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Governor William P. Clements, Jr. - Official State Papers, 2nd Term

  • 1280
  • Collectie
  • 1987-1991

This collection documents the activities of the second gubernational term of William P. Clements, Jr., 1987-1991.  Materials are textual and largely consist of correspondence, memoranda, speeches, clippings, agendas, publications, reports, committee testimony, and press releases.

Zonder titel

Series 1, Box 1: Appointee Files, A-Ba

1/1: Abbee, James G., 1990
Letters, biographical information, application, checklist, appointment notice to Secretary of State, and appointment letter to State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers

1/2: Abercrombie, Marilyn Patricia, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, application, checklist, appointment notices to Secretary of state, and appointment letter to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons

1/3: Abraham, Malouf, 1987
Letter, biographical information, appointment notice to Secretary of State, and list of appointees to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

1/4: Abt, Frederick, 1987 & 1988
biographical information, appointment notice to Secretary of State, checklist, and record of per diem and travel expenses paid to members of the Texas Board of Irrigators

1/5: Acers, Maurice W., 1987
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

1/6: Adams, Daniel W., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

1/7: Adams, Elizabeth Ann Cameron, 1987-1988
Letters, application, biographical information, certificates, booklets, and statements regarding service on the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

1/8: Adams, Edward B., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, appointment notice to the Secretary of State, and appointment letter to the Educational Excellence Committee

1/9: Adams, Franklin, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, records of attendance at meetings and expenses paid members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State for appointment to the Texas Surplus Property Agency

1/10: Adams, James B., 1987-1988
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary State regarding appointments to the Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse and the Criminal Justice Policy Council

1/11: Adams, James R., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force and Texas Strategic Economic Policy Commission

1/12: Adams, Kent M., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Pilot Commission for the Sabine Bar, Pass and Tributaries

1/13: Adams, Marilyn Moorman, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

1/14: Adams, Robert E., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as a branch pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

1/15: Adams, Susan, 1987
Letters, biographical information, appointment notice to the Secretary of State, and appointment letter to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

1/16: Adams, Virgil C., Sr., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, record of attendance at meetings, record of expenses paid for members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Structural Pest Control Board

1/17: Aday, Thomas A., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy

1/18: Atkins, John August, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Hospital Equipment Financing Council

1/19: Adkisson, Perry L., 1988
Letters, biographical information, lists of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Agricultural Task Force and the Texas Scientific Agricultural Council

1/20: Adrian, Gary, 1988
Application, checklist, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

1/21: Agnich, Fred J., 1987
Biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

1/22: Agnich, Victoria Trescher (Tory), 1988
Biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Welfare Reform Task Force

1/23: Aguilar, Dee Lynn, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members, record of attendance at meetings and of expenses of each member, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

1/24: Aguirre, Eduardo, Jr., 1988 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, testimony before the National Commission for Employment Policy, lists of members, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the State Job Training Coordinating Council, and recommendation for selection to the Board of Directors of the State Bar of Texas

1/25: Aguiree, Gilberto, 1989
Letters, biographical information, record of meetings attended by members, application, checklist, photograph, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners

1/26: Aguirre, Robert B., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and checklist regarding appointments to the Crime Stoppers Advisory Council

1/27: Alcorn, Charles A., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS Clearance Form, checklist, and notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Battleship Texas Advisory Board

1/28: Alcorn, Dorothy Jean, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the University of Houston Board of Regents

1/29: Alden, Comer, 1989
Application, biographical information, checklist, presentation on student loan defaults, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation

1/30: Alderman, George Ray, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

1/31: Aldredge, Vaughn R., 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of members with record of attendance at meetings, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Commission on State Energy Communications

1/32: Alexander, Charles W., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses paid, and notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

1/33: Alexander, Lorrie, Sr., 1988
Biographical information, list of members, and notice of appointment to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

1/34: Alexander, Ronnie Neil, 1988
Biographical information, application, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

1/35: Alford, Rex, 1987
List of members and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

1/36: Alkek, Albert B., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, clippings, checklist programs for a Boy Scout award ceremony and Baylor College of Medicine commencement, personal financial statement, citation for an honorary Doctor of Laws Degree, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Public Safety Commission

1/37: Allaway, William R., Jr., 1988
Letters, biographical information, and list of members of the State Job Training Coordinating Council

1/38: Allee, Donald W., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, clipping, request for information, authority to release information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to be Judge of the 370th Judicial District Court in Hidalgo County

1/39: Allen, Emmett H., 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Surplus Property Board

1/40: Allen, Jacquelin Bullard, 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, recommendation letter for selection to the Board of Directors of the State Bar of Texas, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding the State Board of Canvassers

1/41: Allen, Joseph P. IV, 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Space Commission

1/42: Allen, Robert Craten, 1987 & 1988
Letters, memo, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Produce Recovery Fund Board and the Texas Conservation Foundation

1/43: Allen, Russell Wayne, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Funeral Service Commission

1/44: Allison, Joel Tribble, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Health Care Reimbursement Alternatives

1/45: Allman, Audean, 1988 & 1998
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of member with records of attendance and amounts of expenses paid, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Teacher's Professional Practices Commission

1/46: Allyn, Robert Pledrup, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of members and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force

1/47: Altshuler, Kenneth Z., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and amounts of funds expended, and notice of appointment to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Deaf

1/48: Alvarado, Richard A., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Arts

1/49: Alvarez, Esther, 1988
Biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

1/50: Alwin, Lawrence F., 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting

1/51: Ames, Eugene L., Jr., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

1/52: Ancira, Ernesto, Jr., 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, list of members, and notices of appointment to the Texas Department of Commerce Board of Directors 1987 and 1989 and the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee

1/53: Anderson, Hans Emil, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as a branch pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

1/54: Anderson, A. Scott, 1990
Letters, memo, biographical information, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

1/55: Anderson, Allen R., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

1/56: Anderson, Calvin Michael, 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and notices of appointment to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Nonresident Violator Compact Administration

1/57: Anderson, Charles, 1988
Biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Scientific Advisory Council

1/58: Anderson, Florence Pringle, 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Examiners in the Fitting and Dispensing of Hearing Aids

1/59: Anderson, Milton Jay, 1988 & 1989
Application, biographical information, checklist, list of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Senate regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force in 1987 and the Agricultural Task Force and the Agricultural Diversification Board

1/60: Anderson, Kenneth Ward, Jr., 1990
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Jail Standards

1/61: Anderson, D. Kent, 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas High-Speed Rail Authority

1/62: Anderson, Ray D., 1989 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Presiding Judge of the 9th Administrative Judicial Region, and to the Texas Judicial Council

1/63: Andrews, Gilbert E., 1988
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Credit Union Commission

1/64: Angelo, Ernest, Jr., 1987
Letters, application, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary regarding appointment to the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council

1/65: Angelo, Betty Lou Pendergraft (Penny), 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners

1/66: Angelos, George M.
Biographical information, list of members of the State board of Dental Examiners with dates they were appointed and confirmed and the dates their term expire. This all relates to his efforts to obtain a license rather than an appointment.

1/67: Arellano, Robert Cantu, 1988
Memos, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 150th Judicial District in Bexar County

1/68: Armbryster, Jerome L., 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the District One Review Committee of the Board of Medical Examiners

1/69: Armstrong, Carolyn P., 1990
Letters, memo, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission

1/70: Armstrong, John R., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, brochure, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the East Texas State University Board of Regents

1/71: Arnett, Brenda F., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Educational Excellence Committee

1/72: Arnett, Ronald Wayne, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons

1/73: Arnold, Barbara J. Fry, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with record of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Credit Union Commission

1/74: Arnold, James Allen Jr. (Jim), 1987
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice regarding appointment as Interstate parole Compact Administrator

1/75: Arrendondo, Rodolfo, Jr., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

1/76: Arnoff, Phillip Arnold, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Special Committee on Organization of State Agencies, and to the State Purchasing and General Services Commission

1/77: Arrington, George W., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Red River Authority of Texas Board of Directors

1/78: Arrington, William L. (Bill), 1990
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Energy Resources Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

1/79: Arsht, Marjorie Meyer, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, letter of nomination for election to the Board of Directors of the State Bar of Texas, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Board

1/80: Asmussen, Fred Walter, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River authority Board of Directors

1/81: Atkins, James Calvin, Jr., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Board of directors of the Brazos River Authority

1/82: Aubert, George Alton, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Chiropractic Examiners

1/83: Ayers, Anna Irene, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Heroes Monument Commission

1/84: Atkison, Joseph Allen, Jr., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

1/85: Babin, Brian, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Commission

1/86: Babcock, George B., 1990
Letters, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Seed and Plant Board

1/87: Bacon, Carolyn Rembert, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

1/88: Baggett, W. Mike, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members, checklist, clipping, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, 1989, the Joint Select Committee on the Judiciary, 1987, and the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial

1/89: Bailey, Bobby Gipson, 1987
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Air Control Board

1/90: Bailey, Charles Craig, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, authority to release information form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as the District attorney of the 76th Judicial District in Camp, Morris, and Titus Counties

1/91: Bailey, Roy Fair, 1988
Biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

1/92: Baird, Russell J., 1987
Letter, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners

1/93: Baker, James Albert, 1990
Letters, memos, notes, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices regarding appointments to the Executive Committee of the Office for the Prevention of Developmental Disabilities and the Statewide Media Task Force on Dropout Prevention

1/94: Baker, Patsy Jean Covington, 1987 & 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices regarding appointments to Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

1/95: Balagia, S. Jack, Jr., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

1/96: Baldwin, Richard Frank, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Board of Directors of the Angelina and Neches River Authority

1/97: Baldwin, Wayne Jay, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Directors of the Neches River authority

1/98: Ballanfant, Richard Burton (Burt), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Battleship Texas Advisory Board

1/99: Ballou, A. R., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

1/100: Banales, J. Xavier, 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

1/101: Bandy, Lawrence Roy, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the At-Large Position on the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

1/102: Banker, Barbara, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, and nomination letters regarding election to the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors

1/103: Banks, James Houston (Jimmy), 1989
Letters, memo, notes, application, biographical information, clipping, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission

1/104: Barber, Letha Kay Foss, 1988 & 1990
Letters, memo, notes, application, biographical information, DPS clearance forms, list of recommenders, checklists, and appointment notices regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

1/105: Barger, Albert Claude, 1987
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, DPS clearance form, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority

1/106: Barker, Raymond E., 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the At-Large Position on the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

1/107: Barksdale, Maurice Lee, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, clipping, checklists, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Human Services, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Regents of Texas Woman's University

1/108: Barnes, Robert Field, 1988
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, clippings, photographs, authority to release information form, Attorney General's opinion on eligibility of certain former district judges for assignment, and appointment notices to be judge of the 93rd Judicial District Court and of the 275th Judicial District Court, both in Hidalgo County

1/109: Barnett, Nova Lee, 1989
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the West Texas State University Board of Regents

1/110: Barney, Fred Oscar, Jr., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the Motorcycle Operator Training and Safety Advisory Committee

1/111: Barnhart, Herbert Lawrence, 1987
Letters, note, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Tax Professional Examiners

1/112: Baran, William J. (Cap), 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as a Branch Pilot for Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

1/113: Barrera, Arnoldo Carlos, 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Rural Economic Development Commission

1/114: Barrera, Dagoberto, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, diplomas, clippings, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Advisory Committee

1/115: Barrera, Nelia Ester, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission

1/116: Barrett, Frank, 1988
Letter, memo, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

1/117: Barrett, Karen Anne, 1988; 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, list of recommended appointees from the Harris County Republican Party, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

1/118: Barry, Allan R., 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to be a Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

1/119: Barry, Bridget, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, clipping, checklist, and appointment notices regarding appointment to the Texas Committee for the Humanities

1/120: Barshop, Sam E., 1987
Lists of members and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the University of Texas System Board of Regents, Texas Criminal Justice Task Force, and Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

1/121: Bass, Lee Marshall, 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, list of recommended appointees from Tarrant County, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission

1/122: Bass, Perry, 1988
Biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance at meetings, checklist, press release, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission

1/123: Bass, Robert K., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the District II Review Committee of the Board of Medical Examiners

1/124: Bateman, Roger, 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, press release, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation

1/125: Baucom, David, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Sulphur River Basin Authority Board of Directors

1/126: Baughman, Howard, 1990
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Fire Department Emergency board

1/127: Baum, Robert B., 1988
Biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory board

1/128: Bauman, Virginia M., 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the State Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

1/129: Baur, George Weldon, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Technical Institute Board of Directors

1/130: Baxi, Niraj Prafull, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee of the National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

1/131: Baxley, Trena Lenell, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Deaf

1/132: Baxter, Walter H. III, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Aviation

1/133: Bayoud, George S., Jr., 1989
Appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as the Secretary of State

1/134: Bayoud, George Salim, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners

Series 1, Box 10: Appointee Files, Pad - Reed, E

10/1: Padalino, Jerry L., 1989
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Drug Policy Subcommittee of the Governor's Drug Abuse Task Force

10/2: Page, Charles, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee--National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

10/3: Palm, Nancy Dale, 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

10/4: Palm, R. E. (Ed), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Turnpike Authority

10/5: Palma, Henry (Hank), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Motorcycle Operator Training and Safety Advisory Committee

10/6: Palmer, Leslie D., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

10/7: Papert, Ida Kern, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Human Services

10/8: Parker, Billie Lucille Shelton, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, s, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the North Texas State University Board of Regents

10/9: Parker, Carl A., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Select Committee on Education, and the Southern Regional Education Board

10/10: Parker, Charlene, 1987
Biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee-- National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

10/11: Parker, Donna Lee Rushfeldt, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

10/12: Parker, Doris Alyne Scalf, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

10/13: Parker, Edwin W., II, 1990
Letters, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Legal Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/14: Parker, Linda Delores Jordan, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to and as chairman of the Council on Disabilities

10/15: Parker, Robert L., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, list of recommenders, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Agricultural Task Force, and to the Rural Economic Development Commission

10/16: Parker, Thomas W., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

10/17: Parker, Wayne H., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

10/18: Parkey, Billy Glen (Glen), 1987-1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, and to and as chair of one of the committees of the State Job Training Coordinating Council

10/19: Parks, Alfred L., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Family Farm and Ranch Advisory Council

10/20: Parnell, Calvin Boyd, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Air Control Board

10/21: Parrish, Morris Holland, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Nurse Examiners

10/22: Parrish, Norman Wilton, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Pension Review Board

10/23: Parsons, Mary Lou Burnett, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, 1987, and the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse

10/24: Parsons, H. Percy (Percy), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Funeral Service Commission

10/25: Patman, Philip Franklin, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as the Governor's Official Representative to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/26: Patterson, Dan Eric, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Hospital Equipment Financing Council

10/27: Patterson, I. J., Jr. (I. J. or Pat), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Dental Examiners

10/28: Patterson, Jan Palmquist, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board on Aging

10/29: Patterson, Marilyn Jean Williams, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

10/30: Patterson, William Rowan, Jr. (Rowan), 1988
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Advisory Committee

10/31: Payne, Hershel Raymond, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas High-Speed Rail Authority

10/32: Payne, Patti, 1988
Letter and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Capital Area Regional Community Development Review Committee

10/33: Pearce, Louis M., Jr., 1988
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as chairman of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission

10/34: Peason, James Wellington, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

10/35: Peck, Diane Marie Bender, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Ports of Galveston County

10/36: Pede, Betty Ann Howard (Ann), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy

10/37: Peden, Michael Parker, 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to be Judge of the 285th Judicial District Court in Bexar County

10/38: Peeples, David, 1987 & 1988
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Commission on Uniform State Laws, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the Fourth Court of Appeals

10/39: Peda, Joseph, 1987
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

10/40: Pennington, Ben F., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/41: Pennington, Jerome Joe (Jerry), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, photograph, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority

10/42: Penny, Darrell Lynn, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee--National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

10/43: Peppers, Walter Richard, 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

10/44: Perrin, George James, Sr., 1987
Biographical information, note, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee--National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

10/45: Perry, Charles R., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission

10/46: Perry, Dunman, Jr., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Midwestern State University Board of Regents

10/47: Perry, Kenneth Dwight (Ken), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Antiquities Committee

10/48: Perry, Patricia S., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

10/49: Perry, W. C., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State University System Board of Regents

10/50: Perryman, Linda, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the College Opportunity Act Committee

10/51: Perryman, Mary Ann, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Commission

10/52: Perryman, Wilburn Coston, III (Chip), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

10/53: Person, Calvin Eugene, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Hospital Equipment Financing Council

10/54: Peterson, Donald McLeod (Don), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Health

10/55: Peterson, Sarah A., 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Space Commission

10/56: Petty, William Edward, Sr. (Bill), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Irrigators

10/57: Petzold, James Theodore (Jim), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Motorcycle Operator Training and Safety Advisory Committee

10/58: Pevehouse, B. J., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/59: Peveto, Freda Marie Bell, 1988
Letter, memo, application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Advisory Committee

10/60: Pfeiffer, Fred Nelson, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Western States Water Council regarding appointments to the Council

10/61: Pharo, Milam B., 1988 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners District Two ReviewCommittee, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners

10/62: Phelps, Thomas E., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

10/63: Phillips, Acie O., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Board

10/64: Phillips, Carroll Wynn, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents

10/65: Phillips, Jack L., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/66: Phillips, Michael Thomas (Mike), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons

10/67: Phillips, Thomas R., 1987
Letters, telegrams biographical information, records of appeals heard, list of recommenders, outline of 1988 election plan, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas

10/68: Phillips, Thomas R.
Continuation of the previous file

10/69: Phillips, William B., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/70: Pickens, Beatrice Carr (Bea), 1987
Letters, application, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission

10/71: Pickens, T. Boone, Jr., 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the West Texas State University Board of Regents

10/72: Picton, Charles H., 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

10/73: Pierce, Frances G., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenditures, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

10/74: Pierce, John Edward, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, FPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board

10/75: Pierson, Grey, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

10/76: Pilgrim, Lonnie Alfred (Bo), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, nomination form of appointment to the National Commission on Agricultural Policy, lists of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and to the Agricultural Task Force

10/77: Pincoffs, Edmund Peter (Peter), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Public Finance Authority

10/78: Pirtle, Patrick Andrew (Pat), 1988
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to be Justice of the Seventh Court of Appeals and to the 251st Judicial District Court in Potter and Randall Counties

10/79: Pittman, Wesley Edwin (Wes), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Water Development Board

10/80: Piwetz, Eileen Marie Falke, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Nurse Examiners

10/81: Pizzitola, Philip, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

10/82: Plasek, Emil W., 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Egg Marketing Board

10/83: Plaskett, Thomas, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

10/84: Platt, C. Ronald, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/85: Pleasant, Mark Daniel, 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

10/86: Polland, Gary Michael, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Health and Human Services Coordinating Council

10/87: Pollans, Albert A., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

10/88: Polunsky, Allan Bruce, 1987-1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Board of Corrections, 1987 and 1989, to the Boards for Lease--Texas Department of Corrections, 1988 and 1989, the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force, 1988, and the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, 1989

10/89: Pond, Lila Lee Long, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Project Child Save Steering Committee

10/90: Pond, Paul Clifford, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Funeral Service Commission

10/91: Pope, John Rogers (Rogers), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Housing Agency Board of Directors

10/92: Popp, Wayne E., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Fire Fighters Relief and Benefit Fund Board of Trustees

10/93: Porter, Cheryl Jenkins, 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Examiners of Dieticians

10/94: Porter, Wilbur Arthur (Skip), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force and to the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council

10/95: Posey, Stennett D., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

10/96: Poteet, William Dee (Bill), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Health

10/97: Powell, James L. (Jimmy), 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

10/98: Powell, Max F., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/99: Powell, Raymond Dewyatt, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

10/100: Powell, Thomas Walker (Tom), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, articles of incorporation of Texans for Fire Ant Control, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Fire Ant Advisory Board

10/101: Power, Winston C., Jr., 1987-1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Education Commission of the States, 1987, the Select Committee on Education, 1988, and the Educational Excellence Committee, 1989

10/102: Powers, Gene R., 1990
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Committee of examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

10/103: Prather, Patricia Smith (Pat), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

10/104: Prejean, Robert Joseph (Bob), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the Texas Board of Land Surveying

10/105: Prentice, Chris Dewitt, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Blind

10/106: Pressler, Nancy Avery, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

10/107: Pressler, Herman Paul, III (Paul), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse

10/108: Prevost, Joe, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/109: Prichard, Marjorie Reynolds, 1989
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

10/110: Priddy, Charles, Jr., 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/111: Priddy, Hervey, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/112: Priddy, Kathryn Amsler, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

10/113: Prince, Billy, 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

10/114: Proctor, Mamie Beatrice Moore, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Board of Corrections, and to the Texas Board of Criminal Justice

10/115: Pryor, Molly Ann Mullican, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Surplus Property Agency

10/116: Purdy, Bruce Dale, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council

10/117: Purvis, Margaret Morgan, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council

10/118: Pyle, Jerry D., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenditures, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy

10/119: Quimby, William Harry (Bill), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy

10/120: Quince, Margie F., 1987
Biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee--National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

10/121: Quirk, Ann, 1987 & 1989
Letter, note, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women

10/122: Quisenberry, Clebert Wayland (Q), 1990
Letters, notes, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors

10/123: Quartrup, William Hastings (Bill), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Air Control Board

10/124: Raba, Carl Franz, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Waste Reduction and Minimization

10/125: Race, Anne Rinker, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation

10/126: Race, Jonathan Clark (Clark), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Executive Committee of the Office for the Prevention of Developing Disabilities

10/127: Radack, Sherry, 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Project Child Save Steering Committee

10/128: Radack, Steve Michael, 1990
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Census Complete Count Committee of Texas and the Texas County and District Retirement System Board of Trustees

10/129: Radley, Rita Jean Myatt, 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of fees and expenses paid, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

10/130: Rago, Bob, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/131: Raimer, Ben G., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention (Children's Trust Fund)

10/132: Rainey, David, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

10/133: Rains, Aileen Blanche Dixon, 1987 & 1988
Application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointment to and as chairman of the Battleship Texas Advisory Board

10/134: Rains, Jack Morris, 1989 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Campaign Finance Reform Task, and to the Texas Department of Commerce Board of Directors

10/135: Rains, James Brian, 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice regarding appointment as Judge of the 176th Judicial District Court in Harris County

10/136: Ramey, Tom B., Jr., 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Chief Justice of the Twelfth Court of Appeals

10/137: Ramirez, Mario E., 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the University of Texas System Board of Regents

10/138: Ramirez, Richard Martinez, 1990
Letters, note, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Product Commercialization Advisory Board

10/139: Ramirez, Rowl R., 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, list of members with record of attendance, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority

10/140: Ramsay, Ross Ivy, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

10/141: Ramsey, Jack D., 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

10/142: Ramsey, Katherine Clyde (Kitty), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Sulphur River Basin Authority Board of Directors

10/143: Randle, Audray Bateman Rewbridge, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board

10/144: Raney, James, 1988
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

10/145: Rankin, Marsha Ann Pickard (Shan), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women, and the Pan American University Board of Records

10/146: Rash, Alan V., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation Board of Directors

10/147: Ratcliff, Bobby O., 1987
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

10/148: Rath, Diane Doehne, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Rehabilitation Commission

10/149: Ratliff, Gene A., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lavaca- Navidad River Authority Board of Directors

10/150: Ratliff, Joe Samuel, 1989
Letter, telegram, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse

10/151: Ray, Neill W., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

10/152: Reagan, Billy R., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Education Commission of the States

10/153: Rector, William Lee, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the State Board of Medical Examiners District Three Review Committee

10/154: Reed, Ernest D., 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

10/155: Reed, Evelyn Campbell (Eve), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

Series 1, Box 11: Appointee Files, Reed, H - Schol

11/1: Reed, Hugh, Jr., 1989
Appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to be Special County Judge in Freestone County in the causes 6103 in 1988 and 4492

11/2: Reed, Norma Wilson, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Sex Offender Treatment

11/3: Reed, Oswald D. (Ozzie), 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Runnels County Water Authority Board of Directors

11/4: Reed, Susan D., 1988
Letter, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Criminal Justice Policy Council

11/5: Rees-Jones, Trevor David, 1990
Letter, note, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Surplus Property Agency

11/6: Reeser, G. C., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

11/7: Reesing, Ernest Odell, Jr. (Ernie or Doc), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, lists of suggested appointees, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Fire Department Emergency Fund

11/8: Rehkop, Lila Lee Cooke, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, lists of members with records of attendance, petitions, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors

11/9: Reilly, Michael Atlee (Mike), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

11/10: Reiter, Nathan Irving, Jr., 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to be Red River Compact Commissioner of Texas

11/11: Resprees, Roland Edward, 1989
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

11/12: Reveley, Dawn Elise, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Criminal Justice Task Force

11/13: Reyes, Delia M., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission

11/14: Reyna, Edibert Bruno, Jr. (Ed), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

11/15: Reynolds, Charles G. (Charley), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

11/16: Reynolds, Don, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Woman's University Board of Regents

11/17: Reynolds, Donald (Don), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Educational Excellence Committee

11/18: Reynolds, Donald E., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

11/19: Reynolds, H. Gene, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority of Texas Board of Directors

11/20: Reynolds, Homer Baskin, III, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, notes, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Committee for the Humanities, 1988 and 1989, and to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission, 1989

11/21: Reynolds, Richard F. (Dick), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Insurance

11/22: Rhea, John William (Bill), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 162nd Judicial District Court in Dallas County

11/23: Rhea, John William, Jr., 1987
Letter, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority Board of Directors

11/24: Rhoads, Randy L., 1989
Biographical information, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

11/25: Rice, George Weldon, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

11/26: Rice, I. Marsh, 1988
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee on Water Resources Management

11/27: Rice, Robert Joe, 1990
Letter, note, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members and recommended appointees and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Fire Fighters' Relief and Retirement Fund Board of Trustees

11/28: Rice, William Yngve, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Sabine River Authority Board of Directors

11/29: Rich, Joe Echols, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors

11/30: Richards, Brian C., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of recommenders, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

11/31: Richards, Harvey Lee, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Dairy Advisory Board

11/32: Richards, Rosemary M., 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

11/33: Richardson, Harry H., 1990
Letter, note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Department of Information Resources Council

11/34: Richardson, James A., Jr., 1988
List of members of the Oil Overcharge Committee of the Public-Private Partnership Advisory Panel of which he was a member

11/35: Riddlesperger, Anthony Gentry, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

11/36: Rieck, Florence Uerling, 1989
Letter, biographical information, list of suggested appointees, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Animal Health Commission

11/37: Rieck, Irene, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

11/38: Riehle, Paul Richard, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with record of attendance, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors

11/39: Riess, Richard L., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Examiners in the Fitting and Dispensing of Hearing Aids

11/40: Rigler, Bruce Benjamin, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Animal Health Commission

11/41: Rios, Luis Manuel, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Medical Examiners District Four Review Board, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the State Board of Medical Examiners

11/42: Ripley, Jenilyn Foxworth (Jen), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Board of Directors

11/43: Risinger, Milton Lee, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Health

11/44: Risner, Robinson, 1987
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse

11/45: Riter, A.W., Jr. (Dub), 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Growth Fund Board of Trustees, and to the Teacher Retirement Fund Board of Trustees

11/46: Rittenberry, Charles Lambie, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy

11/47: Rivers, Charles H. (Chuck), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Air Control Board

11/48: Roach, John V., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council, 1987, the Department of Commerce Board of Directors, 1987, and the Texas Scientific Advisory Council, 1988

11/49: Roach, Thomas Lynch, Jr. (T. L.), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

11/50: Roberts, James W., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, photograph, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board on Aging

11/51: Roberts, Mac C., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

11/52: Roberts, Stephanie Randolph, 1989
Letters, biographical information checklists, photographs, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, and the Texas Board of Aviation

11/53: Robb, Roy K., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

11/54: Robbins, Billy Joe, 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Port Aransas Bar, Corpus Christi Bay, and Tributaries

11/55: Robbins, John C., 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Energy Resources Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

11/56: Roberson, Clarence A. (C. A.), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas Board of Trustees

11/57: Roberts, Cary Lee, 1988
Letters, memo, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

11/58: Roberts, James L., 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education

11/59: Roberts, Warren Hugo, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, clipping, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Air Control Board

11/60: Robertson, Corbin J., Jr., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

11/61: Robertson, Forrest E., 1988
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

11/62: Robertson, John E., 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

11/63: Robinson, Emyre Barrios (Emy), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and the Texas Space Commission

11/64: Robinson, LaRue E., 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Criminal Justice Task Force

11/65: Robinson, Larry Wayne, 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

11/66: Rodgers, George Ray, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

11/67: Rodriguez, Benjamin E., 1988
Letters, biographical information, and list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member

11/68: Rodriguez, Eli J., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Advisory Council of the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

11/69: Rodriguez, Leo Loranzo, Jr., 1990
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

11/70: Rodriguez, Maurilia Flores (Molly), 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Diabetes Council

11/71: Rodriguez, Nelson, 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, clipping, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Affordable Housing, and to the U. S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development regarding the appointment of Texas representatives to the Special Joint HUD/Texas Committee

11/72: Rodriguez, Robert, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

11/73: Roffino, Claire L. Barlow, 1988 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

11/74: Rogers, Douglas James (Doug), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

11/75: Rogers, Jeanette, 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

11/76: Rogers, Jimmy Furman (Jim), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

11/77: Rogers, John T., 1988 & 1989
Application and appointment letters to the Executive Director of Students Against Driving Drunk and the Secretary of State regarding appointments as the Texas Coordinator for the Students Against Driving Drunk

11/78: Rogers, Jonathan, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Veteran's Land Board

11/79: Rogers, Richard Maurice (Rich), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Structural Control Board

11/80: Rollins, Henry Moak (Moak), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Public Utility Regulation

11/81: Romans, Charles H., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Fire fighters' Relief and Retirement Fund Board of Trustees

11/82: Romo, Daniel J., 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, oath of office form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Realtors

11/83: Rosenberg, Leonard B., 1987 & 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Finance Commission of Texas

11/84: Rosenberg, Sandra, 1990
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, brochure, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission

11/85: Rosenkrantz, Frank, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, brochure, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Water Well Drillers Board

11/86: Ross, Nelwyn Pettey Caldwell Steele (Pettey), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, petition, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Nurse Examiners

11/87: Ross, Tipton S., 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

11/88: Rothkamm, Rebecca Ann Smith (Ann), 1988
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, reports titled "Basic Data on Jail a Thon Held at Parkdale Mall" and "Role of the Community on Discovery, Cultivation and Retention of Productive Crime Stopper Board Members," and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Crime Stoppers Advisory Council

11/89: Rourke, James Kearns, Jr. (Jim), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Irrigators

11/90: Rowland, Jack W., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

11/91: Rubottom, R. Richard, 1987
Letter, biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as the State of Texas' 1987 UN Day Chairman

11/92: Rucker, Morton Valdean (Dean), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 318th Judicial District Court in Midland County

11/93: Rudd, Jim D., 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Welfare Reform Task Force

11/94: Rudd, Ronnie, 1987 & 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of expenses, list of suggested appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Accounting, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy

11/95: Ruff, Jere J., 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, report "Considerations in the Selection of a President for Texas State Technical Institute," and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas State Technical Institute Board of Regents

11/96: Runge, Edward C. A. (Ed), 1988 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the State Seed and Plant Board

11/97: Runnells, Clive, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Turnpike Authority Board of Directors

11/98: Runnels, Etta Gayle Southerland (Gayle), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, clipping, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the Gulf Initiative

11/99: Rush, Paul Adams, 1987
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, and to the Texas Motor Vehicle Commission

11/100: Russell, Allen Ray, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Fire Fighters' Relief and Retirement Fund Board of Trustees

11/101: Russell, Dwight C., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Underground Storage Tank Advisory Committee

11/102: Russell, James E., 1989
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Enhanced Recover Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

11/103: Russell, Linda Beverly Wildhagen, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Diabetes Council

11/104: Russell, Walter F., Jr., 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

11/105: Rust, Elton (Rusty), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Aviation

11/106: Rust, Sparks, Jr., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Animal Health Commission

11/107: Rutchik, Martin Hyman (Marty), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Produce Recovery Fund Board

11/108: Ruth, Patricia Jane (Patty), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of recommended appointees, and appointment letter regarding appointment to the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Advisory Committee

11/109: Rutledge, Hollis V., Jr., 1988
Letters, memo, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Advisory Commission in Intergovernmental Relations

11/110: Rutledge, Lee Anne Biermann, 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

11/111: Sabrsula, Herman Daniel, 1987 & 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Board of Licensure for Nursing Home Administrators

11/112: Sachtleben, R. Don, 1988
Letter, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lavaca-Navidad River Authority Board of Directors

11/113: Saemann, Lisa Diane, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists

11/114: Saenz, Alvaro D., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

11/115: Saenz, Hector, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

11/116: Sager, Alan M., 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council

11/117: Salomons, Celia M., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention (Children's Trust Fund)

11/118: Salcito, Pablo, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

11/119: Salinas, Fernando Antonio (Tony), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, list of nominees, and appointment notices regarding appointment to the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee, and nomination for selection as a director of the Texas State Bar

11/120: Salinas, Isaiah M. (Ike), 1987
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, clipping, and list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was a member

11/121: Salome, Tommy G., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Joint Task Force on Waste Management Policy

11/122: Salvant, Wayne Francis, 1988 & 1989
Letters, memos, applications, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, authority to release information form, clippings, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention (Children's Trust Fund), and the Stephen F. Austin University Board of Regents

11/123: Salwen, Richard Ethan (Rick), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, authority to release information form, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse

11/124: Saly, Michael Daniel (Mike), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers

11/125: Sammons, John F., 1987
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, clippings, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Strategic Economic Policy Commission

11/126: Sanchez, Crispin E. (Cris), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Blind

11/127: Sanchez, Reynaldo (Rey), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, photograph, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments as Deputy Assistant Adjutant General for Army of the Texas National Guard, and to the Texas National Guard Armory Board

11/128: Sandefer, Jefferson D., III, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

11/129: San Juan, Miguel Rafael, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Hospital Equipment Financing Council

11/130: Santamaria, Henry, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Real Estate Commission

11/131: Santry, Carol, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, press release, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Commission for the Blind

11/132: Sarabia, Fermin, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation

11/133: Sasser, Jimmy Francis, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Credit Union Commission

11/134: Satterwhite, Rodney Wayne, 1990
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Uniform State Laws

11/135: Savage, Tom V., Jr., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder

11/136: Sawtell, John Leon, 1988
Letter, application, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Medical Examiners District Two Review Committee

11/137: Sawyer, Drew G., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Committee of Examiners for Pathology and Audiology

11/138: Saxton, James E., Jr., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Insurance, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as chairman of the Board

11/139: Scarbrough, Glenda Judith (Judy), 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

11/140: Schattel, Otto C. (Butch), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education

11/141: Schriermeyer, Ruth Corry, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as vice chairman of the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services Oversight Committee, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

11/142: Schlueter, Stan, 1990
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Children 2000 Organizational Committee

11/143: Schmidt, Randall Lee, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse

11/144: Schnapp, William Bertner (Bill), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Mentally Retarded, Developmentally Disabled and Mentally Ill Offenders

11/145: Schneider, Herbert Rudolph, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Board of Directors

11/146: Schneider, John Phillip, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications

11/147: Schneider, Leroy Henry, 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Advisory Committee

11/148: Schneider, Michael Haygood (Mike), 1990
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, Houston Bar Association judicial preference poll, authority to release information form, and appointment list to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Justice of the First Court of Appeals

11/149: Schoenfeld, Lawrence Steven (Larry), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists

11/150: Schollmaier, Rae Skinner, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the State Human Rights Commission

Series 1, Box 12: Appointee Files, Schon - Stri, B

12/1: Schonberger, Olivia C. Blundell, 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Blind

12/2: Shorre, Al W., Jr., 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

12/3: Schuessler, Charles A., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

12/4: Schuler, Edith, 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

12/5: Schultz, Ronald Carl, Jr. (Ron), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Legal Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/6: Schultz, Sally Wise, 1988
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Advisory Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners

12/7: Schumann, Iris Vernelle Timmermann, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board

12/8: Scioli, Edgar Ruben, 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Podiatry Examiners

12/9: Scott, Billie, 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

12/10: Scott, Edward R., Jr. (Eddie), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, presentation he made to the Texas Coordinating Board of Higher Education, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the West Texas State University Board of Regents

12/11: Scott, Millard A., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

12/12: Scott, Rider, 1987
Letter, biographical information, checklists, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, and to and as chairman of the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services Oversight Committee, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Executive Director of the Criminal Justice Policy Council

12/13: Scott, Willia Leo, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members of the Job Training Coordinating Council of which he was a member, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Executive Director of the Texas Department of Community Affairs, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Oil Overcharge Technical Advisory Committee

12/14: Scruggs, Charles G. (Charlie), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, press release, photograph, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

12/15: Scruggs, Mary Brandon, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention (Children's Trust Fund)

12/16: Scurlock, William W. (Bill), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority

12/17: Seamans, Aimee Joanna, 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Nurse Examiners

12/18: Seawright, Gaye Lynn Henry, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Animal Health Commission

12/19: Seay, John Randolph, 1987
Letter, biographical information, photograph, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/20: Secrhest, William B., 1990
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Judicial Selection

12/21: Seline, Richard Steven, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee

12/22: Selinidis, Konstantinods I., 1988
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

12/23: Sell, John Michael, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Examiners of Psychologists

12/24: Sellers, Elizabeth Jane Bowlin (Betty), 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Woman's University Board of Regents

12/25: Selser, Richard Gail (Dick), 1990
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Product Commercialization Advisory Board

12/26: Sewell, Carl, 1990
Letters, note, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Metropolitan Transit Authorities

12/27: Sewell, John Harrison, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority board of Directors

12/28: Sexton, James L. (Jim), 1987
Letters, application, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on the Savings and Loan Industry

12/29: Shackelford, Kenneth Brice (Kenny), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of state regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

12/30: Shafer, Gary, 1987
Letters, memo, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting

12/31: Shamblin, Ronald Hughes (Ron), 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Dental Examiners

12/32: Shanklin, Marsha, 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Real Estate Commission

12/33: Shapiro, Florence Donald, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Select Interim Committee on Capital Construction, and to the Commission, on Jail Standards

12/34: Sharp, John, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/35: Sharpe, Patsy Reese, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Nurse Examiners

12/36: Shaw, Maurice Bryan, 1988
Application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Home Health Services Advisory Council

12/37: Shaw, W. Ted, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the College Opportunity Act Committee

12/38: Shea, Gwyn Clarkston Moore, 1987
Application, biographical information, and list of appointees to the Job Training Coordinating Council of which she was a member

12/39: Shearer, Sergio, 1990
Letters, memo, note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Cosmetology Commission

12/40: Shell, Carolyn Patricia Markey (Pat), 1987
Application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on the Teach Appraisal System and Career Ladder Program

12/41: Shelley, Dan, 1989
Letters, memo, notes, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Public Lands Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/42: Shelton, Chester A. (Pete), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education

12/43: Shelton, Emily Gordon Barbee, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

12/44: Shephard, Anne Ashy Kremer, 1987-1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, list of members with record of attendance, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women, 1987, and to the Texas Health and Human Services Coordinating Council, 1988 and 1989

12/45: Shepard, Carolyn Farish Calhoun (Carol), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

12/46: Shephard, McKinley, 1987
Letter and list of appointees to the Job Training Coordinating Council of which he was a member

12/47: Shephard, Robert Ward (Bob), 1987
Letter, note, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Pan American University Board of Regents

12/48: Sheppard, Guy Alvin, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners

12/49: Sheridan, Peter F., 1988
Letters, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

12/50: Sherman, Jerome Nathaniel (Jerry), 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists

12/51: Shine, Hugh D., 1987
Letters, biographical information, Special Report to the Senate Interim Committee on Workfare and Welfare Reform by him, Dave Cox, and John D. Baker, and list of members of the Job Training Coordinating Council of which he was a member

12/52: Shivers, R. Allan, Jr. (Bud), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission

12/53: Shivers, Linward, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/54: Shockley, Thomas V., III, 1987
Application, biographical information, and list of members of the Job Training Coordinating Council of which he was a member

12/55: Shook, Jimmy N., 1990
Letters, certificate of disqualification, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State appointing him as County Judge in the County Court of Mills County in cause No. 2415

12/56: Shores, Gary H., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to Midwestern State University Board of Regents

12/57: Showers, Wayne Allen, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents

12/58: Shull, A. E. (Gene), 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Underground Storage Tank Advisory Committee

12/59: Shults, Elayne Steele, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

12/60: Sibley, Henry Arthur, Jr. (Hank), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Aeronautics Commission

12/61: Sibley, Wayne Curtis, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education

12/62: Siegel, Jeffrey Craig, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Mentally Retarded, Developmentally Disabled and Mentally Ill Offenders

12/63: Sifford, Charlotte Jane (Jane), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

12/64: Sikes, Andrew Lonnie (Andy), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to and as chairman of the Texas Board of Land Surveying

12/65: Simek, John E., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Lo-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority

12/66: Simmons, G. Ted (Ted), 1988 & 1990
Letters, applications, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

12/67: Simmons, Joellen Marie Flores, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons

12/68: Simons, Dennis S., 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lavaca-Navidad River Authority Board of Directors

12/69: Sims, Bill, 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/70: Sims, Harry Fletcher, Jr., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Heart of Texas Regional Review Committee

12/71: Sinclair, Barbara Ann Frank, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

12/72: Sinclair, Donald L., 1987
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

12/73: Singletary, George F., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/74: Sink, Richard Thomas, 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services Oversight Committee

12/75: Skaggs, Harold, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Medical Examiners District Four Review Committee

12/76: Skinner, Zane, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

12/77: Skov, William D., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

12/78: Slataper, Michael T., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

12/79: Slimp, Kenneth Morton, 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Runnels County Water Authority Board of Directors

12/80: Slover, Barbara Augusta Truax, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Health Pharmacist Position

12/81: Smith, Allison Rutherford (Al), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners

12/82: Smith, Ashley, 1988 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance forms, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference, and to the Policy Committee of the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program

12/83: Smith, Bet Kruger, 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

12/84: Smith, David Ryan, 1990
Letters, memos, notes, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Antiquities Committee

12/85: Smith, Don, 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

12/86: Smith, Edwin Jack, Jr. (Jack), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, press release statements by him, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the State Board of Insurance

12/87: Smith, Ernest E., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/88: Smith, Frank Chesley, Jr., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference, and to the Gulf of Mexico Program

12/89: Smith, H. Irvin, 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/90: Smith, Jessica Glenda Holder (Glenda), 1990
Letter, note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Educational Excellence Committee

12/91: Smith, Jack Harris, 1988
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Ports of Galveston County

12/92: Smith, Oliver Roy (Buddy), 1987
Letters, telegrams, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Health, Chiropractic Position

12/93: Smith, Peggy Brzeskiewicz, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to and as presiding officer of the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention (Children's Trust Fund)

12/94: Smith, Phillip C., 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

12/95: Smith, R. Wayne (Wayne), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, clippings, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Coastal Water Authority Board of Directors

12/96: Smith, Richard F., 1987
Letter, note, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Special Committee on Organization of State Agencies

12/97: Smith, Robert Daniel (Danny), 1988
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

12/98: Smith, Robert O., 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

12/99: Smith, Scott Barnett, 1987 & 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Finance Commission of Texas

12/100: Smith, Terral R., 1987-1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of appointees, and appointment notices to Western States Water Council regarding appointment to and as a member of the Legal Committee of the Western States Water Council, 1987 and 1988, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Committee on Water Resources Management, 1988, the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference, 1988, and the Management Committee of the Galveston Bay National Estuary program, 1990

12/101: Smith, Thomas B., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

12/102: Smith, Todd Malcolm, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Crime Stoppers Advisory Council

12/103: Smith, Weldon H., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/104: Smothermon, James Patrick (Pat), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, clipping, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority, as Executive Director of the Texas Health and Human Services Coordinating Council, and to the Interagency Council for Services for the Homeless

12/105: Sneed, Joyce Nicholson, 1988 & 1990
Letters, memos, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Home Health Services Advisory Council

12/106: Snider, Paula Sue West (Sue), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and careen Ladder Program

12/107: Solomon, William Tarver (Bill), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

12/108: Sorrells, Rick D., 1988 & 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas State Board of Podiatry Examiners

12/109: Soule, John G., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/110: Southerland, Jesse Malon (Malon), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation

12/111: Sowell, Polly Key Rollins, 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, list of members with record of attendance, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Health and Human Services Coordinating Council

12/112: Spain, Michael Paul (Paul), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

12/113: Sparks, Glen E. (Gene), 1987
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Woman's University Board of Regents

12/114: Sparks, Thomasine Perry, 1987 & 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance forms, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder Program, 1987, and to the Teacher's Professional Practices Commission, 1987 and 1989

12/115: Sparling, Jon, 1988
Letters, biographical information, certificate of disqualification, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as a Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals in the State of Texas in the matter of Jackson v. State, Cause No. 115-84

12/116: Spears, Helen Louise Dalton-Barrett, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Barber Examiners

12/117: Spears, Keith, 1988
Letter, biographical information, press release, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

12/118: Spears, Ron, 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council

12/119: Specia, John Joseph, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to be Judge of the 225th Judicial District Court in Bexar County

12/120: Speck, Nancy, 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, and to the Governor's Commission for Women, 1987 and 1989

12/121: Spence, Michael D. (Mike), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

12/122: Spencer, C. William (Bill), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council

12/123: Spencer, Marsha Claire Pate, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Real Estate Commission

12/124: Spinks, Mary C. Herbert, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Dental Examiners

12/125: Spires, Albert Bryan (Bryan), 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

12/126: Sprague, Charles C., 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

12/127: Spurlock, Joe, II, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council

12/128: Staley, Joseph Hardin, Jr. (Joe), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Midwestern State University Board of Regents

12/129: Stamos, Charles J., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/130: Stamper, Dan W. (Danny), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Fire Department Emergency Board

12/131: Stanfill, Craig M., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Pension Review Board

12/132: Starkey, Alonzo L., III (Curg), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners

12/133: Starr, Jimmy Don (Jim), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Municipal Retirement System Board of Trustees

12/134: Starr, Willie, 1988
Letter, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

12/135: Stasney, C. Richard, 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, record of his attendance at meetings and expenses, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners

12/136: Steadman, Douglas, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

12/137: Steed, Willis C., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/138: Steele, Jack, 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

12/139: Steele, John Philip, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards regarding appointment as the State of Texas representative to the National Conference

12/140: Steinhart, Ronald Glen (Ron), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lamar University Board of Regents

12/141: Stembridge, Vernie A., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State retarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

12/142: Stephanow, Richard E., 1988
Memo, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Justice of the First District Court of Appeals

12/143: Stephens, Bill J., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council

12/144: Stephens, F. L. (Steve), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Corrections, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Criminal Justice

12/145: Stern, Michael P., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Diabetes Council

12/146: Stewart, Eugene David, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 365th Judicial Court in Dimmit, Maverick, and Zavala Counties

12/147: Stinnett, Jane Anne, 1987 & 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and the Agricultural Task Force

12/148: Stofer, Preston Austin, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Guadalupe-Blanco River Board of Directors

12/149: Stone, R. Dary, 1987-1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Governor's Task Force on the Savings and Loan Industry, 1987, and to and chair of the Finance Commission of Texas, 1987, 1989, and 1990

12/150: Storch, Donald Greg (Greg), 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Credit Union Commission

12/151: Storm, James C. (Jim), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Taskforce, and to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/152: Storm, Ralph, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

12/153: Stotesberry, William D., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Department of Information Resources

12/154: Stout, C. Fred, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

12/155: Stovall, Thomas J., Jr., 1987
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council, and as Presiding Judge of the Second Administrative Judicial Region

12/156: Strain, Carl Schuch, 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

12/157: Strake, George W., Jr., 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, and the Task Force on Public Education

12/158: Strake, George William, III (Trey), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Battleship Texas Advisory Board

12/159: Strake, Frances Annette DeWalch (Annette), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Arts

12/160: Straus, Jocelyn Levi (Joci), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

12/161: Straus, Robert S. (Bob), 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council

12/162: Strickland, Billie Monroe (Bill), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, DPS clearance form and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education

Series 1, Box 13: Appointee Files, Stri, L - Walla

13/1: Strickland, Lewis Randy (Randy), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Advisory Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners

13/2: Strohacker, Anna Elisabeth Sullivan (Betty), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, map of Kerr County on which the location of each member's residence is indicated, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

13/3: Strong, Linda Susan Radford, 1988
Letters application, biographical information, list of appointees, list of members of the Job Training Coordinating Council of which she was a member in 1987, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

13/4: Strunk, Henry Otto (Buddy), 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission

13/5: Stubbs, Judith Ann Neal (Judy), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, list of members of the Job Training Coordinating Council of which she was a member, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

13/6: Sturns, Louise Edward, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, press release, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals

13/7: Styner, Marley Patrick, 1990
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Neches River Municipal Water Authority

13/8: Sunderman, Inez, 1990
Letters, note, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Resources Protection Authority

13/9: Sullins, James Ronnie (Ronnie), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Family Farm and Ranch Advisory Board

13/10: Sullivan, Cynthia Mae Lightner (Cindy), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Heroes Monument Commission

13/11: Suther, Mary Charles Steele, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Home Health Services Advisory Council

13/12: Sutton, John Ewing, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the 119th Judicial District Court in Tom Green County

13/13: Sutton, Roger Howard, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

13/14: Swearington, Joyce Mae Bright, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors

13/15: Swenson, Kneal, Jr. (Neal), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Seen and Plant Board

13/16: Swift, Georgia Wittenbert Hawks, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Family Practice Residency Advisory Committee

13/17: Swinney, Ben L., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Neches River Municipal Water Authority Board of Directors

13/18: Tamayo, Edna L. Gonzales, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Youth Commission

13/19: Tamayo, James Anthony, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Census Complete Count Committee for Texas

13/20: Tartt, Blake, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council

13/21: Tavarez, Vicente, Jr., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Medical Examiners District Four Review Committee

13/22: Taylor, Alton R. (Rusty), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Concho River Water and Soil Conservation Authority

13/23: Taylor, Andrew M., 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Legal Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

13/24: Taylor, Austin Starke, Jr. (Starke), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

13/25: Taylor, David William, 1990
David William, Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Technical Institute Board of Regents

13/26: Taylor, James Lyndon (J. L.), 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with record of attendance, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority Board of Directors

13/27: Taylor, Nicholas Cowenhoven, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, record of election results in the 1988 general election for the Eighth Appellate District of Texas, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council

13/28: Taylor, Tinker, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education

13/29: Taylor, William J., 1987
Letters, biographical information, certificate of membership, list of appointees, and appointment to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Southern Regional Educational Board

13/30: Taylor, William Joseph (Bill), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of expenses and nature of business, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Polygraph Examiners Board

13/31: Teas, Paul, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

13/32: Teeple, Charles Sloan, 1987 & 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Finance Commission of Texas

13/33: Teeple, Mary, 1987 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women

13/34: Tenison, William W., 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

13/35: Terrazas, Louis P., 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, nomination letter to the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination for selection as a Director of the State Bar of Texas, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Human Services

13/36: Terrell, Charles T., 1987 & 1989
Letters, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expense, speech given as chairman of the Texas Criminal Justice System, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, 1987, and to the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, 1989, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Corrections, 1987

13/37: Thomas, Billy D., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

13/38: Thomas, Carroll M., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Energy Resources Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, and to the Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

13/39: Thomas, Milton H., Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Finance Commission of Texas

13/40: Thomas, Patricia Josephine Olympius (Patrice), 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments as Executive Director of the Texas Health and Human Services Coordinating Council, and to the Interagency Council for Services to the Homeless

13/41: Thomas, Richard P. (Rich), 1987
Memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Special Committee on Organization of State Agencies

13/42: Thomason, Gail Thornton Griffin, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Committee for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

13/43: Thomason, Henry A., Jr., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons

13/44: Thomason, Jess Ann Estill (Jess Ann), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies

13/45: Thompson, Billy G., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

13/46: Thompson, Charlice White, 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Long-Term Care Coordinating Council for the Elderly

13/47: Thompson, Frank, Jr., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Human Rights

13/48: Thompson, George Lyman, III, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Uniform State Laws

13/49: Thompson, Jere William, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Turnpike Authority

13/50: Thompson, Jere William, Sr., 1987 & 1990
Letter, application, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and to the Census Complete Count Committee of Texas

13/51: Thompson, LeRoy (Roy), 1987
Letters, biographical information, efficiency reports, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Assistant Adjutant General--Air

13/52: Thompson, Lila Grace Rapsilver, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Executive Committee of the Office for the Prevention of Developmental Disabilities

13/53: Thompson, Robert Leslie, 1989
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

13/54: Thorburn, Wayne Jacob, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Banking Board

13/55: Thornton, Floyd L., 1987
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Optometry Board

13/56: Thornton, Joe G., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, photographs, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Credit Union Commission

13/57: Tickle, Edwin Taylor, 1989
Letters, Application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Concho River Water and Soil Conservation Authority

13/58: Tijerina, Adolph, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Rio Grande Valley Pollution Control Authority Board of Directors

13/59: Tilley, Rice M., Jr., 1988
Application, biographical information. DPS clearance form, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

13/60: Tillman, Alan Roy, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Motorcycle Operator Training and Safety Advisory Committee

13/61: Timberlake, Lewis, 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State naming him chairman of the State Commission for the Blind

13/62: Tiner, Thomas D. (Tom), 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

13/63: Tingley, Floyd Warren (Warren), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Medical Examiners District Three Review Committee

13/64: Tippin, Mary Ruby Newell, 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder

13/65: Tips, Craig Adams, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Bandera County River Authority Board of Directors

13/66: Tipton, Lorita Ann Donaho, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members with record of attendance, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Guadalupe River Authority Board of Directors

13/67: Tittle, James D. (Jimmy), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Arts

13/68: Toben, Bradley John Barrett (Brad), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Uniform State Laws

13/69: Toles, H. Edward (Ed), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the West Texas State University Board of Regents

13/70: Tolia, Nalin Harilal, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of recommended appointees from the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Blind

13/71: Tompkins, Jack Edward, 1987
Letters, note, application, biographical information, brochure, and list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was a member

13/72: Toomey, Mike, 1987 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Task Force on Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, and the Southern Regional Education Board

13/73: Topp, Edith Darlene Lightsey (Darlene), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

13/74: Topp, John William, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with record of attendance, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority Board of Directors

13/75: Torres, Arturo D. (Tito), 1987 & 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

13/76: Torrez, Linda Perez (Lily), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board

13/77: Towery, Roland Kenneth (Ken), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council

13/78: Towery, Roger E., 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 97th Judicial District Court in Archer, Clay, and Montague Counties

13/79: Townley, John F., 1987
Application, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder Program, of which he was chairman, and to the Education Commission of the States

13/80: Trapp, Robert Hill, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, draft legislation to create a Criminal District Attorney position, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Criminal District Attorney of San Jacinto County

13/81: Travis, Charles D. (Dickie), 1988
Letter, biographic information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

13/82: Travis, Luther B., 1987 & 1988
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Diabetes Council

13/83: Trevino, Benito, Jr., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the State Seed and Plant Board

13/84: Trevino, Estella Lane, 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Department of Community Affairs Advisory Council, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

13/85: Trevino, Rose T., 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Old San Antonio Road Preservation Commission

13/86: Troche, Jose E. (Joe), 1988 & 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, authority to release information form, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to be Judge of the 168th Judicial District Court in El Paso County

13/87: Trotter, B. B. (Bob), 1988
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

13/88: True, S. M., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and to the Agricultural Task Force

13/89: Truitt, Marion, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons

13/90: Trujillo, Fortino Pineda, 1987
Letters, biographical information, clippings, photograph, and list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member

13/91: Tucker, Rolan G., 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on the Savings and Loan Industry

13/92: Tucker, William Rayburn (Bill), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Committee for the Humanities

13/93: Tudela, John A., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

13/94: Tuminello, Susan, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Teacher's Professional Practices Commission

13/95: Tumlinson, Jack Warfield, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee

13/96: Turco, Charles Paul, Sr., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Pilot Commission for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

13/97: Turk, Sam G., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Deputy Adjutant General--Army

13/98: Turner, Clevano, III, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

13/99: Turner, Roy Edward (Ed), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention (Children's Trust Fund of Texas)

13/100: Turner, William Danny (Dan), 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Cogeneration Council

13/101: Turner, Gerald D. (Jerry), 1990
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

13/102: Turner, John M., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons, 1988 and 1989, and to the State Commission for the Blind, 1989

13/103: Tusha, Don, 1988 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

13/104: Tuttle, Arthur, Jr., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

13/105: Tyler, Noel, 1990
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Public Lands Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

13/106: Tyler, Ronnie Curtis (Ron), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board

13/107: Umstaddt, Robert Greenleaf (Bob), 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

13/108: Underdown, William Robert, Jr. (Bob), 1989
Letters, note, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

13/109: Underwood, Bradley Steven (Brad), 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 364th Judicial District Court in Lubbock County

13/110: Unell, Bernard Budd (Bud), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Finance Commission of Texas

13/111: Upchurch, Hal Rhea, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as District Attorney for the 143rd Judicial District in Reeves, Ward, and Loving Counties

13/112: Upham, Chester Robert, III (Robert), 1987
Letters, applications, biographical information, DPS checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

13/113: Upham, Chester Robert, Jr., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Energy Council, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the University of Texas System Board of Regents, and request to return the last notice

13/114: Utley, Gary Adrian, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Deaf

13/115: Vance, John, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

13/116: Vanecek, Joe Wayne, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority Board of Directors

13/117: Van Hoy, Gale E., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and list of members of the Job Training Coordinating Council of which he was a member

13/118: Van Tho, Pauline, 1987
Letter, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women, and to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

13/119: Van Winkle, Robert Gary, Jr., 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Family Farm and Ranch Advisory Board

13/120: Vasquez, Israel P., Sr., 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

13/121: Vaughan, Kenneth R. (Ken), 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Egg Marketing Advisory Board

13/122: Vaughn, Jack C., Jr., 1987 & 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, and as State of Texas' 19988 UN Day Chairman

13/123: Vaughn, James E. (Jim), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

13/124: Vaughn, Kathleen McCrory (Kathy), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority

13/125: Vaughn, Samuel B, Jr. (Sam), 1990
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

13/126: Vaughn, William Daniel (Dan), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees in Galveston County, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

13/127: Veenker, Leota G. Kjeldseth (Lee), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

13/128: Verett, Steven Claude (Steve), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Agricultural Finance Authority Board of Directors

13/129: Vest, Louis C., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

13/130: Vetter, Edward O., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, to and as chairman of the Texas Department of Commerce Board of Directors, 1987, and to the Governor's Energy Council, 1988, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Economic Development Commission, 1987

13/131: Vetter, Jack, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

13/132: Vier, Jeanne Marie Bordini, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Dietitians

13/133: Viescas, Cora B., 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Tax Professional Examiners

13/134: Wilbig, David, August 1990
Letters, application, biographical information checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Land Surveying

13/135: Villareal, Rudolfo Lucas (Rudy), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Radiation Advisory Board

13/136: Villarreal, Romeo Manuel, 1990
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the State Seen and Plant Board

13/137: Villasenor, Lois Pena, 1989
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Funeral Service Commission

13/138: Vincent, William H., Jr. (Bill), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Task Force on Waste Management Policy, which was changed to the Waste Management Policy Committee in 1988

13/139: Vogelpohl, Kris Anne, 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, nomination notice to the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination to serve as a director of the State Bar of Texas, 1987, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Woman's University Board of Regents

13/140: Volk, Shelby Love Schafer, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission, for Women

13/141: Volz, Walter R., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors

13/142: Waddell, Clyde Calvin, Jr., 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State University System Board of Regents

13/143: Wade, Henry Menasco, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

13/144: Wagner, Cyril, Jr., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and to the Governor's Energy Council

13/145: Wagner, Robert Lee, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

13/146: Wainerdi, Richard Elliott (Dick), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Task Force on Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, and the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

13/147: Waldrep, Alvis Kent, Jr. (Kent), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, press release, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons, and the Texas Rehabilitation Commission

13/148: Waldrop, Robert Leonard, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Battleship Texas Advisory Board

13/149: Walker, Berry Frances O'Dell, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Podiatry Examiners

13/150: Walker, David L. (D. L.), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education

13/151: Walker, George Edward, Jr., 1988 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

13/152: Walker, James W., Jr., 1988
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Energy Resources Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

13/153: Walker, Lee Darnell, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications

13/154: Walker, Martha Sue Way (Marty), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board

13/155: Walker, Roger Jeffrey (Jeff), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to be Judge of the 96th Judicial District Court in Tarrant County, and Presiding Judge of the Eighth Administrative Judicial Region

13/156: Walker, Ronald Linn (Ron), 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice tom the Secretary of State regarding appointment to be Chief Justice of the Ninth Supreme Judicial District Court of Appeals

13/157: Wall, James R., 1989
Letter, list of appointees, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

13/158: Wallace, Charles Harold, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Metropolitan Transit Authorities

13/159: Wallace, Mack, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

13/160: Wallace, Tommy Wayne, 1988
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 194th Judicial District Court in Van Zandt and Wood Counties

Series 1, Box 14: Appointee Files, Walli - Young

14/1: Wallis, Bill W., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Trustees of the Texas County and District Retirement System

14/2: Wallock, Mark R., 1988 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

14/3: Walls, Marilyn Kay Sanders (Kay), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Optometry Board

14/4: Walsh, John Eugene, Jr., 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

14/5: Walsh, Judy Wilson, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the Special Committee on Organization of State Agencies

14/6: Walston, Norma Lee, May 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

14/7: Walter, Joseph C., Jr., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

14/8: Wang, Don Jeng, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Produce Commercialization Advisory Board

14/9: Ward, John Quentin, 1990
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Municipal Retirement System Board of Trustees

14/10: Ward, Larry J., 1990
Letters, note, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Educational Excellence Committee

14/11: Ware, Constance Susan Moore (Connie), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, memo, clipping, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission

14/12: Warfield, Joseph William, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to be Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

14/13: Warner, Greg, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

14/14: Warren, Michael Joseph, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners

14/15: Washburn, Paul M., 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Manufactured Homeowners' Recovery Fund Board of Trustees

14/16: Washington, Matthew, 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

14/17: Waterman, N. S., Jr. (Mike), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

14/18: Waters, Saundra Carson, 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Committee on Examiners for Speech Pathology and Audiology

14/19: Watkins, G. Gail, 1988
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Legal Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

14/20: Watson, John E., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

14/21: Watson, O. L., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

14/22: Watson, William H., 1988
Letter, note, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

14/23: Weaver, Harold E., 1989
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

14/24: Webb, Alana Sue Davis, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Dietitians

14/25: Webb, Jack M., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Space Commission

14/26: Weinberg, Steven, 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council

14/27: Weinblatt, Jack Sayre, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Licensure for Nursing Home Administrators

14/28: Weiner, Brian Landau, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, brochures, memo, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Product Commercialization Advisory Board

14/29: Weinstein, Bernard Lee, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and list of appointees to the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was a member

14/30: Weir, Oscar G. (Jerry), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority

14/31: Weiss, James Michael (Mike), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, memos, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Trustees of the Employees Retirement System of Texas

14/32: Welch, Louis, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

14/33: Welch, Robert H., 1989
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

14/34: Weldon, Don R., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy

14/35: Welsh, Roger G., 1990
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons

14/36: Weltman, Steven L., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Produce Recovery Fund Board

14/37: Werner, Philip Allen, 1987, 1988, & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority

14/38: Wesley, Arthur L., 1987
Letter, memos, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

14/39: West, Gayle Dianne Wimpee, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

14/40: West, Royce Barry, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

14/41: Westbrook, Carl U., II, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board on Aging

14/42: Westerholm, Leo L., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Rural Medical Education Board

14/43: Westhoff, August Ernest, II (Gus), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lavaca-Navidad River Authority Board of Directors

14/44: Westmoreland, Gary K., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

14/45: Wetsel, William E., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council

14/46: Wetzel, Jane Allman, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, 1988 and 1990, and to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board, 1988

14/47: Weyman, Edward Burnson (Ed), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation

14/48: Weyrauch, Paul H., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Pension Review Board

14/49: Whaley, Thomas L. (Tommy), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, clippings, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Product Commercialization Advisory Board

14/50: Wheeler, William Geoffrey, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners

14/51: White, Alan B., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Tech University Board of Regents

14/52: White, Alexander R., Jr., 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting

14/53: White, Arthur Christopher, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, press release, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the State Banking Board, and the State Property Tax Board

14/54: White, Bill R., 1989
Letters, memo, applications, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Underground Storage Tank Advisory Committee

14/55: White, Carl L., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Municipal Retirement System

14/56: White, Mary Wathen, 1988
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the Role of the Family in Reducing Recidivism Advisory Committee

14/57: White, Nathan Emmett, Jr., 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, note, brochure, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 366th Judicial District Court in Collin County

14/58: White, Raleigh R., IV, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, authority to release information form, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the Texas Board of Health

14/59: White, Rex H., Jr., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

14/60: White, Tennie Papazian, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder Program

14/61: White, Tom Willingham, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

14/62: Whiting, Robert L., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

14/63: Whitlow, John D. (Jack), 1990
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Criminal District Attorney of Calhoun County

14/64: Whittenburg, Thomas Wendell (Wendell), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

14/65: Whittington, Dick, 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance forms, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the Texas Air Control Board

14/66: Whittington, Harry M., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as chairman of the Texas Public Finance Authority

14/67: Whitworth, William P. (Bill), 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education

14/68: Wickman, Nina Perlitz, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Home Health Services Advisory Council

14/69: Wiebe, Michael J., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

14/70: Wilder, Thomas Andrew (Tom), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee

14/71: Wilhelm, James K. (Jim), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Select Interim Committee on Capital Construction, and the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers

14/72: Wilkerson, Hugh Dean (Dean), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Crime Stoppers Advisory Council

14/73: Wilkerson, James Fred, Jr., 1988 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Port Aransas Bar and Corpus Christi Bay and Tributaries

14/74: Wilkerson, Ray A., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Rehabilitation Commission

14/75: Wilkie, Ed, 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of recommendations from the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Select Committee on Education

14/76: Wilkins, Gene, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Motorcycle Operator Training and Safety Advisory Committee

14/77: Willard, Carolyn Sheffield, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, and list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force of which she was a member

14/78: Willeford, Ann Jennings, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Committee for the Humanities

14/79: Willeford, George, III, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of state regarding appointment to the State Banking Board

14/80: Willes, Florence (Posie), 1987
Letters, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Real Estate Commission

14/81: Williams, Clayton W., Jr. (Claytie), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

14/82: Williams, Harvey P., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Concho River Water and Soil Conservation Authority

14/83: Williams, John Robert, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments as Branch Pilot for the Port Aransas Bar, Corpus Christi Bay and Tributaries, 1988, and notice to withdraw the second notice

14/84: Williams, Louis B., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

14/85: Williams, Marsha L., 1987 & 1988
Biographical information and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Affordable Housing, and to the U. S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development regarding appointment to the Special Joint HUD/Texas Committee

14/86: Williams, Peter James, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Podiatry Examiners

14/87: Williams, Philip Earle, Jr., 1988 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Board of Medical Examiners District Two Review Committee

14/88: Williams, Solomon Noble (S. N.), 1987
Letters, application, and list of members of the Job Training Coordinating Council of which he was a member

14/89: Williamson, Kay Holleman, 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

14/90: Williamson, Mary Beth James, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

14/91: Williamson, Ray Lee, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Fire Department Emergency Board

14/92: Williamson, Richard F., 1989 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Campaign Finance Reform Task Force, and the Department of Information Resources

14/93: Williamson, Terry Donald, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Coastal Water Authority Board of Directors

14/94: Williford-Whatley, Henrietta Marie, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission

14/95: Willingham, Clark S., 1988 & 1990
Letters, note, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Agricultural Task Force, and the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners

14/96: Willis, H. Wayne (Wayne), 1990
Letters, note, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Lamar University System Board of Regents

14/97: Wilson, Chester Leon, 1987
Application, checklist, list of recommenders, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

14/98: Wilson, Hazel Duniven Kelley, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the West Texas State University Board of Regents

14/99: Wilson, John E., 1990
Letter, note, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teacher's Professional Practices Commission

14/100: Wilson, I. Lee, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy

14/101: Wilson, Lawrence Alexander (Larry), 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

14/102: Wilson, Maurice Thoe Russell, 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

14/103: Wilson, Sharen, 1990
Letters (including 140 form letters), memos, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance forms, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of Criminal District Court No. 1 in Tarrant County

14/104: Wilson, Thomas Dewey, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers

14/105: Wilson, Trisha, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, clippings, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board

14/106: Wilson, Will R., Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, memo, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 150th Judicial District Court in Travis County

14/107: Wilson, William C., 1989
Letters, biographical information, photograph, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Adjutant General of Texas

14/108: Windham, James M., Jr., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents

14/109: Wintroath, Betty, 1990
Letters, note, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

14/110: Wisher, Irene S., 1988
Letters, memo, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council

14/111: Wittenburg, Fred G., Jr., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

14/112: Wittig, Don E., 1988
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, authority to release information, form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 125th Judicial District Court in Harris County

14/113: Witts, David, 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

14/114: Wolfe, Richard William (Bill), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

14/115: Wommack, Herman H., Jr. (Tut), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Surplus Property Agency

14/116: Wood, David A., 1989
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

14/117: Wood, Gary Eugene, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Brazos River Authority board of Directors, and to the Task Force on Public Education

14/118: Wood, James Franklin, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

14/119: Wood, Joan B., 1989
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

14/120: Wood, Martha Marilla Black (Marilla), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Youth Commission

14/121: Wood, Willis Leo (Leo), 1988, 1989, & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

14/122: Woodall, Nick, 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

14/123: Woods, J. D., Jr., 1988
Letter, biographical information, lists of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

14/124: Woods, Robert E., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

14/125: Woodson, Herbert H., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Scientific Advisory Council

14/126: Woodward, Warren Garland (Woody), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission

14/127: Woolery, Don D., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

14/128: Wootan, Richard Charles, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners District Two Review Committee

14/129: Work, Jerijean Wunsch (Jeri), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

14/130: Wright, Carolyn, 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women

14/131: Wright, Durward O., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of recommended appointees from the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas County and District Retirement System Board of Trustees

14/132: Wright, Elzie Mac (Mac or E. M.), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Optometry Board

14/133: Wright, John H., 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Chiropractic Examiners

14/134: Wright, LaNeil Stapp, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

14/135: Wright, Madeleine Elaine Pate, 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

14/136: Wright, Myron Arnold, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

14/137: Wright, Peggy Wedgeworth, 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents

14/138: Wroten, Leahray Smith, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women, and the State Commission for the Blind

14/139: Wrotenbery, Paul T., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, copy of his remarks at his swearing-in ceremony, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the State Board of Insurance

14/140: Wyatt, Mary Anne Ward, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Air Control Board

14/141: Wyly, Charles J., Jr., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas High-Speed Rail Authority

14/142: Wynne, Buck Jim, III, 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to and as chairman of the Texas Water Commission, 1987 and 1988, and to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference, 1988

14/143: Wynne, Martha Virginia (Marty), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Council on Disabilities

14/144: Wyrick, Robert Dean (Dean), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, copy of oath of office form, disclosure of regulated business interests form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Professional Counselors

14/145: Yancey, Jerry Eugene, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

14/146: Yantis, Thomas G. (Tom), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Select Interim Committee on Capital Construction

14/147: Yao, Esther Lee, 1987 & 1989
Letters, memo, note, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Literacy Council, 1987 and the Board of Pardons and Paroles

14/148: Yates, Dale W., 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

14/149: Yeager, Kathryn Ann Protho (Kay), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Midwestern State University Board of Regents

14/150: Yeakel, Earl Leroy, III (Lee), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, memo, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the State Board of Canvassers, and to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Board

14/151: York, Martha Farmer, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council

14/152: Yost, Gerald V. (Jerry), 1988
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Energy Resources Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

14/153: Young, Carole Lynn Sexton, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

14/154: Young, Crandall J., 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

14/155: Young, Fred H., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

Series 1, Box 15: Appointee Files, Youngb - Z; Task Force, Committee, and Commission Files

15/1: Youngblood, Frank, 1987
Frank, List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

15/2: Yturria, Mary Elizabeth Altman, 1988
Letters, application biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the Gulf Initiative

15/3: Yudof, Mark G., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Select Committee on Education

15/4: Zachry, Henry Bartell, Jr. (Bartell), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council, and the Texas Scientific Advisory Council

15/5: Zamora, Roberto, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder Program

15/6: Zavoda, David P., 1990
Letter, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as District Attorney of the 143rd Judicial District in Reeves, Ward, and Loving Counties

15/7: Zeitler, Irvin Edwin, Jr., 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, memo, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners District Three Review Committee

15/8: Zern, Joseph Conrad (Joe), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board

15/9: Zetman, Marion R., 1988
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

15/10: Zimmerman, Alvin Louis, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

15/11: Zuniga, Bege, 1988
Biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Advisory Committee

15/12: Zuniga, Ana Laura Saucedo (Laura), 1987
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Human Rights Commission

15/13: Zuloaga, Mary Magdalen Sagarnaga (Madgek), 1987-1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, note, DPS clearance form, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, 1987, the Governor's Welfare Reform Task Force, 1988, and the State Job Training and Coordinating Council, 1990

15/13a: List of Positions Regularly Filled by the Governor of Texas
Note: 125 of the 2183 appointees folders contained a copy of this document, all of which were removed as most of them had checks for offices other than the one to which the person whose file they were in was appointed to fill. All copies other than the one in this
15/have been discarded. Nearly all of the positions on this list appear to be ones that required approval by the Texas Senate.

Task Force Files
15/14: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, 1987
Correspondence, memos, notes, draft legislation, planning documents, lists of suggested members, notes on some meetings of staff members, and schedules This seems to be a file created by the staff for and/or about the task force chairman Robert J. Cruikshank.

15/15: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, 1987
Executive Order WPC-87-12, creating the task force

15/16: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, 1987
Lists of members and suggested members several of which are not dated and some of which have addresses and telephone numbers

15/17: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, 1987
Drafts of legislation and summary of legislation relating to accounting and auditing

15/18: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, 1987
Letters from Governor Clements to members of the task force outlining his objectives for the task force

15/19: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, 1987
Reports on auditing and accounting

15/20: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, May 1987
Memo thanking members for agreeing to serve on the task force and operating plan for the task force

15/21: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, 1987
Materials relating to the June 16, 1987 meeting of the task force

15/22: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, 1987
Materials for the July 22, 1987 workshop of the task force

15/23: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, 1987
Miscellaneous letters, memos, notes, and clippings

15/24: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, 1987
Press releases and clippings about the task force

15/25: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, 1987
Letter and copy of the report of the Joint Committee on Department of Human Services Audits

15/26: Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Task Force, December 1988
Findings and Recommendations of the Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting Task Force

15/27: Joint Interim Task Force on Affordable Housing, 1987-1988
Memos, list of members, appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding two appointees, biographical information on those two members, clipping, and report on the first meeting of the task force

15/28: Joint Interim Task Force on Affordable Housing
Letter, memos, reports, press releases, agenda, and statistical tables on housing

15/29: Joint Interim Task Force on Affordable Housing
List of members, lists of witnesses at meetings of the task force, and draft legislation authorizing the study on affordable housing

15/30: Joint Interim Task Force on Affordable Housing, December 10, 1987
Transcript of hearing in Austin

15/31: Joint Interim Task Force on Affordable Housing, January 29, 1988
Transcript of hearing in Edinburg

15/32: Joint Interim Task Force on Affordable Housing, January 30, 1988
Transcript of hearing in Brownsville

15/33: Joint Interim Task Force on Affordable Housing, March 17, 1988
Transcript of hearing in Fort Worth

15/34: Joint Interim Task Force on Affordable Housing, March 18, 1988
Transcript of hearing in Dallas

15/35: Joint Interim Task Force on Affordable Housing, April 19, 1988
Transcript of hearing in Lubbock, April 19, 1988 Note: There were also hearings in E. Paso on May 20, 1988, and Houston on June 1, 1988, but no transcripts of those hearings were received.

15/36: Governor's Task Force on Agricultural Development, 1987-1988
Memo, draft report, final report, and clippings

15/37: Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services Oversight Committee
Press releases announcing appointments to the committee, mem, list of members, and report on procedures and duties and responsibilities

15/38: Texas Council on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, 1987-1988
Agenda and minutes for an organizational meeting, report of legislation relating to Alzheimer's disease, press release, list of members, rules of procedures and bylaws, and report Long-Term Care Needs of Persons with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders by the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

15/39: Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force
Lists of recommended appointees and lists of members of the task force

15/40: Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987
Letters, memos, press release, timeline, agenda for February 27, 1987 meeting, and organizational materials

15/41: Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force
Letters, memos, notes, and reports regarding legislation relating to economic development

15/42: Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force
Governor Clements' State of the State Address and transcripts of statements to various newspapers regarding economic issues

15/43: Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, January 27, 1987
Statement of John Adams and John Cater, co-chairs of the task force

15/44: Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force
Reports of the Small Business and State Focus committees

15/45: Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, October 1986
Report Texas Cities: to the Economic Development Challenge, by Marc I. Dominus

15/46: Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, January 15, 1987
Report Texas Travel & Tourism by Bruce H. Walker and others

15/47: Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987
Recommendations of the task force

15/48: Select Interim Committee on Capital Construction, 1965-1986
List of members, agendas and minutes of meetings, and report on capital spending and public debt between 1965 and 1986

15/49: Select Interim Committee on Capital Construction, 1989
Interim Report to the 71st Legislature

15/50: Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System
Letters, memos, list of members, working agenda, status report, press releases, report on areas of interest, and report on the legislative program of the Greater Dallas Crime Commission

15/51: Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System
Recommendations to consider from various state agencies

15/52: Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, 1986-1988
Minutes of meetings

15/53: Texas Criminal Justice Task Force on the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

15/54: Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, 1986
Report, Crime in Texas, Calendar Year

15/55: Texas Criminal Justice Task Force on the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, January 1989
Report of the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force: A Summary of Findings & Recommendations

15/56: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse
Executive Order WPC 87-9 creating the task force, letters, memos, notes, reports of meetings, lists of members, and agendas

15/57: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse, 1987
Report on Major Alcohol and Drug-Related Bills, 70th Texas Legislature

15/58: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse
Texans' War on Drugs Briefing

15/59: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse, 1987
Texans' War on Drugs Communique, 4 issues

15/60: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse
Report, Texans' War on Drugs, Profile of Prevention Programs, Ideas for Action

15/61: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse
Join the Celebration: Project Graduation, brochure and survey form to promote a substance-free event

15/62: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse
Texans' War on Drugs, 17 pages of what appear to be printouts of overheard's for a presentation

15/63: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse, 1987
Report, to the Weekly Reader National Survey on Drugs and Drinking

15/64: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse, 1985
Report, 800-Cocaine by Mark S. Gold

15/65: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse, 1985
Report, Texans' War on Drugs and You, Models for Drug Abuse Prevention

15/66: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse, 1987
Report, Texans' War on Drugs, A Guide for Youth Leaders

15/67: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse, November 1987
Report, Texans' War on Drugs, Adult Leadership Roundup, Prevention Programs and program for a conference at Tapatio Springs Resort and Country Club in Boerne, Texas

15/68: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse, March 1987
Texans' War on Drugs, Resource List

15/69: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse
Texans' War on Drugs, informational report

15/70: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse
Miscellaneous brochures

15/71: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse

15/72: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse, August 1987
Report, Statewide Drug Strategy Narcotics Control Program

Series 1, Box 16: Task Force, Committee, and Commission Files

16/1: Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse, October 1988
Report and Recommendations to the Governor of Texas

16/2: Strategic Economic Policy Commission, January 1989
Letters, memos, notes, press release, meeting report and report A Strategic Economic Plan for Texas

16/3: Strategic Economic Policy Commission, April 1988
Report, Texas: Economic Trends and Strengths and Weaknesses by the Commission

16/4: Strategic Economic Policy Commission, 1987
Report, Recommends of the Texas Commission on Economy and Efficiency in State Government

16/5: Select Committee on Public Education, 1988
Letters, memos, notes, lists of members and support staff, agendas, open meetings submission form, guidelines for giving public testimony at a meeting, press release, list of guests, and registration cards for those giving testimony at the committee meeting on February 24 and 25

16/6: Select Committee on Public Education, 1986-1988
Clippings and brief reports on school financing

16/7: Select Committee on Public Education, April 1984
Select Committee on Education, Recommendations

16/8: Select Committee on Public Education, December 1984
Report A Roadmap for High-Technology Education in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex by the Metroplex High-Technology Education Task Force

16/9: Select Committee on Public Education, August 1987
Issue of Texas Lone Star devoted to school financing

16/10: Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications, 1987
Press releases, newsletters, memos, lists of members, agenda, draft of meeting procedures, draft legislation, and letters

16/11: Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications, June 1986
Report, Telephone Utilities in Texas by the Library and central Records Department of the Administrative Division of the Public Utilities Commission of Texas

16/12: Houston Area Research Center, 1984-1986
Letters, clippings, press releases, resolution, case statement, proposal for discussion, fact sheet, and background information regarding the Superconducting super Collider and the acquisition of a NEC SX2 supercomputer

16/13: Texas Commission on Healthcare Reimbursement Alternatives, 1988
Meeting reports, memos, agenda, letters, press release, and presentation to the Commission by Juli Fellows of the Texas Department of Health, Public Health Promotion Division

16/14: Special Task Force on the Texas Heroes Monument, 1987-1988
Press release, list of members, minutes of meeting, financial report, cost estimates, information on sources of funding, and letters concerning the efforts to restore and improve accessability to the monument in Galveston

16/15: Texas Health and Human Services Coordinating Council, December 1988
Memo, notes, agendas for a meeting of the Restructuring Committee, and report of the Restructuring Committee

16/16: Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1987
List of publications, list of standing committees, record of potential revenues for FY 1988, schedule of meetings, record of responsibilities and programs, minutes of November 20, 1987 meeting, progress report on coordination of cancer care project, report on the impact of the Veteran's Administration in Austin, Texas, draft staff report overview of AIDS funding in Texas, and report of the economic resource impact of Bergstrom Air Force Base in Austin

16/17: Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1987
Commissioner's Notebook for November 10, 1987 meeting

16/18: Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1988
Commissioner's Notebook for March 18, 1988 meeting

16/19: Joint Select Committee on the Judiciary, November 1988
Reports of meetings of January 29, 1988, memos, press releases, list of members, House Resolution establishing the Committee, and Interim Report to the 71st Legislature

16/20: Joint Select Committee on the Judiciary
Interim Report to the 68th Legislature and Final Report to the 69th Legislature of the Select Committee on the Judiciary

16/21: Texas Literacy Council, 1988
Meeting report, agendas for three meetings, press releases, clipping, letters, graphs showing the types of phone calls received on the toll-free literacy information hot-line, July 11-August 18, 1988, meeting packets for April 8 and June 23, 1988 meetings

16/22: Texas Literacy Council
Reports--Planning for a Literate Work force, Literacy Council Directory, and Guide to Literacy Funding Sources

16/23: Interagency Council for Mentally Retarded, Developmentally Disabled, and Mentally Ill Offenders, 1988
Clippings and materials relating to meetings of July 15 and August 19, 1988 including summaries of testimony, statements of work, financial reports, status reports, meeting report, and press release

16/24: Productivity Improvement Task Force, 1987
Letters, agenda, and list of members

16/25: Special Task Force on Rural Health Care Delivery in Texas, 1988
Letters, memos, notes, meeting reports, meeting schedule, notices of appointments of members, press release, minutes and reports of meetings, meeting notices, legislation authorizing the task force, and registration records for a hearing

16/26: Special Task Force on Rural Health Care Delivery in Texas, 1987
Letter and outline summary of a speech on health care by George H. Crowling

16/27: Special Task Force on Rural Health Care Delivery in Texas, 1988
Packet for February 17, 1988 meeting including agenda, list of members, and background information

16/28: Special Task Force on Rural Health Care Delivery in Texas
Reports, Hospital Closures in Texas by Louis J. Goodman, and to the Changing rural Environment and the relationship between Health Services and Rural Development by Sam M. Cordes

16/29: Special Task Force on Rural Health Care Delivery in Texas
Copies of journal articles on rural hospitals and doctors

16/30: Special Task Force on Rural Health Care Delivery in Texas, February 1989
Report of the task force to the 71st Legislature

16/31: Special Committee on Organization of State Agencies, 1988
Letters, memos, lists of members, agendas, meeting procedures, clippings, open meeting submission form, notes, meeting report, minutes of January 6, 1988 meeting, draft legislation, and registration list for one meeting

16/32: Special Committee on Organization of State Agencies
Meeting packet for joint meeting of the Special Committee on Organization of State Agencies and Texas Health and Human Services Coordinating Council

16/33: Special Committee on Organization of State Agencies, 1975-1978
Untitled recommendations of an unnamed group on the organization of Texas state government with records actions on the recommendations

16/34: Special Committee on Organization of State Agencies, 1988
Preliminary recommendations of the Committee including a proposal of groupings of executive agencies, preliminary recommendations document, and draft of key recommendations for the August 4, 1988 meeting

16/35: Special Committee on Organization of State Agencies, December 1988
Report to the Governor and 71st Legislature of the Committee

16/36: Governor's Task Force on the State Savings and Loan Industry
Letters, memos, notes, press releases, executive order creating the task force, remarks by Governor Clements, lists of members, information on the Rio Grande Savings and Loan Association of Harlingen, and legislation relating to regulation of the savings and loan associations

16/37: Governor's Task Force on the State Savings and Loan Industry, 1987
Minutes of the June 16 and 18 and July 22, 1987 meetings of the task force

16/38: Governor's Task Force on the State Savings and Loan Industry
Clippings about the savings and loan industry

16/39: Governor's Task Force on the State Savings and Loan Industry, March 1987
Letter and information about Ontra Financial Institutions sent as a result of remarks by Governor Clements

16/40: Refugee Assistance Program in Mental Health, 1988
Note, memo, report, and minutes of meeting

16/41: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission
Letters, memos, notes, testimony of Governor Clements, Executive Order creating the Superconducting Super Collider Interagency Council for Permit Coordination, list of discussion topics, and time table regarding getting Texas designated as the site of the SSC

16/42: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission
Agendas, minutes, Executive Order creating the Texas Scientific Advisory Council, list of members of the Texas Scientific Advisory Council, legislation, meeting report, and resolution

16/43: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission
Correspondence, memos, notes, and other documents

16/44: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission
Correspondence, memos, notes, and other documents

16/45: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1983-1987
Correspondence, memos, notes, and other documents Note: Some of the items in the above three folders are copies of materials from the term of Governor Mark White

16/46: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission
Information about the several proposed sites in Texas

Series 1, Box 17: Task Force, Committee, and Commission Files

17/1: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1983-1984
Early Project Information, Letters, memos, articles, and reports, some of them by Dr. Peter M. McIntyre of Texas A&M University

17/2: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1984
University Studies, Memos and reports of various kinds from the several universities associated with the Houston Area Research Center which was coordinating the Texas effort to have the Superconducting Super Collider located in Texas

17/3: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1987
SSC Briefing, March 23, 1987, Registration list of those attending, agenda, list of sites involved, criteria statements, and a partial outline of presentation

17/4: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1985-1986
Correspondence-SSC, Correspondence, Update on SSC Status, other reports, list of people attending March 10, 1986, SSC meeting

17/5: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1983-1985
Research Lab Correspondence, Letters, report of U. S. House Science and Technology Committee on SSC, list of recommendations for action for the SSC, recommendations for persons to be named to the National Research Laboratory Commission, copy of article on high energy physics or elementary particle physics sent to members of the U. S. House Science and Technology Commission

17/6: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1984
Current Proposal, Letters, memos, notes, and proposals to Governor Mark White regarding funding for the effort to get the SSC in Texas

17/7: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1984-1987
Clippings of newspaper and journal articles

17/8: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1984
Report, Economic Utility Resulting from CERN Contracts by the European Organization for Nuclear Research

17/9: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, March 1966
Report, to the Report of the National Academy of Sciences' Site Evaluation Committee, regarding site for nuclear accelerator

17/10: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1985
Reports, Superconducting Super Collider Siting Parameters Document, April 15, 1985 draft, and June 15, 1985 copy

17/11: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, January 31, 1985
Report, Superconducting Super Collider on Potential Texas Sites for the SSC

17/12: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission
Report, to the Superconducting Super Collider: Issues and Answers by Lawrence R. Sulak and John R. Silber

17/13: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, June 1987
Report, Status Briefing to the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission Advisory Council

17/14: Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, November 19, 1987, and May 12, 1988
Task Force Summary File, Cover memos and reports to Governor Clements from James Huffines

17/15: Select Committee on Tax Equity, 1987-1988
Task Force meeting reports, agendas, minutes, list of members, clipping, legislation establishing the committee, and letters

17/16: Select Committee on Tax Equity, 1988
Packet for May 18-19, 1988 meeting of the committee

17/17: Select Committee on Tax Equity, 1988
Packet for April 21, 1988 meeting of the committee

17/18: Select Committee on Tax Equity, December 1988
Final Report of the Committee

17/19: Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder
Executive order crating task force, lists of members, copies from Vernon's Civil Statutes regarding the issue, and copies of legislation relating to the issue

17/20: Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder, 1987-1988
Correspondence, memos, and notes about the work of the task force

17/21: Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder
Brief reports on and suggestions for changes to the issues

17/22: Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder, April 10, 1987
Committee for Personnel minutes

17/23: Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder, 1987
Letters, notes, agenda, list of members, and brief reports for the April 13-14, 1987 meeting

17/24: Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder, 1987
Letters, memos, notes, agenda, lists of members, rules of order, minutes, report of meeting, and record of attendance for October 29, 1987 meeting

17/25: Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder, 1988
Memo, agenda, brief reports, clipping, and report results of the Pre/Job Relatedness Survey for Master Teacher Appraisal for October 29, 1988 meeting

17/26: Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder, 1987

17/27: Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder, 1987
Papers A Position Paper on Teacher Appraisal and Career Ladder by Jack L. Davidson and Career Ladder and Texas Teacher Appraisal System by Esther G. Buckley presented at the March 26-27, 1987 meeting

17/28: Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder, 1986-1987
Report, Teacher Appraisal System, Teacher Orientation Manual

17/29: Transition Services Task Force, 1988-1989
Letters, memos, notes, clipping, brochure, operating procedures, mailing list for non-members, and brief reports on Medicaid

17/30: Transition Services Task Force, 1988
Minutes and other documents for meetings of the task force

17/31: Transition Services Task Force
Legislation regarding the task force and newsletters

17/32: Transition Services Task Force, December 1988
Report, Transition Services in Texas, draft

17/33: Transition Services Task Force, 1989
Report, Meeting the Challenge: Transition Planning in Texas for People with Disabilities, January 1989 draft, and February 1989 final report

17/34: Uniform Statewide Accounting System Committee, 1987
Press release, application, and biographical information about Calvin Jefferson Collier, Jr., who was appointed to the committee

17/35: Vocational Education Task Force, 1987-1988
Executive order creating the task force, lists of members, rules of order, schedule of activities press release, letters, memos, notes, and other materials largely about arrangements for meetings of the task force

17/36: Vocational Education Task Force, 1987-1988
Batches of form letters to task force members and others about meeting arrangements and distribution of the final report of the task force

17/37: Vocational Education Task Force, 1987
Summary of minutes of several meetings in 1987, Minutes for April 23-24, 1987 meeting, meeting packet and minutes for May 14-15, 1987 meeting, and minutes of June 18-19, 1987 meeting

17/38: Vocational Education Task Force, 1987
Meeting packet for September 10-11, 1987 meeting including minutes of August 13-14, 1987 and September 10-11, 1987 meetings

17/39: Vocational Education Task Force, 1987
Meeting packet for October 15-17, 1987 meeting

17/40: Vocational Education Task Force, 1987
Meeting packet for November 30, 1987 meeting

17/41: Vocational Education Task Force, 1987
Meeting packet for December 10, 1987 meeting

17/42: Vocational Education Task Force

17/43: Vocational Education Task Force
Brief reports on vocational education submitted to the task force

17/44: Vocational Education Task Force, 1986 & 1987
Reports, Career Opportunities in Texas: A Master Plan for Vocational Education by State Board of Education, January 1987; Vocational Education: A Choice for the Future by Advisory Council for Technical-Vocational Education in Texas, December 1986; and New Directions in Texas Vocational Education by Advisory Council for Technical-Vocational Education in Texas, March 1987

17/45: Vocational Education Task Force, 1987
Drafts of sections of the final report of the task force

Series 1, Box 18: Task Force, Committee, and Commission Files

18/1: Vocational Education Task Force, November 1987
Draft of final report

18/2: Vocational Education Task Force, January 1988
Draft of report and recommendations

18/3: Task Force on Waste Management Policy, 1987
Letters, memos, notes, applications, biographical information on appointees, lists of members, press releases, list of resource persons, and copies of magazine articles

18/4: Task Force on Waste Management Policy, 1988 & 1989
Reports, draft recommendations, October 1988, Finding the Answers: Executive Summary, 1989, and Finding the Answers: Report of the Task Force, 1989

18/5: Task Force on Water Resource Use and Conservation, December 1988
Letters, recommendations of the three committees and report of the Governor's Committee on Water Resources Management, Task Force Notebooks Note: The materials in the following folders (except
18/10) were originally in three-ring binder notebooks and have been removed from those notebooks.

18/6: Task Force on Water Resource Use and Conservation, 1988
Weekly schedules of task force and committee meetings

18/7: Task Force on Water Resource Use and Conservation, 1988
Schedules of meetings of Task Forces and Select Committees appointed by the Governor, and of Statutory Committees and Commissions, Interim Committee Studies, Interim Senate Committees, and Interim Studies of Statutory Agencies and/or Advisory Committees that require appointments by the Governor

18/8: Task Force on Water Resource Use and Conservation, 1987
Information sheets on Select Legislative Committees and Governor's Executive Order Task Forces giving name, purpose, and names of members and how appointed

18/9: Task Force on Water Resource Use and Conservation, July 1988
Governor's Office Staff Manual containing staff lists by department and in alphabetical order, table of organization, Budget and Planning Office staff list and staff assignments, alphabetical list of issues and the name of the staff person assigned to each issue, list of committees and task forces with the authority for the creation of them and the name of the staff liaison, alphabetical lists of the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and directories for the Legislative Budget Board, the Legislative Council, and the Office of State and Federal Relations

18/10: Task Force on Water Resource Use and Conservation
Interim Digest, Reports and Recommendations to the 71st Texas Legislature from Standing Committees, Interim Legislative Committees, Special Studies, Ad Hoc Statutory and Gubernatorial Study Committees, and Special Interim Studies Note: The following eleven folders contain standardized information on task forces and committees that includes legislative or other authority increasing them, lists of members, agendas or other information about meetings, minutes of meetings, and meeting reports. Not all of these types of records are present for every group.

18/11: Alchohol and Substance Abuse Oversight Committee, 1988

18/12: Governor's Task Force on Welfare Reform, 1988

18/13: Health and Human Services Coordinating Council, 1988 & 1989

18/14: Interagency Council on Mentally Retarded, Developmental Disabled and Mentally Ill Offenders, 1988

18/15: Select Committee on Education, 1988

18/16: Select Committee on Tax Equity, 1987 & 1988

18/17: Texas Commission on Health Care Reimbursement Alternatives, 1988

18/18: Texas Council on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, 1988

18/19: Texas Heroes Monument Commission, 1988 & 1989

18/20: Uniform Statewide Accounting System Committee, 1988

Series 1, Box 2: Appointee Files, Be - Burk

2/1: Beach, Asa, Jr., 1987
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

2/2: Beach, Leroy Paul, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Concho River Water and Soil Conservation Authority

2/3: Bear, W. Thomas, III, 1990
Letters, biographical information, list of recommenders, lists of recommendations for agricultural appointments, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Resources Protection Authority

2/4: Bechtol, Hubert B. (Hub), 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, lists of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee, and the Board of Pardons and Paroles

2/5: Beck, Henry C., III, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission

2/6: Becker, Ralph David, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, list of individuals recommended, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board

2/7: Beckett, Daniel Edward, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

2/8: Bendell, Susanna Elizabeth, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, agency information sheet, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council

2/9: Beecherl, Louis A., Jr., 1987-1990
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, list of members, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the University of Texas System Board of Regents, 1987, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, 1987, the Governor's Energy Council, 1988, and the Educational Economic Policy Center Committee, 1990

2/10: Belaire, Charles E., 1987 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Gulf State Marine Fisheries Commission

2/11: Bell, Deborah Hughes, 1987
Letters, applications, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women and the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

2/12: Bell, Kathleen La Velle Williamson, 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

2/13: (Name Missing), 1988
Letters, notes, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

2/14: Beneke, Joseph Simmons, 1987
Letters, biographical information, brochures, photograph, and nomination notice regarding election to the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors

2/15: Benner, Roderick L., 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Egg Marketing Advisory Council

2/16: Bennett, John M., 1989
Letters, biographical information, a list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Commission

2/17: Bennett, Robert Daniel, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as a Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

2/18: Bennett, William F., Sr., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of appointments available through August, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Seed and Plant Board

2/19: Benski, Raymond, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the Maternal and Child Health Advisory Committee

2/20: Bentley, Bascom William, III, 1989
Letters, telegrams, mailgrams, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, authority to release information form, resolutions, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 369th Judicial District Court in Anderson and Cherokee Counties

2/21: Berchelmann, David A., Jr., 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals

2/22: Berend, Donald Lee, 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Animal Health Commission

2/23: Berman, Leo, 1987 & 1988
Letters, notes, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notices regarding appointment to the Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

2/24: Bernal, Dean David, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission

2/25: Berry, Richard Lafayette, 1988
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Criminal District Attorney of the 71st Judicial District in Harrison County

2/26: Besselman, Margaret Lynn Curtis, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Nurse Examiners

2/27: Besteiro, Olivia (Ollie), 1988
Letter, memo, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

2/28: Bettis, Harry M., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, clipping, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

2/29: Bianchi, Richard P., 1990
Letter, biographical information, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as District Judge of the 333rd Judicial District in Harris County

2/30: Biedenharn, Charles O., 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

2/31: Biggers, Julian Lawson, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

2/32: Biggerstaff, Joan Wood, 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Health

2/33: Bingham, Margie Lee, 1988 & 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of suggested appointees, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Housing Agency Board of Directors

2/34: Birdwell, John E., Jr., 1987, 1988, & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, lists of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, the Texas Agricultural Finance Authority Board of Directors, 1988, the Agricultural Task Force, 1988, and the Texas Water Commission, 1989, to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Agricultural Finance Authority Board of Directors, 1989, and to the National Governor's Association regarding appointment to the NGA's Technical Working Group on Agriculture and Water Quality, 1989

2/35: Bishop, Camelia Anne, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Mentally Retarded, Developmentally Disabled, and Mentally Ill Offenders

2/36: Bittner, Jimmy J., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Optometry Board

2/37: Black, Clyde S., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, report of an audiological evaluation, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission for the Deaf

2/38: Black Kent M., 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Taskforce

2/39: Blackburn, Ben D., 1988
Application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, newsletter, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Red River Authority Board of Directors

2/40: Blackburn, James, 1988
Letters, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

2/41: Blackmon, Robert M. (Bob), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Presiding Judge of the Fifth Administrative Judicial Region in Corpus Christi

2/42: Blackwell, James Edward, 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

2/43: Blackwell, Rosemary Orton, 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Home Health Services Advisory Council

2/44: Blackwell, William Albert, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of references, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Guadalupe- Blanco River Authority Board of Directors

2/45: Black, Edward Leon, 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

2/46: Blake, Roy Sr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents

2/47: Blakemore, William, 1987
Biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force and the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

2/48: Blanton, Charles W. (Charlie), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teachers' Professional Practice Commission

2/49: Blend, Stanley Louis, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy

2/50: Blodgett, Glenn Paul, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, winter 1988 issue of the Texas Municipal Police Association Quarterly, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Racing Commission

2/51: Blue, Lisa Ann, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Mentally Retarded, Developmentally Disabled, and Mentally Ill Offenders

2/52: Boatright, Kenneth, 1987 & 1988
Application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Seed and Plant Board

2/53: Bobbitt, Oscar P., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

2/54: Bodfish, Robert John, Sr. (Duke), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

2/55: Boeckman, Duncan E., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Securities Board

2/56: Bogan, Chauncey L., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

2/57: Bogenschutz, L. Jean Stokes, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder Program

2/58: Bohannan, Patsy Jean Davis, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, clipping, photograph, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee

2/59: Bohmfalk, Clyde E., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

2/60: Bohn, Walter F., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

2/61: Bolieu, Sara, 1987
Agency information sheet, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee-- National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

2/62: Bolton, James Lewis, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of suggested appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Dental Examiners

2/63: Bonfield, Gordon B., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Welfare Reform Task Force and the State Job Training Coordinating Council

2/64: Bonham, Robert Ellis, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, 1978, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Health

2/65: Bookout, John F., 1987 & 1988
Letters, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and the Governor's Energy Council

2/66: Boone, Robert Gerard (Jerry), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

2/67: Borman, David George, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council

2/68: Borrell, Roigelio Menendez, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Licensure for Nursing Home Administrators

2/69: Bostick, Jerry C., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Space Commission

2/70: Boswell, James H., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Commission

2/71: Botello, Leopoldo P., Jr. (Polo), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with a record of expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy

2/72: Botsonis, Helene Georgentiones, 1988 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Interagency Council for Genetic Services

2/73: Boudreaux, Kora Deyan Brown, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, brochure on the Texas Gulf Initiative, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the Gulf Initiative

2/74: Bowen, Jack, 1988
Letter, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Energy Council

2/75: Bowie, James Smith, 1989
Letters, biographical information, clipping, lists of suggested appointees, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and of expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies

Box, Richard Arthur, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the State Aircraft Pooling Board

2/77: Boyd, John Hamilton, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, clipping, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners

2/78: Bracy, Lewis Elmer, Jr., 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Finance Commission of Texas

2/79: Bradford, John Michael (Mike), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, authority to release information form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 58th Judicial District Court in Jefferson County

2/80: Bradley, Jon Martin, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Department of Information Resources

2/81: Braley, Dudley Q., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

2/82: Brame, Jim Bob, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Special Task Force on Rural Health Care Delivery and naming him chair of that task force, and to the Executive Committee of the Center for Rural Health Initiatives

2/83: Branch, Charles Raymond, 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State appointing him a Branch Pilot for the Ports of Galveston County

2/84: Branch, David Winston (Dave), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

2/85: Branch, Elizabeth G., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance to Low-Income Persons Program

2/86: Branch, Nathan R., 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as a Branch Pilot for the Ports of Galveston County

2/87: Brand, Othal E., Jr., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of appointees, and appointment notices regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force, to the Texas Agricultural Finance Authority Board of Directors, and to the Texas Senate regarding the appointment of the Texas Agricultural Finance Authority Board of Directors

2/88: Brand, Othal E., Sr., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, a notice of nomination for a presidential appointment to the National Commission on Agricultural Policy, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Resources Protection Authority

2/89: Brandon, Ronald Allan (Ron), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists

2/90: Brasch, Jane Margaret Akin, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, clipping, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the 103rd Judicial District in Cameron and Willacy Counties

2/91: Bratcher, Robert M., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

2/92: Bray, George A., 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, brochure, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

2/93: Brennan, Suzanne Elizabeth Atchison, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Examiners in the Fitting and Examining of Hearing Aids

2/94: Brewer, Foster L., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Dairy Advisory Board, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Dairy Advisory Board

2/95: Bridges, Ernestine H. Holt, 1988 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with a record of attendance at meetings, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Long-Term Care Coordinating Council for the Elderly, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Long-Term Care Coordinating Council for the Elderly

2/96: Brigham, William H. (Bill), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, memo, authority to release information form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 233rd Judicial District Court in Tarrant County

2/97: Bright, Harvey Roberts (Bum), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force and the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

2/98: Brimer, Kenneth Kimberlin, Jr. (Kim), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

2/99: Brimer, Kenneth Kimberlin, Sr., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Board of Examiners of Psychologists

2/100: Brisbin, Jake, Jr., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Educational Excellence Committee

2/101: Briscoe, Dolph, III (Chip), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance at meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

2/102: Brister, Scott Andrew, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, authority to release information form, checklist, and appointment notice regarding appointment as Judge of the 234th Judicial District Court in Harris County

2/103: Broaddus, Mary Chapman, 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

2/104: Brockwell, Cynthia Russell (Cindy), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and meetings and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Licensure for Nursing Home Administrators

2/105: Brogdon, Helen G., 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Diabetes Council

2/106: Bromley, Daniel J., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

2/107: Brooks, Henry T., 1987
Application, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

2/108: Brotherton, Robert Paul (Bob), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the 30th Judicial District Court in Wichita County

2/109: Brose, John, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

2/110: Brough, A. J. (Jack), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, clipping, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Guadalupe River Authority Board of Directors

2/111: Broussard, Earl Paul, Jr., 1987
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

2/112: Brown, Billy Bob, 1988
Letter, biographical information, clipping, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

2/113: Brown, Henry Caesar, Jr., 1987 & 1989
Letter, note, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board

2/114: Brown, J. E. (Buster), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force, and the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

2/115: Brown, Jack E., 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

2/116: Brown, Melvin, Jr., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

2/117: Brown, Paul G., 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as a Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

2/118: Brown, Robert C., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as a Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

2/119: Brown, Winfree Leroy (Win), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

2/120: Browning, Jay C., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bay and Houston Ship Channel

2/121: Bruce, Edwin Lawrence, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bay and Houston Ship Channel

2/122: Bryant, Frank, Jr., 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Health, and to the Secretary of State naming him chairman of the Texas Board of Health

2/123: Bryant, Johnny K., 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council, and changing the categories of constituencies members represent

2/124: Bryce, Homer Lee, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents

2/125: Bubeck, Allan Franklin, Jr., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the deaf

2/126: Bucek, Roy Edmund, 1989
Letter, applications, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

2/127: Buell, Ralph Lewin, Jr., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

2/128: Bulls, Elizabeth Charlene Benton, 1989
biographical information, clippings, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Indian Affairs Commission

2/129: Bucy, J. Fred, Jr., 1987-1990
Letters, application, biographical information, report on the Universities Research Association, lists of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council, 1987, Texas Scientific Advisory Council, 1988, and Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1990

2/130: Bullock, Bob, 1987
Bullock, Bob, Letters, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting

2/131: Burk, R. D. (Dan), 1990
Letters, notes, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Department of Information Resources

2/132: Burk, Mary Margaret McFarlin, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission and naming her Vice Chairman of the Commission

2/133: Burke, Beatrice M., 1990
Letter, notes, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Deaf

Series 1, Box 3: Appointee Files, Burn - Cot

3/1: Burnett, Bobby Driver, 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as District Attorney of the 50th Judicial District in Baylor, Cottle, King, and Knox Counties

3/2: Burnett, Thomas M. (Tom), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appoint to the Radiation Advisory Board

3/3: Burns, Andres Lewis, Jr. (A.L.), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of recommenders, checklists, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Examiners in the fitting and dispensing of Hearing Aids

3/4: Burns, Harry V., 1988
Letter, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Podiatry Examiners

3/5: Burnthorn, Eldridge L., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

3/6: Burton, Leonard E., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Motor Vehicle Commission

3/7: Bush, David C., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, clipping, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council

3/8: Bush, John Robbins, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council

3/9: Butler, Burtram B. (Burt/Bur), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

3/10: Butler, Gwendel D., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission for the Deaf

3/11: Butler, John Roscoe, Jr., 1987
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Highway and Public Transportation Commission

3/12: Butler, M. P. (Mike), 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

3/13: Butler, Penelope Hess (Penny), 1990
Biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board on Aging

3/14: Butram, Herbert L. (Herb), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

3/15: Bybee, Bob L., 1987 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council

3/16: Byrne, Robert Patrick, 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Dental Examiners

3/17: Caggins, Don R., 1987
Letters, memo, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

3/18: Cagle, Carl, 1990
Letters, note, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Purchases of Products and Services for the Blind and Severely Disabled

3/19: Cahoon, Frank Kell, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

3/20: Cain, Camille, 1988
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

3/21: Calabria, Meriam (Meri), 1987
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

3/22: Calcote, Lynda, 1987-1989
Letters, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Commission on Health Care Reimbursements Alternatives, 1987, the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, 1988, and the Executive Committee of the Center for Rural Health Initiatives, 1989

3/23: Caldwell, James Lawrence (Jim), 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Commission for the Blind

3/24: Caldwell, Kim Alan, 1989 & 1990
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council

3/25: Callaghan, Veronica Kastrin, 1989
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission for Women

3/26: Camocho, Zenadio, 1990
Biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Medical Preparation Program Advisory Board

3/27: Cammack, Kerry Noble, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the East Texas State University Board of Regents

3/28: Camp, John, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Intestate Oil Compact Commission

3/29: Campbell, Earl, 1988
Letter, note, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

3/30: Campbell, Helen Louise Benner, 1987 & 1989
Letters, note, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Firemen's Pension Commissioner

3/31: Campbell, James Edward, 1989
Campbell, James Edward, Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Sabine River Authority of Texas Board of Directors

3/32: Campbell, Randolph B. (Mike), 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Antiquities Committee

3/33: Campbell, Robert Kyle (Bob), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the East Texas State University Board of Regents

3/34: Canfield, Lawrence John (Larry), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

3/35: Canning, Rebecca Dawson, 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Select Committee on Education

3/36: Cano, Manuel A., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Veteran's Commission

3/37: Cantu, Jose Manuel (Joe), 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Bandera County River Authority Board of Directors

3/38: Caran, Dorothy E. Farrington, 1989 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission and as vice chair of the commission

3/39: Caraway, Elvin Lee (E. L.), 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Agriculture resources Protection Authority, and the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission

3/40: Cardenas, Charles Caesar, 1987, 1988, & 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State Regarding appointments to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority Board of Directors

3/41: Cardenas, Norma Y., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Educational Excellence Committee

3/42: Carder, Henry M., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Examiners in the Fitting and Dispensing of Hearing Aids

3/43: Cardner, David Victor, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Sabine River Compact Commission

3/44: Cardwell, Walter W., III, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Committee on Water Resources Management, 1988, the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference, 1988, to the Texas Water Development Board and as chairman of that board, 1989

3/45: Cargile, John Stark, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, lease of a building to the State of Texas, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Animal Health Commission

3/46: Carl, William E., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

3/47: Carllile, Bobby Lewis (Bob), 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

3/48: Carlson, Barney O., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

3/49: Carlson, Merle M., 1990
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Structural Pest Control Board

3/50: Carlton, Donald M., 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Public Utility Regulation

3/51: Carmona, Manuel Nunez, 1988 & 1990
biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Rio Grande Valley Pollution Control Authority Board of Directors

3/52: Carnes, Alfred Burton (Burt), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 368th Judicial District Court in Williamson County

3/53: Carpenter, George William, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, checklist, and appointment to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board

3/54: Carpenter, James Daniel (Jim), 1988 & 1990
Letters, appointment biographical information, checklist, and appointment letters to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Rio Grande valley Pollution Control Authority Board of Directors

3/55: Carpenter, Zerle L., 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Rural Economic Development Commission

3/56: Carrington, Alice Clement, 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Arts

3/57: Carruth, Lenox, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Space Commission

3/58: Carter, Kathleen Ellen Milam, 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Council on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders

3/59: Carter, Shelby H., Jr., 1990
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Growth Fund Board of Directors

3/60: Case, Robert Ridgeway, Jr. (Ridge), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

3/61: Casey, Michael J. (Mike), 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as a Branch Pilot for Sabine Bar, Pass and Tributaries

3/62: Caskey, Robert Davis (Bob), 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Surplus Property Board

3/63: Casner, Kenneth Wayne (Ken), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

3/64: Caspary, Delo Harvey, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference and to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission

3/65: Cassin, William Bourke (Bill), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Public Utility Commission of Texas

3/66: Caudle, Ben H., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

3/67: Cater, John Thomas, 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment letters to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, the University of Houston Board of Regents, and the Educational Economic Policy Center Committee

3/68: Caster, Robert William, 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

3/69: Casteel, Carter, 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Advisory board

3/70: Causey, J. Carl (Carl), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Irrigators

3/71: Cavalier, Michael E. (Mike), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

3/72: Cavazos, Richard E., 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Tech University Board of Regents

3/73: Cave, Mary Jane (MJ), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Bandera County River Authority Board of Directors

3/74: Caven, Hubbard Scott (Scott), 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Strategic Economic Policy Commission, and to and as chair of the Texas Growth Fund Board of Trustees

3/75: Cawley, John P., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Census Complete Count Committee of Texas

3/76: Chalker, Druwood, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, list of recommended appointees from Texas A&M University System, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task force

3/77: Chance, Ernest Edwin (Ed), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

3/78: Chandler, John, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the West Texas State University Board of Regents

3/79: Chang, Helen Tarn, 1987 & 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and checklist regarding appointments to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, and to the Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council

3/80: Chang, James Chien-I, 1987
Biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers

3/81: Chang, Theresa W., 1989
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

3/82: Chapman, Kevin, 1988 & 1989
Chapman, Kevin, Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texascriminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, and to the Interagency Council on Mentally Retarded, Developmental Disabled and Mentally Ill Offenders

3/83: Chase, Anthony Ray (Tony), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, clippings, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents

3/84: Chu, Paul C. W., 1988
Letter, program for open house, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Scientific Advisory Council

3/85: Christopher, Larry Jay, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents

3/86: Christensen, Carrilu Byram, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Commission

3/87: Chu, Michael Yu-Ying (Mike), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

3/88: Choate, Victor Wayne, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

3/89: Chiles, E. H. (Eddie), 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

3/90: Cheshire, Robert Courtney, 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, authority to release information form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the 377th Judicial District Court, Victoria County

3/91: Cherry, Johnson Blair, Jr., 1988
Letter, memos, application, biographical information, authority to release information form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the 72nd Judicial District Court, Lubbock County

3/92: Chase, Sam J., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Crime Stoppers Advisory Council

3/93: Clapp, Patricia Ann Taylor (Patti), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1988, and to the Educational Excellence Committee

3/94: Clark, Alton Benjamin, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

3/95: Clark, Ben, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Podiatry Examiners

3/96: Clark, Fred R., 1987 & 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas County and District Retirement System Board of Trustees

3/97: Clark, Jerry, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

3/98: Clark, John E., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of state regarding appointment to the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education, and as Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals of the State of Texas in the matter of Barber, et al. V. State, Cause No. 512-84

3/99: Clark, Norma Jean Wynne, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

3/100: Clark, Rogers B., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with record of expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy

3/101: Clark, Neville P., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

3/102: Class, Ramon, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission

3/103: Clawson, Charles Lewis, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of recommended appointees, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrial Building Code Council

3/104: Clayton, Billy W. (Bill), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, brochure, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas A&M University Board of Regents

3/105: Clegg, Joe Dunn, 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

3/106: Close, Evelyn Hoover, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

3/107: Clifford, Eric S., 1990
Letters, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Red River Authority Board of Directors

3/108: Clendennen, James Davie (Jim), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

3/109: Clement, James H., Jr., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of members with record of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the University System of South Texas Board of Regents

3/110: Clement, James Higbie, Sr. (Jim), 1987 & 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance, financial statement, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, 1987 and the Texas Racing Commission

3/111: Clements, George Henry, III (Hank), 1988
Letters, application, and biographical information regarding employment in the Appointments Office

3/112: Clements, Rita, 1987
Letter and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Capitol Centennial Committee

3/113: Cobb, Amelie Mary Suberbvielle, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lamar University Board of Regents

3/114: Cobb, Bill B., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Incentive and Reproductivity Commission

3/115: Cockrell, Lila, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

3/116: Coe, Barbara June (June), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners

3/117: Cohen, Lois Miriam Weiler, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Cosmetology Commission

3/118: Coleman, Jack Alvin, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority of Texas Board of Directors

3/119: Coleman, Kenneth N., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

3/120: Collier, Calvin Jefferson, Jr., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Uniform Statewide Accounting System Committee

3/121: Collins, Julius, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, and nomination letter to the NOAA for appointment to the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council

3/122: Collins, Richard H. (Dick), 1987 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Historical Commission, and to the Texas Board of Criminal Justice

3/123: Collins, William W., Jr., 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Motor Vehicle Commission

3/124: Colon, Phyllis Janet Windmeyer Barnes, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Board of Tax Professional Examiners

3/125: Comedy, Audrey L. Honea (Bud), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

3/126: Comedy, Don, 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Fire Department Emergency Board

3/127: Comer, Edward Paul (Paul), 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Agricultural Finance Authority Board of Directors

3/128: Compton, Gary Daryll, 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with record of attendance, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Youth Commission, and the Legal Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

3/129: Condra, James Doyle (Doyle), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Runnels County Water Authority Board of Directors

3/130: Conn, Carroll W., Jr., 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lamar University Board of Regents

3/131: Connally, John B., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas High-Speed Rail Authority

3/132: Connally, Nellie, 1987
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Capitol Centennial Committee

3/133: Connolly, Michael (Mike), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Blind

3/134: Connor, Geoffrey S., 1990
Appointment letter to Garry Mauro naming Connor to represent the Governor's office on the [Airplane?] Pooling Committee

3/135: Connor, James, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

3/136: Connor, M. F. "Red", 1987 & 1989
Letter, memos, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the Texas Surplus Property Board, and as chairman of the Board

3/137: Conover, Ted F., 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Family Farm and Ranch Advisory Council

3/138: Conrad, Robert L., 1988
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Public Lands Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

3/139: Cook, Dana H., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, news release, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Finance Commission, of Texas

3/140: Cook, Eugene A., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas

3/141: Cook, Gary R., 1987 & 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board on Aging and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas board on Aging

3/142: Cook, George E., 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications

3/143: Cook, Joe Howard, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Rural Economic Development Commission

3/144: Cook, Lewis E., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

3/145: Cooksey, James, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

3/146: Cooper, Charles M. (Charlie), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, clipping, brochure, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation

3/147: Cooper, Jerry D., 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's committee for Disabled Persons and as chairman of the Committee

3/148: Cooper, Marshall, W., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

3/149: Corley, Ivy T. (Tex), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Jail Standards

3/150: Cornelius, Robert Thomas (Bob), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Criminal District Attorney of Vanzandt County

3/151: Cornyn, John, III, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Presiding Judge of the Fourth Administrative Judicial region

3/152: Cory, Susan, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

3/153: Cote, Joseph A. C. (Al), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Industrialized Building Code Council

3/154: Cotton, F. Albert (Al), 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Scientific Advisory Council

3/155: Cottrell, Comer Joseph (C.J.), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with record of attendance and expenses, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and the Texas Youth Commission

Series 1, Box 4: Appointee Files, Cou - Eid

4/1: Coulter, Joseph Benedict (Joe or J.B.), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority Board of Directors, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency

4/2: Courson, Harold D., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Commission

4/3: Court, Van A., 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Port Aransas Bar, Corpus Christi Bay and Tributaries

4/4: Cousins, Ralph Long, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, brochure, booklet, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

4/5: Covington, Pamela Jean, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Health and Human Services Coordinating Council

4/6: Corkery, Paul James, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Board

4/7: Cowden, James Coley (Coley), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse

4/8: Cox, Dave, 1988
Letters, biographical information, lists of members of the Job Training and Coordinating Council of which he was a member, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Welfare Reform Task Force

4/9: Cox, Edwin L., Jr., 1987 & 1988
Letters, news release, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, and his resignation from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission

4/10: Cox, Morgan Keith, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Bandera County River Authority Board of Directors

4/11: Cox, Ronald Everett (Ron), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Municipal Retirement System Board of Directors

4/12: Cox, William Robert (Bill), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy

4/13: Coy, E. Boone, 1988 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

4/14: Craddick Christi Leigh, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation

4/15: Craddick, Nadine Nayfa, 1989
Letter, application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

4/16: Craddick, Tom, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Western States Water Council and the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

4/17: Craddock, John Walton, Jr., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the College Opportunity Act Committee

4/18: Craig, Larry Thomas, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

4/19: Craven, Patrick A., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications

4/20: Crawford, Brad, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

4/21: Crawford, Paul B., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

4/22: Crawford, Raymond Lee, Jr. (R.L.), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the University of North Texas Board of Regents

4/23: Crawford, William Ray, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Veterans Commission

4/24: Crenshaw, Calvin C., 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

4/25: Crews, Ann Chrichton, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (note indicating she was ineligible), and to the Governor's Commission for Women

4/26: Criner, Walter Holiday, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Southern University Board of Directors

4/27: Crocker, Susan Gentry, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladder Program Task Force

4/28: Cross, Lila Frances Clanton, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners

4/29: Cross, Michelle C., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Diabetes Council

4/30: Crowley, Beryl P. (Berry), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Incentive and Productivity Commission

4/31: Cruikshank, Robert J., 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the University of Texas System Board of Regents

4/32: Crum, Tom Waide, 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, resolution, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the 355th Judicial District Court in Hood County

4/33: Culberson, John, 1988
Letters and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Advisory Committee

4/34: Culver, Barbara Green, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, authority to release information, response to a questionnaire, resolution, brochure, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Supreme Court of Texas

4/35: Culver, Thomas R., III, 1990
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as District Judge of 240th Judicial District in Fort Bend County

4/36: Cunningham, Jerry P., 1987-1990
Letters, application, biographical information, brief report on the history of the AIDS program, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 1987 and 1989, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Health and Human Services Coordinating Council, 1987 & 1990

4/37: Cutrer, Thomas William (Tom), 1988 & 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Antiquities Committee, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same group

4/38: Dahlberg, Houston Clay (Clay), 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Diabetes Council

4/39: Dailey, T. F., Jr. (Felix), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Enhanced Recovery Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

4/40: Dalby, Perry V., 1987
Letters, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

4/41: Damrel, Lydia Ann Powell, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Dietitians

4/42: Damstra, Glenn E., Jr., 1987
Letter, biographical information, information sheet, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee--National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

4/43: Daniel, Jean Houston, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission

4/44: Danks, Clyde R., 1988 & 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the District IV Review Committee of the Board of Medical Examiners

4/45: Davenport Sally S., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

4/46: Davis, William P., Jr. (Bill), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Health Care Reimbursement Alternatives

4/47: Davidson, Roger Scott, Sr., 1987
Letters, notes, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board

4/48: Davidson, Robert Steven (Steve), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Diabetes Council, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency

4/49: Davis, Alfred IV (Al), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Commission

4/50: Davis, Barry Joel, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Optometry board

4/51: Davis, Berry Robbins, 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

4/52: Davis, Connie Marie Davidson, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

4/53: Davis, Frank B., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council

4/54: Davis, John E., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, clipping, list of members with records of attendance and expenditures, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Technical Institute Board of Directors

4/55: Davis, Leonard Ellsworth, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Judicial Districts board

4/56: Davis, Luther Earl (Red), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Sabine River Authority of Texas Board of Directors

4/57: Davis, Martin Johnnye, 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with a record of expenses, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse, and to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Board

4/58: Davis, Robert E., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklists , and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the Productivity Bonus Commission, 1988 and to the State purchasing and General Services Commission, 1988, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the latter group, 1989

4/59: Davis, Will D., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Select Committee on Education

4/60: Dawes, Mark Zachary (Zack), 1988
Letter, biographical information, and nomination notice to the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination as a Texas Supreme Court Director

4/61: Dawkins, David Lamar, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Produce Development Advisory Board

4/62: Dawkins, Patilou Puckett (Patti), 1987 & 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, list of nominees, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as chairman of that board

4/63: Dawson, John C., Jr., 1987 & 1989
Letters, certificate of incorporation and by laws of the Houston Clearing House Association, application, biographical information, checklists, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on the Savings and Loan Industry, and to the Finance Commission of Texas

4/64: Dawson, William Arthur, 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

4/65: Day, Sam J., 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Justice of the Second District Court of Appeals

4/66: Deal, Ernest, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Diabetes Council

4/67: Dean, Carol Carlson, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Health Care Reimbursement Alternatives

4/68: Dean, David Allen, 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, and to the Task Force on Public Utility regulation

4/69: Dean, Don Franklin, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority Board of Directors

4/70: Dean, Keith Terrence, 1988
Letters, memos, authority to release information form, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 265th Judicial District Court in Dallas County

4/71: Dean, William F., 1989
Letter and biographical information regarding seeking an appointment to the Board of Medical Examiners

4/72: Dear, Michael B. (Mike)
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, clippings, authority to release information form, and petitions regarding seeking appointment as Judge of the 369th Judicial District Court

4/73: DeCluitt, Douglas Ronald (Doug), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents

4/74: Dedman, Robert Henry, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Highway and Public Transportation Commission

4/75: Deere, Jerald David (Jerry), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse

4/76: Deere, William Charles (Bill), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications

4/77: DeJarnett, Kenneth Glenn (Ken), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklists, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Housing Agency, 1987, to the Secretary of State regarding designation as chairman of the Texas Housing Agency, 1987, and to the U. S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development regarding appointment to the Special Joint HUD/Texas Committee, 1988

4/78: de la Garza, C. (Mr. Connie), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with a record of attendance, checklists, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority Board of Directors

4/79: del Carmen, Rolando V., 1987
Letters, notes, application, biographical information, report on research and creative activities, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Commission on Jail Standards

4/80: de Leon, Jesus (Jesse), 1990
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

4/81: Delgado, Mario, Jr., 1988
Biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

4/82: Deliganis, Tom, 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

4/83: Dennis, Dan O., 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

4/84: Dennis, James T., 1987
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Adjutant General of Texas

4/85: Derrick, Frances, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Advisory Board of Occupational Therapy

4/86: de Santiago, Jose, 1990
Letters, biographical information, clipping, checklist, and list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Human Rights

4/87: DeSoto, Dean S., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Motorcycle Operator Training and Safety Advisory Committee

4/88: Detenbeck, Lee Clark, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

4/89: Dewhorst, David Henry, III, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission and to the Product Development Advisory Board

4/90: DeWolfe, Clinton M. (Clint), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Optometry Board

4/91: Dial, Joseph Burt (Joe), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the Gulf Initiative

4/92: Diaz, David, 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

4/93: Dias, Pedro, Jr. (Pete), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Criminal Justice

4/94: Dies, Kenneth Patrick, 1990
Letters and biographical information regarding his request to be appointed Judge of Criminal District Court 1 In Tarrant County

4/95: Dingler, Walter Jack (Walt), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Assistant Adjutant General--Army

4/96: Dinkins, Carol E., 1987-1990
Letters, biographical information, lists of recommended appointees, list of appointees, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Joint Select Committee on the Judiciary, 1987. The Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Manager Conference, 1988, and the Task Force on Judicial Selection, 1990

4/97: Diviney, Jackie Glenn (Glenn), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Polygraph Examiners Board

4/98: Dixon, John Kenneth (Ken), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of members with records of attendance and expenses and fees, resolutions, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

4/99: Dodson, Becky Love Garner, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the West Texas State University Board of Regents

4/100: Dodson, L. Don., 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Special Task Force on Rural Health Care Delivery

4/101: Doherty, George Dennis, 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Ports of Galveston County

4/102: Dokken, Quenton Russell, 1988
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the Gulf Initiative

4/103: Donnelly, James J., Jr., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

4/104: Doran, Hilary Brumley, Jr., 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members with a record of attendance, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Racing Commission

4/105: Dorchester, Ernest David (Dave), 1987
Letters, application, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers

4/106: Dorfman, Myron H., 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

4/107: Dorsett, Susan Gay (Gay), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Committee on Examiners for Speech Pathology and Audiology

4/108: Doty, Daniel J., 1989
Biographical information, a letter containing a list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

4/109: Doughty, Katherine (Kay), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, text for news conference announcement and supporting documents regarding the insolvency of the National County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of state regarding appointment as Public Counsel, Division of Consumer Protection, State Board of Insurance

4/110: Dowell, Jairl Parr, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of nominees, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to be Judge of the 108th Judicial Court in Potter County

4/111: Downey, Daniel Michael (Dan), 1988
Letters, memos, notes, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, authority to release information form, program for administration of the oath of office, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the 295th Judicial District Court in Harris County

4/112: Downs, Daniel Leroy (Danny), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

4/113: Dozier, D. C. (Jim), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force

4/114: Draper, Ernest Linn, Jr., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board and to the Lamar University Board of Regents

4/115: Dubose, Daniel Allen, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Port of Aransas Bar, Corpus Christi Bay and Tributaries

4/116: Du
Boxe, James Shackelford (Jimmy), 1990
Letters, note, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Finance Commission of Texas

4/117: Dubuisson, Larry M., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners

4/118: Duddlesten, Wayne B., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Highway and Public Transportation Commission

4/119: Duffin, Annyce, 1989
Letter, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

4/120: Duke, Betty Cowden, 1988
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

4/121: Duke, James H., Jr. (Red), 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse

4/122: Duckworth, Jack Taylor, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation

4/123: Duncan, Charles William, Jr., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Jobs Creation Task Force, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission

4/124: Duncan, Marilyn S., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Committee of Examiners for Speech Pathology and Audiology

4/125: Duncan, Scott Moore, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

4/126: Dunlap, Lillian (Lil), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas National Guard Advisory Board

4/127: DuPriest, James Curtis (Curtis), 1989
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Underground Storage Tank Advisory Committee

4/128: DuTerroil, Gibson M. (Gib), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance forms, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons

4/129: Dutton, George Washinton, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Transition Services Task Force

4/130: Ebert, Alfred H., Jr. (Al), 1987 & 1990
Letters, applications, list of recommended appointees, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Joint Select Committee on the Judiciary, and to the Task Force on Judicial Selection

4/131: Edelmann, Michael S. (Mike), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

4/132: Edererd, Ronald F., 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Drug Policy Subcommittee of the Governor's Drug Abuse Task Force

4/133: Edwards, J.B., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, copy of 1979 commission, photograph, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Bandera County River Authority Board of Directors

4/134: Eggers, Paul Walter, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and chairman of the Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse

4/135: Ehrler, John Leonard, Jr. (Leonard), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Council to State Purchasing and General Services Commission

4/136: Eidson, James Martin, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Criminal District Attorney of Taylor County

4/137: Eikenburg, Frank Charles, 1989
Letters, notes, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

4/138: Eidson, Jack Leigh, 1987 & 1990
Letters, notes, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Family Practice Residency Advisory Committee

Series 1, Box 5: Appointee Files, Eis - Gold

5/1: Eisler, Victor C. (Vic), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas National Guard Armory Board

5/2: Elam, Harry B., 1990
Letter, memos, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

5/3: Elder, Norman Dwight, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State University System Board of Regents

5/4: Eller, James Marion (Jim), 1989
Letters, notes, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Corrections, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Criminal Justice

5/5: Eller, Lottie Lee Kreis, 1987
Letters,biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of recommended appointees from Potter County, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Indian Commission

5/6: Elliott, Brady Gifford, 1988
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 268th Judicial District Court in Fort Bend County

5/7: Elliott, Carl Lynn (Lynn), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Real Estate Commission

5/8: Elliott, William D., 1989
Letter, biographical information, DPS clearance form, information about the law firm of Jackson, Walker, Winstead, Cantwell & Miller, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority of Texas Board of Directors

5/9: Ellis, Don R., 1989
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee

5/10: Ellis, Henry B., 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

5/11: Ellis, Michael Paul, 1989
Letter, memo, biographical information, DPS clearance, form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Executive Committee for the Center of Rural Health Initiatives

5/12: Elmore, Bennie Leven, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

5/13: Emanuel, Herbert Leon (Herb), 1988 & 1990
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, DPS clearance forms, checklists, and appointment notices to the secretary regarding appointment to and chairman of the Texas Literacy Council

5/14: Emerson, Ernest Allen, 1987
Letters, biographical information, agency information sheet, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee--National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

5/15: Emerson, Louis Richard (Richard), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Aeronautics Commission

5/16: Martin, Edward Martin (Ed), 1988
Letters, mailgrams, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Energy Resources Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

5/17: Endicott, James Ashley, Jr. (Jim), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Veterans Commission

5/18: England, Donald Howard (Don), 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission for the Deaf

5/19: English, Roy E., 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance forms, checklists, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Jail Standards

5/20: Enns, Ronald Eugene (Ron), 1990
Letters, memo, notes, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to be Judge of the 69th Judicial District Court in Dallam Hartley, Moore, and Sherman Counties

5/21: Enoch, Craig Tively, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, clipping, photographs, results of a judicial evaluation poll of the Dallas Bar Association, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals, Fifth Supreme Judicial District in Dallas

5/22: Entz, Furman Harold (Harold), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, photograph, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to be Judge of the 194th Judicial District in Dallas

5/23: Epright, Richard H., 1988
Biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the District One Review Committee, Board of Medical Examiners

5/24: Erben, Randall Harvey (Raney), 1990
Letters, memo, biographical, copy from Vernon's Civil Statutes, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Director of the Office of State-Federal Relations

5/25: Escubedo, John, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

5/26: Espensen, Ken L., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Rio Grande Valley Pollution Control Authority

5/27: Estrada, Robert A., 1990
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority of Texas Board of Directors

5/28: Eubank, Leslie Allen (Les), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Family Farm and Ranch Advisory Council

5/29: Eubank, Sharon Sue Mills, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

5/30: Eudaly, Olivia Ruth Coggin, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, clipping, DPS clearance form, list of recommended appointees, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners

5/31: Evans, Catherine Stayman, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission

5/32: Evans, Edwina Cox Corney (Ed), 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

5/33: Evans, Jack Wilson, 1987 & 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and to the Texas National Research Laboratory Committee

5/34: Evans, Jack Wilson, Jr. (Corky), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Egg Marketing Advisory Board

5/35: Evans, Jimmy, 1988
Jimmy, List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

5/36: Everheart, Janet, 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

5/37: Eversole, Jerry, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Motor Vehicle Commission

5/38: Ewing, Diane Giles, 1987 & 1988
Application, biographical information, photograph, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

5/39: Faircloth, F. Wayne, Jr., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of members with expiration dates of their appointments, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Ports of Galveston County

5/40: Farish, George Rice, 1987
George Rice, Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Housing Agency

5/41: Farmer, David Robb, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board

5/42: Farmer, Sidney Charles, III (Sid), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, list of members with expiration dates of their terms, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Ports of Galveston County

5/43: Farrar, Charles J. (Jack), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

5/44: Farrell, AnnaBelle A. Hoye, 1987
Application, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

5/45: Farrington, Jerry S., 1987 & 1988
Application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council, 1987, the Texas Scientific Advisory Council, 1988, and the North Texas State University Board of Regents, 1988

5/46: Farris, James Walter (Jim), 1988
Letters, application, checklist, recommendation to abolish the agency, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Rural Medical Education Board

5/47: Faulkner, Roy Richard, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

5/48: Fehrenbach, T. R., 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Capitol Centennial Committee, and the Texas Historical Commission

5/49: Feldcamp, Larry B., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Task Force on Waste Management Policy and the Waste Management Policy Committee

5/50: Feldtman, Robert W. (Bob), 1988
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the District One Review Committee, Board of Medical Examiners

5/51: Fendley, Curtis R., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Sulphur River Basin Authority Board of Directors

5/52: Fenoglio, John Albert, 1990
Letters, biographical information, memo, note, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services for the Blind and Severely Disabled Persons

5/53: Ferguson, Donald C., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

5/54: Ferguson, Derilee Marchbanks
Letters, note, application, biographical information, and nomination notice to the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination for election to the Board of Directors of the State Bar of Tex

5/55: Fernandez, Carlos A., 1988
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the District Three Review Committee, Board of Medical Examiners

5/56: Fernandez, Noe, 1987-1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Pan American University Board of Regents, 1987 and to the Texas State Technical Institute Board of Regents, 1989, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Water Development Board, 1990

5/57: Fernandez, Raul Baranda, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas A&M University Board of Regents

5/58: Finch, Robert Lynn, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Guadalupe River Authority Board of Directors

5/59: Fincher, Raymond J., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

5/60: Finley, George A., III, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

5/61: Finnell, Charles A., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

5/62: Fischer, Denise Reineke, 1987 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance form, resolution, clippings, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Literacy Council

5/63: Fisher, Harry Alexander (Alex), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, agency information sheet, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Board of Directors

5/64: Fisher, William L. (Bill), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council, 1987, the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, 1987, and the Governor's Energy Council, 1988, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority, 1987

5/65: Fisher, Zack Buchanan, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Fire Ant Advisory Board

5/66: Fisk, Charles Ernest, Jr., 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Council to State Purchasing and General Services Commission

5/67: Fitzpatrick, James Knox Brooks (Knox), 1988
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Interstate Parole Compact Administration, 1988, and to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

5/68: Fitzsimons, Hugh Asa, Jr., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Racing Commission

5/69: Flawn, Peter Tyrrell, 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1987, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as chairman of the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1987, to the Texas Scientific Advisory Council, 1988, and to the Governor's Energy Council, 1988

5/70: Flawn, Priscilla Pond (Pris), 1989
Letter, application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

5/71: Fleming, Carole A., 1987
Note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents

5/72: Fleming, Jon Hugh, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, photographs, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

5/73: Fleming, William Henry, III, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the District One Review Committee, Board of Medical Examiners, and to the State Board of Medical Examiners

5/74: Fleuriet, Kenneth Randolph, 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

5/75: Fletcher, Vernon Dale, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, draft legislation to create a memorial at the capitol for slain peace officers, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Peace Officers' Advisory Committee

5/76: Flood, Maria Elena Acevedo, 1988 & 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Select Committee on Education, and to the Census Complete Count Committee of Texas

5/77: Flores, Ruben, Jr., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Census Complete Count Committee for Texas

5/78: Flores, Sylvia Hernandez, 1987, 1988, & 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority Board of Directors

5/79: Fonteno, Lily Mae, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance forms, checklists, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Diabetes Council

5/80: Forbes, Herman Hays, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Land Surveying

5/81: Forbes, Jerry G., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, sample oath of office form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Sabine River Authority of Texas Board of Directors

5/82: Foshee, John C., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

5/83: Foster, Bruce Terry, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

5/84: Foster, Thomas P., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education

5/85: Fowler, Bobby J. (Bob), 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

5/86: Fox, Anne A., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Antiquities Committee, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency

5/87: Fox, David G., 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Metropolitan Transit Authorities

5/88: Fox, Milton E., 1989
Letters, mailgram, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Industrial Accident Board

5/89: Fox, Ruth Huffmaster, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Arts

5/90: Fox, Troy Gene, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

5/91: Frame, Robert, 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Joint Task Force on Waste Management Policy

5/92: Francis, Debbie Bobo, 1987
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

5/93: Francis Bernice Nadine Webber (Nadine), 1987
Application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board on Aging

5/94: Franklin, David Lee, 1989
Letter, note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Pharmacy

5/95: Franklin, James E., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Chiropractic Examiners

5/96: Fraser, Richard Thomas (Dick), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, DPS clearance forms, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

5/97: Frederick, John Howard (Howard), 1990
Letter, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Council on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders

5/98: Freeman, Leland M., 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, report on Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Underground Storage Tank Advisory Committee

5/99: Frerich, Leon W., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Runnels County Water Authority Board of Directors

5/100: Frey, Demarious Lenore Keller, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, photographs, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Racing Commission

5/101: Friedman, Bayard Harry, 1987
Bayard Harry, Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on the Savings and Loan Industry

5/102: Friedman, Corneila Cheney (Corky), 1989
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

5/103: Frost, Robert, 1988 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

5/104: Fuller, Rex Powell, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Tech University Board of Regents, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

5/105: Fullerton, Byron Franklin, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Judicial Selection

5/106: Fulton, Kyle Lance, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Commission for the Blind

5/107: Furman, John Richard, III (Jack), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, signed oath of office form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Guadalupe River Authority Board of Directors

5/108: Gabriel, Eleanor Lee (Lee), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, memos, authority to release information form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 367th Judicial District Court in Denton County

5/109: Gather, Harold C., Jr. (Hal), 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force

5/110: Gale, Michael P., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

5/111: Galindo, Ramiro A. (Rami), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

5/112: Gallant, Ben J., 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Corrections

5/113: Gallaway, Robert L., 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

5/114: Gallegos, Stevan R., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

5/115: Gamble, David Shuler, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents

5/116: Gamble, Phil, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Legal Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

5/117: Gamboa, Albert, Jr., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Underground Storage Task Advisory Committee

5/118: Garcia, Graciela, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Advisory Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners

5/119: Garcia, Humberto M. (Beto), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Produce Recovery Fund Board

5/120: Cardner, Joseph Eggleston, Jr. (Joe), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency

5/121: Garey, Alan Jack (Jack), 1990
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission

5/122: Garlick, David M., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

5/123: Garner, Edward L. (Ed), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency

5/124: Garrett, Gerald L., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

5/125: Garrison, James B., Jr. (Jim), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

5/126: Garrison, June Knepper, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

5/127: Garrison, Paul L., Jr., 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Bandera County River Authority Board of Directors

5/128: Gartner, Paul Edwin, Jr., 1988
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Criminal District Attorney of McLennan County

5/129: Garza, Antonio Oscar, Jr. (Tony), 1987-1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, 1987, as vice chairman of that agency, 1988, to the State Job Training Coordinating Council, 1989, and the Census Complete Count Committee of Texas, 1990

5/130: Garza, Emilio Miller, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the 225th Judicial District in Bexar County

5/131: Garza, Gonzalo, 1987
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council

5/132: Garza, Jim, 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Sulphur River Basin Authority Board of Directors

5/133: Gates, Jerry Wayne, 1988
Letters, application biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the University System of South Texas Board of Directors

5/134: Gayle, Rhonda Corbell, 1990
Letter, biographical information, signed statement, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

5/135: Gaylor, Robert, 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Productivity Bonus Commission

5/136: Gaylor, Ed O., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

5/137: Gee, Betty, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

5/138: Gee, David E., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Red River Authority Board of Directors

5/139: George, Kenneth Suggett (Kenn), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, clippings, DPS clearance form, report, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Youth Commission

5/140: Gerard, Joseph Caldwell (Joe), 1990
Application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority Board of Directors

5/141: Gerdes, Michael J., 1998
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

5/142: Gerhart, Marvin W., 1989
Letter, notes, application, list of recommenders, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Runnels County Water Authority Board of Directors

5/143: Gerlach, Ernest J., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance forms, a list of members with records of attendance, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

5/144: Gerry, Robert Livingston (Bob), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Arts

5/145: Getterman, Louis Theodore, III, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education

5/146: Ghormley, Cecil D., 1988
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the San Jacinto Historical Records Advisory Board

5/147: Ghrist, Elizabeth Lyons (Liz), 1989
Letters, biographical information, clipping, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the University of Houston Board of Regents

5/148: Gilberson, Jack, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

5/149: Gibney, Gloria Ann Munoz, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

5/150: Gibson, Louis E., 1987
Letters, note, application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force

5/151: Gigout, Barbra Vee, 1990
Letters, biographical information, code of ethics for the Coastal Water Authority, checklist, appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Coastal Water Authority, notice to the Texas Senate asking for the return of the nomination

5/152: Gilchrist, Charles R., II, 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Ports of Galveston County

5/153: Gillespie, Joe R., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Fire Ant Advisory Board

5/154: Gilmour, Hugh Price (Chip), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Census Complete Count Committee of Texas

5/155: Gissell, Dennis R., 1987
Letter, biographical information, agency information sheet, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Coordinating Committee--National Community Volunteer Fire Prevention Program

5/156: Gistaro, Edward Peter (Ed), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

5/157: Givens, Ron D., 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, and to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

5/158: Glasse, Charles Kenneth (Buddy), 1987 & 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Structural Pest Control Board

5/159: Gleeson, Austin M., 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Scientific Advisory Council

5/160: Glenn, Joel Kenneth, 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with reports of attendance and expenses, information on his status as a security provider, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the same agency

5/161: Gloyna, Earnest F., 1988 & 1989
Letters, notes, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, lists of nominees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee on Water Resources Management, and the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers

5/162: Gloyna, Emmett L., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

5/163: Godwin, Elizabeth Barnes, 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

5/164: Goforth, William Preston (Preston), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Podiatry Examiners

5/165: Golding, William Douglas (Doug), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

Series 1, Box 6: Appointee Files, Golm - Hughes, E

6/1: Golman, Joe Herman, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of available appointments through March 31, 1989, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners

6/2: Gonzales, Alberto R. (Al), 1987
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee

6/3: Gonzales, Albert (Al)
Letters, note, application, biographical information, list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to Texas

6/4: Gonzales, Esther P., 1987
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council

6/5: Gonzales, Sara R., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

6/6: Gonzales, Raquel, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, signed oath of office form, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

6/7: Goodman, William Ostram, 1987 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Manufactured Homeowners' Recovery Fund Board of Trustees

6/8: Goodwin, Dorene P., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, nomination notice to the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination for election as a director of the State Bar of Texas, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners

6/9: Goodwin, Earl Clinton, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

6/10: Goodwin, Gerald Alton, 1990
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, memo from the General Counsel's office regarding effective dates of office and pay for Judge Goodwin, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 159th Judicial District Court in Angelina County

6/11: Gore, Carol Jeanne Nelson, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Committee of Examiners for Speech Pathology and Audiology

6/12: Gore, Robert Cecil (Bob), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

6/13: Gorman, James Ward (Jim), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

6/14: Gose, Margaret L. Amsden, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Licensure for Nursing Home Administrators

6/15: Graham, Larry Morgan, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council

6/16: Graham, Sheldon B., Jr., 1987
Letters, biographical information, copy of his commission, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Legal Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

6/17: Granberry, James Harlan (Jim), 1987-1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, photograph, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, 1987, and to and as chairman of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, 1989, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency, 1989

6/18: Grant, Douglas M., 1988
Letter and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Brazos-Santiago Pass, Bar, and Tributaries

6/19: Grant, Gary Dean, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, agency information sheet with list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Water Well Drillers Board

6/20: Graves, Morris Allen, II, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of recommended appointees from the Republican Party of Harris County, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

6/21: Gray, Guy James, Jr., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Criminal District Attorney in Jasper County

6/22: Gray, James Erwin (Jim), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Rehabilitation Commission

6/23: Green, Bessie Mae Dent, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

6/24: Green, Donald Ray, 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Crime Stoppers Advisory Council

6/25: Green, Gene, 1988
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Select Committee on Education

6/26: Green, John Henry, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, petitions, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

6/27: Greenhill, Joe R., 1990
Letter, note, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Judicial Selection

6/28: Greenwade, Jack Dennis, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, and list of appointees to the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was a member

6/29: Greer, Pattye Lynn Cole, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Board of Examiners of Dietitians

6/30: Gregg, Charles R., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Diabetes Council

6/31: Gregory, Carolina Kemp, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Battleship Texas Advisory Board

6/32: Greytok, Marta R., 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, resolutions, clippings, newsletter, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Public Utility Commission of Texas

6/33: Grier, Mary Lou, 1988 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Diversification Board, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency

6/34: Griffin, James L., Jr., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

6/35: Griffin F. O'Neil (Neil), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of state regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation

6/36: Griffin, Mark, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation Board of Directors

6/37: Griffith, Gary E., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct

6/38: Grimes, James Frank, 1988
Letter, application, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Water Well Drillers Board

6/39: Grimes, James Randall (Randy), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

6/40: Grimsley, Maria Ina Mogete, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with record of attendance, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Blind

6/41: Grissom, Dan Benson, 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 355th Judicial District Court in Hood County

6/42: Grossenbacher, Maxey Ray, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Aeronautics Commission

6/43: Grove, James, IV, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

6/44: Grum, Clifford J. (Cliff), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

6/45: Grusendorf, Kent, 1990
Letters, memo, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Southern Regional Education Board

6/46: Guerra, Cipriano F., Jr. (Cip), 1987 & 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of appointees to the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as vice-chairman of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, 1987 and 1988, and to the State Job Training Coordinating Council, 1988

6/47: Guerra, Dario V., Jr., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

6/48: Guerra, Joe A., 1988
Letters and list of Job Training Coordinating Council of which he was a member

6/49: Guiberteau, Milton Jerome (Mick), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority

6/50: Guidry, Henry H., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

6/51: Guillot, Patrick C., 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Uniform State Laws

6/52: Gulley, James Larkin, Jr., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Tech University Board of Regents

6/53: Gunn, Robert, 1987 & 1988
Letters, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, 1987, and the Governor's Energy Council, 1988

6/54: Gurney, Gerald Wade, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Credit Union Commission

6/55: Gutermuth, William David (Bill), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Special Task Force on Rural Health Care Delivery in Texas

6/56: Guiterrez, Eduardo, 1988
Contact List of the Public-Private Partnership Advisory Panel of which he was a member

6/57: Guiterrez, Hector, Jr., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, and list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee

6/58: Guiterrez, Ricardo (Richard), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Technical Institute Board of regents

6/59: Guzman, Jane Louise Bock, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

6/60: Hackerman, Norman, 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Scientific Advisory Council

6/61: Haddock, Charles Edward, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the State Job Training Coordinating Council, and the Texas Employment Commission

6/62: Hagan, Donnie Hugh, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Licensure for Nursing Home Administrators

6/63: Hahn, Arthur Lynn, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

6/64: Haisten, Betty, 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Council on Alzheimer's Disease and Related disorders

6/65: Halbreich, Nancy Strauss, 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the University of North Texas Board of Regents

6/66: Hall, Bill R., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

6/67: Hall, William N., Jr. (Billy), 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

6/68: Hall, Cynthia Elaine Franks, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Water Well Drillers Board

6/69: Hall, Richard M., 1990
Letters, memo, and appointment notice to the president of the University of Texas at Austin regarding appointment to the Center Advisory Council for the proposed UT Austin Center for International Business Education

6/70: Hall, Sheldon, 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Commission, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and chairman of the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission

6/71: Halliday, Ebby, 1987
Letter, memo, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

6/72: Halm, John, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority Board of Directors

6/73: Haltom, Mary Helen, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees from Tarrant County, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Commission for the Deaf

6/74: Hamill, Wallace, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, news release, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Examiners in the Fitting and Dispensing of Hearing Aids

6/75: Hamilton, Charles C. (Chuck), 1988
Memo, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

6/76: Hammack, John A., 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

6/77: Hammond, Allen Gary (Gary), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Housing Agency Board of Directors

6/78: Hammond, Jack, 1987-1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, clipping, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, 1987, the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination for election to the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors, 1988, to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Texas Rio Grande Compact Commission, 1989, and to the Texas Senate from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas regarding appointment to the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors, 1989

6/79: Hammond, Richard A., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

6/80: Hammond, Sandi Kahn, 1987 & 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

6/81: Hammond, William O. (Bill), 1987-1989
Letters, notes, biographical information, certification of membership form, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State Regarding appointments to the Education Commission of the States, 1987, the Select Committee on Education, 1988, and the Southern Regional Education Board, 1989, the last of which was later withdrawn

6/82: Henderson, Annabelle Graybill (Ann), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Home Health Services Advisory Council, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency

6/83: Henderson, Barnie O., Jr., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Veterans Commission

6/84: Henderson, Curt Barney, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, clippings, press release, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 219th Judicial District Court in Collin County

6/85: Hendrick, William G. (Jack), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

6/86: Henger, Dennis Carl, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on ICF-MR Facilities

6/87: Henry, Jake, Jr., 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council

6/88: Hensley, Jack H., 1988
Note, application, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas School for the Deaf Governing Board

6/89: Herklotz, Marshall D., 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Mentally Retarded, Developmentally Disabled, and Mentally Ill Offenders

6/90: Hernandez, Cruz G., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, clippings, newsletters, lists of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council [Note: He was also appointed in 1987 but no appointment notice exists.]

6/91: Hernandez, Maria Alida Salinas, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Rio Grande Valley Pollution Control Authority Board of Directors, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency

6/92: Herndon, Harold David (David), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Public Finance Authority, 1988, and the Governor's Welfare Reform Task Force, 1988, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Human Services, 1989

6/93: Herndon, Dealey Decherd, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Preservation Board and the Advisory Committee to the State Preservation Board

6/94: Hester, Geraldine Toliver (Gerri), 1988-1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, 1988 and 1990, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the same agency, 1989

6/95: Hester, Darrell B., 1990
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Presiding Judge of the Fifth Administrative Judicial Region

6/96: Hester, John Robert, Jr. (Bob), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

6/97: Heuer, David Arnold (Dave), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Space Commission

6/98: Hibbetts, Jesse Lee, Jr. (Jess), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

6/99: Hickman, James Robert, 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

6/100: Hicks, Bill D., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas County and District Retirement System Board of Trustees

6/101: Hicks, Sydney Smith, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

6/102: Hightower, Mike, 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

6/103: Hill, Anita Carraway, 1987
Application, biographical information, and list of appointees to the State Job Training Coordinating Council of which she was a member

6/104: Hill, John Henry, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

6/105: Hill, Lyda Hunt, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

6/106: Hill, Rodger Green, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with record of attendance, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Commission of State Emergency Communication

6/107: Hill, Steve, 1988
Letters, memo, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

6/108: Hill William James (Bill), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Arts

6/109: Hillencamp, Kimball Turner (Kim), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission

6/110: Hilliard, Delmar Shelley (Shelley), 1990
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

6/111: Hillier, Paul W., Jr., 1987
Letters, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy

6/112: Himmelblau, Betty Hartman, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency

6/113: Hinojosa, Liborio, 1988
Letters, biographical information, clipping, list of recommended appointees, list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

6/114: Hinson, Barbara Joan Waggener, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Licensure for Nursing Home Administrators

6/115: Hinton, LeRoy Marshall (Lee), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Pension Review Board

6/116: Hixon, George Cooley (Tim), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of appointees, brochure and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, and to the Board for Lease, Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, 1989, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, 1989

6/117: Hobbs, Claude Carey (Carey), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Tech University Board of Regents

6/118: Hobert, Joe H., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, agency information sheet, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Egg Marketing Advisory Board

6/119: Hockridge, J. R. (Jack), 1987
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Neches River Municipal Water Authority

6/120: Hocott, Claude, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

6/121: Hodge, Jerry H., 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, 1987, and to the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, 1989, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Corrections, 1987 and 1989

6/122: Hodges, Floyd Edward (Ed), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Polygraph Examiners Board

6/123: Hoffelmeyer, Carl Arthur, 1987
Memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Evergreen Underground Water Conservation District Board of Directors

6/124: Holden, E. Jerry, 1987
Memos, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Runnels County Water Authority Board of Directors

6/125: Holekamp, Mary Virginia Stevens, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, brochure, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Upper Guadalupe River Authority Board of Directors

6/126: Holguin, Hector, 1987
Letter, memo, biographical information, and list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member

6/127: Hollander, Bob Max, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

6/128: Holley, Pagett Ann Daves, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Children 2000 Organizational Committee

6/129: Holliday, Janet D., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, clipping, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Interagency Council on Early Childhood Intervention Services

6/130: Holloway, Marcia Ellen (Marcy), 1987 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

6/131: Holman, Dixon W., 1987 & 1988
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Joint Select Committee on the Judiciary, and as Judge of the 141st Judicial District Court in Tarrant County

6/132: Holmes, Eleanor F., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Long-Term Care Coordinating Council for the Elderly

6/133: Holmes, John, 1987 & 1988
Biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, and to the Criminal Justice Policy Council

6/134: Holt, Robert B. (Bobby), 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Energy Council, and to the Public Safety Commission

6/135: Holzheauser, Steven G., 1989
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Balanced Recovery Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

6/136: Hook, Harold, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

6/137: Hoover, Judith (Judi), 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Role of the Family in Reducing Recidivism Advisory Committee

6/138: Hopkins, Alton Fowler (Al), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners

6/139: Hopkins, Paul, 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Western States Water Council regarding appointment to that group

6/140: Horn, Clifford L. (Cliff), 1987
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Central Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

6/141: Horn, John Duane, 1988
Application, biographical information, list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was a member, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science Advisory Board

6/142: Horne, Michel L., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

6/143: Horner, Jimmy L., 1989
Biographical information, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Structural Pest Control Board

6/144: Horton, John C., III, 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Motor Vehicle Commission

6/145: Housewright, Kellie Anne, 1990
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Maternal and Child Health Advisory Committee

6/146: Houston, Sam, IV, 1987
Application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

6/147: Howard, Aaron Wells, 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

6/148: Howard, Jack, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

6/149: Howard, Jo Ann Jay, 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Insurance

6/150: Howard, William Bradley (Brad), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

6/151: Hoyt, Theda Jane Nelson, 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

6/152: Hsueh, Robert W., 1987
Memo, application, biographical information, clipping, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

6/153: Hubert, Carl Ruchell, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers

6/154: Huckabee, Cloyce Merrill (Huck), 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Central Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

6/155: Huddleston, Kenneth R., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

6/156: Huff, David Allen, 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Administrative Council of the Texas Higher Education Board

6/157: Huffines, James Lecil (J. L.), 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation

6/158: Huffines, James Richard, 1990
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission

6/159: Huggins, Nancy, June 1987
Application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Hospital Equipment Financing Council

6/160: Hughes, Evangelikna Pena (Eva), 1990
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council

Series 1, Box 7: Appointee Files, Hughes, G - Loef

7/1: Hughes, Gary D., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Pension Review Board

7/2: Hughes, Michael B., 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Ports of Galveston County

7/3: Hughes, Patrick Kevin (Pat), 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education

7/4: Hughey, Bob, 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Pension Review Board

7/5: Hughey, Gaylord Thomas, Jr., 1987-1989
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, 1987, the East Texas State University Board of Regents, 1987, and the School Land Board, 1988 and 1989

7/6: Hulsey, Earnest Glenn (Ernie), 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Polygraph Examiners Board

7/7: Hunsaker, Roger C., 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority Board of Directors

7/8: Hunt, Dale V., 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

7/9: Hunt, Judy Marie Bedell, 1987 & 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Diabetes Council

7/10: Hunter, Evelyn Aileen, 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Cosmetology Commission

7/11: Hurst, Charles Richard (Dick), 1987
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Jail Standards

7/12: Huson, Frederick Russell, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council

7/13: Hutcheson, Thad T., Jr., 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of state regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

7/14: Hutchison, John Scott, 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Commission for the Deaf

7/15: Hutchison, Kay Bailey, 1987
Application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System and the Governor's Commission for Women

7/16: Hutchison, William L., 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority Board of Directors

7/17: Hyde, John Gary, 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 238th Judicial District Court in Midland County

7/18: Hyman, Ladelle M., 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Accountancy

7/19: Hynson, Kathy, 1987 & 1990
Biographical information and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas County and District Retirement System Board of Trustees

7/20: Ingram, Tom, 1990
Letter, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority

7/21: Inman, Bobby R., 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Scientific Advisory Council

7/22: Irish, George B., 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

7/23: Isenberg, Randall Blair, 1989
Application, biographical information, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 363rd Judicial District Court in Dallas County

7/24: Ivey, Gary T., 1988 & 1990
Application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the State Seed and Plant Board

7/25: Jackson, Charles L., 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Funeral Service Commission

7/26: Jackson, John Raleigh, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Council on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders

7/27: Jackson, Edmond Penn (Penn), 1989
Application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Dental Examiners

7/28: Jackson, Rayleene Clement (Rae), 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council

7/29: Jacob, Kevin E. (Jake), 1987
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Egg Marketing Council

7/30: Jacobs, Gary G., 1987 & 1990
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and the Texas Growth Fund Board of Trustees

7/31: James, Jerry Allen, 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Deaf

7/32: Jarratt, Joyce Howard, 1989
Application, biographical information, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lavaca-Navidad River Authority Board of Directors

7/33: Jefferson, Andrew L., Jr., 1990
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Judicial Selection

7/34: Jefferson, Dwight Eugene, 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

7/35: Jenkins, David Mark, 1987 & 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Egg Marketing Advisory Board

7/36: Jenkins, Larry E., 1988-1990
Biographical information, list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was chairman, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Select committee on Education, 1988, the Task Force on Public Education, 1989, and to and as chairman of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, 1989 and 1990

7/37: Jenkins, Robert W. (Bobby), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Structural Pest Control Board

7/38: Jennings, Devoyd, 1988
Biographical information and nomination letter to the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination for the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors

7/39: Jericho, Mary Ellen Mitchell (Mitch), 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Arts

7/40: Jeschke, Sharon Behrend, 1989
Biographical information, photograph, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Barber Examiners

7/41: Jeu, Douglas Glenn (Doug), 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

7/42: Johnson, Alfred Raymond, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners

7/43: Johnson, Claire A., 1988
Biographical information, list of members of the Job Training Coordinating Council of which she was a member, 1987, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the same agency

7/44: Johnson, Erma Chansler, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority Board of Directors

7/45: Johnson, Faith Simmons, 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, photograph, list of recommenders, clippings, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 363rd Judicial District Court in Dallas County

7/46: Johnson, James L., 1989
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Tech University Board of Regents

7/47: Johnson, Janet Johns, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Woman's University Board of Regents

7/48: Johnson, Jeannie Linder, 1987 & 1989
Letter, applications, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women, 1987 and 1989, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Woman's University Board of Regents, 1989

7/49: Johnson, Joe L., Jr., 1989
Letter, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Red River Authority Board of Directors

7/50: Johnson, John, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

7/51: Johnson, John Clifford, Jr. (Cliff), 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Water Commission

7/52: Johnson, John Morgan (Jack), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

7/53: Johnson, Richard R., 1999
Letters, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

7/54: Johnson, Travis P., 1987 & 1989
Letter, memos, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System, and the Drug Policy Committee of the Governor's Drug Abuse Task Force

7/55: Jones, Ethel P., 1988 & 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board, and to the Educational Excellence Committee

7/56: Jones, Irene Elizabeth Davila, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Deaf

7/57: Jones, John Willoughby, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointment to and chairman of the Texas Agricultural Finance Authority

7/58: Jones, Larry Glenn, 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Energy Council

7/59: Jones, Lawrence Kelly (Kelly), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents

7/60: Jones, Marvin Lester, 1987 & 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notices regarding appointments to and as chairman of the State Property Board

7/61: Jones, Nancy Lee Zini, 1988 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notices regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Chiropractic Examiners

7/62: Jones, Norman Scott, 1987
Application and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Motor Vehicle Commission

7/63: Jones, Ross Lane, 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Central Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

7/64: Jorgensen, Robert Hans, 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Port Aransas Bar, Corpus Christi Bay, and Tributaries

7/65: Josserand, Robert D. (Bob), 1988
Letter, clipping, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

7/66: Journeay, Glen E. (Pete), 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Fire Ant Advisory Board

7/67: Juarez, Jacinto Pablo, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, and list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was a member

7/68: Juett, Jane Flesher, 1987 & 1989
Application, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women

7/69: Justiz, Manuel J., 1990
Letters, note, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Education Commission of The States

7/70: Kagy, Linda Jones, 1988
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners District Two Review Committee

7/71: Kane, Jerry, 1988 & 1990
Biographical information and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission, and to the Texas Health and Human Services Coordinating Council

7/72: Kaspar, Jean Welhausen, 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Commission

7/73: Kaster, James J. (Jim), 1987 & 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Aircraft Pooling Board, 1987, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Industrial Accident Board, 1987, the State Job Training Coordinating Council, 1988, and the Texas Employment Commission, 1988

7/74: Katz, Yvonne D'Olive, 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Advisory Committee

7/75: Kay, Rayford G., 1988 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Structural Pest Control Board

7/76: Keele, Sara Jane Bergquist (Sally), 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Nurse Examiners

7/77: Keene, Henry Bradford, 1987 & 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and to the Secretary of State to and as chairman of the Board of Pardons and paroles

7/78: Keeney, Charles Robert (Bob), 1987
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Commission for the Blind

7/79: Keese, D. L. (Sonny), 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Criminal Justice Policy Council

7/80: Keeth, Kent, 1988 & 1990
Application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board

7/81: Keever, William Alan (Bill), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as chairman of Project Child Save Steering Committee

7/82: Keilers, Royce K., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners District Four Review Committee

7/83: Keis, R. Brent, 1989
Letter, notes, application, clipping, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the Tarrant County Court at Law #1

7/84: Keith, David B., 1990
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Educational Excellence Committee

7/85: Keith, Donald McDade (Don), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Criminal District Attorney in Polk County

7/86: Kelley, Claude J., Jr., 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State for appointment to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct (for which there is a note indicating he was ineligible), and the Texas Animal Health Commission

7/87: Kelley, Donald L., 1987, 1988, & 1990
Application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Home Health Services Advisory Council

7/88: Kelley, Oliver Kendall (Ken), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Aeronautics Commission, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Aviation

7/89: Kelly, Lester Carl, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Intermediate care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded

7/90: Kelly, Dee J., 1987 & 1990
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Joint Select Committee on the Judiciary, and to the Task Force on Judicial Selection

7/91: Kelly, Paul L., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

7/92: Kelsey, John Wilson, 1987-1990
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Task Force on the Savings and Loan Industry, 1987, and to the Policy Committee of the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program, 1990, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, 1989

7/93: Kelsey, Wendy, 1987 & 1989
Lists of members and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women

7/94: Kemp, Elliot J., 1987
Applications, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Runnels County Water Authority Board of Directors

7/95: Kenamore, O. D.
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission. Note: The notice to the Texas Senate was recalled by Governor Clements.

7/96: Kennedy, Benny Paul (Ben), 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Fire Fighters' Relief and Retirement Fund Board of Trustees

7/97: Kenworthy, Joseph Miller (Joe), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

7/98: Keovilay, Leck, 1987 & 1988
Letter, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program, and to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

7/99: Keplinger, Henry F., 1987
Letter, biographical information, clippings, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

7/100: Ketelsen, James Lee (Jim), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, list of recommenders, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and the University of Houston Board of Regents

7/101: Key, Joe H., 1989
Letter, application, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Irrigators

7/102: Key, Marcus M., 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Air Control Board

7/103: Keys, William H. (Bill), 1990
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of recommenders, clippings, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Justice of the Thirteenth Court of Appeals

7/104: Kimbrough, Jay T., 1987 & 1989
Letter, applications, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency

7/105: King, Art K., 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, lists of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

7/106: King, Don Carter, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Peace Officers' Memorial Advisory Committee

7/107: King, Glen Keith, 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

7/108: Kinkeade, James Edgar (Ed), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Justice of the Fifth Court of Appeals

7/109: Kirby, W. N. (Bill), 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

7/110: Kirk, Charles Weldon (Weldon), 1990
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, DPS clearance form, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Presiding Judge of the Seventh Administrative Judicial Region

7/111: Kirkwood, Priscilla Graham, 1987
Biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, agency information sheet, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

7/112: Kirven, Joe Willard, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the University of North Texas Board of Regents

7/113: Kiser, Samuel Curtis (Sam), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the 181st Judicial District in Potter and Randall Counties

7/114: Klier, Rita Kay Ruff, 1990
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

7/115: Klostermann, Russell Fred, 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Rio Grande Valley Municipal Water Authority

7/116: Knaggs, Helen Soto, 1988 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members of the State Job Training Coordinating Council of which she was a member, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Advisory Council for Technical-Vocational Education, and the Governor's Commission for Women

7/117: Knight, Drisilla M., 1987 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Teacher's Professional Practices Commission

7/118: Knight, Robert B. (Bob), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council

7/119: Knight, Sandra Underwood, 1988
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

7/120: Knott, Mary Carolyn, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Council on Disabilities, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the same agency

7/121: Knowles, Roy Dell, 1990
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Underground Storage Tank Advisory Committee

7/122: Knowles, Stephen Gayle (Steve), 1987-1990
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the State Employee Incentive Commission, 1987, the Productivity Bonus Commission, 1988, and the Texas Incentive and Productivity Commission, 1990

7/123: Knowles, William McMillan, Jr. (Bill), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Aviation

7/124: Knox, Nicholas John, 1987
Biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Central Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

7/125: Knox, Raymond Sullivan (Ray), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

7/126: Knudson, Myron O., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

7/127: Koehler, Ward Lee, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Judicial Council

7/128: Koehn, Travis Jack, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Criminal District Attorney of Austin County

7/129: Kohutek, Yvonne Lindsey, 1987
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

7/130: Komatsu, Karl Albert, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Commission

7/131: Kopel, Kenneth F. (Ken), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist and appointment notice to the Secretary of state regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists

7/132: Kowalski, Thomas Radford (Tom), 1989
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State University System Board of Regents

7/133: Kozmetsky, George, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

7/134: Kralovetz, Robert G. (Bob), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on the Savings and Loan Industry

7/135: Krebs, Arno W., Jr., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

7/136: Kredell, George Stephen, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the 213th Judicial District in Tarrant County

7/137: Krier, Cindi Taylor, 1988
Letters, memo, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Welfare Reform Task Force

7/138: Krohmer, Jack Steward, 1988
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

7/139: Krupala, Larry D., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Health

7/140: Ku, Charles T., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of nominees, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Dental Examiners

7/141: Kubecka, Wanda Kaye Sells, 1988
Letter, telegrams, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Criminal District Attorney for Jackson County

7/142: Kurth, Scott Edward, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Funeral Service Commission

7/143: Kurtz, Leroy Rudolph, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

7/144: Lairson, Earl Charles, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy

7/145: Lancaster, Sally Rodus, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the East Texas State University Board of Regents

7/146: Land, Richard D., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of recommenders, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Welfare Reform Task Force

7/147: Landers, Fritz Eugene, 1988
Letters, note, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

7/148: Lane, John Michael, 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Ports of Galveston County

7/149: Lane, Neal F., 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Scientific Advisory Council

7/150: Laney, David M., 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Finance Commission of Texas

7/151: Laney, James E. (Pete), 1987
Letter, memo, application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

7/152: Langley, E. L. (Buddy), 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the University of North Texas Board of Regents

7/153: Lanier, John Fulton, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy

7/154: Lanier, Odyssius M., 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents

7/155: Lansford, Robert A., 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Surplus Property Agency

7/156: LaPlante, Christopher A. (Chris), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as coordinator of the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board

7/157: Larsen, Charles Edward, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

7/158: Larsen, Suzanne Y., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

7/159: Lary, Charles C., III, 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

7/160: Lasater, Mayola Elizabeth, 1987
Biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council

7/161: Lassiter, Wright L., Jr., 1988-1990
Application, biographical information, lists of appointees, appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Advisory Committee, 1988, and the Census Complete Count Committee of Texas, 1990, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation, 1989

7/162: Late, Steve, 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Select Committee on Education

7/163: Lavender, Rosa D. Cotner, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

7/164: Lawson, Michael K., 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

7/165: Lay, Kenneth L. (Ken), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, photographs, list of recommenders, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Task Force on Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, 1987, the University of Houston Board of Regents, 1987, and the Governor's Energy Council, 1988

7/166: Layton, Robert Edward, Jr., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

7/167: Leach, Warren B., Jr., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

7/168: Leamons, Charles A., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Seed and Plant Board

7/169: LeBert, Lindburg A., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

7/170: Leche, Paul A., 1988 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Committee for the Humanities

7/171: Ledwell, Stephen Hardy (Steve), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Red River Authority Board of Directors

7/172: LeFlore, Byron Louis, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission

7/173: Legan, Pat, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Surplus Property Agency

7/174: Legan, Terry Alan, 1987 & 1990
Letter, memo, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Egg Marketing Advisory Board

7/175: Leighton, Joe K. (Ken), 1987 & 1989
Letters, Applications, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Bandera County River Authority Board of Directors

7/176: Lemke, Kenneth A., 1988 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Home Health Services Advisory Council

7/177: Lemon, Waymon Clyde, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission

7/178: Leopard, Ruth, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

7/179: Lerma, Robert Julius, 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission

7/180: Lesch, James R. (Jim), 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Economic Development Commission and the Texas Department of Commerce Board of Directors, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Department of Commerce Board of Directors

7/181: Lester, Michael Keith (Mike), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Pharmacy

7/182: Lewis, Donald G., 1990
Letter, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Hospital Licensing Advisory Council

7/183: Lewis, Jeffry B., 1988 & 1990
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

7/184: Lewis, Marion McLean (Mack), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 135th Judicial District Court in Calhoun, DeWitt, Goliad, Jackson, Refugio, and Victoria Counties

7/185: Lewis, Robert Donald (Bob), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners

7/186: Lich, Glen Ernst, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission

7/187: Lightsey, Thomas N., Jr., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

7/188: Lilly, Glenda Mae Jones, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

7/189: Lilly, Marsha Weiss, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

7/190: Lilly, William Steve (Steve), 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors

7/191: Lindemann, William L. (Rusty), 1988
Letters, applications, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Red River Authority of Texas Board of Directors

7/192: Lindsay, Jon, 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

7/193: Lindsay, Tonita Lee Davis (Tony), 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 280th Judicial District Court in Harris County

7/194: Lindsey, Ronald Lynn (Ron), 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and chairman of the Productivity Bonus Commission

7/195: Linton, Berta Perez, 1987
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Pan American University Board of Regents

7/196: Liscum, Fred, 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

7/197: Little, Robert Lee, 1990
Letters, note, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as District Attorney for the 293rd Judicial District in Dimmit, Maverick, and Zavala Counties

7/198: Lochridge, Hope Nicoll, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

7/199: Lock, Alfred H. (Al), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct

7/200: Locke, Jesse W., 1988 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Radiation Advisory Board

7/201: Locke, Maurice Lee, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority of Texas Board of Directors

7/202: Lockett, Carroll Bert, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

7/203: Loeb, Herman, 1988
Letters, biographical information, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Energy Resources Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

7/204: Loeffler, Nancy Ann Brown, 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Educational Excellence Committee

7/205: Loeffler, Thomas Gilbert (Tom), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the University of Texas System Board of Regents

Series 1, Box 8: Appointee Files, Loeh - Mon

8/1: Loehr, Raymond Charles, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Underground Storage Tank Advisory Committee

8/2: Loftin, Patrick Wayne, 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons

8/3: Loftis, Walton O'Neil (Neil), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Water Well Drillers Board

8/4: Logan, Mary Elizabeth Calkin, 1987 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women

8/5: Long, Ben Harvey, Jr., 1987 & 1989
Letters, note, applications, biographical information, financial statement, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Dairy Advisory Board

8/6: Long, Dan Frank, 1989
Letters, notes, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Educational Excellence Committee

8/7: Longino, Tommy E., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

8/8: Looney, William Douglas, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

8/9: Loper, Nancy Beth Childs, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council

8/10: Lopez, Henry, Jr., 1988 & 1990
Biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council

8/11: Lopez, Joseph, 1988
Contact list for what appears to be the Oil Overcharge Committee of the Public-Private Partnership Advisory Panel. His name is on the list, but there are no records to indicate the actual appointment.

8/12: Lopez, Linda, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Interagency Council on Minority Health Affairs

8/13: Lord, Phillip A., 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Plumbing Examiners

8/14: Louder, Deborah, 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

8/15: Loveless, Howard E., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, commissions (including those from earlier appointments), and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Concho River Water and Soil Conservation Authority

8/16: Lowndes, Timothy Allen (Tim), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Police Officers' Memorial Advisory Committee

8/17: Lowry, Mark Vernon, 1989 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

8/18: Luce, Thomas W., III, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, oath of office form, affidavit, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas in the matter of Houston Lighting & Power Co. V. Carol Ann Hauser Reynolds, etc., and to and as chairman of the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission

8/19: Lucio, Eleazar S., 1987
Letter, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

8/20: Luck, Susan Pitts, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

8/21: Luckie, Margaret W. Carter, 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board on Aging

8/22: Lucksinger, Michael John (Mike), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

8/23: Luna, Greg, 1988
Letters, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Select Committee on Education

8/24: Lupton, Joseph M., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

8/25: Lykes, N. Sue Barton, 1988
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, authority to release information form, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments as Judge of the 303rd Judicial District in Dallas County and to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

8/26: McAdams, Peggy Lynn Seale, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

8/27: McAllister, Stephen Williams, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, disclosure of regulated business interests form, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Housing Agency Board of Directors

8/28: McArthur, Jenelle Hughes, 1988 & 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of nominees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Aeronautics Commission, and to the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination for selection as director of the State Bar of Texas

8/29: McBee, Frank Williams, Jr., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council

8/30: McBride, James, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

8/31: McBride, William Vincent, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was a member, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Select Committee on Education

8/32: McBryde, Neal Maddox, 1987
Application, biographical information, and list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was a member

8/33: McCall, Abner Vernon, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Education Commission for the States

8/34: McCall, David B., 1990
Letter, note, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Barber Examiners

8/35: McCormick, J. Phillip (Phil), 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the University System of South Texas Board of Regents

8/36: McCown, Wilson Avery (W.A.), 1987
Application, biographical information checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Runnels County Water Authority Board of Directors

8/37: McCrady, Kenneth Allen (Ken), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission

8/38: McCrary, Guy Richard, 1990
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

8/39: McCrum, Everett, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

8/40: McCuistion, C. L., Jr. (Mac), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority Board of Directors

8/41: McCullough, Stephen Wesley (Steve), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Municipal Retirement System Board of Directors

8/42: McDade, Thomas Bouldin, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Securities Board, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the State Board of Insurance, and request to return the latter

8/43: McDermott, Robert F., 1987
Letter, memo, biographical information, clipping, annual report, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Department of Commerce Board of Directors

8/44: McDonald Archive Philip, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Old San Antonio Road Preservation Commission

8/45: McDowell, John Patrick (Pat), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Presiding Judge of the First Administrative Judicial Region

8/46: McGarvey, Jimmie Sue Powell (Sue), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, clipping, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teacher Retirement System

8/47: McGriffert, John R., 1989 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Old San Antonio Road Preservation Commission, and the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission

8/48: McGlasson, Janet Sullivan (Jan), 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners District Four Review Committee

8/49: McGoodwin, James Ballard (Jim), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas National Guard Armory Board

8/50: McGuire, Walter Fred, 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of recommended appointees from the Greater Houston Chamber of Commerce, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

8/51: McIntyre, Lester L., 1990
Biographical information, photograph, list of officers with some salaries, table of organization, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Assistant Adjutant General for Air

8/52: McIntyre, Peter Mastin, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council

8/53: McKee, Melinda R. Fry, 1987 & 1988
Application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, agency information sheet, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Commission for the Deaf

8/54: McKenzie, William Allen (Bill), 1987 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas A&M University Board of Regents, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Educational Economic Policy Center Committee

8/55: McKenzie, Sally Freeman, 1987-1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Commission for Women, 1987 and 1988, and the Texas Literary Council, 1989 and 1990

8/56: McKibbens, Benjamin Manly (Ben), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

8/57: McKissick, John Keith, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Crime Stoppers Advisory Council

8/58: McLemore, Betty Fox LeFleur, 1990
Letters, note, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

8/59: McLendon, William Edward (Ed), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Licensure for Nursing Home Administrators

8/60: McLeod, Karl B., 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, clipping, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Mentally Disturbed, Developmentally Disabled, and Mentally Ill Offenders

8/61: McMennamy, L. Glenn (Glenn), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Human Services

8/62: McNeil, Jerry J., 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment and Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

8/63: McNinch, William G. (Bill), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Pilot Commission for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

8/64: McQueen, Horace Franklin, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Sabine River Authority of Texas Board of Directors

8/65: McRae, Buford E., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Port Aransas Bar, Corpus Christi Bay, and Tributaries

8/66: McReynolds, Jean Lewis, 1988 & 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

8/67: McWilliams, James P. (Jim), 1989
Letters, memo, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Energy Resources Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

8/68: Macho, Nester M., 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Structural Pest Control Board

8/69: Mackie, David French, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

8/70: MacRae, Sharon Sands, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to be Judge of the 290th Judicial District Court in Bexar County

8/71: Madden, William Boykin (Bill), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Water Development Board

8/72: Maddox, William Earl, 1988
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Barber Examiners

8/73: Maes, Thomas Milner, II, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lamar University Board of Regents

8/74: Mahaffey, Elizabeth Johnson (Beth), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

8/75: Mahard, Ernest Andy, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Egg Marketing Advisory Board

8/76: Mahomes, William, Jr. (Bill), 1989 & 1990
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the East Texas State University Board of Regents, and to the Texas Turnpike Authority Board of Directors

8/77: Mahood, Stephen C. (Steve), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Legal Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, and to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas Board of Regents

8/78: Malouf, Ronald E. (Ron), 1987
Letter, application, list of members, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

8/79: Manform, Mary Jane Hargrove (Mary Jane), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Incentive and Productivity Commission

8/80: Mangaroo, Jewellean Smith (Jewel), 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council

8/81: Mangham, Alonzo L., Jr., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Racing Commission

8/82: Mann, Robert Allen, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, clippings, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Board of Corrections, 1988, the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force, 1989, and the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, 1989

8/83: Manning, E. R., 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

8/84: Mansour, Charmaine Nader, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications

8/85: Marbut, Robert G., Sr. (Bob), 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

8/86: Marek, Marvin Richard, Jr., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Council on Disabilities

8/87: Margo, Adair Wakefield, 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Arts

8/88: Maresh, Frank, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Space Commission

8/89: Margraves, Ross D., Jr., 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, history of the firm of Margraves & Schueler, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the State Purchasing and General Services Commission, and to the Texas A&M University Board of Regents

8/90: Mark, Hans, 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Scientific Advisory Council

8/91: Mark, Roscoe Dewey (Dewey), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, and notice to withdraw a nomination

8/92: Marmon, Harriet C., 1989
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

8/93: Marquez, Thomas, 1987
List of members and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on Drug Abuse

8/94: Marrufo, Manuel (Manny), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Board

8/95: Marsh, Betty Jeanne West (Jeanne), 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, list of nominees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Examiners in the Fitting and Dispensing of Hearing Aids

8/96: Martin, James C. (Jim), 1990
Letter, note, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Radiation Advisory Board

8/97: Martin, James G., 1988
Letters, memo, note, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Regulatory Practices Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

8/98: Martin, Rebecca Ann, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Committee for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

8/99: Martin, Robert T. (Bob), 1987
Letter, application, checklist, list of recommenders, list of nominees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Real Estate Commission

8/100: Martin, Steve Jackson, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Mentally Retarded, Developmentally Disabled and Mentally Ill Offenders

8/101: Martin, Susan C., 1990
Letter, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

8/102: Martin, William C., III, 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

8/103: Martinec, Joseph David, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Interagency Council for Genetic Services

8/104: Martinez, Daniel, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, brochure, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors

8/105: Martinez, H. (Pulse), 1988
Letter, biographical information, and list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee, of which he was a member

8/106: Martinez, Vidal Gregory, 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, and the University of Houston Board of Regents

8/107: Massad, Alexander Hamilton (Alex), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, Checklist, photograph, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

8/108: Masterson, Ann Black, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Commission for the Blind

8/109: Mathers, George B., Jr. (Ben), 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Agricultural Diversification Board

8/110: Matheson, Daniel N., III, 1988 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklists, information on the law firm of Johnson & Swanson of which he was a shareholder, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Select Interim Committee on Capital Construction, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas State University System Board of Regents

8/111: Matteson, Worth Latimer, III, 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

8/112: Matthews, Charles R., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, resolution, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Turnpike Authority

8/113: Matthews, Douglas Wayne, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, newsletter, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Lamar University Board of Regents

8/114: Mattly, James Brenton, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Task Force on Waste Reduction and Minimization

8/115: Mauro, Gary Paul, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

8/116: Maxwell, Donald A., 1987-1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to and as chairman of the Automated Information and Telecommunications Council, 1987 and 1988, and to and chairman of the Department of Information Resources, 1989

8/117: Maxwell, Harold Clayton, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors

8/118: May, Larry Steven, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs, 1988 and 1989, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the West Central Texas Regional Community Development Review Committee, 1988

8/119: May, Mary Lou (Lou), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

8/120: May, Robert Edward (Ed), 1990
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to be Judge of the 149th Judicial District Court in Brazoria County

8/121: Mayfield, Jack, 1988
Letter, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

8/122: Mealy, Christopher Alexander (Chris), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, clipping, authority to release information form, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to and as vice chairman of the Board of Pardons and Paroles

8/123: Means, Terry Robert, 1988
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, news release, authority to release information form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Justice of the Tenth Court of Appeals

8/124: Medaille, John C., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications

8/125: Meek, Paul D., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Public Utility Commission of Texas

8/126: Meeks, James Oliver, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

8/127: Melass, David, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Structural Control Advisory Board

8/128: Melton, Dean E., 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

8/129: Menard, Shirley Ann Waltz, 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities

8/130: Mensden, Walter Henry, Jr., 1987
Application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

8/131: Mercer, Edward Bernard, 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

8/132: Mercurio, Anthony Thomas, 1987 & 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Texas Supreme Court regarding nomination as director of the State Bar of Texas, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Surplus Property Agency

8/133: Mercurio, Elizabeth Lisa Oppolzer (Lisa), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

8/134: Merritt, Thomas C., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Sabine River Authority Board of Directors

8/135: Messec, Wendel Carl (Carl), 1987-1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors

8/136: Metcalf, Jim, 1987
Letter, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Los-Income Persons Program

8/137: Meyer, Randall, 1987
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

8/138: Meyer, Walter J., III, 1990
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Sex Offender Treatment

8/139: Meyerson, Morton H. (Mort), 1987-1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, and to and as chairman of the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, 1987, 1988, and 1989

8/140: Michael, Joan Johnson, 1988
Letters and biographical information regarding appointment to the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Advisory Committee

8/141: Middlebrook, George G., III, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Angelina and Neches River Authority Board of Directors

8/142: Mikeska, Billy Jackson (Bill), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Concho River Water and Soil Conservation Authority

8/143: Miles, Winona Ruth Wilson, 1989
Letters. application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

8/144: Miller, Catherine McCartney, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council

8/145: Miller, Charles, 1987-1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees from the Greater Houston Chamber of Commerce, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force, 1987, to and as chairman of the Select Committee on Education, 1988, to the Task Force on Public Education, 1989, and to and as chairman of the Educational Economic Policy Center Committee, 1990

8/146: Miller, Jarvis, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

8/147: Miller, Joseph Neal, Jr. (Neal), 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Environmental Affairs Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

8/148: Miller, Lance A., 1989
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and the Houston Ship Channel

8/149: Miller, Robert Daniel, 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of nominees, booklet on the battleship Texas, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State to and as chairman of the Battleship Texas Advisory Board

8/150: Miller, Stanford Eugene (Sandy), 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers

8/151: Milling, Marcus E., 1990
Letters, memo, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Enhanced Oil Recovery Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

8/152: Mills, Elizabeth E. Dickey, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Mentally Retarded, Developmentally Disabled and Mentally Ill Offenders

8/153: Minard, Roger C., 1990
Letters, biographical information, list of available appointments through November 4, 1988, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Educational Excellence Committee

8/154: Minor, John L., Jr., 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Real Estate Commission

8/155: Miramontes, Victor, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, report by him " to the International Industrialization of the Texas-Mexico Border," and list of members of the Governor's Hispanic Business Advisory Committee of which he was a member

8/156: Mitchell, Auburn L., 1987 & 1988
Letters, biographical information, press release, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Southern States Energy Board, and the Enhanced Recovery Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

8/157: Mitchell, Ellen Maria Powers, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, clipping, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Peace Officers' Memorial Advisory Committee

8/158: Mitchell, Gregory Eldon (Greg), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

8/159: Moak, Lynn M., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Department of Information Resources

8/160: Monaghan, Robert L. (Bob), 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the State Depository Board

8/161: Moncrief, C. B., 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Energy Council

8/162: Moncrief, Michael Joseph, 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation

8/163: Moncrief, W. A., Jr. (Tex), 1987
Letters, biographical information, lists of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force and the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, and to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the University of Texas System Board of Regents

8/164: Monk, Betty Jo Niceler, 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teacher Appraisal System and Career Ladders Program

8/165: Monreal, Nick, Jr., 1987
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Policy Advisory Council for the Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons Program

8/166: Monroe, Frank, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, report on election results of the Teacher Retirement System, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas Board of Trustees

8/167: Montague, Cecil Jack (Jack), 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies

8/168: Montford, John T., 1987
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Western States Water Council regarding appointment to that agency

8/169: Montgomery, Philip, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Turnpike Authority Board of Directors

Series 1, Box 9: Appointee Files, Moo - Pac

9/1: Moody, Billy L., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Pecos River Compact Commission

9/2: Moor, Theodoric Edwin, Jr. (Ted), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lamar University Board of Regents

9/3: Moore, Ben Harold, Jr., 1988 & 1989
Letter, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Interagency Council on Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

9/4: Moore, Cecil H. (C. H.), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

9/5: Moore, Gene Autry, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, list of members of the Vocational Education Task Force of which he was a member, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Welfare Reform Task Force

9/6: Moore, Jerry D., 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners

9/7: Moore, Jerry Lloyd, Jr. (Jay), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Board of Directors

9/8: Moore, Patricia, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice from the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

9/9: Moore, Robert H., III, 1990
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, authority to release information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 118th Judicial District Court in Glasscock, Howard, and Martin Counties

9/10: Moorhouse, Carolyn Louise Thornton, 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners District Three Review Committee

9/11: Morales, Santa Robles, 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Barber Examiners

9/12: Morgan, Jack A., 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

9/13: Morgan, Richard Lee (Dick), 1987-1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, DPS clearance forms, transcript of the testimony of John T. Miller before the Senate Nominations Committee in the confirmation hearing for Morgan, list of litigation in which the Department of Labor and Standards and/or the Commissioner is a party, records of separations in 1987, 1988, and 1988, record of funds received from the Manufactured Housing Title Fees and expended by the Texas Department of Labor and Standards, 1988-1989, narrative description of the reorganization of the department put in place since February, 1987, reports of the activities of department field representatives between September 1988 and January 1989, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Commissioner of the Texas Department of Labor and Standards, 1987 1989 and request to withdraw the latter, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Manufactured Homeowners' Recovery Fund Board of Trustees, 1987 and 1989

9/14: Morgan, Theodore R., 1989
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to be Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

9/15: Morgan, Thomas S., 1988
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board

9/16: Morris, Ingrid Broughton, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Old San Antonio Road Preservation Commission

9/17: Morris, James Garnett (Jim), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners, and request to withdraw the appointment

9/18: Morris, Jack Richard (Rick), 1989
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Judge of the 146th Judicial District Court in Bell County

9/19: Morris, Joseph Benjamin (Joe), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, application to inspect public records, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to be Judge of the 101st Judicial District Court in Dallas County

9/20: Morriss, James C., III, 1988
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding the Task Force on Waste Management Policy

9/21: Morriss, Martha Williams, 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, and to the Texas Commission on the Arts

9/22: Morriss, Patrick Michael (Pat), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment as District Attorney for the 271st Judicial District in Jack and Wise Counties

9/23: Morriss, Robert Lewis, 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council

9/24: Morriss, William Offenhauser, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, agency information sheet, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Sulphur River Basin Authority Board of Directors

9/25: Morrow, Jim, 1987
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

9/26: Morton, Richard Albert Dunlap (Rad or Dunny), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Medical Examiners

9/27: Mosbacker, Robert A., Jr. (Rob), 1987 & 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, lists of members of the Job Training coordinating Council of which he was a member, 1987, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Human Services, 1987, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Governor's Welfare Reform Task and the State Job Training Coordinating Council, 1988

9/28: Mosbacker, Robert A., Sr., 1987 & 1988
Letters, lists of members, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Superconducting Super Collider High Energy Research Facility Advisory Council, and to the Governor's Energy Council

9/29: Moser, Chris Allen, 1987
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, agency information sheet, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Family Farm and Ranch Advisory Council

9/30: Mosier, James C. (J. C.), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommended appointees from Harris County Republican Party, list of r recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education

9/31: Mosley, Shelley Denise, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Motorcycle Operator Training and Safety Advisory Committee

9/32: Moss, Donald Eugene, 1987 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Council on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders

9/33: Moye, Hazel Marie Devini, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of state regarding appointments to the Teacher's Professional Practices Commission

9/34: Millican, Jerry, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

9/35: Munger, Nancy Ellen Moar, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Dear

9/36: Munn, John William (Bill), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications

9/37: Munoz, Thalia H., 1987
Letter, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Commission for the Deaf

9/38: Muns, James N., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, list of nominees, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Turnpike Commission

9/39: Muns, Nedon Conway, III, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Cosmetology Commission

9/40: Murchison, Lucille Hughes Gannon (Lupe), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the North Texas State University Board of Regents

9/41: Murphy, Sammy, 1987
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Port Aransas Bar, Corpus Christi Bay, and Tributaries

9/42: Murrah, David J., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Historical Records Advisory Commission

9/43: Murray, Edward D., 1987
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners

9/44: Murray, James Glenn (Ken), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers

9/45: Murray, Robert Crocker (Bob), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education

9/46: Murray, W. J., Jr. (Bill), 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

9/47: Musser-Kratzer, Glenda Marie Weaver, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Structural Pest Control Board

9/48: Myers, Raymond Haskell Jackson, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Trinity River Authority of Texas Board of Directors

9/49: Nabors, James L., 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, s, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Historical Commission

9/50: Naccarato, Victor Tom, Jr. (Nick), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Texas Jubilee Commission

9/51: Nall, Joe Murray, 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Underground Storage Tank Advisory Committee

9/52: Nash, Charles Durham (Chuck), 1987-1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, DPS clearance form, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, 1987, and to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to and chairman of the same agency, 1987, 1988, and 1989

9/53: Nash, Charles D., Sr., 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Aviation

9/54: Nash, Joel Moore, 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the San Jacinto Historical Advisory Board

9/55: Navarro, Don, 1987
Letter, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Business Development and Jobs Creation Task Force

9/56: Navarro, Wilfred, 1989
Letters, applications, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Credit Union Commission

9/57: Neal, Berry Marion Simpson, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

9/58: Neal, James, 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

9/59: Neal, Nancy Ruth Tiffin, 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, photograph, DPS clearance form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

9/60: Neff, Dennis E., 1987
Letter, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

9/61: Neff, Monroe C., 1987 & 1990
Letters, biographical information, checklist, reports and other materials on the Houston Community College System program on adult literacy, DPS clearance forms, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Literacy Council

9/62: Neff, Monroe C.
continuation of the previous file

9/63: Neely, L. C., Jr. (Chaz), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

9/64: Neely, Pat James, Jr., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

9/65: Neely, Robert Burton, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the deaf

9/66: Neely, Thomas Allen (Tom), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, DPS clearance form, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 46th Judicial District Court in Foard, Hardeman, and Wilbarger Counties

9/67: Neild, Patricia Ann Madida Cantella (Patty), 1988 & 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Pilot Commission for the Sabine Bar, Pass, and Tributaries

9/68: Nelms, Alfred, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Commission for the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

9/69: Nelson, J. David (David), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Commission on Jail Standards

9/70: Nelson, Leland Delos, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Texas Municipal Retirement System Board of Trustees

9/71: Neutzler, Glenn Dale, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Fire Fighters' Relief and Retirement Fund Board of Trustees

9/72: Newsom, Jan Lynn Reimann, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and to the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Interagency Council on Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

9/73: Newsome, Mary Margaret Cullors, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

9/74: Nicks, Oran, 1989
Letter, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Space Commission

9/75: Nix, Dave, 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Agricultural Task Force

9/76: Nixon, Sam A., 1988
Letters, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Rural Medical Education Board

9/77: Nixon, Walter C., 1988
Biographical information and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel

9/78: Noble, Bette Andrews, 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Educational Excellence Committee and request to return the appointment

9/79: Nooner, Donald Randolph, 1989
Letters, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Energy Resources Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

9/80: Norman, Pettis, 1987
List of appointees and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Criminal Justice Task Force for the Comprehensive Review of the Criminal Justice System

9/81: Norman, William Scott (Bill), 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Product Commercialization Advisory Board

9/82: Norris, Neal Lanham, Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

9/83: Norris, S. Don (Don), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Task Force on the Savings and Loan Association

9/84: Norton, Fred Ruben, Jr., 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding to and as chairman of the Long-Term Coordinating Council for the Elderly

9/85: Norton, William Davis, 1988
Letter, applications, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the East Texas State University Board of Regents

9/86: Nottingham, John David, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interagency Council on Mentally Retarded, Developmentally Disabled and Mentally Ill Offenders

9/87: Novoa, Jose Ignacio (Joe), 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers

9/88: Novosad, Garland Scott, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Job Training Coordinating Council

9/89: Novy, James S. (Jim), 1987 & 1990
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of appointees, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Texas Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, and the Texas Veterans Commission

9/90: Nowlin, James Foster (Jim), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Ports of Galveston County

9/91: Nuessle, Joe M., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Pension Review Board

9/92: Nugent, James E. (Jim), 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

9/93: Nugent, James N. (Jim)
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Property Tax Board

9/94: Nugent, Roderick Matthew, Jr. (Rod), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct

9/95: Nutt, Milburn E., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, oath of office form, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Midwestern State University Board of Regents

9/96: Oates, Arnold D., 1988
Letter, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Teachers' Professional Practices Commission

9/97: O'Bannon, Don T., Jr., 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Council on Child Abuse and neglect Prevention (Children's Trust Fun.)

9/98: O'Bannon, Doris, 1988
List of appointees to the Oil Over Charge Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, of which she was a member

9/99: Odom, F. A. (Andy), 1988
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Management Conference

9/100: O'Connell, Peter, Jr., 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission

9/101: Ogburn, Wayne Lee, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, list of members with records of attendance and expenses, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the State Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

9/102: Oldham, Barney J., 1990
Letters application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Fire Department Emergency Board

9/103: Oline, Becky, 1987
Biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

9/104: Oliva, Damaso Andres, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council

9/105: O'Laughlin, Miles W., 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons

9/106: Olsen, Nan, 1989
Letters, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Old San Antonio Road Preservation Commission

9/107: Oltjen, Allan C., 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Animal Health Commission

9/108: Oles, Charles Patrick, Jr. (Pat), 1987-1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists and appointment notices to the Texas Senate and to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors, 1987 and 1989, and to the Governor's Committee on Water Resources Management, 1988

9/109: O'Neill, Betty Jeane Bates (Jeannee), 1987
Application, biographical information, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

9/110: O'Neill, Michael Jerome (Mike), 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, list of recommended appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 193rd Judicial District Court in Dallas County

9/111: O'Reilly, Helen Ann Phillips, 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Dietitians

9/112: Orr, James W., 1987 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Radiation Advisory Board, and the State Board of Dental Examiners

9/113: Ortega, Martha Alicia Calderon, 1987
Application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

9/114: Ortega, Rafael, 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Underground Storage Tank Advisory Committee

9/115: Ortego, William A., Jr., 1988
Letter, biographical information, list of recommended appointees, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Select Committee on Education

9/116: Ortiz, DeAnna Garza, 1989
Letters, application, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Governor's Commission for Women

9/117: Ortiz, Horacio (Horace), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Polygraph Examiners Board

9/118: Osborn, Arthur William, 1988
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Board of Land Surveying

9/119: Osborn, William Byron, Jr., 1987
Letters, biographical information, financial disclosure statement, list of appointees, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission

9/120: Osborne, Geraldine Rhoades (Jeri), 1988 & 1990
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Advisory Council on Community Affairs

9/121: Oswalt, Harris Gene, 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, s, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Board of Tax Professional Examiners

9/122: Ottmers, Carol Kingsberry, 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, newsletter, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointment as Public Utility Counsel

9/123: Ouellette, Daniel Shaw (Dan), 1988 & 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors, 1988 and 1989, and to the Texas State University System Board of Regents, 1989

9/124: Overbeck, Nannette Muriel Nau, 1988 & 1990
Application, biographical information, checklists, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments to the Home Health Services Advisory Council

9/125: Owen, Diane Graves, 1987
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment to the Texas Department of Commerce Board of Directors

9/126: Owens, Jerome, 1987
Letters, certificates of disqualification, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State regarding appointments as Special County Judge in Tyler County in causes number 5729 and 6079

9/127: Pace, Barbara, 1988 & 1989
Letters, biographical information, checklists, list of recommenders, and appointment notices to the Secretary of State and the Texas Senate regarding appointments to the Texas Committee on Purchases of Products and Services of Blind and Severely Disabled Persons

9/128: Pace, Robert Kelley (Bob), 1989
Letters, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, and appointment notice to the Texas Senate regarding appointment to the Brazos River Authority Board of Directors

9/129: Packer, Anne Ashby, 1988
Letters, memos, application, biographical information, checklist, list of recommenders, photograph, and appointment notice to the Secretary of State regarding appointment as Judge of the 134th Judicial District Court in Dallas County

Constituent Correspondence, Aa-At

1/1: Aaronson, David M. - Absher, Truett, 1987

1/2: Abakwue, Sunday - Acuff, Claudia, 1988

1/3: Adair, Kent T. - Adkisson, William Robert, 1988

1/4: Ace, Odella - Adams, Milton B., 1987

1/5: Adams, Murry E. - Adrian, Paul, 1987

1/6: Afflecback, Ella - Akins, Sid, 1987

1/7: Agee, Betty C. - Albrecht, Ernest, 1988

1/8: Albright, Vivian - Alkek, Albert, 1988

1/9: Alaniz, Baldemar U. - Al - Hilali, Jabin, 1987

1/10: All, Bill - Allen, Larry, 1987

1/11: Allen, Lewis P. - Allsbrooks, W. B., 1987

1/12: Allaway, William - Allison, Everette, 1988

1/13: Allison, Howard - Amundsen, Robert F., 1988

1/14: Almond, Bill - Amundsen, Robert F., 1987

1/15: Anaipakos, Ioannis V. - Andrepont, 1988

1/16: Andrews, Alice - Aquiarm, Jackie, 1988

1/17: Andrus, Howard L. - Aquirre, Augusto F., 1987

1/18: Araiza, Peggy - Armstrong, William E., 1987

1/19: Anastas, Robert - Anderson, Jack D., 1987

1/20: Anderson, James F. - Andrews, Ray, 1987

1/21: Arndell, A. M. - Arnoldy, Riman, 1987

1/22: Arnott, Kevia - Arzola, Jose, 1987

1/23: Arambla, Patricia - Atkinson, Thomas E., 1988

1/24: Atnip, Beverly - Ayers, Richard P., 1988

1/25: Asgharian, Mojgan - Ater, Helen B., 1987

1/26: Athas, Howard K. - Atwood, Lala, 1987

Constituent Correspondence, Fi-Gar

10/1: Fichter, Joni Hruska - Fisher, Rodney, 1988

10/2: Fisher, Ruthie - Fix, Ronald E., 1988

10/3: Fialho, Vincent F. - Fili, William J., 1987

10/4: Filippone, Marion J. - Firth, Mike, 1987

10/5: Fiscella, George - Fitzgerald, Jeri, 1987

10/6: Fitzgerald, Laura P. - Fitzsimmons, Hugh A., Jr., 1987

10/7: Fjordbak, Ed - Flynn, James A., 1987

10/8: Flagg, James H. - Flores, Marion T., 1988

10/9: Florey, John D. - Ford, Charlotte, 1988

10/10: Ford, David A. - Foster, Tracy, 1988

10/11: Foard, Cheryl - Ford, Martha, 1987

10/12: Ford, Nan C. - Fortune, Ellis O., 1987

10/13: Forward, C. K. - Foster, Wayne, 1987

10/14: Fountain, Jim - Foxworth, Steve, 1987

10/15: Found, Philip - Free, E. W., 1988

10/16: Freeland, H. D. - Fry, Heather, 1988

10/17: Frady, Velma - Franks, Jon M., 1987

10/18: Frantz, Joseph F. - Frazzini, Jennifer, 1987

10/19: Frederick, Hough K. - Friedeck, S. R., 1987

10/20: Friedmann, B. J. - Fryer, Ward, 1987

10/21: Fuchs, Julie - Funk, Marjorie, 1987

10/22: Fuentes, Clara - Gage, Jenny, 1988

10/23: Gainer, Bill - Galyean, E. L., 1988

10/24: Gaberino, James D. - Gallegly, M. F., 1987

10/25: Gallegos, Eddie - Gaylean, E. L., 1987

10/26: Gamble, Bessie D. - Garcia, Ulises, 1988

10/27: Garcia, Velma - Gary, Jordan, 1988

10/28: Gamble, David S. - Garcia, Cindy, 1987

10/29: Garcia, Daniel - Garcia, Viola M., 1987

Constituent Correspondence, Gar-Gre

11/1: Garden, Douglas - Garretson, C. M., 1987

11/2: Garrett, Charles - Garza, Sylvia V., 1987

11/3: Gaskie, B. S. - Gazzola, Kenneth E., 1987

11/4: Gean, Lillian Branson - Gerhart, L. L., 1987

11/5: Gerhardt, Wayne - Getzendaner, W. H., 1987

11/6: Ghabban, Issim A. al - Gibson, Windel M., 1987

11/7: Garth, John - Gasparek, Betty R., 1988

11/8: Gass, Lois - Gaytan, Elva S., 1988

11/9: Gearing, Pauline L. - Gibson, V. L., 1988

11/10: Gidden, E. W. - Gillum, George, 1987

11/11: Giddings, Kathy - Gist, Larry, 1988

11/12: Guiffre, Sam - Glueck, Brian Wesley, 1988

11/13: Gilmer, Jesse B. - Glass, Lawrence S., 1987

11/14: Glass, T. F., Jr. - Glydewell, Edith, 1987

11/15: Goacher, Rich - Gonzales, Alexander J., 1988

11/16: Gonzales, Belen - Gonzales, Roy, 1988

11/17: Gnam, Ed - Goldman, Mary E., 1987

11/18: Goldwater, Mary - Gonzalez, Yolanda, 1987

11/19: Gooch, Doug - Goss, Billye R., 1987

11/20: Goss, C. T. - Goya, 1987

11/21: Good, Bill - Gorrell, Glen and Olive, 1988

11/22: Goss, Steve - Grahmaun, M. Ansatasia, 1988

11/23: Grabber, Marcie - Graham, Will, 1987

11/24: Grainger, Jack - Gray, David N., 1987

11/25: Gray, Fred - Grazdan, Arthur R., 1987

11/26: Graley, Timothy H. - Green, Charles H., 1988

11/27: Green, Donald L. - Green, Nelson N., 1988

Constituent Correspondence, Gre-Har

12/1: Green, Robert L., Jr. - Greytok, Marta, 1988

12/2: Greak, Jennifer - Green, William B., III, 1987

12/3: Greene, Bashara - Gregory, Caroline K., 1987

12/4: Gregory, Frances T. - Greve, Cynthia S., 1987

12/5: Grice, Allan G. - Griffin, Patrina A., 1987

12/6: Griffin, Lewis C., Sr.
Letter to him and letters from several members of St. Stephen Baptist Church in San Antonio regarding opposing sex education programs

12/7: Griffin, Priscilla - Grimshaw, Maurene, 1987

12/8: Grinbergs, Kuret - Grizzel, Billie, 1987

12/9: Grmela, Madeline - Gryder, Mames F., 1987

12/10: Grichar, W. J. - Grusendorf, Bill, 1988

12/11: Guay, Jean - Guittard, Clarence A., 1987

12/12: Gubanski, Marilyn - Gurner, Anderea, 1988

12/13: Gustafson, Eric - Gwathmey, Leola H., 1988

12/14: Gulino, Jim - Guthrie, Richard A., 1987

12/15: Gutierrez, Amelia D. - Gwin, R. M., 1987

12/16: H, R. C. - Haggard, Eimoce, 1987 (?)

12/17: Haggard, H. H. - Halford, Lee, 1987

12/18: Hall, Al - Hall, Wallace R., 1987

12/19: Hadaway, Weldon - Hall, Candy, 1988

12/20: Hall, David S. - Hall, Wilbert, 1988

12/21: Hallead, Vern - Hamilton, Willie, 1987

12/22: Hamker, William D. - Hamric, Dan, 1987

12/23: Hallam, Marge - Hammett, Anthony W., II, 1988

12/24: Hammett, Diane E. - Hamrick, Cindy, 1987

12/25: Han, Tom - Hansen, Donald L., 1987

12/26: Hansen, Elmer E. - Hanszen, Gerry T., 1987

12/27: Hanak, Joan P. - Harden, Winnie Hortense, 1988

12/28: Harder, Robert L. - Harlow, Wallace R., 1988

12/29: Hapner, Betty - Hardy, Charles E., 1987

12/30: Hardy, Hugh W. - Harkins, Ruby, 1987

12/31: Harman, David E. - Harrell, Donna, 1987

Constituent Correspondence, Har-Hin

13/1: Harrell, Evelyn R. - Harris, Helen, 1987

13/2: Harris, Homer F. - Harris - Baker, Marla L., 1987

13/3: Harman, Minnie Tahey - Harris - Covington, Candice, 1988

13/4: Harrison, Eileen - Hastem, Angela, 1988

13/5: Hastings, C. F. - Hayes, Neal A., 1988

13/6: Hayes, Thomas H. - Hazzard, Carl, 1988

13/7: Harrison, Adlene - Hartwig, Frank J., 1987

13/8: Harvard, Jack - Hatridge, Stephen A., 1987

13/9: Hatten, Patricia - Hayes, Drusilla, 1987

13/10: Hayes, James A., Jr. - Hazzard, Gwen G., 1987

13/11: Head, Maggie - Hebert, Juanita, 1987

13/12: Heckard, Richard A. - Helge, Doris, 1987

13/13: Helgeson, Carol R. - Helvey, James L., 1987

13/14: Heacock, Craig - Helfenbein, Ila F., 1988

13/15: Helland, Hans R. F. - Henson, William, 1988

13/16: Hemming, John - Hennessey, Cindy, 1987

13/17: Henning, Joe - Henzler, James M., 1987

13/18: Hepperle, James - Herr, Carol, 1987

13/19: Hernan, Bob, 1987
Letters and cassette of his song "This Is My Land"

13/20: Herren, S. P. - Heyne, Manfred J., 1987

13/21: Herbert, Janie - Herzig, Paul, 1988

13/22: Herzog, Gene - Higdon, Buster W., 1988

13/23: Higgins, Bobette - Hignite, Karl and Geneva, 1988

13/24: Hiatt, Evelyn Levsky - Higbe, James L., 1987

13/25: Higby, Norman P., Jr. - Hightower, Mildred, 1987

13/26: Hildebrand, Betty - Hill, Ruth E., 1987

13/27: Hill, S. - Hilton, Jerry, 1987

13/28: Hilbun, Thomas - Hinojosa, David F., 1988

13/29: Hinojosa, Elias - Hineshew, E., 1988

Constituent Correspondence, Hin-Hy

14/1: Hindes, Roy - Hixson, Charles O., 1987

14/2: Hlavacek, Jean Anne - Hoffer, Bob, 1988

14/3: Hoffma, Bryan - Hollenhorst, Ermalinda, 1988

14/4: Holliday, Ronald L. - Holy Rosary School, 1988

14/5: Hlavinka, Patricia - Hoffman, Alex, 1987

14/6: Hoffman, David - Hoke, C. Neil, 1987

14/7: Holbrook, James F. - Holloway, John O., 1987

14/8: Holloway, Milton L. - Holstead, Joe, 1987

14/9: Holston, Jaycee - Holzhaus, Becky, 1987

14/10: Homeyer, Linda A. - Hoover, Mary Alice, 1987

14/11: Hoover, Maude - Hoppers, The Clogg, 1987

14/12: Horak, Daniel - Houck, Cynthia A., 1987

14/13: Houck, F. R. - Houts, C. O., 1987

14/14: Hom, Steven G. - Horak, Hank, 1988

14/15: Hooper, Mary Beth, 1988
Letters and petitions concerning an investigation of the operations of the Cherokee County Electric Cooperative

14/16: Hornaday, William D. - Houtz, Kenneth H., 1988

14/17: Hovland, John C. - Hromatka, Ed., 1988

14/18: Hubbard, G. T. - Huffard, Jewel, 1988

14/19: Huffines, James - Husung, Myra, 1988

14/20: Hoven, Albert - Hoyt, Ken, 1987

14/21: Hrncir, Julia F. - Hudson, Annette, 1987

14/22: Hudson, Cindy - Hufford, R. H., 1987

14/23: Huggins, Kevin - Hund, Cyncy, 1988

14/24: Hundley, Patricia - Hyten, Jeff, 1988

14/25: Huggins, Sharon Y. - Huids, E. F., Jr., 1987

14/26: Hulen, Thomas Guy - Humpola, Cyril, 1987

14/27: Hund, Patricia - Hunt, Myrtle D., 1987

14/28: Hunt, Sandra Annette
Correspondence and other documents concerning a position with and a dispute with the Texas Cosmetology Commission

14/29: Hunt, Tom - Hussman, Harry, 1987

14/30: Hutcheson, Barry W. - Hyson, Marshall, Jr., 1987

Constituent Correspondence, Ian-Kap

15/1: Iannuzzi, Frank J. - Ivy, Joe, 1988

15/2: Ivy, Scott - Jacobson, Chevon, 1988

15/3: Iacocca, Lee - Inzateri, Joseph D., 1987

15/4: Isham, Mary - Izard, John O., 1987

15/5: Ivy, Michael, 1987
Letters and other documents regarding his problem with Texas State Technical Institute - - Sweetwater

15/6: Jabal, Maryum - Jackson, Lee F., 1987

15/7: Jackson, Lynn O., Sr. - Jacoby, Michelle, 1987

15/8: Jadot, Albert F. - Janecka, M. Valerie, 1987

15/9: Janica, Kelly R. - Jayson, Bill, 1987

15/10: Jaeger, Steven C. - Jayne, Jerr, 1988

15/11: Jaynes, Mary - Jette, Ruth S., 1988

15/12: Jean, Diane - Jennyman, C. J., 1987

15/13: Jensen, Ann - Jewett, Claude I., 1987

15/14: Jillette, Jonathan - Johnson, Earnest, 1988

15/15: Johnson, Eddie Bernice - Johnson, Reta, 1988

15/16: Johnson, Richard J. V. - Johnson, William J., 1988

15/17: Jiles, Charles W. - Johnson, Carla, 1987

15/18: Johnson, Carol - Johnson, W. Barney, 1987
Note: Some of the items in 15 - 18 are misfiled and should be in the next two folders.

15/19: Johnson, Harold and Rose Marie - Johnson, Robert S., 1987

15/20: Johnson, Rodney - Johnson, William T., 1987

15/21: Johnston, Bob - Jonas, Lynn O., 1987

15/22: Jones, A. R. (Red) - Jones, George M., 1987

15/23: Jones, Gerry - Jones, Orville, 1987

15/24: Jones, A. E. - Jones, Lois, 1988

15/25: Jones, Luther - Jouppi, Arvid F., 1988

15/26: Joyner, Lee A., Jr. - Justus, Betty, 1988

15/27: Jones, Pam - Joplin, Mike, 1987

15/28: Jordan, Barbara, 1987
High School for Careers - Jourdanton Junior High School

15/29: Juarez, Jacinto P. - Justin, K. H. Tom, II, 1987

15/30: K, M. M. - Kapanik, Joe F., 1988

15/31: Kapka, Mark, 1987
Correspondence and other documents regarding his dispute with the Texas Employment Commission

Constituent Correspondence, Kap-Lam

16/1: Kaplan, Barbara B. - Kazmierski, Bierney R., 1987

16/2: Kabell, Kevin - Kay, Grace R., 1988

16/3: Kay, James R. - Kelm, Tom, 1988

16/4: Keahey, Kyle - Kelley, Maruine, 1987

16/5: Kelley, Nancy - Kemp, Sheila, 1987

16/6: Kendall, Kuy - Kerser, Lee, 1987

16/7: Kersh, Katie - Keyworth, W. M., 1987

16/8: Kenaston, Deborah - Key, George Elliott, 1988

16/9: Key, J. R.
Letters and other documents regarding the detention of his wife Martha in a Texas "psycho - prison" hospital in Texas

16/10: Key, Wilson - Kimmons, Bettie, 1988

16/11: Khan, Attiya S. - Killman, Dorothy, 1987

16/12: Kilmartin, Margaret - Kimsey, Ky Ann, 1987

16/13: King, Byron B. - Kirkland, Raymond, 1988

16/14: Kirkland, Woodrow - Kjellsen, Bryan, 1988

16/15: Kinard, J. H. - King, Raymond D., 1987

16/16: King, Renee - Kintzel, Roger S., 1987 (?)

16/17: Kirbling, Sandra F. - Kirkwood, Priscilla, 1987

16/18: Kirsch, Jo Ann - Kizerian, Gerald D., 1987

16/19: Klaassen, Peter J. - Kocsis, Mary Ann, 1988

16/20: Koenig, Emil - Kozmetsky, George, 1988

16/21: Klappenbach, E. J. - Knapp, Herbert W., 1987

16/22: Knapp, Linda J. - Knutson, Youel and Josie, 1987

16/23: Kobobel, Kenneth C. - Kops, Ralph P., 1987

16/24: Koranek, Robert A. - Kozmetsky, George, 1987

16/25: Kraft, Doris - Kuhn, Elizabeth M., 1988

16/26: Kuischhenko, J. - Kyser, W. R., 1988

16/27: Krage, Pamela - Krystyniak, Karol, 1987

16/28: Kubacak, James F. - Kyzar, Elma H., 1987

16/29: Laastad, Michael - Lamson, Scott, 1988

Constituent Correspondence, Lc-Lon

17/1: LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority) - Lairson, Charlene, 1987

17/2: Lairson, Earl C. - Lamza, Jon K., 1987

17/3: Lancaster, G. - Langdon, Walter, 1987

17/4: Lange, Eugene and Jo - Lantz, Mary Jean, 1987

17/5: Lape, Constance O. - Laurie, Lawrence J., Jr., 1987

17/6: Laursen, G. Paul - Lawhorn, T. L., 1987

17/7: Land, Delia - Lanoue, Joseph M., 1988

17/8: Lansford, Christopher Hans - Lavis, Charles, 1988

17/9: Lawler, Erid A. - Lazzara, Gerard S., Sr., 1987

17/10: Lawler, William T. - Lebow, Joseph, 1988

17/11: Lea, Anita - Lebow, Patricia, 1987
Note: There is duplication of parts of the alphabet in the following two folders.

17/12: Lebowitz, Ed - Lee, Todd Daniel, 1987

17/13: Lebowitz, Ed - Lee, Peter M., 1987

17/14: Lee, Ray - Leet, Patricia Ann, 1987

17/15: Lee, Judy - Lester, Ruth, 1988

17/16: Letchworth, James - Lewis, Virgil H., 1988

17/17: LeFan, C. H. - Lemmon, Judy, 1987

17/18: Lemmond, Anita S. - Leszinske, W. O., 1987

17/19: Leth, Laura K. - Leyva, Mario R., 1987

17/20: Liban, Shemsaedin, M. - Lindsey, A. D., 1988

17/21: Light, Don, 1988
Correspondence and cassette tape concerning his quest for a certified copy of his driving record

17/22: Lindsey, Carl, Jr. - Lloyd, Steve, 1988

17/23: Lhota, Mary K. - Lindsey, Donald, 1987

17/24: Lindsey, Doris - Linville, Ernest D., 1987

17/25: Lionetti, P. J. - Littleton, John A., 1987

17/26: Littleton, Richard K. - Lloyd, Jason, 1987

17/27: Lochridge, Thomas N. - Logue, Lester L., 1987

17/28: Lohse, Alfred - Lonyowa, Oscar, 1987

Constituent Correspondence, LoB-Mat

18/1: LoBean, Allen C. - Longoria, Bobby, 1988

18/2: Looney, Edna - Lout, J. H., 1988

18/3: Lout, Shelley - Luken, Richard E., 1988

18/4: Lumbley, James - Lyons, Kelly R., 1988

18/5: Loomis, Frederick H. - Lovell, Ruth, 1987

18/6: Lovett, Dawn - Lozano, Nancy, 1987

18/7: Lubben, John F. - Lupher, ill L., 1987

18/8: Lupo, Kurt - Lynch, Paul J., 1987

18/9: Lynch, Robert A. - Lytton, Channon R., 1987

18/10: Maberry, Geneva - Macy, Ruth, 1987

18/11: Maberry, Adam - Makowski, John J., 1988

18/12: Madalin, Herbert E. - Maksoud, Clovis, 1987

18/13: Malacord, Mark - Manning, Dorcus, 1988

18/14: Manns, Phyllis - Mardon, Ernest, 1988

18/15: Malcolm, Robert - Mankin, Patricia L., 1987

18/16: Mankowski, Kathy - Manzano, Jean, 1987

18/17: Mapel, Jim - Marks, Julius Wayne, 1987

18/18: Marks, Kenneth L. - Martens, Ron and Judy, 1987

18/19: Marek, Charles J., Jr. - Marshall, James L., 1988

18/20: Marshall, John Wesley, Jr. - Martin, Suzanne, 1988

18/21: Martin, A. J. - Martin, William H., 1987

18/22: Martines, Deanie - Marynick, Samuel P., 1987

18/23: Martineau, Richard J. - Massey, Bert V., II, 1988

18/24: Massey, Janie - Matusiak, Constance, 1988

18/25: Mascorro, Janetha Hebel - Mathew, Ernest, 1987

Constituent Correspondence, Mat-Mor

19/1: Mathews, DeWayne - Matzinger, Michael J., 1987

19/2: Maughn, Robert D. - Mayers, Charles W., 1987

19/3: Mayes, Deborah A. - Mba, Anthony O., 1987

19/4: Mead, Stecay D. - Medrano, Joe, 1987

19/5: Meek, Keith - Melton, William D., 1987

19/6: Maul, Al E. - Mayo, Sharon, 1988

19/7: Mays, Edward E. - Micaller, Al, 1988

19/8: Menasco, Micherle R. - Messer, Mat, 1987

19/9: Messersmith, David - Meza, Myra, 1987

19/10: Mead, Stacey M. - Miller, Buck J., 1988

19/11: Miller, Carl - Miller, William H., 1988

19/12: Michael, Albert C. - Millecam, Aart, 1987

19/13: Miller, Aaron D. - Miller, George S., 1987

19/14: Miller, Gladys L. - Miller, William C., 1987

19/15: Millican, Floyd E. - Milner, Terrie, 1987

19/16: Milsap, Barbara Jean - Mitchell, George, 1987

19/17: Mitchell, H. D. - Mize, Gary, 1987

19/18: Michaelis, Dennis - Milkman, Raymond H., 1988

19/19: Miller, R. V., Jr. - Minnick, Tony P., 1988

19/20: Minnix, M. K. - Mizell, Nancy, 1988

19/21: Mlot - Mroz, Jozef - Monarch, Mitzi G., 1987

19/22: Moncrief, Charles R. - Montz, M. M., 1987

19/23: Mobaraken, Arezoo - Monroe, Dennis L., 1988

19/24: Monroe, Marilyn - Moore, William R., 1988

19/25: Mood, R. E., Sr. - Moore, Cindy, 1987

19/26: Moore, Claire - Moore, Margaret H., 1987

19/27: Moore, N. A., Jr. - Morello, Albert, 1987

Constituent Correspondence, Au-Ben

2/1: Aubrey, Dorothy - Azbell, Tom, 1987

2/2: Bass, H. R. - Bahm, Sandy, 1987

2/3: Baida, Tec - Baird, Kenneth H., 1987

2/4: Baker, Annette S. - Baker, Nolan, 1987

2/5: Baker, Pete - Baker, Walter L., 1987

2/6: Baland, R. R. - Banther, Charles, 1987

2/7: Babbitt, Judith L. - Baker, John L., 1988

2/8: Baker, Kimberly S. - Balsam, Douglas, 1988

2/9: Baltz, Ellen L. - Banvard, E. G., 1988

2/10: Barbary, George - Barlow, Mickey, 1987

2/11: Barbee, Mark W. - Barnum, Jenilee, 1988

2/12: Barnard, David V., Sr. - Barnwell, Flora Mae, 1987

2/13: Barnhart, Dorothy, 1987
Letter and information on wellness games

2/14: Baros, Milada - Bass, Aarla, J., 1988

2/15: Bass, Carolyn - Bazan, Rodrigo, 1988

2/16: Baron, Bessie H. - Bartlett, Leander A., 1987

2/17: Bartay, Gary K., 1987
Correspondence and information on vocational education

2/18: Baser, Craig Allen - Batie, Zelma, 1987

2/19: Bauchman, Dennis L. - Bazz, Clint, 1987

2/20: Beal, Roy - Beckstrom, Ron, 1987

2/21: Bednar, Wilburn - Bejino, Cynthia, 1988

2/22: Beabey, Theresa C. - Beaver, Roy A., 1987

2/23: Beachlund, James H. - Bekaert, Susan R., 1987

2/24: Belanger, Kenneth F. - Bellows, Dowling G., 1987

2/25: Bellucci, Louie F. - Belzons, Myrtle M., 1987

2/26: Belton, James
Correspondence, clippings, reports, and other materials regarding prisons

2/27: Belcher, Alton - Bell, Sunshine, 1988

2/28: Bellamy, Sheryl - Bentley, Menta H., 1988

Constituent Correspondence, Moo-McK

20/1: Moody, Alvin F. - Morgan, Danny Lee, Jr., 1988

20/2: Morgan, David - Morton, Les, 1988

20/3: Moren, Lyndae - Morris, Gary, 1987

20/4: Morris, Gordon G. - Morton, Helen K., 1987

20/5: Moseley, Gailey C. - Mott, Laura, 1987

20/6: Motwiler, Ronald Lee, 1987
Letter and other documents relating to his claim to Common Law Status and Citizenship in Texas

20/7: Motwani, Lal - Mozos, Sebastian, 1987

20/8: Mosbacher, Robert, Jr. - Mullins, R. C. "Moon", 1988

20/9: Mullins, Sarah - Murphy, Verlene, 1988

20/10: Mraz, John - Munoz, Richard, 1987

20/11: Munroe, Alton - Murphy, Walter J., 1987

20/12: Murray, Janice M. - McAfee, Marie G., 1988

20/13: McAlester, Virginia - McCane, David A., 1988

20/14: Murray, Betty Jo - Myers, L. Keith, 1987

20/15: Myers, M. W. - Myrick, Rhonda M., 1987

20/16: McAdam, William Lee - McMichael, Marlene S., 1987

20/17: McCarley, Bob J. - McCorison, H. R., 1988

20/18: McCrokle, Allen - McCraw A. L., 1988

20/19: McBride, Fannie Louise - McCollum, L. F., 1987

20/20: McComb, R. D. - McCray, Kenny, 1987

20/21: McCreary, Chester - McDowell, John E., 1987

20/22: McDonald, Laura, 1987
Correspondence and other documents about her alleged mistreatment by a psychiatrist in Galveston

20/23: McEacher, Chris - McGirrey, Loren G., 1987

20/24: McCroy, Ron - McElroy, Stephen B., 1988

20/25: McElyea, Eugene M. - McGinn, Charles, 1988

20/26: McGlothlin, Eugene C. - McKinstry, Donna J., 1988

20/27: McKissack, Bob and Malinda - McQueen, Juanita M., 1988

20/28: McGinnis, Ron - McJunkin, H. H., Jr., 1987

20/29: McKamey, G. E. - McKown, Texx, 1987

Constituent Correspondence, McL-Ol

21/1: McLafferty, Gloria - McMahon, Kathryn K., 1987

21/2: McMahon, Michael, McNamee, David F., 1987

21/3: McNames, Lynn - McQuerry, Jerlene C., 1987

21/4: McRae, Gary W. - McWilliams, W. G., 1987

21/5: Marks, Mike - Nayes, Mrs., 1988

21/6: Naaman, Adam - Nazaroff, Joseph F., 1987

21/7: Neal, Ethel L. - Nelson, Lawrence M., 1987

21/8: Nelson, Lee E. - Nelson, V. Richardson, 1987

21/9: Ndubuisi, Nwanegwo Charles - Nelson, James M., 1988

21/10: Nelson, Nathaniel - Newman, Christi, 1988

21/11: Newman, Daniel - Newton, Pauline, 1988

21/12: Nemac, A. E. - Newkirk, Therman, 1987

21/13: Newllin, E. D. - Nezworski, Thomas, 1987

21/14: Nf, Kathy - Nieland, Jeff, 1987

21/15: Nielsen, Christian S. - Nixon, Sam A., 1987

21/16: Nimm, Vicky, 1987
Letters and other materials regarding Jim Hightower, the Texas Department of Agriculture, and Leftist Marxist Socialist Radicals

21/17: Nghiem, Arthur X. - Niedermeyer, Andrea, 1988

21/18: Niehaus, Ralph E. - Nolen, Jerry, 1988

21/19: Nolin, Alma H. - Noyola, Robert, 1988

21/20: Nolte, Bill - Norman, Herman K., 1987

21/21: Norman, T. J., Jr. - Nowls, John E., 1987

21/22: Nubine, Clyde - Nylin, William C., Jr., 1987

21/23: Nuesch, Fred - O'Brien, Diane, 1988

21/24: O'Brien, Hugh - Oetjen, A. H., 1988

21/25: Oakes, Ed W. - Ochse, Wililam, 1987

21/26: Ochsner, Philip A. - Oettinger, Steve J., 1987

21/27: Offtermatt, Wilbur F. - Olson, H. Ted, 1988

21/28: Olson, James - Ortega Elementary School, 1988

21/29: Ortiz, Alberto - Oswald, Robert and Mildred, 1988

21/30: O'Farrell, Paul - Olds, Doris, 1987

21/31: O'Leary, David - Oltmer, Vern, 1987

Resultaten 1 tot 35 van 15729