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Star Wars at Texas A&M University Collection

  • US TxAM-C C000245
  • Collection
  • 2015

This collection consists of a number of items of Texas A&M University memorabilia, that display images, and lines of dialogue from the Star Wars cinematic universe. These items were sold in the fall of 2015 at the University Bookstore at the Memorial Student Center (MSC), as part of the nationwide landslide of publicity surrounding the December 2015 release of the film Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Items in the collection include T-shirts, pennants, stickers, decals, and beverage coolers, among others.

Wipprecht Family Papers

  • US TxAM-C 1251
  • Collection
  • 1803-1973

This a collection contains photographs, correspondence, and other items pertaining to the family of Walter Wipprecht (Sr.). The photographic collection spans the Wipprecht personal family ranch life in Bryan Texas to Texas A&M College and Bryan, TX early buildings. The collection includes several local newspapers, commemorative Bryan, TX memorabilia along with photographs of historic Texas A&M College during the early 1900s.

The collection includes light-sensitive glass plate negatives.

Sans titre

Class of 1995 Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1422
  • Collection
  • 1995

The Class of 1995 scrapbook contains photographs and miscellaneous clippings of events throughout the year 1995.

Lieutenant Milby Porter Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1045
  • Collection
  • 1898

This scrapbook contains pictures taken, developed and printed by Lieutenant Milby Porter, Co. A 1st Texas Volunteer Infantry Regiment; and Former Student at A. and M. College. All photos taken during the Spanish-American War.

Outside of scrapbook there are 4 loose photographs, 1 photograph and postcard in envelope with pieces from other loose photos, and 1 loose letter.

Photographs include:
Camp Cuba Libre, Jacksonville, Florida [loose photograph]
Camp Onward, Savannah, Georgia
Camp Columbia, Havana, Cuba
One loose photograph showing 1st Texas Infantry on way back to camp for a parade in Havana on July 1, 1900.
Havana and Environs: Including graphic photos of human skulls

Francis C. Turner Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 38
  • Collection
  • 1929-1997

This collection represents 68 years of materials authored or collected by Turner. Series 1. through Series 4. include highway engineering reports written for the Bureau of Public Roads, Clay Committee papers dating from the 1950s hearings on the development of a national interstate highway program, and speeches, publications, correspondence, and research notes generated by his career as a federal highway official. The aforementioned inscribed copy of A More Beautiful America by Lyndon Baines Johnson is is included in this material.

Upon his retirement, Turner became a transportation consultant, advising local, national, and international agencies, associations, and companies on transportation issues. The bulk of these post-retirement and consulting materials are found in Series 5 through Series 9. These materials include maps, photographs, research notes and manuscript drafts for a three-year study he and Harmer E. Davis conducted for the International Road Federation. The study, published in 1977 and titled A Comparative Analysis of Urban Transportation Requirements, compares transportation needs in urban areas in fourteen countries, including the United States.

Another large portion of the papers found in Series 7. contains papers related to Turner's membership in various associations. Throughout his lifetime Turner remained devoted to groups such as the Highway Users Federation and the American Association of State Highway Officials. Correspondence, speeches, and conference notes related to these associations reflect his continued involvement in the transportation field almost until the year of his death.

The collection also includes correspondence, transcripts, and drafts of several reports recording the history of the interstate highway, a subject for which Turner was a popular informant. The most extensive project is a study by the Public Works Historical Society, commissioned by the American Public Works Association and the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials.

Sans titre

Farmers Mutual Protective Association of Texas Collection

  • TxAM-CRS 531
  • Collection
  • 1901-1999

This collection contains materials from the Farmers Mutual Protective Association of Texas, the English translation from its original Czech name, Rolnický Vzájemně Ochranný Spolek Statu Texas (RVOS).

Materials include a typed translation of the first by-laws, charter copy, various member policies and applications in both English and Czech along with Lodge transfer requests, blank application forms, booklets and brochures. Also included is the Texaský Rolník - Texas Farmer Newsletter (1982-1999).

Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES) Miscellaneous Publications

  • TxAM-CRS 1473
  • Collection
  • 1938-1977

This collection contains an assortment of reports, booklets, research papers, committee reports and project reports produced by or in connection with the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, and is only a small part of the materials which highlight the role of Texas A&M in the development of the state's agricultural program.

The records included dates between 1938 and 1977, with the majority of the papers from 1968-1977. Of the significant items included, the annual reports of the Southern Agricultural Workers are available between 1938 and 1972, though some years are missing. Also, there are a number of project reports on research undertaken for Houston Lighting and Power and a number of publications included.

Texas A&M Bulletins

  • TxAM-CRS 1613
  • Collection

Official bulletins, catalogs, announcements, and reports produced by Texas A&M

Lloyd David Royer Class of 1913 Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1119
  • Collection
  • 1913-1957

This collection contains materials from the scrapbook of Lloyd D. Royer, Class Agent of 1913. Materials include a Junior Banquet Program (1913), Christmas Greetings (1949, 1950, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957), Class of 1913 reunion photos (1920, 1925, 1935, 1940) and other letters and clippings.

Ross Volunteer Company 75th Anniversary Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1116
  • Collection
  • 1950

This collection contains the scrapbook of the Ross Volunteer Company 75th Anniversary in 1950.

Contents include:
R.V.'s, 1950
Lawrence Sullivan Ross
Pictures of the 1950 Spring Banquet Initiations New Members Formally into The Organization
Autograph Picture by Gov. Alan Shivers
Junior Ball Class '55
Pictures of the Annual Company Ball
Pictures on San Jocund Day, the RV's Journey to San Antonio to Escort the Queen in the Battle of the Flowers Parade
Military Ball Review
Ross Volunteers, Texas A&M College, 1950-1951 (2x)
3rd Platoon, Ross Volunteers Texas A&M College 1951-1952 (3)
The Houston Chronicle Rotogravure Magazine (May 15, 1949)
The Battalion, December 9, 1954
History of the Ross Volunteers, Written in 1938
The Constitution of the Ross Volunteer Company Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas
Ross Volunteer Initiations
"The Batt" Devoted a Special Page to the Ross Volunteers Organized as Crack Military Drill Team in its 75th Anniversary Issue on November 9
San Antonio Express magazine
Members of the Court of Honor for the Brilliant Annual Ball of the Ross Volunteers of A & M College
Program: Queen's Ball (1934 Ross Volunteers)
Speakers at RV Banquet and Initiation
The Beaumont Spindletop Trip (January 10)
Program: Annual Company Ball
Parents Award Captain's Saber in Son's Name
The Sunday Enterprise (April 24, 1995)
The Texas A&M System News
Armed Forces Day Parade
Military Department Plans Prove of Ross Hall Flood
Approved Jr. List for Ross Volunteers

M. B. Hodges, Jr. '39 Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 115
  • Collection
  • 1938

This scrapbook contains photographs taken during the summer of 1938 from M. B. Hodges, Jr. '39.

Contents include:
College Station: Hanging Around that Dead "Campulse"
Oklahoma City, OK
Wichita, KS: Train Station
Colorado Springs, CO
Records of a Most Luscious Meal $2.00 Each
"Kapok" Floating Foot-Bridge
Experiment to Show the Use for the Exposure Mete
Company A's Street
The Commencing of Hailstorm
Scenes Around Camp
Buffalo Bill's Grave
On Lookout Mountain
Colorado School of Mines
Elev of Road 12,100 Ft.

The Moffat Tunnels
The Big Thompson River &Canyon
The Gig Thompson Highway
Camp Fickes

Paul Weaver Scrapbooks

  • US TxAM-C 1426
  • Collection

This collection contains materials related to Tepetate-Los Naranjos, Potrero del Lanno Tierra Amarilla Tanhuijo, Valles District, and other general oil drilling photographs within four scrapbooks.

W. P. Trice Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1425
  • Collection
  • 1910-1914

This collection consists of Trice's "Scrapbook of A&M College Life" containing photographs of campus buildings, sports teams and games, people, and other miscellaneous scenes from around A&M College during his time there from 1910-1914.

Contents include:
International Team, 1919
Missouri, "Y" Camp
First View
From Drill Ground
Main Building
Leggett Building
Francis Hall
Horse Barn
Fish Pond
Basketball Team, 1920
A.M.C (7) - T.U. (0), 1919
Texas A.M.C. (7) vs Texas University
A.M.C. vs. T.U., 1919
That Famous Aggie "T" Formation
A. and M. vs. Texas University, 1919
T.U. Girls at End of 1st Half with A&M (3), TU. (0)
Airplane View of Texas A&M, 1919

C. B. Dyer; W. P. Trice; J. P. R.; General Scott

Boot the Ninth Annual A&M Interscholastic Meet, May 9, 1909
Tenth Annual A&M High School Day, May 1, 1920
A.&M.C., Y.M.C.A., Reception
Basketball, 1920
The Season's Score, 1919

Texas A&M College Social Events Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1424
  • Collection
  • 1894-1900; 1917

This scrapbook contains news clippings, football tickets, publications, sick lists, miscellaneous materials, and programs and invitations to social events at Texas A&M College.

Contents include:
First Annual Field Day
The Dead Chieftain
A. and M. Commencement 1896

Jefferson Davis
The Mighty Dead
Charles A. Culberson
Capture of Lizzie Ross
No Survivor of the Alamo
Henry W. Grady
A&M Commencement
"Bigfoot" Wallace
Story of a Southern State

Commencement Hop
Ross Volunteer Program Ball, 1897
T.A.M.C. Commencement Hop, June 8, 1897
First Annual Field Day, April 21, 1899
Fancy Dress Ball, January 27, 1899
Grand Military Hall, Interstate Drill
T.A.M.C. Commencement Hop, June 13, 1899
Program Thanksgiving Hop, 1897
Ross Volunteers Hop, April 28, 1899
Annual Reception Local Alumni, 1900
Cadet Hop, May 20, 1808
Complimentary Hop, May 20, 1808
Commencement Exercises, June 9-11, 1901
Annual Commencement, Baylor University 1895-1896
Commencement Exercises, 1896
Commencement of Exercises, Baylor University 1896-1897
Add-Ran Literary Society, May 29, 1897
Fancy Dress Hop, February 2, 1900
Annual Celebration (Calliopean Literary Society), March 10, 1896
Saint Mary's Academy
Thanksgiving Hop
Marriage of Florence Mai, Gus Newton
Mississippi R.S.M College, Commencement Exercises, 1894
Commencement Exercises, June 8, 1897
Commencement Hop, June 9, 1896
The Royal Academia Society, Baylor College, March 23, 1897
Graduating Exercises, June 2, 1897
Commencement, Corps of Cadets, June 10-12, 1900
Reception, Corps of Cadets, 1899
Valentine Greeting
Annual Hop, Ross Volunteers, October 27, 1900
Annual Thanksgiving Hop, Corps of Cadets, November 25, 1898
New Years Card
Christmas Card
Dance Given by the Ex-cadets, October 27, 1900
Commencement Exercises, June 11-13, 1899
"The Bachelors" at Home, January 12, 1900
Alumni Association [1898] Ribbon
Public Exercises, Alumni Association, June 12, 1899
Annual Hop Foster Guards, April 12, 1901

College (43) vs. Houston High School (0), October 7, 1899
A&M (28) vs. Ft. Worth (0), December 3, 1898

October 19, 1897
November 24, 1897

Facts About; Our Country, The War, and Second Liberty Loan
The San Antonio Light, April 3, 1917
San Antonio Express, April 3, 1917

Telegraph Company
Special Orders No. 38
Special Orders No. 34
New Appointments, June 14, 1899

Administrator's Tour Visits A&M Clubs Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1114
  • Collection
  • 1953

This collection consists of a scrapbook of Administrator's visits to Texas A&M Clubs in 1953. The tour included the following cities: Galveston, Baytown, Houston, Kilgore, Shreveport, Wichita Falls, Abilene, Corpus Christi, Lower Rio Grande Valley, San Antonio, Waco, Austin, Big Spring, San Angelo, El Paso, Lubbock, Amarillo, Dallas, Port Arthur, Beaumont and Lufkin.

Anonymous Student Scrapbook and Miscellaneous Photographs

  • US TxAM-C 707
  • Collection
  • 1960-1961

This collection contains one folder of earlier campus photographs and one scrapbook of newspaper clippings from 1960-1961.

Scrapbook contents include:
Football 1960
Bonfire Awaiting Torch Despite Adverse Conditions
'60 Musters Best In History
A&M Mothers Clubs
Band Rejects Parade Invite
Aggie Song Composed by Student
Committee to Study A&M Name Change
Cadet Slouch
Aggie Golfers Take Conference Lead
A&M Cadets Prep for Military Day
Civilian Sweetheart

Class of 1922 45th Class Reunion Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1421
  • Collection
  • 1967

This scrapbook was created by the Class of 1922 for their 45th reunion which took place on April 21, 1967.

Contents include:
Class '22 - [Before and After Biographies]
Small Family and Work Information
Program: Inauguration of Jack Kenny Williams
Commencement: December 11, 1971
The Class of 1922 Memorial Fund Program
Ross Movement
Dallas Morning News, January 30, 1972
Remembrance to December 1966
Former Students
Snapshots, Part of Everyone's Accumulation of Life's
Small Relics-Are Friendly Moments Frozen:
Passing Milestones Recorded

Football [Aggie Band]
50th Reunion

Harris P. Smith Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1419
  • Collection
  • 1920-1958

This scrapbook contains materials accumulated by Harris P. Smith on mechanical cotton harvesters during his time as chief of Agricultural Engineering at Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES) from 1920 to 1958. Contents include correspondence with inventors and photographs of early cotton harvesters, and TAES contributions to the development of the mechanical cotton stripper.

Henry Ernst Sippel Autograph Book

  • US TxAM-C 698
  • Collection
  • 1888-1890

This collection consists of an autograph album from Henry Ernst Sippel containing autographs dated November 23, 1888, and a note in German dated 1890.

Steven Simon, Jr. '22 Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1417
  • Collection
  • 1920-1944

This collection contains a scrapbook with photographs of early campus views Texas A&M College, its buildings, and the Aggie Band in the 1920s. Also included are clippings and materials from Simon's enlistment in World War II (WWII).

Contents include:
North to Mess Hall
Veterinary Medicine
Main Building

Old Agricultural Building
POST CARD [A&M 22-Centre 14]
A&M College yells
Newspaper Clippings

The Texas Aggie, September. 4, 1944
Roundup, May 1944
The Shield, December 1, 1925
Daily Guide, December 7, 1925
Daily Guide, November 2, 1925
Roundup, April 1944
The Shield, July 6, 1926
The Shield, December 1, 1925
Singing Corps
Camp Alfred Vail
New Jersey, 1920

A.M.C. Band at Waco, November 6, 1920
A.M.C. Cadet Corps at Waco, November 6, 1920
A.M.C. Calisthenic Exhibition-Waco, November 6, 1920
Armistice Day, November 11, 1919
Unveiling of Statue- Lawrence Sullivan Ross
A.M.C. "Basketball Team", 1920
That Famous Aggie "T"
A&M Baylor Game, November 1920
"Varsity" Basketball team, 1920-1921
Track: Southwestern Champions
The "T" Club, 1922
The Cavalry Pass in Review
Firing the General's Solute
Field Artillery
General Hines' Arrival of College
The bons in review
The Reviewing Staff

Armistice Day Program, November 11, 1920
Banquet Rio Grande - "Possum" Simon
Junior Banquet, 1922
Annual Final Ball
Annual Engineering Inspection Trip
Passenger's Check- The Pullman Company
Rio Grande Valley Club, Christmas 1921

Report of Physical Examination (2x)
The National Life and Accident Insurance Company
War Department, April 11, 1941, and July 1, 1942
Headquarters First Military Area
Honorable Discharge from United States Army

First Lieutenant, Inactive
Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps

Dan Russell Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1416
  • Collection
  • 1913-1957

This scrapbook contains clippings from local and state newspapers on the Student Cooperative Housing movement at Texas A&M between 1932-1940.

Kenneth Kade Prestridges '17 Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1405
  • Collection
  • 1913-1917

This collection consists of the scrapbook from Kenneth K. Prestridges containing materials from his time at A&M college from 1913-1917.

Contents include:

James and Tubby
The Gang's All Here, 1913
The Hike of 1916
Hard Luck (Texas 21 - A&M 7)
November 30, 1915 (A&M 13 - Texas 0)

Company "F" Second Regiment
"Fish" Banquet, December 16, 1916
Junior Banquet, 1917

Annual Hop
Queen's Ball, 1917

F. S. Owat Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1404
  • Collection
  • 1929

This scrapbook contains progress photographs and news clippings of the construction of Kyle Field in 1929.

Progress photograph dates are as follows (all for the year 1929):
July 26
August 2
August 9
August 16
August 23
August 30
September 6
September 13
September 20
September 27
October 4
October 11
October 18
October 25

Emma and John H. O'Bar Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1403
  • Collection
  • 1875-1890

This scrapbook contains historical poems and songs from 1875 to 1890 collection by brother and sister Emma and John H. O'Bar.

Contents include:
The Birth of Freedom
Essay By Miss Lillie [1890] Valedictory
Congregational Hymns
Hurrah for the Next That Dies
Make Good [Hergert Kaufman]
Poet and Critic
To an Oldster
The First Stanza of Mr. Lee's Ode, [Delivered 1875]
Hymns for Men
Three Kisses of Farewell
Wonderful Prayer
On the Hospital Ship
"Work and You Will Win, Boys”
"If We Might"
Clark's Platform
The Woman Who Understands
Disappointment [W. D. Thomsen Printer]
"Boarder's Away"
The Test
A New Deal [Franklin K. Gifford]
The Old Porch
Just Go! [Arthur Chamberlain]
Pocket Code Card
Tyranny [Lee Gibon]
The Two Ages [Ella Wheeler Wilcox]
The Musician [Louise Ayres Garnett]
"The Partners" [Otto F. Pearre]
The Queen of Home [Florence A. Jones]
Not Understood [Thomas Bracken]
The Man Who Came [Edwin Arlington Robinson]

James C. Nagle Photograph Album

  • US TxAM-C 704
  • Collection
  • circa 1900

This collection is a Kodak album containing photographs of Texas A&M College campus, circa 1900.

Sans titre

Louis L. McInnis Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1402
  • Collection
  • 1883-1887

This scrapbook contains news clippings related to the Texas A&M Board of directors, Texas A&M College education between the times 1883-1887.

News Clippings inside include:
The Agricultural and Mechanical College
The Board of Directors Reorganize the Institution
Unjust Criticism
College Matters-- Tax Receipts
The Agricultural and Mechanical College
The A and M College Problem
Proceeding of the Meeting of the board of Directors Agricultural
Prof Cole and the Critics
Amalgamation of the University and the A&M College
The A&M College
A Bad Financial Precedent
The Production of New Varieties of Seed
Legislative Appropriation
Rests at the Agricultural and Mechanical College
About the College
The Agricultural and Mechanical College
Interview With Judge Thomas, President of the Board of Directors
The Agricultural and Mechanical College Problem
Teaching the Modern Languages
The Chair of Modern Languages in the A&M College
Dr. Rudolph Wipprecht
The A and M College Problem
Agricultural College Exercises--Address of Governor Ireland--Roll of Honor, Etc.
The News and A&M College
A Question of University Amalgamation
The Agricultural and Mechanical College
The Value of Industrial Education
Agitates Statement in the Senate
Giants Grapple in the Senate
The State University and Denominational Colleges
The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas
Of the President of the Board of Directors of the A&M College
President's Office
Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry
The Value of Industrial Education
The Kind of Regency for the State University
The State University
The Grange and the College
Hostility to the State University
The Texas State University
Closed at the Agricultural and Mechanical College at Bryan
A Legislator Gives his Views Concerning Agricultural and Mechanical
College Appropriations
A and M College Annual Report
Unique Revelations Forth Coming
Commencement Exercises
A&M College Reports-Object to Double Defers-Land Board Matters
The A&M College Investigation
Rev. John Collier and the Pfeuffer University Bill Fully Explained
True Inwardness of the Attack on that Institution-The Colored Problem
The University Regents-Fence-Cutting-Evidence-School Fund Investment, Etc.
Encourage Home Talent
Matters Concerning the State University-Political and General
Texas University Publications
Our Representative
The High School
The Executive and University
The A&M College
Ireland's University Speech
Recent Tragedy at Augusta---County Court--Storm--Personal, Etc.
High-Graded Free Schools
High Graded Public Schools and University
A Measure Calculate to Make the University a Haven for Played-Out Statesmen
The Martin Interview
From the College
Minerals of Texas
The A&M College
Bulletin No. 3 A&M College
The State Capital
Natural Products of Texas
The State University and the Political Spoilsmen Change at the College
Educate the Whole Man
Some Comments of the State Press on the Great Institution
Who Dare Say It?
A Tough Problem
A Senatorial Afterclap In Official Print
The A&M College Bonanza
Texas State Agricultural College
Meeting of the Board of University Regents
Stumps and Stumps Austin Capital
Young Senators on their Metal
Board Management of the University and School Lands from the College
Pfeuffer's University Bill
Foolishly False
The University of Texas
Austin Notes
University of Texas a Unit
The Governor and the Boys
Professor Halstead and the Fog'es
The Vacant Professorship in the State University
The University and the Press
The University
Executive Control Offer the State University
Sectarianism and the State University
Legal Science
Notes from the Department-Death of Hon. George Pfeuffer
Letter from Thorp Springs
The State University
The Cart Before the Horse
Our Mother Tongue
The Normal Schools
The University to Receive the Interest from land Notes---University Regents Meet--Other Items of Interest
Texas University
Short History of the University
The University Building-Educational
What the Papers Throughout Texas are Talking About
Hempstead Normal School
And the State Agricultural and Mechanical College
Speech of Hon, Gustave Cook, of Harris, Delivered at Austin June 16, 1885
"Hurrah for Hell!"
Gold Medal
Profs. C.P. Estill and Geo Gartner
Junior Class-Analytical Geometry
General Appropriation Bill
Blank Prejudice
The College
Texas Industrial School
Afternoon Session
Combine Messieurs
Prof. Jogg's Letter
Death of Professor Gartner
In Memory Professor
George Gartner
Erroneous Statements
Abusing the A&M College
Report of the President
Mechanical Department
Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry
The A&M College
Legislative Lagniappe
Afternoon Session
Bell, of Cooke, Bigger that the Constitution
Bryan College
An Educational Question
Home Education
The A&M College and the University

Sans titre

Carroll G. McAdams '28 Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1401
  • Collection
  • 1925-1928

This scrapbook contains clippings of Texas A&M Campus life from 1925 to 1928. Carroll G. McAdams was a Texas A&M College student who graduated in 1928.

Materials inside include:
Corps Marching to Chapel, Mother’s Day - May 10, 1925
Capt. Ransome, Capt. A. A. Ward
"To My Sweetheart"
Signatures of Friends
Yell Book, 1924-1925
Athletic Record, 1925 and 1956
Program from Senior Class Play, 1925
Cartoons from The Battalion, March 17, 1926
1925 Football Cross-country Pennant, SW Champions (28-0)
1928 Sophomore Edition of The Battalion
Demerit Slips
Photographs and Cards from Fay Maddox
Student Coupon Book, 1924-1925
Commencement Program, June 2, 1925
Photographs of Loree, Wilma and McMillian
Clippings of Commencement Exercises
Football Program, October 10, 1925
1925 Football Schedule
The Battalion, Fall Sports Edition 1925
The Spirit of Aggieland, Sheet Music
Final Ball Program, 1926
Valentine, Photographs and Hair Pin from Fay
The Fish Batt., May 27, 1928
Football Program, Thanksgiving 1925

Allen Elmer Luddeke Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1400
  • Collection
  • 1940-1968

This scrapbook contains a World War II ration book, ration card, memorabilia of Texas A&M student life during the 1940-1950s with additional items in the 1960s regarding Texas A&M.

Materials inside include:
The Texas Aggie (Front Page-August 1966)
Sunday Morning Inspection
Goodby, Rev-1966
Tom Chetham
War Ration Book (WWII)
War Ration Card (WWII)
Letters from son David E. Luddeke (1945)

Honoring Mothers and Dads (April 5, 1942)


Western Union (1943)
Room Orderly

Enlisted Reserve Corps
Football Ticket
November 27, 1941
Citation of Honor


Football (October 2, 1943) Aggies (13) vs. Texas Tech (0)
Texas Aggies and Texas Tech at Alamo Stadium
Texas Aggies Trim LSU at Baton Rouge
Aggies Beat LSU 28-13
1200 Cadets Watch Aggies Battle Frogs
TCU Frogs 13 to 0
NTAC Ties Ags
Aggies Win 13-0
NTAC Ties Ags
Aggies Trounce Mustangs 22-0
1940 Debacke Still Burns Ags
Ags Play in Orange Bowl
All-Conference Team
Back When Texas A&M Traveled by Train
Map of Campus (February 23, 1940)
Combined Bands Elect Gene Field Head Drum Major
New Fish to Fry at A&M
Enrollment Sets All-Time Record
Football (January 2, 1968)
Texas vs A&M (34-21)
Football (November 29, 1956)
'15-ers Pose at Reunion
Caesar (Dutch) Hohn '12
We've Never been Licked (Universal Pictures)
Maj. Gen. George F. Moore Heads List of 14 Aggie Generals in WWII
1364 A&M Students to Receive Army
Fighting Texas Aggies
V-E Day
1/2 of the 7000 Member A&M Cadet cops Make and Impressive Picture Marching in the Dormitory Area
Aggies' Reveille Scene Stealer
The Squad (1943)
When Texas Pete Broke an Old Record
Aggies Mourn Herby Smith
Results of the Aggie 1942 Season
Texas Gets 40 Points, A&M 48
Football (October 25, 1941)
Kyle Field
War Plan Upsets U.S. Education (1942)
U.S. to Call up Reservists in Colleges
1,306 ROTC Students At A&M will be Activated (1943)
Bak in 1917
Map Making
Setting up Exercises
Memorial Monument Honoring The 52 Aggies who gave their Lives in WWI

Howard Labountie Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 708
  • Collection
  • circa 1928-1933

This scrapbook contains photographs of the Texas A&M College campus buildings from around 1928 to 1933.

Photographs and materials inside include:
Airplane View of A&M College of Texas
Academic Building
Guion Hall
Mitchell Hall
Goodwin, Bizzell and Guion Halls
Milner Hall
New Assembly Hall
E.E. Building
Sbisa's Hashery
Mess Hall
The Assembly Hall
Review of Cadets
The "T" at Austin
Track Photographs

Oak Cliff High School Commencement Program, Friday, June 2, 1922

Communications Program Scrapbook

  • US TxAM-C 1415
  • Collection
  • 1976

This scrapbook is titled "100 Years and 100,000 Aggies Later... A Scrapbook Documenting the Centennial Communications Program of Texas A&M University".

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