Affichage de 15752 résultats

Description archivistique
Aperçu avant impression Hierarchy Affichage :

Tremaine - Zubal, and A - T (1962-1996)

21/1: Tremaine to Tuck, 1961-1973, undated

21/2: Tucker, Bob (Wilson), 1939-1952

21/3: Tullberg to Twentieth, 1947-1972

21/4: U Miscellaneous. (1 of 2), 1945-1972

21/5: U Miscellaneous. (2 of 2), 1971-1991

21/6: Under the Moons of Mars, 1968-1970, undated

21/7: V Miscellaneous, 1975-1993

21/8: Van to Vanguard, 1947-1952, 1970, undated

21/9: Van Houten, Ray, 1937-1957

21/10: Van Vogt to Voth. 75 letters.

21/11: Vancouver. 30 letters.

21/12: W Miscellaneous. (1 of 2)

21/13: W Miscellaneous. (2 of 2)

21/14: Waldeyer to Wallace. 27 letters.

21/15: Wallachs. 74 letters.

21/16: Walker and Company

21/17: Ward, Ed. 6 letters.

21/18: Warner, Harry. 23 letters.

21/19: Warren to Washington. 30 letters.

21/20: Wasso, John. 22 letters.

21/21: Webster to WesterCon. 132 letters total between 2 folders. (1 of 2)

21/22: Webster to WesterCon. 132 letters total between 2 folders. (2 of 2)

21/23: Weinberg. 53 letters.

21/24: Weintstein to Weston. 32 letters.

21/25: Wetzel, George T.. 26 letters.

21/26: White to Widner. 40 letters.

21/27: Wiggins, Olon F.. 37 letters.

21/28: Wiley to Wilson, Don. 114 letters between 2 folders. (1 of 2)

21/29: Wiley to Wilson, Don. 114 letters between 2 folders. (2 of 2)

21/30: Wing to Wish. 31 letters.

21/31: Witter. 129 letters.

21/32: WO Miscellaneous. 1974-1982

21/33: WO Miscellaneous. 1983-1987

21/34: Wolfe to Wolle. 10 letters.

21/35: World Publishing Co.. 193 letters between 3 folders. (1 of 3)

21/36: World Publishing Co.. 193 letters between 3 folders. (2 of 3)

21/37: World Publishing Co.. 193 letters between 3 folders. (3 of 3)

21/38: Wood, Edward. 78 letters.

21/39: Worrill. 6 letters.

21/40: Wright to Wylie 17 letters.

21/41: X, Y, Z Miscellaneous. 11 letters.

21/42: Zabarsky to Zink. 8 letters.

21/43: Zarrin to Zorn. 19 letters.

21/44: Ziff-Davis Publishing Co.. 19 letters.

21/45: Zubal, John T.. 3 letters.

21/46: Miscellaneous fragments

21/47: A-T. 1962-1991

21/48: A-S. 1962-1993

21/49: B-S. 1964-1996

Science Fiction Plus - Train

20/1: Science Fiction Plus Reader's Letter (Alphabetically), 1952-1954

20/2: Science Fiction Plus Reader's Letter (Alphabetically), 1953-1954

20/3: Searles, Langley, 1989, 1993-1997

20/4: S-F Plus to Seattle, 1951-1971

20/5: Segar to Seufert, 1938-1973

20/6: Semantils, 1976-1981, undated

20/7: Service Facts, 1974-1987, undated

20/8: Shaw to Silvercon, 1937-1973

20/9: Simak, Clifford D., 1961-1962

20/10: Simon & Schuster to Skirven, 1940-1971, undated

20/11: Slater, Ken, 1951-1964, undated

20/12: Slavin to Snyder, 1938-1972, undated

20/13: Soberg to Squires, 1939-1973, undated

20/14: Speer, Jack, 1938-1965, 1970

20/15: Spencer, Paul (Spelman), 1947-1989

20/16: Sta to Stewart, 1947-1989

20/17: Stickney to Swanson, 1937-1973, undated

20/18: Stone, Graham, 1989

20/19: Swart to Swisher, 1938-1973

20/20: Sykora, 1937-1955

20/21: Syms, H. Norman, 1948-1972

20/22: T Miscellaneous, 1937, 1952-1994, undated

20/23: Tabakow to Tarr, 1947-1975

20/24: Taeusch, David, 1989

20/25: A Tale of Two Clocks by James H. Schmitz, 1961-1962

20/26: Tate, Arthur, 1952

20/27: Taurasi, James, 1940-1991

20/28: Taxes to Towart, 1939-1973

20/29: Train, Oswald (1 of 6), 1985-1987

20/30: Train, Oswald (2 of 6), 1974-1985

20/31: Train, Oswald (3 of 6), 1960-1987, undated

20/32: Train, Oswald (4 of 6), 1954-1973

20/33: Train, Oswald (5 of 6), 1952-1954

20/34: Train, Oswald (6 of 6), 1945-1952

Marijane Wernsman Collection of Marion Zimmer Bradley Research Materials

  • TxAM-CRS C000368
  • Collection
  • 1955-2014

This collection contains research materials relating to the author Marion Zimmer Bradley (1930-1999), collected by Dr. Marijane Wernsman of Texas Tech University. The materials were collected as part of a prospective biography of Bradley that Wernsman had intended to write, but the project fell apart when accusations arose in 2014 that Bradley had sexually abused her daughter Moira when Moira was a child.

Most of the materials were obtained from various Internet websites, and include materials relating to Bradley, to her fantasy world Darkover, and to the various online fan communities devoted to Bradley and her work.

Research Reports #60-68


2/1: The Texas Market for Kaolin and Ball Clay, 1956 by Bill R. Shelton, Report No. 60, July 1957. (2 copies)

2/2: Out-of-State Purchases of Selected Wood and Metal Furniture and Fixtures by Texas Organizations, 1956 by James R. Bradley, Report No. 61, August 1957. (2 copies)

2/3: Financing Small Manufacturing Ventures in Texas by Lewis E. Davids, Report No. 62, October 1957. (2 copies)

2/4: Out-of-State Purchases and Total Purchases of Selected Insulation Products by Texas Organizations, 1957 by James R. Bradley, Report No. 63, February 1958. (2 copies)

2/5: A Sound Survey of the Geometric School Plant by Matthew A. Nowak, Report No. 64, September 1958. (2 copies)

2/6: Activities and Accomplishments of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station for 1956 - 57 and 1957 - 58, Report No. 65. (2 copies)

2/7: Out-of-State Purchases and Total Purchases of Selected Chemicals and Allied Products by Texas Organizations, 1958 by James. R. Bradley, Report No. 66, December 1959. (2 copies)

2/8: A Study of Statewide Industrial Finance Programs Operating in the South and Southwest during 1960 by Bill R. Shelton and James R. Bradley, No. 67, March 1961. (2 copies)

2/9: Achievements of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station in Research and Related Endeavors, 1958 - 1962, Report No. 68, 1958 - 1962.

Research Reports #1-59


1/1: A Bibliography on School Architecture, Report No. 1, July 1948. (2 copies)

1/2: Cottonseed Hulls as an Insulating Material by W. E. Long, Report No. 2, July 1948.

1/3: Building for Learning, Report No. 3, July 1948. (3 copies)

1/4: An Analysis of Personal Airplane Power Plant Failures During 1947 with Some Suggested Remedies by Fred E. Weick, Report No. 4, December 1948.

1/5: A Study of Management Engineering Practices in Texas by Richard A. Downward, Guy Johnson, Jr. and Donald K. Andrews, Report No. 5, February 1949. (2 copies)

1/6: Investigation of Soils and Building Techniques for Rammed-Earth Construction by Edsel J. Burkhart, Report No. 6, May 1949.

1/7: Daylight Movies for Shop and Classroom by D. W. Fleming, Report No. 7, July 1949.

1/8: A Report of the Out-of-State Purchases by Texas Organizations, 1947 by Richard A. Downward, Guy Johnson, Jr. and Donald K. Andrews, Report No. 8, September 1949. (2 copies)

1/9: A Rapid Method for Determining the Moisture Content of Soils by Albert James Bonar, Report No. 9, September 1949.

1/10: Trial of a Twin Lubrication System on an Aircraft Engine by George A. Roth and T.R. Salter, No. 10, January 1950. (2 copies)

1/11: The Extraction of Oil from Oil-Bearing Materials by Prepressing Followed by Solvent Extraction by Homer E. Rea, Jr. and A. Cecil Wamble, No. 11, February 1950. (2 copies)

1/12: Testing and Rating Propeller Fans by W. D. Scoates and Arthur W. Melloh, Report No. 12, April 1950.

1/13: Some Practical Considerations in Attic Fan Design—Part I. Housings by W.D. Scoates, No. 13, May 1950. (2 copies)

1/14: Geology of Brazos County, Texas by A. A. L. Mathews, Report No. 14, May 1950. Geological Map of Brazos County Texas, Geology by A. A L. Mathews and Charting by C. H. Ransdell. (2 copies of report and 2 copies of map)

1/15: Household Furniture Manufacturing in Texas by John W. Coffin and William J. Crum, Report No. 15, July 1950. (2 copies)

1/16: The Effect of Rolling Cottonseed Meats on Oil Extraction by Homer E. Rea, Jr. and A. Cecil Wamble, Report No. 16, September 1950. (2 copies)

1/17: Investigation of Rock Drilling Equipment for Fence Postholes and Other Farm Uses by Edsel J. Burkhart, Report No. 17, October 1950. (2 copies)

1/18: Solution of Hydraulic Flow Distribution Problems through Use of the Network Calculator by L. M. Haupt, No. 18, September 1950. (2 copies)

1/19: A Report of the Out-of-State Purchases by Texas Organizations, 1949 by Guy Johnson, Jr., J. W. Coffin, and William J. Crum, Report No. 19, September 1950.

1/20: Rapid Sample Preparation Method for Soil Selection in Earthwork Construction by Bob M. Gallaway, No. 20, January 1951. (2 copies)

1/21: The Feasibility of Using Models for Predetermining Natural Lighting by E. E. Vezey, Report No. 21, January 1951.

1/22: Some General Considerations in the Natural Ventilation of Buildings by William W. Caudill, Sherman E. Crites, and Elmer G. Smith, Report No. 22, February 1951.

1/23: An Investigation of the Application of Statistical Quality Control to Dairy Manufacturing by A. V. Moore and J. P. CoVan, Report No. 23, March 1951. (2 copies)

1/24: Survey of Productivity Factors in Four Southern States by Richard F. Bruckhart and William J. Crum, Report No. 24, March 1951. (2 copies)

1/25: The Measurement of Low Air Speeds by the Use of Titanium Tetrachloride by Elmer G. Smith, Bob H. Reed, and H. Darwin Hodges, Report No. 25, May 1951.

1/26: The Feasibility of Using Models for Predetermining Natural Ventilation by Elmer G. Smith, Report No. 26, June 1951.

1/27: Investigation of Twin Fuel Systems on an Aircraft Engine. Twin Fuel Injectors by James G. McClure, Report No. 27, July 1951. (2 copies)

1/28: A Report on the Out-of-State Purchases by Texas Organizations, 1950 by J. W. Coffin, William J. Crum, and W. B. Langford, Report No. 28, August 1951.

1/29: Processing Okra Seed for Oil Recovery by C. Ray Holbrook, Jr. and A. Cecil Wamble, Report No. 29, October 1951. (2 copies)

1/30: Texas Potentialities in Dinnerware and Artware Production by John W. Coffin and John W. Tippit in collaboration with F. K. Pence, Report No. 30, November 1951. (2 copies)

1/31: Operating Characteristics of the Carver 176-Saw Linter by Dick H. Piner, Jr. and A. Cecil Wamble, Report No. 31, November 1951. (2 copies)

1/32: An Experiment in Architectural Education Through Research by Gordon McCutchan and William W. Caudill, Report No. 32, November 1951.

1/33: Air Flow Through Conventional Window Openings by Theo R. Holleman, Report No. 33, November 1951.

1/34: Food Uses for Cottonseed by W. W. Meinke, No. 34, February 1952. (2 copies)

1/35: Evaluating Taylor Marl Clay for Improved Use in Subgrades by Lawrence A. Dubose, No. 35, March 1952. (2 copies)

1/36: Geometry of Classrooms as Related to Natural Lighting and Natural Ventilation by William W. Caudill & Bob H. Reed, No. 36, July 1952. (2 copies)

1/37: Out-of-State Purchases of Chemicals and Allied Products by Texas Organizations, 1951 by James R. Bradley, W. B. Langford, and L. S. Paine, Report No. 37, July 1952.

1/38: Research Activities of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station for 1950 - 51 and 1951 - 52 Compiled by Arthur W. Melloh, Report No. 38, October 1952. (2 copies)

1/39: Preparation of Cottonseed Meats for Cooking Prior to the Extraction of the Oil by Charles G. Luedtke and A. Cecil Wamble, Report No. 39, November 1952. (2 copies)

1/40: Determination of Air Infiltration in Fan Testing Equipment by W. D. Scoates, Report No. 40, November 1952. (2 copies)

1/41: Texas Potentialities in Agricultural Implement Production by John W. Tippit, No. 41, February 1953. (2 copies)

1/42: Out-of-State Purchases on Selected Food and Kindred Products by Texas Organizations, 1951 by James R. Bradley, No. 42, March 1953. (2 copies)

1/43: The Organization and Operation of Industrial Foundations in Texas by John W. Tippit, Report No. 43, April 1953.

1/44: Out-of-State Purchases of Textile Mill, Apparel and Related Products by Texas Organizations, 1952 by James R. Bradley, Report No. 44, September 1953.(2 copies)

1/45: Effects of Landscape Development on the Natural Ventilation of Buildings and Their Adjacent Areas by Robert F. White, Report No. 45, March 1952. (2 copies)

1/46: Out-of-State Purchase of Paper and Paperboard Products by Texas Organizations, 1952 by James R. Bradley, Report No. 46, March 1954. (2 copies)

1/47: Recommended Standards for Operating Screw Press Mills in Processing Cottonseed by A. Cecil Wamble and William B. Harris, Report No. 47, April 1954. (2 copies)

1/48: Out-of-State Purchases of Primary and Fabricated Metal Products by Texas Organizations, 1953 by James R. Bradley, Report No. 48, September 1954. (2 copies)

1/49: An Evaluation of Plan Location Factors in Texas by L. S. Paine, Report No. 49, October 1954.

1/50: Activities of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station for 1952 - 53 and 1953 - 54, Compiled by Arthur W. Melloh, Report No. 50, November 1954. (2 copies)

1/51: Out-of-State Purchases of Leather and Leather Products by Texas Organizations, 1954 by James R. Bradley, Report No. 51, July 1955. (2 copies)

1/52: A Comparative Test of Flat Glass and Glass Block Fenestrations under Summer Conditions by Elmer G. Smith, Report No. 52, October 1955. (2 copies)

1/53: Industrial Advantages in Texas for Earthen-Tableware Production by James R. Bradley and Bill R. Shelton, Report No. 53, February 1956. (2 copies)

1/54: Out-of-State Purchases of Stone, Clay, and Glass Products by James R. Bradley and Bill R. Shelton, Report No. 54, May 1956. (2 copies)

1/55: Color Reversion in Crude Cottonseed Oil by A. Cecil Wamble, Benjamin D. Deacon, and William B. Harris, Report No. 55, August 1956. (2 copies)

1/56: Out-of-State Purchases of Selected Electronic Components by Texas Organizations, 1955 by Bill R. Shelton and James R. Bradley, Report No. 56, September 1956. (2 copies)

1/57: Activities of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station for 1954 - 55 and 1955 - 56 Compiled by Fred J. Benson, Report No. 57, December 1956. (2 copies)

1/58: The Marketing and Production of Charcoal in Texas, 1955 and 1956 by Bill R. Shelton and James R. Bradley, Report No. 58, March 1957.

1/59: Natural Air Flow Around Buildings by Benjamin H. Evans, Report No. 59, March 1957.

Ava Johnson Cox Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 1509
  • Collection
  • 1973-1992

This collection consists of various correspondence, photographs, short handwritten manuscripts, and oral history communications with transcripts describing Ava Johnson's life, and work as a women cattle ranger in Texas.

The collection was compiled by Cynthia Ott, who interviewed Ava Johnson Cox with the intent of publishing a history of early 20th-century life in what is known as the Hill Country of Texas (highlighting Blanco, Gillespie, and Hays counties).

Sans titre

Charles Goodnight Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 32
  • Collection
  • 1898-1938

This collection contains over 125 original handwritten letters by Charles Goodnight to M. S. Garretson and others discussing buffalo, Indians, animal husbandry, the origin of and extinction of certain cattle breeds, the Goodnight Ranch, and many other topics.

Sans titre

Reprints #130-149


2/1: Figure Separations This New Way – Part 9 – How to Figure Minimum Reflux by J.A. McDonough and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 130. Reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing Petroleum Refiner, March 1962. (2 copies)

2/2: The Effects of Chronic Whole-Body Gamma Irradiation on the Hematology of the Albino Rat by George M. Krise, Dorthea T. Robinson and Sidney O. Brown, Reprint No. 131. Reprinted from The Texas Journal of Science, December 1961. (2 copies)

2/3: Road Marker Materials and Methods of Making Same by Charles K. Hancock, Reprint No. 132. Reprinted from the United States Patent Office, February 1962. (2 copies)

2/4: Radioactivity of Volcanic Sediments in Brazos County, Texas by William L. Russell and R.O. Steinhoff, Reprint No. 133. Reprinted from Geophysics, October 1961. (2 copies)

2/5: Figure Separations This New Way – Part 10 – Minimum Reflux for Complex Columns by J.A. McDonough and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 134. Reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing & Petroleum Refiner, April 1962. (2 copies)

2/6: Burn Healing in Albino Rats and Mice Fed Diets Deficient in Certain Vitamins by Sidney O. Brown, Reprint No. 135. Reprinted from Research in Burns, 1962. (2 copies)

2/7: Figure Separations This New Way – Part 11 – When Several Columns are Operated as a Unit by W.J. Tomme and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 136. Reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing & Petroleum Refiner, June 1962. (2 copies)

2/8: Changes in Power Required for Second Cut Delinting with Decreasing Residual Linters on Seed by S.P. Clark, Reprint No. 137. Reprinted from The Cotton Gin and Oil Mill Press, June 1962. (2 copies)

2/9: Natural Convection Heat Transfer from a Heated Cylinder in Air at Sub-Atmospheric Pressures by Lawrence B. Sullivan and Williard I. Truettner, Reprint No. 138. Reprinted from ASHRAE Journal, April 1962. (2 copies)

2/10: Refining Crude Cottonseed Oil Dissolved in Hexane by M.A. Zeitoun, W.B. Harris and W.D. Harris, Reprint No. 139. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, June 1962. (2 copies)

2/11: Solubilities of Cottonseed Oil and the Phase Distribution of Fatty Acids in Methyl Alcohol at Elevated Temperature and Pressure by W.B. Harris, Reprint No. 140. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, July 1962. (2 copies)

2/12: Heat and Mass Transfer by Free Convection from Humid Air to a Metal Plate Under Frosting Conditions by Charles A. Whitehurst, Reprint No. 141. Reprinted from ASHRAE Journal, May 1962. (2 copies)

2/13: An Economic Evaluation of Automatic Sprinkler Fire Protection in a Cottonseed Oil Mill by S.P. Clark, Reprint No. 142. Reprinted from The Cotton Gin and Oil Mill Press, September 1962. (2 copies)

2/14: A Finite Sequentially Compact Process for the Adjoints of Matrices Over Arbitrary Integral Domains by H.A. Luther and L.F. Guseman, Jr., Reprint No. 143. Reprinted from Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, August 1962. (2 copies)

2/15: On the Damping Behavior of Some Copper-Manganese Alloys by L.E. McCrary and B.A. Rogers, Reprint No. 144. Reprinted from METALL, 1962. (2 copies)

2/16: Daylighting a School, Indoors and Outdoors by Ben H. Evans, Reprint No. 145. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, October 1962. (2 copies)

2/17: Burn Healing in Rats Maintained on Diets Containing Different Levels of Pyridoxine by S.O. Brown, Vera Sorg and J.T. Jones, Reprint No. 146. Reprinted from Biology and Medicine, Winter 1962. (2 copies)

2/18: Kinetic Studies by C.D. Holland and M.S. Peters, Reprint No. 147. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, December 1962. (2 copies)

2/19: An Interactive Factorization Technique for Polynomials by H.A. Luther, Reprint No. 148. Reprinted from Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, March 1963. (2 copies)

2/20: Preliminary Design of Structure Subjected to Sonic Fatigue by Charles A. Rodenberger, Reprint No. 149. Reprinted from AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) and Space Vehicle Shell Structures Conference, April 1963. (2 copies)

Reprints #1-129


1/1: Threonine-Serine Antagonism in Some Lactic Acid Bacteria by W.W. Meinke and Bryant R. Holland, Reprint No. 1. Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 173, No. 2, April 1948. (2 copies)

1/2: Chinese Tallow Nut Protein. I. Isolation, Amino Acid, and Vitamin Analysis by Bryant R. Holland and W. W. Meinke, Reprint No. 2. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, vol. XXV, No. 11, pp. 418 - 419, November 1948.

1/3: Multicomponent Distillation: Constant Volatility Ratio and Constant Reflux, Derivation and Application of Basic Algebraic Equations to Three- and Four-Component Systems by P. G. Murdoch, Reprint No. 3. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, vol. 44, No. 11, pp. 855 - 862, November 1948.

1/4: The Serine Requirement of Streptococcus Faecalis R as A Function of the Basal Medium by Bryant R. Holland and W.W. Meinke, Reprint No. 4. Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 178, No. 1, March 1949. (2 copies)

1/5: Chinese Tallow Nut Protein. II. Nutritive Value by W. W. Meinke, Bryant R. Holland, and L. R. Richardson, Reprint No. 5. Reprinted from Archives of Biochemistry, vol. 22, No. 3, July 1949.

1/6: Solvent Extraction of Rice Bran. Production of B-Vitamin Concentrate and Oil by Isopropanol Extraction by W. W. Meinke, Byrant R. Holland, and W.D. Harris, Reprint No. 6. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Vol. XXVI, No. 10, pp. 532 - 534, October 1949. (2 copies)

1/7: Isopropanol as a Solvent for Extraction of Cottonseed Oil. II. Separation of Purified Oil from Mexico by W. D. Harris, J. W. Hayward, and R. A. Lamb, Reprint No. 7. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, vol. XXVI, No. 12, pp. 719 - 723, December 1949.

1/8: Multicomponent Distillation. II - Application of Algebraic Equations to Doublet Separations by P. G. Murdoch, Reprint No. 8. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 36 - 43, January 1950.

1/9: Evidence for a Calcium Requirement for Lactobacillus Delbrueckii 9595 by W.W. Meinke and Bryant R. Holland, Reprint No. 9. Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 184, No. 1, May 1950. (2 copies)

1/10: Isopropanol as a Solvent for Extraction of Cottonseed Oil III. The use of Recycling to Effect Solvent Economy by W.D. Harris and J.W. Hayward, Reprint No. 10. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, vol. XXVII, No. 7, pp. 273 - 275, July 1950. (2 copies)

1/11: Solution of Simultaneous Equations through Use of the A.C. Network Calculator by L. M. Haupt, Reprint No. 11. Reprinted from The Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 683 - 686, August 1950.

1/12: Notes on the Construction of Geologic Scale Methods by A. N. McDowell and Travis J. Parker, Reprint No. 12. Reprinted from The Mines Magazine, October 1950.

1/13: Ammonia-Base Sulphite Pulping Liquors - Their Preparation and Analysis by F.F. Bishop and J.F. Honstead, Reprint No. 13. Reprinted from Tappi, vol. 34, No. 7, July 1951. (2 copies)

1/14: Scale Models as Guide to Interpretation of Salt-Dome Faulting by Travis J. Parker and A. N. McDowell, Reprint No. 14. Reprinted from The Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, vol. 35, No. 9, September 1951. (2 copies)

1/15: A Laboratory Apparatus for Determining the Rate of Extraction of Oil from Oil-Bearing Materials by S. P. Clark and A. Cecil Wamble, Reprint No. 15. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, vol. XXIX, No. 2, pp. 56 - 59, February 1952.

1/16: Rapid Preparation of Soil Samples by Bob M. Gallaway, Reprint No. 16. Reprinted from Excavating Engineer, May 1952. (2 copies)

1/17: Multicomponent Distillation III - Equations in Product Form and Simplified Application by P. G. Murdoch and C. D. Holland, Reprint No. 17. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 254 - 260, May 1952.

1/18: Multicomponent Distillation IV - Determination of Minimum Reflux by P. G. Murdoch and C. D. Holland, Reprint No. 18. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 287 - 292, June 1952.

1/19: The Shoulder Harness-Seat Belt Combination of the AG-1 Airplane by Fred E. Weick, Reprint No. 19. Reprinted from Flight Magazine, Dallas, Texas, September 1952. (2 copies).

1/20: New Stripe Materials Better than Paint by Charles J. Keese, Reprint No. 20. Reprinted from Roads and Streets, vol. 95, No. 10, October 1952.

1/21: A Versatile Electrostatic Electron Gun by Albert J. Druce, Reprint No. 21. Reprinted from The Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 499 - 500, September 1952. (2 copies)

1/22: Comparison of Paint Films of Various Thickness as Traffic Stripes by Charles J. Keese, Reprint No. 22. Reprinted from Roads and Streets, vol. 95, No. 12, December 1952.

1/23: Classrooms that Perform by Bob H. Reed and William W. Caudill, Reprint No. 23. Reprinted from The American School and University, pp. 327 - 350, 1952 - 1953.

1/24: Solvent Extraction of Oil from Cottonseed Prior to the Removal of Linters and Treatment of the Residue to Effect Separation of Meal, Hulls, and Linters by S.P. Clark and A. Cecil Wamble, Reprint No. 24. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Vol. XXIX, No. 12, pp. 624 - 626, December 1952. (2 copies)

1/25: Electrical Properties of Limestone Cores by R.L. Whiting, E.T. Guerrero, and R.M. Young, Reprint No. 25. Reprinted from The Oil and Gas Journal, July 27, 1953. (2 copies)

1/26: Pedestrians Use Zebra Crossings by Fred J. Benson and C.J. Keese, Reprint No. 26. Reprinted from The American City, August 1953. (2 copies)

1/27: Sewage Purification by Rock Filters—Removal of Oxygen Demand of Soluble Organic Material by J.H. Sorrels and P.J.A. Zeller, Reprint No. 27. Reprinted from Sewage and Industrial Waste, vol. 25, No. 7, July 1953. (2 copies)

1/28: Pressure Loss of Air Flowing Through 45-Degree Wooden Louvers by P. R. Cobb, Reprint No. 28. Reprinted from ASHVE Journal Section, Heating, Piping, & Air Conditioning, December 1953.

1/29: Prediction of Cooling Tower Performance by Wesley W. Smith, Reprint No. 29. Reprinted from ASHVE Journal Section, Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, October 1953. (3 copies)

1/30: Continuous Production of Activated Silica with Carbon Dioxide Gas by Robert V. Andrews, Reprint No. 30. Reprinted from Journal Americans Water Works Association, vol. 46, No. 1, January 1954.

1/31: Designing Fired Tubular Reactors by P. G. Murdoch and C. D. Holland, Reprint No. 31. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, March 1954.

1/32: Determination of the Phosphorus Content of Lipids by W.D. Harris and Pranjivan Popat, Reprint No. 32. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, vol. 31, no. 4, April 1954. (2 copies)

1/33: Study of Some Variables Affecting Retention of Aggregate by Asphalt Surface Treatments by Fred J. Benson and Bob M. Gallaway, Reprint No. 33. Reprinted from Roads and Streets, April 1954. (2 copies)

1/34: Designing Fired Tubular Reactors, II by P.G. Murdoch and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 34. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, June 1954. (2 copies)

1/35: Daylight Survey Methods by E.E. Vezey, Bob H. Reed, and Ben H. Evans, Reprint No. 35. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, vol. 49, No. 5, May 1954. (2 copies)

1/36: Vitamin E Analytical Procedure for Cottonseed and Its Products by Benjamin D. Deacon and A. Cecil Wamble, Reprint No. 36. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, vol. 31, No. 7, pp. 284 - 287, July 1954. (2 copies)

1/37: Plasticized Sulfur Compositions for Traffic Marking by C. Kinney Hancock, Reprint No. 37. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 46, page 2431, November 1954. (2 copies)

1/38: Determination of Water in Soils by an Indirect Conductivity Method by C. Kinney Hancock and Charles M. Hudgins, Jr., Reprint No. 38. Reprinted from Analytical Chemistry, vol. 26, pg. 1738, November 1954. (2 copies)

1/39: Corrosion of Aircraft Structural Materials by Agricultural Chemicals by Charles F. Schreiber, Reprinted No. 39. Reprinted from Corrosion-National Association of Corrosion Engineers, vol. 11, March 1955. (2 copies)

1/40: Solving Conductive Heat Transfer Problems with Electrical-Analogue Shape Factors by Robert V. Andrews, Reprint No. 40. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, February 1955. (2 copies)

1/41: Effect of Bacterial Flora on Deoxygenation by William L. Tidwell and J. H. Sorrels, Reprint No. 41. Reprinted from Sewage and Industrial Wastes, vol. 27, No. 2, February 1955. (2 copies)

1/42: Resistance of Wooden Louvers to Fluid Flow by C.W. Bevier, Reprint No. 42. Reprinted from ASHAE Journal Section, Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, May 1955. (2 copies)

1/43: Compaction Control Solves Healing Clay Problem by Lawrence A. DuBose, Reprint No. 43. Reprinted from Civil Engineering, April 1955. (2 copies)

1/44: Effect of Recirculation on Trickling Filter Performance by J. H. Sorrels and P. J. A. Zeller, Reprint No. 44. Reprinted from Sewage and Industrial Wastes, vol. 27, No. 4, April 1955. (2 copies)

1/45: Influence of Some Agricultural Soil Conditioners on Engineering Properties of Clay Soils by Lawrence A. DuBose, Reprint No. 45. Reprinted from Road and Streets, April 1955. (2 copies)

1/46: Plasticity Index and pH of Soils Show Little Correlation by Bob M. Gallaway, Reprint No. 46. Reprinted from Roads and Streets, June 1955. (2 copies)

1/47: Accuracy of Daylight Predictions by Means of Models under an Artificial Sky by Bob H. Reed and Matthew A. Nowak, Reprint No. 47. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, vol. 50, no. 7, July 1955. (2 copies)

1/48: The Study of Natural Illumination by Means of Models under an Artificial Sky by Edward E. Vezey and Ben H. Evans, Reprint No. 48. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, vol. 50, no. 8, August 1955. (2 copies)

1/49: Method Presented for Computing Steel Prestress Losses by Henson K. Stephenson and Truman R. Jones, Jr., Reprint No. 49. Reprinted from Civil Engineering, August 1955. (2 copies)

1/50: Aluminum Sulfate and Iron Sulfates as Auxiliaries in Bituminous Stabilization of Soils by C. Kinney Hancock, Reprint No. 50. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 47, p. 2269, November 1955. (3 copies)

1/51: Stratigraphy of the Wellborn and Manning Formations in East-Central Texas by William L. Russell, Reprint No. 51. Reprinted from Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, vol. 5, pp. 165 - 172, October 1955. (2 copies)

1/52: Stress Analysis and Design of Columns: A General Solution to the Compression Member Problem by Henson K. Stephenson, Reprint No. 52. Reprinted from the 34th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 1955.

1/53: Load Studies on Drilled Shafts by Lawrence A. Dubose, Reprint No. 53. Reprinted from Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 1955. (2 copies)

1/54: Specific Gravity of Aggregates in Asphaltic-Paving Mixtures by Fred J. Benson and BH. Subbaraju, Reprint No. 54. Reprinted from Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 1955. (2 copies)

1/55: Nomograph for Corrosion Rate Calculations by Henry K. Bass, Jr. and Robert V. Andrews, Reprint No. 55. Reprinted from Corrosion, vol. 12, No. 1, January 1956. (2 copies)

1/56: A Brightness Meter for Use in Model Studies of Buildings by E.E. Vezey, Reprint No. 56. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, vol. 50, No. 11, November 1955. (2 copies)

1/57: Continuous Vacuum Rotary Filters by C. D. Holland and J. F. Woodham, Reprint No. 57. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, February 1956. (2 copies)

1/58: Shape Factors in Multiple-Pipe Systems by Richard C. Faulkner and Robert V. Andrews, Reprint No. 58. Reprinted from A.I.Ch.E Journal, December 1955. (2 copies)

1/59: Engineering Research Aids Cotton Oil Industry by A. Cecil Wamble and Louis J. Horn, Reprint No. 59. Reprinted from The Cotton Gin and Oil Mill Press, March 10, 1956. (2 copies)

1/60: Determination of Water in Cooked Cottonseed Meats by a Modified Indirect Conductivity Method by C. Kinney Hancock and Robert L. Burdick, Reprint No. 60. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemist’s Society, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 175 - 177, April 1956. (2 copies)

1/61: The Relative Stability Test by William L. Tidwell and J. H. Sorrels, Reprint No. 61. Reprinted from Sewage and Industrial Wastes, vol. 28, no. 2, February 1956. (2 copies)

1/62: Comparative Evaluation of Special 2-Day and Standard 5-Day B.O.D. Tests by William L. Tidwell and J.H. Sorrels, Reprint No. 62. Reprinted from Sewage and Industrial Wastes, vol. 28, No. 4, April 1956. (2 copies)

1/63: Study of Three Redwood Cooling Tower Packings by Wesley W. Smith, Reprint No. 63. Reprinted from ASHAE Journal Section, Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, July 1956.

1/64: Effects of Nearby Walks and Concrete Areas on Indoor Natural Lighting by Bob H. Reed, Reprint No. 64. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, vol. 51, No. 7, July 1956. (2 copies)

1/65: Earth as Heat Source and Sink for Heat Pumps by D.M. Vestal, Jr. and B.J. Flucker, Reprint No. 65. Reprinted from ASHAE Journal Section, Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, August 1956. (2 copies)

1/66: Modified Indirect Conductivity Method for Determining Water in Cottonseed Meal by C. Kinney Hancock and Robert L. Burdick, Reprint No. 66. Reprinted from Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 4, No. 9, p. 800, September 1956.

1/67: Two-Stage Trickling Filter Performance by J.H. Sorrels and P.J.A. Zeller, Reprint No. 67. Reprinted from Sewage and Industrial Wastes, vol. 28, No. 8, August 1956. (2 copies)

1/68: Continuous Production of Activated Silica with Low-CO2 Gases by R.V. Andrews and Joe W. Burdett, Reprint No. 68. Reprinted from Journal American Water Works Association, vol. 48, No. 6, June 1956. (2 copies)

1/69: Daylight Surveys under a Partly Cloudy Sky by Matthew A. Nowak, Reprint No. 69. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, vol. 50, No. 8, August 1956. (2 copies)

1/70: Simplify Flash Distillation Calculations by C.D. Holland and R.R. Davison, Reprint No. 70. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, March 1957. (2 copies)

1/71: Effects of Sphericity, Roundness, and Velocity on Traction Transportation of Sand Grains by William J. Morris, Reprint No. 71. Reprinted from Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 21 - 31, March 1957. (2 copies)

1/72: Steam-Flash Vaporization of Multicomponent Mixtures by C.D. Holland and W.B. Hayes, Reprint No. 72. Reprint from Petroleum Refiner, April 1957. (2 copies)

1/73: Steam Batch Distillation Calculations by C.D. Holland and N.E. Welch, Reprint No. 73. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, May 1957. (2 copies)

1/74: The Excitation Requirements of 3-Phase, Core-Type, 3-Legged Wye-Connected Transformers by Clinton S. Walker, Reprint No. 74. Reprinted from American Institute of Electrical Engineers, May 1957. (2 copies)

1/75: Rapid Determination of Water in Wet Soils by C. Kinney Hancock and Robert L. Burdick, Reprint No. 75. Reprinted from Soil Science, vol. 83, No. 3, March 1957. (2 copies)

1/76: Rotating Disk Apparatus for the Production of Droplets of Uniform Size by George A. Roth and Gunther E. Reins, Reprint No. 76. Reprinted from Weeds, vol. 5, No. 3, July 1957.

1/77: A New Instrument for Measuring Bulk and Grain Volumes by William L. Russell, Reprint No. 77. Reprinted from Journal of Petroleum Technology, July 1957. (2 copies)

1/78: A Statistical Experimental Design Applied to Cottonseed Cleaning by S.P. Clark, Reprint No. 78. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 19 - 21, July 1957. (2 copies)

1/79: A Rapid Alkali-Wash Method of Refining Cottonseed Oil for Refined Color Determination by B.D. Deacon, W.B. Harris, and A. Cecil Wamble, Reprint No. 79. Reprinted from The Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society, vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 367 - 368, July 1957. (2 copies)

1/80: Design for Natural Ventilation in Hot Humid Weather by Robert H. Reed, Reprint No. 80. Reprinted from Housing and Building in Hot-Humid and Hot-Dry Climates, 1953.

1/81: Natural Ventilation by Bob H. Reed, Reprint No. 81. Reprinted from Windows and Glass in the Exterior of Buildings, 1957. (2 copies).

1/82: Air Density Calculator by Guy Johnson, Sr., Reprint No. 82. Reprinted from Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating, October 1957. (2 copies)

1/83: Determination of the Chemical Properties of an Oxide Catalyst in a Closed System by C.D. Holland and P.G. Murdoch, Reprint No. 83. Reprinted from A.I.Ch.E. Journal, September 1957. (2 copies)

1/84: Faulting and Superficial Structures in East-Central Texas by William L. Russell, Reprint No. 84. Reprinted from Transactions – Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, vol. 7, 1957. (2 copies)

1/85: Water Distribution Problems Solved by Network Calculators by L.M. Haupt, Reprint No. 85. Reprinted from Journal of the Pipeline Division – Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, March 1958. (2 copies)

1/86: Use of Computers in Reactor Design by D.S. Billingsley, W.S. McLaughlin, Jr., N.E. Welch and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 86. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 50, p. 741, May 1958. (2 copies)

1/87: Soil Temperatures by B.J. Fluker, Reprint No. 87. Reprinted from Soil Science, vol. 86, No. 1, July 1958. (2 copies)

1/88: Architectural Research: Light and Air by Matthew A. Nowak, Reprint No. 88. Reprinted from Progressive Architecture, July 1958. (2 copies)

1/89: The Formation of Interfacial Area in Immiscible Liquids by Orifice Mixers by L.S. Scott, W.B. Hayes, III and C.C. Holland, Reprint No. 89. Reprinted from A.I.Ch.E Journal, September 1958. (2 copies)

1/90: How Cotton Oil Mills are Changing by A. Cecil Wamble, Reprint No. 90. Reprinted from The Cotton Gin and Oil Mill Press, February 1959. (2 copies)

1/91: Better Chicken Feed by B. F. G., Reprint No. 91. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, April 1959. (2 copies)

1/92: Figure Distillation This New Way by W.N. Lyster, S.L. Sullivan, Jr., D.S. Billingsley and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 92. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, June - July 1959. (2 copies)

1/93: A New Method for Studying Effects of Direct Sunlight on Building Interiors and Subsequent Skylight Studies by Ben H. Evans and Matthew Nowak, Reprint No. 93. Reprinted from a paper at the National Technical Conference of the Illuminating Engineering Society, September 1959. (2 copies)

1/94: Figure Distillation This New Way, Part 3 – Consider Multi-Feed Columns with Side-Streams by W.N. Lyster, S.L. Sullivan, Jr., D.S. Billingsley and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 94. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, October 1959. (2 copies)

1/95: Formation of Gas Bubbles at Submerged Orifices by W.B. Hayes, III, B.W. Hardy and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 95. Reprinted from A.I.Ch.E Journal, September 1959. (2 copies)

1/96: Fan Performance Dimensional Analysis Leads to New Rating Method by Charles E. Neelley, Reprint No. 96. Reprinted from Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, January 1960. (2 copies)

1/97: Tests Compare Heat Transfer of 5 Cooling Tower Packings by Wesley W. Smith and Glenn F. Hallett, Reprint No. 97. Reprinted from Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, April 1960. (2 copies)

1/98: Oral Toxicity to Poultry of a Commercial Octylamine by S.P. Clark and R.T. DuBose, Reprint No. 98. Reprinted from Agricultural and Food Chemistry, March - April 1960. (2 copies)

1/99: Spectrophotometric Studies of some 2, 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazones. III. Taft and Hammett Relationships by Louis A. Jones and C. Kinney Hancock, Reprint No. 99. Reprinted from Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1960. (2 copies)

1/100: Prediction of “Single-Phasing” Performance of Induction Motor by M.G. Rekoff, Jr., Reprint No. 100. Reprinted from Electrical Manufacturing, August 1960. (2 copies)

1/101: Figure Distillation This New Way – Part 4- Explore Operating Characteristics of a Column by W.N. Lyster, S.L. Sullivan, Jr., J.A. McDonough and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 101. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, August 1960. (2 copies)

1/102: A Case for "South Living" by Robert F. White, Reprint No. 102. Reprinted from Landscape Architecture, Autumn 1959.

1/103: Graph Simplifies Determination of Economic Conductor Size by M.G. Rekoff, Jr., Reprint No. 103. Reprinted from Electric Light and Power, September 1960. (2 copies)

1/104: A New Catalyst for Oxidation of Propylene with Air by J.F. Woodham and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 104. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, December 1960. (2 copies)

1/105: An Economic Analysis of Cost for Redwood Cooling Tower Packings by Wesley W. Smith and Glenn F. Hallett, Reprint No. 105. Reprinted from Heating, Piping, & Air Conditioning, January 1961.

1/106: An Engineering Approach to the Design of Cottonseed Aeration Systems by W.B. Harris, W.D. Harris and A.C. Wamble, Reprint No. 106. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, February 1961. (2 copies)

1/107: The Reaction of 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine with Some Dicarbonyl Compounds and Alpha-Substituted Carbonyl Compounds by Louis A. Jones, C. Kinney Hancock, and Robert B. Seligman, Reprint No. 107. Reprinted from The Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 26, No. 228, 1961.

1/108: Double Pipe Heat Exchangers by S.L. Sullivan, Jr. and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 108. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, April 1961. (2 copies)

1/109: Evaluation of Transient Response Coefficients by D.S. Billingsley and M.G. Rekoff, Jr., Reprint No. 109. Reprinted from IRE Transactions on Automatic Control, February 1961. (2 copies)

1/110: Budget for School Site Development by Robert F. White, Reprint No. 110. Reprinted from Journal of the American Institute of Architects, April 1961. (2 copies)

1/111: Formation of Interfacial Area in Immiscible Liquids by Orifice Mixers by J.A. McDonough, W.J. Tomme and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 111. Reprinted from A.I.Ch.E. Journal, December 1960. (2 copies)

1/112: Numerical Solution of Certain Systems of Differential Equations (051) by N.E. Welch, D.S. Billingsley and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 112. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, May 1960. (2 copies)

1/113: Graph Checks Single Phasing of Servos by M.G. Rekoff, Jr., Reprint No. 113. Reprinted from Control Engineering, undated. (2 copies)

1/114: Phase Correction by Dielectric Slabs in Sectoral Horn Antennas by M.A. Quddus and J.P. German, Reprint No. 114. Reprinted from IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, July 1961. (2 copies)

1/115: A Note on Multiple Precision Arithmetic by Albert G. Cox and H.A. Luther, Reprint No. 115. Reprinted from Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, August 1961. (2 copies)

1/116: An Analytical Solution for a Double Pipe Heat Exchanger by S.L. Sullivan, Jr., and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 116. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, September 1961. (2 copies)

1/117: Figure Separations This New Way – Part 5 – A Convergence Method for Absorbers by B.W. Hardy, S.L. Sullivan, Jr., C.D. Holland and H.L. Bauni, Reprint No. 117. Reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing and Petroleum Refiner, September 1961. (2 copies)

1/118: Figure Separations This New Way – Part 6 – Minimization of Round-Off Errors and Other Developments by A.J. Weisenfelder, C.D. Holland and R.H. Johnston, Reprint No. 118. Reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing and Petroleum Refiner, October 1961. (2 copies)

1/119: A Hammett-Taft Polar-Steric Equation for the Saponification Rates of m- and p-Substituted Alkyl Benzoates by C. Kinney Hancock and C. Paul Falls, Reprint No. 119. Reprinted from Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1961. (2 copies)

1/120: Quantitative Separation of Hyperconjugation Effects from Steric Substituent Constants by C. Kinney Hancock, Edward A. Meyers and Billy J. Yager, Reprint No. 120. Reprinted from Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1961. (2 copies)

1/121: Figure Separations This New Way – Part 7 – Absorbers with Reboilers by B.W. Hardy, C.D. Holland, L.J. Canik and H.L. Bauni, Reprint No. 121. Reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing & Petroleum Refiner, December 1961. (2 copies)

1/122: Single Phasing as Determined by Control Circuit Impedance by M.G. Rekoff, Jr., and N.L. Schmitz, Reprint No. 122. Reprinted from AIEE Winter General Meeting, January - February 1962. (2 copies)

1/123: Finding Phase Angle Loci of a Distributed Lag by M.G. Rekoff, Jr., Reprint No. 123. Reprinted from Control Engineering, 1962. (2 copies)

1/124: Reservoir Water Resistivities and Possible Hydrodynamic Flow in Denver Basin by William L. Russell, Reprint No. 124. Reprinted from The Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, December 1961. (2 copies)

1/125: Some Magnetic Properties of the Iron-Nickel-Zinc Alloys by P.S. Gupton and B.A. Rogers, Reprint No. 125. Reprinted from METALL, January 1962. (2 copies)

1/126: Determination of the Conditions at Minimum Reflux When the Keys are the Most and Least Volatile Components by J.A. McDonough, C.D. Holland and H.L. Bauni, Reprint No. 126. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Science, 1961. (2 copies)

1/127: Effect of Continuous Low-Dose Gamma Irradiation on Healing of Standardized Wounds in the Albino Rat by Sidney O. Brown, James T. Jones and Richard Thomes, Reprint No. 127. Reprinted from Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine, Spring 1962. (2 copies)

1/128: Thermodynamic Properties of Polar Gases in Dilute Phase by P.T. Eubank and J.M. Smith, Reprint No. 128. Reprinted from A.I.Ch.E. Journal, March 1962. (2 copies)

1/129: Figure Separations This New Way – Part 8 – Distillation with Side Strippers by B.R. Dikcey, C.D. Holland and Ralph Cecchetti, Reprint No. 129. Reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing Petroleum Refiner, February 1962. (2 copies)

R. D. Lewis Papers

  • TxAM-CRS 593
  • Collection
  • 1940-1977

This collection contains research materials and notes that Lewis, along with Dr. Irvan M. May, used during their time with the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES) to write TAES histories.

Sam Moskowitz Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000190
  • Collection
  • 1931-2016; Undated

The Sam Moskowitz collection consists of his research files, correspondence, manuscripts, many of his books, and working documents related to his study of the history of science fiction and fantasy.  Drafts of two unpublished books are included.

Sans titre

New York Times - Science Fiction Plus

19/1: NY Times to Norcott,, 1951-1973

19/2: Newark, City of (taxes), 1963-1965

19/3: Nolan-Nuetzel, 1950-1970

19/4: Norton, Alden H., 1941-1971

19/5: Norwescon, 1979-1987

19/6: O Miscellaneous, 1974-1995

19/7: O Conner, Paul Dennis, 1944-1948, undated

19/8: Off-Or, 1948-1973

19/9: Os-Oz, 1939-1971, undated

19/10: P Miscellaneous, 1953

19/11: P Miscellaneous, 1974-1994

19/12: P Miscellaneous, 1966-1995

19/13: Pace-Page, 1939-1973, undated

19/14: Palomar, 1992- 1993

19/15: Palmer-Petit, 1938-1973

19/16: [Davin-Eshbach], 1975-1987

19/17: Peterson-Phil, 1963-1973

19/18: Peterson, John Victor, 1941-1944

19/19: Philadelphia SF Society, 1952-1973

19/20: Phillips, 1949-1967

19/21: Pick-A-Book (see Gnome), 1958-1963, undated

19/22: Pierce to Prentice, 1939-1973, undated

19/23: Polk to Popular, 1951-1973

19/24: Popular Publications, 1948-1972

19/25: Porges, Arthur to Price, 1949-1970, undated

19/26: Prime Press, 1947-1951

19/27: Prophet to Protan, 1957-1972

19/28: Pyramid, 1969-1971

19/29: Q Miscellaneous, 1953, 1978-1979

19/30: Quinn Letters, 1948, 1952, undated

19/31: Quick Frozen Foods Correspondence, 1956-1971, undated

19/32: R Miscellaneous, 1953-1993, 2016

19/33: Racic, Mario Jr., 1937-1971, undated

19/34: Refrigeration Press, 1960-1961

19/35: Regency to Rich, 1939-1973

19/36: Richardson, Darrell C., 1945-1967, undated

19/37: Richer to Rosicrucian, 1937-1973

19/38: Robillaird, Douglas, 1988-1994

19/39: Rothman, Milton A., 1946-1947, 1953

19/40: Rowe to Rynas, 1942-1969. undated

19/41: Ryan, Charles C., 1977-1978, undated

19/42: S Miscellaneous, 1991-1992

19/43: S Miscellaneous, 1948-1997 undated

19/44: Sackett to San, 1949-1994, undated

19/45: Santesson, Hans Stefan, 1938-1973, undated

19/46: Sapiro to Schmidt, 1938-1973, undated

19/47: Schornstein, Harry, 1951-1972, undated

19/48: Schultz to Schwartz, 1938-1973, undated

19/49: Science Fiction Plus (Promotion and Publicity), 1953

Bill Crider/Robert Skinner Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000511
  • Collection
  • 1993 - 2001

This collection consists almost entirely of correspondence between legendary Texas writer Bill Crider and author and professor Robert E. Skinner, of Xavier University in New Orleans. Over several years, the two became regular correspondents in exchanges involving numerous subjects, including writers, writing, films, books, and their personal lives.

The two did not cease corresponding after 1998 (the date of last correspondence in the collection), but once Crider and Skinner started using email as their major medium of choice, Skinner ceased collecting the exchanges.

Sans titre

Austin Mardon Collection

  • US TxAM-C 1375
  • Collection
  • 1986-1989

This collection includes flags (felt) brought along on the geographical expedition in search of meteorites in Antarctica, headed by A&M professor John Wormuth, from November 1986 to February 1987. The expedition was an international collaborative effort between Japanese, Austrian, Dutch, and American researchers with William A. Cassidy (University of Pittsburgh) as the expedition team leader.

Other items included are a Texas House Resolution awarding Austin Mardon the United States Navy's Antarctica Medal on February 27, 1989.

Sans titre

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Comic Book Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000168
  • Collection
  • 2010-2017

This collection consists of issues from the comic book continuation of the television shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, both created and produced by Joss Whedon. Included are the issues for the final two story arcs of Buffy Season Eight, for the story arcs in Season Nine and Ten, and for the beginnings of Season Eleven. Season Nine and Season Ten are divided into two separate story strands, one following Buffy and her friends as they adapt to post-Sunnydale and post-Season Eight life in San Francisco, the other chronicling the ongoing adventures of the ensouled vampire Angel and Buffy's rival Slayer, Faith.

There are also issues of two mini-series that were published as part of Season Nine, which follow the adventures of the characters Spike and Willow, respectively. In addition, there are several issues of an additional Buffyverse comic mini-series from Dark Horse, this one exploring the development of the character Illyria (who figured in the television show Angel).

Willmund Reaux Glaeser Diary

  • US TxAM-C 114
  • Collection
  • 1919-1920

This collection contains a diary (December 9, 1919 - November 25, 1920), signed by hand in ink on recto of the first leaf "Willmund Reaux Glaeser", held on top and bound with three-hole-punched loose-leaf ring binder memo book, with imitation brown leather covers, measuring about 14 x 9 cm. Filler paper (120 leaves) is narrow-ruled in blue, with most entries closely handwritten in ink, a very few in pencil, on both sides of the leaves, with only 21 leaves left completely blank. Some leaves preceding the diary entries are filled with names and addresses of friends and family, lists of traveler's cheques and numbers, as well as other miscellaneous lists. Unused index divider sheets labeled A-Z are included in a group at the back of the main body of diary entries. Diary entries begin on leaves just after the group of index dividers, continue for only two leaves, then begin again starting from the other end of the diary. Typed transcript on 39 pages of 8.5 x 11-inch white bond paper is undated, untitled and the author is unknown.

Entries in the diary are fairly evenly divided between Glaeser's service on the tramp steamer Sag Harbor, and on the New York-based excursion ships, the S.S. Chester W. Chapin and S.S. Richard Peck.

As a wireless operator aboard the "tramp freighter" S.S. Sag Harbor, Glaeser sailed the coast of South America to the port of Antofagasta, Chile, to take on a cargo of "nitrates and saltpetes." Glaeser describes hordes of migrating birds, ducks, whales, sea lion, sharks, and pelicans. With great gusto Glaeser includes much detail on life aboard ship, including a crew of mixed nationalities, contending with furious storms at sea and drunken brawls ashore, often ending in arrests and wounds. One steward, in particular, addicted to both "booze and cocaine," proves especially disturbing, since ships stores of food are being sold off to fund the man's habit. The S.S. Sag Harbor puts into port at Malon, Panama, then Balboa and Panama City, passing through the canal on January 22, 1920, with orders to proceed to Baltimore. Storms are reported disabling and sinking several ships off the coast of Georgia (January 30, 1920 - February 3, 1920), but the S.S. Sag Harbor reaches Baltimore safely on February 9, 1920, proceeding on to Washington, DC. With a new captain and much better steward, hence better meals, the S.S. Sag Harbor takes on a cargo of coal bound for Havana, Cuba, where a long longshoreman's strike holds up both delivery of cargo and taking on new cargo, from early February to mid-March 1920. Finally free to take their new cargo of phosphates to Wilmington, NC the S.S. Sag Harbor continues on its journey, finally arriving on May 8, 1920, in New York City.

In New York City, Glaeser stays at the YMCA intermittently as he is transferred May 28, 1920, to the S.S. Chester W. Chapin, an excursion steamer based in New London, Conn., and later (June 5, 1920) to another excursion boat, the S.S. Richard Peck. While in New York, Glaeser has quite a social life, visiting restaurants, theatres, and the shore on dates, but also looking for an office job. He buys stock in the Century Adding Machine Co. and is offered a job starting a sales agency for the company in Texas, but Glaeser declines that offer, later taking a position as an accountant with the A. H. Bull Steamship Co. in New York.

Glaeser includes vivid descriptions of life in the ports of Havana, Cuba, Miami, and Tampa Bay, FL, Charleston, SC, Wilmington, NC, as well as the cities of Baltimore and New York in 1920. He is attuned to the unrest of longshoremen in Cuba, observes the unsteady nature of trading on the stock exchange, and aware that, although life on a tramp steamer is romantic to a young man fresh out of the Army in World War I, it is eventually not that attractive a life considering the storms, brawls, and other natural vicissitudes of peacetime seafaring life. Glaeser's sense of adventure and humor are both keen, so he manages to infuse the diary with both in equal measure.

Sans titre

Allen Elmer Luddeke Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1400
  • Collection
  • 1940-1966

This scrapbook contains a World War II ration book, ration card, memorabilia of Texas A&M student life during the 1940-1950s with additional items in the 1960s regarding Texas A&M.

A. A. "Al" Jackson Collection

  • TxAM-CRS C000154
  • Collection
  • 1956-1977

This collection contains the manuscript of Pause for Reflection (Superradiance) in three copies (n.a. Pause for Reflection, by A. A. Jackson IV and Howard Waldrop).

Sans titre

Houston Area Research Center (HARC) Records

  • TxAM-CRS 413
  • Collection

This collection consists of the following materials:

  • Meeting Minutes of Executive Committee and Board of Directors November 1985 - November 1989
  • Agreement 1987, 1988
  • 1988 Bylaws
  • Bonds
  • Correspondence 1985-1988
  • Governing Policy
  • Governor's MOU
  • HARC in the News 1987-1988
  • Staff Meeting 1986-1987
  • Strategic Plan

Lt. Hannum Letters and Manuscript

1/1: Collection Correspondence, 1995; undated (2 pages, xerox copies)

1/2: Letters of Lt. Tom Hannum, June - December 1942 (14 pages, xerox copies of handwritten letters on single pages)

1/3: Letters of Lt. Tom Hannum, January 1943 - January 1944 (34 pages, xerox copies of multiple handwritten letters on a single page)

1/4: Letters of Lt. Tom Hannum, February - July 1944 (8 pages, xerox copies of multiple handwritten letters on a single page)

1/5: Manuscript: The 30 Years of Army Experience of Thomas E. Hannum (98 pages, typed, xerox copies)

Wehrs Manuscript

1/1: Correspondence (4 items)
-Letter to Dr. Robert H. Carpenter from Gustav Wehrs, detailing the contents of his memories and regretting they were in German, mentions a book that was soon to be published on the Battle of the Aegean and gives an update on the health of him and his wife, Annemarie. (1 page with envelope) September 14, 2003
-Letter to Gustav Wehrs from David Chapman, notifying him of Dr. Carpenter's donation of a copy of his memories and battle descriptions to Cushing Library, where it would be made a part of the Military Collection. (1 page) October 15, 2003
-Front piece of envelope that the manuscript was mailed in.

1/2: Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, Erinnerugen von Gustav Wehrs (As Far as I can Remember, Memories of Gustav Wehrs) (63 pages, typed, bound manuscript, signed)
-Account of Gustav Wehrs' memoirs of his early years, typed in his native German. Details like his parents' wedding date, the names of his siblings, hometown, and family profession are included, as well as Wehrs' life before being drafted into the German Army in 1939. All details afterward pertain to the war, and then into the 1950s when conditions in Germany began to improve.

1/3: Translated typed account of Gustav Wehrs' World War II (WWII) experiences during the Battle of the Aegean on the islands Kos and Leros, in 1943. (8 typed pages, translated by Sonja Stammwitz, signed by Gustav Wehrs), September 22, 2002

Ellen Schulz Quillin Manuscripts

  • US TxAM-C 95
  • Collection
  • 1928-1964

This collection contains two manuscripts written by Ellen D. Schulz Quillin. The first, "Texas Wild Flowers. a Popular Account of the Common Wild Flowers of Texas.", was published in 1928 by Laidlaw Brothers (Chicago, IL), and the second, "Texas Cacti: A Popular and Scientific Account of the Cacti Native to Texas", was published in 1930 by the Texas Academy of Science and written with Robert Runyon.

The manuscript for "Texas Wild Flowers. a Popular Account of the Common Wild Flowers of Texas." consists of two bound volumes, typed with handwritten edits and notes, and both contain a title page handwritten in graphite, dated and initialed by Ellen (December 23, 1955). The inscription in Part I reads, "Original Texas Wild Flowers manuscript. Of no value to anyone else. Kept for reference to revision, if I should get to it". and in Part II, the inscription slightly changes with the last sentence reading "Kept for reference in case of revision".

The first volume, Part I (pages 1-337), has a second note by Ellen handwritten in ink, dated October 20, 1963, in which she talks about the book being published, the revisions she wanted to make after it becoming know the book was out of bring in 1959 [Part 2 state 1939], and never got around to due to her work in writing "History of the Museum" in 5 volumes and resigning in 1960.

The second volume, Part II (pages 338-640), also has a handwritten ink note from October 20, 1963, however, the inscription reads "Presented to Peggy C. Owens, College Station, Texas to use in any way she can as Texas Wildflowers has not been replaced since it became out of print in 1939 [Part I states 1959] - used copies are generally not available - and the last used copy I saw advertised in a California catalogue was $27.50 - a prohibitive price".

The second manuscript in this collection, "Texas Cacti: A Popular and Scientific Account of the Cacti Native to Texas", is held within a Weston Paper box with an address label for Mrs. Peggy C. Owens affixed to the outside. The manuscript itself is bound, typed with handwritten edits and notes, and original photographs (95 pages total). Also found within are a few publications that were used for reference.

Contained within the front cover are four documents, two are keys for illustrations, one for illustrations from "Succulents" by van Laren from paintings made in Amsterdam by Messrs. C. Rol, J. Voerman and H. Rol, and the second unidentified. The third is an announcement for the release of "Texas Wild Flowers: A Popular Account of the Common Wild Flowers of Texas by Ellen D. Schulz Quillin, M. S." with an overall description of the book, an excerpt from the book on the origin of Texas bluebonnets and two reprints from Texas newspapers of articles announcing Ellen's new book in June and July of 1928. The fourth document is a note handwritten in ink, originally paper clipped to the front cover, dated April 21, 1964, reading "To Peggy Owens - One of my most Precious possessions. Ellen S. Quillin". Also noted in graphite below the original note is "send vols 1 & 2" by Ellen, May 12, 1964. On the first page in the top right corner is another handwritten note in ink by Ellen dating April 21, 1964, "To Peggy Owens - Compliments of the author".

Sans titre

Miscellaneous A&M Patches and Fabric Fragments

  • US TxAM-C 1623
  • Collection
  • 1930s

This collection contains patches and fragments of fabric from arm bands, pendants and other items. Some of the materials include Texas Aggie, Fightin' Aggie, TCU (purple), mini TCU pendant (7"), "HOTEL EL Jardi" Brownsville, Texas" with metal tag attached. Item stamped with PG 12 on one side and A&M C of T. College Sta. Tex. on back; A&M Intramural MGR; and embroidered canvas with Texas Aggies. (9 total)

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