1/1: Threonine-Serine Antagonism in Some Lactic Acid Bacteria by W.W. Meinke and Bryant R. Holland, Reprint No. 1. Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 173, No. 2, April 1948. (2 copies)
1/2: Chinese Tallow Nut Protein. I. Isolation, Amino Acid, and Vitamin Analysis by Bryant R. Holland and W. W. Meinke, Reprint No. 2. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, vol. XXV, No. 11, pp. 418 - 419, November 1948.
1/3: Multicomponent Distillation: Constant Volatility Ratio and Constant Reflux, Derivation and Application of Basic Algebraic Equations to Three- and Four-Component Systems by P. G. Murdoch, Reprint No. 3. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, vol. 44, No. 11, pp. 855 - 862, November 1948.
1/4: The Serine Requirement of Streptococcus Faecalis R as A Function of the Basal Medium by Bryant R. Holland and W.W. Meinke, Reprint No. 4. Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 178, No. 1, March 1949. (2 copies)
1/5: Chinese Tallow Nut Protein. II. Nutritive Value by W. W. Meinke, Bryant R. Holland, and L. R. Richardson, Reprint No. 5. Reprinted from Archives of Biochemistry, vol. 22, No. 3, July 1949.
1/6: Solvent Extraction of Rice Bran. Production of B-Vitamin Concentrate and Oil by Isopropanol Extraction by W. W. Meinke, Byrant R. Holland, and W.D. Harris, Reprint No. 6. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Vol. XXVI, No. 10, pp. 532 - 534, October 1949. (2 copies)
1/7: Isopropanol as a Solvent for Extraction of Cottonseed Oil. II. Separation of Purified Oil from Mexico by W. D. Harris, J. W. Hayward, and R. A. Lamb, Reprint No. 7. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, vol. XXVI, No. 12, pp. 719 - 723, December 1949.
1/8: Multicomponent Distillation. II - Application of Algebraic Equations to Doublet Separations by P. G. Murdoch, Reprint No. 8. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 36 - 43, January 1950.
1/9: Evidence for a Calcium Requirement for Lactobacillus Delbrueckii 9595 by W.W. Meinke and Bryant R. Holland, Reprint No. 9. Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 184, No. 1, May 1950. (2 copies)
1/10: Isopropanol as a Solvent for Extraction of Cottonseed Oil III. The use of Recycling to Effect Solvent Economy by W.D. Harris and J.W. Hayward, Reprint No. 10. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, vol. XXVII, No. 7, pp. 273 - 275, July 1950. (2 copies)
1/11: Solution of Simultaneous Equations through Use of the A.C. Network Calculator by L. M. Haupt, Reprint No. 11. Reprinted from The Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 683 - 686, August 1950.
1/12: Notes on the Construction of Geologic Scale Methods by A. N. McDowell and Travis J. Parker, Reprint No. 12. Reprinted from The Mines Magazine, October 1950.
1/13: Ammonia-Base Sulphite Pulping Liquors - Their Preparation and Analysis by F.F. Bishop and J.F. Honstead, Reprint No. 13. Reprinted from Tappi, vol. 34, No. 7, July 1951. (2 copies)
1/14: Scale Models as Guide to Interpretation of Salt-Dome Faulting by Travis J. Parker and A. N. McDowell, Reprint No. 14. Reprinted from The Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, vol. 35, No. 9, September 1951. (2 copies)
1/15: A Laboratory Apparatus for Determining the Rate of Extraction of Oil from Oil-Bearing Materials by S. P. Clark and A. Cecil Wamble, Reprint No. 15. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, vol. XXIX, No. 2, pp. 56 - 59, February 1952.
1/16: Rapid Preparation of Soil Samples by Bob M. Gallaway, Reprint No. 16. Reprinted from Excavating Engineer, May 1952. (2 copies)
1/17: Multicomponent Distillation III - Equations in Product Form and Simplified Application by P. G. Murdoch and C. D. Holland, Reprint No. 17. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 254 - 260, May 1952.
1/18: Multicomponent Distillation IV - Determination of Minimum Reflux by P. G. Murdoch and C. D. Holland, Reprint No. 18. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 287 - 292, June 1952.
1/19: The Shoulder Harness-Seat Belt Combination of the AG-1 Airplane by Fred E. Weick, Reprint No. 19. Reprinted from Flight Magazine, Dallas, Texas, September 1952. (2 copies).
1/20: New Stripe Materials Better than Paint by Charles J. Keese, Reprint No. 20. Reprinted from Roads and Streets, vol. 95, No. 10, October 1952.
1/21: A Versatile Electrostatic Electron Gun by Albert J. Druce, Reprint No. 21. Reprinted from The Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 499 - 500, September 1952. (2 copies)
1/22: Comparison of Paint Films of Various Thickness as Traffic Stripes by Charles J. Keese, Reprint No. 22. Reprinted from Roads and Streets, vol. 95, No. 12, December 1952.
1/23: Classrooms that Perform by Bob H. Reed and William W. Caudill, Reprint No. 23. Reprinted from The American School and University, pp. 327 - 350, 1952 - 1953.
1/24: Solvent Extraction of Oil from Cottonseed Prior to the Removal of Linters and Treatment of the Residue to Effect Separation of Meal, Hulls, and Linters by S.P. Clark and A. Cecil Wamble, Reprint No. 24. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Vol. XXIX, No. 12, pp. 624 - 626, December 1952. (2 copies)
1/25: Electrical Properties of Limestone Cores by R.L. Whiting, E.T. Guerrero, and R.M. Young, Reprint No. 25. Reprinted from The Oil and Gas Journal, July 27, 1953. (2 copies)
1/26: Pedestrians Use Zebra Crossings by Fred J. Benson and C.J. Keese, Reprint No. 26. Reprinted from The American City, August 1953. (2 copies)
1/27: Sewage Purification by Rock Filters—Removal of Oxygen Demand of Soluble Organic Material by J.H. Sorrels and P.J.A. Zeller, Reprint No. 27. Reprinted from Sewage and Industrial Waste, vol. 25, No. 7, July 1953. (2 copies)
1/28: Pressure Loss of Air Flowing Through 45-Degree Wooden Louvers by P. R. Cobb, Reprint No. 28. Reprinted from ASHVE Journal Section, Heating, Piping, & Air Conditioning, December 1953.
1/29: Prediction of Cooling Tower Performance by Wesley W. Smith, Reprint No. 29. Reprinted from ASHVE Journal Section, Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, October 1953. (3 copies)
1/30: Continuous Production of Activated Silica with Carbon Dioxide Gas by Robert V. Andrews, Reprint No. 30. Reprinted from Journal Americans Water Works Association, vol. 46, No. 1, January 1954.
1/31: Designing Fired Tubular Reactors by P. G. Murdoch and C. D. Holland, Reprint No. 31. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, March 1954.
1/32: Determination of the Phosphorus Content of Lipids by W.D. Harris and Pranjivan Popat, Reprint No. 32. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, vol. 31, no. 4, April 1954. (2 copies)
1/33: Study of Some Variables Affecting Retention of Aggregate by Asphalt Surface Treatments by Fred J. Benson and Bob M. Gallaway, Reprint No. 33. Reprinted from Roads and Streets, April 1954. (2 copies)
1/34: Designing Fired Tubular Reactors, II by P.G. Murdoch and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 34. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, June 1954. (2 copies)
1/35: Daylight Survey Methods by E.E. Vezey, Bob H. Reed, and Ben H. Evans, Reprint No. 35. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, vol. 49, No. 5, May 1954. (2 copies)
1/36: Vitamin E Analytical Procedure for Cottonseed and Its Products by Benjamin D. Deacon and A. Cecil Wamble, Reprint No. 36. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, vol. 31, No. 7, pp. 284 - 287, July 1954. (2 copies)
1/37: Plasticized Sulfur Compositions for Traffic Marking by C. Kinney Hancock, Reprint No. 37. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 46, page 2431, November 1954. (2 copies)
1/38: Determination of Water in Soils by an Indirect Conductivity Method by C. Kinney Hancock and Charles M. Hudgins, Jr., Reprint No. 38. Reprinted from Analytical Chemistry, vol. 26, pg. 1738, November 1954. (2 copies)
1/39: Corrosion of Aircraft Structural Materials by Agricultural Chemicals by Charles F. Schreiber, Reprinted No. 39. Reprinted from Corrosion-National Association of Corrosion Engineers, vol. 11, March 1955. (2 copies)
1/40: Solving Conductive Heat Transfer Problems with Electrical-Analogue Shape Factors by Robert V. Andrews, Reprint No. 40. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, February 1955. (2 copies)
1/41: Effect of Bacterial Flora on Deoxygenation by William L. Tidwell and J. H. Sorrels, Reprint No. 41. Reprinted from Sewage and Industrial Wastes, vol. 27, No. 2, February 1955. (2 copies)
1/42: Resistance of Wooden Louvers to Fluid Flow by C.W. Bevier, Reprint No. 42. Reprinted from ASHAE Journal Section, Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, May 1955. (2 copies)
1/43: Compaction Control Solves Healing Clay Problem by Lawrence A. DuBose, Reprint No. 43. Reprinted from Civil Engineering, April 1955. (2 copies)
1/44: Effect of Recirculation on Trickling Filter Performance by J. H. Sorrels and P. J. A. Zeller, Reprint No. 44. Reprinted from Sewage and Industrial Wastes, vol. 27, No. 4, April 1955. (2 copies)
1/45: Influence of Some Agricultural Soil Conditioners on Engineering Properties of Clay Soils by Lawrence A. DuBose, Reprint No. 45. Reprinted from Road and Streets, April 1955. (2 copies)
1/46: Plasticity Index and pH of Soils Show Little Correlation by Bob M. Gallaway, Reprint No. 46. Reprinted from Roads and Streets, June 1955. (2 copies)
1/47: Accuracy of Daylight Predictions by Means of Models under an Artificial Sky by Bob H. Reed and Matthew A. Nowak, Reprint No. 47. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, vol. 50, no. 7, July 1955. (2 copies)
1/48: The Study of Natural Illumination by Means of Models under an Artificial Sky by Edward E. Vezey and Ben H. Evans, Reprint No. 48. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, vol. 50, no. 8, August 1955. (2 copies)
1/49: Method Presented for Computing Steel Prestress Losses by Henson K. Stephenson and Truman R. Jones, Jr., Reprint No. 49. Reprinted from Civil Engineering, August 1955. (2 copies)
1/50: Aluminum Sulfate and Iron Sulfates as Auxiliaries in Bituminous Stabilization of Soils by C. Kinney Hancock, Reprint No. 50. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 47, p. 2269, November 1955. (3 copies)
1/51: Stratigraphy of the Wellborn and Manning Formations in East-Central Texas by William L. Russell, Reprint No. 51. Reprinted from Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, vol. 5, pp. 165 - 172, October 1955. (2 copies)
1/52: Stress Analysis and Design of Columns: A General Solution to the Compression Member Problem by Henson K. Stephenson, Reprint No. 52. Reprinted from the 34th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 1955.
1/53: Load Studies on Drilled Shafts by Lawrence A. Dubose, Reprint No. 53. Reprinted from Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 1955. (2 copies)
1/54: Specific Gravity of Aggregates in Asphaltic-Paving Mixtures by Fred J. Benson and BH. Subbaraju, Reprint No. 54. Reprinted from Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 1955. (2 copies)
1/55: Nomograph for Corrosion Rate Calculations by Henry K. Bass, Jr. and Robert V. Andrews, Reprint No. 55. Reprinted from Corrosion, vol. 12, No. 1, January 1956. (2 copies)
1/56: A Brightness Meter for Use in Model Studies of Buildings by E.E. Vezey, Reprint No. 56. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, vol. 50, No. 11, November 1955. (2 copies)
1/57: Continuous Vacuum Rotary Filters by C. D. Holland and J. F. Woodham, Reprint No. 57. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, February 1956. (2 copies)
1/58: Shape Factors in Multiple-Pipe Systems by Richard C. Faulkner and Robert V. Andrews, Reprint No. 58. Reprinted from A.I.Ch.E Journal, December 1955. (2 copies)
1/59: Engineering Research Aids Cotton Oil Industry by A. Cecil Wamble and Louis J. Horn, Reprint No. 59. Reprinted from The Cotton Gin and Oil Mill Press, March 10, 1956. (2 copies)
1/60: Determination of Water in Cooked Cottonseed Meats by a Modified Indirect Conductivity Method by C. Kinney Hancock and Robert L. Burdick, Reprint No. 60. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemist’s Society, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 175 - 177, April 1956. (2 copies)
1/61: The Relative Stability Test by William L. Tidwell and J. H. Sorrels, Reprint No. 61. Reprinted from Sewage and Industrial Wastes, vol. 28, no. 2, February 1956. (2 copies)
1/62: Comparative Evaluation of Special 2-Day and Standard 5-Day B.O.D. Tests by William L. Tidwell and J.H. Sorrels, Reprint No. 62. Reprinted from Sewage and Industrial Wastes, vol. 28, No. 4, April 1956. (2 copies)
1/63: Study of Three Redwood Cooling Tower Packings by Wesley W. Smith, Reprint No. 63. Reprinted from ASHAE Journal Section, Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, July 1956.
1/64: Effects of Nearby Walks and Concrete Areas on Indoor Natural Lighting by Bob H. Reed, Reprint No. 64. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, vol. 51, No. 7, July 1956. (2 copies)
1/65: Earth as Heat Source and Sink for Heat Pumps by D.M. Vestal, Jr. and B.J. Flucker, Reprint No. 65. Reprinted from ASHAE Journal Section, Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, August 1956. (2 copies)
1/66: Modified Indirect Conductivity Method for Determining Water in Cottonseed Meal by C. Kinney Hancock and Robert L. Burdick, Reprint No. 66. Reprinted from Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 4, No. 9, p. 800, September 1956.
1/67: Two-Stage Trickling Filter Performance by J.H. Sorrels and P.J.A. Zeller, Reprint No. 67. Reprinted from Sewage and Industrial Wastes, vol. 28, No. 8, August 1956. (2 copies)
1/68: Continuous Production of Activated Silica with Low-CO2 Gases by R.V. Andrews and Joe W. Burdett, Reprint No. 68. Reprinted from Journal American Water Works Association, vol. 48, No. 6, June 1956. (2 copies)
1/69: Daylight Surveys under a Partly Cloudy Sky by Matthew A. Nowak, Reprint No. 69. Reprinted from Illuminating Engineering, vol. 50, No. 8, August 1956. (2 copies)
1/70: Simplify Flash Distillation Calculations by C.D. Holland and R.R. Davison, Reprint No. 70. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, March 1957. (2 copies)
1/71: Effects of Sphericity, Roundness, and Velocity on Traction Transportation of Sand Grains by William J. Morris, Reprint No. 71. Reprinted from Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 21 - 31, March 1957. (2 copies)
1/72: Steam-Flash Vaporization of Multicomponent Mixtures by C.D. Holland and W.B. Hayes, Reprint No. 72. Reprint from Petroleum Refiner, April 1957. (2 copies)
1/73: Steam Batch Distillation Calculations by C.D. Holland and N.E. Welch, Reprint No. 73. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, May 1957. (2 copies)
1/74: The Excitation Requirements of 3-Phase, Core-Type, 3-Legged Wye-Connected Transformers by Clinton S. Walker, Reprint No. 74. Reprinted from American Institute of Electrical Engineers, May 1957. (2 copies)
1/75: Rapid Determination of Water in Wet Soils by C. Kinney Hancock and Robert L. Burdick, Reprint No. 75. Reprinted from Soil Science, vol. 83, No. 3, March 1957. (2 copies)
1/76: Rotating Disk Apparatus for the Production of Droplets of Uniform Size by George A. Roth and Gunther E. Reins, Reprint No. 76. Reprinted from Weeds, vol. 5, No. 3, July 1957.
1/77: A New Instrument for Measuring Bulk and Grain Volumes by William L. Russell, Reprint No. 77. Reprinted from Journal of Petroleum Technology, July 1957. (2 copies)
1/78: A Statistical Experimental Design Applied to Cottonseed Cleaning by S.P. Clark, Reprint No. 78. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 19 - 21, July 1957. (2 copies)
1/79: A Rapid Alkali-Wash Method of Refining Cottonseed Oil for Refined Color Determination by B.D. Deacon, W.B. Harris, and A. Cecil Wamble, Reprint No. 79. Reprinted from The Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society, vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 367 - 368, July 1957. (2 copies)
1/80: Design for Natural Ventilation in Hot Humid Weather by Robert H. Reed, Reprint No. 80. Reprinted from Housing and Building in Hot-Humid and Hot-Dry Climates, 1953.
1/81: Natural Ventilation by Bob H. Reed, Reprint No. 81. Reprinted from Windows and Glass in the Exterior of Buildings, 1957. (2 copies).
1/82: Air Density Calculator by Guy Johnson, Sr., Reprint No. 82. Reprinted from Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating, October 1957. (2 copies)
1/83: Determination of the Chemical Properties of an Oxide Catalyst in a Closed System by C.D. Holland and P.G. Murdoch, Reprint No. 83. Reprinted from A.I.Ch.E. Journal, September 1957. (2 copies)
1/84: Faulting and Superficial Structures in East-Central Texas by William L. Russell, Reprint No. 84. Reprinted from Transactions – Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, vol. 7, 1957. (2 copies)
1/85: Water Distribution Problems Solved by Network Calculators by L.M. Haupt, Reprint No. 85. Reprinted from Journal of the Pipeline Division – Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, March 1958. (2 copies)
1/86: Use of Computers in Reactor Design by D.S. Billingsley, W.S. McLaughlin, Jr., N.E. Welch and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 86. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 50, p. 741, May 1958. (2 copies)
1/87: Soil Temperatures by B.J. Fluker, Reprint No. 87. Reprinted from Soil Science, vol. 86, No. 1, July 1958. (2 copies)
1/88: Architectural Research: Light and Air by Matthew A. Nowak, Reprint No. 88. Reprinted from Progressive Architecture, July 1958. (2 copies)
1/89: The Formation of Interfacial Area in Immiscible Liquids by Orifice Mixers by L.S. Scott, W.B. Hayes, III and C.C. Holland, Reprint No. 89. Reprinted from A.I.Ch.E Journal, September 1958. (2 copies)
1/90: How Cotton Oil Mills are Changing by A. Cecil Wamble, Reprint No. 90. Reprinted from The Cotton Gin and Oil Mill Press, February 1959. (2 copies)
1/91: Better Chicken Feed by B. F. G., Reprint No. 91. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, April 1959. (2 copies)
1/92: Figure Distillation This New Way by W.N. Lyster, S.L. Sullivan, Jr., D.S. Billingsley and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 92. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, June - July 1959. (2 copies)
1/93: A New Method for Studying Effects of Direct Sunlight on Building Interiors and Subsequent Skylight Studies by Ben H. Evans and Matthew Nowak, Reprint No. 93. Reprinted from a paper at the National Technical Conference of the Illuminating Engineering Society, September 1959. (2 copies)
1/94: Figure Distillation This New Way, Part 3 – Consider Multi-Feed Columns with Side-Streams by W.N. Lyster, S.L. Sullivan, Jr., D.S. Billingsley and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 94. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, October 1959. (2 copies)
1/95: Formation of Gas Bubbles at Submerged Orifices by W.B. Hayes, III, B.W. Hardy and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 95. Reprinted from A.I.Ch.E Journal, September 1959. (2 copies)
1/96: Fan Performance Dimensional Analysis Leads to New Rating Method by Charles E. Neelley, Reprint No. 96. Reprinted from Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, January 1960. (2 copies)
1/97: Tests Compare Heat Transfer of 5 Cooling Tower Packings by Wesley W. Smith and Glenn F. Hallett, Reprint No. 97. Reprinted from Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, April 1960. (2 copies)
1/98: Oral Toxicity to Poultry of a Commercial Octylamine by S.P. Clark and R.T. DuBose, Reprint No. 98. Reprinted from Agricultural and Food Chemistry, March - April 1960. (2 copies)
1/99: Spectrophotometric Studies of some 2, 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazones. III. Taft and Hammett Relationships by Louis A. Jones and C. Kinney Hancock, Reprint No. 99. Reprinted from Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1960. (2 copies)
1/100: Prediction of “Single-Phasing” Performance of Induction Motor by M.G. Rekoff, Jr., Reprint No. 100. Reprinted from Electrical Manufacturing, August 1960. (2 copies)
1/101: Figure Distillation This New Way – Part 4- Explore Operating Characteristics of a Column by W.N. Lyster, S.L. Sullivan, Jr., J.A. McDonough and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 101. Reprinted from Petroleum Refiner, August 1960. (2 copies)
1/102: A Case for "South Living" by Robert F. White, Reprint No. 102. Reprinted from Landscape Architecture, Autumn 1959.
1/103: Graph Simplifies Determination of Economic Conductor Size by M.G. Rekoff, Jr., Reprint No. 103. Reprinted from Electric Light and Power, September 1960. (2 copies)
1/104: A New Catalyst for Oxidation of Propylene with Air by J.F. Woodham and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 104. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, December 1960. (2 copies)
1/105: An Economic Analysis of Cost for Redwood Cooling Tower Packings by Wesley W. Smith and Glenn F. Hallett, Reprint No. 105. Reprinted from Heating, Piping, & Air Conditioning, January 1961.
1/106: An Engineering Approach to the Design of Cottonseed Aeration Systems by W.B. Harris, W.D. Harris and A.C. Wamble, Reprint No. 106. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, February 1961. (2 copies)
1/107: The Reaction of 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine with Some Dicarbonyl Compounds and Alpha-Substituted Carbonyl Compounds by Louis A. Jones, C. Kinney Hancock, and Robert B. Seligman, Reprint No. 107. Reprinted from The Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 26, No. 228, 1961.
1/108: Double Pipe Heat Exchangers by S.L. Sullivan, Jr. and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 108. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, April 1961. (2 copies)
1/109: Evaluation of Transient Response Coefficients by D.S. Billingsley and M.G. Rekoff, Jr., Reprint No. 109. Reprinted from IRE Transactions on Automatic Control, February 1961. (2 copies)
1/110: Budget for School Site Development by Robert F. White, Reprint No. 110. Reprinted from Journal of the American Institute of Architects, April 1961. (2 copies)
1/111: Formation of Interfacial Area in Immiscible Liquids by Orifice Mixers by J.A. McDonough, W.J. Tomme and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 111. Reprinted from A.I.Ch.E. Journal, December 1960. (2 copies)
1/112: Numerical Solution of Certain Systems of Differential Equations (051) by N.E. Welch, D.S. Billingsley and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 112. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, May 1960. (2 copies)
1/113: Graph Checks Single Phasing of Servos by M.G. Rekoff, Jr., Reprint No. 113. Reprinted from Control Engineering, undated. (2 copies)
1/114: Phase Correction by Dielectric Slabs in Sectoral Horn Antennas by M.A. Quddus and J.P. German, Reprint No. 114. Reprinted from IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, July 1961. (2 copies)
1/115: A Note on Multiple Precision Arithmetic by Albert G. Cox and H.A. Luther, Reprint No. 115. Reprinted from Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, August 1961. (2 copies)
1/116: An Analytical Solution for a Double Pipe Heat Exchanger by S.L. Sullivan, Jr., and C.D. Holland, Reprint No. 116. Reprinted from Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, September 1961. (2 copies)
1/117: Figure Separations This New Way – Part 5 – A Convergence Method for Absorbers by B.W. Hardy, S.L. Sullivan, Jr., C.D. Holland and H.L. Bauni, Reprint No. 117. Reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing and Petroleum Refiner, September 1961. (2 copies)
1/118: Figure Separations This New Way – Part 6 – Minimization of Round-Off Errors and Other Developments by A.J. Weisenfelder, C.D. Holland and R.H. Johnston, Reprint No. 118. Reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing and Petroleum Refiner, October 1961. (2 copies)
1/119: A Hammett-Taft Polar-Steric Equation for the Saponification Rates of m- and p-Substituted Alkyl Benzoates by C. Kinney Hancock and C. Paul Falls, Reprint No. 119. Reprinted from Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1961. (2 copies)
1/120: Quantitative Separation of Hyperconjugation Effects from Steric Substituent Constants by C. Kinney Hancock, Edward A. Meyers and Billy J. Yager, Reprint No. 120. Reprinted from Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1961. (2 copies)
1/121: Figure Separations This New Way – Part 7 – Absorbers with Reboilers by B.W. Hardy, C.D. Holland, L.J. Canik and H.L. Bauni, Reprint No. 121. Reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing & Petroleum Refiner, December 1961. (2 copies)
1/122: Single Phasing as Determined by Control Circuit Impedance by M.G. Rekoff, Jr., and N.L. Schmitz, Reprint No. 122. Reprinted from AIEE Winter General Meeting, January - February 1962. (2 copies)
1/123: Finding Phase Angle Loci of a Distributed Lag by M.G. Rekoff, Jr., Reprint No. 123. Reprinted from Control Engineering, 1962. (2 copies)
1/124: Reservoir Water Resistivities and Possible Hydrodynamic Flow in Denver Basin by William L. Russell, Reprint No. 124. Reprinted from The Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, December 1961. (2 copies)
1/125: Some Magnetic Properties of the Iron-Nickel-Zinc Alloys by P.S. Gupton and B.A. Rogers, Reprint No. 125. Reprinted from METALL, January 1962. (2 copies)
1/126: Determination of the Conditions at Minimum Reflux When the Keys are the Most and Least Volatile Components by J.A. McDonough, C.D. Holland and H.L. Bauni, Reprint No. 126. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Science, 1961. (2 copies)
1/127: Effect of Continuous Low-Dose Gamma Irradiation on Healing of Standardized Wounds in the Albino Rat by Sidney O. Brown, James T. Jones and Richard Thomes, Reprint No. 127. Reprinted from Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine, Spring 1962. (2 copies)
1/128: Thermodynamic Properties of Polar Gases in Dilute Phase by P.T. Eubank and J.M. Smith, Reprint No. 128. Reprinted from A.I.Ch.E. Journal, March 1962. (2 copies)
1/129: Figure Separations This New Way – Part 8 – Distillation with Side Strippers by B.R. Dikcey, C.D. Holland and Ralph Cecchetti, Reprint No. 129. Reprinted from Hydrocarbon Processing Petroleum Refiner, February 1962. (2 copies)