Stem
Owens, William A. (1905-1990)
Ownby, Chester D.
Oxley, William
Ozment, E.P.
Pace, Ernest O.
Pace, Nick
Pack, Lynn W.
Packard, Jane
Packard, Mark
Packham, Nigel
Padberg, Daniel I.
Paddock, F.B.
Page, Bill
Page, Charles L.
Page, Curtis H.
Page, John Boyd
Page, John O.
Page, Nell W.
Page, Robert H.
Paggi, Mechel
Paige, John
Pailes, William
Paine, Leland Shumway
Painter, John H.
Paittu, Carol
Palasota, Pete
Palazzolo, Alan
Palermo, Al
Palincsar, Jim
Palma, Kathleen
Palmer, Charley
Palmer, Douglas
Palmer, Frank Storm
Palmer, J. S. (Dr.)
Palmer, Less
Palmer, Richard "Rick"
Palmer, Robert L.
Palmer, Rupert
Pandey, R.K.
Pandey, Raghvendra M.

Martell - McBryde

Martell, Arthur E.
Martell, Don
Martens, Ronald J.
Martin, Barbara
Martin, C.P.B.
Martin, Charles
Martin, Clessen J.
Martin, Craig
Martin, David
Martin, Elmer L.
Martin, Everett C. (''Boots'')
Martin, Frank
Martin, George
Martin, Gladys
Martin, Gladys M. (1901-1985)
Martin, Grace
Martin, H. Fred
Martin, J. D. Jr.
Martin, J. Rod
Martin, James P.
Martin, Jane P.
Martin, John Charles
Martin, John E.
Martin, Lee Jackson
Martin, Leroy
Martin, Marsha P.
Martin, Marvin
Martin, Michael T.
Martin, Milton Foy
Martin, O. B.
Martin, Ted
Martin, W.C.
Martin-Rodriguez, Manuel
Martinez, Adelaida
Martinez, Fernando V.
Martinez, J.E. ''Ed''
Martinez, Matt
Martinez, Ramiro S.
Martt, Jack McPhearson
Martyn, Henry James Jr.
Marvel, John T.
Mascart, John J.
Masch, William
Masco, Alene Smothers
Mashburn, Joseph
Mason, Dennis
Mason, James M.
Mason, Louise
Mason, Paul M.
Mason, Terry W.
Massey, Harold A.
Massey, Joseph G.
Massonneau, Suzanne
Massouda, Barouk
Mast, Claude
Masters, Marick
Matcek, Walter Joe Sr.
Matchin, Tom O.
Matejka, Williw John Sr.
Matey, Bob
Mathews, Amber
Mathews, Clarke A.
Mathews, Norman
Mathewson, Christopher
Matis, James H.
Matocha, Donald
Matocha, John
Matson, James Randel (Randy) 1+Backfile
Matthews, Daniel W.
Matthews, Joe L.
Matthews, Pam
Matthews, Tom
Mattil, Karl F.
Mattingly, Mary
Maurer, Fred D.
Maurer, John
Maurice, S. Charles
Mauritz, Marcus N. (Pat)
Mauro, Don
Mauro, Garry 1+Backfile
Maxson, Carlton
Maxwell, Donald A.
Maxwell, Fowden G.
Maxwell, H. Roger
Maxwell, Norman Paul
Maxwell, Thomas R.
Maxwell, W. David
Maxwell, W. Wortham
May, Donald W.
May, Emmitt Oran
May, Irvin
Mayben, G. W. ''Bill''
Mayborn, Frank W.
Mayer, E. B. ''Tex''
Mayer, John E. Jr.
Mayer, Max F.
Mayer, Paul R.
Mayer, Richard
Mayes, Dave
Mayes, Davis
Mayeux, Gilbert E.
Mayfield, Dave
Mayfield, Henry Davis Jr.
Mayfield, John Chester
Mayfield, Keenan Marsh
Mayfield, Richard M.
Mayfield, W.A.
Maynard, Jay W.
Mayo, Harry B.
Mayo, James A. "Jim"
Mayo, Thomas Franklin
Mays, L. Lowry
Mazuriewicz, Jim
Mazzaccaro, Tony
McAfee, James A.
McAfee, Thomas E.
McAlear, James
McAllister, Martin D.
McArthur, George R.
McArthur, Margaret
McBee, George
McBee, Susan Gurley
McBride, Darrell Craig
McBryde, Robert

Lucas - Marsteller

Lucas, George
Lucas, Lorene
Lucas, Sue
Lucey, William G.
Lucido, Anthony
Ludtke, Lawrence
Ludwig, Allen Jr.
Luedecke, Lena A.
Luedecke, Maj. Gen. Alvin Roubal (1910-1998)
Luhrsen, Carl
Luker, Cyril
Luker, Julia
Luker, William A.
Lummer, Scott
Lund, Marcia
Lundeen, George
Lunsford, Jack H.
Lunt, David
Lupton, Joanne
Lurie, Leon M.
Lusas, Ed
Lush, J.L.
Lusk, Liska
Lutbeg, Norman
Lutes, Candida
Lutes, Loren D.
Luther, Herbert A.
Luther, O.L.
Lutner, Tom
Luttgen, Patricia
Luza, Joe P.
Lyda, Stuart D.
Lyerly, Paul J.
Lyle, Bob
Lyle, Clayton B. Jr.
Lyle, Robert R.
Lyle, William L.
Lyles, Henry F.
Lyman, Carl Morris
Lyman, Lloyd G.
Lynch, Floyd D.
Lynch, Lois Brown
Lynch, Shirley A.
Lynch, William Wright
Lyng, Richard
Lyon, John leonard
Lyon, Sally Mae
Lyons, Calvin
Lyons, Curtis Raymond
Lyons, John Allison Jr.
Lyons, Steven
Lytle, Michael A.
Lytton, Robert L.
MacDonald, Thomas Harris (1881-1957)
MacFarlane, Ronald D.
MacGilvray, Daniel F.
Machann, Clint
Machann, John T.
Macias, Pablo O.
Mack, Mary Flowers
Mackay, Wayne
MacKensen, Louis
Mackey, A.K.
Mackin, Carl Lee
Mackin, John G. Sr.
MacLeod, Barbara
Macy, K.S.
Madden, David B.
Madden, John W.
Maddox, L.A. Jr.
Maddox, Major Morris
Maddox, Robert ''Bob''
Madeley, Allen McCullough
Madeley, Villa McCullough
Madison, Elizabeth ''Carrie''
Maffei, Gerald L.
Maffitt, Theodore S.
MaGee, Aden Combs
Maggert, Jeff
Maggio, Robert
Magill, Clint
Magill, Jane M.
Mahaffey, Ben D.
Mahaffey, Nellie C.
Mahajan, Arvind
Mahan, Jack
Mahan, Pearl
Maher, Richard Patrick
Mahomes, William H. Jr.
Mahoney, Gisela
Mahoney, Mary
Maier, Eugene
Mailhos, Jolie Camille
Mais, Henry J.
Makela, Merry
Malave, Cesar
Malik, Frank
Malina, Frank J. (1912-1981) ()
Mallett, James I.
Mallett, Roland C.
Mallouf, Ray
Mally, F.W.
Malone, Mary Jane
Maltz, Herchel C.
Mamaliga, Emil
Mamora, Daulat
Mangieri, Tina
Manglesdorf, P.C.
Mangold, David Robert ''Bob''
Mangrum, James F.
Manitzas, Frank
Mann, Frank E.
Mann, George J.
Manning, A. J.
Manning, C.W. (''Bill'')
Manning, Keith D.
Manning, Tim
Manning, Walter S.
Manring, Jimmy Darrell
Mansfield, J.J.
Mansfield, Wesley B. (''Dubb'')
Manske, Kent
Manson, Mike
Manziel, Johnathan (Johnny)
Mapes, Roy L.
Maples, Weldon
Marburger, B.D.
Marciskiewicz, Ed
Marden, Janet
Mardon, Austin
Marek, Joe G.
Maret, Elizabeth
Margraves, Ross D. Jr.
Mariano, Patrick S.
Marin, Frederico
Marinez, Diana
Marion, Paul T.
Mark, Irwin C.
Markham, Edward L. Sr.
Marlow, William
Marmolejo, Joe R.
Marquard, Robert
Marquardt, Brad
Marquardt, Michael P.
Marquez, James
Marquis, Eugene L.
Marschall, Marie
Marschall, W.I.
Marsh, James Hyde III
Marsh, Joe
Marsh, John Emory Sr.
Marsh, Kenneth N.
Marshall, Charlie
Marshall, E.V.
Marshall, F.R.
Marshall, Garland R.
Marshall, Lane
Marshall, Mary
Marshall, V.C.
Marsteller, Ross Perry

Joham - Keith

Joham, Howard E.
Johns, Herbert T.
Johnson, Andrew J.
Johnson, Arthur E.
Johnson, B.F.
Johnson, Brad
Johnson, Brann
Johnson, Brian
Johnson, Byron W.
Johnson, C.
Johnson, Charles ''Perry''
Johnson, Charles A.
Johnson, Charles D.
Johnson, Clara J. Schwalm
Johnson, Clarence
Johnson, Clevia
Johnson, Davey
Johnson, Deborah J. (''Debbie'')
Johnson, Donald Jr.
Johnson, Douglas H.
Johnson, E. E. ''Gene''
Johnson, E.H.
Johnson, Eloise Trigg
Johnson, Ethel E.
Johnson, Ezelle
Johnson, Garner James ''Jimmy''
Johnson, George W.
Johnson, George Wayne
Johnson, Glenn Ross
Johnson, Harry H.
Johnson, Hattie R.
Johnson, Henry Hudson
Johnson, James Harvey
Johnson, Jerral
Johnson, Jerry
Johnson, Jim
Johnson, Joe Chilton
Johnson, Larry
Johnson, Laura
Johnson, Linda N.
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Mark
Johnson, Paul Rufus
Johnson, Phillip
Johnson, Robert
Johnson, Roberta
Johnson, Rodney
Johnson, Samuel P.
Johnson, Stuart G.
Johnson, Wallace Sr.
Johnson, William B.
Johnson, WIlliam D.
Johnson, Willie Belle
Johnston, Ben Earl
Johnston, F.S.
Johnston, H. G.
Johnston, Harry H.
Johnston, Howard Allen
Johnston, J.H.
Johnston, J.R.
Joiner, Gary
Jolley, A.B.
Jonas, Alan
Jonas, E.J.
Jones, Alvin
Jones, Bryan
Jones, C.K.
Jones, Carl E.
Jones, Charles
Jones, Clebeart Houston
Jones, David Cluie
Jones, Don L.
Jones, E.R.
Jones, Earl
Jones, Edelweiss Koppe
Jones, Fred R.
Jones, Gareth R.
Jones, Gea Renee
Jones, Glendon P. ''Glynn''
Jones, Glenn A.
Jones, Henry Murray
Jones, Horace O.
Jones, Jack
Jones, Jesse H.
Jones, John Harrell
Jones, John M.
Jones, John M. Jr.
Jones, Keith
Jones, Larry P.
Jones, Lonnie L.
Jones, Luther G.
Jones, M. Drahn
Jones, Marvin
Jones, May
Jones, Olen J.
Jones, Paul Dunham
Jones, Ragon
Jones, Robert Ernest Jr.
Jones, Robert Fulton
Jones, S.E.
Jones, Steve
Jones, Ted C.
Jones, Tom
Jones, Truman Ross Jr.
Jones, W. P.
Jones, W.H. ''Bud''
Jones, William B.
Jones, William Carroll
Jones, William L.
Jones, Woodrow
Jones-Bonnette, Shawnee
Jopling, Wiley Keith
Jordan, Gerald
Jordan, Harry P.
Jordan, Jessie
Jordan, Leland T.
Jordan, Tom
Jordan, Wayne
Jordan, Wharton Thomas
Jordon, Lisa
Josey, Jackson Evander
Josey, Robert Anthony
Jouine, Georges P. F.
Jovancicevic, Vladimir
Joy, John
Joy, Merrill W.
Juarez, Miguel
Judd, Frank Wallace
Juliff, Walter
June, H. N.
Junek, Julius L. ''Joe'' Sr.
Jung, Glenn H.
Junkins, John L.
Juo, Anthony
Jutzy, Donald A.
Juvkam-Wold, Hans C.
Kachtik, Don
Kadera, George
Kaechele, Arthur William
Kaemmerle, Kenneth
Kagel, John H.
Kahan, Archie M.
Kahan, Bettye
Kainer, Ed
Kainthla, Ramesh
Kaiser, George B.
Kaiser, Ronald
Kalb, Heather
Kale, Tom D.
Kallendorf, Carol
Kallendorf, Craig
Kallendorf, Hilaire
Kamm, Robert B.
Kamon, Teruki
Kamp, Marihelen
Kane, John
Kanipes, Raymond Keith
Kapchinski, Karl
Kapchinskie, Steve
Kaplan, Howard B.
Karcher, A. H.
Karow, Marty
Karper, Robert
Kasari, T.R.
Kasiraj, Jothi
Kaska, Edward Jr.
Kaspar Family
Kaspar, Don, David, Dan, Doug, and Dennis
Kasten, Frederick H.
Kattawar, George
Katzev, Michael
Kauffman-Linam, Linden
Kay, Marguerite
Kay, Rayford G.
Kay, Ronald D.
Keahey, Eldred E.
Keathley, George Dennis
Keating, Fred
Keel, Ann
Keel, Lloyd, B.
Keeler, Willliam A.
Keeley, Larry Lee
Keen, Lowell S. ''Tiny''
Keen, Robert Earl Jr.
Keese, Carroll Wayne
Keese, Charles J.
Keese, Wayne
Keeter, John Jefferson
Keeton, Ernest R.
Keeton, Jim
Keim, Gerald
Keim, S. T. Jr.
Keist, E. J.
Keith, Bobby Drake
Keith, Don
Keith, John

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