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Course Materials

6/1: Corridos- review Notes; 1982-1984

6/2: Info and Writings on the Corridos; 1982-1988

6/3: UCSB Chicanas Network; 1983-1988

6/4: Corridos- Old Globe Theatre Reviews- San Diego, CA; 1984

6/5: President's Dissertation Year Fellowship; 1987

6/6: La Bamba; 1987

6/7: 14th Annual Chicano Literary Contest Entries; 1988

6/8: Festiva of Chicano Theater; 1988-2002

6/9: University and Publice Service; 1993

6/10: Maria Elena Gaitan and Helen Chavez; 1993-2003

6/11: Public Service and Professional Activism; 1994

6/12: Environmental Racism; 1994-1997

6/13: Professional Activism, Teaching and Mentoring; 1995

6/14: Press and Activities; 1996

6/15: Music and Social Movements: Conference Papers; 1997

6/16: Resume, Thank you memos and letters; 1997

6/17: Articles; 1997

6/18: Articles; 1997

6/19: Week ten/ La Ilorona; 1997

6/20: CH ST 139 Course Reader; Fall 1997

6/21: 1B Winter 1997 Final

6/22: 1B Exam Final

6/23: Invited Lectures, Miscellaneous Thank You Letters; 1997-2002

6/24: CLAS 1998

6/25: Terri Gomez, Misc.; 1998-2000

6/26: Serpent Symbol; 1999-2000

6/27: Male Gender; 2000

6/28: CHABRAM Forthcoming; 2000

6/29: Chicano Thatre Handouts; 2001

6/30: Bibliography, October 2001

6/31: Theory Uprising

6/32: Class Lists CH ST 1A Lecture tapes/grades

6/33: Dr. Ricardo Sanchez Celebration; 1995

6/34: CHST 138 Fall 1999

6/35: CHST 193 1999

6/36: Evaluations IB Winter, 2000

6/37: ESCi 139 Spring 2000

6/38: 138 Fall 2000

6/39: 138 Evaluations, Fall 2001

6/40: CHST 193 Spring 2002

6/41: CHST 139 2002

6/42: YBG Essays and Articles as published in various journals, 2002-2003

6/43: 2004 Prof. Activity

J Llo - Lans

J. Lloyd Eaton Collection Newsletter
Vol. 1 No.2 Fall 1989
Vol. 1 No.3 Win 1990

Jim Baen’s Universe
Vol. 1 No.6 Apr 2007

Jinnia Clan Journal, The
No.39 SUM 1978

Journal of Science Fiction
Vol. 1 No.3 1951

Journey Planet
No.2 Sept 2008
No.5 Jan 2010

No.1 c1978

Vol. 1 No.7 Oct 1996
Vol. 1 No.9 Dec 1996

Kessel Run, The
No.1 Aug 2001
No.2 Aug 2001
No.3 Aug 2001
No.4 Aug 2001

No.1 Jun 1988

Knarley Knews, The
No.124 Jun 2007
No.127 Dec 2007
No.128 Feb 2008

No.2 Jul 1972

Lan’s Lantern
No.16 Mar 1985
No.17 Jul 1985
No.18 Dec 1985
No.19 Apr 1986
No.20 Jul 1986
No.21 Oct 1986
No.22 Feb 1987
No.23 Jun 1987
No.24 Nov 1987
No.25 Feb 1988
No.26 May 1988
No.27 Aug 1988

18th Century Correspondence

Manuscript notes on Denantes Pierredon's letters, folded sheet
Eight letters letters from M. Denantes Pierredon to his cousin M. Silvestre fils, royal notary in Gordes, [Luberon district of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur], 1752-1756.

Nine letters from M. Denantes Pierredon to his cousin M. Silvestre fils, royal notary in Gordes, [Luberon district of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur], 1752-1756.

Five letters or notes, signed Denantes, 1793
Two manuscript financial statements, one dated 1787.

Twelve letters or notes, signed Denantes, some addressed to illegible citizen or citizens in Aix, 1795-1800.

Twelve letters or notes, signed Denantes, some addressed to illegible citizen or citizens in Aix, 1795-1800.


Two Denantes family documents, 1760
Manuscript notes on Denantes family tree, folded sheet.

Eleven letters from Denantes in Forcalquier(departement Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) to Vial (sic?), "juge-garde des monnoies" (warden of the mint) at Aix, 1772-1786.

Ten letters from Denantes in Forcalquier(departement Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) to Vial (sic?), "juge-garde des monnoies" (warden of the mint) at Aix, 1772-1786
Manuscript notes on Denantes family tree and his letters to Vial, folded sheet.

Two letters from Denantes in Forcalquier(departement Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) to Vial (sic?) at Aix 1789
Manuscript notes on Charles Denantes, folded sheet.

Nine letters or notes from Denantes in Forcalquier(departement Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) to Vial (sic?) at Aix, 1782-1793.

Nine letters or notes from Denantes in Forcalquier(departement Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) to Vial (sic?) at Aix, 1782-1793.

Three letters in the same hand (Brenon?), possibly to a stepbrother and others, 1800.

Manuscript notes on Vassal at Neuilly sur Marne (departement Seine-Saint-Denis) and his letters to Mme. de Robineau at Aix en Provence, folded sheet
Three letters from Vassal to Madame de Robineau at Aix and Marseille, 1764-1766.

Manuscript notes on Vassal at Neuilly sur Marne (departement Seine-Saint-Denis) and 12 of his letters, folded sheet
Twelve letters from Vassal to Madame de Robineau at Aix en Provence, 1765-1779.

Manuscript notes on Vassal at Neuilly sur Marne (departement Seine-Saint-Denis) and 28 of his 1764-1774 letters to Madame de Robineau at Marseille, folded sheet
Eight letters from Vassal to Madame de Robineau at Marseille, 1764-1774.

Ten letters from Vassal to Madame de Robineau at Marseille and Aix en Provence, 1764-1774.

Eleven letters from Vassal to Madame de Robineau at Aix en Provence, 1764-1774.

Manuscript poem signed by Francesco Maria Balbo Ferrero with accompanying catalog description
Part of manuscript page titled "La More de Socrate," signed Bernardin.

Seven letters to or about Jacques-Henri Bernadin Saint-Pierre, some by one Boncher, some mention a M. LeNoir, 1797-1781.

"See oversize for doc. (on vellum) by which [name illegible], printer to the Queen, sells his equipment, etc., to Didot. 1754," manuscript note on back of envelope.

J. Brivois to Monsieur on St. Pierre and Paul et Virginie, Paris, 1905
Manuscript report on the sinking of the Saint-Geran, from Paul et Virginie, St. Pierre's novel, 21 numbered pages.

Sixteen printed advertisements for houses for sale in Paris, Thomery, Châtre and Aulnay, with manuscript notes and names on the back of most, 1757-1813.

"Articles arrestez par les Nottaires ...," 1695.

M. Roche, "Second memoire sur le professorat et les Ecole d'artillerie," manuscript, 10 pages, mentions 1833 and earlier dates.

Copy of letter from unknown author to M. de Stehlin, 1773.

Conseils Salutaires d'un Parrain Affectionne a Son Filleul, ms. book.

Vie Privee des Membres du Directoire, ou, Les Puissans Tels Qu'ils Sont, pamphlet, evidently from Directoire period, with the accompanying note "Naughty bits."

Document on vellum, 1428.

"Vet.(erinaire) oversize." Copy of a letter to the Minister of Agriculture from Alexandre, Alfort, 11 May 1799
Printed veterinary diploma of Claude Aubree, Alfort, 20 August 1796
Manuscript copy of veterinary school document, Alfort, June 1 1800
Manuscript veterinary school document regarding Claude Aubree, Alfort, 1801
"Extrait du Registre des Deliberations de l'Administration Centrale du Departement de Seine et Oise," ms. regarding a public hearing and Claude Aubree, 6 August 1796.

Capello Family (Nice) Materials

2 manuscripts, one dated 1621.

1 manuscript, dated June 20, 1701.

"15 c - 17 c - ct 18em" and "Liste a le machine a ecrire des pieces prinpicales a incluses eláblie par mon Pere"
"16eme Siecle"
Manuscript copy of Capello family (here "Capelli") document, 1552?
Document, 1557?

Investiture of Gioanetto Capello to the fief of Chateauneuf after a sale by Barto Galleano and Lamberto, his son, 1561. In folder labeled "20 decembre 1561. Investiture a Jean Capello. Investiture de partie fief de Chateauneuf a la suite d'une vente de Barthelemy Gallean et de Lambert son fils."

Possible will, mentions Philippona Capella, July 24, 1565

Will that mentions Giovanni Capello, July 21, 1569

Possible marriage contract of Marc Antoine Capello, March 29, 1573

Will of Fillippona Capella, April 15, 1580

Possible marriage contract between Antonio Rosso (sic?) di Berra and possibly Antonia di Peglione (sic?), November 9, 1585
Will of Gio. Andrea Rondatto (sic?)
mentions Pietro Capello, February 10, 1590.

Explanation of following document(s), presumably in the hand of Jean Pierre Capello, detailing his experience of betrothal and marriage to Françoise Tonduti in 1591, Undated
Marriage contract of Jean Pierre Capello and Françoise Tonduti, February 5, 1592
Both preceding items in one folder with manuscript notes dated July 8, 1982

Investiture of Pietro Capello, August 1, 1594
Manuscript copy of investiture, possibly for Capello, possibly dated, with some kind of directions or address on back.

Partial marriage contract for Capello family, Undated
To Monsieur de Chapeu from Touretta (sic?), signed and addressed in French, with note on margin, Undated
List of notable wills and marriage contracts in this section of documents.

Capello family document, possibly about a marriage, 1592?
Manuscript copy of a document for Pietro Capello, 1606
Document involving Pierre Antoine Capello, April 26, 1606

"Investitures." Capello family document, possibly involving a senate, August 14, 1610
Capello family document regarding senate, 1666
Investiture document of Gio. Andrea Capello, mentions a feud, 1671
Capello family document that mentions a feud, 1685
Investiture document of Jean Andre and Marc Antoine Capello, 1675, 1679, 1685?

Capello family document, possibly about a marriage, 1612?

Two manuscript copies of will of Pierre Antoine Capello, son of Antoine, September 5, 1616, in labeled folder.

Will of Pierre Antoine Capello, 5 November 1616
Death certificate of Pierre Antoine Capello, February 2, 1618
Possible Capello family betrothal contract, July 14, 1619
Letter to Capitano Capello from one Constantin (sic?), April 21, 1622

Will of Pierre Capello, son of Pierre Antonio, September 10, 1623, in labeled folder.

Will of Marguerite Capello, daughter of Pierre, married to Marc Antoine de Constantin, leaving property to Batina and Augustin Constantin, May 15, 1624, in labeled folder.

Robert L. Dawson French Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 411
  • Coleção
  • circa 1570-circa 1970

This collection consists of manuscripts, typescripts, printed items, correspondence, official documents, and publications from the French seventeenth to twentieth centuries. Authors and addressees include many personalities prominent in French history but also many ordinary individuals.

Sem título

Moyroux Family Materials, and Le Texier

Moyroux family tree.

Will of Mlle Catherine de Poinsard, 1621
Moyroux family document, 1627?
Will of Francois Moyroux, 1650

Moyroux family document, 1681
Will of Jean Moyroux, 5 January 1699
Marriage contract of Jean Marie de Moyroux and Margueritte de Guichard, 12 Sepember 1701

Will and codicile of Dame Dorothee D'Anglesy de Moyroux, 1702, 1703, 1710?
Will of Dame Marguerite de Guichard de Moyroux, 4 July 1732

Handwritten Moyroux notes on back of 23 April 1982 letter, to Monsieur le Directeur from Serge Normand, on letterhead of General Director of the French Center of Exterior Commerce, inviting the recipient to a meeting on the fiscal policies of the United States under President Reagan.

Possible Moyroux family document, 1566?
Will of Jean Moyroux, doctor from the University of Avignon, 5 January 1699
Marriage contract of Jean Moyroux and Marguerite de Guichard, 12 September 1701

Handwritten Moyroux notes on back of xeroxed page on the use of plastics in automobiles in the 1980s.

Agreement between M. Gilles and M. Moyroux, 166?
Possible Moyroux family document, Undated
Transaction between Damoiselle de Bouchard and M. Moyroux, 1620?
Ratification of transaction between M. De Montanier (father) and M. Moyroux, by M. Montanier (son), 16??

Transaction between Dame Catherine de Poinsar and M. Francois Moiroux, perhaps on marriage, date illegible
Possible Moyroux family document, date illegible

Receipt or purchase for Gallissarde (?) for M. Moyroux, 1657
Document on Gallissarde and Moyroux, date illegible
Communication for M. Moyroux against Grassy Galissarde (?), Undated
Document on Gallissarde, Undated
Document on Gallissarde, Undated
To Monsieur le Juge (?) from M. Moyroux on matter with Gallissarde, 1685?
Possible Moyroux family document, 1583 and 1593?
Possible Moyroux family document, 1593 and 1599?
Possible Moyroux family document, 16??
Possible Moyroux family document, date illegible
Moyroux family document regarding the acquisition of a house, 1599?

Possible Moyroux family document, 1611?
Possible Moyroux family document on a matter with one Beauregard, 1583
Request regarding Grassy Galisarde from unknown author to "Monsieur le juge," date illegible
Possible Moyroux family document concerning Grassy Gallissarde, date illegible
Possible Moyroux family document, 16??
Possible Moyroux family document, date illegible
Moyroux family document concerning Grassi Gallissarde, 1639?
Moyroux family document concerning Grassi Gallissarde, 1658
Moyroux family document concerning Grassi Gallissarde, date illegible
Moyroux family document concerning Grassi Gallissarde, 1658
Possible Moyroux family document, date illegible

Regarding the rental of a house by Grassie Galissarde and her mother, Jeane Mouline, possibly from a Moyroux (payment arrangements for said house, including docked wages, owed is 31 pounds, by the next St. Michel day), 1658
Moyroux family document, date illegible
Moyroux family document, 1657
Possible Moyroux family document, date illegible
Moyroux family document on Moyroux against Grassy Gallissarde, 1659
Moyroux family document, 1672
Acquisition of land at Cravon, date illegible
Moyroux family document concerning Grassi Gallissarde, 1660
Moyroux family document, 1656 (2x)
Moyroux family document concerning the house d'Eyraguer, date illegible

Collocation regarding the acreage of a piece of land, done for Moyroux, with mention of Grassi Gallissarde, 1658
Moyroux family document about a request of or against Grassi Gallissarde, Undated
Moyroux family document, 1659. (3x);Moyroux family document, 1598
Moyroux family document, 1655; 1656

Moyroux family document, 1627
Transaction between Francois Moyroux de Poinssard, doctor of law, and Pierre Francois Moiroux, brothers, 1610?
Transaction between Damoiselle de Bouchard and M. Moyroux, on one hand, and Damoiselle Margueritte de Moyroux and Monsieur Louis (?) du Rieu, on the other, 1656?

Moyroux notes on the back of a chart of automobiles by type and country.

Moyroux family document, 1703.

Two brief biographies of Le Texier, attributed to Edmond l'Hommede and Aug. Rondel, which discuss accusations that Le Texier embezzled from the Lyon tax office (?) where he was receiver-general of tobacco, and his subsequent flight to Brussels and London, two copies of same typescript, 2 pages each
Vallar (sic?), Une Siecle de Musique et de Theatre a Lyon (Lyon, 1933), manuscript excerpt from pages 385, 2 leaves
Genealogical charts, manuscript, 5 leaves
Jean Tricou to L.D. Froissart (sic?) concerning research on Le Texier, 3 March 1963
Genealogical chart on back of form from l'Association Lyonnaise des Directeurs Commerciaux de France, manuscript, 1 leaf
Inventory of Le Texier letters, manuscript, 2 leaves

To le receveur general de finanaces a Paris from Le Texier, 12 August 1770, with accompanying description
To le receveur general de finances a Paris from Le Texier on Pygmalion, 27 July 1770, with accompanying description
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 22 January 1767
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 11 August 1769
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 26 August 1769
To M. Boutin from Le Texier 1769 (2x)
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 3 March 1770
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 25 May 1770

To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 17 May 1770
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 21 March 1770
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 9 June 1770
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 26 June 1770
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 7 July 1770
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 25 August 1770
To unknown addressee from Le Texier, 19 June 1770
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 3 September 1770
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 17 September 1770

To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 27 July (?) 1770
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 25 January 1771
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 12 February 1771
Copy of letter to ? from Le Texier, 3 August 1771
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 4 August 1771
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 27 June 1771
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 28 July 1771
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 12 August 1771
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 15 August 1771
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 26 August 1771

Capello Family (Nice) Materials

3/1: 2 manuscripts, 1589; 1593

3/2: 1 manuscript, 1593

3/3: 2 manuscripts, 1594, 1596

3/4: 2 manuscripts, 1598, 1602

3/5: 2 manuscripts, 1606

3/6: 1 manuscript, 1606

3/7: 2 manuscripts, 1607; 1612

3/8: 3 manuscripts, 1614; 1617; 1674

Capello Family (Nice) Materials

Will of Onorato Capello, 28 August 1625

Capello family document regarding money, signed by Constantin, 21 May 1635.

Gio. Andrea Capello request for the investiture of Chateauneuf, 10 January 1637
Marriage contract involving Capellos, Dupres, Depetras, and Portancrias (sic?), 1639
Marriage contract between Anne Marie Capello and Honorato Roccamaura, 1 January 1641

Marriage contract between Honorato Roccamaura, son of Claude, and Anne Marie Capello, daughter of Jean Andre, 1 January 1641, in a labeled folder.

Capello family document, 16 September 1642.

Capello legal document, possibly a peace agreement with Costantino, 11 October 1642.

Capello family document involving money and Constantin. 3 August, 1644

Manuscript copy of possible deed regarding Marc Antoine Capello, 1645-1946.

Possible legal document, 24 April 1649

Will of Francesca Tonduti (sic?), daughter of Jean Andre, wife of Jean Pierre Capello, 21 May 1652, in labeled folder.

Capello marriage contract, 1660s?

Document concerning the handing over of the effects of Bernardino Lanteri to his daughter Angelique, wife of Andre Colto, 18 February 1664, in labeled folder.

Capello family document, 17 September 1669

Document regarding the marriage of Pierre Capello, son of Marc Antoine, to Angele Calh (sic?) Pellegrino, 8 March 1673, in folder labeled "Constitution de d'or"

Capello family document, 1675?

Will of Catherine, daughter of Capitaine Luc Capponi, wife of Bernardey (sic?) Lanteri (sic?), leaving property to her brother Jean Marie Capponi and to Catherine and Luvovique Colto, the children of Angelique Lanteri (sic?) and Andre Colto, 29 August 1677, in labeled folder.

Will of Gio. Andrea Capello, 18 October 1679 (2x)

Possible legal document, 1684
Capello family document, 1685

Document in recognition of Marc Antonio Capello, 1685

Document concerning the marriage of Claire Capello, sister of Pierre Marc Capello, to Comte Francois Marcel Caissolti, June 1686, in labeled folder.

Manuscript copy of Capello document regarding a credit, 1689
Capello family document, 1690s?

Marriage contract of Jean Andre Spinelli and Louise Colto, 13 February 1692, in labeled folder.

Capello family document, possibly legal, 3 August 1693

Marriage contract of Joseph Gaelay (sic?) Colto and Angelique Mossiy (sic?), 7 October 1693, in labeled folder.

Possible Capello family will, 29 December 1697
Receipt for 200 units of unknown items paid by Pierre-Marc Antoine Capello to unknown recipient, 20 December 1703
Will of Pierre Capello, 7 May 1707
Will of unknown subject, 1709

Two copies of will of Signore Bermondi, 28 June 1709, in labeled folder.

Codicil of Pierre Capello, 27 March 1713 (2x)

Marriage contract of Jean Paul Imperial Peyrani de Tourettes to Marie-Therese Catherine Capello, daughter of Pierre Marc Antoine Capello, 13 February 1725, in labeled folder.

Will of Marie Catherine Bermondie, 16 December 1725
Will of Margeuritte Th (sic?) de Rodel, 22 June 1734

Will of Pietro de (illegible), 9 January 1735

Will of Pierre Marc Antoine Capello, 10 July 1737
Will of Senator Carlo Antonio Braida, 15 September 1738

Two marriage contracts for Pierre Horace Gaspard de Capello, chevallier, and Marie Elisabeth Victoire de Grasse (in French), one signed by civil officials, one by religious officials, 23 and 24 August 1740, in labeled folder.

"Testamento Signor vassallo Pietro [sic?] Capello di questa Citta," i.e., will of Pierre Horace Gaspard Capello, 8 January 1748
"Codicillo Sig. Vassalo Pietro [sic?] Capello di queste Citta," i.e., will of Pierre Horace Gaspard Capello, 14 January 1748

"Testamento Sig. Vassallo Giuseppe Capello di questa Citta ...," i.e., will of Giuseppe Capello, 10 December 1759

"Testamento Sig. Vassallo Giuseppe Capello di questa Citta ...," i.e., will of Giuseppe Capello, 10 December 1759

"14 Decembre 1759, Codicille a son testement par Joseph Marie Louis Bernard Capello, de Nice. Fils de Pierre Gaspard," i.e., will of Joseph Marie Louis Bernard Capello, 14 December 1759, in labeled folder.

Capello family document involving La Dame Capello de Grasie. 19 January, 1761.

"Copia del testamente Sigillato della Cittadina Maria Elisabetta Vitoria de Grasie Vedoun [sic?] Capelli," i.e., manuscript copy of will of Marie Elisabeth Victoire Capello, 30 September 1787.

Written permission for Madame Therese Capello to travel to Nice with three girls and another woman, with their effects - notice to all to let them pass freely, signed by the first lieutenant colonel (sic?) of the 3rd Batallion of the infantry, Baciacely (sic?), 3 October 1792
To Madame Grimaldi, nee Capello, from unknown author, 13 December 1812.

Capello family document, 1600s?

Capello family document from the end of 17th century
Capello family document, Undated

Capello Family (Nice) Materials

2/1: "Archives du Marquis de Constantin de Chateauneuf: Inventaire du dossier 'Capello'," typescript, 12 pp. Manuscript notes, xeroxed, 2 pp.

2/2: 2 manuscripts: one is dated 1626; February 5, 1689, and the other concerning a nun, Suor Rosa Serafica Capello (June 29, 1732).

2/3: Manuscript on Maria Elisabet Agnese Rosa Capello, with accompanying description. November 8, 1760

2/4: 2 manuscripts: one on legal proceedings of Gio. Andrea Capello against Giacomo Vernanad (sic?) (1632), and the other is of legal proceedings (1634).

2/5: 2 manuscripts: one on legal proceedings of or against Marc-Antonio Capello (1637), and the other is on legal proceedings of Gio. Andrea Capello against Antonio (sic?) and Rossi (1641).

2/6: 2 manuscripts: One on legal proceedings of or against Marc Antonio Capello, and the other is a Capello family document. 1642

2/7: 2 manuscripts: One on legal proceedings of or against Marc Antonio Capello, and the other is a Capello family document. 1648

2/8: 3 manuscripts: Legal proceedings of Gio. Andrea Capello et al. against a certain community (1662). Capello family document (1675). Capello family document in poor condition (1683).

2/9: Legal proceedings of Marc Antonio Capello against R.R. Capellani. 1683

2/10: 2 manuscripts: One on legal proceedings of Mercadante Ludovico Iznardo against Marco Antonio Capello. One a Capello family document, possibly legal. 1686

2/11: Copy of legal proceedings of Dama Roccamar (sic?) Capello against Dama (sic?) Roccamar (sic?) et al. November 16, 1685

Printed Volumes of French Plays

Material in folders 1-6 (and 39-25 through 39-27) came to Cushing Library in a third three-ring binder with the handwritten spine title "Rev. plays," with the accompanying note "9 plays, 1790s." Material in folders 7-13 came from a binder titled "plays & pamphlets French." Material in folders 14-18 came from a second binder titled "plays & pamphlets French."

40/1-6: 6 printed volumes, 1790s.

40/7-13: 7 printed volumes, 1646-1803, bulk 1770s-1780s.

40/14-18: 5 printed volumes, 1740s-1800s.

Printed Volumes of French Plays and Pamphlets

Material in folders 1-6 (and 40-14 through 40-18) came to Cushing Library in a second three-ring binder with the handwritten spine title "plays & pamphlets French." Material in folders 9-17 came from a binder titled "plays & pamphlets in C. Soc. Xn knowledge." Material in folders 18-21 came from a binder titled "Pamphlets, French."

41/1-8: 8 printed volumes, bulk 1650s-1690s.

41/9-17: 11 printed volumes (some English), bulk 18th century.

41/18-21: 4 printed volumes, 1740s-1770s.

Engravings, Drawings, Music, Correspondence, and Other Materials

Material in folders 1-2 (and 45-23 through 45-26) came to Cushing Library in a three-ring binder with the handwritten spine title "Prints." Material in folders 3-16 came from a binder titled "Buffon prints etc." Material in folders 17-31 came from an untitled blue binder. Material in folders 32-45 came from a binder titled "Music." Material in folders 46-57 was found among Robert L. Dawson's unsorted personal papers.

46/1-2: 16 engravings on single sheets, various artists and printers.

46/3-6: 34 engravings on single sheets, various artists and printers.

46/7-13: 7 watercolor drawings.

46/14-16: 3 pencil and ink drawings.

46/17-22: P. Sarrut (sic?), 6 pencil drawings of military officers, possibly British, 1914.

46/23-27: 5 pencil drawings, unsigned.

46/28-30: 3 pencil engravings and watercolors.

46/31: 2 assignats.

46/32-45: 14 French musical compositions, i.e., sheet music.

46/46: Discours au roy sur le succes de ses armes(Paris, 1745), verse, 7 pp.

46/47: 8 military or civil service certificates, completed in manuscript.

46/48: Correspondance secrete et familiere, de M. [Rene-Nicolas-Charles-Augustin] de Maupeou avec M. de Sor???, Conseiller de nouveau Parlement (1771), 76 pp., with accompanying collector's note: "by Pidansat [sic?] de Mairobert."

46/49: Anne de Bellinzani (widow of Michel Ferrand) vs. Mademoiselle de Vigny, 3 printed legal memoranda, 1736-1742, with accompanying dealer's notes.

46/50-51: 2 religious tracts (Paris: Jean Baptiste Coignard, 1697).

46/52: Mandement et instruction pastorale de monseigneur l'eveque de Troyes(Paris, 1729).

46/53-55: 3 Italian printed legal brief, 1759, with accompanying collector's notes.

46/56: The Declaration of Captain James Hind (close Prisoner...) (London: G. Horton, 1651).

46/57: Anno Tricesimo Primo Georgii III. Regis: an Act for granting to His Majesty a certain Sum of Money, to be raised by a Lottery (N.p., Undated).

Dawson French Printed Volumes

Material in folders 1-16 came to Cushing Library in a third three-ring binder with the handwritten spine title "Beaumarchais factums [sic?]." Material in folders 17-21 came from a binder titled "Gresset," with the accompanying note "Done." Material in folders 22-26 came from a binder titled "Marivaux."

37/1-16: 16 publications from late 1773 early 1774 on lawsuit Antoine Bertrand d'Airolles vs. Beaumarchais (but note one publication from 1788), all marked "Cardier [no.]" [sic?] (dealer?). Other principals (in order of mention): de Goezmann, conseiller de Grand' Chambre; Louis Francois Claude Marin, gazetier de France; d'Arnaud Baculard, conseiller d'ambassade. Beaumarchais also listed as Louvre official. Playwright Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais (1732-1799) was the author of three Figaroplays. (He was also watchmaker, inventor, musician, politician, fugitive, spy, publisher, arms dealer, and revolutionary-both French and American.)

37/17-21: 7 small printed volumes of poetry, 1735-1737, plus one printed item from 1774.

37/22-26: Marivaux, 4 printed volumes, 1756-1802, plus one by Mr. Wycherley (London, 1686).

Le Texier Materials, and 18th Century Correspondence

To M. Boutin from Le Texier 1770
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 22 September 1771
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 23 (month illegible) 1771
To M. Boutin from Le Texier (now Madame, not Monsieur as in previous letters) 11 January 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier (Monsieur again), 24 March 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier 14 May 1772
Copy of the note sent by M. Rolin to M. Boutin, receiver general of finances, regarding Le Texier, 22 May 1771
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 23 May 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 4 June 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, giving a justification that he is ill with a severe cold 10 June 1772

To M. Boutin from Mlle. de Fleuvien, in defense of Le Texier, 11 June 1772
To Mlle. de Fleuvien from M. Boutin, 4 July 1772
Copy of letter to Le Texier from M. Boutin, 5 July 1772
List of monetary items from Le Texier (?), 30 December 1774
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 27 June 1773
To M. Boutin from a person wishing to remain anonymous, writing in support of Le Texier, 15 June 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 11 July 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier about some anonymous letter, 12 July 1772

Copy of letter to Le Texier from M. Boutin about some anonymous letter, 24 July 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 6 July (?) 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 9 July (?) 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 26 July 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 3 August 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 31 August 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 17 September 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 27 September 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 17 July 1772

To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 30 July 1772
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 9 January 1773
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 27 February 1773
To M. Boutin from M. Rolin, accounts, 1773
Copy of letter to M. Boutin from M. Rollin, 20 March 1773
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 13 May 1773
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 30 March 1773
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 28 June 1773

To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 28 July 1773
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 17 (?) September 1773
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, bill for chestnuts and cheese, 1773
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, discusses a trip to Paris, the de Fleuriens and Voltaire, 20 July (?) 1773
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 2 (month illegible) 1773
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 4 January 1774
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 9 August 1774?
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 19 August 1774
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 27 August 1774

To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 3 September 1774
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 10 September 1774
Bail d'Alaterre, lease, typescript, 1774
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 24 September 1774
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 1 October 1774
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 19 November 1774
To Le Texier from M. Boutin, discusses Voltaire, etc., 29 November 1774
To M. Boutin (?) from Le Texier, 3 (month illegible) 1774
Obligation (?), 1774

To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 28 (month illegible) 1774
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, mentions the marriage of one of the Malesherbes, 21 January 1775
Copy of letter to (illegible) des fermes genereaux from M. Bonamy, 6 March 1775
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 8 March 1775
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 12 April 1775
To unknown or illegible addressee from Malby, 11 July 1777
To M. Boutin from M. Buchard regarding "the affair, the flight, the collapse," 19 June 1775
To M. Boutin from anonymous author, very warm letter toward Boutin, expresses distress regarding Le Texier, 14 June 1775

To M. Boutin from A.G.H., 20 June 1775
To M. Boutin from anonymous author, 15 June 1775?
To M. Boutin from M. Durfort, 16 June 1775
To M. Boutin from M. Durfort, 20 June 1775
To M. Boutin from Mlle. de Moulbaisse (?), 14 June 1775
To M. Boutin from Mlle. de Moulbaisse (?), 12 June 1775
To M. Boutin from M. Farges, 11 June 1775
To M. Boutin from M. Durfort, 25 June 1775

Memoire of M. Boutin
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, 6 June 1775
To M. Boutin from M. De Durfort, 11 June 1775
To M. Boutin from (?), 19 June 1775
To M. Boutin from M. Duvau? June (?) 1775
To M. Boutin from Mlle. de Moulbaisse? 18 June 1775
To M. Boutin from anonymous author, 16 June 1775
To M. Boutin from M. Bonafous Bourg, regarding the state of Le Texier's debts, 10 June 1775

To "a dear friend" from Le Texier, 14 June 1775
To M. Boutin from M. Magol, 5 June 1775
To M. Boutin from M. LaSalle, regarding the circumstances of Le Texier's old job, and wanting his son to be put in the vacancy, 16 June 1775
To M. Boutin from M. Caze (?), asking for reimbursement of funds he claims Le Texier took from him, 19 June 1775
To M. Boutin from M. Valsary, 9 June 1775
To M. Boutin from Le Texier, eight years after incident and flight from France, asking him to please respond and stating that he still holds a great deal of affection for him, 13 (month illegible) 1782
To Le Texier from M. Boutin, responding negatively to Le Texier's request for correspondence, in great detail as to why, 30 January 1783
Page 311 from a book on taxation, from the period, with manuscript notes on it, Undated
To "Madame and dear cousin" from Le Texier, 26 May 1769

"The next item was used as a folder to keep all the remaining docs. in this folder," i.e., a note from RLD on back of homeowner's insurance letter from 2001
Form letter to "mon cher camarade" from Roger Huyghues-Despointes, President de l'Association des Anciens de Saint-Martin de Pontoise, typescript, Undated
Tax bill (?), for Madame Thereze Brutel (?) Loup, Undated
To Madame Jenin (?) Loup (?) from Charob(?), regarding taxes?
Tax bill (?) for Madame Thereze Brutel (?) Loup, Undated
To Madame Jenin de Fai(?) Loup from Charob(?), 27 November 1778
To Monsieur Jenain from Carrel(?), 1776

To police from Thomas Rousseau, November 1798, with accompanying description.

Poem autographed by Victor Bouaz and dedicated to Victor Hugo, Undated, with accompanying description.

To J.B. Suard from Victor-Joseph Etienne de Jouy, 26 March, 1808, with accompanying description.

To Capelle and Renaud from Francois-Guillaume Ducray-Duminil, 23 December, 1808, with accompanying description.

Engraving of Antoine-Vincent Arnault, perhaps 1821, with accompanying description. To "mon cher directeur" from Antoin-Vincent Arnault, manuscript letter, 1804-1805.

To Madame de Panat from Jean-Charles Vial, Second, Undated To "cher ami" from Jean-Charles Vial, Second, 9 June, 1833. Both letters pasted into folded sheet labeled "Autographes, 18e and 19e Siecles. VIe Division - Litterateurs. Auteurs dramatiques, 1771," with biographical information.

To M. A. Pichot from Leon Gozlan, Undated

To Victor Hugo from Leon Gozlan, 27 December, 1830? with accompanying description.

To M. Allier from Leon Gozlan. 30 October, 1839, with accompanying description.

To Esprit Auber from Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges, 21 September 1848
To Esprit Auber from Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges, 18 July 1848
Both letters pasted into folded sheet labeled "Autographes, 19e Siecle. VIe Division - Litterateurs. Auteurs dramatiques," with biographical information and with accompanying description.

To unknown addressee from Perillartie (sic?), Undated

10 letters from Legrand de Malmont to various persons, including M. de Pirdey, M. de Gruillardy, M. de Rouslau, M. Vaillans (sic?), 1692-1693.

10 letters from Legrand de Malmont to various persons, including M. de Pirdey, M. de Gruillardy, M. de Rouslau, M. Vaillans (sic?), 1692-1693.

10 letters from Legrand de Malmont to various persons, including M. de Pirdey, M. de Gruillardy, M. de Rouslau, M. Vaillans (sic?), 1692-1693.

Manuscript notes on Nicolas Alexandre Legrand de Malmont and his letters above, folded sheet, Undated
Manuscript on de Malmont, Undated
Page from a printed book in Latin with "Nicolas-Alexandre Le Grand," "Malmont" and other words written on it in hand.

To M. Piredy from M., 25 July, 1694?
Note to M. Piredy (?) from unknown author, Undated
To M. Piredy from M. Guillardie (sic?), 1694.

Note from or about de St. Colombe (?), Undated
To M. Demonlieu from M. de St. Colombe, 24 July 1761
To M. Demonlieu from M. de St. Colombe, 22 July 1763
Manuscript notes on Legrand de Saint Colombe and his letters, folded sheet.

Eight letters, from M. de Tristan to unknown addressee and M. Laurent, 1781-1787.

One letter, to M. Laurent from unknown author, 1788.

Five letters from M. de Tristan to unknown addressee and M. Laurent, 1793-1794.

Signed legal document by or about de Tristan, 3 May 1790
Manuscript notes on letters and genealogy of de Tristan, folded sheet.

Ten letters from M. de Tristan to unknown addressee and M. Laurent, 1791-1795.

Page from a manuscript book, possibly in de Tristan's handwriting, Undated but with mention of year 1715
Manuscript notes on letters and genealogy of de Tristan, folded sheet

Ten letters from M. de Tristan to M. Laurent, 1786-1790.

18th Century, and Bishops Correspondence

Receipt in English from Thomas Nugent for the French translation of one of his works, London, 1 February 1749, with accompanying catalog description and typescript Nugent biography.

Certificate of civicism, 1793?
Certificate of civicism, Grenoble, 24 April 1794.

Discourse of Maximilien Robespierre from the national convention, printed, 1794?

Six letters to Monsieur le Major de la Bastille, or Monsieur Chevalier Major de la Bastille, from de Sartme, mentioning the name Herrisant several times, 1760, with accompanying note saying "Herissant Bookseller a Bastille."

Printed form signed by L'abbe (sic?), 1700s?

To Mrs. R. W. Pearson from Miss Barbara Cartland (Dame Mary Barbara Hamilton Cartland), Hatfield, 4 June 1986.

To Madame from Rosenberg, Venice? 13 January 1781.

To Monsieur Frantin from Delalain Laine (sic?), 30 September 1787, with accompanying catalog description that does not correspond.

To unknown recipient from Fanny de Beauharnais, 6 October 1792.

To Monsieur Monadan Liberaine (sic?) from Isabelle de Montalieu, 24 August 1812, with accompanying note.

To Monsieur le chevalier de Grignon from Jean le Camus, 26 July.

To Voltaire from Niquille, Undated
"Epitre a Mademoiselle Clairon Par Mr. D...," April 1766, with note on back saying "from Voltaire's papers (Lambert-Paris), RLD."
Copy of deliberations of the academy, written out by Alexandre de D(?)pierre, Voltaire's nephew, 9 May 1791?

"D'elembert's eulogy for Scottsman," Berlin, 21 November 1778, in French.

Blank death and funeral announcement for Marguerite-Charlotte Robespierre, Paris, 1 August 1834.

To Bernardin de Saint-Pierre from Jean-Francois Champagne, Paris, 24 September 1797, with accompanying catalog description.

Royal ordinance, printed, 13 June 1770.

Police report, June 1770, , with accompanying note saying "Police report, accidents, fetes/festivals."

Advertisement for house on sale, with handwritten notes on back, Paris, 1772.

To Madame de Saint Pierre from Montalieu (sic?), on the death of Bernardin de Saint Pierre, 29 January 1814
Pension for Bernardin de Saint Pierre, 1790.

Possible publishing agreement between Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de Genlis and Pierre Blanchard and Alopis Blaise Eymery, Paris, 24 January 1812
Document officially striking Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de Genlis from the register of emigres and allowing her return to France, 10 November 1800.

"L'Ombre de Voltaire Au Cure de St. Sulpice, par un Genevois," manuscript, Undated
"Ode de M. de Voltaire sur sa Conversion, et son Repentir," manuscript, Undated

"Deo ultiomum domino, Epitre aux maner de Vxxx," manuscript, Undated

"L'education d'un fils" (sic?), signed "Dorot" (sic?), manuscript, Undated, with accompanying note saying "Voltairiana."

Official document for Cathering de Barrete, printed, 17 December 1779, with accompanying note.

To M. le marechal from d'Estrees. Paris. 11 March, 1760, with accompanying note.

Certificate of baptism for Pierre Frederic Empaytaz, signed by Count d'Esterno, Berlin, 20 March 1789.

Folded sheet marked "d'Esterno" in pencil
To Monseigneur from Meriellhuieur (sic?), 22 June 1694.

Possible legal document with multiple signatures, 20 November 1704.

Military document signed by Duphot and Faipoult, 1797
Folded sheet with manuscript notes on Duphot, Faipoult and preceeding document.

Document regarding Degouze and the army, by Antoine Grenot, Rennes, 4 July 1795, with accompanying catalog description.

Military document signed by Alquier, Cochon and Ramel, La Haye, 10 May 1795, with accompanying catalog description.

To the citizens from Alexandre Claude Bellier du Chesnay, Paris, 1 December 1791.

Marriage document of M. Ballain and Mlle Drian. 13 December, 1769.

Regarding procees verbaux, 19 July 1798.

To the minister of war from Victor Gouvion, 7 January 1793.

"Pieces Justificatives," i.e., legal proceedings regarding autopsy for infanticide, printed, Undated, but probably circa 1799.

"Memoire et Consultation, pour le Sieur Bourgoin, appelant
Contre les Heritiers Gatrez, Intimes," printed, 1810.

"Observations ...," i.e., legal proceedings, printed, Undated

To Mon cher ami from unknown author, on letterhead of "Presidence de la Republique," Paris, 1920s?
Poem by Jean Recoque entitled "Nancy-Gourmet," with notes in another hand on back, 1943.

Twenty-three illustrations from same work, untitled, unbound, Undated

Arrete concerning forges in Castille, Louois-Bernard Guyton-Morveau of Comite de Salut public, 4 November 1796, with accompanying catalog description.

"Recueil Complet des Discours," with mention of Napoleon in full title, printed, Paris, 1797-98, with two pages inside on letterhead of "L'Eclair, Journal Politique Quotidien Independent - Redaction," Paris, from early 1900s, marked "Napoleon 1e" on reverse in manuscript.

Manuscript notes on empty brown envelope
labeled "Acqs ou Dax" that contained the 3 manuscript below
To M. d'Ormyson (sic?) from Charles Louis Maurice de Inarez D'Anlan, Acqs, 29 January 1740
To M. De Tradaine (sic?) from unknown author, Acqs, 27 May 1772
To unknown recipient from Charles Auguste de Guiers, Bordeaux, 1783.

folder labeled "Alais", To Monseigneur from Francois, Alais, 3 June 1703
To M. de Tradaine from Jean Louis de Bouisson, Alais, 7 October 1769.

folder labeled "Aleth, eveche", to unknown recipient from Charles, September 1766.

labeled "Amiens, eveche". To unknown recipient from Louis Francois Gabriel d'Orleans, Amiens, 25 June 1751.

labeled "Angoulene, eveche". Certificate for a local architect, name illegible, from Francois Duverdier, Angoulene, 9 July 1746.

labeled "Apt (sic?), eveche". To Monsieur Vilmoria Andriena (sic?) from Laurent Michel de Celÿ, former bishop of d'Apt, Marseille, 3 October 1808.

"Auch, archeveche". To Monsieur from unknown author, Auch, 11 September 1787.

"Autun, eveche". To M. Le Gendir (sic?) from Nicholas Bomille (sic?), bishop of Autun, 15 October 1762
To unknown recipient from Yves Alexandre de Marboeuf, bishop of Autun, Paris, 24 July 1780
Bill for unknown bishop of Autun, Undated

"Auxerre, eveche". To M. Trudaine from Charles Gabriel de Pestet (sic?), bishop of Auxerre, 22 November, 1750
To Monsieur from Jean Baptiste Marie Champion de Cice (sic?), bistop of Auxerre, 29 September 1768.

"Bayeux, eveche". To Monsieur from LeMien, bishop of Gayea (sic?), 1656
To Monsieur from Paul Albert de Luynes, bishop of Bayeux, 7 December 1749
To M. Trudaine (sic?) from Pierre Jules Cesar de Prochechonart (sic?), bishop of Bayeux, 16 August 1774
To M. de Trudaine from Joseph Dominique de Cherylus, bishop of Bayeux, 18 April, 1770.

"Blois, eveche". To unknown recipient from bishop of Blois, 17 March 1774
To unknown recipient from Al. (de Chemines?), bishop of Blois, Undated
To unknown recipient from A. E., bishop of Blois, 30 October 1802
To Monseigneur from Philippe Francois de Sausin, bishop of Blois, Blois, 1 August 1832.

"Bordeaux, archeveche". To Monsieur from Jeróme Marie Champion de Cice, archbishop of Bordeaux, Paris, 6 June 1781?
To Monsieur l'Eveque d'Orleans from Jean, archbishop of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, 28 December 1826.

"Cambray, archeveche". To M. le Controleur General from Charles de Saint Albin, archbishop of Cambray, 19 April 1748.

"Carcassanne, eveche". To Monsieur Faure (sic?) Cure de Carcassonne from L., bishop of Carcassonne, 10 April 1816.

"Chateauroux". To Messieurs les administrateurs du departement du Loiret from Herandin (sic?), bishop du dep. De Lindre (sic?), Châteauroux, 21 August 1792.

"Clermont, eveche". To M. de Trudaine from Francois Marie Temaitre (sic?) de la Gartaye, bishop of Clermont, 31 August 1768.

"Comminges, eveche". To Monsieur from Charles Antoine Gabrield d'Olmond de Medary (sic?), bishop of Comminges, 1788
To M. DeLamilliere from Antoine Eustache d'Olmond, bishop of Comminges, Toulouse, 26 July 1789.

"Condom, eveche". To M. de Lamillaire (sic?) from Alexandre Cesar d'Anterroche, bishop of Condom, 1789.

"Coutances, eveche". To M. le Milliere from Ange Francois de Talarn (sic?), bishop of Coutances, Paris, 23 March 1783
To Monsieur from Claude Louis, bishop of Coutances, Paris, 8 March 1805.

"Dijon, eveche". To Monsieur from Claude Marie Antoine d'Apchon, bishop of Dijon, Dijon, 27 November 1767.

"Embrun, archeveche". To Monsieur from Bernardin Francois Fouquet, archbishop of Embrun, 25 November 1763
Enclosed in preceeding is a Memoire mentioning Trudaine, by Fouquet, Undated
To unknown addressee from (probably) Pierre-Louis de Leyssin, archbishop of Embrun, Paris, 1 March, Undated

"Genes, (sic?) archeveche". To Monseigneur from L., archbishop of Genes (sic?), Paris, 9 April 1829.

"La Rochelle, eveche". To Monsieur le President de la 1re Chambre de la Cour Royale from Joseph Berney, bishop of La Rochelle, Orleans, 7 December 1828.

"Limoges, eveche". To Monsieur from Jean-Gilles du Coëtlosquet, bishop of Limoges, Limoges, 19 September 1749
To M. Dalesme (sic?) from Louis-Charles Duplessis d'Argentre, Metz?, 3 October 1786.

"Lodeve, eveche". To Monsieur from Jean Felix Henri de Fumel, Montpellier, 1 February 1779?

"Lombez, eveche". To Monsieur from (probably) Jacques Richier de Cerizy, bishop of Lombez, Lombez, 15 May 1769
To M. de Cotte (sic?) from Leon Francois Ferdinand de Salignac de La Mothe-Fenelon, bishop of Lombez, Toulouse, 1779
To M. de Trudaine from Francois Ferdinand de Salignac de La Mothe-Fenelon, bishop of Lombez, Lombez, 22 April 1772.

"Lyon, archeveche". To M. Morand from Antoine Malvin de Montazet, archbishop of Lyon, 12 June 1779.

Population Information

1/1: Alabama census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/2: Arkansas census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/3: Delaware census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/4: District of Columbia census information analysis. 1850-1860

1/5: Florida census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/6: Georgia census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/7: Kentucky census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/8: Louisiana census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/9: Maryland census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/10: Mississippi census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/11: Missouri census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/12: North Carolina census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/13: South Carolina census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/14: Tennessee census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/15: Texas census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/16: Virginia census information and analysis. 1850-1860

1/17: Orders of U. S. Populations. 1760-1860

1/18: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1790-1800

1/19: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1790-1810

1/20: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1700-1820

1/21: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1700-1830

1/22: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1700-1840

1/23: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1700-1850

1/24: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1800-1810

1/25: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1800-1820

1/26: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1800-1830

1/27: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1800-1840

1/28: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1800-1850

1/29: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1810-1820

1/30: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1810-1830

1/31: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1810-1840

1/32: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1810-1850

1/33: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1820-1830

1/34: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1820-1840

1/35: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1820-1850

1/36: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1830-1840

1/37: Orders of U. S. Populations, Percentage Gains and Losses. 1830-1850

1/38: Study of hypothetical populations. 1790-1850

1/39: Percentage Gains and Losses; hypothetical vs. actual populations. 1790-1850

1/40: State populations classified according to place of birth and race. 1850-1940

1/41: State Populations, Percentage white

1/42: Population composition by state, county, and race. 1860

1/43: Population composition by state, county, and race. 1880

1/44: Correspondence regarding census information. 1948

Printed Volumes of Marivaux and French Plays

Material in folders 1-8 (and folders 37-22 through 37-26) came to Cushing Library in a third three-ring binder with the handwritten spine title "Marivaux." Material in folders 9-17 came from a binder titled "French Plays," with the accompanying note "Done." Material in folders 18-21 came from a second binder titled "French Plays," with the accompanying note "Done."

38/1-8: Marivaux and other authors, 8 printed volumes, 1724-1791.

38/9-17: 9 printed volumes, 1776-1796 (including one from 1700).

38/18-21: 4 printed volumes, 1750s-1790s.

18th Century Correspondence

Receipt (?) regarding France de Vaugency, 1783
To France de Vaugency, possibly from his uncle, 3 July 1766
To France de Vaugency from France de Tilly, 25 April 1787.

To unknown addressee from Beaudoin in Rouen, 11 May 1787
To unknown addressee from Gerehel (sic?) in Rouen, 24 February 1759.

To France de Vaugency from unknown author, 19 July 1782, with two accompanying notes on separate sheets, one regarding a commission (1760s) and one to France de Vaugency from unknown author on 31 October 1765
Two letters sealed together, to France de Vaugency from Millert fils aine in Paris, 18 October and 2 November, 1787
To France de Vaugency from his aunt or uncle, 2 September 1782
To France de Vaugency from Beaudoin, 24 June 1787
To M. Beaudoin from unknown author in Rouen, 14 February 1786
Letter, probably to France de Vaugency from his aunt or uncle, Rouen, 17 September 1782
To unknown addressee from Beaudoin, Rouen, 9 May 1787
To France de Vaugency from a close friend in Coulouze (sic?), 5 February 1793

Will of Deschamps Belard, father of Madame de France. Rouen, 1746.

To France de Veaugency, "administrateur des Domaines du Roy," unsigned, Undated
To France de Vaugency from his aunt or uncle, L'Argentine (in Switzerland?), 12 July 1787
To France de Vaugency from a close friend, Coulouze (sic?) 22 February 1793
Receipt (?) involving Vaugency and Madame la Contesse de Tilly, Rouen, 26 October 1763
To France de Veaugency from Rollet, Rouen, 24 April 1781, with accompanying receipt.

To M. Bobet or Robet (sic?) from de Vaugency, 12 July 1779, with accompanying letter to France de Vaugency from Dubor (sic?) Demain (sic?), 20 March 1779.

To France de Veaugency from Beaudoin, Undated
To unknown addressee from Beaudoin, 1787
To France de Vaugency from Beaudoin, Rouen, 20 March 1786.

Five letters to unknown addressee from Beaudoin, Rouen, 1786-1787.

To France de Vaugency from Beaudoin, Rouen, 28 February 1787
To M. Welteat from Beauodin, Rouen, 24 April 1786
To France de Vaugency from his aunt or uncle, 1785 or 86?
Two letters to unknown addressee from Beaudoin, Rouen, 1786.

Possible financial document, February 1793
Two letters to France de Vaugency from a close friend, Coulouze (sic?), 1793
To France de Vaugency, possibly from his cousin, Rouen, 26 March 1781
Financial statement of Madame la Comtesse de Tilly, 1785
To France de Vaugency from Beaudoin, with accompanying financial statement on Comtesse de Tilly, Rouen, 26 December 1785.

Administrative document, 1 October 1794, with accompanying catalog description.

Provision signed by Louis XIV, 1705, folded sheet.

To Jean-Louis Dubut de la Forest from Alexander Dumas fils, possibly from 1882, with accompanying catalog description.

To Count Dangormire from Louis XIV, 6 June 1706.

To municipal administrators from Semeaurs (sic?) on police business, Paris, 29 May 1793.

Manuscript marked "minute autograph de Malesherbes," Undated
Three poems by Malesherbes, Undated

To M. Chanchier from Malesherbes on historians of France, 1762
To M. Albers from Malesherbes, Undated
To unknown addressee from Malesherbes, Undated
To Marquise de Neville et Coblence from Malesherbes, Paris, possibly 1775
To an administrator from Malesherbes, Undated

Two engravings of Malesherbes.

To Malesherbes from De Sartine, Lieutenant General of Police, about revocation of a letter of exile, Versailes, 1776
Two petitions to Malesherbes in his role as censor of the press from Desbiefs, Undated

Two letters of Count Rosambo, grandson of Malesherbes, to an unknown baron about his allegiance to the Restoration, dated 9 August 1830 and 3 June 1829
Viscomte Nafauley to the Comte de Rosambo, 22 October 1830.

Madame Dumas, "Le DeVouement de Lamoignon Malesherbes," in verse by daughter of Malesherbes, manuscript, 11 pages, Undated

To Frederic the Great, King of Prussia, from Louis XV on the birth of a son to the princess of Prussia, 17 February 1748, with accompanying catalog description.

To Arnault, chief of the fifth division at the Interior Ministry, from D'arnaud, Paris, 1798.

Certificate of residence for Sierre Maloust agut de Change (sic?), Paris, 1 April 1793
Two Commune de Paris documents signed by Dorat-Cabierere, 1791-93.

Note on police letterhead, signed Manuel, 19 January 1790
To Monsieur from P. Manuel, Paris, 8 June 1792
Parisian city document signed by a committee, including Manuel, 4 September 1789
To procureur in Limoges from P. Manuel, Paris, 5 October 1792
To M. Decumite (sic?), signed Manuel, Paris, 1790.

To Mademoiselle de Scudery from Francois de Bonne, marquis de Crequy, camp near Chatenay, 19 May, 1670 (?), with two manuscript transcriptions of said letter, and with accompanying catalog description.

To Monsieur from Jintery (sic?), Paris, 29 September 1775.

Three letters to Louis XV from unknown author, 1759.

To the Marquis de Monteil from Xavier Le Pef. (sic?), 22 September 1761.

To Monsieur le Chevalier de Gougens from Charles Frederic, future grand duke of Saxe Weimar, in Weimar, 20 May 1823.

Form admitting a found child into an orphanage, Paris, 3 March 1796.

Hotel de Ville rental contract, Paris, 1771?

To M. Lahonde from M. Galigani, Paris, 24 December, 1818.

To Mme. Fabreguettes from Pierre-Jean de Beranger, Tours, 24 March 1839, with accompanying catalog description.

Document signed by Claude Louis Francois de Regnier comte de Guerchy, London, 17 December 1765.

Marriage document of M. Pierre Nicolas and Anne de Gruthres (sic?), 1769.

Possible will, 1766.

Marriage document, 13 September 1769
Marriage document, 6 July 1766.

To Monsieur and Madame Barlow from Constantin de Volney, Sarcelles, 7 June 1812, with accompanying catalog description.

Copy of a letter from Barles-Louis Bougeois to Lagree, Grenoble, 1795, with accompanying catalog description.

Anonymous manuscript, Paris, 11 September, 1774, with accompanying note saying "newspaper."

Anonymous manuscript, "Parodie D'une Scene de la tragedie de cinna," Undated, with accompanying note saying "Voltaire's copy."

La Duchesse de Villeroy, "Le 14 juillet," manuscript song
"Epitre a Madame Dubarry," manuscript poem, Undated
La Duchesse de Villeroy, "Le Mariage des pritres, example edifiant donne par l'abbe fauctut" (sic?), manuscript poem.

To Le Comte de Clermont from l'Abbe LeBlanc, 14 August 1762.

Five letters from Aubree to his mother, written in Paris, Lyons, Nancy and Breslau, 1800-1808, from five plastic sleeves that Robert L. Dawson marked "1/23" through "5/23," with the note "letters from a vet. during the Revolution & Empire-further docs. in oversize folder" on sleeve 1/23.

Eight letters from Aubree to his mother, written in Breslau, Wesphalia, Metz, Alfort, Bayviue (sic?), Bordeaux and Anclam, 1798-1808, from sleeves marked "6/23" through "13/23."

Four documents regarding Aubree's military service, 1799-1801, from sleeves marked "14/23" through "17/23."

"18/23" through "23/23." To Aubree from his mother, dictated 1781
To Aubree and sister, from Marianne, their other sister, 4 May 1792
To Mes Chers Enfants from Pere Colliot, addressed to Aubree, 1 February, 1775
To Aubree from Vaunisat (sic?), 1779
To Ma Fille from Pere Colliot, addressed to Aubree, 25 August 1775
To Aubree from Vaunisat (sic?), possibly from 1779.

Army quarter master's document regarding Aubree, veterinarian, 24 June 1800.

Mercure de France Weekly Periodical and Proof Sheets, Decrees, Proclamations and Other Official Documents

Material in folders 9-33 came to Cushing Library in a three-ring binder with the handwritten spine title "Arrets, Revolution, class material," with the accompanying note "Entered," possibly meaning that RLD entered descriptions of this material in one of his computer-file bibliographies. Material in folders 34-36 came from one binder titled "Decrees," with the accompanying note "Entered."

32/1-7: Mercure de France, weekly periodical, 1787, with gaps (1 issue per folder).

32/8: Pierre Louys, 21 galley proof sheets for Mercure de France, in a special container with annotation.

32/9-33: 25 printed decrees, laws and other official documents, 1725-1792, in collector's original chronological order.

32/34: Royal proclamation, 1786, 12 pp.

32/35: 10 decrees and royal proclamations, 1768-1792, each printed on one folded sheet.

32/36: 2 decrees, 1791-1792, each printed on one folded sheet.

Bishops Correspondence, 18th Century, and French Revolution

"Macon, eveche". To Monsieur from unknown bishop of Macon, Dijon, 21 August (sic?) 1754
To M. Trudaine (sic?) from Gabriel Francois Mareau, bishop of Macon, 24 August 1773.

"Meaux, eveche". To Monsieur from Jean Louis de la Marthome (sic?) de Eaumade (sic?), bishop of Meaux, Meaux, 23 September 1763
To M. Seivnet (sic?) from Antoine Rene de la Roche de Fonteville (sic?), bishop of Meaux, Paris, 27 September 1749
To Monsieur Trudaine (sic?) from Jaugnes Bernigne Bonnet (sic?), bishop of Meaux, Versailles, Undated
Ecclesiastical printed document in Latin regarding Ludovicus-Matthias de Barral, 28 July 1803.

"Montpellier, eveche". To Monseigneur from Charles Joachim Colbert, bishop of Montpellier, Montpellier, 1 September 1703
To Messieurs Athanaze and Abel from (probably) Nicolas Marie Fournier de La Contamine, bishop of Montpellier, Montpellier, 10 October 1809
To Dr. Latour fils from (probably) Nicolas Marie Fournier de La Contamine, bishop of Montpellier, Montpellier, 13 August 1810.

"Narbonne, archeveche", with other notes. To M. Trudaine from Charles Antoine de la Roche Aimon, archbishop of Narbonne, Versailles, 22 February 1761.

"Nevers, eveche". To Monseigneur from (probably) Charles de Douhet d'Auzers, bishop of Nevers, Nevers, 28 July 1832.

"Nisibi, eveche". To Monseigneur from Vincent, archbishop of Nisibi, Paris, 28 August 1826.

"Noyon, eveche". To M. d'Ormin (sic?) from Jean Francois de la Cropte de Bourzac, bishop of Noyon, Noyon, 8 April 1738
To M. de Naux (sic?) from Louis Andre de Grimaldi, bishop of Noyon, 3 February 1779.

"Orange, eveche". To unknown addressee from (probably) Francois-Andre de Tilly, bishop of Orange, Orange, 24 December 1773.

"Paris, archeveche," with other notes. To Mademoiselle Antoinette de Chaumont from Antoine-Eleonore-Leon Le Clerc de Juigne, former archbishop of Paris, Paris, 13 January 1806.

"Perigueux, eveche". To M. de Trudaine (sic?) from Jean Chretien de Macheco de Premeaux, bishop of Perigueux, Perigueux, 1741.

"Poitiers, eveche". To M. de Beaumont from Martial-Louis de Beaupoil de Saint-Aulaire, bishop of Poitiers, Paris, 14 May 1767
To M. de la Milliere from unknown author, Versailles, 9 May 1789.

"Riez, eveche". To Monsieur Bauvais L'ayne from Daniel Joseph, bishop of Riez, Die, 4 July 1739.

"Rodez, eveche". To Monsieur from Jerome Marie Francois de Cice, bishop of Rodez, Rodez, 12 August 1771
To M. de Milliers from Charles Colbert Seignelay de Castle Hill, bishop of Rodez, Brimine (sic?), 18 July 1783.

"Rouen, archeveche". To M. Trudaine from Dominique de la Rochefoucauld, archbishop of Rouen, Rouen, 25 Sepbember 1774.

"Saint Claude, eveche". To M. de Milliers from Jean Bouhier, bishop of Dijon, appointed as bishop of Saint Claude, though he never held the office
Dijon, 30 October 1739.

"Saint Flour, eveche". To Moniseur Delard from (probably) Louis-Siffren-Joseph Salamon, bishop of Saint-Flour, c. 1820-29.

"Senlis". To Monsieur from Jean Armand de Bessuejouls Roquelaure, bishop of Senlis, 16 August 1763
To M. de Milliere from Jean Armand de Bessuejouls Roquelaure, bishop of Senlis, Versailles, 2 April 1786.

"Sens, archeveche". To M. Trudaine from Jean Joseph Longuet, archbishop of Sens, Paris, 1743
To M. de Marville from (possibly) Jean Joseph Longuet, archbishop of Sens, Paris, 1750?

"Soissons, eveche". To Monsieur from Francois de Fitz-James, bishop of Soissons, Paris, 6 March 1786
To Monsieur de Vochar (sic?) from Jean-Claud le Blanc de Beaulieu, bishop of Soissons, Soissons, 9 September 1802.

"Strasbourg, eveche". To the minister of finances from G. Prim (sic?) de Croï, Paris, 1 April 1822.

"Tarbes, eveche". To Monsieur, possibly from Pierre de la Rumagnere (sic?), 27 December 1780
Memoire enclosed in above, to M. Dubois, 11 June 1778.

"Toul, eveche". To M. de Trudaine from Claude Drouâs de Boussey, bishop of Toul, Mosette (sic?), 19 April 1773
To unknown addressee from Clause Drouâs de Boussey, bishop of Toul, Undated

"Toulon, eveche". To Monseigneur de la Perre de le 1re Drouyn (sic?) from Armand-Louis Bonin de Chalucet, bishop of Toulon, 7 June 1703.

"Toulouse, archeveche". To a bishop from (possibly) Francois de Bovet, former archbishop of Toulouse, Paris, 16 April 1826
To M. de la Millierre from (probably) Etienne Charles de Lomenie de Brienne, archbishop of Toulouse, Toulouse, 1 September 1782.

"Tours, archeveche". To M. Dorsesson (sic?) from Louis Chapt de Rastignac, archbishop of Tours, 1733?
To Monsieur from Henri Marie Bernardin de Rosset de Ceilhes de Fleurry (sic?), archbishop of Tours, Tours, 16 November 1770
To M. de Linay (sic?) from Joachim Francois Mamert de Conzie, archbishop of Tours, Tours, 13 February 1780.

"Uzes, eveche". To Monseigneur from (probably) Michel Poncet de la Riviere, Uzes, 18 March 1704.

"Valence, eveche". To M. Boucher (sic?) from Pierre-Francois de Grave, bishop and count of Valence, Grenoble, 1773?

"Vence, eveche". To Madame from a former bishop of Vence, 4 August 1735.

"Versailles, eveche". To Monsieur from Louis Charrier de la Roche, bishop of Versailles, Versailles, 4 October 1803.

"Vienne, eveche". To unknown addressee from Jean Gorges Lefranc de Pomignan, archbishop of Vienne, Vienne, 23 April 1775?

"Viviers, eveche". To M. Trudaine? from (possibly) Joseph-Robin Morel de Mons, bishop of Viviers, Paris, 14 October 1753?

To Sitoyen (sic) Gerard Maire demeurant aosouer (sic?) from unknown author, possibly his brother, Cologne, 8 February 1795
Passport of Mlle Marconney, Paris, 1792.

"Alienation des Domaines Nationaux," Versailles, 28 December 1802.

To la Commisionaire (illegible) from Le Counseil General et l'agent national pres la Commune de Vouziers, Vouziers, 17 May 1795, with accompanying catalog description.

H.P. Krause Rare Books, New York, description of "30 letters, signed by [interior] minister and division chiefs ... from the library of Sir Thomas Phillips," Paris, 3/25/1791-6/27/1799. These are evidently the letters in folders 36-39 below.

To Ministre de l'Interieur aux Representans du Peuple, membres du comite de salut public de la Convention Nationale, from Pare, possibly minister, Paris, 1793?
To Le Ministre de l'interieur aux Citoyens (sic?) administrateurs du Departement de Paris, from Pare, possibly minister, Paris, 24 November 1793
To Citoyen Dernian (sic?) from le Ministre de l'interieur. Paris, 28 June 1797.

9 interior ministry letters (see description in folder 35 above).

Baculard d'Arnaud to M. Duchosal, 1784, with accompanying catalog description.

Letter by Jean Dusaulx, 1782, with accompanying catalog description.

Baculard d'Arnaud to banker Detchigarey, with accompanying catalog description.

Baculard d'Arnaud to a German, 1750, with accompanying catalog description.

Letter on letterhead of Brignoles, Var department, 1790s.

Lullin de Chateauvieux, "Manuscrit venu de Sainte Helene," manuscript, 108 pp.

Letter by Louis Carrier-Belleul, 1894, with accompanying catalog description.

Note signed l'abbe Arnaud and Larcher, 1783
H. Maret to Fontanes, 1790s
Gaillard near Chantilly to Dentu, possibly a printer, in Paris, Undated

Enlistment certificate in National Guard, 1789
Departement du Var, printed form, circa 1800
Letter on departement de l'Herault letterhead, 1811.

Sketch of flowers in vase, colored, possibly charcoal, signed Tristan Klingsor (sic?).

Assignats, 15 pieces.

State of Massachusetts Bay promissory note, $20, 1780
New-York Waterworks promissory note, 8 shillings, 1774
Pennsylvania promissory note, 50 shillings, 1773.

Assignats, 6 pieces.

2 post cards, 3 autographs, 1 notes, with accompanying catalog description.

Assignats, 19 pieces.

Assignats, 11 pieces.

Assignats, 8 pieces.

Secretary Gautier on "Legion des eleves des sections armees," 1792, with accompanying catalog description.

Victorien Sardou, 2 letters, 1 theater flyer, with accompanying catalog description
Kickshaws & Co., Paris, folded notice, printed, with Bookleaves Used Books, New York, business card.

Slavery and Emancipation Documents

  • US TxAM-C C000006
  • Coleção
  • 1737-1875

This collection contains 58 items are related to slavery or emancipation in the states of Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Texas and the countries of Cuba, the Caribbean, Jamaica, and Paris, France.

The descriptive write-up provided by Respess and William Reese, Company is used in the listing of documents. Each document purchased has a title, date, and some have an abbreviated transcription of the text.

The Texas document recounts the hiring, auctions, renting, and transferring ownership of slaves. The Missouri documents concern the purchase and transferring of ownership of slaves named Nancy, George, Phebe, Washington, Lucinda, Madison, Benjamin, and Sarah. No last names or additional information is provided except that Nancy is a Mulatto Woman and George is "of the age of seventeen or thereabouts." Of particular note are two documents, a Texas free woman of color filing a complaint regarding an illegal beating by a group of five men one and the other document is from Missouri and details a sale of slaves by a woman, a rarer document than those recording sales by men.

Printed Volumes of French Plays

Material in folders 1-10 came to Cushing Library in a third three-ring binder with the handwritten spine title "French plays, piracies, Avignon [sic?], Toulouse." Material in folders 11-24 came from a binder titled "Rev. Th. etc." Material in folders 25-27 came from a second binder titled "Rev. plays," with the accompanying note "9 plays, 1790s."

39/1-10: 10 printed comedies, 1760s-1780s.

39/11-24: 19 volumes and other printed items, bulk 1770s-1780s.

39/25-27: 3 printed volumes, 1790s.

Gibb Gilchrist Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 744
  • Coleção
  • 1776-1972

This collection contains correspondence, printed material, financial and legal documents, photographic material, literary productions, scrapbook material, maps, plaques, and miscellaneous material created and maintained by Gibb Gilchrist which document his personal and professional life.

The collection consists of three main file series: Personal Files, Texas State Highway Department File, and Texas A&M File.

The Personal Files is comprised of the Gilchrist papers that do not reflect his official duties at the Texas State Highway Department or at Texas A&M. For example, the correspondence is of a personal, rather than business, nature. Likewise, the topical file contains various topics of interest to Gilchrist outside his official duties.

The Texas State Highway Department File reflects Mr. Gilchrist's tenure at that agency and also reflects the work of that agency in regard to programs, finances, publications, etc. The Texas A&M File reflects Mr. Gilchrist's years at A&M as Dean of Engineering, President and Chancellor. It also reflects his involvement with A&M after his retirement as Chancellor.

Sem título

Mercure de France Weekly Periodical

Box 29/1-13: Mercure de France, weekly periodical, 1786, with gaps (1 issue per folder).

Box 30/1-13: Mercure de France, weekly periodical, 1786-1787, with gaps (1 issue per folder).

Box 31/1-13: Mercure de France, weekly periodical, 1787, with gaps (1 issue per folder).

Dawson French Laws and Decrees

Material in folders 1-10 came to Cushing Library in a third three-ring binder with the handwritten spine title "Decrees 1790s, Chartres-printed." Material in folders 11-18 came from a second binder titled "Decrees 1790s, Chartres-printed." Material in folders 19-29 came from a binder titled "Decrees: Royal press + Nantes," with the accompanying note "to use, Order: 1) of use for contents stamped/signed at end; 2) Royal press; 3) Nantes."

35/1-10: 50 laws and decrees, 1790s.

35/11-18: 33 laws and decrees, 1790s.

35/19-29: 62 laws and decrees, 1790s.

Dawson French Laws and Decrees

Material in folders 1-15 (and folders 32-34 through 32-36) came to Cushing Library in one three-ring binder with the handwritten spine title "Decrees," with the accompanying note "Entered," possibly meaning that RLD entered descriptions of this material in one of his computer-file bibliographies. Material in folders 16-25 came from a second binder titled "Decrees," with the accompanying note "Entered." Material in folders 26-40 came from a third binder titled "Decrees," with the accompanying note "Entered."

33/1: National assembly document, Undated, 12 pp.

33/2: 2 laws, 1791-1792, each printed on one folded sheet.

33/3: 1 decree, circa 1791-1792, 6 pp.

33/4: 3 laws, 1792, each printed on one folded sheet.

33/5: 1 law, 1792, 7 pp.

33/6: 1 law (1792) and 1 royal decree (1790), each printed on one sheet.

33/7: 8 laws and decrees, 1791-1792, each printed on one folded sheet.

33/8: 2 laws and decrees, 1791-1792, each printed on one folded sheet.

33/9: National convention document, Undated, 7 pp.

33/10: 1 law, 1792, 8 pp.

33/11: 10 laws and decrees, 1790s, each printed on one folded sheet.

33/12: 7 laws and decrees, 1790s, each printed on one folded sheet.

33/13: Decree, 1793, 8 pp.

33/14: Decree, 1790s, 8 pp.

33/15: 5 laws and decrees, 1790s, each printed on one folded sheet.

33/16-25: 65 laws and decrees, 1790s.

33/26-40: 46 laws and decrees, 1790s.

Dawson French Laws and Decrees

Material in folders 1-2 (and folders 33-26 through 33-40) came to Cushing Library in a third three-ring binder with the handwritten spine title "Decrees," with the accompanying note "Entered-little [second word illegible]," possibly meaning that RLD entered descriptions of this material in one of his computer-file bibliographies. Material in folders 3-15 came from a fourth binder titled "Decrees," with the accompanying note "Entered-little [second word illegible]." Material in folders 16-30 came from a binder titled "Rev. decrees-docs... signing," with the accompanying note "Poss use." Material in folders 31-37 came from a binder titled "Decrees: Bourges," with the accompanying note "Entered f poss use, Order: Bourges (incl. id'ing)."

34/1-2: 6 laws and decrees, 1790s.

34/3-15: 39 laws and decrees, 1790s.

34/16-30: 35 laws and decrees, 1790s.

34/31-37: 53 laws and decrees, 1790s.

Printed Volumes and Periodicals

Material in folders 1-9 came to Cushing Library in a second three-ring binder with the handwritten spine title "Pamphlets (& covers)," with the accompanying note "Done." Material in folders 10-23 came from a dark blue binder titled "Pamphlets."

42/1-9: 9 printed volumes, 18th century.

42/10-21: 12 printed volumes, 18th century.

42/22: Journal du departement de la Haute-Vienne, 5 issues, some in duplicate copies, circa 1792.

42/23: Periodical with varying titles, each of which includes the words de la feuille villageoisie, 3 issues, 1791-1792.

Autograph Letters, Notes and Quotations, and Other Abolitionist Materials

ALS - Autograph Letter Signed
AQS - Autograph Quotation Signed
ANS - Autograph Note Signed

  • Benjamin Bacon. Bacon was an original member of the Anti-Slavery society.

    ALS to autograph seeker C.L. Farrington (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). October 2, 1873. 1 p.

  • Henry Ward Beecher. Beecher was a social reformer, clergyman, and the brother of Harriet Beecher Stowe.

    Partial ALS, n.p., Undated. 1 p. "It is his way. It does us all good to have someone who piles on the screws - especially when we know at bottom he is most friendly."

  • William Birney. Birney was Union Army general during the Civil War, and was noted for encouraging thousands of free black men to enlist.

    ALS to Lewis Cist (Paris). March 8, 1852. 1 p.

  • Phillips Brooks. Brooks was an Episcopal clergyman and the author of O Little Town of Bethlehem.

    ALS to Mrs. Waters (Boston, Massachusetts). February 3, 1886. 1 p.

  • Blanche K. Bruce. Bruce, the child of plantation owner and his house slave, was the first African-American to serve a full term in the U.S. Senate, representing Mississippi during the Reconstruction era.

    ALS to Harry Hause (Washington, D.C. ), thanking his "host" after a recent visit. November 16, 1886. 2 p.

  • Benjamin Butler. Butler was a Massachusetts politician and Union General.

    ALS to David R. Godwin (Washington, D.C. ). June 12, 1876. 1 p.

  • William Channing

    ALS to Mrs. Chapman (Boston, Massachusetts), apologizing for sending a manuscript he suggests is unworthy of Liberty Bell, the journal of the American Antislavery Society. October 23, 1845. 1 p.

  • David Lee Child. Child was the husband of writer and reformer Lydia Maria Child.

    ALS to J. Bailey, arranging a meeting. n.p., July 17, 1829. 1 p.

  • Thomas Clarkson. Clarkson was one of the most important British abolitionists of the late 18th century.

    ALS to John B. Murray who served as Brigadier General in the Union Army, and later helped establish Memorial Day. (Playford Hall, England), arranging a visit. April 15, 1842. 2 p.

  • Cassius Marcellus Clay

    AQS, "Life, Liberty, and Love". n.p., 1860. 1 p.

  • George H. Cook. Cook was a professor of chemistry at Rutgers University whose geological survey of New Jersey became the predecessor for the U.S. Geological Survey.

    ALS regarding the purchase of a telescope (New Brunswick, New Jersey). August 27, 1863. 2 p.

    ALS (New Brunswick, New Jersey), regarding teaching science to future clergymen. May 3, 1865. 2 p. "I am every day stirred up by their fears lest they should learn something which would render their faith weak or unsound. It is a hard lesson for men to learn that one belongs to the finite the other the infinite…."

  • Daniel De Vinne

    ALS (Rye, New York). April 8, 1850. 2 p.

  • Orville Dewey

    ALS to Elizabeth Arnold (Paris). April 26, 1842. 2 p.

  • G. M. Emerson

    ALS to Joseph Kidder (Boston, Massachusetts). June 27, 1863. 1 p.

  • David Francis

    ALS to Governor Samuel T. Armstrong (Boston, Massachusetts). March 4, 1835. 2 p.

  • William Lloyd Garrison

    Copy of Wendell Phillips letter in Garrison's hand, August 1852. 1 p.

    ALS, responding to an invitation to speak at the New England Woman Suffrage Association. May 10, 1859. 2 p. "Where my hear and heart are in this matter you need no assurance from me, but I dare not, now, give you a positive pledge."

    AQS, "Liberty for each, for all, and for ever!". January 1, 1872.

    Post-mortem examination of Garrison, containing the results of the autopsy and account of the disease leading to his death. 3 p.

  • Joshua R. Giddings

    ALS to anti-slavery politician Charles Sumner, regarding New England delegates to the Peace Convention in Paris. June 8, 1849. 1 p. "Our Free Soil movement is on the advance in this state. Our forces are consolidating, and we are making preparations for the election in October…"

    AQS, n.p., regarding the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Undated. "When the Representative of a State is struck down the people feel the blow."

    With one additional ALS.

  • Francis Gillette

    Letter sent from Gillette to an unknown woman, seeking her services as a school teacher for a recently built school in Bloomfield, Connecticut. July 25, 1851.

  • Sarah and Angelina Grimke, and Theodore Dwight Weld

    Three Autographs on one page, n.p., Undated (circa the 1870s). RARE

  • R. R. Gurley. Gurley was a Clergyman and the U.S. Commissioner to Liberia.

    ALS (Washington, D.C.). August 24, 1832. 1 p.

  • R. G. Hazard

    ALS to William Pitt Fessenden, July 28, 1864. 2 p.

  • Thomas Wentworth Higginson

    ALS, regarding hymns. July 23, 1908. 2 p.

  • Samuel Gridley Howe

    ALS (Boston, Massachusetts) June 7, circa the 1870s. 1 p.

    Invitation from the Perkins Institution for the Blind, announcing a meeting of the Trustees. Embossed to be read like Braille. Obituary from the Providence Journal included.

    With three additional ALS.

  • William Jackson

  • William Jay

    ALS, thanking an anonymous man for a ticket and discussing introduction for a speaker (Sumner). November 23, 1854. 1 p.

    ALS, discussing lot rentals. (New York). December 19, 1835. 1 p.

  • Oliver Johnson

    Autograph Poem Signed, "The Peace of God", n.p., Undated. 2 p.

    AQS, "God is wrath, even as he is love". (New York). January 8, 1886. 1 p.

    ALS to Rev. William Hayes Ward (Orange, New Jersey) pleading for work. February 2, 1879. 4 p. "I tell you frankly that I am in a dire strait. I have struggled hard for almost three years to get my paper on a paying basis…I look now into the faces of my dear wife and child with anxiety much as I never before experienced…".

    ALS to Thomas Wentworth Higginson (New York), regarding abolitionist Moncure Conway. October 6, 1885. 3 p. "I very much regret my inability to join in person the good company of friends and admirers of Mr. Moncure D. Conway, over which you are called to preside on Friday evening next. I greatly honor him for his high position in the world of thought and am moreover deeply indebted to him for light and inspiration upon many important subjects. In point of fidelity to his convictions and the boldness with which he has uttered them, he has set an example worthy of general imitation. I am glad he has returned to his native land, and I desire to lend my voice to the chorus of welcome that will greet him on the occasion to which I have referred. May his light still increase in brightness, and his hand grow strong for the work before him."

    AQS, "Thanks be to God! Not a slave in all the Land!" (Clifton Springs). September 15, 1889. 1 p.

    ALS to an anonymous Charles, discussing a speech that was sent but was incomplete. 1 p.

    ALS, of payment sent for an article, (New York). December 31, 1866. 1 p.

  • Jean Kina. Kina was a Haitian revolutionary leader and former slave.

    Note Signed, warrant for rations. September 12, 1795. Exceptionally rare autograph.
    Winslow Lewis.

    ALS, request for letter to see someone in London. Envelope addressed to Winslow Lewis. March 1872. 1 p.

    Invitation and ALS, expressing his father's inability to accept an invitation due to being absent from the city. May 7, 1872. 1 p.

  • J. L. Lovejoy

    ALS, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 28, 1839. 1 p.

  • Zachary Macaulay

    ALS, regarding the disposition of an estate. Macaulay was the leader of a Parliamentary effort to end slavery in Britain. October 10, 1823. 4 p.

  • Samuel May

    ALS to H.W. Clarke, regarding Civil War relief efforts. (Syracuse, New York). March 10, 1863. 2 p.

    Copy of a letter from Samuel May, (Syracuse, New York). January 8, 1866. 1 p.

  • James M. McKim

    ALS. 2 p.

  • Edward Joy Morris

    Note signed, regarding a Whig gathering Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 18, 1844. 1 p.
    ALS, giving dates of his service in Congress (Washington, D.C.). February 8, 1858. 1 p.

    Letter signed (possibly clerically), thanking an unidentified woman for a likeness of her husband, who gave Morris advice during his time in Liberia. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). August 9, 1863. 1 p.

    Letter signed (possibly clerically), mentioning favorable news regarding diplomatic appointments to Liberia. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). May 22, 1866. 1 p.

  • Theodore Parker

    ALS to Miss H.E. Horn regarding Goethe (West Roxbury, Massachusetts). October 15, 1846. 3 p.

    Two additional ALS, three ANS, and one cabinet card.

  • William W. Patton

    ALS, answering his sister, who was evidently skeptical of the anti-slavery movement's methods (New York). September 16, 1839. 4 p.
    Transcript: "Dear Sister,
    Dr. Bates a few moments ago handed me your letter & I hasten to reply. And this I do the more readily because I feel confident that a satisfactory answer can be given to your questions. You wish to know, what good all this agitating will do?
    I could first ask what good cause or what great moral reform action ever succeeded without agitation. How did our Savior & the apostles endeavor to propagate the gospel? Was it not by traveling extensively over the known world & promulgating the truth? Was it not by rebuking sin everywhere & under all forms - proclaiming the utter wickedness of the human heart - denouncing idolatry as folly & wickedness & holding up the cross as the only hope of a lost world? They spoke the truth also sternly & made no compromise with wrong. In rebuking the Jews for their treatment of the Savior they said, whom 'ye have take by wicked hands have crucified and slain' 'But ye denied the Holy One & the Just & desired a murder to be granted unto you.' And while the church followed their example, almost miraculous success attended their efforts.
    Again when Papacy threw her mantle of gloom over the church - when a deathlike stupor had seized the disciples of the cross, what aroused them, save the trumpet tones of Luther & his associates, spurning with indignation the idea of Papal supremacy & infallibility. They awoke the plebian & the senator - the peasant & the king - how? By agitation. And the happy results we feel every day.
    Alcohol had slain its thousands - the drunkards hell was fast filling up. We were branded abroad as a nation of drunkards. How is it that such a change as we now see has been wrought? Why is it that one state after another is prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquor & we stand far in advance of the rest of the world on this subject? It has been accomplished by agitation.
    Nearly one millions of slaves groaned beneath West Indian bondage & the slave traders covered the ocean, sailing under the flags of all civilized nations yet not a voice uttered warning or rebuke; but now how different the sight. The freeman lifts his free arms to heaven & thanks his God & the abolitionists of England the lash is beneath his feet, & the chain rent asunder falls to the ground. And how was this brought to pass. By the agitation of such men as Wilberforce, Clarkson & Sharpe. Years did they agitate, & now God has brought about the result.
    And now, shall we follow the path which Experience points out, or (monstrous anomaly) leave sin to cure itself.
    But permit me to mention of our plans & opinions. First, we believe the slaveholder has a conscience, aye a conscience, slumbering though it may be. This conscience we would address. We would show him that though he may not distinctly be aware of it, yet in reality he is robbing his fellow man - treading under foot precious rights & [curtailing love on many such]. Do you say, that he will not hear & is only enraged; so does the rum seller stop his ears or assail you in his rage when you tell him, he is filling up the drunkards grave, & feeding the fires of the drunkards hell. But in his cooler moments, his conscience will whisper, it is all true. Is it right so to speak to the rum seller & to hope for beneficial results, then is it right thus to address the slaveholder & equally to anticipate the time when Slavery's expiring groan shall scare be heard for the songs of the emancipated.
    Secondly. We believe, if we can convince the slaveholders that free labor is far more profitable to the South than is slave labor, that their self interest will liberate the slaves. To establish this position we have a mass of overwhelming arguments & facts.
    Thirdly. We believe that the South has a sense & a deep sense of honor. What then will she do, when a worlds scorn shall scathe her. When to be a slaveholder shall be as counted a foul spot on a mans character. Lynching & bowie knives will ill contend against the brand of shame. Was not Robinson acquitted of the murder of Helen Jewett & yet he dared not, he could not reside in this city. Why? Because every body believed him quietly & infamy had marked him as her own.
    Fourthly. We believe that the South wishes to live securely. Therefore we point her to a nation of enemies growing up in her midst. We mention her hopeless condition in case of a war & thus wish to show that it is always unsafe to do wrong.
    'Why then do you labor at the North?' Because in several of the so called free states slaves are yet held. Because a burning, withering prejudice is bowing the colored man to the earth, blighting his hopes for time & often for eternity. Because the free colored man is shut out of our schools & our colleges & put in a place of degradation in the courts of God! Because no mechanic will take him for an apprentice & no merchant receives him as a clerk. Because if the colored man was elevated & it was seen that he could hold stations of honor & respectability such a grief of universal condemnation would go forth against slavery as will cause it to vanish from the earth. Because several of the nominally free states permit slaveholders from the South to hold slaves within their bounds for 6 or 9 months, & others lay heavy fines & imprisonment upon those who aid the panting fugitive. Because the North has the majority in Congress & hence the power & obligation to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, in Florida, also to break up the slave trade between the states, which is the main thing that renders slavery profitable in Delaware, Maryland & Virginia, which being removed these states would be forced to emancipate their slaves. Because the Northern church has palliated this crime & failed to rebuke it, while at the same time it has influence sufficient to cause its members at the South to renounce slavery. (See my last letter about communing with slaveholders) Because in a word, slaveholders as a general thing will never listen to us, as long as so many uphold them at the North.
    But says, the objector, 'I have seen a great deal of quarreling & disturbance arise from so much agitation.' Well, what then. This is not denied, but what does it prove? That it is wrong to continue because incidental disturbances arise? Why then did not Paul stop when he was mobbed wherever he went? Why did Peter & John continue so fanatical, when they were scourged for Christs sake? Did not Christ tell us to expect trouble whenever truth grappled with error. Math. X:34,6. Could we expect a system which is so bored by the civil passions of the heart to be given up without a severe & protracted struggle?
    Such is my answer, given as briefly as possible, to your questions. Had I time, I might sustain my position by many more arguments. But I have tried to be brief. If my answer is not satisfactory to Miss Bonny & others, please as soon as possible specify wherein I have failed. I have not undertaken to show how bad slavery is, inasmuch as I took it for granted that she allowed its wickedness. Therefore my attention has been confined to a general statement of our plan & the reasons for it. May God teach us all right that we may do what is well pleasing to him. For it matters little whether we have mans condemnation or not, so long as the smile your Savior is on us. Mother sends her love. I have had a cold for 4 weeks. The Dr. forbids to sing or speak much. The Plans look quite well & has one pedal to another alongside of it. Last Wednesday I went on to Uncle Mag office & on Saturday brough[t] Ludlow, & Aunt Catharine home. Had a very pleasant time there & got most well of my cold, but was put almost entirely [back by singing & talking yesterday (Sabbath).] Write soon."

    AQS, "He that doeth good is of God; but he that doeth evil hath not seen God" (Chicago, Illinois). February 14, 1877. 1 p.

    With one additional ALS.

  • Wendell Phillips

    AQS, "Count that day lost / Whose low descended sun / Sees at the thy hand / No worthy action done / These lines John Brown taught to each his children." September 1871. 1 p.

    Four additional AQS, two ANS, two ALS, and a Cabinet card.

  • Parker Pillsbury

    ALS (Concord, New Hampshire). September 8, 1896. 2 p. "I joined Mr. Garrison in the tenth year of his warfare, and I hope and think he would say I never deserted him in any of his finest battles on whatever field. And I hope ere long to meet him under other and brighter skies, to renew our conquests upward and onward…"

  • A. M. Powell

    ANS, on Office of the National Anti-Slavery Standard stationary (New York). June 26, 1866. 1 p.

  • F.B. Sanborn

    ANS (Boston, Massachusetts) January 11, 1910. 1 p.

  • Gerrit Smith

    An 1864 Note Signed, three ALS (one mounted on an acidic page from the autograph album), and an 1848 printed speech on land reform. (5 items total)

  • Henry B. Stanton

    ALS, sending a manuscript for publication. October 17, 1844.

    ALS, n.p., Undated. 1 p. "…why would it not be a good plan for some of our New York stump orators to 'change works' with some of yours? Some of your Conscience Whigs can do great good, very great good, in the central & western parts of this state. They would have great influence with the Whigs of this region. In return for them, let some of your Barnburners go there. Their noble enthusiasm would wear off prejudices which you Whigs have to contend, and they might make deep inroads upon Hunkerism in Massachusetts…"

  • Thaddeus Stevens

    ALS, February 17, 1861. 1 p.

  • Alvan Stewart

    ALS, from an early political abolitionist regarding his publication and the legal assault on slavery. June 16, 1845. "I did not receive your letter until Saturday night & I hasten to answer it. The Argument I delivered in eleven hours before the Sup. Court of N. Jersey I think eminently calculated for lawyers [?] & those wise men constructing society courts the muse who[?] and the exponents of the law & Constitution. It covers all the questions under the federal Constitution as well as N. Jersey, I have had lawyers men who were my political enemies order fifty of these. The Argument will be as I understand 45 to 50 compact pages, & are $125.00 at per thousands at the office. In fact it is altogether the most labored production of my life, & covers our entire question, under all aspects, as my adversaries compelled me by their attacks to give a history of & define the Liberty party - its objects, aims, the course of slavery in different ages, demonstrating the declaration of independence a practicality & showing condition of slave states, as compared with free, showing 6 millions ruined, 3 of Black & 3 of poor Southern whites…"

  • P. F. Streeter

    ALS (Baltimore, Maryland). August 22, 1861. 4 p. "This city is quiet, but feelings are bitter, and the secessionists believe 'Old Jeff' [Jefferson Davis] will be here before long. I do not agree with them. Troops are beginning to arrive and encamp on our hills. A great hospital is to be established here. These things will create some activity. As to my own prospects, they are not very bright. I shall lose many secession pupils, and some will not be able to send; but I hope to have some new ones, and enough to justify me in going on."

  • Charles Sumner

    Newspaper clipping discussing a dispute.

    Autograph Manuscript outline of studies in history. 3 p.

    Document Signed, regarding a railroad. February 5, 1845. 1 p.

    Autograph Quotation, "Whether on the gallows high, or in the battle's van, the fittest place for a man to die, is where he dies for man." n.p. Undated.

    Four additional ANS, and one photo with a clipped signature affixed.

  • Lewis Tappan

    ALS, regarding a case before the Presbytery. February 26, 1841. 1 p.

  • George Thompson

    ALS to Oliver Johnson, July 13, 1865, 2 p.
    Clipped signature and AQS "To America!" (Salem, Massachusetts). December 6, 1850. (tipped on the left side onto acidic paper)

  • Francis Todd

    Letter from Todd to an attorney regarding a transaction of $1000 in Newbury Port. June 11, 1842.

  • John Weiss. Unitarian minister

    ALS, to a younger unidentified colleague (New York). November 21, 1852. 4 p. "My Dear Friend,
    I have been trying very hard to think that I can come to Washington, for I should like to do it. But I am forced to decline it, for a variety of reasons which press upon me. Rev. Bowen will have left us, and no one will take his place at present: so that the entire responsibility of study will come upon me. If I preach at all away from home, it will be for Rev. Bowen's installation at Williamsburg. Then, the journey and preaching would use me up for a week: a thing not to be considered, if any one were here to take care of the [evening] Sunday. The besetting difficulties are too great even for my strong desire to come.
    I rejoice that you are going to be settled at Washington: and I have no doubt that you can say there just what you please. My advice to you would be to go on as you have begun, making your Anti-slavery occasionally, at timely moments, just as strong as you have made it previous to your call. The most that a man can desire is to have the liberty to speak a timely word at some conjuncture which enhances its meaning and prevents it from being spent upon the air. If a man waits for the chances which must inevitably occur in our legislation, and so long as the power of slavery seeks its opportunity, he will have the satisfaction of bearing his testimony at the most useful moment for his own conscience and for the cause of truth. All else, relating to any special topic, is comparatively aimless, lacking the time's enforcement - which justifies it from the charge of dilettantism and superfluity of independence by bringing the evil up to be hit, and marking every hit a palpable one. Particularly in Washington, where people hear of effects being produced by speaking strongly to the point at some critical moment, I should judge it to be the best cause for the preacher of anti-slavery truth to watch the providential chances, and concentrate this special moral energy of his upon the evil when it has a '[name].'
    Let me desire for you every success and spiritual blessing, and though distant from us may you yet feel the sympathy of all who believe as you do, who will be ready to countenance for you, and who will feel strengthened by your efforts."

    With one additional ALS.

  • Elizur Wright

    ALS, regarding becoming an auxiliary to the National Liberal League. August 31, 1880. 2 p.

  • Other letters

    Ones addressed to famous autograph collectors Lewis Cist and William Buell Sprague, are from Francis Gillette (Senator from Conn.); William Jackson; William Jay (2 letters); Winslow Lewis; J. C. Lovejoy; James Miller McKim (2 ALS); A.M. Powell; and Francis Todd.

Abolitionists' Archive

  • US TxAM-C C000553
  • Coleção
  • 1795-1910; Undated

The collection contains over 100 rare letters, autograph quotations, and photographs from 50 major figures in the American antislavery struggle, including several rare autographs from key British abolitionists. Many of the individuals noted provided selfless support, financially, morally, and wrote on behalf of the abolishment of the 'peculiar' institution of slavery. Some of the well-known abolitionists include Henry Ward Beecher, Blanche K. Bruce, William Channing, William Lloyd Garrison, Joshua R. Giddings, the Grimke sisters, Gerrit Smith, Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sumner, and Lewis Tappan, one of the leading financial supporters of the Amistad Africans.

The collection contains photographs and newspaper clippings of these 50 prominent abolitionists.

H.M.S. Alfred Crew Station Book

  • US TxAM-C C000020
  • Coleção
  • circa 1800

This collection contains the crew station book of the H.M.S. Alfred (3rd rate 74, built 1778). Unpaginated [276].

The H.M.S. Alfred was in the harbor for service from 1799 until she was broken up in 1814. This notebook was used for training crews for the Napoleonic wars, and it gives very detailed accounts of the jobs from getting up the anchor, to furling sails.

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